⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.


By default this program displays the noise with double buffering. The command-line options -single selects the single buffering.

Launch this program as a script with: ocaml -I +Xlib Xlib.cma unix.cma noise_fps_x.ml
ocaml -I +Xlib Xlib.cma unix.cma noise_fps_x.ml -single

open Xlib

type buffering = Single | Double

let best_buffering = Double
let default_buffering = Single

let num_frames = 1000

(* choose the buffering kind *)
let buffering =
  match Sys.argv with
  | [| _; "-db" |] -> Double
  | [| _; "-best" |] -> best_buffering
  | [| _; "-single" |] -> Single
  | [| _; "-default" |] -> default_buffering
  | _ -> best_buffering

(* report the buffering chosen *)
let () =
  print_endline (
    match buffering with
    | Double -> "double buffering"
    | Single -> "single buffering")

let () =
  let width = 320 and height = 240 in
  let dpy = xOpenDisplay "" in

  (* initialisation of the standard variables *)
  let screen = xDefaultScreen dpy in
  let root = xDefaultRootWindow dpy
  and visual = xDefaultVisual dpy screen
  and depth = xDefaultDepth dpy screen
  and black = xBlackPixel dpy screen
  and white = xWhitePixel dpy screen

  (* set foreground and background in the graphics context *)
  let gcvalues = new_xGCValues() in
  xGCValues_set_foreground gcvalues black;
  xGCValues_set_background gcvalues white;
  let gc = xCreateGC dpy root [GCForeground;GCBackground] gcvalues in

  (* creation of the double buffer *)
  let db = xCreatePixmap dpy root width height depth in
  (* without these lines previous images from memory will appear *)
  xSetForeground dpy gc white;
  xFillRectangle dpy db gc 0 0 width height;
  xSetForeground dpy gc black;

  (* window attributes *)
  let xswa = new_win_attr() in

  (* the events we want *)
  xswa.set_event_mask [ExposureMask;PointerMotionMask;KeyPressMask];

  (* border and background colors *)
  xswa.set_background_pixel white;
  xswa.set_border_pixel black;

  let win =
      dpy root 100 100 width height 2 depth InputOutput visual
      [CWEventMask;CWBorderPixel;CWBackPixel] xswa.attr

  (* show the window on screen *)
  xMapRaised dpy win;

  (* connect the close button of the window handle *)
  let wm_delete_window = xInternAtom dpy "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" true in
  xSetWMProtocols dpy win wm_delete_window 1;

  let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
  let event = new_xEvent() in

  for i = 1 to num_frames do
    if xPending dpy > 0 then
      (* handle events *)
      xNextEvent dpy event;
      match xEventType event with
      | Expose ->
          (* remove all the Expose events from the event stack *)
          while (xCheckTypedEvent dpy Expose event) do () done;
          xCopyArea dpy db win gc 0 0 width height 0 0;
          (* force refresh the screen *)
          xFlush dpy;

      | KeyPress ->
          (* exit on any key press *)
          xCloseDisplay dpy;
          exit 0;

      | ClientMessage ->
          (* delete window event *)
          let xclient = to_xClientMessageEvent event in
          let atom = xEvent_xclient_data xclient in
          if atom = wm_delete_window then exit 0

      | _ -> ()

      match buffering with
      | Double ->
          (* animation with the double buffer *)
          xSetForeground dpy gc white;
          xFillRectangle dpy db gc 0 0 width height;
          xSetForeground dpy gc black;

          let points = Array.init (width * height / 2) (fun _ ->
            { pnt_x = Random.int width; pnt_y = Random.int height }) in
          xDrawPoints dpy db gc points CoordModeOrigin;

          xCopyArea dpy db win gc 0 0 width height 0 0;
          (* force refresh the screen *)
          xFlush dpy;
      | Single ->
          (* animation without double buffer *)
          xClearWindow dpy win;

          let points = Array.init (width * height / 2) (fun _ ->
            { pnt_x = Random.int width; pnt_y = Random.int height }) in

          xDrawPoints dpy win gc points CoordModeOrigin;

  (* tell what was the FPS for num_frames frames *)
  let t_end = Unix.gettimeofday() in
  let fps = (float num_frames) /. (t_end -. t0) in
  print_string ">> fps:";
  print_float fps;

You can also compile this program to native-code with the following command: :$ ocamlopt -I +Xlib Xlib.cmxa unix.cmxa noise_fps_x.ml -o noise_fps_x.opt

and then execute the result with: :$ ./noise_fps_x.opt