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{{library}} [[Category:Perl_modules]] ntheory is Perl module available on CPAN as [https://metacpan.org/pod/ntheory ntheory] or [https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::Prime::Util Math::Prime::Util]. It adds fast integer number theory functions using either GMP, C, or pure Perl.

Highlights include:

  • Generating and iterating over primes or composites

  • Fast primality tests for both small and large integers

  • Primality proofs including BLS75 and ECPP

  • Primality certificate verification

  • Random primes and random provable primes

  • Integer factoring and DLP

  • Fast prime counts and nth prime using LMO

  • prime count and nth prime approximations and bounds

  • Simple partition, divisor, combination, and permutation iterators