⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

{{task}}[[Category:HTML]] Create an HTML table.

  • The table body should have at least three rows of three columns.
  • Each of these three columns should be labelled "X", "Y", and "Z".
  • An extra column should be added at either the extreme left or the extreme right of the table that has no heading, but is filled with sequential row numbers.
  • The rows of the "X", "Y", and "Z" columns should be filled with random or sequential integers having 4 digits or less.
  • The numbers should be aligned in the same fashion for all columns.

360 Assembly

{{trans|BBC BASIC}}

*        Create an HTML table      19/02/2017
         USING  CREHTML,R13
         B      72(R15)
         DC     17F'0'
         STM    R14,R12,12(R13)
         ST     R13,4(R15)
         ST     R15,8(R13)
         LR     R13,R15            end of prolog
         LA     R8,RND
         XPRNT  PGBODY,64          <html><head></head><body>
         XPRNT  PGTAB,64           <table border=1 ... cellspacing=0>
         SR     R6,R6              row=0
       DO WHILE=(C,R6,LE,NROWS)    do row=0 to nrows
       IF LTR,R6,Z,R6 THEN           if row=0
         XPRNT  PGTRTH,64              <tr><th></th>
       ELSE     ,                    else
         XDECO  R6,XDEC                edit row
         MVC    PGTR+8(1),XDEC+11      output row heading
         XPRNT  PGTR,64                <tr><th>.</th>
       ENDIF    ,                    endif
         LA     R7,1                 col=1
       DO WHILE=(C,R7,LE,NCOLS)      do col=1 to ncols
       IF LTR,R6,Z,R6 THEN             if row=0
         LR     R1,R7                    col
         LA     R4,TCAR-1(R1)            tcar(col)
         MVC    PGTH+4(1),0(R4)          output heading
         XPRNT  PGTH,64                  <th>.</th>
       ELSE     ,                      else
         L      R2,0(R8)                 value
         XDECO  R2,XDEC                  edit value
         MVC    PGTD+18(4),XDEC+8        output cell value
         XPRNT  PGTD,64                  <td align="right">....</td>
         LA     R8,4(R8)                 next value
       ENDIF    ,                      endif
         LA     R7,1(R7)               col++
       ENDDO    ,                    enddo col
         XPRNT  PGETR,64             </tr>
         LA     R6,1(R6)             row++
       ENDDO    ,                  enddo row
         XPRNT  PGETAB,64          </table>
         XPRNT  PGEBODY,64         </body></html>
         L      R13,4(0,R13)       epilog
         LM     R14,R12,12(R13)
         XR     R15,R15
         BR     R14                exit
NROWS    DC     F'4'               number of rows
NCOLS    DC     F'3'               number of columns
TCAR     DC     CL3'XYZ'
RND      DC     F'7055',F'5334',F'5795',F'2895',F'3019',F'7747'
         DC     F'140',F'7607',F'8144',F'7090',F'475',F'4140'
PGBODY   DC     CL64'<html><head></head><body>'
PGTAB    DC     CL64'<table border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0>'
PGTRTH   DC     CL64'<tr><th></th>'
PGTH     DC     CL64'<th>.</th>'
PGETR    DC     CL64'</tr>'
PGTR     DC     CL64'<tr><th>.</th>'
PGTD     DC     CL64'<td align="right">....</td>'
PGETAB   DC     CL64'</table>'
PGEBODY  DC     CL64'</body></html>'
XDEC     DS     CL12
         END    CREHTML


<table border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0>
<td align="right">7055</td>
<td align="right">5334</td>
<td align="right">5795</td>
<td align="right">2895</td>
<td align="right">3019</td>
<td align="right">7747</td>
<td align="right"> 140</td>
<td align="right">7607</td>
<td align="right">8144</td>
<td align="right">7090</td>
<td align="right"> 475</td>
<td align="right">4140</td>

1 7055 5334 5795
2 2895 3019 7747
3 140 7607 8144
4 7090 475 4140


We define a generic package to output HTML tables:

with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

   type Item_Type is private;
   with function To_String(Item: Item_Type) return String is <>;
   with procedure Put(S: String) is <>;
   with procedure Put_Line(Line: String) is <>;
package HTML_Table is

   subtype U_String is Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
   function Convert(S: String) return U_String renames

   type Item_Array is array(Positive range <>, Positive range <>) of Item_Type;
   type Header_Array is array(Positive range <>) of U_String;

   procedure Print(Items: Item_Array; Column_Heads: Header_Array);

end HTML_Table;

The implementation of the package:

package body HTML_Table is

   procedure Print(Items: Item_Array; Column_Heads: Header_Array) is

      function Blanks(N: Natural) return String is
         -- indention for better readable HTML
         if N=0 then
            return "";
            return " " & Blanks(N-1);
         end if;
      end Blanks;

      procedure Print_Row(Row_Number: Positive) is
         Put(Blanks(4) & "<tr><td>" & Positive'Image(Row_Number) & "</td>");
         for I in Items'Range(2) loop
            Put("<td>" & To_String(Items(Row_Number, I)) & "</td>");
                end loop;
      end Print_Row;

      procedure Print_Body is
         Put_Line(Blanks(2)&"<tbody align = ""right"">");
         for I in Items'Range(1) loop
         end loop;
      end Print_Body;

      procedure Print_Header is
         function To_Str(U: U_String) return String renames
         Put_Line(Blanks(2) & "<thead align = ""right"">");
         Put(Blanks(4) & "<tr><th></th>");
         for I in Column_Heads'Range loop
            Put("<td>" & To_Str(Column_Heads(I)) & "</td>");
         end loop;
         Put_Line(Blanks(2) & "</thead>");
      end Print_Header;

      if Items'Length(2) /= Column_Heads'Length then
         raise Constraint_Error with "number of headers /= number of columns";
      end if;
   end Print;

end HTML_Table;

Here is the main program, using an instance of HTML_Table:

with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random, HTML_Table;

procedure Test_HTML_Table is

   -- define the Item_Type and the random generator
   type  Four_Digits is mod 10_000;
   package Rand is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(Four_Digits);
   Gen: Rand.Generator;

   -- now we instantiate the generic package HTML_Table
   package T is new HTML_Table
     (Item_Type => Four_Digits,
      To_String => Four_Digits'Image,
      Put       => Ada.Text_IO.Put,
      Put_Line  => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line);

   -- define the object that will the values that the table contains
   The_Table: T.Item_Array(1 .. 4, 1..3);

   -- fill The_Table with random values
   for Rows in The_Table'Range(1) loop
      for Cols in The_Table'Range(2) loop
         The_Table(Rows, Cols) := Rand.Random(Gen);
      end loop;
   end loop;

   -- output The_Table
   T.Print(Items        => The_Table,
           Column_Heads => (T.Convert("X"), T.Convert("Y"), T.Convert("Z")));
end Test_HTML_Table;

Each time you run the program, you get different random values for the table. {{out}}

  <thead align = "right">
  <tbody align = "right">
    <tr><td> 1</td><td> 7255</td><td> 3014</td><td> 9436</td></tr>
    <tr><td> 2</td><td> 554</td><td> 3314</td><td> 8765</td></tr>
    <tr><td> 3</td><td> 4832</td><td> 129</td><td> 2048</td></tr>
    <tr><td> 4</td><td> 31</td><td> 6897</td><td> 8265</td></tr>


        X    Y    Z
   1 7255 3014 9436
   2  554 3314 8765
   3 4832  129 2048
   4   31 6897 8265


{{trans|ALGOL 68}} Tested with Agena 2.9.5 Win32

notNumbered     := 0; # possible values for html table row numbering
numberedLeft    := 1; #    "        "    "    "    "    "     "
numberedRight   := 2; #    "        "    "    "    "    "     "

alignCentre     := 0; # possible values for html table column alignment
alignLeft       := 1; #    "        "    "    "    "     "        "
alignRight      := 2; #    "        "    "    "    "     "        "

# write an html table to a file
writeHtmlTable := proc( fh, t :: table ) is
    local align := "align='";
    case t.columnAlignment
      of alignLeft  then align := align & "left'"
      of alignRight then align := align & "right'"
    else                 align := align &  "center'"
    local put       := proc( text    :: string ) is io.write( fh, text & "\n" ) end;
    local thElement := proc( content :: string ) is put( "<th " & align & ">" & content & "</th>" ) end;
    local tdElement := proc( content           ) is put( "<td " & align & ">" & content & "</td>" ) end;
    # table element
    put( "<table"
       & " cellspacing='" & t.cellSpacing & "'"
       &  " colspacing='" & t.colSpacing  & "'"
       &      " border='" & t.border      & "'"
       & ">"
    # table headings
    put( "<tr>" );
    if t.rowNumbering =  numberedLeft then thElement( "" ) fi;
    for col to size t.headings do thElement( t.headings[ col ] ) od;
    if t.rowNumbering = numberedRight then thElement( "" ) fi;
    put( "</tr>" );
    # table rows
    for row to size t.data do
        put( "<tr>" );
        if t.rowNumbering =  numberedLeft then thElement( row & "" ) fi;
        for col to size t.data[ row ] do tdElement( t.data[ row, col ] ) od;
        if t.rowNumbering = numberedRight then thElement( row & "" ) fi;
        put( "</tr>" )
    # end of table
    put( "</table>" )
end ;

# create an html table and print it to standard output
    local t := [];
    t.cellSpacing, t.colSpacing := 0, 0;
    t.border          := 1;
    t.columnAlignment := alignRight;
    t.rowNumbering    := numberedLeft;
    t.headings        := [ "A", "B", "C" ];
    t.data            := [ [ 1001, 1002, 1003 ], [ 21, 22, 23 ], [ 201, 202, 203 ] ];
    writeHtmlTable( io.stdout, t )


1 1001 1002 1003
2 21 22 23
3 201 202 203


INT not numbered     = 0; # possible values for HTMLTABLE row numbering    #
INT numbered left    = 1; #    "        "    "      "      "      "        #
INT numbered right   = 2; #    "        "    "      "      "      "        #

INT align centre     = 0; # possible values for HTMLTABLE column alignment #
INT align left       = 1; #   "        "    "      "         "       "     #
INT align right      = 2; #   "        "    "      "         "       "     #

# allowable content for the HTML table - extend the UNION and TOSTRING     #
#                                        operator to add additional modes  #
    CASE content
      IN ( INT    i ): whole( i, 0 )
       , ( REAL   r ): fixed( r, 0, 0 )
       , ( STRING s ): s
     OUT "Unsupported HTMLTABLEDATA content"
# MODE to hold an html table                                               #
MODE HTMLTABLE       = STRUCT( FLEX[    0 ]STRING        headings
                             , FLEX[ 0, 0 ]HTMLTABLEDATA data
                             , INT   row numbering
                             , INT   column alignment
                             , INT   cell spacing
                             , INT   col spacing
                             , INT   border
# write an html table to a file                                            #
PROC write html table = ( REF FILE f, HTMLTABLE t )VOID:
    STRING align = "align="""
                 + CASE column alignment OF t IN "left", "right" OUT "center" ESAC
                 + """";
    PROC th element = ( REF FILE f, HTMLTABLE t, STRING content )VOID:
        put( f, ( "<th " + align + ">" + content + "</th>", newline ) );
    PROC td element = ( REF FILE f, HTMLTABLE t, HTMLTABLEDATA content )VOID:
        put( f, ( "<td " + align + ">" + TOSTRING content + "</td>", newline ) );

    # table element #
    put( f, ( "<table"
            + " cellspacing=""" + whole( cell spacing OF t, 0 ) + """"
            +  " colspacing=""" + whole( col spacing  OF t, 0 ) + """"
            +      " border=""" + whole( border       OF t, 0 ) + """"
            + ">"
            , newline
    # table headings                                                       #
    put( f, ( "<tr>", newline ) );
    IF row numbering OF t =  numbered left THEN th element( f, t, "" ) FI;
    FOR col FROM LWB headings OF t TO UPB headings OF t DO
        th element( f, t, ( headings OF t )[ col ] )
    IF row numbering OF t = numbered right THEN th element( f, t, "" ) FI;
    put( f, ( "</tr>", newline ) );
    # table rows                                                           #
    FOR row FROM 1 LWB data OF t TO 1 UPB data OF t DO
        put( f, ( "<tr>", newline ) );
        IF row numbering OF t =  numbered left THEN th element( f, t, whole( row, 0 ) ) FI;
        FOR col FROM 2 LWB data OF t TO 2 UPB data OF t DO
            td element( f, t, ( data OF t )[ row, col ] )
        IF row numbering OF t = numbered right THEN th element( f, t, whole( row, 0 ) ) FI;
        put( f, ( "</tr>", newline ) )
    # end of table                                                         #
    put( f, ( "</table>", newline ) )
END # write html table # ;

# create an HTMLTABLE and print it to standard output                      #
cell spacing     OF t := col spacing OF t := 0;
border           OF t := 1;
column alignment OF t := align right;
row numbering    OF t := numbered left;
headings         OF t := ( "A", "B", "C" );
data             OF t := ( ( 1001, 1002, 1003 ), ( 21, 22, 23 ), ( 201, 202, 203 ) );
write html table( stand out, t )


1 1001 1002 1003
2 21 22 23
3 201 202 203


use ~web

table @tbl #{
	row #{
		cell ""
		cell "X" #{ :header true }
		cell "Y" #{ :header true }
		cell "Z" #{ :header true }

	join $(map $(range 0 3) {
		r $(row #{
			cell $(toString &) #{ :header true }
			cell $(toString|random 0 1000)
			cell $(toString|random 0 1000)
			cell $(toString|random 0 1000)
	}) ""

print $(tbl.render)


<table id='tbl'>
0 85 785 85
1 80 156 37
2 457 960 814
3 360 154 433



out = <table style="text-align:center; border: 1px solid"><th></th><th>X</th><th>Y</th><th>Z</th><tr>
Loop 4
    out .= "`r`n<tr><th>" A_Index "</th><td>" Rand() "</td><td>" Rand() "</td><td>" Rand() "</tr>"
out .= "`r`n</table>"
MsgBox % clipboard := out

    Random, n, 1, % u
    return n




#!/usr/bin/awk -f
   print "<table>\n  <thead align = \"right\">"
   printf "    <tr><th></th><td>X</td><td>Y</td><td>Z</td></tr>\n  </thead>\n  <tbody align = \"right\">\n"
   for (i=1; i<=10; i++) {
       printf "    <tr><td>%2i</td><td>%5i</td><td>%5i</td><td>%5i</td></tr>\n",i, 10*i, 100*i, 1000*i-1
   print "  </tbody>\n</table>\n"


  <thead align = "right">
  <tbody align = "right">
    <tr><td> 1</td><td>   10</td><td>  100</td><td>  999</td></tr>
    <tr><td> 2</td><td>   20</td><td>  200</td><td> 1999</td></tr>
    <tr><td> 3</td><td>   30</td><td>  300</td><td> 2999</td></tr>
    <tr><td> 4</td><td>   40</td><td>  400</td><td> 3999</td></tr>
    <tr><td> 5</td><td>   50</td><td>  500</td><td> 4999</td></tr>
    <tr><td> 6</td><td>   60</td><td>  600</td><td> 5999</td></tr>
    <tr><td> 7</td><td>   70</td><td>  700</td><td> 6999</td></tr>
    <tr><td> 8</td><td>   80</td><td>  800</td><td> 7999</td></tr>
    <tr><td> 9</td><td>   90</td><td>  900</td><td> 8999</td></tr>
    <tr><td>10</td><td>  100</td><td> 1000</td><td> 9999</td></tr>

Batch File

This will overwrite any file by the name of "table.html" in the current directory.

