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== Code ==
// AVL in Managed C++ using namespace System; using namespace System::Collections; using namespace System::Collections::Generic; using namespace System::Threading; using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization; namespace Calculus { public enum class State { Header, LeftHigh, Balanced, RightHigh }; public enum class Direction { FromLeft, FromRight }; public ref struct Node { Node^ Left; Node^ Right; Node^ Parent; State Balance; Node() { Left = this; Right = this; Parent = nullptr; Balance = State::Header; } Node(Node^ p) { Left = nullptr; Right = nullptr; Parent = p; Balance = State::Balanced; } property Boolean IsHeader { Boolean get() { return Balance == State::Header; } } }; generic <typename T> public delegate void TypeFound(Object^ O, T type); generic <typename T> public delegate void TypeAdded(Object^ O, T type); generic <typename T> public delegate void TypeRemoved(Object^ O, T type); generic <typename T> public delegate void TypeUpdated(Object^ O, T before, T after); generic<typename T> public interface struct IHasher { int GetHashCode(T t); }; generic<typename T> [Serializable] public ref class Hasher abstract : IHasher<T> { public: static property Hasher<T>^ Default { Hasher<T>^ get(); } virtual int GetHashCode(T t) = 0; }; generic<typename T> [Serializable] public ref class DefaultHasher : Hasher<T> { public: virtual int GetHashCode(T t) override { return t->GetHashCode(); } }; generic<typename T> Hasher<T>^ Hasher<T>::Default::get() { return gcnew DefaultHasher<T>(); } generic<typename T> public interface struct ICloneable { T Clone(); }; generic<typename T> public interface class ICloner { T Clone(T t); }; generic<typename T> [Serializable] public ref struct Cloner abstract : ICloner<T> { static property Cloner<T>^ Default { Cloner<T>^ get(); } static property Cloner<T>^ Invisible { Cloner<T>^ get(); } virtual T Clone(T t) = 0; }; generic<typename T> [Serializable] public ref struct DefaultCloner1 : Cloner<T> { virtual T Clone(T t) override { ICloneable<T>^ copier = (ICloneable<T>^)t; return copier->Clone(); } }; generic<typename T> [Serializable] public ref struct DefaultCloner2 : Cloner<T> { virtual T Clone(T t) override { ICloneable<T>^ copier = (ICloneable<T>^)t; return (T)copier->Clone(); } }; generic<typename T> [Serializable] public ref struct DefaultNoCloner : Cloner<T> { virtual T Clone(T t) override { return t; } }; generic<typename T> Cloner<T>^ Cloner<T>::Default::get() { Type^ TypeT = T::typeid; Type^ TypeIC1 = ICloneable<T>::typeid; Type^ TypeIC2 = ICloneable::typeid; if (TypeIC1->IsAssignableFrom(TypeT)) return gcnew DefaultCloner1<T>(); else if (TypeIC2->IsAssignableFrom(TypeT)) return gcnew DefaultCloner2<T>(); else return gcnew DefaultNoCloner<T>(); } generic<typename T> Cloner<T>^ Cloner<T>::Invisible::get() { return gcnew DefaultNoCloner<T>(); } public ref struct OutOfKeyOrderException : public Exception { static String^ message = gcnew String("A tree was found to be out of key order."); OutOfKeyOrderException() : Exception(message) { HelpLink = gcnew String("[email protected]"); Source = gcnew String("Calculus Subsystem"); } }; public ref struct TreeInvalidParentException : public Exception { static String^ message = gcnew String("The validation routines detected that the parent structure of a tree is invalid."); TreeInvalidParentException() : Exception(message) { HelpLink = gcnew String("[email protected]"); Source = gcnew String("Calculus Subsystem"); } }; public ref struct TreeOutOfBalanceException : public Exception { static String^ message = gcnew String("The validation routines detected that the tree is out of balance."); TreeOutOfBalanceException() : Exception(message) { HelpLink = gcnew String("[email protected]"); Source = gcnew String("Calculus Subsystem"); } }; public ref struct InvalidEmptyTreeException : public Exception { static String^ message = gcnew String("The validation routines detected that an empty tree is invalid."); InvalidEmptyTreeException() : Exception(message) { HelpLink = gcnew String("[email protected]"); Source = gcnew String("Calculus Subsystem"); } }; public ref struct InvalidEndItemException : public Exception { static String^ message = gcnew String("The validation routines detected that the end item of a tree is invalid."); InvalidEndItemException() : Exception(message) { HelpLink = gcnew String("[email protected]"); Source = gcnew String("Calculus Subsystem"); } }; public ref struct EntryAlreadyExistsException : public Exception { static String^ message = gcnew String("An entry already exists in the collection."); EntryAlreadyExistsException() : Exception(message) { HelpLink = gcnew String("[email protected]"); Source = gcnew String("Calculus Subsystem"); } }; public ref struct DifferentKeysException : public Exception { static String^ message = gcnew String("The specified items have different keys."); DifferentKeysException() : Exception(message) { HelpLink = gcnew String("[email protected]"); Source = gcnew String("Calculus Subsystem"); } }; public ref struct AddSubTreeFailedException : public Exception { static String^ message = gcnew String("Subtree creation failed."); AddSubTreeFailedException() : Exception(message) { HelpLink = gcnew String("[email protected]"); Source = gcnew String("Calculus Subsystem"); } }; public ref struct IsEndItemException : public Exception { static String^ message = gcnew String("The