⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️
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Executing Brainfuck in Retro is currently a two part task. First, there is a compiler, and secondly you need to run the compiled code.
( Ngaro Assembler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )
( Copyright [c] 2008 - 2011, Charles Childers )
( Copyright [c] 2009 - 2010, Luke Parrish )
( Copyright [c] 2010, Marc Simpson )
( Copyright [c] 2010, Jay Skeer )
( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )
8000 constant MAX-APP-SIZE
( Assembler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )
3 elements target origin fid
: pad ( - ) @origin 32 + !target ;
: m, ( n- ) @target !+ !target ;
: vm: ( n"- ) ` : .data ` m, ` ; ;
0 vm: nop, 1 vm: lit, 2 vm: dup,
3 vm: drop, 4 vm: swap, 5 vm: push,
6 vm: pop, 7 vm: loop, 8 vm: jump,
9 vm: ret, 10 vm: >jump, 11 vm: <jump,
12 vm: !jump, 13 vm: =jump, 14 vm: @,
15 vm: !, 16 vm: +, 17 vm: -,
18 vm: *, 19 vm: /mod, 20 vm: and,
21 vm: or, 22 vm: xor, 23 vm: <<,
24 vm: >>, 25 vm: 0; 26 vm: 1+,
27 vm: 1-, 28 vm: in, 29 vm: out,
30 vm: wait,
: t-here ( -n ) @target @origin - ;
: writeByte ( n- )
@fid ^files'write drop ;
: applyMask ( n- )
%00000000000000000000000011111111 and ;
: writeCell ( n- )
dup applyMask writeByte
8 >> dup applyMask writeByte
8 >> dup applyMask writeByte
8 >> applyMask writeByte ;
: saveImage ( - )
"appImage" ^files':W ^files'open !fid
@origin t-here [ @+ writeCell ] times drop
@fid ^files'close drop bye ;
: endApp ( - )
t-here "\nApp ends @ %d\n" puts
MAX-APP-SIZE t-here - "%d cells free" puts
depth 1 >= [ "\nError in stack depth!: " puts .s ] ifTrue ;
: :main ( - ) t-here [ "\nMAIN @ %d" puts ] [ @origin 1+ ! ] bi ;
: # ( n- ) lit, m, ;
: __# ( $- ) lit, toNumber m, ; parsing
: $, ( $- ) withLength [ @+ m, ] times 0 m, drop ;
: __: ( $- ) header t-here @last !d->xt ; parsing
: call ( "- ) ' m, ;
: jump ( "- ) 8 m, ' m, ;
( Setup target memory for new image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )
here [ !target ] [ !origin ] bi MAX-APP-SIZE allot
jump, 0 m, pad
( Support functions: basic input, output, and data pointer support )
#0 #0 out,
#-9 #5 out,
:dp 32768 m,
dp # @,
dp # !,
dp # @,
dp # !,
dp # @, @,
dp # @, !,
dp # @, @,
dp # @, !,
dp # @, @,
#1 #2 out,
call wait
#0 #3 out,
#1 #1 out,
call wait
#1 in,
dp # @, !,
( Actual Brainfuck compiler )
variable ip
: run
t-here putn space @ip @ putc cr
@ip @ ip ++
[ '> = ] [ drop bf_> m, ] when
[ '< = ] [ drop bf_< m, ] when
[ '+ = ] [ drop bf_+ m, ] when
[ '- = ] [ drop bf_- m, ] when
[ '. = ] [ drop bf_. m, ] when
[ ', = ] [ drop bf_, m, ] when
[ '[ = ] [ drop t-here dp # @, @, lit, 0 m, =jump, @target 0 m, ] when
[ '] = ] [ drop swap jump, m, t-here swap ! ] when
drop ;
: do
[ run @ip @ ] while ;
: bf: ( "- )
'~ accept tib keepString !ip cr do ;
( Start Compilation of Brainfuck code after this )
Apart from support code, the actual compiler is implemented in the '''run''' function.
This accepts sources like:
bf: <.>+++++++++++[<+++++>-]<.>++++++++[<+++>-]<.+++.------.--------.[-]>++++++++[~
bf: <++++>-]<+.[-]++++++++++.~
And upon completion a new ''appImage'' file is created. This can be run from the command line, using the '''--image''' command line argument:
./retro --image appImage