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

:: It's easier and neater to create the variables holding the random 4 digit numbers ahead of time
for /l %%i in (1,1,12) do set /a rand%%i=!random! %% 9999

:: The command output of everything within the brackets is sent to the file "table.html", overwriting anything already in there
  echo ^<html^>^<head^>^</head^>^<body^>
  echo ^<table border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0^>
  echo ^<tr^>^<th^>^</th^>
  echo ^<th^>X^</th^>
  echo ^<th^>Y^</th^>
  echo ^<th^>Z^</th^>
  echo ^</tr^>
  echo ^<tr^>^<th^>1^</th^>
  echo ^<td align="right"^>%rand1%^</td^>
  echo ^<td align="right"^>%rand2%^</td^>
  echo ^<td align="right"^>%rand3%^</td^>
  echo ^</tr^>
  echo ^<tr^>^<th^>2^</th^>
  echo ^<td align="right"^>%rand4%^</td^>
  echo ^<td align="right"^>%rand5%^</td^>
  echo ^<td align="right"^>%rand6%^</td^>
  echo ^</tr^>
  echo ^<tr^>^<th^>3^</th^>
  echo ^<td align="right"^>%rand7%^</td^>
  echo ^<td align="right"^>%rand8%^</td^>
  echo ^<td align="right"^>%rand9%^</td^>
  echo ^</tr^>
  echo ^<tr^>^<th^>4^</th^>
  echo ^<td align="right"^>%rand10%^</td^>
  echo ^<td align="right"^>%rand11%^</td^>
  echo ^<td align="right"^>%rand12%^</td^>
  echo ^</tr^>
  echo ^</table^>
  echo ^</body^>^</html^>
) > table.html
start table.html


<table border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0>
<td align="right">6608</td>
<td align="right">3993</td>
<td align="right">4797</td>
<td align="right">498</td>
<td align="right">4475</td>
<td align="right">2218</td>
<td align="right">3742</td>
<td align="right">9842</td>
<td align="right">1729</td>
<td align="right">9251</td>
<td align="right">478</td>
<td align="right">3945</td>

1 6608 3993 4797
2 498 4475 2218
3 3742 9842 1729
4 9251 478 3945


{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}} Uses BBC BASIC's *spool command to create a file.

      ncols% = 3
      nrows% = 4

      *spool temp.htm

      PRINT "<html><head></head><body>"
      PRINT "<table border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0>"

      FOR row% = 0 TO nrows%
        IF row% = 0 THEN
          PRINT "<tr><th></th>" ;
          PRINT "<tr><th>" ; row% "</th>" ;
        FOR col% = 1 TO ncols%
          IF row% = 0 THEN
            PRINT "<th>" CHR$(87 + col%) "</th>" ;
            PRINT "<td align=""right"">" ; RND(9999) "</td>" ;
        NEXT col%
        PRINT "</tr>"
      NEXT row%

      PRINT "</table>"
      PRINT "</body></html>"


      SYS "ShellExecute", @hwnd%, 0, "temp.htm", 0, 0, 1


&lt;table border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0&gt;
&lt;tr&gt;&lt;th&gt;1&lt;/th&gt;&lt;td align="right"&gt;2791&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td align="right"&gt;8011&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td align="right"&gt;9582&lt;/td&gt;
&lt;tr&gt;&lt;th&gt;2&lt;/th&gt;&lt;td align="right"&gt;6793&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td align="right"&gt;6863&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td align="right"&gt;4790&lt;/td&gt;
&lt;tr&gt;&lt;th&gt;3&lt;/th&gt;&lt;td align="right"&gt;8064&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td align="right"&gt;2626&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td align="right"&gt;3917&lt;/td&gt;
&lt;tr&gt;&lt;th&gt;4&lt;/th&gt;&lt;td align="right"&gt;2660&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td align="right"&gt;8776&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td align="right"&gt;6805&lt;/td&gt;

{{out}} [[File:HTMLtable_BBC.gif]]


To make this interesting, the table is created as a Bracmat structure and then converted to XML by a library. This has the advantage that one doesn't have to worry about HTML entities and encoding issues. The contents of the cells are generated by a function that is instantiated with a starting number when the function makeTable is called. Notice the absence of loops.

(  ( makeTable
  =     headTexts
    .   get$"xmlio.bra"             { A library that converts from Bracmat format to XML or HTML }
      & !arg:(?headTexts.?minRowNr.?maxRowNr.?Generator)
      & ( headCells
        =   cellText
          .     !arg:%?cellText ?arg
              & (th.,!cellText) headCells$!arg
      & ( cells
        =   cellText cellTexts numberGenerator
          .       !arg
                : (%?cellText ?cellTexts.(=?numberGenerator))
              &   (td.,numberGenerator$)
      & ( rows
        =   headTexts rowNr maxRowNr Generator
          .     !arg:(?headTexts.?rowNr.?maxRowNr.?Generator)
              & !rowNr:~>!maxRowNr
              &   ( tr
                    ,   (td.,!rowNr)
      &   ( table
            ,   ( thead
                .   (align.right)
                  , \n (tr.,(th.," ") headCells$!headTexts)
                ( tbody
                .   (align.right)
                  ,   \n
                      $ (!headTexts.!minRowNr.!maxRowNr.!Generator)
        : ?Table
      & str$((XMLIO.convert)$!Table)      { Call library function to create HTML }
&   makeTable
  $ ( X Y Z                               { Column headers }
    . 1                                   { Lowest row number }
    . 4                                   { Highest row number }
    .                                     { Function that generates numbers 9, 10, ...}
      ' ( cnt
        .   (cnt=$(new$(==8)))            { This creates an object 'cnt' with scope as a local function variable that survives between calls. }
          & !(cnt.)+1:?(cnt.)


&lt;table&gt;&lt;thead align="right"&gt;
&lt;tr&gt;&lt;th&gt; &lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;X&lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;Y&lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;Z&lt;/th&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/thead&gt;
&lt;tbody align="right"&gt;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
	int i;
	printf("<table style=\"text-align:center; border: 1px solid\"><th></th>"
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		printf("<tr><th>%d</th><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td></tr>", i,
			rand() % 10000, rand() % 10000, rand() % 10000);

	return 0;

{{out}} (wiki doesn't like tbody/thead tags):



#include <fstream>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <sstream>

void makeGap( int gap , std::string & text ) {
   for ( int i = 0 ; i < gap ; i++ )
      text.append( " " ) ;

int main( ) {
   boost::array<char , 3> chars = { 'X' , 'Y' , 'Z' } ;
   int headgap = 3 ;
   int bodygap = 3 ;
   int tablegap = 6 ;
   int rowgap = 9 ;
   std::string tabletext( "<html>\n" ) ;
   makeGap( headgap , tabletext ) ;
   tabletext += "<head></head>\n" ;
   makeGap( bodygap , tabletext ) ;
   tabletext += "<body>\n" ;
   makeGap( tablegap , tabletext ) ;
   tabletext += "<table>\n" ;
   makeGap( tablegap + 1 , tabletext ) ;
   tabletext += "<thead align=\"right\">\n" ;
   makeGap( tablegap, tabletext ) ;
   tabletext += "<tr><th></th>" ;
   for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
      tabletext += "<td>" ;
      tabletext += *(chars.begin( ) + i ) ;
      tabletext += "</td>" ;
   tabletext += "</tr>\n" ;
   makeGap( tablegap + 1 , tabletext ) ;
   tabletext += "</thead>" ;
   makeGap( tablegap + 1 , tabletext ) ;
   tabletext += "<tbody align=\"right\">\n" ;
   srand( time( 0 ) ) ;
   for ( int row = 0 ; row < 5 ; row++ ) {
      makeGap( rowgap , tabletext ) ;
      std::ostringstream oss ;
      tabletext += "<tr><td>" ;
      oss << row ;
      tabletext += oss.str( ) ;
      for ( int col = 0 ; col < 3 ; col++ ) {
	 oss.str( "" ) ;
	 int randnumber = rand( ) % 10000 ;
	 oss << randnumber ;
	 tabletext += "<td>" ;
	 tabletext.append( oss.str( ) ) ;
	 tabletext += "</td>" ;
      tabletext += "</tr>\n" ;
   makeGap( tablegap + 1 , tabletext ) ;
   tabletext += "</tbody>\n" ;
   makeGap( tablegap , tabletext ) ;
   tabletext += "</table>\n" ;
   makeGap( bodygap , tabletext ) ;
   tabletext += "</body>\n" ;
   tabletext += "</html>\n" ;
   std::ofstream htmltable( "testtable.html" , std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc ) ;
   htmltable << tabletext ;
   htmltable.close( ) ;
   return 0 ;

{{out}} ( of testtable.html ):



using System;
using System.Text;

namespace prog
	class MainClass
		public static void Main (string[] args)
			StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
			Random rnd = new Random();

			s.AppendLine("<thead align = \"right\">");
			for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
				s.Append("<td>" + "XYZ"[i] + "</td>");
			s.AppendLine("<tbody align = \"right\">");
			for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
				for( int j=0; j<3; j++ )

			Console.WriteLine( s );

More modern version

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;

namespace N
	public class T
		public static void Main()
			var headers = new [] { "", "X", "Y", "Z" };

			var cols = headers.Select(name =>
				new XElement(
					new XAttribute("text-align", "center")

			var rows = Enumerable.Range(0, 4).Select(ri =>
				new XElement(
					new XElement("td", ri),
					Enumerable.Range(0, 4).Select(ci =>
						new XElement(
							new XAttribute("text-align", "center")

			var xml = new XElement(
				new XElement(
					new XElement("tr",    cols),
					new XElement("tbody", rows)



Using Hiccup (https://github.com/weavejester/hiccup):

(ns rosettacode.html-table
  (:use 'hiccup.core))

(defn <tr> [el sq]
  [:tr (map vector (cycle [el]) sq)])

    (<tr> :th ["" \X \Y \Z])
    (for [n (range 1 4)]
      (->> #(rand-int 10000) (repeatedly 3) (cons n) (<tr> :td)))])


# This is one of many ways to create a table.  CoffeeScript plays nice
# with any templating solution built for JavaScript, and of course you
# can build tables in the browser using DOM APIs.  This approach is just
# brute force string manipulation.

table = (header_row, rows) ->
  #{rows.join '\n'}

tr = (cells) -> "<tr>#{cells.join ''}</tr>"
th = (s) -> "<th align='right'>#{s}</th>"
td = (s) -> "<td align='right'>#{s}</td>"
rand_n = -> Math.floor Math.random() * 10000

header_cols = ['', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
header_row = tr (th s for s in header_cols)

rows = []
for i in [1..5]
  rows.push tr [
    td rand_n()
    td rand_n()
    td rand_n()

html = table header_row, rows
console.log html



Common Lisp

Using Closure-HTML (https://common-lisp.net/project/closure/closure-html/) installed by the code itself via QuickLisp (http://quicklisp.org/).

(ql:quickload :closure-html)
(use-package :closure-html)
 `(table nil
	 (tr nil ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
			     (list 'th nil x))
			   '("" "X" "Y" "Z")))
	 ,@(loop for i from 1 to 4
	      collect `(tr nil
			   (th nil ,(format nil "~a" i))
			   ,@(loop repeat 3 collect `(td nil ,(format nil "~a" (random 10000)))))))





void main() {
  import std.stdio, std.random;

  writeln(`<table style="text-align:center; border: 1px solid">`);
  foreach (immutable i; 0 .. 4)
             i, uniform(0,1000), uniform(0,1000), uniform(0,1000));




program CreateHTMLTable;


uses SysUtils;

function AddTableRow(aRowNo: Integer): string;
  Result := Format('  <tr><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td></tr>',
    [aRowNo, Random(10000), Random(10000), Random(10000)]);

  i: Integer;
  Writeln('  <tr><th></th><th>X</th><th>Y</th><th>Z</th></tr>');
  for i := 1 to 4 do




;; styles -
(style 'td "text-align:right")
(style 'table "border-spacing: 10px;border:1px solid red")
(style 'th "color:blue;")

;; generic html5 builder
;; pushes <tag style=..> (proc content) </tag>
(define  (emit-tag tag html-proc content )
		 (if (style tag)
		 	(push html (format "<%s style='%a'>" tag (style tag)))
		 	(push html (format "<%s>" tag )))
		 (html-proc content)
		 (push html (format "</%s> " tag )))

;; html procs : 1 tag, 1 proc
(define (h-raw content)
		(push html (format "%s" content)))
(define (h-header headers)
		(for ((h headers)) (emit-tag 'th h-raw h)))
(define (h-row row)
		(for ((item row)) (emit-tag 'td h-raw item)))
(define (h-table table )
	(emit-tag 'tr h-header (first table))
	;; add row-num  i at head of row
	(for ((i 1000)(row (rest table))) (emit-tag 'tr h-row (cons i row))))


(define my-table '(("" X Y Z) (-1111 111 11) (22 -222 2222) (4422 0  42) (33 333 3333) (6666 666 66)))

(stack (define html 'html)) ;; stack of html elements
(emit-tag 'table h-table my-table)
(string-join (stack->list html) " ")

0 -1111 111 11
1 22 -222 2222
2 4422 0 42
3 33 333 3333
4 6666 666 66


defmodule Table do
  defp put_rows(n) do
    Enum.map_join(1..n, fn i ->
      "<tr align=right><th>#{i}</th>" <>
      Enum.map_join(1..3, fn _ ->
      end) <> "</tr>\n"

  def create_table(n\\3) do
    "<table border=1>\n" <>
    "<th></th><th>X</th><th>Y</th><th>Z</th>\n" <>
    put_rows(n) <>

IO.puts Table.create_table


<tr align=right><th>1</th><td>1362</td><td>1289</td><td>357</td></tr>
<tr align=right><th>2</th><td>1161</td><td>1345</td><td>1176</td></tr>
<tr align=right><th>3</th><td>391</td><td>62</td><td>609</td></tr>




Both external_format/1 and html_table/3 are used by [[CSV_to_HTML_translation]]. Keep backwards compatibility when changing or change both.

-module( create_html_table ).

-export( [external_format/1, html_table/3, task/0] ).

external_format( XML ) -> remove_quoutes( lists:flatten(xmerl:export_simple_content([XML], xmerl_xml)) ).

html_table( Table_options, Headers, Contents ) ->
	Header = html_table_header( Headers ),
	Records = [html_table_record(X) || X <- Contents],
	{table, Table_options, [Header | Records]}.

task() ->
	Headers = [" ", "X", "Y", "Z"],
	Contents = [[erlang:integer_to_list(X), random(), random(), random()] || X <- lists:seq(1, 3)],
	external_format( html_table([{border, 1}, {cellpadding, 10}], Headers, Contents) ).

html_table_header( Items ) -> {tr, [], [{th, [], [X]} || X <- Items]}.

html_table_record( Items ) -> {tr, [], [{td, [], [X]} || X <- Items]}.

random() -> erlang:integer_to_list( random:uniform(1000) ).

remove_quoutes( String ) -> lists:flatten( string:tokens(String, "\"") ).




puts(1,"  <tr><th></th><th>X</th><th>Y</th><th>Z</th></tr>\n")
for i = 1 to 3 do
    printf(1,"  <tr><td>%d</td>",i)
    for j = 1 to 3 do
    end for
end for




open System.Xml

type XmlDocument with
    member this.Add element =
        this.AppendChild element
    member this.Element name =
        this.CreateElement(name) :> XmlNode
    member this.Element (name, (attr : (string * string) list)) =
        let node = this.CreateElement(name)
        for a in attr do
            node.SetAttribute (fst a, snd a)
    member this.Element (name, (text : string)) =
        let node = this.CreateElement(name)
        node.AppendChild(this.Text text) |> ignore
    member this.Text text =

type XmlNode with
    member this.Add element =
        this.AppendChild element

let head = [""; "X"; "Y"; "Z"]

let xd = new XmlDocument()
let html = xd.Add (xd.Element("html"))
    .Add(xd.Element("title", "RosettaCode: Create_an_HTML_table"))
let table = html.Add(xd.Element("body")).Add(xd.Element("table", [("style", "text-align:right")]))
let tr1 = table.Add(xd.Element("tr"))
for th in head do
    tr1.Add(xd.Element("th", th)) |> ignore
for i in [1; 2; 3] do
    let tr = table.Add(xd.Element("tr"))
    tr.Add(xd.Element("th", i.ToString())) |> ignore
    for j in [1; 2; 3] do
        tr.Add(xd.Element("td", ((i-1)*3+j+1000).ToString())) |> ignore

let xw = new XmlTextWriter(System.Console.Out)
xw.Formatting <- Formatting.Indented

{{out}} (table part only)

1 1001 1002 1003
2 1004 1005 1006
3 1007 1008 1009


Printing out a group of HTML text strings is not difficult for Forth or most computer languages. Another way to do this in Forth is to extend Forth with new "words" that output the HTML tags. The HTML words will output HTML code when they are interpreted by Forth. In this example the extended Forth code looks at lot like HTML. :-) The biggest difference is that Forth requires 1 space minimum between each tag.