requested action cannot be performed on an end item."); IsEndItemException() : Exception(message) { HelpLink = gcnew String("[email protected]"); Source = gcnew String("Calculus Subsystem"); } }; public ref struct EntryNotFoundException : public Exception { static String^ message = gcnew String("The requested entry could not be located in the specified collection."); EntryNotFoundException() : Exception(message) { HelpLink = gcnew String("[email protected]"); Source = gcnew String("Calculus Subsystem"); } }; public ref struct InvalidSetOperationException : public Exception { static String^ message = gcnew String("An invalid set operation was specified."); InvalidSetOperationException() : Exception(message) { HelpLink = gcnew String("[email protected]"); Source = gcnew String("Calculus Subsystem"); } }; Node^ PreviousItem(Node^ node) { if (node->IsHeader) {return node->Right;} else if (node->Left != nullptr) { Node^ y = node->Left; while (y->Right != nullptr) y = y->Right; node = y; } else { Node^ y = node->Parent; if (y->IsHeader) return y; while (node == y->Left) {node = y; y = y->Parent;} node = y; } return node; } Node^ NextItem(Node^ node) { if (node->IsHeader) return node->Left; if (node->Right != nullptr) { node = node->Right; while (node->Left != nullptr) node = node->Left; } else { Node^ y = node->Parent; if (y->IsHeader) return y; while (node == y->Right) {node = y; y = y->Parent;} node = y; } return node; } void SwapNodeReference(Node^% first, Node^% second) {Node^ temporary = first; first = second; second = temporary;} void LeftNodeSwap(Node^ Root, Node^ Replace) { if (Replace->Left) Replace->Left->Parent = Root; if (Replace->Right) Replace->Right->Parent = Root; if (Root->Right) Root->Right->Parent = Replace; if (Replace == Root->Left) { Replace->Parent = Root->Parent; Root->Parent = Replace; Root->Left = Replace->Left; Replace->Left = Root; } else { Root->Left->Parent = Replace; if (Replace->Parent->Left == Replace) Replace->Parent->Left = Root; else Replace->Parent->Right = Root; SwapNodeReference(Root->Left,Replace->Left); SwapNodeReference(Root->Parent,Replace->Parent); } SwapNodeReference(Root->Right,Replace->Right); State Balance = Root->Balance; Root->Balance = Replace->Balance; Replace->Balance=Balance; } void SwapNodes(Node^ A, Node^ B) { if (B == A->Left) { if (B->Left) B->Left->Parent = A; if (B->Right) B->Right->Parent = A; if (A->Right) A->Right->Parent = B; if (!A->Parent->IsHeader) { if (A->Parent->Left == A) A->Parent->Left = B; else A->Parent->Right = B; } else A->Parent->Parent = B; B->Parent = A->Parent; A->Parent = B; A->Left = B->Left; B->Left = A; SwapNodeReference(A->Right,B->Right); } else if (B == A->Right) { if (B->Right) B->Right->Parent = A; if (B->Left) B->Left->Parent = A; if (A->Left) A->Left->Parent = B; if (!A->Parent->IsHeader) { if (A->Parent->Left == A) A->Parent->Left = B; else A->Parent->Right = B; } else A->Parent->Parent = B; B->Parent = A->Parent; A->Parent = B; A->Right = B->Right; B->Right = A; SwapNodeReference(A->Left,B->Left); } else if (A == B->Left) { if (A->Left) A->Left->Parent = B; if (A->Right) A->Right->Parent = B; if (B->Right) B->Right->Parent = A; if (!B->Parent->IsHeader) { if (B->Parent->Left == B) B->Parent->Left = A; else B->Parent->Right = A; } else B->Parent->Parent = A; A->Parent = B->Parent; B->Parent = A; B->Left = A->Left; A->Left = B; SwapNodeReference(A->Right,B->Right); } else if (A == B->Right) { if (A->Right) A->Right->Parent = B; if (A->Left) A->Left->Parent = B; if (B->Left) B->Left->Parent = A; if (!B->Parent->IsHeader) { if (B->Parent->Left == B) B->Parent->Left = A; else B->Parent->Right = A; } else B->Parent->Parent = A; A->Parent = B->Parent; B->Parent = A; B->Right = A->Right; A->Right = B; SwapNodeReference(A->Left,B->Left); } else { if (A->Parent == B->Parent) SwapNodeReference(A->Parent->Left,A->Parent->Right); else { if (!A->Parent->IsHeader) { if (A->Parent->Left == A) A->Parent->Left = B; else A->Parent->Right = B; } else A->Parent->Parent = B; if (!B->Parent->IsHeader) { if (B->Parent->Left == B) B->Parent->Left = A; else B->Parent->Right = A; } else B->Parent->Parent = A; } if (B->Left) B->Left->Parent = A; if (B->Right) B->Right->Parent = A; if (A->Left) A->Left->Parent = B; if (A->Right) A->Right->Parent = B; SwapNodeReference(A->Left,B->Left); SwapNodeReference(A->Right,B->Right); SwapNodeReference(A->Parent,B->Parent); } State Balance = A->Balance; A->Balance = B->Balance; B->Balance=Balance; } void RotateLeft(Node^% Root) { Node^ Parent = Root->Parent; Node^ x = Root->Right; Root->Parent = x; x->Parent = Parent; if (x->Left) x->Left->Parent = Root; Root->Right = x->Left; x->Left = Root; Root = x; } void RotateRight(Node^% Root) { Node^ Parent = Root->Parent; Node^ x = Root->Left; Root->Parent = x; x->Parent = Parent; if (x->Right) x->Right->Parent = Root; Root->Left = x->Right; x->Right = Root; Root = x; } void BalanceLeft(Node^% Root) { Node^ Left = Root->Left; // Left Subtree of Root Node switch (Left->Balance) { case State::LeftHigh: Root->Balance = State::Balanced; Left->Balance = State::Balanced; RotateRight(Root); break; case State::RightHigh: { Node^ subRight = Left->Right; // Right subtree of Left switch (subRight->Balance) { case State::Balanced: Root->Balance = State::Balanced; Left->Balance = State::Balanced; break; case State::RightHigh: Root->Balance = State::Balanced; Left->Balance = State::LeftHigh; break; case State::LeftHigh: Root->Balance = State::RightHigh; Left->Balance = State::Balanced; break; } subRight->Balance = State::Balanced; RotateLeft(Left); Root->Left = Left; RotateRight(Root); } break; case State::Balanced: Root->Balance = State::LeftHigh; Left->Balance = State::RightHigh; RotateRight(Root); break; } } void BalanceRight(Node^% Root) { Node^ Right = Root->Right; // Right Subtree of Root Node switch (Right->Balance) { case State::RightHigh: Root ->Balance = State::Balanced; Right->Balance = State::Balanced; RotateLeft(Root); break; case State::LeftHigh: { Node^ subLeft = Right->Left; // Left Subtree of Right switch (subLeft->Balance) { case State::Balanced: Root ->Balance = State::Balanced; Right->Balance = State::Balanced; break; case State::LeftHigh: Root ->Balance = State::Balanced; Right->Balance = State::RightHigh; break; case State::RightHigh: Root ->Balance = State::LeftHigh; Right->Balance = State::Balanced; break; } subLeft->Balance = State::Balanced; RotateRight(Right); Root->Right = Right; RotateLeft(Root); } break; case State::Balanced: Root ->Balance = State::RightHigh; Right->Balance = State::LeftHigh; RotateLeft(Root); break; } } void BalanceTree(Node^ Root, Direction From) { bool Taller = true; while (Taller) { Node^ Parent = Root->Parent; Direction NextFrom = (Parent->Left == Root) ? Direction::FromLeft : Direction::FromRight; if (From == Direction::FromLeft) { switch (Root->Balance) { case State::LeftHigh: if (Parent->IsHeader) BalanceLeft(Parent->Parent); else if (Parent->Left == Root) BalanceLeft(Parent->Left); else BalanceLeft(Parent->Right); Taller = false; break; case State::Balanced: Root->Balance = State::LeftHigh; Taller = true; break; case State::RightHigh: Root->Balance = State::Balanced; Taller = false; break; } } else { switch (Root->Balance) { case State::LeftHigh: Root->Balance = State::Balanced; Taller = false; break; case State::Balanced: Root->Balance = State::RightHigh; Taller = true; break; case State::RightHigh: if (Parent->IsHeader) BalanceRight(Parent->Parent); else if (Parent->Left == Root) BalanceRight(Parent->Left); else BalanceRight(Parent->Right); Taller = false; break; } } if (Taller) // skip up a level { if (Parent->IsHeader) Taller = false; else { Root = Parent; From = NextFrom; } } } } void BalanceTreeRemove(Node^ Root, Direction From) { if (Root->IsHeader) return; bool Shorter = true; while (Shorter) { Node^ Parent = Root->Parent; Direction NextFrom = (Parent->Left == Root) ? Direction::FromLeft : Direction::FromRight; if (From == Direction::FromLeft) { switch (Root->Balance) { case State::LeftHigh: Root->Balance = State::Balanced; Shorter = true; break; case State::Balanced: Root->Balance = State::RightHigh; Shorter = false; break; case State::RightHigh: if (Root->Right->Balance == State::Balanced) Shorter = false; else Shorter = true; if (Parent->IsHeader) BalanceRight(Parent->Parent); else if (Parent->Left == Root) BalanceRight(Parent->Left); else BalanceRight(Parent->Right); break; } } else { switch (Root->Balance) { case State::RightHigh: Root->Balance = State::Balanced; Shorter = true; break; case State::Balanced: Root->Balance = State::LeftHigh; Shorter = false; break; case State::LeftHigh: if (Root->Left->Balance == State::Balanced) Shorter = false; else Shorter = true; if (Parent->IsHeader) BalanceLeft(Parent->Parent); else if (Parent->Left == Root) BalanceLeft(Parent->Left); else BalanceLeft(Parent->Right); break; } } if (Shorter) { if (Parent->IsHeader) Shorter = false; else { From = NextFrom; Root = Parent; } } } } Node^ Minimum(Node^ node) { while (node->Left) node=node->Left; return node; } Node^ Maximum(Node^ node) { while (node->Right) node=node->Right; return node; } void AdjustAdd(Node^ Root) { Node^ Header = Root->Parent; while (!Header->IsHeader) Header=Header->Parent; if (Root->Parent->Left == Root) { BalanceTree(Root->Parent,Direction::FromLeft); if (Header->Left == Root->Parent) Header->Left = Root; } else { BalanceTree(Root->Parent,Direction::FromRight); if (Header->Right == Root->Parent) Header->Right = Root; } } void AdjustRemove(Node^ Parent, Direction Direction) { BalanceTreeRemove(Parent,Direction); Node^ Header = Parent; while (!Header->IsHeader) Header=Header->Parent; if (Header->Parent == nullptr) { Header->Left = Header; Header->Right = Header; } else { Header->Left = Minimum(Header->Parent); Header->Right = Maximum(Header->Parent); } } unsigned long long Depth(Node^ Root) { if (Root) { unsigned long long Left = Root->Left ? Depth(Root->Left) : 0; unsigned long long Right = Root->Right ? Depth(Root->Right) : 0; return Left < Right ? Right+1 : Left+1; } else return 0; } unsigned long long Count(Node^ Root) { if (Root) { unsigned long long left = Root->Left ? Count(Root->Left) : 0; unsigned long long right = Root->Right ? Count(Root->Right) : 0; return left + right + 1; } else return 0; } public enum class SetOperation { Union, Intersection, SymmetricDifference, Difference, Equality, Inequality, Subset, Superset }; generic<typename T> public ref class SetNode : Node { public: T Data; SetNode(T dataType, Node^ Parent) : Node(Parent) {Data = dataType; } }; generic<typename T> public value struct SetEntry : System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<T> { public: SetEntry(Node^ n) { _Node = n; } property T Value { T get() { if (_Node->Balance == State::Header) throw gcnew IsEndItemException(); return ((SetNode<T>^)_Node)->Data; } void set(T Value) { if (_Node->Balance == State::Header) throw gcnew