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{| ! From ! To |- |[[100 doors]] |100 doors |- |[[24 game]] |24 game |- |[[24 game Player]] |24 game/Solve |- |[[99 Bottles of Beer]] |99 Bottles of Beer |- |[[Abstract type]] |Abstract type |- |[[Accumulator Factory]] |Accumulator factory |- |[[Ackermann Function]] |Ackermann function |- |[[Active object]] |Active object |- |[[Adding variables to a class instance at runtime]] |Add a variable to a class instance at runtime |- |[[Address Operations]] |Address of a variable |- |[[Allocator]] |Arena storage pool |- |[[Amb]] |Amb |- |[[Anagrams]] |Anagrams |- |[[Apply a callback to an Array]] |Apply a callback to an array |- |[[Arithmetic Evaluator]] |Arithmetic evaluation |- |[[Array Concatenation]] |Array concatenation |- |[[Arrays]] |Arrays |- |[[Assertions]] |Assertions |- |[[Atomic updates]] |Atomic updates |- |[[Average/Arithmetic mean]] |Averages/Arithmetic mean |- |[[Average/Median]] |Averages/Median |- |[[Average/Mode]] |Averages/Mode |- |[[Average/Simple moving average]] |Averages/Simple moving average |- |[[Basic Animation]] |Animation |- |[[Basic bitmap storage]] |Bitmap |- |[[Basic input loop]] |Input loop |- |[[Basic integer arithmetic]] |Arithmetic/Integer |- |[[Basic pointer and reference operations]] |Pointers and references |- |[[Binary search]] |Binary search |- |[[Binary string manipulation functions]] |Binary strings |- |[[Bit oriented IO]] |Bitwise IO |- |[[Bitwise operations]] |Bitwise operations |- |[[Bogosort]] |Sorting algorithms/Bogosort |- |[[Bresenham's line algorithm]] |Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm |- |[[Bubble Sort]] |Sorting algorithms/Bubble sort |- |[[Bulls and Cows]] |Bulls and cows |- |[[Call foreign language function]] |Call a foreign-language function |- |[[Call function from foreign language]] |Call a function from a foreign language |- |[[Call function in shared library]] |Call a function in a shared library |- |[[Change string case]] |String case |- |[[Character code]] |Character codes |- |[[Classes]] |Classes |- |[[Client-Authenticated HTTPS Request]] |HTTPS/Client-authenticated |- |[[Closest pair problem]] |Closest-pair problem |- |[[Cocktail Sort]] |Sorting algorithms/Cocktail sort |- |[[Code Tag Fixer]] |Rosetta Code/Fix code tags |- |[[Collections]] |Collections |- |[[Column Aligner]] |Align columns |- |[[Combinations]] |Combinations |- |[[Command Line Arguments]] |Command-line arguments |- |[[Command Line Interpreter]] |Interactive programming |- |[[Comments]] |Comments |- |[[Common number base formatting]] |Non-decimal radices/Output |- |[[Common number base parsing]] |Non-decimal radices/Input |- |[[Comparing two integers]] |Integer comparison |- |[[Complex numbers]] |Arithmetic/Complex |- |[[Compound Data Type]] |Compound data type |- |[[Conditional Structures]] |Conditional structures |- |[[Connect to Active Directory]] |Active Directory/Connect |- |[[Constrained Genericity]] |Constrained genericity |- |[[Convert an integer into words]] |Number names |- |[[Conway's Game of Life]] |Conway's Game of Life |- |[[Copy a string]] |Copy a string |- |[[Count programming examples]] |Rosetta Code/Count examples |- |[[Counting sort]] |Sorting algorithms/Counting sort |- |[[Create a Sequence of unique elements]] |Remove duplicate elements |- |[[Creating a Function]] |Function definition |- |[[Creating a Hash from Two Arrays]] |Hash from two arrays |- |[[Creating a Secure Temporary File]] |Secure temporary file |- |[[Creating a Window]] |Window creation |- |[[Creating an Associative