Although this example is not a complete HTML interpreter, with these few extensions we can demonstrate mixing HTML tags with Forth code to generate the specified random numbers in-line with HTML. We could even use Forth to compile tags together and make HTML generating sub-routines like NETREXX does.

include random.hsf

\ parser routines
:  totag
               [char] < PARSE pad place              \ parse input up to '<' char
                -1 >in +!                            \ move the interpreter pointer back 1 char
                pad count type  ;

: '"'        [char] " emit ;
: '"..'      '"'  space ;                            \ output a quote char with trailing space

: toquote                                            \ parse input to " then print as quoted text
              '"' [char] " PARSE pad place
              pad count type '"..' ;

: >          [char] > emit space  ;                  \ output the '>' with trailing space

\ Create some HTML extensions to the Forth interpreter
: <table>         ." <table>" cr ;          : </table>   ." </table>"  cr ;
: <table          ." <table " ;
: style="         ." style="  toquote ;
: align="         ." align="  toquote ;
: border="        ." border=" toquote ;
: width="         ." width="  toquote ;
: cellspacing="   ." cellspacing="  toquote ;
: colspacing="    ." colspacing="   toquote ;

: <tr>       ." <tr>" cr ;                  : </tr>      ." </tr>"  cr ;
: <td>       ." <td> "  totag  ;            : </td>      ." </td>"  cr ;
: <td        ." <td " ;
: <thead>    ." <thead>" ;                  : </thead>   ." </thead>" ;
: <th>       ." <th>" ;                     : </th>      ." </th>"  cr ;
: <th        ." <th "  ;
: <tbody     ." <tbody " ;                  : </tbody>   ." </tbody> " ;
: <caption>  cr ." <caption>"  totag  ;     : </caption> ." </caption>"  cr ;

\ Write the source code that generates HTML in our EXTENDED FORTH
<table border=" 1" width=" 30%" >
<caption> This table was created with FORTH HTML tags</caption>
<th align=" right" >       </th>
<th align=" right" > ." A" </th>
<th align=" right" > ." B" </th>
<th align=" right" > ." C" </th>
<th align=" right" >        1 . </th>
<td align=" right" > 1000 RND . </td>
<td align=" right" > 1000 RND . </td>
<td align=" right" > 1000 RND . </td>
<th align=" right" >        2 . </th>
<td align=" right" > 1000 RND . </td>
<td align=" right" > 1000 RND . </td>
<td align=" right" > 1000 RND . </td>
<th align=" right" >        3 . </th>
<td align=" right" > 1000 RND . </td>
<td align=" right" > 1000 RND . </td>
<td align=" right" > 1000 RND . </td>


<table border="1" width="30%" >
<caption>This table was created with FORTH HTML tags</caption>
<th align="right" > </th>
<th align="right" > A</th>
<th align="right" > B</th>
<th align="right" > C</th>
<th align="right" > 1 </th>
<td align="right" > 338 </td>
<td align="right" > 102 </td>
<td align="right" > 113 </td>
<th align="right" > 2 </th>
<td align="right" > 430 </td>
<td align="right" > 319 </td>
<td align="right" > 731 </td>
<th align="right" > 3 </th>
<td align="right" > 333 </td>
<td align="right" > 592 </td>
<td align="right" > 83 </td>


This table was created with FORTH HTML tags
1 338 102 113
2 430 319 731
3 333 592 83



The task could be achieved by a series of direct WRITE statements, with some simple loop to generate N lines for the table. This would not show anything beyond the usage of WRITE statements, possibly obfuscated by cunning FORMAT sequences. Instead, what follows is a trimmed version of some routines that were used for writing HTML tables of various shapes, with perhaps dozens of columns and hundreds of rows. The idea was that module HTMLSTUFF would contain an attempt at organised assistance for the task. The system would produce output tables according to the type of the output file: space-aligned or, if .csv then comma-separated, or if .html then it used the HTML table protocol. In-line code was used for the details of the body of the tables because their cells involved different types and layout (and even decoration, as with RED ... DER for negative correlations) but here the task requires only HTML and that each row show only integers so it seemed worthwhile to devise a subroutine for writing a row of integers and likewise for a row of texts. Thus, the caller need not worry over the multitude of details involved in preparing a well-formed HTML file, just invoke some subroutines with a few parameters. This is done in the mainline. The specification is for columns headed "X", "Y", and "Z" but a proper table would have more useful annotations.

These routines were written to wallow in a much larger context. For instance, each subprogram would start with a call to SUBIN naming the subprogram, and just before exit each would invoke SUBOUT. A stack of active names was thereby maintained, and was available for use by subroutine ECART (to produce trace output, annotated via the name stack with the name of the routine requesting that output), and subroutine STATE that accepted a text declaring the activity about to be started (surprisingly useful when checking and documenting the source), and if there was a disaster, subroutine CROAK reported its message and what was being attempted at each level back to the start. Similarly, (almost) all output to the screen was echoed to file TRAIL and after every 6666 lines written to the screen, there was an opportunity to stop a runaway output, and details for the I/O unit variables and associated arrays were in named COMMON via file cIOunits.for. Most of this has been commented out. There was also an attempt at dealing with annoying differences in glyphs between keyboard input, screen display, and the display rendered by text editors. This had to be extended for HTML output as certain character codes also evoked an unsuitable glyph and others interfered with the interpretation of text versus instructions. The first part of the source therefore is a wad of support routines, starting with a text I AM (see the painting by Colin McCahon) that names the programme, and another that is filled with the user's code identity. These are used in the metadata for the HTML.

Since the HTML text that results was going to be inspected by eye to catch blunders there was a lot of attention to layout, in particular the use of indenting as each level was tracked by INDEEP, and the content of a row was to appear on one (possibly long) line. Browsers often pass over hiccoughs and still present a correct-looking display, thus it is useful to employ HTML-checking routines. I have considered adding various checks to the routines in HTMLSTUFF such as that when a level was closed, its interior levels had also been closed off, but that would mean even more cogitation. Avoiding endless text shuffling was another objective, thus rather than concatenate pieces and write the result, routine HTML3 has three parts, a preamble, a body, and a tail to generate a complete line. Further, for layout assistance, if the preamble was not empty then it would be written on a new line and indented according to INDEEP, and if the tail was not empty then it would be written and the line ended. It is tempting to prepare a similar routine for presenting a single item, say HTML3TERM("<th>",TEXT(I)(1:L),"") rather than preparing a compound string via "<th>"//TEXT(I)(1:L)//"" first. Even more direct would be to use WRITE statements straight to the output file, employing suitable FORMAT statements, but in the larger context it was more useful to avoid this since with all output in one place via subroutine WRITE, mishaps could be attended to in one place only.


      MODULE PARAMETERS	!Assorted oddities that assorted routines pick and choose from.
       CHARACTER*5 I AM		!Assuage finicky compilers.
       PARAMETER (IAM = "Gnash")	!I AM!
       INTEGER		LUSERCODE	!One day, I'll get around to devising some string protocol.
       CHARACTER*28	USERCODE		!I'm not too sure how long this can be.
       DATA		USERCODE,LUSERCODE/"",0/!Especially before I have a text.

      CONTAINS	!Assorted routines that seem to be of general use but don't seem worth isolating..
      Subroutine Croak(Gasp)	!A dying message, when horror is suddenly encountered.
Casts out some final words and STOP, relying on the SubInOut stuff to have been used.
Cut down from the full version of April MMI, that employed the SubIN and SubOUT protocol..
       Character*(*) Gasp	!The last gasp.
       WRITE (MSG,1) GASP
    1  FORMAT ("Oh dear! ",A)
       STOP "I STOP now. Farewell..."	!Whatever pit I was in, I'm gone.
      End Subroutine Croak	!That's it.

       INTEGER FUNCTION LSTNB(TEXT)  !Sigh. Last Not Blank.
Concocted yet again by R.N.McLean (whom God preserve) December MM.
Code checking reveals that the Compaq compiler generates a copy of the string and then finds the length of that when using the latter-day intrinsic LEN_TRIM. Madness!
Can't   DO WHILE (L.GT.0 .AND. TEXT(L:L).LE.' ')	!Control chars. regarded as spaces.
Curse the morons who think it good that the compiler MIGHT evaluate logical expressions fully.
Crude GO TO rather than a DO-loop, because compilers use a loop counter as well as updating the index variable.
Comparison runs of GNASH showed a saving of ~3% in its mass-data reading through the avoidance of DO in LSTNB alone.
Crappy code for character comparison of varying lengths is avoided by using ICHAR which is for single characters only.
Checking the indexing of CHARACTER variables for bounds evoked astounding stupidities, such as calculating the length of TEXT(L:L) by subtracting L from L!
Comparison runs of GNASH showed a saving of ~25-30% in its mass data scanning for this, involving all its two-dozen or so single-character comparisons, not just in LSTNB.
        CHARACTER*(*),INTENT(IN):: TEXT	!The bumf. If there must be copy-in, at least there need not be copy back.
        INTEGER L		!The length of the bumf.
         L = LEN(TEXT)		!So, what is it?
    1    IF (L.LE.0) GO TO 2	!Are we there yet?
         IF (ICHAR(TEXT(L:L)).GT.ICHAR(" ")) GO TO 2	!Control chars are regarded as spaces also.
         L = L - 1		!Step back one.
         GO TO 1		!And try again.
    2    LSTNB = L		!The last non-blank, possibly zero.
        RETURN			!Unsafe to use LSTNB as a variable.
       END FUNCTION LSTNB	!Compilers can bungle it.
       CHARACTER*2 FUNCTION I2FMT(N)	!These are all the same.
        INTEGER*4 N			!But, the compiler doesn't offer generalisations.
         IF (N.LT.0) THEN	!Negative numbers cop a sign.
           IF (N.LT.-9) THEN	!But there's not much room left.
             I2FMT = "-!"	!So this means 'overflow'.
            ELSE			!Otherwise, room for one negative digit.
             I2FMT = "-"//CHAR(ICHAR("0") - N)	!Thus. Presume adjacent character codes, etc.
           END IF		!So much for negative numbers.
         ELSE IF (N.LT.10) THEN	!Single digit positive?
           I2FMT = " " //CHAR(ICHAR("0") + N)	!Yes. This.
         ELSE IF (N.LT.100) THEN	!Two digit positive?
           I2FMT = CHAR(N/10      + ICHAR("0"))	!Yes.
     1            //CHAR(MOD(N,10) + ICHAR("0")) !These.
         ELSE			!Otherwise,
           I2FMT = "+!" 	!Positive overflow.
         END IF			!So much for that.
       END FUNCTION I2FMT	!No WRITE and FORMAT unlimbering.
       CHARACTER*8 FUNCTION I8FMT(N)	!Oh for proper strings.
        INTEGER*4 N
         WRITE (HIC,1) N
    1    FORMAT (I8)
         I8FMT = HIC
       CHARACTER*42 FUNCTION ERRORWORDS(IT)	!Look for an explanation. One day, the system may offer coherent messages.
Curious collection of encountered codes. Will they differ on other systems?
Compaq's compiler was taken over by unintel; http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/compilerpro/en-us/fortran/lin/compiler_f/bldaps_for/common/bldaps_rterrs.htm
contains a schedule of error numbers that matched those I'd found for Compaq, and so some assumptions are added.
Copying all (hundreds!) is excessive; these seem possible for the usage so far made of error diversion.
Compaq's compiler interface ("visual" blah) has a help offering, which can provide error code information.
Compaq messages also appear in http://cens.ioc.ee/local/man/CompaqCompilers/cf/dfuum028.htm#tab_runtime_errors
Combines IOSTAT codes (file open, read etc) with STAT codes (allocate/deallocate) as their numbers are distinct.
Completeness and context remains a problem. Excess brevity means cause and effect can be confused.
        INTEGER IT			!The error code in question.
        INTEGER LASTKNOWN 		!Some codes I know about.
        PARAMETER (LASTKNOWN = 26)	!But only a few, discovered by experiment and mishap.
        TYPE HINT			!For them, I can supply a table.
         INTEGER	CODE		!The code number. (But, different systems..??)
         CHARACTER*42	EXPLICATION	!An explanation. Will it be the answer?
        END TYPE HINT			!Simple enough.
        TYPE(HINT) ERROR(LASTKNOWN)	!So, let's have a collection.
        PARAMETER (ERROR = (/		!With these values.
     1   HINT(-1,"End-of-file at the start of reading!"),	!From examples supplied with the Compaq compiler involving IOSTAT.
     2   HINT( 0,"No worries."),			!Apparently the only standard value.
     3   HINT( 9,"Permissions - read only?"),
     4   HINT(10,"File already exists!"),
     5   HINT(17,"Syntax error in NameList input."),
     6   HINT(18,"Too many values for the recipient."),
     7   HINT(19,"Invalid naming of a variable."),
     8   HINT(24,"Surprise end-of-file during read!"),	!From example source.
     9   HINT(25,"Invalid record number!"),
     o   HINT(29,"File name not found."),
     1   HINT(30,"Unavailable - exclusive use?"),
     2   HINT(32,"Invalid fileunit number!"),
     3   HINT(35,"'Binary' form usage is rejected."),	!From example source.
     4   HINT(36,"Record number for a non-existing record!"),
     5   HINT(37,"No record length has been specified."),
     6   HINT(38,"I/O error during a write!"),
     7   HINT(39,"I/O error during a read!"),
     8   HINT(41,"Insufficient memory available!"),
     9   HINT(43,"Malformed file name."),
     o   HINT(47,"Attempting a write, but read-only is set."),
     1   HINT(66,"Output overflows single record size."),	!This one from experience.
     2   HINT(67,"Input demand exceeds single record size."),	!These two are for unformatted I/O.
     3   HINT(151,"Can't allocate: already allocated!"),	!These different numbers are for memory allocation failures.
     4   HINT(153,"Can't deallocate: not allocated!"),
     5   HINT(173,"The fingered item was not allocated!"),	!Such as an ordinary array that was not allocated.
     6   HINT(179,"Size exceeds addressable memory!")/))
        INTEGER I		!A stepper.
         DO I = LASTKNOWN,1,-1	!So, step through the known codes.
           IF (IT .EQ. ERROR(I).CODE) GO TO 1	!This one?
         END DO			!On to the next.
    1    IF (I.LE.0) THEN	!Fail with I = 0.
           ERRORWORDS = I8FMT(IT)//" is a novel code!"	!Reveal the mysterious number.
          ELSE			!But otherwise, it is found.
           ERRORWORDS = ERROR(I).EXPLICATION	!And these words might even apply.
         END IF			!But on all systems?
       END FUNCTION ERRORWORDS	!Hopefully, helpful.

        SUBROUTINE ECART(TEXT)	!Produces trace output with many auxiliary details.
         CHARACTER*(*) TEXT	!The text to be annotated.
         COMMON KBD,MSG		!I/O units.
          WRITE (MSG,1) TEXT	!Just roll the text.
    1     FORMAT ("Trace: ",A)	!Lacks the names of the invoking routine, and that which invoked it.
       SUBROUTINE WRITE(OUT,TEXT,ON)	!We get here in the end. Cast forth some pearls.
C   Once upon a time, there was just confusion between ASCII and EBCDIC character codes and glyphs,
c after many variant collections caused annoyance. Now I see that modern computing has introduced
c many new variations, so that one text editor may display glyphs differing from those displayed
c by another editor and also different from those displayed when a programme writes to the screen
c in "teletype" mode, which is to say, employing the character/glyph combination of the moment.
c And in particular, decimal points and degree symbols differ and annoyance has grown.
c   So, on re-arranging SAY to not send output to multiple distinations depending on the value of OUT,
c except for the special output to MSG that is echoed to TRAIL, it became less messy to make an assault
c on the text that goes to MSG, but after it was sent to TRAIL. I would have preferred to fiddle the
c "code page" for text output that determines what glyph to show for which code, but not only
c is it unclear how to do this, even if facilities were available, I suspect that the screen display
c software only loads the mysterious code page during startup.
c   This fiddling means that any write to MSG should be done last, and writes of text literals
c should not include characters that will be fiddled, as text literals may be protected against change.
C   Somewhere along the way, the cent character (¢) has disappeared. Perhaps it will return in "unicode".
        USE ASSISTANCE		!But might still have difficulty.
        INTEGER OUT		!The destination.
        CHARACTER*(*) TEXT	!The message. Possibly damaged. Any trailing spaces will be sent forth.
        LOGICAL ON		!Whether to terminate the line... TRUE sez that someone will be carrying on.
        INTEGER IOSTAT		!Furrytran gibberish.
c        INCLUDE "cIOUnits.for"	!I/O unit numbers.
c        INTEGER*2,SAVE:: I Be	!Self-identification.
c         CALL SUBIN("Write",I Be)	!Hullo!
         IF (OUT.LE.0) GO TO 999	!Goodbye?
c         IF (IOGOOD(OUT)) THEN	!Is this one in good heart?
c           IF (IOCOUNT(OUT).LE.0 .AND. OUT.NE.MSG) THEN	!Is it attached to a file?
c             IF (IONAME(OUT).EQ."") IONAME(OUT) = "Anome"	!"No name".
c     1         //I2FMT(OUT)//".txt"	!Clutch at straws.
c             IF (.NOT.OPEN(OUT,IONAME(OUT),"REPLACE","WRITE")) THEN	!Just in time?
c               IOGOOD(OUT) = .FALSE.	!No! Strangle further usage.
c               GO TO 999		!Can't write, so give up!
c             END IF			!It might be better to hit the WRITE and fail.
c           END IF		!We should be ready now.
c           IF (OUT.EQ.MSG .AND. SCRAGTEXTOUT) CALL SCRAG(TEXT)	!Output to the screen is recoded for the screen.
           IF (ON) THEN		!Now for the actual output at last. This is annoying.
             WRITE (OUT,1,ERR = 666,IOSTAT = IOSTAT) TEXT	!Splurt.
    1        FORMAT (A,$)	!Don't move on to a new line. (The "$"! Is it not obvious?)
c             IOPART(OUT) = IOPART(OUT) + 1	!Thus count a part-line in case someone fusses.
            ELSE		!But mostly, write and advance.
             WRITE (OUT,2,ERR = 666,IOSTAT = IOSTAT) TEXT	!Splurt.
    2        FORMAT (A)		!*-style "free" format chops at 80 or some such.
           END IF		!So much for last-moment dithering.
c           IOCOUNT(OUT) = IOCOUNT(OUT) + 1	!Count another write (whole or part) so as to be not zero..
c         END IF			!So much for active passages.
c  999    CALL SUBOUT("Write")	!I am closing.
  999   RETURN			!Done.
  666    IF (OUT.NE.MSG) CALL CROAK("Can't write to unit "//I2FMT(OUT)	!Why not?
c     1    //" (file "//IONAME(OUT)(1:LSTNB(IONAME(OUT)))	!Possibly, no more disc space! In which case, this may fail also!
     2    //") message "//ERRORWORDS(IOSTAT)			!Hopefully, helpful.
     3    //" length "//I8FMT(LEN(TEXT))//", this: "//TEXT)	!The instigation.
        STOP "Constipation!"	!Just so.
       END SUBROUTINE WRITE	!The moving hand having writ, moves on.