IsEndItemException(); ((SetNode<T>^)_Node)->Data = Value; } } property Boolean IsHeader { Boolean get() { return _Node->IsHeader; } } virtual Boolean MoveNext() { _Node = NextItem(_Node); return _Node->IsHeader ? false : true; } Boolean MovePrevious() { _Node = PreviousItem(_Node); return _Node->IsHeader ? false : true; } static SetEntry<T> operator ++(SetEntry<T> entry) { entry._Node = NextItem(entry._Node); return entry; } static SetEntry<T> operator --(SetEntry<T> entry) { entry._Node = PreviousItem(entry._Node); return entry; } static SetEntry<T> operator +(SetEntry<T> C, unsigned long long Increment) { SetEntry<T> Result = SetEntry<T>(C._Node); for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < Increment; i++) ++Result; return Result; } static SetEntry<T> operator +(unsigned long long Increment, SetEntry<T> C) { SetEntry<T> Result = SetEntry<T>(C._Node); for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < Increment; i++) ++Result; return Result; } static SetEntry<T> operator -(SetEntry<T> C, unsigned long long Decrement) { SetEntry<T> Result = SetEntry<T>(C._Node); for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < Decrement; i++) --Result; return Result; } virtual void Reset() { while (!_Node->IsHeader) _Node = NextItem(_Node); } virtual property Object^ InterfaceCurrentA { Object^ get() = System::Collections::IEnumerator::Current::get { if (_Node->Balance == State::Header) throw gcnew IsEndItemException(); return ((SetNode<T>^)_Node)->Data; } } virtual property T InterfaceCurrentB { T get() = System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<T>::Current::get { if (_Node->Balance == State::Header) throw gcnew IsEndItemException(); return ((SetNode<T>^)_Node)->Data; } } static Boolean operator ==(SetEntry<T> x, SetEntry<T> y) { return x._Node == y._Node; } static Boolean operator !=(SetEntry<T> x, SetEntry<T> y) { return x._Node != y._Node; } static long long operator -(SetEntry<T> This, SetEntry<T> iter) { long long Result = 0; while (This._Node != iter._Node) { iter.MoveNext(); Result++; } return Result; } virtual String^ ToString() override { if (_Node->Balance == State::Header) throw gcnew IsEndItemException(); return Value->ToString(); } Node^ _Node; }; generic<typename T> [Serializable] public ref class Set : public System::Collections::Generic::ICollection<T>, public System::ICloneable, public ISerializable, public IComparable<Set<T>^>, public IEquatable<Set<T>^> { public: event TypeAdded<T>^ Added; event TypeRemoved<T>^ Removed; event TypeUpdated<T>^ Updated; protected: Node^ Header; System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TComparer; ICloner<T>^ TCloner; IHasher<T>^ THasher; unsigned long long Nodes; property Node^ Root { Node^ get() { return Header->Parent; } void set(Node^ Value) { Header->Parent = Value; } } //*** Constructors *** public: Set() { Nodes=0; Header = gcnew Node(); TComparer = System::Collections::Generic::Comparer<T>::Default; TCloner = Calculus::Cloner<T>::Default; THasher = Calculus::Hasher<T>::Default; } Set(System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TCompare) { Nodes=0; Header = gcnew Node(); TComparer = TCompare; TCloner = Calculus::Cloner<T>::Default; THasher = Calculus::Hasher<T>::Default; } Set(Set<T>^ SetToCopy) { Nodes=0; Header = gcnew Node(); TComparer = SetToCopy->TComparer; TCloner = SetToCopy->TCloner; THasher = SetToCopy->THasher; Copy((SetNode<T>^)SetToCopy->Root); } Set(System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<T>^ Collection) { Nodes=0; Header = gcnew Node(); TComparer = System::Collections::Generic::Comparer<T>::Default; TCloner = Calculus::Cloner<T>::Default; THasher = Calculus::Hasher<T>::Default; for each (T t in Collection) Add(TCloner->Clone(t)); } Set(... array<T>^ Collection) { Nodes=0; Header = gcnew Node(); TComparer = System::Collections::Generic::Comparer<T>::Default; TCloner = Calculus::Cloner<T>::Default; THasher = Calculus::Hasher<T>::Default; for each (T t in Collection) Add(TCloner->Clone(t)); } Set(System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<T>^ Collection, System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TCompare) { Nodes=0; Header = gcnew Node(); TComparer = TCompare; TCloner = Calculus::Cloner<T>::Default; THasher = Calculus::Hasher<T>::Default; for each (T t in Collection) Add(TCloner->Clone(t)); } Set(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B, SetOperation operation) { Nodes=0; Header = gcnew Node(); TComparer = A->TComparer; TCloner = A->TCloner; THasher = A->THasher; CombineSets(A, B, this, operation); } Set(SerializationInfo^ si, StreamingContext sc) { Nodes=0; System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TCompare = (System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^)si->GetValue("TComparer", System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>::typeid); Calculus::ICloner<T>^ TClone = (Calculus::ICloner<T>^)si->GetValue("TCloner", ICloner<T>::typeid); Calculus::IHasher<T>^ THasher = (Calculus::IHasher<T>^)si->GetValue("THasher", IHasher<T>::typeid); Header = gcnew Node(); TComparer = TCompare; TCloner = TClone; Type^ type = T::typeid; unsigned long long LoadCount = si->GetUInt64("Count"); for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < LoadCount; i++) { Object^ obj = si->GetValue(i.ToString(), type); Add((T)obj, false); } } //*** Operators *** static Set<T>^ operator |(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B) { Set<T>^ U = gcnew