⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

{{implementation|SNUSP}}{{collection|RCSNUSP}} This [[JavaScript]] code is the core of a Modular SNUSP interpreter and debugger designed to be embedded on a [http://www.quirkster.com/snusp/snusp-js.html web page].

// to be run from a page having fields with these ids:
//   raw:	large textarea for code input
//   code:  empty PRE block for showing the program execution
//   input:	single line, from which ',' gets input
//   eof:       checkbox, if checked return 0 on EOF else halt
//   output:	PRE block, destination for output of '.'
//   mem:	single line, final contents of memory

// buttons can execute these commands:
//   format:  copy user input in raw to code
//   snusp:   run loop that runs to completion
//   step:    single step and highlight current position
//     uses number from field id "repeat" to step n times
//   out:     step until we unnest (hit '#' character)
//   slow:    toggle running steps on a timer
//     sets milliseconds per step from field id "speed" 

var code = "#";     // formatted code
var width;          // length of each line in code
var ip = 0;         // current instruction within code (mod by $, ?, !, #)
var dir = 1;        // current direction (mod by /, \, #)

var data = [0];     // data array (mod by +, -)
var dp = 0;         // index into data (mod by <, >)

var inp = 0;        // current input character (fetch with ,)
var quit = 0;       // termination flag

var stack = [];     // call stack (mod by @, #)

var commands = {
	'>':function() { if (++dp >= data.length) data[dp]=0 },
 	'<':function() { if (--dp < 0) quit++ },
 	'+':function() { ++data[dp] },
	'-':function() { --data[dp] },
 	'/':function() { dir = -width / dir },
 	'\\':function() { dir = width / dir },
 	'!':function() { ip += dir },
 	'?':function() { if (!data[dp]) ip += dir },
 	',':function() {
		data[dp] = document.getElementById("input").value.charCodeAt(inp++);
		if (isNaN(data[dp])) {   // EOF
			data[dp] = 0;
			if (!document.getElementById("eof").checked) quit++;
	'.':function() {
		var s = document.getElementById("output").innerHTML
		      + String.fromCharCode(data[dp]);
		s = s.replace(/\n/g,"
").replace(/ /g," ");
		document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = s;
	'@':function() { stack.push(ip+dir, dir) },
	'#':function() { if (stack.length) { dir=stack.pop(); ip=stack.pop(); } else quit++; },
	'\n':function() { quit++ }		// left or right edge

var spaces = "  ";
function format(id) {
	// format the buffer to evenly pad the line lengths
	var el = document.getElementById(id);
	var value = el.value || el.textContent || el.innerText;
	var lines = value.split('\n');
	width = 0;
	for (var i in lines)
		width = Math.max(width, lines[i].length);
	while (spaces.length < width)
		spaces += spaces;
	for (var i in lines)
		lines[i] += spaces.substring(0, width - lines[i].length);
	code = lines.join('\n');

	// show the formatted code in a PRE block (id=code)

function init() {
	inp = 0; quit = 0; dp = 0; dir = 1;
	data = [0];
	stack = [];
	ip = code.indexOf('$');  if (ip<0) ip=0;
	document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "";

function done() {
	return quit || ip<0 || ip>=code.length;

function body() {
	var fn = commands[code.charAt(ip)];
	if (fn) fn();
	ip += dir;

function encode(s) {
	var e = s.replace(/&/g, "&amp;");
	    e = e.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
		e = e.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
		e = e.replace(/ /g, " ");
	return  e.replace(/\n/g, "
function dump() {
	//TODO: go through stack and color each return point green
		= encode(code.substring(0,ip))
		+ '<span style="background: pink">'
		+ encode(code.charAt(ip))
		+ "</span>"
		+ encode(code.substring(ip+1));
	document.getElementById("mem").value = data.join();

var tid = 0;
function step() {
	var n = document.getElementById("repeat").value - 0;

	if (done()) init();
	while (--n>=0 && !done())

	if (done() && tid) slow();	// stop timer

function out() {
	var d = stack.length;
	while (stack.length>=d && !done())

function slow() {
	if (tid) {
		tid = 0;
		document.getElementById("slow").value = "Slow";
	} else {
		var n = document.getElementById("speed").value - 0;
		tid = setInterval(step, Math.max(n,10));
		document.getElementById("slow").value = "Stop";

function run() {
	while (!done())