       SUBROUTINE SAY(OUT,TEXT)	!And maybe a copy to the trail file as well.
        USE PARAMETERS		!Odds and ends.
        USE ASSISTANCE		!Just a little.
        INTEGER OUT		!The orifice.
        CHARACTER*(*) TEXT	!The blather. Can be modified if to MSG and certain characters are found.
        CHARACTER*120 IS	!For a snatched question.
        INTEGER L		!A finger.
c        INCLUDE "cIOUnits.for"	!I/O unit numbers.
c        INTEGER*2,SAVE:: I Be	!Self-identification.
c         CALL SUBIN("Say",I Be)	!Me do be Me, I say!
Chop off trailing spaces.
         L = LEN(TEXT)		!What I say may be rather brief.
    1    IF (L.GT.0) THEN	!So, is there a last character to look at?
           IF (ICHAR(TEXT(L:L)).LE.ICHAR(" ")) THEN	!Yes. Is it boring?
             L = L - 1			!Yes! Trim it!
             GO TO 1			!And check afresh.
           END IF		!A DO-loop has overhead with its iteration count as well.
         END IF			!Function LEN_TRIM copies the text first!!
Contemplate the disposition of TEXT(1:L)
c         IF (OUT.NE.MSG) THEN	!Normal stuff?
           CALL WRITE(OUT,TEXT(1:L),.FALSE.)	!Roll.
c          ELSE			!Echo what goes to MSG to the TRAIL file.
c           CALL WRITE(TRAIL,TEXT(1:L),.FALSE.)	!Thus.
c           CALL WRITE(  MSG,TEXT(1:L),.FALSE.)	!Splot to the screen.
c           IF (.NOT.BLABBERMOUTH) THEN		!Do we know restraint?
c             IF (IOCOUNT(MSG).GT.BURP) THEN	!Yes. Consider it.
c               WRITE (MSG,100) IOCOUNT(MSG)	!Alas, triggered. So remark on quantity,
c  100          FORMAT (//I9," lines! Your spirit might flag."	!Hint. (Not copied to the TRAIL file)
c     1          /," Type quit to set GIVEOVER to TRUE, with hope for "
c     2           ,"a speedy palliation,",
c     3          /,"   or QUIT to abandon everything, here, now",
c     4          /,"   or blabber to abandon further restraint,",
c     5          /,"   or anything else to carry on:")
c               IS = REPLY("QUIT, quit, blabber or continue")	!And ask.
c               IF (IS.EQ."QUIT") CALL CROAK("Enough of this!")	!No UPDATE, nothing.
c               CALL UPCASE(IS)		!Now we're past the nice distinction, simplify.
c               IF (IS.EQ."QUIT") GIVEOVER = .TRUE.	!Signal to those who listen.
c               IF (IS.EQ."BLABBER") BLABBERMOUTH = .TRUE.	!Well?
c               IF (GIVEOVER) WRITE (MSG,101)			!Announce hope.
c  101          FORMAT ("Let's hope that the babbler notices...")	!Like, IF (GIVEOVER) GO TO ...
c               IF (.NOT.GIVEOVER) WRITE (MSG,102)	!Alternatively, firm resolve.
c  102          FORMAT("Onwards with renewed vigour!")	!Fight the good fight.
c               BURP = IOCOUNT(MSG) + ENOUGH	!The next pause to come.
c             END IF			!So much for last-moment restraint.
c           END IF			!So much for restraint.
c         END IF			!So much for selection.
c         CALL SUBOUT("Say")	!I am merely the messenger.
       END SUBROUTINE SAY	!Enough said.
       SUBROUTINE SAYON(OUT,TEXT)	!Roll to the screen and to the trail file as well.
C This differs by not ending the line so that further output can be appended to it.
        INTEGER OUT		!The orifice.
        CHARACTER*(*) TEXT	!The blather.
        INTEGER L		!A finger.
c        INCLUDE "cIOUnits.for"	!I/O unit numbers.
c        INTEGER*2,SAVE:: I Be	!Self-identification.
c         CALL SUBIN("SayOn",I Be)	!Me do be another. Me, I say on!
         L = LEN(TEXT)			!How much say I on?
    1    IF (L.GT.0) THEN		!I say on anything?
           IF (ICHAR(TEXT(L:L)).LE.ICHAR(" ")) THEN	!I end it spaceish?
             L = L - 1				!Yes. Trim such.
             GO TO 1				!And look afresh.
           END IF			!So much for trailing off.
         END IF			!Continue with L fingering the last non-blank.
c         IF (OUT.EQ.MSG) CALL WRITE(TRAIL,TEXT(1:L),.TRUE.)	!Writes to the screen go also to the TRAIL.
                         CALL WRITE(  OUT,TEXT(1:L),.TRUE.)	!It is said, and more is expected.
c         CALL SUBOUT("SayOn")	!I am merely the messenger.
       END SUBROUTINE SAYON	!And further messages impend.


      MODULE HTMLSTUFF	!Assists with the production of decorated output.
Can't say I think much of the scheme. How about <+blah> ... <-blah> rather than the assymetric <blah> ... </blah>?
Cack-handed comment format as well...
       USE PARAMETERS	!To ascertain who I AM.
       USE ASSISTANCE	!To get at LSTNB.
       USE LOGORRHOEA	!To get at SAYON and SAY.
       INTEGER INDEEP,HOLE	!I keep track of some details.
       PRIVATE INDEEP,HOLE	!Amongst myselves.
       DATA INDEEP,HOLE/0,0/	!Initially, I'm not doing anything.
Choose amongst output formats.
       INTEGER LASTFILETYPENAME		!Certain file types are recognised.
       PARAMETER (LASTFILETYPENAME = 2)	!Thus, three options.
       CHARACTER*5 OUTSTYLE,FILETYPENAME(0:LASTFILETYPENAME)	!Via the tail end of a file name.
       PARAMETER (FILETYPENAME = (/".txt",".CSV",".HTML"/))	!Thusly. Note that WHATFILETYPE will not recognise ".txt" directly.
       PARAMETER (OUTTXT = 0,OUTCSV = 1,OUTHTML = 2)	!Mnemonics.
       DATA OUTSTYLE/""/	!So OUTTYPE = OUTTXT. But if an output file is specified, its file type will be inspected.
       TYPE HTMLMNEMONIC	!I might as well get systematic, as these are global names.
        CHARACTER* 9 COMMAH		!This looks like a comma
        CHARACTER* 9 COMMAD		!And in another context, so does this.
        CHARACTER* 6 SPACE		!Some spaces are to be atomic.
        CHARACTER*18 RED		!Decoration and
        CHARACTER* 7 DER		!noitaroceD.
       END TYPE HTMLMNEMONIC	!That's enough for now.
       TYPE(HTMLMNEMONIC) HTMLA	!I'll have one set, please.
       PARAMETER (HTMLA = HTMLMNEMONIC(	!With these values.
     1  "</th><th>",			!But .html has its variants. For a heading.
     2  "</td><td>",			!For a table datum.
     3  " ",			!A space that is not to be split.
     4  '<font color="red">',		!Dabble in decoration.
     5  '</font>'))			!Grrrr. A font is for baptismal water.
      CONTAINS	!Mysterious assistants.
       SUBROUTINE HTML(TEXT)	!Rolls some text, with suitable indentation.
        CHARACTER*(*) TEXT	!The text.
c        INCLUDE "cIOUnits.for"	!I/O unit numbers.
         IF (LEN(TEXT).LE.0) RETURN	!Possibly boring.
         IF (INDEEP.GT.0) THEN		!Some indenting desired?
           CALL WRITE(HOLE,REPEAT(" ",INDEEP),.TRUE.)	!Yep. SAYON trims trailing spaces.
c           IF (HOLE.EQ.MSG) CALL WRITE(TRAIL,REPEAT(" ",INDEEP),.TRUE.)	!So I must copy.
         END IF			!Enough indenting.
         CALL SAY(HOLE,TEXT)	!Say the piece and end the line.
       END SUBROUTINE HTML	!Maintain stacks? Check entry/exit matching?

       SUBROUTINE HTML3(HEAD,BUMF,TAIL)	!Rolls some text, with suitable indentation.
Checks the BUMF for decimal points only. HTMLALINE handles text to HTML for troublesome characters, replacing them with special names for the desired glyph.
Confusion might arise, if & is in BUMF and is not to be converted. "&amp;" vs "&so on"; similar worries with < and >.
        CHARACTER*(*) HEAD	!If not "", the start of the line, with indentation supplied.
        CHARACTER*(*) BUMF	!The main body of the text.
        CHARACTER*(*) TAIL	!If not "", this is for the end of the line.
        INTEGER LB,L1,L2	!A length and some fingers for scanning.
        CHARACTER*1 MUMBLE	!These symbols may not be presented properly.
        CHARACTER*8 MUTTER	!But these encodements may be interpreted as desired.
        PARAMETER (MUMBLE = "·")	!I want certain glyphs, but encodement varies.
        PARAMETER (MUTTER = "&middot;")	!As does recognition.
c        INCLUDE "cIOUnits.for"	!I/O unit numbers.
Commence with a new line?
         IF (HEAD.NE."") THEN	!Is a line to be started? (Spaces are equivalent to "" as well)
           IF (INDEEP.GT.0) THEN	!Some indentation is good.
             CALL WRITE(HOLE,REPEAT(" ",INDEEP),.TRUE.)	!Yep. SAYON trims trailing spaces.
c             IF (HOLE.EQ.MSG) CALL WRITE(TRAIL,	!So I must copy for the log.
c     1        REPEAT(" ",INDEEP),.TRUE.)	!Hopefully, not generated a second time.
            ELSE			!The accountancy may be bungled.
             CALL ECART("HTML huh? InDeep="//I8FMT(INDEEP))	!So, complain.
           END IF			!Also, REPEAT has misbehaved.
           CALL SAYON(HOLE,HEAD)	!Thus a suitable indentation.
         END IF			!So much for a starter.
Cast forth the bumf. Any trailing spaces will be dropped by SAYON.
         LB = LEN(BUMF)		!How much bumf? Trailing spaces will be rolled.
         L1 = 1			!Waiting to be sent.
         L2 = 0			!Syncopation.
    1    L2 = L2 + 1		!Advance to the next character to be inspected..
         IF (L2.GT.LB) GO TO 2	!Is there another?
         IF (ICHAR(BUMF(L2:L2)).NE.ICHAR(MUMBLE)) GO TO 1	!Yes. Advance through the untroublesome.
         IF (L1.LT.L2) THEN		!A hit. Have any untroubled ones been passed?
           CALL WRITE(HOLE,BUMF(L1:L2 - 1),.TRUE.)	!Yes. Send them forth.
c           IF (HOLE.EQ.MSG) CALL WRITE(TRAIL,BUMF(L1:L2 - 1),.TRUE.)	!With any trailing spaces included.
         END IF				!Now to do something in place of BUMF(L2)
         L1 = L2 + 1			!Moving the marker past it, like.
         CALL SAYON(HOLE,MUTTER)	!The replacement for BUMF(L2 as was).
         GO TO 1		!Continue scanning.
    2    IF (L2.GT.L1) THEN	!Any tail end, but not ending the output line.
           CALL WRITE(HOLE,BUMF(L1:L2 - 1),.TRUE.)	!Yes. Away it goes.
c           IF (HOLE.EQ.MSG) CALL WRITE(TRAIL,BUMF(L1:L2 - 1),.TRUE.)	!And logged.
         END IF				!So much for the bumf.
Consider ending the line.
    3    IF (TAIL.NE."") CALL SAY(HOLE,TAIL)	!Enough!
       END SUBROUTINE HTML3	!Maintain stacks? Check entry/exit matching?

       SUBROUTINE HTMLSTART(OUT,TITLE,DESC)	!Roll forth some gibberish.
        INTEGER OUT		!The mouthpiece, mentioned once only at the start, and remembered for future use.
        CHARACTER*(*) TITLE	!This should be brief.
        CHARACTER*(*) DESC	!This a little less brief.
        CHARACTER*(*) METAH	!Some repetition.
        PARAMETER (METAH = '<Meta Name="')	!The syntax is dubious.
         HOLE = OUT		!Keep a local copy to save on parameters.
         INDEEP = 0		!We start.
         CALL HTML('<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "'	!Before we begin, we wave hands.
     1    //'-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"'	!Otherwise "nowrap" is objected to, as in http://validator.w3.org/check
     2    //' "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">')	!Endless blather.
         CALL HTML('<HTML lang="en-NZ">')	!  H E R E   W E   G O !
         INDEEP = 1				!Its content.
         CALL HTML("<Head>")			!And the first decoration begins.
         INDEEP = 2				!Its content.
         CALL HTML("<Title>"//I AM//" "	!This appears in the web page tag.
     1    // TITLE(1:LSTNB(TITLE)) //"</Title>")!So it should be short.
         CALL HTML('<Meta http-equiv="Content-Type"'	!Crazed gibberish.
     1    //' content="text/html; charset=utf-8">') 		!But said to be worthy.
         CALL HTML(METAH//'Description" Content="'//DESC//'">')	!Hopefully, helpful.
         CALL HTML(METAH//'Generator"   Content="'//I AM//'">')	!I said.
         CALL DATE_AND_TIME(DATE = D,TIME = T)			!Not assignments, but attachments.
         CALL HTML(METAH//'Created"     Content="'		!Convert the timestamp
     1    //D(1:4)//"-"//D(5:6)//"-"//D(7:8)			!Into an international standard.
     2    //" "//T(1:2)//":"//T(3:4)//":"//T(5:10)//'">')	!For date and time.
         IF (LUSERCODE.GT.0) CALL HTML(METAH			!Possibly, the user's code is known.
     1    //'Author"      Content="'//USERCODE(1:LUSERCODE)	!If so, reveal.
     2    //'"> <!-- User code as reported by GetLog.-->')	!Disclaiming responsibility...
         INDEEP = 1		!Finishing the content of the header.
         CALL HTML("</Head>")	!Enough of that.
         CALL HTML("<BODY>")	!A fresh line seems polite.
         INDEEP = 2		!Its content follows..
       END SUBROUTINE HTMLSTART	!Others will follow on. Hopefully, correctly.
       SUBROUTINE HTMLSTOP	!And hopefully, this will be a good closure.
Could be more sophisticated and track the stack via INDEEP+- and names, to enable a desperate close-off if INDEEP is not 2.
         IF (INDEEP.NE.2) CALL ECART("Misclosure! InDeep not 2 but"	!But,
     1    //I8FMT(INDEEP))	!It may not be.
         INDEEP = 1		!Retreat to the first level.
         CALL HTML("</BODY>")	!End the "body".
         INDEEP = 0		!Retreat to the start level.
         CALL HTML("</HTML>")	!End the whole thing.

        INTEGER B		!Border thickness.
        CHARACTER*(*) SUMMARY	!Some well-chosen words.
         CALL HTML("<Table border="//I2FMT(B)	!Just so. Text digits, or, digits in text?
     1    //' summary="'//SUMMARY//'">')	!Not displayed, but potentially used by non-display agencies...
         INDEEP = INDEEP + 1		!Another level dug.
       END SUBROUTINE HTMLTSTART!That part was easy.
       SUBROUTINE HTMLTSTOP	!And the ending is easy too.
         INDEEP = INDEEP - 1		!Withdraw a level.
         CALL HTML("</Table>")		!Hopefully, aligning.
       END SUBROUTINE HTMLTSTOP	!The bounds are easy.

       SUBROUTINE HTMLTHEADSTART	!Start a table's heading.
         CALL HTML("<tHead>")		!Thus.
         INDEEP = INDEEP + 1		!Dig deeper.
       END SUBROUTINE HTMLTHEADSTART	!Content should follow.
       SUBROUTINE HTMLTHEADSTOP		!And now, enough.
         INDEEP = INDEEP - 1		!Retreat a level.
         CALL HTML("</tHead>")		!And end the head.
       END SUBROUTINE HTMLTHEADSTOP	!At the neck of the body?

       SUBROUTINE HTMLTHEAD(N,TEXT)	!Cast forth a whole-span table heading.
        INTEGER N		!The count of columns to be spanned.
        CHARACTER*(*) TEXT	!A brief description to place there.
         CALL HTML3("<tr><th colspan=",I8FMT(N)//' align="center">',"")	!Start the specification.
         CALL HTML3("",TEXT(1:LSTNB(TEXT)),"</th></tr>")	!This text, possibly verbose.
       END SUBROUTINE HTMLTHEAD		!Thus, all contained on one line.

