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The Go test tool can help validate code as an alternative to writing a complete program and providing output. The task is coded as a Go package. Code here would be named something like test_cmp.go and exist in the same directory as the task code.

package cmp_test

import (


var eqTests = []struct {
    desc string
    list []string
    want bool
        "just one string",
        "2 equal",
        []string{"a", "a"},
        "2 unequal",
        []string{"a", "b"},

var ltTests = []struct {
    desc string
    list []string
    want bool
        "just one string",
        "2 ordered",
        []string{"a", "b"},
        "2 not strictly ordered",
        []string{"a", "a"},
func TestAllEqual(t *testing.T) {
    for _, tc := range eqTests {
        if got := cmp.AllEqual(tc.list); got != tc.want {
            t.Errorf("%s: want %t, got %t", tc.desc, tc.want, got)
func TestLessThan(t *testing.T) {
    for _, tc := range ltTests {
        if got := cmp.AllLessThan(tc.list); got != tc.want {
            t.Errorf("%s: want %t, got %t", tc.desc, tc.want, got)

{{out | Example test}}

$ go test -coverprofile p
coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok  	cmp	0.004s