⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

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This is an attempt to group/organize programming languages into families/categories.

To see how this might work, some of the languages on [[99 Bottles of Beer]] have been moved

to subpages by group, e.g. one subpage for assembly-languages, one subpage for basic-languages, etc.

See [[:Category:Collection Members]]

There is already a lot covered in Wikipedia about language-categories:

==Groups of Languages==

  • [[wp:Category:Programming language classification]]
  • [[wp:Categorical_list_of_programming_languages]] = [[wp:List of programming languages by type]]
  • [[:Category:Programming language families]] - [[wp:Category:Programming language families]]

==Group by Abstraction-level==

  • [[wp:Low-level programming language]]

  • [[wp:High-level programming language]]

  • [[wp:Very_high-level programming language]]

  • [[wp:Compiled language]]

  • [[wp:Interpreted language]] - [[wp:Scripting_language]]

  • [[wp:Category:Educational programming languages]]

  • [[wp:Rapid application development]]

  • [[wp:Domain-specific language]]

  • [[wp:Visual programming language]] - VPLs

  • [[wp:Esoteric programming language]] - [[:Category:Esoteric Languages]]

==Group by [[wp:Programming language generations]]==

  • [[wp:First-generation_programming_language]] - machine code languages
  • [[wp:Second-generation_programming_language]] - assembly languages
  • [[wp:Third-generation programming language]] - "high level" languages
  • [[wp:Fourth-generation programming_language]]
  • [[wp:Fifth-generation programming_language]]

==Group by similarity==

  • [[:Category:Assembly]] - [[:Category:Assembler_language]]

  • [[:Category:BASIC]] - [[:Category:BASIC Implementations]] - [[:Category:BASIC_related]]

  • [[:Category:C_related]] - [[Java]] - [[Forth]] - ...

  • [[:Category:LISP_and_Scheme]] - [[:Category:LISP_and_Scheme_family]] - ...

  • [[wp:Category:Logo programming language family]]

  • [[:Category:Pascal]] - [[:Category:Pascal Implementations]] ** [[:Category:Component Pascal]] - [[:Category:Delphi]] - [[:Category:Object Pascal]]

  • [[:Category:Prolog]] - ... ...