       SUBROUTINE HTMLTBODYSTART	!Start on the table body.
         CALL HTML('<tBody> <!--Profuse "align" usage '	!Simple, but I'm unhappy.
     1    //'for all cells can be factored out to "row" '	!Alas, so far as I can make out.
     2    //'but not to "body"-->')		!And I don't think much of the "comment" formalism, either.
         INDEEP = INDEEP + 1	!Anyway, we're ready with the alignment.
       END SUBROUTINE HTMLTBODYSTART	!Others will provide the body.
       SUBROUTINE HTMLTBODYSTOP	!And, they've had enough.
         INDEEP = INDEEP - 1		!So, up out of the hole.
         CALL HTML("</tBody>")		!Take a breath.
       SUBROUTINE HTMLTROWTEXT(TEXT,N)	!Roll a row of column headings.
        CHARACTER*(*) TEXT(:)	!The headings.
        INTEGER N		!Their number.
        INTEGER I,L		!Assistants.
         CALL HTML3("<tr>","","")	!Start a row of headings-to-come, and don't end the line.
         DO I = 1,N			!Step through the headings.
           L = LSTNB(TEXT(I))		!Trailing spaces are to be ignored.
           IF (L.LE.0) THEN		!Thus discovering blank texts.
             CALL HTML3("","<th> </th>","")	!This prevents the cell being collapsed.
            ELSE				!But for those with text,
             CALL HTML3("","<th>"//TEXT(I)(1:L)//"</th>","")	!Roll it.
           END IF			!So much for that text.
         END DO				!On to the next.
         CALL HTML3("","","</tr>")	!Finish the row, and thus the line.
       END SUBROUTINE HTMLTROWTEXT	!So much for texts.
       SUBROUTINE HTMLTROWINTEGER(V,N)	!Now for all integers.
        INTEGER V(:)	!The integers.
        INTEGER N	!Their number.
        INTEGER I	!A stepper.
         CALL HTML3('<tr align="right">',"","")	!Start a row of entries.
         DO I = 1,N			!Work through the row's values.
           CALL HTML3("","<td>"//I8FMT(V(I))//"</td>","")	!One by one.
         END DO				!On to the next.
         CALL HTML3("","","</tr>")	!Finish the row, and thus the line.
       END SUBROUTINE HTMLTROWINTEGER	!All the same type is not troublesome.
      END MODULE HTMLSTUFF	!Enough already.

      INTEGER NCOLS		!The usage of V must conform to this!
      PARAMETER (NCOLS = 4)	!Specified number of columns.
      CHARACTER*3 COLNAME(NCOLS)	!And they have names.
      PARAMETER (COLNAME = (/"","X","Y","Z"/))	!As specified.
      INTEGER V(NCOLS)		!A scratchpad for a line's worth.
      COMMON KBD,MSG		!I/O units.
      KBD = 5			!Keyboard.
      MSG = 6			!Screen.
      CALL GETLOG(USERCODE)		!Who has poked me into life?
      LUSERCODE = LSTNB(USERCODE)	!Ah, text gnashing.

      CALL HTMLSTART(MSG,"Powers","Table of integer powers")		!Output to the screen will do.
       CALL HTMLTSTART(1,"Successive powers of successive integers")	!Start the table.
        CALL HTMLTHEADSTART						!The table heading.
         CALL HTMLTHEAD(NCOLS,"Successive powers")			!A full-width heading.
         CALL HTMLTROWTEXT(COLNAME,NCOLS)				!Headings for each column.
        CALL HTMLTHEADSTOP						!So much for the heading.
        CALL HTMLTBODYSTART						!Now for the content.
        DO I = 1,10		!This should be enough.
          V(1) = I		!The unheaded row number.
          V(2) = I**2		!Its square.
          V(3) = I**3		!Cube.
          V(4) = I**4		!Fourth power.
          CALL HTMLTROWINTEGER(V,NCOLS)					!Show a row's worth..
        END DO			!On to the next line.
        CALL HTMLTBODYSTOP						!No more content.
       CALL HTMLTSTOP							!End the table.


As yet another demonstration of the vagaries of text interpretation, notice that the blank column heading, carefully converted to nbsp; (no leading ampersand here!) does ''not'' appear when the page is displayed, despite the "pre-formatted" hint.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<HTML lang="en-NZ">
  <Title>Gnash Powers</Title>
  <Meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  <Meta Name="Description" Content="Table of integer powers">
  <Meta Name="Generator"   Content="Gnash">
  <Meta Name="Created"     Content="2016-02-09 01:07:48.359">
  <Meta Name="Author"      Content="Nicky"> <!-- User code as reported by GetLog.-->
  <Table border= 1 summary="Successive powers of successive integers">
    <tr><th colspan=       4 align="center">Successive powers</th></tr>
    <tr><th> </th><th>X</th><th>Y</th><th>Z</th></tr>
   <tBody> <!--Profuse "align" usage for all cells can be factored out to "row" but not to "body"-->
    <tr align="right"><td>       1</td><td>       1</td><td>       1</td><td>       1</td></tr>
    <tr align="right"><td>       2</td><td>       4</td><td>       8</td><td>      16</td></tr>
    <tr align="right"><td>       3</td><td>       9</td><td>      27</td><td>      81</td></tr>
    <tr align="right"><td>       4</td><td>      16</td><td>      64</td><td>     256</td></tr>
    <tr align="right"><td>       5</td><td>      25</td><td>     125</td><td>     625</td></tr>
    <tr align="right"><td>       6</td><td>      36</td><td>     216</td><td>    1296</td></tr>
    <tr align="right"><td>       7</td><td>      49</td><td>     343</td><td>    2401</td></tr>
    <tr align="right"><td>       8</td><td>      64</td><td>     512</td><td>    4096</td></tr>
    <tr align="right"><td>       9</td><td>      81</td><td>     729</td><td>    6561</td></tr>
    <tr align="right"><td>      10</td><td>     100</td><td>    1000</td><td>   10000</td></tr>

=And without the HTML containment=

Successive powers
1 1 1 1
2 4 8 16
3 9 27 81
4 16 64 256
5 25 125 625
6 36 216 1296
7 49 343 2401
8 64 512 4096
9 81 729 6561
10 100 1000 10000


html/template is a package in the standard library.

package main

import (

type row struct {
    X, Y, Z int

var tmpl = `<table>
{{range $ix, $row := .}}    <tr><td>{{$ix}}</td>

func main() {
    // create template
    ct := template.Must(template.New("").Parse(tmpl))

    // make up data
    data := make([]row, 4)
    for r := range data {
        data[r] = row{r*3, r*3+1, r*3+2}

    // apply template to data
    if err := ct.Execute(os.Stdout, data); err != nil {




import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder

def createTable(columns, rowCount) {
    def writer = new StringWriter()
    new MarkupBuilder(writer).table(style: 'border:1px solid;text-align:center;') {
        tr {
            columns.each { title -> th(title)}
        (1..rowCount).each { row ->
            tr {
                columns.each { td((Math.random() * 9999) as int ) }

println createTable(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], 3)


1 6106 9898 1584
2 1641 9387 3858
3 8970 4843 681



import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Control.Monad (forM_)

import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as B
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Pretty (renderHtml)

import System.Random (RandomGen, getStdGen, randomRs, split)

  :: RandomGen g
  => [String] -> Int -> g -> B.Html
makeTable headings nRows gen =
  B.table $
  do B.thead $ B.tr $ forM_ (B.toHtml <$> headings) B.th
     B.tbody $
         (zip [1 .. nRows] $ unfoldr (Just . split) gen)
         (\(x, g) ->
             B.tr $
               (take (length headings) (x : randomRs (1000, 9999) g))
               (B.td . B.toHtml))

main :: IO ()
main = do
  g <- getStdGen
  putStrLn $ renderHtml $ makeTable ["", "X", "Y", "Z"] 3 g

=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==

procedure main()
printf("<table>\n    <tr><th></th><th>X</th><th>Y</th><th>Z</th>")
every r := 1 to 4 do {
   printf("</tr>\n    <tr><td>%d</td>",r)
   every 1 to 3 do printf("<td>%d</td>",?9999)  # random 4 digit numbers per cell

link printf

{{libheader|Icon Programming Library}} [http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/library/src/procs/printf.icn printf.icn provides printf]




We can define:

ele=:4 :0
  nm=. x-.LF
  lf=. x-.nm
  ;('<',nm,'>') ,L:0 y ,L:0 '</',nm,'>',lf

hTbl=:4 :0
  rows=. 'td' <@ele"1 ":&.>y
  'table' ele ('tr',LF) <@ele ('th' ele x); rows

With these definitions:

   ('';;:'X Y Z') hTbl ":&.>(i.5),.i.5 3

Or, if running under jhs:

jhtml ('';;:'X Y Z') hTbl ":&.>(i.5),.i.5 3

to display the table inline, as html.


{{works with|Java|1.5+}} This example assumes the header row is the first row in the given array and does not add row numbers. They will need to be added by the programmer when constructing the array.

public class HTML {

	public static String array2HTML(Object[][] array){
		StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(
		for(Object elem:array[0]){
			html.append("<th>" + elem.toString() + "</th>");
		for(int i = 1; i < array.length; i++){
			Object[] row = array[i];
			for(Object elem:row){
				html.append("<td>" + elem.toString() + "</td>");
		return html.toString();

	public static void main(String[] args){
		Object[][] ints = {{"","X","Y","Z"},{1,1,2,3},{2,4,5,6},{3,7,8,9},{4,10,11,12}};