Array]] |Associative arrays/Creation |- |[[Cubic bezier curves]] |Bitmap/Bézier curves/Cubic |- |[[DOM XML Serialization]] |XML/DOM serialization |- |[[Data Munging]] |Text processing/1 |- |[[Data Munging 2]] |Text processing/2 |- |[[Data Representation - Controlling Fields in a Structure]] |Memory layout of a data structure |- |[[Data Representation - Getting the Size]] |Variable size/Get |- |[[Data Representation - Specifying Minimum Size]] |Variable size/Set |- |[[Date Manipulation]] |Date manipulation |- |[[Date format]] |Date format |- |[[Defining Primitive Data Types]] |Define a primitive data type |- |[[Delegate]] |Delegates |- |[[Determine if Only One Instance is Running]] |Determine if only one instance is running |- |[[Dining philosophers]] |Dining philosophers |- |[[Discover the Hostname]] |Hostname |- |[[Distributed program]] |Distributed programming |- |[[Divide by Zero Detection]] |Detect division by zero |- |[[Documentation]] |Documentation |- |[[Doubly-Linked List]] |Doubly-linked list/Definition |- |[[Doubly-Linked List (element insertion)]] |Doubly-linked list/Element insertion |- |[[Doubly-Linked List (element)]] |Doubly-linked list/Element definition |- |[[Doubly-Linked List (traversal)]] |Doubly-linked list/Traversal |- |[[Dragon curve]] |Dragon curve |- |[[Dynamic variable names]] |Dynamic variable names |- |[[Echo Server]] |Echo server |- |[[Empty Program]] |Empty program |- |[[Enumeration]] |Enumerations |- |[[Environment variables]] |Environment variables |- |[[Ethiopian Multiplication]] |Ethiopian multiplication |- |[[Eval]] |Runtime evaluation |- |[[Eval in environment]] |Runtime evaluation/In an environment |- |[[Event]] |Events |- |[[Evolutionary algorithm]] |Evolutionary algorithm |- |[[Exceptions]] |Exceptions |- |[[Exceptions Through Nested Calls]] |Exceptions/Catch an exception thrown in a nested call |- |[[Execute a System Command]] |Execute a system command |- |[[Exponentiation operator]] |Exponentiation operator |- |[[FIFO]] |Queue/Definition |- |[[FIFO (usage)]] |Queue/Usage |- |[[Factorial function]] |Factorial |- |[[Factors]] |Factors of an integer |- |[[Fibonacci sequence]] |Fibonacci sequence |- |[[File/Creation]] |Create a file |- |[[File/Delete]] |Delete a file |- |[[File/Exists]] |Ensure that a file exists |- |[[File/Input and Output]] |File IO |- |[[File/Modification Time]] |File modification time |- |[[File/Rename]] |Rename a file |- |[[File/Size]] |File size |- |[[Find unimplemented tasks]] |Rosetta Code/Find unimplemented tasks |- |[[First-class Numbers]] |First-class functions/Use numbers analogously |- |[[First-class functions]] |First-class functions |- |[[FizzBuzz]] |FizzBuzz |- |[[Flood fill]] |Bitmap/Flood fill |- |[[Flow Control Structures]] |Flow-control structures |- |[[Fork Process]] |Fork |- |[[Formal Power Series]] |Formal power series |- |[[Formatted Numeric Output]] |Formatted numeric output |- |[[Forward difference]] |Forward difference |- |[[Function as an Argument]] |Higher-order functions |- |[[Functional Composition]] |Function composition |- |[[Gamma function]] |Gamma function |- |[[Generic swap]] |Generic swap |- |[[Get Pixel Information]] |Color of a screen pixel |- |[[Get mouse position]] |Mouse position |- |[[Global Singleton]] |Singleton |- |[[Gnome sort]] |Sorting algorithms/Gnome sort |- |[[Go Fish]] |Go Fish |- |[[Grayscale image]] |Grayscale image |- |[[Greatest common divisor]] |Greatest common divisor |- |[[HTTP Request]] |HTTP |- |[[HTTPS Request]] |HTTPS |- |[[HTTPS request with authentication]] |HTTPS/Authenticated |- |[[Hamming numbers]] |Hamming numbers |- |[[Happy Number]] |Happy numbers |- |[[Heapsort]] |Sorting algorithms/Heapsort |- |[[Host Introspection]] |Host introspection |- |[[Huffman codes]] |Huffman coding |- |[[Image convolution]] |Image convolution |- |[[Image histogram]] |Image histogram |- |[[Increment numerical string]] |Increment a numerical string |- |[[Index in a list]] |Search a list |- |[[Infinity]] |Infinity |- |[[Inheritance]] |Inheritance/Single |- |[[Insertion sort]] |Sorting algorithms/Insertion sort |- |[[Integer literals]] |Literals/Integer |- |[[Interrupts]] |Handle a signal |- |[[Introspection]] |Introspection |- |[[IsNumeric]] |Determine if a string is numeric |- |[[Iterating over an Associative Array]] |Associative arrays/Iteration |- |[[Jensen's Device]] |Jensen's Device |- |[[Keyboard macros]] |Keyboard macros |- |[[Knapsack Problem]] |Knapsack problem |- |[[Knuth shuffle]] |Knuth shuffle |- |[[LZW compression]] |LZW compression |- |[[List Comprehension]] |List comprehensions |- |[[List Flattening]] |Flatten a list |- |[[Logical operations]] |Logical operations |- |[[Long Multiplication]] |Long multiplication |- |[[Longest Common Subsequence]] |Longest common subsequence |- |[[Look-and-say sequence]] |Look-and-say sequence |- |[[Loop over multiple arrays simultaneously]] |Loop over multiple arrays simultaneously |- |[[Loop/Break]] |Loops/Break |- |[[Loop/Continue]] |Loops/Continue |- |[[Loop/Do While]] |Loops/Do-while |- |[[Loop/Downward For]] |Loops/Downward for |- |[[Loop/For]] |Loops/For |- |[[Loop/For with step]] |Loops/For with a specified step |- |[[Loop/Foreach]] |Loops/Foreach |- |[[Loop/Infinite]] |Loops/Infinite |- |[[Loop/Nested]] |Loops/Nested |- |[[Loop/While]] |Loops/While |- |[[Loop/n plus one half]] |Loops/N plus one half |- |[[Lucas-Lehmer test]] |Lucas-Lehmer test |- |[[MD5]] |MD5 |- |[[Machine Address]] |Create an object at a given address |- |[[Man or boy test]] |Man or boy test |- |[[Mandelbrot set]] |Mandelbrot set |- |[[Markov Algorithm]] |Execute a Markov algorithm |- |[[Math constants and functions]] |Real constants and functions |- |[[Matrix Transpose]] |Matrix transposition |- |[[Matrix exponentiation operator]] |Matrix-exponentiation operator |- |[[Matrix multiplication]] |Matrix multiplication |- |[[Max Licenses In Use]] |Text processing/3 |- |[[Maximum Value]] |Greatest element of a list |- |[[Maximum subsequence]] |Greatest subsequential sum |- |[[Measure relative performance of sorting algorithms implementations]] |Compare sorting algorithms' performance |- |[[Median filter]] |Median filter |- |[[Memory Allocation]] |Memory allocation |- |[[Merge sort]] |Sorting algorithms/Merge sort |- |[[Metered Concurrency]] |Metered concurrency |- |[[Midpoint circle algorithm]] |Bitmap/Midpoint circle algorithm |- |[[Miller-Rabin test]] |Miller-Rabin primality test |- |[[Missing Permutation]] |Find the missing permutation |- |[[Monte Carlo Simulation]] |Monte Carlo methods |- |[[Monty Hall simulation]] |Monty Hall problem |- |[[Multiple Regression]] |Multiple regression |- |[[Multiple inheritance]] |Inheritance/Multiple |- |[[Multiplicative order]] |Multiplicative order |- |[[Mutex]] |Mutex |- |[[Mutual Recursion]] |Mutual recursion |- |[[N distinct objects]] |Multiple distinct objects |- |[[N-Queens]] |N-queens problem |- |[[Named parameters]] |Named parameters |- |[[Non Continuous Subsequences]] |Non-continuous subsequences |- |[[Nth root algorithm]] |Nth root |- |[[Null]] |Undefined values/Check if a variable is defined |- |[[Number base conversion]] |Non-decimal