Set<T>(A->TComparer); U->TCloner = A->TCloner; U->THasher = A->THasher; CombineSets(A, B, U, SetOperation::Union); return U; } static Set<T>^ operator &(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B) { Set<T>^ I = gcnew Set<T>(A->TComparer); I->TCloner = A->TCloner; I->THasher = A->THasher; CombineSets(A, B, I, SetOperation::Intersection); return I; } static Set<T>^ operator ^(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B) { Set<T>^ S = gcnew Set<T>(A->TComparer); S->TCloner = A->TCloner; S->THasher = A->THasher; CombineSets(A, B, S, SetOperation::SymmetricDifference); return S; } static Set<T>^ operator -(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B) { Set<T>^ S = gcnew Set<T>(A->TComparer); S->TCloner = A->TCloner; S->THasher = A->THasher; CombineSets(A, B, S, SetOperation::Difference); return S; } static Boolean operator ==(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B) { return CheckSets(A, B, SetOperation::Equality); } static Boolean operator !=(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B) { return CheckSets(A, B, SetOperation::Inequality); } static Boolean operator <(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B) { return CheckSets(A, B, SetOperation::Subset); } static Boolean operator >(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B) { return CheckSets(A, B, SetOperation::Superset); } property Boolean default [T] { Boolean get(T key) { if (Root == nullptr) return false; else { Node^ search = Root; do { int Result = TComparer->Compare(key, static_cast<SetNode<T>^>(search)->Data); if (Result < 0) search = search->Left; else if (Result > 0) search = search->Right; else break; } while (search != nullptr); return search != nullptr; } } } static Set<T>^ operator +(Set<T>^ set, T t) { set->Add(t, false); return set; } static Set<T>^ operator -(Set<T>^ set, T t) { set->Remove(t); return set; } //*** Properties *** property SetEntry<T> Begin { SetEntry<T> get() { return SetEntry<T>(Header->Left); } } property ICloner<T>^ TypeCloner { ICloner<T>^ get() { return TCloner; } void set(ICloner<T>^ Value) { TCloner = Value; } } property System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ Comparer {System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ get() { return TComparer; } } virtual property int Count { int get() { return (int)Length; } } property SetEntry<T> End { SetEntry<T> get() { return SetEntry<T>(Header); } } property T First { T get() { return ((SetNode<T>^)LeftMost)->Data; } } property int Hash { int get() { return GetHashCode(); } } property IHasher<T>^ Hasher { IHasher<T>^ get() { return THasher; } void set(IHasher<T>^ Value) { THasher = Value; } } virtual property Boolean IsReadOnly { Boolean get() { return false; } } virtual property Boolean IsSynchronized { Boolean get() { return true; } } property T Last { T get() { return ((SetNode<T>^)RightMost)->Data; } } property Node^ LeftMost { Node^ get() { return Header->Left; } void set(Node^ Value) { Header->Left = Value; } } property unsigned long long Length { unsigned long long get() { return Count;} } property Node^ RightMost { Node^ get() { return Header->Right; } void set(Node^ Value) { Header->Right = Value; } } property Object^ SyncRoot { Object^ get() { return this; } } //*** Public Methods *** SetEntry<T> After(T Value, Boolean equals) { return SetEntry<T>(equals ? AfterEquals(Value) : After(Value)); } virtual void Add(T t) { Add(t, false); } void Add(SetEntry<T> cse) { Add(TCloner->Clone(cse.Value), false); } unsigned long long Add(System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<T>^ copy) { unsigned long long count = 0; for each(T t in copy) { Add(TCloner->Clone(t), false); count++; } return count; } SetEntry<T> Before(T value, bool equals) { return SetEntry<T>(equals ? BeforeEquals(value) : Before(value)); } virtual void Clear() { Remove(); } void CallRemoved(T data) { Removed(this, data); } virtual Object^ Clone() { Set<T>^ setOut = gcnew Set<T>(TComparer); setOut->TCloner = TCloner; setOut->THasher = THasher; setOut->Copy((SetNode<T>^)Root); return setOut; } virtual int CompareTo(Set<T>^ B) { return CompareSets(this, B); } virtual bool Contains(T t) { Node^ found = Search(t); return found != nullptr ? true : false; } virtual Boolean Contains(Set<T>^ ss) { for each (T t in ss) if (Search(t) == nullptr) return false; return true; } virtual void CopyTo(array<T>^ arr, int i) { SetEntry<T> begin = SetEntry<T>((SetNode<T>^)Header->Left); SetEntry<T> end = SetEntry<T>(Header); while (begin != end) { arr->SetValue(TCloner->Clone(((SetNode<T>^)begin._Node)->Data), i); i++; begin.MoveNext(); } } virtual void CopyTo(System::Array^ arr, int i) { SetEntry<T> begin = SetEntry<T>((SetNode<T>^)Header->Left); SetEntry<T> end = SetEntry<T>(Header); while (begin != end) { arr->SetValue(TCloner->Clone(((SetNode<T>^)begin._Node)->Data), i); i++; begin.MoveNext(); } } virtual Boolean Equals(Set<T>^ compare) { SetEntry<T> first1 = Begin; SetEntry<T> last1 = End; SetEntry<T> first2 = compare->Begin; SetEntry<T> last2 = compare->End; Boolean equals = true; while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) { if (TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value) == 0) { first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); } else { equals = false; break; } } if (equals) { if (first1 != last1) equals = false; if (first2 != last2) equals = false; } return equals; } T Find(T value) { Node^ _Node = Search(value); if (_Node == nullptr) throw gcnew EntryNotFoundException(); return ((SetNode<T>^)_Node)->Data; } virtual System::Collections::IEnumerator^ InterfaceGetEnumeratorSimple() sealed = System::Collections::IEnumerable::GetEnumerator { return gcnew SetEntry<T>(Header); } virtual System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<T>^ InterfaceGetEnumerator() sealed = System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<T>::GetEnumerator { return gcnew SetEntry<T>(Header); } virtual Int32 GetHashCode() override { Int32 HashCode = 0; for each (T t in this) HashCode += THasher->GetHashCode(t); return HashCode; } virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo^ si, StreamingContext sc) { si->SetType(Calculus::Set<T>::typeid); Type^ type = T::typeid; unsigned long long index = 0; for each (T e in *this) { si->AddValue(index.ToString(), e, type); index++; } si->AddValue("Count", index); si->AddValue("TComparer", TComparer, TComparer->GetType()); si->AddValue("TCloner", TCloner, TCloner->GetType()); si->AddValue("THasher", THasher, THasher->GetType()); } SetEntry<T> Insert(T t) { return SetEntry<T>(Add(t, false)); } SetEntry<T> Locate(T value) { Node^ _Node = Search(value); if (_Node == nullptr) throw gcnew EntryNotFoundException(); return SetEntry<T>(_Node); } void Notify() { Notify((SetNode<T>^)Root); } unsigned long long Remove() { for each (T t in this) Removed(this, t); unsigned long long count = Nodes; Root = nullptr; LeftMost = Header; RightMost = Header; Nodes = 0; return count; } virtual bool Remove(T data) { Node^ root = Root; for (; ; ) { if (root == nullptr) throw gcnew EntryNotFoundException(); int compare = TComparer->Compare(data, ((SetNode<T>^)root)->Data); if (compare < 0) root = root->Left; else if (compare > 0) root = root->Right; else // Item is found { if (root->Left != nullptr && root->Right != nullptr) { Node^ replace = root->Left; while (replace->Right != nullptr) replace = replace->Right; SwapNodes(root, replace); } Node^ Parent = root->Parent; Direction From = (Parent->Left == root) ? Direction::FromLeft : Direction::FromRight; if (LeftMost == root) { Node^ n = NextItem(root); if (n->IsHeader) { LeftMost = Header; RightMost = Header; } else LeftMost = n; } else if (RightMost == root) { Node^ p = PreviousItem(root); if (p->IsHeader) { LeftMost = Header; RightMost = Header; } else RightMost = p; } if (root->Left == nullptr) { if (Parent == Header) Header->Parent = root->Right; else if (Parent->Left == root) Parent->Left = root->Right; else Parent->Right = root->Right; if (root->Right != nullptr) root->Right->Parent = Parent; } else { if (Parent == Header) Header->Parent = root->Left; else if (Parent->Left == root) Parent->Left = root->Left; else Parent->Right = root->Left; if (root->Left != nullptr) root->Left->Parent = Parent; } AdjustRemove(Parent, From); Nodes--; Removed(this, ((SetNode<T>^)root)->Data); break; } } return true; } void Remove(SetEntry<T> i) { Remove(i._Node); } Node^ Search(T data) { if (Root == nullptr) return nullptr; else { Node^ search = Root; do { int Result = TComparer->Compare(data, ((SetNode<T>^)search)->Data); if (Result < 0) search = search->Left; else if (Result > 0) search = search->Right; else break; } while (search != nullptr); return search; } } virtual String^ ToString() override { String^ StringOut = gcnew String("{"); SetEntry<T> start = Begin; SetEntry<T> end = End; SetEntry<T> last = End - 1; while (start != end) { String^ NewStringOut = start.Value->ToString(); if (start != last) NewStringOut = NewStringOut + gcnew String(","); StringOut = StringOut + NewStringOut; ++start; } StringOut = StringOut + gcnew String("}"); return StringOut; } void Update(T value) { if (Root == nullptr) throw gcnew EntryNotFoundException(); else { Node^ search = Root; do { int Result = TComparer->Compare(value, ((SetNode<T>^)search)->Data); if (Result < 0) search = search->Left; else if (Result > 0) search = search->Right; else break; } while (search != nullptr); if (search == nullptr) throw gcnew EntryNotFoundException(); T saved = ((SetNode<T>^)search)->Data; ((SetNode<T>^)search)->Data = value; Updated(this, saved, value); } } void Update(SetEntry<T>^ entry, T after) { Update((SetNode<T>^)entry->_Node, after); } void Validate() { if (Nodes == 0 || Root == nullptr) { if (Nodes != 0) { throw gcnew InvalidEmptyTreeException(); } if (Root != nullptr) { throw gcnew InvalidEmptyTreeException(); } if (LeftMost != Header) { throw gcnew InvalidEndItemException(); } if (RightMost != Header) { throw gcnew InvalidEndItemException(); } } Validate((SetNode<T>^)Root); if (Root != nullptr) { Node^ x = Root; while (x->Left != nullptr) x = x->Left; if (LeftMost != x) throw gcnew InvalidEndItemException(); Node^ y = Root; while (y->Right != nullptr) y = y->Right; if (RightMost != y) throw gcnew InvalidEndItemException(); } } //*** Private Methods *** protected: Node^ After(T data) { Node^ y = Header; Node^ x = Root; while (x != nullptr) if (TComparer->Compare(data, ((SetNode<T>^)x)->Data) < 0) { y = x; x = x->Left; } else x = x->Right; return y; } Node^ AfterEquals(T data) { Node^ y = Header; Node^ x = Root; while (x != nullptr) { int c = TComparer->Compare(data, ((SetNode<T>^)x)->Data); if (c == 0) { y = x; break; } else if (c < 0) { y = x; x = x->Left; } else x = x->Right; } return y; } SetNode<T>^ Add(T data, bool exist) { Node^ root = Root; if (root == nullptr) { Root = gcnew SetNode<T>(data, Header); Nodes++; LeftMost = Root; RightMost = Root; Added(this, ((SetNode<T>^)Root)->Data); return (SetNode<T>^)Root; } else { for (; ; ) { int compare = TComparer->Compare(data, static_cast<SetNode<T>^>(root)->Data); if (compare == 0) // Item Exists { if (exist) { T saved = ((SetNode<T>^)root)->Data; ((SetNode<T>^)root)->Data = data; Updated(this, saved, data); return (SetNode<T>^)root; } else throw gcnew EntryAlreadyExistsException(); } else if (compare < 0) { if (root->Left != nullptr) root = root->Left; else { SetNode<T>^ NewNode = gcnew SetNode<T>(data, root); Nodes++; root->Left = NewNode; AdjustAdd(NewNode); Added(this, NewNode->Data); return NewNode; } } else { if (root->Right != nullptr) root = root->Right; else { SetNode<T>^ NewNode = gcnew SetNode<T>(data, root); Nodes++; root->Right = NewNode; AdjustAdd(NewNode); Added(this, NewNode->Data); return NewNode; } } } } } unsigned long long Add(Node^ begin, Node^ end) { bool success = true; unsigned long long count = 0; SetEntry<T> i(begin); while (success && i._Node != end) { if (!i._Node->IsHeader) { try { Add(TCloner->Clone(i.Value), false); count++; i.MoveNext(); } catch (Exception^) { success = false; } } else i.MoveNext(); } if (!success) { if (count != 0) { i.MovePrevious(); SetEntry<T> start(begin); start.MovePrevious(); while (i != start) { SetEntry<T> j(i._Node); j.MovePrevious(); if (!i._Node->IsHeader) Remove(i.Value); i = j; } } throw gcnew AddSubTreeFailedException(); } return Count; } Node^ Before(T data) { Node^ y = Header; Node^ x = Root; while (x != nullptr) if (TComparer->Compare(data, ((SetNode<T>^)x)->Data) <= 0) x = x->Left; else { y = x; x = x->Right; } return y; } Node^ BeforeEquals(T data) { Node^ y = Header; Node^ x = Root; while (x != nullptr) { int c = TComparer->Compare(data, ((SetNode<T>^)x)->Data); if (c == 0) { y = x; break; } else if (c < 0) x = x->Left; else { y = x; x = x->Right; } } return y; } void Bounds() { LeftMost = GetFirst(); RightMost = GetLast(); } void Copy(SetNode<T>^ CopyRoot) { if (Root != nullptr) Remove(); if (CopyRoot != nullptr) { Copy(Header->Parent, CopyRoot, Header); LeftMost = GetFirst(); RightMost = GetLast(); } } void Copy(Node^% root, SetNode<T>^ CopyRoot, Node^ Parent) { root = gcnew SetNode<T>(TCloner->Clone(CopyRoot->Data), Parent); Nodes++; root->Balance = CopyRoot->Balance; if (CopyRoot->Left != nullptr) Copy(root->Left, (SetNode<T>^)CopyRoot->Left, (SetNode<T>^)root); if (CopyRoot->Right != nullptr) Copy(root->Right, (SetNode<T>^)CopyRoot->Right, (SetNode<T>^)root); Added(this, ((SetNode<T>^)root)->Data); } Node^ GetFirst() { if (Root == nullptr) return Header; else { Node^ search = Root; while (search->Left != nullptr) search = search->Left; return search; } } Node^ GetLast() { if (Root == nullptr) return Header; else { Node^ search = Root; while (search->Right != nullptr) search = search->Right; return search; } } void Import(SetNode<T>^ n) { if (n != nullptr) ImportTree(n); } void ImportTree(SetNode<T>^ n) { if (n->Left != nullptr) ImportTree((SetNode<T>^)n->Left); Add(n->Data, false); if (n->Right != nullptr) ImportTree((SetNode<T>^)n->Right); } void Notify(SetNode<T>^ root) { if (root != nullptr) { if (root->Left != nullptr) Notify((SetNode<T>^)root->Left); Added(this, root->Data); if (root->Right != nullptr) Notify((SetNode<T>^)root->Right); } } void Remove(Node^ root) { if (root->Left != nullptr && root->Right != nullptr) { Node^ replace = root->Left; while (replace->Right != nullptr) replace = replace->Right; SwapNodes(root, replace); } Node^ Parent = root->Parent; Direction From = (Parent->Left == root) ? Direction::FromLeft : Direction::FromRight; if (LeftMost == root) { Node^ n = NextItem(root); if (n->IsHeader) { LeftMost = Header; RightMost = Header; } else LeftMost = n; } else if (RightMost == root) { Node^ p = PreviousItem(root); if (p->IsHeader) { LeftMost = Header; RightMost = Header; } else RightMost = p; } if (root->Left == nullptr) { if (Parent == Header) Header->Parent = root->Right; else if (Parent->Left == root) Parent->Left = root->Right; else Parent->Right = root->Right; if (root->Right != nullptr) root->Right->Parent = Parent; } else { if (Parent == Header) Header->Parent = root->Left; else if (Parent->Left == root) Parent->Left = root->Left; else Parent->Right = root->Left; if (root->Left != nullptr) root->Left->Parent = Parent; } AdjustRemove(Parent, From); Nodes--; Removed(this, ((SetNode<T>^)root)->Data); } unsigned long long Remove(Node^ i, Node^ j) { if (i == LeftMost && j == Header) return Remove(); else { unsigned long long count = 0; while (i != j) { SetEntry<T> iter(i); iter.MoveNext(); if (i != Header) { Remove(i); count++; } i = iter._Node; } return count; } } void Update(SetNode<T>^ Node, T value) { if (TComparer->Compare(Node->Data, value) != 0) throw gcnew DifferentKeysException(); T saved = Node->Data; Node->Data = value; Updated(this, saved, value); } void Validate(SetNode<T>^ root) { if (root == nullptr) return; if (root->Left != nullptr) { SetNode<T>^ Left = (SetNode<T>^)root->Left; if (TComparer->Compare(Left->Data, root->Data) >= 0) throw gcnew OutOfKeyOrderException(); if (Left->Parent != root) throw gcnew TreeInvalidParentException(); Validate((SetNode<T>^)root->Left); } if (root->Right != nullptr) { SetNode<T>^ Right = (SetNode<T>^)root->Right; if (TComparer->Compare(Right->Data, root->Data) <= 0) throw gcnew OutOfKeyOrderException(); if (Right->Parent != root) throw gcnew TreeInvalidParentException(); Validate((SetNode<T>^)root->Right); } unsigned