## JavaScript

### Iterative

```JavaScript><html><head><title>Table maker</title
<script type="application/javascript">

// normally, don't do this: at least name it something other than "a"
Node.prototype.a = function (e) { this.appendChild(e); return this }

function ce(tag, txt) {
	var x = document.createElement(tag);
	x.textContent = (txt === undefined) ? '' : txt;
	return x;

function make_table(cols, rows) {
	var tbl = ce('table', ''), tr = ce('tr'), th;


	var z = 'Z'.charCodeAt(0);
	for (var l = z - cols + 1; l <= z; l++)
		tr.a(ce('th', String.fromCharCode(l)));

	for (var r = 1; r <= rows; r++) {
		tbl.a(tr = ce('tr').a(ce('th', r)));
		for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++)
			tr.a(ce('td', Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)));

			'td, th {border: 1px solid #696;' +
			'padding:.4ex} td {text-align: right }' +
			'table { border-collapse: collapse}'))
<body><script>make_table(5, 4)</script></body></html>


Alternatively we could: :#Separate the data definition from the HTML generation, and :#fold a more general HTML rendering function over a data tree.

(() => {
    'use strict';

    // HTML ---------------------------------------------

    // treeHTML :: tree
    //      {tag :: String, text :: String, kvs :: Dict}
    //      -> String
    const treeHTML = tree =>
            (x, xs) => `<${x.tag + attribString(x.kvs)}>` + (
                'text' in x ? (
                ) : '\n'
            ) + concat(xs) + `</${x.tag}>\n`)(

    // attribString :: Dict -> String
    const attribString = dct =>
        dct ? (
            ' ' + Object.keys(dct)
                (a, k) => a + k + '="' + dct[k] + '" ', ''
        ) : '';

    // TEST ---------------------------------------------
    const main = () => {
            tableStyle = {
                style: "width:25%; border:2px solid silver;"
            trStyle = {
                style: "border:1px solid silver;text-align:right;"
            strCaption = 'Table generated by JS';

            n = 3,
            colNames = take(n)(enumFrom('A')),
            dataRows = map(
                x => Tuple(x)(map(randomRInt(100)(9999))(

            // TABLE AS TREE STRUCTURE  -----------------
            tableTree = Node({
                    tag: 'table',
                    kvs: tableStyle
                        tag: 'caption',
                        text: 'Table source generated by JS'
                    // HEADER ROW -----------------------
                            tag: 'tr',
                        map(k => Node({
                            tag: 'th',
                            kvs: {
                                style: "text-align:right;"
                            text: k
                    // DATA ROWS ------------------------
                ])(map(tpl => Node({
                    tag: 'tr',
                    kvs: trStyle
                }, cons(
                        tag: 'th',
                        text: fst(tpl)
                    map(v => Node({
                        tag: 'td',
                        text: v.toString()

        // Return a value and/or apply console.log to it.
        // (JS embeddings vary in their IO channels)
        const strHTML = treeHTML(tableTree);
        return (

    // GENERIC FUNCTIONS --------------------------------

    // Node :: a -> [Tree a] -> Tree a
    const Node = (v, xs) => ({
        type: 'Node',
        root: v,
        nest: xs || []

    // Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
    const Tuple = a => b => ({
        type: 'Tuple',
        '0': a,
        '1': b,
        length: 2

    // append (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
    // append (++) :: String -> String -> String
    const append = xs => ys => xs.concat(ys);

    // chr :: Int -> Char
    const chr = String.fromCodePoint;

    // concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
    // concat :: [String] -> String
    const concat = xs =>
        0 < xs.length ? (() => {
            const unit = 'string' !== typeof xs[0] ? (
            ) : '';
            return unit.concat.apply(unit, xs);
        })() : [];

    // cons :: a -> [a] -> [a]
    const cons = x => xs => [x].concat(xs);

    // enumFrom :: a -> [a]
    function* enumFrom(x) {
        let v = x;
        while (true) {
            yield v;
            v = succ(v);

    // enumFromToChar :: Char -> Char -> [Char]
    const enumFromToChar = m => n => {
        const [intM, intN] = [m, n].map(
            x => x.charCodeAt(0)
        return Array.from({
            length: Math.floor(intN - intM) + 1
        }, (_, i) => String.fromCodePoint(intM + i));

    // foldTree :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b
    const foldTree = f => tree => {
        const go = node =>
            f(node.root, node.nest.map(go));
        return go(tree);

    // fst :: (a, b) -> a
    const fst = tpl => tpl[0];

    // isChar :: a -> Bool
    const isChar = x =>
        ('string' === typeof x) && (1 === x.length);

    // map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
    const map = f => xs =>
        (Array.isArray(xs) ? (
        ) : xs.split('')).map(f);

    // ord :: Char -> Int
    const ord = c => c.codePointAt(0);

    // randomRInt :: Int -> Int -> () -> Int
    const randomRInt = low => high => () =>
        low + Math.floor(
            (Math.random() * ((high - low) + 1))

    // snd :: (a, b) -> b
    const snd = tpl => tpl[1];

    // succ :: Enum a => a -> a
    const succ = x =>
        isChar(x) ? (
            chr(1 + ord(x))
        ) : isNaN(x) ? (
        ) : 1 + x;

    // take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
    // take :: Int -> String -> String
    const take = n => xs =>
        'GeneratorFunction' !== xs.constructor.constructor.name ? (
            xs.slice(0, n)
        ) : [].concat.apply([], Array.from({
            length: n
        }, () => {
            const x = xs.next();
            return x.done ? [] : [x.value];

    // MAIN ---
    return main();


Table source generated by JS
1 8464 1650 8275
2 547 9794 8690
3 3702 1170 9004

Raw HTML output:

<table style="width:25%; border:2px solid silver;">
<caption>Table source generated by JS</caption>
<th style="text-align:right;"></th>
<th style="text-align:right;">A</th>
<th style="text-align:right;">B</th>
<th style="text-align:right;">C</th>
<tr style="border:1px solid silver;text-align:right;">
<tr style="border:1px solid silver;text-align:right;">
<tr style="border:1px solid silver;text-align:right;">


{{works with|jq|1.4}}

def html_row:
  "  \(.[] | "<td>\(.)</td>")",

def html_header:
  "<thead align = 'right'>",
  "  \(html_row)",

 def html_table(header):
  "  \(header | html_header)",
  "  <tbody align = 'right'>",
  "    \(.[] | html_row)",
  "  </tbody",

# Prepend the sequence number
def html_table_with_sequence(header):
  length as $length
  | . as $in
  | [range(0;length) | [.+1] + $in[.]] |  html_table(header);


def data:
  [ [4,5,6],
    [41, 51, 61],
    [401, 501, 601] ];

# The first column has no header
data | html_table_with_sequence( ["", "X", "Y", "Z"] )


$ jq -r -n -f Create_an_HTML_table.jq
  <thead align = 'right'>
  <tbody align = 'right'>


function tag(x::Pair, attr::Pair...)
    t, b = x
    attrstr = join(" $n=\"$p\"" for (n, p) in attr)
    return "<$t$attrstr>$b</$t>"

colnames = split(",X,Y,Z", ',')

header = join(tag(:th => txt) for txt in colnames) * "\n"
rows   = collect(tag(:tr => join(tag(:td => i, :style => "font-weight: bold;") * join(tag(:td => rand(1000:9999)) for j in 1:3))) for i in 1:6)
body   = "\n" * join(rows, '\n') * "\n"
table  = tag(:table => string('\n', header, body, '\n'), :style => "width: 60%")



'''The raw html:'''

<table style="width: 60%">

<tr><td style="font-weight: bold;">1</td><td>5399</td><td>5770</td><td>3362</td></tr>
<tr><td style="font-weight: bold;">2</td><td>4564</td><td>1577</td><td>5428</td></tr>
<tr><td style="font-weight: bold;">3</td><td>6257</td><td>7290</td><td>6138</td></tr>
<tr><td style="font-weight: bold;">4</td><td>3912</td><td>5163</td><td>2451</td></tr>
<tr><td style="font-weight: bold;">5</td><td>1426</td><td>1874</td><td>3944</td></tr>
<tr><td style="font-weight: bold;">6</td><td>3896</td><td>9827</td><td>7006</td></tr>



// version 1.1.3

import java.util.Random

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val r = Random()
    val sb = StringBuilder()
    val i = "   "  // indent
    with (sb) {
        append("table, th, td  { border: 1px solid black; }\n")
        append("th, td { text-align: right; }\n")
        append("<table style=\"width:60%\">\n")
        for (c in 'X'..'Z') append("<th>$c</th>")
        val f = "$i$i<tr><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td></tr>\n"
        for (j in 1..4) {
            append(f.format(j, r.nextInt(10000), r.nextInt(10000), r.nextInt(10000)))

{{out}} Sample output:

table, th, td  { border: 1px solid black; }
th, td { text-align: right; }
<table style="width:60%">


Lambdatalk outputs standard HTML/CSS code sent to the web browser who does the job.

 {@ style="background:#ffe; width:50%;"}
 {tr {@ style="text-align:right; font:bold 1.0em arial;"}
     {td } {td X} {td Y} {td Z}}
 {map {lambda {:i}
       {tr {td {b :i}}
           {map {lambda {_}
            {td {@ style="text-align:right; font:italic 1.0em courier;"}
                {floor {* {random} 10000}} }}
      {serie 1 3}}}}
      {serie 1 3}}}


1 4220 7476 4414
2 6 5335 1381
3 8549 1598 5380


 integer_random(9999, 1)

	output = '<table border=2 cellpadding=5  cellspace=0>\n<tr>'

with el in ('&#160;,X,Y,Z') -> split(',') do {
	#output -> append('<th>' + #el + '</th>')
#output -> append('</tr>\n')

loop(5) => {
	#output -> append('<tr>\n<td style="font-weight: bold;">' + loop_count + '</td>')
	loop(3) => {
		#output -> append('<td>' + rand4dig + '</td>')
	#output -> append('</tr>\n')
#output -> append('</table>\n')



<table border=2 cellpadding=5  cellspace=0>
<td style="font-weight: bold;">1</td><td>5991</td><td>9892</td><td>6754</td></tr>
<td style="font-weight: bold;">2</td><td>8441</td><td>3816</td><td>322</td></tr>
<td style="font-weight: bold;">3</td><td>8976</td><td>4175</td><td>202</td></tr>
<td style="font-weight: bold;">4</td><td>6705</td><td>8225</td><td>8069</td></tr>
<td style="font-weight: bold;">5</td><td>7558</td><td>496</td><td>2577</td></tr>

Liberty BASIC

This creates and saves an html file, then calls web browser to display it.

A time delay is needed to allow this, then the file is deleted.


    quote$ =chr$( 34)

    html$  ="<html><head></head><body>"

    html$ =html$ +"<table border =" +quote$ +"6"+ quote$ +" solid rules =none ; cellspacing =" +quote$ +"10" +quote$ +"> <th> </th> <th> X </th> <th> Y </th> <th> Z </th>"

    for i =1 to 4
        d1$ =str$( i)
        d2$ =str$( int( 10000 *rnd( 1)))
        d3$ =str$( int( 10000 *rnd( 1)))
        d4$ =str$( int( 10000 *rnd( 1)))
        html$ =html$ +"<tr align ="; quote$; "right"; quote$; "> <th>"; d1$; " </th> <td>" +d2$ +" </td> <td>" +d3$ +" </td> <td>" +d4$ +" </td> </tr>"
    next i

    html$ =html$ +"</table>"

    html$ =html$ +"</body></html>"

    open "table.html" for output as #o
        #o html$;
    close #o

    address$ ="table.html"
    run "explorer.exe "; address$

    timer 5000, [on]
    timer 0

    kill "table.html"


sub quit w$
    close #w$
end sub


on htmlTable (data)
  str = "<table>"

  -- table head
  put "<thead><tr><th> </th>" after str
  repeat with cell in data[1]
    put "<th>"&cell&"</th>" after str
  end repeat
  put "</tr></thead>" after str

  -- table body
  put "<tbody>" after str
  cnt = data.count
  repeat with i = 2 to cnt
    put "<tr><td>"&(i-1)&"</td>" after str
    repeat with cell in data[i]
      put "<td>"&cell&"</td>" after str
    end repeat
    put "</tr>" after str
  end repeat
  put "</tbody>" after str

  put "</table>" after str
  return str
tableData = [\
  ["X", "Y", "Z"],\
  ["1", "2", "3"],\
  ["4", "5", "6"],\
  ["7", "8", "9"]\

htmlCode = htmlTable(tableData)

-- render the result in a text member (which only supports simple/ancient HTML)
m = new(#text)
m.text = "<html><body>"&htmlCode&"</body></html>"


This function is written so as to take arbitrary table data. Its argument is a (Lua) table of (Lua) tables, where each sub-table is one row of the HTML table. The first row is assumed to be the column headings.

function htmlTable (data)
    local html = "<table>\n<tr>\n<th></th>\n"
    for _, heading in pairs(data[1]) do
        html = html .. "<th>" .. heading .. "</th>" .. "\n"
    html = html .. "</tr>\n"
    for row = 2, #data do
        html = html .. "<tr>\n<th>" .. row - 1 .. "</th>\n"
        for _, field in pairs(data[row]) do
            html = html .. "<td>" .. field .. "</td>\n"
        html = html .. "</tr>\n"
    return html .. "</table>"

local tableData = {
    {"X", "Y", "Z"},
    {"1", "2", "3"},
    {"4", "5", "6"},
    {"7", "8", "9"}




M2000 Interpreter

MODULE HtmlTable {
	tag$=LAMBDA$ (a$)-> {
		=LAMBDA$ a$ -> {
			READ ? part$
			="<"+a$+IF$(LEN(part$)>0->" "+part$,"")+">"+w$+"</"+a$+">"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10)
		DATA "html", "head", "body", "table", "tr", "th", "td"
			OVER ' duplicate top of stack
	DEF body0$="",body$=""
		DATA "", "X", "Y", "Z"
		FOR i=1 TO 4
			FOR j=1 TO 3 : z$+=Fun$("td")(RANDOM(0, 9999), {align="right"}) : NEXT j
		NEXT i
	table$=fun$("table")(fun$("tr")(body0$)+body$,"border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0")
	DOCUMENT final$="<!DOCTYPE html>"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10)
	final$=fun$("html")(fun$("head")("")+fun$("body")(table$), {lang="en"})
	REPORT final$
	SAVE.DOC final$, file$
	WIN file$  ' execute, no wait


1 9007 1425 4897
2 1795 6858 9682
3 2233 8270 5221
4 6619 3688 4052
=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}== ```Mathematica x := RandomInteger[10]; Print["", "\n",""] Scan[Print[""] & , Range[3]] Print["
", #, "", x, "", x, "","
"] ``` {{out}} ```txt
``` =={{header|MATLAB}} / {{header|Octave}}== ```matlab function htmltable(fid,table,Label) fprintf(fid,'\n \n'); if nargin<3, fprintf(fid,' \n \n \n'); else fprintf(fid,' '); fprintf(fid,'',Label{:}); fprintf(fid,'\n \n \n'); end; fprintf(fid,' \n', [1:size(table,1);table']); fprintf(fid,' \n
\n'); end ``` {{out}} ```txt >> htmltable(1,ceil(rand(5,3)*10000))
1 6639 1110 296
2 4864 1252 8412
3 3800 4556 3752
4 5728 6897 2157
5 2272 8503 7021
``` =={{header|Modula-2}}== ```modula2 MODULE testCGI; FROM InOut IMPORT WriteCard, WriteLn, WriteString, WriteBf; FROM Arguments IMPORT ArgTable, GetEnv; FROM Strings IMPORT Assign, Length, String; VAR EnvVars : ArgTable; PROCEDURE ReadEnvVar; VAR Value : String; i : CARDINAL; BEGIN WriteString (''); WriteString (''); i := 0; LOOP IF EnvVars^ [i] = NIL THEN EXIT END; Assign (Value, EnvVars^ [i]^); WriteString ('"); WriteLn; INC (i) END; WriteString("
'); WriteCard (i, 2); WriteString (''); WriteCard (Length (Value), 3); WriteString (''); WriteString (Value); WriteString ("
"); END ReadEnvVar; BEGIN GetEnv (EnvVars); WriteString ('Content-type:text/html'); WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteString (''); WriteString ('CGI with the Mocka Modula-2 compiler'); WriteString (''); WriteLn; WriteString ('

CGI environment passed along by your browser

'); ReadEnvVar; WriteString (''); WriteLn; WriteBf END testCGI. ``` ## NetRexx ```NetRexx /* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary -- create some test data. Put the data in a Rexx indexed string maxI = 1000 rng = Random() xyz = '' xyz[0] = 1; xyz[1] = '. X Y Z' -- use a dot to indicate an empty cell loop r_ = 1 for 5 ra = r_ rng.nextInt(maxI) rng.nextInt(maxI) rng.nextInt(maxI) xyz[0] = r_ + 1; xyz[r_ + 1] = ra end r_ -- build an HTML string html = htmlHeader() html = html || htmlTable(xyz) html = html || htmlFooter() -- display HTML at standard output device say html return -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- HTML boilerplate header -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method htmlHeader() public static returns Rexx html = '\n' - || '\n' - || '\n' - || '\n' - || '\n' - || 'RCreateHTMLTable\n' - || '\n' - || '\n' - || '\n' - || '

Rosetta Code – NetRexx Sample Output

\n' - || '

Create an HTML table

\n' - || '' return html -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- HTML footer -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method htmlFooter() public static returns Rexx html = '\n' - || '\n' - || '' return html -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Create the table -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method htmlTable(rows, caption = '') public static returns Rexx html = '\n' if caption.length() > 0 then do html = html - || '\n' - || '\n' - || '' end html = html - || htmlCsvTableRow(rows[1], 'th')'\n' - || '\n' - || '\n' - || '' loop r_ = 2 to rows[0] html = html - || htmlCsvTableRow(rows[r_]) end r_ html = html - || '\n' - || '
\n' - || '' return html -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Add a row to the table -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method htmlCsvTableRow(row, tag = 'td', sep = ' ', emptyCell = '.') public static returns Rexx if tag = null then tag = 'td' row = row.strip('t') -- replace HTML special characters with symbol entities row = row.changestr('&', '&') -- need to do this one first to avoid double translation row = row.changestr('"', '"') row = row.changestr("'", ''') row = row.changestr('<', '<') row = row.changestr('>', '>') elmts = '' elmts[0] = 0 e_ = 0 loop while row.length() > 0 parse row elmt (sep) row if elmt == emptyCell then elmt = ' ' -- replace empy cells with non-breaking spaces e_ = e_ + 1; elmts[0] = e_; elmts[e_] = elmt end html = '\n' - || '' loop e_ = 1 to elmts[0] html = html - || '<'tag'>'elmts[e_]'\n' - || '' end e_ html = html - || '\n' - || '' return html ``` {{out}}
```html5 RCreateHTMLTable