radices/Convert |- |[[Numerical Integration]] |Numerical integration |- |[[Object Serialization]] |Object serialization |- |[[One dimensional cellular automata]] |One-dimensional cellular automata |- |[[OpenGL]] |OpenGL |- |[[Optional parameters]] |Optional parameters |- |[[PPM conversion through a pipe]] |Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe |- |[[Palindrome]] |Palindrome detection |- |[[Parameterized SQL Statement]] |Parametrized SQL statement |- |[[Parametric Polymorphism]] |Parametric polymorphism |- |[[Pascal's Triangle]] |Pascal's triangle |- |[[Pattern Matching]] |Pattern matching |- |[[Pendulum Animation]] |Animate a pendulum |- |[[Percentage of difference between 2 images]] |Percentage difference between images |- |[[Perfect Numbers]] |Perfect numbers |- |[[Permutation Sort]] |Sorting algorithms/Permutation sort |- |[[Play recorded sounds]] |Play recorded sounds |- |[[Playing Cards]] |Playing cards |- |[[Plot x, y arrays]] |Plot coordinate pairs |- |[[Point in polygon (ray casting algorithm)]] |Ray-casting algorithm |- |[[Polymorphic copy]] |Polymorphic copy |- |[[Polymorphism]] |Polymorphism |- |[[Polynomial Fitting]] |Polynomial regression |- |[[Polynomial long division]] |Polynomial long division |- |[[Power Set]] |Power set |- |[[Primality by Trial Division]] |Primality by trial division |- |[[Prime decomposition]] |Prime decomposition |- |[[Print a Multiplication Table]] |Multiplication tables |- |[[Print a Stack Trace]] |Stack traces |- |[[Probabilistic Choice]] |Probabilistic choice |- |[[Program Termination]] |Program termination |- |[[Proof]] |Proof |- |[[Pyramid of numbers]] |Pascal's triangle/Puzzle |- |[[Quadratic Equation]] |Roots of a quadratic function |- |[[Quadratic bezier curves]] |Bitmap/Bézier curves/Quadratic |- |[[Query Performance]] |Time a function |- |[[Quicksort]] |Sorting algorithms/Quicksort |- |[[Quine]] |Quine |- |[[Quotes]] |Literals/String |- |[[RCBF]] |Execute Brainfuck |- |[[RCHQ9+]] |Execute HQ9+ |- |[[RCRPG]] |RCRPG |- |[[RCSNUSP]] |Execute SNUSP |- |[[Random Numbers]] |Random numbers |- |[[Rate Counter]] |Rate counter |- |[[Rational Arithmetic]] |Arithmetic/Rational |- |[[Read image file through a pipe]] |Bitmap/Read an image through a pipe |- |[[Read ppm file]] |Bitmap/Read a PPM file |- |[[Reduced row echelon form]] |Reduced row echelon form |- |[[Regular expression matching]] |Regular expressions |- |[[Rendezvous]] |Rendezvous |- |[[Repeating a string]] |Repeat a string |- |[[Retrieve a substring]] |Substring |- |[[Reversing a string]] |Reverse a string |- |[[Roman Numerals]] |Roman numerals |- |[[Roots of a function]] |Roots of a function |- |[[Roots of unity]] |Roots of unity |- |[[Rot-13]] |Rot-13 |- |[[Run-length encoding]] |Run-length encoding |- |[[SEDOL]] |SEDOLs |- |[[SOAP Client]] |SOAP |- |[[SQL-Based Authentication]] |SQL-based authentication |- |[[Safe addition]] |Safe addition |- |[[Scope modifiers]] |Scope modifiers |- |[[Search Yahoo]] |Yahoo! Search |- |[[Search for a User in Active Directory]] |Active Directory/Search for a user |- |[[Select]] |Menu |- |[[Select from Array]] |Filter |- |[[Selection sort]] |Sorting algorithms/Selection sort |- |[[Send an email]] |Send email |- |[[Sequence of Non-squares]] |Sequence of non-squares |- |[[Seven-dice from Five-dice]] |Seven-sided dice from five-sided dice |- |[[Shell One Liner]] |Shell one-liner |- |[[Shell sort]] |Sorting algorithms/Shell sort |- |[[Sierpinski carpet]] |Sierpinski carpet |- |[[Sierpinski triangle]] |Sierpinski triangle |- |[[Sieve of