long long DepthLeft = root->Left != nullptr ? Depth(root->Left) : 0; unsigned long long DepthRight = root->Right != nullptr ? Depth(root->Right) : 0; if (DepthLeft > DepthRight && DepthLeft - DepthRight > 2) throw gcnew TreeOutOfBalanceException(); if (DepthLeft < DepthRight && DepthRight - DepthLeft > 2) throw gcnew TreeOutOfBalanceException(); } //*** Static Methods static void CombineSets(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B, Set<T>^ R, SetOperation operation) { System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TComparer = R->TComparer; Calculus::ICloner<T>^ TCloner = R->TCloner; SetEntry<T> first1 = A->Begin; SetEntry<T> last1 = A->End; SetEntry<T> first2 = B->Begin; SetEntry<T> last2 = B->End; switch (operation) { case SetOperation::Union: while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) { int order = TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value); if (order < 0) { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first1.Value)); first1.MoveNext(); } else if (order > 0) { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first2.Value)); first2.MoveNext(); } else { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first1.Value)); first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); } } while (first1 != last1) { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first1.Value)); first1.MoveNext(); } while (first2 != last2) { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first2.Value)); first2.MoveNext(); } return; case SetOperation::Intersection: while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) { int order = TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value); if (order < 0) first1.MoveNext(); else if (order > 0) first2.MoveNext(); else { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first1.Value)); first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); } } return; case SetOperation::SymmetricDifference: while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) { int order = TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value); if (order < 0) { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first1.Value)); first1.MoveNext(); } else if (order > 0) { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first2.Value)); first2.MoveNext(); } else { first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); } } while (first1 != last1) { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first1.Value)); first1.MoveNext(); } while (first2 != last2) { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first2.Value)); first2.MoveNext(); } return; case SetOperation::Difference: while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) { int order = TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value); if (order < 0) { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first1.Value)); first1.MoveNext(); } else if (order > 0) { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first1.Value)); first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); } else { first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); } } while (first1 != last1) { R->Add(TCloner->Clone(first1.Value)); first1.MoveNext(); } return; } throw gcnew InvalidSetOperationException(); } static Boolean CheckSets(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B, SetOperation operation) { System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TComparer = A->TComparer; SetEntry<T> first1 = A->Begin; SetEntry<T> last1 = A->End; SetEntry<T> first2 = B->Begin; SetEntry<T> last2 = B->End; switch (operation) { case SetOperation::Equality: case SetOperation::Inequality: { bool equals = true; while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) { if (TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value) == 0) { first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); } else { equals = false; break; } } if (equals) { if (first1 != last1) equals = false; if (first2 != last2) equals = false; } if (operation == SetOperation::Equality) return equals; else return !equals; } case SetOperation::Subset: case SetOperation::Superset: { bool subset = true; while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) { int order = TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value); if (order < 0) { subset = false; break; } else if (order > 0) first2.MoveNext(); else { first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); } } if (subset) if (first1 != last1) subset = false; if (operation == SetOperation::Subset) return subset; else return !subset; } } throw gcnew InvalidSetOperationException(); } static int CompareSets(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B) { System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TComparer = A->TComparer; SetEntry<T> first1 = A->Begin; SetEntry<T> last1 = A->End; SetEntry<T> first2 = B->Begin; SetEntry<T> last2 = B->End; int Result = 0; while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) { Result = TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value); if (Result == 0) { first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); } else return Result; } if (first1 != last1) return 1; if (first2 != last2) return -1; return 0; } }; } using namespace Calculus; int main(array<System::String ^> ^args) { Set<int>^ S = gcnew Set<int>(1, 3, 5 , 6, 7, 9); Set<int>^ T = gcnew Set<int>(2, 4, 6 , 7, 8, 9); Set<int>^ U = S | T; Console::WriteLine(S + " | " + T + " == " + U); return 0; }