Rosetta Code – NetRexx Sample Output

Create an HTML table

1 626 128 386
2 985 568 636
3 639 622 591
4 843 268 436
5 132 526 251
{{out}} [[File:RCreateHTMLTable.png]] ## NewLISP ```NewLISP ; file: html-table.lsp ; url: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Create_an_HTML_table ; author: oofoe 2012-01-29 (seed (time-of-day)) ; Initialize random number generator. ; The "tab" variable tracks the HTML indent. "pad" composes a line ; with the appropriate indent and a terminal newline. (setq tab 0) (define (pad text) (string (dup " " tab) text "\n")) ; NewLISP allows almost any character in an identifier, so I can name ; my functions after the HTML elements they invoke. This one formats a ; single table data cell. (define ( text) (pad (string "" text ""))) ; "" will accept either a number of arguments, each one to be ; formatted as a table cell, or a single list argument, which is ; broken into table cells. For convenience, I format each list item ; with the "" function so I can feed it raw lists. (define () (let ((data (args)) (s (pad ""))) (if (list? (data 0)) (setq data (data 0))) (inc tab) (dolist (el data) (extend s ( el))) (dec tab) (extend s (pad "")) s)) ; By defining "" as a macro, I ensure that the rows won't be ; evaluated until I've got the table started, which preserves the ; formatting. (define-macro (
) (let ((s (pad "
"))) (inc tab) (doargs (row) (extend s (eval row))) (dec tab) (extend s (pad "
")) s )) ; Test (print ( ( "" "X" "Y" "Z") ( (cons 0 (rand 1000 3))) ( (cons 1 (rand 1000 3))) ( (cons 2 (rand 1000 3))) )) (exit) ``` {{out}} ```txt
0 289 824 462
1 49 600 84
2 511 219 742
``` Table:
0 289 824 462
1 49 600 84
2 511 219 742
## Nim ```nim import math, htmlgen randomize() template randTD(): expr = td($random(1000..9999)) proc randTR(x): auto = tr(td($x, style="font-weight: bold"), randTD, randTD, randTD) echo table( tr(th"", th"X", th"Y", th"Z"), randTR 1, randTR 2, randTR 3, randTR 4, randTR 5) ``` {{out}}
Raw output:
``` ## Objeck ```objeck class CreateTable { function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil { s := String->New(); s->Append(""); s->Append(""); s->Append(""); td := "XYZ"; for(i:=0; i<3; i+=1;) { s->Append(""); }; s->Append(""); s->Append(""); s->Append(""); for(i:=0; i<3; i+=1;) { s->Append(""); for(j:=0; j<3; j+=1;) { s->Append(""); }; s->Append(""); }; s->Append(""); s->Append("
"); s->Append(td->Get(i)); s->Append("
"); s->Append(i); s->Append(""); s->Append((Float->Random() * 10000)->As(Int)); s->Append("
"); s->PrintLine(); } } ``` ## OCaml A simple printf method: ```ocaml let () = let buf = Buffer.create 1 in let s = Buffer.add_string buf in Random.self_init(); s ""; s ""; s ""; List.iter (fun v -> s ("") ) ["X"; "Y"; "Z"]; s ""; s ""; s ""; for i = 0 to pred 3 do s (""); for j = 0 to pred 3 do s (""); done; s ""; done; s ""; s "
" ^ v ^ "
" ^ string_of_int i ^ "" ^ string_of_int (Random.int 1000) ^ "
"; print_endline (Buffer.contents buf) ``` ### With a dedicated library Using the library [http://theorie.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de/~ohl/xhtml/ ocaml-xhtml]. With this library the validity of the pages is guaranteed by the OCaml type system. ```ocaml open XHTML.M_01_01 let _td s = td [pcdata s] let _th s = th [pcdata s] let my_table = table ~a:[a_border 1] (tr (_th "") [ (_th "X"); (_th "Y"); (_th "Z")] ) [ (tr (_td "1") [ (_td "aa"); (_td "bb"); (_td "cc")] ); (tr (_td "2") [ (_td "dd"); (_td "ee"); (_td "ff")] ); ] let my_page = html (head (title (pcdata "My Page")) []) (body [ h1 [pcdata "My Table"]; my_table; ] ) let () = pretty_print ~width:80 print_string my_page ``` ### TyXml The library [http://ocsigen.org/tyxml/ TyXml] contains a module for XHTML that provides the same interface than the previous ocaml-xhtml library. ```ocaml #use "topfind" #require "tyxml" module X = Xhtml.M_01_01 (* XHTML 1.1 *) module P = Xhtml.P_01_01 let make_table () = let td1 = X.td [X.pcdata "1"] in let td2 = X.td [X.pcdata "2"] in let td3 = X.td [X.pcdata "3"] in let my_tr = X.tr td1 [td2; td3] in let my_table = X.table my_tr [] in (my_table) let () = let my_title = X.title (X.pcdata "My Page") in let my_head = X.head my_title [] in let my_h1 = X.h1 [X.pcdata "My Table"] in let my_table = make_table () in let my_body = X.body [my_h1; my_table] in let my_html = X.html my_head my_body in P.print print_endline my_html; ;; ``` The previous function make_table () produces a simple table, we can replace it by the function below to output a more complex table with thead and tbody: ```ocaml let make_table () = let br = X.a_border 1 in let th s = X.th [X.pcdata s] in let td s = X.td [X.pcdata s] in let my_thead = X.thead (X.tr (th "") [th "X"; th "Y"; th "Z"]) [] in let my_tr1 = X.tr (td "1") [td "AAA"; td "BBB"; td "CCC"] in let my_tr2 = X.tr (td "2") [td "DDD"; td "EEE"; td "FFF"] in let my_tr3 = X.tr (td "3") [td "GGG"; td "HHH"; td "III"] in let my_tbody = X.tbody my_tr1 [my_tr2; my_tr3] in let my_table = X.tablex ~thead:my_thead ~a:[br] my_tbody [] in (my_table) ``` ## Oz As a complete web application, using the [https://github.com/wmeyer/roads/wiki "Roads"] web programming library. Connect your browser to http://localhost:8080/table after starting the program. ```oz declare [Roads] = {Module.link ['x-ozlib://wmeyer/roads/Roads.ozf']} fun {Table Session} html( head(title("Show a table with row and column headings") style(type:"text/css" css(td 'text-align':center) )) body( {TagFromList table tr(th th("X") th("Y") th("Z")) | {CreateRows 3 5} })) end fun {CreateRows NumCols NumRows} {List.map {List.number 1 NumRows 1} fun {$ Row} {TagFromList tr td( {Int.toString Row} ) | {List.map {List.number 1 NumCols 1} fun {$ Col} SequentialNumber = (Row-1)*NumCols + Col in td( {Int.toString SequentialNumber} ) end }} end } end TagFromList = List.toTuple in {Roads.registerFunction table Table} {Roads.run} ``` ## PARI/GP ```parigp html(n=3)={ print("\n"); for(i=1,n, print1(""); for(j=1,3,print1("")); print("") ); print("
") }; ``` {{out}} ```txt
``` Note also the built-in printtex command, which allows the analogous task to be written as ```parigp printtex(matrix(4,4,i,j,if(i==1,if(j==1,"",Strchr(86+j)),if(j==1,i,random(9999))))) ``` ## Pascal See [[Create_an_HTML_table#Delphi | Delphi]] ## Peloton Opcodes of interest: SDC -- simple document; R!I -- ranged random integer ```sgml><@ SDCLIT <@ DTBLIT> <@ DTRLITLIT> <@ DTDLITLIT>|[style]background-color:white <@ DTD>X <@ DTD>Y <@ DTD>Z|[style]width:100%; background-color:brown;color:white; text-align:center <@ ITEFORLIT>10| <@ DTRLITCAP> <@ DTDPOSFORLIT>...|[style]background-color:Brown; color:white; text-align:right <@ DTDCAPLIT><@ SAYR!ILI2>1|9999|[style]width:50;text-align:right <@ DTDCAPLIT><@ SAYR!ILI2>1|9999|[style]width:50;text-align:right <@ DTDCAPLIT><@ SAYR!ILI2>1|9999|[style]width:50;text-align:right |[style]background-color:white;color:black |Number Table ``` ## Perl ```Perl my @heading = qw(X Y Z); my $rows = 5; print '" } @heading), ""; for (1 .. $rows) { print "", (map { "" } @heading), ""; } print "
', (map { "$_
"; ``` Note that this is a rather inane way (because of the inane task specification) of generating structured document. For serious work, one should use a module such as XML or HTML for well-formedness instead of this ad hoc method. ## Perl 6 The below example is kind of boring, and laughably simple. For more interesting/complicated examples see: [[Show_Ascii_table#Perl_6]] - ''(simple)'' [[Mayan_numerals#Perl_6]] - ''(heavy styling)'' [[Rosetta_Code/Count_examples/Full_list]] - ''(multi-column sortable)'' [[Rosetta_Code/List_authors_of_task_descriptions/Full_list]] - ''(complex nested tables)'' ''Note: the above examples are outputting wikitable formatting, not HTML directly. It's pretty much a one-for-one shorthand notation though and the principles and process are the same. This is certainly not the only or best way to generate HTML tables using Perl 6; just an example of one possible method. ```perl6>my @header = < X Y Z ; my $rows = 5; sub tag ($tag, $string, $param?) { return "<$tag" ~ ($param ?? " $param" !! '') ~ ">$string" ~ "" }; my $table = tag('tr', ( tag('th', $_) for @header)); for 1 .. $rows -> $row { $table ~= tag('tr', ( tag('td', $row, 'align="right"') ~ (tag('td', (^10000).pick, 'align="right"') for 1..^@header))); } say tag('table', $table, 'cellspacing=4 style="text-align:right; border: 1px solid;"'); ``` {{out}}
12179 4778 2717
22160 1592 4348
34511 540 7187
43484 5882 1273
51310 4017 410
## Phix ```Phix puts(1,"\n") puts(1," ") for j=1 to 3 do printf(1,"",'W'+j) end for puts(1,"\n") for i=1 to 3 do printf(1," ",i) for j=1 to 3 do printf(1,"",rand(10000)) end for puts(1,"\n") end for puts(1,"
") ``` {{out}}
'''The raw HTML''' ```html5>
``` ## PHP ### normal style ```PHP '; foreach($cols as $col) { $html .= ''; } unset($col); $html .= ''; foreach($cols as $col) { $html .= ""; } unset($col); $html .= ''; for($r = 1; $r <= $rows; $r++) { $html .= ''; foreach($cols as $key => $col) { $html .= ''; } unset($col); $html .= ''; } $html .= '
' . (($key > 0) ? rand(1, 9999) : $r) . '
'; echo $html; ``` ### template engine style ```PHP $col): ?>
0) ? rand(1, 9999) : $r ?>
``` ## PicoLisp ```PicoLisp (load "@lib/xhtml.l") ( NIL NIL '(NIL (NIL "X") (NIL "Y") (NIL "Z")) (for N 3 ( NIL N 124 456 789) ) ) ``` ## PL/I ```PL/I /* Create an HTML table. 6/2011 */ create: procedure options (main); create_table: procedure (headings, table_contents); declare headings(*) character (10) varying; declare table_contents(*, *) fixed; declare (i, row, col) fixed; put skip edit ('
') (a); /* Headings. */ put skip edit (' ') (a); /* For an empty column heading */ do i = 1 to hbound(headings); put edit (' ' ) (a); end; put edit ('') (a); /* Table contents. */ do row = 1 to hbound(table_contents, 1); /* row number */ put skip edit (' ') (a); /* row contents */ do col = 1 to hbound(table_contents, 2); put edit (' ' ) (a); end; put edit ('') (a); end; put skip edit ('
', headings(i), '
', row, '', table_contents(row, col), '
' ) (a); end create_table; declare headings (3) character (1) static initial ('X', 'Y', 'Z'); declare table_contents(3, 3) fixed static initial ( 4, -3, 8, 7, 2, -6, 11, 1, 15); call create_table (headings, table_contents); end create; ``` ## PowerShell ```PowerShell # Converts Microsoft .NET Framework objects into HTML that can be displayed in a Web browser. ConvertTo-Html -inputobject (Get-Date) # Create a PowerShell object using a HashTable $object = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'A'=(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 10); 'B'=(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 10); 'C'=(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 10)} $object | ConvertTo-Html ``` {{out}} ```PowerShell HTML TABLE
DisplayHintDateTimeDateDayDayOfWeekDayOfYearHourKindMilliseco ndMinuteMonthSecondTicksTimeOfDayYear
DateTimeSunday, October 26, 2014 2:32:31 PM10/26/2014 12:00:00 AM26Sunday29914< /td>Local56332103163549930751563463814:32:31.56346382014
``` When raw results are exported to Out-File cmdlet like this: ```PowerShell $object | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath $env:temp\test.html ; invoke-item $env:temp\test.html ``` {{out}}
## Prolog ```Prolog :- use_module(library(http/html_write)). theader([]) --> []. theader([H|T]) --> html(th(H)), theader(T). trows([],_) --> []. trows([R|T], N) --> html(tr([td(N),\trow(R)])), { N1 is N + 1 }, trows(T, N1). trow([]) --> []. trow([E|T]) --> html(td(E)), trow(T). table :- Header = ['X','Y','Z'], Rows = [ [7055,5334,5795], [2895,3019,7747], [140,7607,8144], [7090,475,4140] ], phrase(html(table([tr(\theader(Header)), \trows(Rows,1)])), Out, []), print_html(Out). ``` ```html5>
``` ## Python ```python import random def rand9999(): return random.randint(1000, 9999) def tag(attr='', **kwargs): for tag, txt in kwargs.items(): return '<{tag}{attr}>{txt}'.format(**locals()) if __name__ == '__main__': header = tag(tr=''.join(tag(th=txt) for txt in ',X,Y,Z'.split(','))) + '\n' rows = '\n'.join(tag(tr=''.join(tag(' style="font-weight: bold;"', td=i) + ''.join(tag(td=rand9999()) for j in range(3)))) for i in range(1, 6)) table = tag(table='\n' + header + rows + '\n') print(table) ``` {{out}}
'''The raw HTML''' ```html5>
``` Or, folding a general HTML render function over a tree of data: {{Trans|JavaScript}} {{works with|Python|3.6}} ```Python from functools import (reduce) import itertools import random # HTML RENDERING ---------------------------------------- # treeHTML :: tree # {tag :: String, text :: String, kvs :: Dict} # -> HTML String def treeHTML(tree): return foldTree( lambda x: lambda xs: ( f"<{x['tag'] + attribString(x)}>" + ( str(x['text']) if 'text' in x else '\n' ) + ''.join(xs) + f"\n" ) )(tree) # attribString :: Dict -> String def attribString(dct): kvs = dct['kvs'] if 'kvs' in dct else None return ' ' + reduce( lambda a, k: a + k + '="' + kvs[k] + '" ', kvs.keys(), '' ).strip() if kvs else '' # HTML TABLE FROM GENERATED DATA ------------------------ def main(): # Number of columns and rows to generate. n = 3 # Table details ------------------------------------- strCaption = 'Table generated with Python' colNames = take(n)(enumFrom('A')) dataRows = map( lambda x: (x, map( lambda _: random.randint(100, 9999), colNames )), take(n)(enumFrom(1))) tableStyle = { 'style': "width:25%; border:2px solid silver;" } trStyle = { 'style': "border:1px solid silver;text-align:right;" } # TREE STRUCTURE OF TABLE --------------------------- tableTree = Node({'tag': 'table', 'kvs': tableStyle})([ Node({ 'tag': 'caption', 'text': strCaption })([]), # HEADER ROW -------------------------------- (Node({'tag': 'tr'})( Node({ 'tag': 'th', 'kvs': {'style': 'text-align:right;'}, 'text': k })([]) for k in ([''] + colNames) )) ] + # DATA ROWS --------------------------------- list(Node({'tag': 'tr', 'kvs': trStyle})( [Node({'tag': 'th', 'text': tpl[0]})([])] + list(Node( {'tag': 'td', 'text': str(v)})([]) for v in tpl[1] ) ) for tpl in dataRows) ) print( treeHTML(tableTree) # dataRows ) # GENERIC ----------------------------------------------- # Node :: a -> [Tree a] -> Tree a def Node(v): return lambda xs: {'type': 'Node', 'root': v, 'nest': xs} # enumFrom :: Enum a => a -> [a] def enumFrom(x): return itertools.count(x) if type(x) is int else ( map(chr, itertools.count(ord(x))) ) # foldTree :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b def foldTree(f): def go(node): return f(node['root'])( list(map(go, node['nest'])) ) return lambda tree: go(tree) # take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] # take :: Int -> String -> String def take(n): return lambda xs: ( xs[0:n] if isinstance(xs, list) else list(itertools.islice(xs, n)) ) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ``` {{Out}}
Table generated with Python
1 7469 7407 6448
2 4135 3299 6586
3 8264 6951 8882
Raw HTML output ```html5
Table generated with Python
1 7469 7407 6448
2 4135 3299 6586
3 8264 6951 8882
``` ## PureBasic Create an HTML table ```PureBasic Title.s="Create an HTML table" head.s="" head.s+""+Title.s+""+chr(13)+chr(10) tablehead.s tablehead.s+""+chr(13)+chr(10) tablehead.s+""+chr(13)+chr(10) index=0 tablebody.s="" for row=1 to 4 index+1 tablebody.s+"" for col=1 to 3 tablebody.s+"" next tablebody.s+""+chr(13)+chr(10) next tablefoot.s="" tablefoot.s+"
"+chr(13)+chr(10) foot.s="" foot.s+""+chr(13)+chr(10) FileName.s="Create_an_HTML_table.html" If CreateFile(0,FileName.s) WriteString(0,head.s) WriteString(0,tablehead.s) WriteString(0,tablebody.s) WriteString(0,tablefoot.s) WriteString(0,foot.s) CloseFile(0) Else Debug "Not WriteString :"+FileName.s EndIf ; RunProgram(FileName.s) ``` {{out}}
'''The raw HTML''' ```html5 Create an HTML table
``` ## Racket ```racket #lang racket (require xml) (define xexpr `(html (head) (body (table (tr (td) (td "X") (td "Y") (td "Z")) ,@(for/list ([i (in-range 1 4)]) `(tr (td ,(~a i)) (td ,(~a (random 10000))) (td ,(~a (random 10000))) (td ,(~a (random 10000))))))))) (display-xml/content (xexpr->xml xexpr)) ``` ## Rascal ```rascal import IO; import util::Math; str html(str title, str content) = item("html", item("title", title) + item("body", content)); str item(str op, str content) = "\<\>\\>"; str table(str content) = item("table border=\"0\"", content); str tr(str content) = item("tr", content); str td(str content) = item("td", content); public str generateTable(int rows){ int i(){return arbInt(10000);}; rows = (tr(td("")+td("X")+td("Y")+td("Z")) | it + tr(td("")+td("")+td("")+td("")) | x <- [1..rows]); writeFile(|file:///location|, html("Rosetta Code Table", table(rows))); return "written"; } ``` This will result in a simple html file. For example: ```rascal>rascal generateTable(10) str: "written" ``` {{out}} ```html>Rosetta Code TableXYZ1253398832082315201447374933791076424132111848511605646965991243118977414709285489184827160945157262291095579709684 ``` {{out}} [[File:Tableoutput.JPG]] ## Red ```red Create an HTML table The table body should have at least three rows of three columns. Each of these three columns should be labelled "X", "Y", and "Z". An extra column should be added at either the extreme left or the extreme right of the table that has no heading, but is filled with sequential row numbers. The rows of the "X", "Y", and "Z" columns should be filled with random or sequential integers having 4 digits or less. The numbers should be aligned in the same fashion for all columns. Red [ Problem: %http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Create_an_HTML_table Code: %https://github.com/metaperl/red-rosetta/blob/master/html-table.r Acknowledgements: "@endo64 @toomsav" ] result: func[][simple-tag "table" trs] trs: func [][rejoin [ first-tr rand-tr 1 rand-tr 2 rand-tr 3 rand-tr 4 rand-tr 5 ]] table-data: func [][999 + (random 9000)] rand-td: func [][simple-tag "td" table-data] rand-tr: func [i][rejoin [ simple-tag "tr" rejoin [(simple-tag "td" i) rand-td rand-td rand-td] ]] first-tr: func[][rejoin [ simple-tag "tr" rejoin [ simple-tag "th" "" simple-tag "th" "X" simple-tag "th" "Y" simple-tag "th" "Z" ] ]] simple-tag: func [tag contents /attr a][rejoin ["<" tag (either attr [rejoin [" " a/1 "=" {"} a/2 {"}]][]) ">" newline contents newline ""]] ``` ## Retro Using the '''casket::html'''' library which allows creation of HTML using quotes and combinators: ```Retro needs casket::html' with casket::html' : rnd ( -$ ) random 1000 mod toString ; [ [ [ ] td [ "x" ] td [ "y" ] td [ "z" ] td ] tr [ [ "1" ] td [ rnd ] td [ rnd ] td [ rnd ] td ] tr [ [ "2" ] td [ rnd ] td [ rnd ] td [ rnd ] td ] tr [ [ "3" ] td [ rnd ] td [ rnd ] td [ rnd ] td ] tr [ [ "4" ] td [ rnd ] td [ rnd ] td [ rnd ] td ] tr [ [ "5" ] td [ rnd ] td [ rnd ] td [ rnd ] td ] tr [ [ "6" ] td [ rnd ] td [ rnd ] td [ rnd ] td ] tr ] table ``` ## REXX The LINEOUTs (writes to a file for the various HTML tags) were broken up into separate pieces which makes reading the file easier and also helps in debugging, but they could've been combined into a single '''lineout''' for succinctness. ```rexx /*REXX program creates (and displays) an HTML table of five rows and three columns.*/ parse arg rows . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if rows=='' | rows=="," then rows=5 /*no ROWS specified? Then use default.*/ cols = 3 /*specify three columns for the table. */ maxRand = 9999 /*4-digit numbers, allows negative nums*/ headerInfo = 'X Y Z' /*specifify column header information. */ oFID = 'a_table.html' /*name of the output file. */ w = 0 /*number of writes to the output file. */ call wrt "" call wrt "" call wrt "" call wrt "" do r=0 to rows /* [↓] handle row 0 as being special.*/ if r==0 then call wrt "" /*when it's the zeroth row. */ else call wrt "" /* " " not " " " */ do c=1 for cols /* [↓] for row 0, add the header info*/ if r==0 then call wrt "" else call wrt "" end /*c*/ end /*r*/ call wrt "