Eratosthenes]] |Sieve of Eratosthenes |- |[[Simple Random Distribution Checker]] |Verify distribution uniformity/Naive |- |[[Simple Windowed Application]] |Simple windowed application |- |[[Simple concurrent actions]] |Concurrent computing |- |[[Simulate key strokes]] |Simulate input/Keyboard |- |[[Simulate mouse click]] |Simulate input/Mouse |- |[[Singly-Linked List (element insertion)]] |Singly-linked list/Element insertion |- |[[Singly-Linked List (element)]] |Singly-linked list/Element definition |- |[[Singly-Linked List (traversal)]] |Singly-linked list/Traversal |- |[[Sleep the Main Thread]] |Sleep |- |[[Sockets]] |Sockets |- |[[Sort an array of composite structures]] |Sort an array of composite structures |- |[[Sort most popular programming languages]] |Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity |- |[[Sort stability]] |Sort stability |- |[[Sorting Using a Custom Comparator]] |Sort using a custom comparator |- |[[Sorting an Array of Integers]] |Sort an integer array |- |[[Soundex]] |Soundex |- |[[Special characters]] |Special characters |- |[[Spiral]] |Spiral matrix |- |[[Stack]] |Stack |- |[[Stair Climbing]] |Stair-climbing puzzle |- |[[Standard Deviation]] |Standard deviation |- |[[Stem-and-leaf plot]] |Stem-and-leaf plot |- |[[String concatenation]] |String concatenation |- |[[String length]] |String length |- |[[Sudoku Solver]] |Sudoku |- |[[Sum a series]] |Sum of a series |- |[[Sum and product of array]] |Sum and product of an array |- |[[Sum of squares]] |Sum of squares |- |[[Symmetric Difference]] |Symmetric difference |- |[[Synchronous Concurrency]] |Synchronous concurrency |- |[[Syntactically explicit undefined]] |Undefined values |- |[[System time]] |System time |- |[[Table Creation]] |Table creation |- |[[Table Creation - Address]] |Table creation/Postal addresses |- |[[Testing a Function]] |Test a function |- |[[Tokenizing A String]] |Tokenize a string |- |[[Top Rank Per Group]] |Top rank per group |- |[[Topological (dependency) sort]] |Topological sort |- |[[Towers of Hanoi]] |Towers of Hanoi |- |[[Tree traversal]] |Tree traversal |- |[[Trial factoring of a Mersenne number]] |Factors of a Mersenne number |- |[[Trigonometric Functions]] |Trigonometric functions |- |[[True/False Values]] |Boolean values |- |[[Two-dimensional array (runtime)]] |Create a two-dimensional array at runtime |- |[[Unknown Method]] |Respond to an unknown method call |- |[[User Input - graphical]] |User input/Graphical |- |[[User Input - text]] |User input/Text |- |[[User Output - graphical]] |Hello world/Graphical |- |[[User Output - stderr]] |Hello world/Standard error |- |[[User Output - text]] |Hello world/Text |- |[[Varargs]] |Variadic function |- |[[Variables]] |Variables |- |[[Verify Distribution Uniformity with Chi-Squared Test]] |Verify distribution uniformity/Chi-squared test |- |[[Walk Directory]] |Walk a directory/Non-recursively |- |[[Walk Directory Tree]] |Walk a directory/Recursively |- |[[Web Scraping]] |Web scraping |- |[[Window management]] |Window management |- |[[Wireworld]] |Wireworld |- |[[Write float arrays to a text file]] |Write float arrays to a text file |- |[[Write ppm file]] |Bitmap/Write a PPM file |- |[[X11 simple window]] |Window creation/X11 |- |[[XML Creation]] |XML/Output |- |[[XML Reading]] |XML/Input |- |[[XML and XPath]] |XML/XPath |- |[[Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm]] |Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm |- |[[Y combinator]] |Y combinator |- |[[Yuletide Holiday]] |Day of the week |- |[[Zig Zag]] |Zig-zag matrix |- |}