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Here is a simplistic coroutine implementation for [[../#J|J]].

Note that this version does not support switching between coroutine contexts -- that would have been an unnecessary complication for this task. (So, technically, it might be better to call this "coroutine inspired".)

NB. u coroutine y         NB. execute u in new coroutine context
coroutine=: 1 :0
  stack=. ''
  verb=. u
  noun=. y
  while. do. context=. verb noun
    select. (0 {:: context) * 1+*#stack
      case. 0 do.                   NB. yield
        stack=. stack, 1 { context
        verb=. (2 { context)`:0
        noun=.  3 {:: context
      case. 1 do.                   NB. return (with empty stack)
        1 {:: context return.
      case. 2 do.                   NB. return (with work remaining on stack)
        verb=. ({: stack)`:0
        noun=. 1 {:: context
        stack=. }: stack
      case. do.                     NB. (default)
        invalid coroutine 1 :'error.'

NB. u yield v y return.   NB. 0 -- deferred result, will be executing: u v y
yield=: 2 :0
  0; u ` v,< y

NB. return y return.      NB. 1 -- immediate result: y
return=: 3 :0
  1; y

The philosophy here, is: A noun represents code which has already been executed (it's the result of that code having been executed). A verb represents code which has not yet been executed.

A coroutine verb must return a result built by one of the two helper verbs return or yield. If yield is used, it must be supplied with two verbs and a noun. The coroutine context will stack u (the left verb) for later execution and it's argument will be the result of whatever verb was most recently executed by the coroutine context. Meanwhile the coroutine context will execute v (the right verb) right away and its argument will be the noun which was supplied to yield. Both u and v must be coroutine verbs (so they also must must provide a result prepared by return or yield).