" r "" word(headerInfo,c) "" rnd() "
" call wrt "" call wrt "" say; say w ' records were written to the output file: ' oFID exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ rnd: return right(random(0,maxRand*2)-maxRand,5) /*RANDOM doesn't generate negative ints*/ wrt: call lineout oFID,arg(1); say '══►' arg(1); w=w+1; return /*write.*/ ``` {{out|output|text= to the terminal (screen) using the default input of 5 rows:}} ```txt ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══► ══►
1 -9529 2911 -9855
2 8487 1589 1795
3 -9795 -8478 -8716
4 -1737 -6547 6988
5 -5600 -2626 -6062
══► ══► 31 records were written to the output file: a_table.html ``` {{out|output|text= generated (written to the '''a_table.html''' output file):}} ```txt
1 -1517 5513 -7697
2 8373 142 -3641
3 -3971 -717 5390
4 9727 -2023 -2536
5 -6093 -7179 642
``` {{out|output|text=:}}
1 -1517 5513 -7697
2 8373 142 -3641
3 -3971 -717 5390
4 9727 -2023 -2536
5 -6093 -7179 642
## Ring ```ring # Project: Create an HTML table load "stdlib.ring" str = "" ncols = 3 nrows = 4 str = str + "" + windowsnl() str = str + "" + windowsnl() for row = 0 to nrows if row = 0 str = str + "" else str = str + "" ok for col = 1 to ncols if row = 0 str = str + "" else str = str + "" ok next str = str + windowsnl() + "" +windowsnl() next str = str + "
" + row + "" + char(87 + col) + "" + random(9999) + "
" + windowsnl() str = str + "" + windowsnl() remove("temp.htm") write("temp.htm",str) see str + nl systemcmd("temp.htm") ``` Output: ```txt
``` Output image: [https://www.dropbox.com/s/1c8svjprod2tqyu/CalmoSoftHTTP.jpg?dl=0 Create an HTML table] ## Ruby Pure Ruby solution: ```ruby def r rand(10000) end STDOUT << "".tap do |html| html << "" [ ['X', 'Y', 'Z'], [r ,r ,r], [r ,r ,r], [r ,r ,r], [r ,r ,r] ].each_with_index do |row, index| html << "" html << "" html << row.map { |e| ""}.join html << "" end html << "
#{index > 0 ? index : nil }#{e}
" end ``` This creates a plain HTML table, without any CSS to draw borders or to set column widths. {{libheader|REXML}} ```ruby def r; rand(10000); end table = [["", "X", "Y", "Z"], [ 1, r, r, r], [ 2, r, r, r], [ 3, r, r, r]] require 'rexml/document' xtable = REXML::Element.new("table") table.each do |row| xrow = REXML::Element.new("tr", xtable) row.each do |cell| xcell = REXML::Element.new("td", xrow) REXML::Text.new(cell.to_s, false, xcell) end end formatter = REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new formatter.compact = true formatter.write(xtable, $stdout) ``` {{out}} ```html5>
1 1358 6488 6434
2 2477 6493 1330
3 240 3038 9849
1 1358 6488 6434
2 2477 6493 1330
3 240 3038 9849
## Run BASIC ```RunBasic html "" for i = 1 to 5 html "" for j = 1 to 4 if j = 1 then html "" else html "" next j html "" next i html "
" ``` {{out}}
## Rust {{libheader|rand|0.3}} ```rust extern crate rand; use rand::Rng; fn random_cell(rng: &mut R) -> u32 { // Anything between 0 and 10_000 (exclusive) has 4 digits or fewer. Using `gen_range::` // is faster for smaller RNGs. Because the parameters are constant, the compiler can do all // the range construction at compile time, removing the need for // `rand::distributions::range::Range` rng.gen_range(0, 10_000) } fn main() { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); // Cache the RNG for reuse println!(""); for row in 0..3 { let x = random_cell(&mut rng); let y = random_cell(&mut rng); let z = random_cell(&mut rng); println!("", row, x, y, z); } println!("
"); } ``` {{out}} ```html5>
``` ## Scala {{libheader|org.scala-lang.xml}}Scala has built-in support for XML, so you can freely mix XML literals into your Scala source code. This is nice, because instead of using strings to represent XML, you create XML literals that the compiler can understand and verify. This approach lets you easily generate dynamic XML by interweaving Scala code and XML in the same expressions. ```scala object TableGenerator extends App { val data = List(List("X", "Y", "Z"), List(11, 12, 13), List(12, 22, 23), List(13, 32, 33)) def generateTable(data: List[List[Any]]) = { {data.zipWithIndex.map { case (row, rownum) => (if (rownum == 0) Nil else rownum) +: row}. map(row => {row.map(cell => )} )}
} println(generateTable(data)) } ``` ## Scheme {{works with|Guile}}{{works with|Gauche}} ```scheme (define table #( #("" "X" "Y" "Z") #(1 1 2 3) #(2 4 5 6) #(3 7 8 9))) (display "") (do ((r 0 (+ r 1))) ((eq? r (vector-length table))) (display "") (do ((c 0 (+ c 1))) ((eq? c (vector-length (vector-ref table r)))) (if (eq? r 0) (display ""))) (display "")) (display "
")) (if (> r 0) (display "")) (display (vector-ref (vector-ref table r) c)) (if (eq? r 0) (display "")) (if (> r 0) (display "
") ``` ## Seed7 ```seed7 $ include "seed7_05.s7i"; const proc: main is func local var integer: line is 0; var integer: column is 0; begin writeln(""); writeln(""); for line range 1 to 3 do write(""); for column range 1 to 3 do write(""); end for; writeln(""); end for; writeln("
" <& line <& "" <& rand(0, 9999) <& "
") end func; ``` {{out}} ```txt
``` Output viewed with a browser:
## Sidef ```ruby class HTML { method _attr(Hash h) { h.keys.sort.map {|k| %Q' #{k}="#{h{k}}"' }.join('') } method _tag(Hash h, name, value) { "<#{name}" + self._attr(h) + '>' + value + "" } method table(Hash h, *data) { self._tag(h, 'table', data.join('')) } method table(*data) { self.table(Hash(), data...) } } class Table < HTML { method th(Hash h, value) { self._tag(h, 'th', value) } method th(value) { self.th(Hash(), value) } method tr(Hash h, *rows) { self._tag(h, 'tr', rows.join('')) } method tr(*rows) { self.tr(Hash(), rows...) } method td(Hash h, value) { self._tag(h, 'td', value) } method td(value) { self.td(Hash(), value) } } var header = %w( X Y Z); var rows = 5; var html = HTML.new; var table = Table.new; say html.table( # attributes Hash( cellspacing => 4, style => "text-align:right; border: 1px solid;" ), # header table.tr(header.map{|elem| table.th(elem)}...), # rows (1..rows).map { |i| table.tr( table.td(:(align => 'right'), i), (header.len - 1).of { table.td(Hash(align => 'right'), 10000.rand.int) }... ) }... ); ``` {{out}} ```txt
1 2308 6448 2614
2 8830 553 5647
3 9636 5922 6384
4 9122 4832 8813
5 3331 5528 701
``` (tidied afterwards) ## Standard ML {{works with|SML/NJ}} {{works with|MLton}} This implemention is more generic, as it can produce arbitrary tables. The procedure mkHtmlTable gets: * a list of rows and columns (both of polymorph types) * two procedures, which transforms the rows and columns into strings (they are necessarily, because of the polymorphism.) * the ''values'' procedure, witch generates, given the row and column, the string to place ```sml (* * val mkHtmlTable : ('a list * 'b list) -> ('a -> string * 'b -> string) * -> (('a * 'b) -> string) -> string * The int list is list of colums, the function returns the values * at a given colum and row. * returns the HTML code of the generated table. *) fun mkHtmlTable (columns, rows) (rowToStr, colToStr) values = let val text = ref "\n" in (* Add headers *) map (fn colum => text := !text ^ "") columns; text := !text ^ "\n"; (* Add data rows *) map (fn row => (* row name *) (text := !text ^ ""; (* data *) map (fn col => text := !text ^ "") columns; text := !text ^ "\n") ) rows; !text ^ "
" ^ (colToStr colum) ^ "
" ^ (rowToStr row) ^ "" ^ (values (row, col)) ^ "
" end fun mkHtmlWithBody (title, body) = "\n\n" ^ title ^ "\n\n\n" ^ body ^ "\n\n\n" fun samplePage () = mkHtmlWithBody ("Sample Page", mkHtmlTable ([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0], [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0]) (Real.toString, Real.toString) (fn (a, b) => Real.toString (Math.pow (a, b)))) val _ = print (samplePage ()) ``` {{out}} ```txt Sample Page
" _n file write `f' "" _n file write `f' "" _n file write `f' `""' _n file write `f' "" _n file write `f' "" _n file write `f' `""' _n * write column names file write `f' "" _n file write `f' "" _n forv j = 1/`nc' { local s `: word `j' of `cn'' file write `f' `""' _n } file write `f' "" _n * write row names & data forv i = 1/`nr' { file write `f' "" _n local s `: word `i' of `rn'' file write `f' `""' _n forv j = 1/`nc' { file write `f' `""' _n } file write `f' "" _n } file write `f' "
" _n file write `f' "" _n file write `f' "" _n file close `f' end ``` An example: ```stata matrix a=2,9,4\7,5,3\6,1,8 matrix rownames a = A B C matrix colnames a = X Y Z mat2html a magic.html ``` ## Tcl ```tcl # Make ourselves a very simple templating lib; just two commands proc TAG {name args} { set body [lindex $args end] set result "<$name" foreach {t v} [lrange $args 0 end-1] { append result " $t=\"" $v "\"" } append result ">" [string trim [uplevel 1 [list subst $body]]] "" } proc FOREACH {var lst str} { upvar 1 $var v set result {} set s [list subst $str] foreach v $lst {append result [string trim [uplevel 1 $s]]} return $result } # Build the data we're displaying set titles {"" "X" "Y" "Z"} set data {} for {set x 0} {$x < 4} {incr x} { # Inspired by the Go solution, but with extra arbitrary digits to show 4-char wide values lappend data [list \ [expr {$x+1}] [expr {$x*3010}] [expr {$x*3+1298}] [expr {$x*2579+2182}]] } # Write the table to standard out puts [TAG table border 1 { [TAG tr bgcolor #f0f0f0 { [FOREACH head $titles { [TAG th {$head}] }] }] [FOREACH row $data { [TAG tr bgcolor #ffffff { [FOREACH col $row { [TAG td align right {$col}] }] }] }] }] ``` ## TUSCRIPT ```tuscript $$ MODE TUSCRIPT tablefile="table.html" ERROR/STOP CREATE (tablefile,FDF-o,-std-) ACCESS d: WRITE/ERASE/RECORDS/utf8 $tablefile s,tablecontent tablecontent=* WRITE d "" WRITE d "create html table" WRITE d "" WRITE d "" WRITE d "" WRITE d "" LOOP n=1,5 x=RANDOM_NUMBERS (1,9999,1) y=RANDOM_NUMBERS (1,9999,1) z=RANDOM_NUMBERS (1,9999,1) WRITE d "" ENDLOOP WRITE d "
" ENDACCESS d BROWSE $tablefile ``` {{out}}

create html table
``` ## UNIX Shell {{works with|ksh93}} ```bash function emit_table { nameref d=$1 typeset -i idx=0 echo "" emit_row th "" "${d[idx++][@]}" for (( ; idx<${#d[@]}; idx++ )); do emit_row td $idx "${d[idx][@]}" done echo "
" } function emit_row { typeset tag=$1; shift typeset row="" for elem; do row+=$(printf "<%s>%s" "$tag" "$elem" "${tag## *}") done row+="" echo "$row" } function addrow { nameref d=$1 typeset n=${#d[@]} typeset -i i for ((i=0; i<$2; i++)); do d[n][i]=$(( $RANDOM % 10000 )) done } n=3 typeset -a data data[0]=("X" "Y" "Z") for i in {1..4}; do addrow data $n done emit_table data ``` {{out}} ```txt
## Ursa This program outputs the HTML table to the console. ```ursa decl ursa.util.random random out "" endl console # generate header out "" endl console # generate five rows decl int i for (set i 1) (< i 6) (inc i) out "" console out "" console out "" console out "" console out "" endl console end for out "
" i "" (int (+ 1000 (random.getint 8999))) "" (int (+ 1000 (random.getint 8999))) "" (int (+ 1000 (random.getint 8999))) "
" endl console ``` ## VBA ```VBA Public Sub BuildHTMLTable() 'simple HTML table, represented as a string matrix "cells" Const nRows = 6 Const nCols = 4 Dim cells(1 To nRows, 1 To nCols) As String Dim HTML As String 'the HTML table Dim temp As String Dim attr As String ' fill table ' first row with titles cells(1, 1) = "" cells(1, 2) = "X" cells(1, 3) = "Y" cells(1, 4) = "Z" 'next rows with index & random numbers For i = 2 To nRows cells(i, 1) = Format$(i - 1) For j = 2 To nCols cells(i, j) = Format$(Int(Rnd() * 10000)) Next j Next i 'build the HTML HTML = "" For i = 1 To nRows temp = "" 'first row as header row If i = 1 Then attr = "th" Else attr = "td" For j = 1 To nCols temp = temp & HTMLWrap(cells(i, j), attr) Next j HTML = HTML & HTMLWrap(temp, "tr") Next i HTML = HTMLWrap(HTML, "table", "style=""text-align:center; border: 1px solid""") Debug.Print HTML End Sub Public Function HTMLWrap(s As String, tag As String, ParamArray attributes()) As String 'returns string s wrapped in HTML tag with optional "attribute=value" strings 'ex.: HTMLWrap("Link text", "a", "href=""http://www.somesite.org""") 'returns: Link text Dim sOpenTag As String Dim sClosingTag As String sOpenTag = "<" & tag For Each attr In attributes sOpenTag = sOpenTag & " " & attr Next sOpenTag = sOpenTag & ">" sClosingTag = "" HTMLWrap = sOpenTag & s & sClosingTag End Function ``` Subroutine BuildHTMLTable builds the HTML code as one big string. Sample output of call to BuildHMTLTable: ```txt
``` which corresponds to:
## VBScript ```vb Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Open the input csv file for reading. The file is in the same folder as the script. Set objInFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(objFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) &_ "\in.csv",1) 'Create the output html file. Set objOutHTML = objFSO.OpenTextFile(objFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) &_ "\out.html",2,True) 'Write the html opening tags. objOutHTML.Write "" & vbCrLf 'Declare table properties. objOutHTML.Write "" & vbCrLf 'Write column headers. objOutHTML.Write "" & vbCrLf 'Go through each line of the input csv file and write to the html output file. n = 1 Do Until objInFile.AtEndOfStream line = objInFile.ReadLine If Len(line) > 0 Then token = Split(line,",") objOutHTML.Write "" For i = 0 To UBound(token) objOutHTML.Write "" Next objOutHTML.Write "" & vbCrLf End If n = n + 1 Loop 'Write the html closing tags. objOutHTML.Write "
" & n & "" & token(i) & "
" objInFile.Close objOutHTML.Close Set objFSO = Nothing ``` {{In}} ```txt 8,1490,9436 555,3300,9766 4982,456,9076 3672,6667,6578 ``` {{Out}} ```txt
``` Corresponds to:
## Visual Basic .NET VB.NET has XML literals with embedded expressions (<%= ... %>) similar to [[#Scala|Scala]]. This example additionally uses LINQ query syntax. ```vbnet Module Program Sub Main() Const ROWS = 3 Const COLS = 3 Dim rand As New Random(0) Dim getNumber = Function() rand.Next(10000) Dim result = <%= From c In Enumerable.Range(1, COLS) Select <%= From r In Enumerable.Range(1, ROWS) Select %> %>
<%= c %><%= getNumber() %>
Console.WriteLine(result) End Sub End Module ``` {{out}}
1 7262 8173 7680
2 5581 2060 5588
3 9060 4421 9775
{{out}} ```txt
1 7262 8173 7680
2 5581 2060 5588
3 9060 4421 9775
``` ### PHP translation {{trans|PHP}} Just for fun, this attempts to emulate the PHP template engine implementation as much as possible. Since embedded expressions must contain expressions, anonymous iterator functions that are immediately called (notice the parentheses after End Function) are used to enable control constructs. ```vbnet Module Program Sub Main() Dim rand As Func(Of Integer, Integer) = AddressOf New Random(0).Next Dim cols = {"", "X", "Y", "Z"} Dim rows = 3 Dim result = <%= Iterator Function() For Each col In cols Yield Next End Function() %> <%= Iterator Function() For Each col In cols Yield Next End Function() %> <%= Iterator Function() For r = 1 To rows Yield _ <%= Iterator Function() For key = 0 To cols.Length - 1 Dim col = cols(key) Yield Next End Function() %> Next End Function() %>
<%= col %>
<%= If(key > 0, rand(10000), r) %>
Console.WriteLine(result) End Sub End Module ``` {{out}} ```txt
1 7262 8173 7680
2 5581 2060 5588
3 9060 4421 9775
``` A more idiomatic version that uses LINQ instead of loops: ```vbnet Module Program Sub Main() Dim rand As Func(Of Integer, Integer) = AddressOf New Random(0).Next Dim cols = {"", "X", "Y", "Z"} Dim rows = 3 Dim result = <%= cols.Select(Function(__) ) %> <%= cols.Select(Function(col) ) %> <%= Enumerable.Range(1, rows).Select( Function(r) _ <%= cols.Select( Function(col, key) ) %> ) %>
<%= col %>
<%= If(key > 0, rand(10000), r) %>
Console.WriteLine(result) End Sub End Module ``` ## XSLT ```xml Rosetta Code: Create an HTML table (XSLT)
``` XSLT does not have a standard PRNG facility, so a list of numbers is given as input. Sample input: ```xml 1578 4828 1154 4950 6497 2355 9341 1927 8720 4490 1218 6675 8181 1403 4637 ``` {{out}} ```html Rosetta Code: Create an HTML table (XSLT)
1 1578 4828 1154
2 4950 6497 2355
3 9341 1927 8720
4 4490 1218 6675
5 8181 1403 4637
``` {{out}}
1 1578 4828 1154
2 4950 6497 2355
3 9341 1927 8720
4 4490 1218 6675
5 8181 1403 4637
## zkl ```zkl table:=0'|| ""; table=Sink(table); foreach n in ([1..3]){ table.write("\n "); foreach n in (3){ table.write(""); } table.write(""); } table.write("\n
\n").close().print(); ``` {{out}}
{{out}} ```txt