⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define ensure(x) { if (!(x)) printf("\nabort: line %d\n", __LINE__); }

int w, h, n_boxes;
int offset[4] = {0, 0, 1, -1};
uint8_t *board, *goals, *live, *tmpmap;
int *dist;

typedef uint16_t cidx_t;
typedef unsigned int hash_t;

/* board configuration is represented by an array of cell indices
   of player and boxes */
typedef struct state_t state_t;

struct state_t { // variable length
	hash_t h;
	int depth;
	state_t *prev, *next, *qprev, *qnext;
	cidx_t c[];

size_t boxsize;
size_t state_size, block_size = 32;
state_t *block_root, *block_head;

int alloced = 0;
state_t* newstate(state_t *parent) {
	inline state_t* next_of(state_t *s) {
		return (void*)((uint8_t*)s + state_size);

	state_t *ptr;
	if (!block_head) {
		block_size *= 2;
		state_t *p;
		ensure(p = malloc(block_size * state_size));
		alloced += block_size - 1;
		p->next = block_root;
		block_root = p;
		ptr = (void*)((uint8_t*)p + state_size * block_size);
		p = block_head = next_of(p);
		state_t *q;
		for (q = next_of(p); q < ptr; p = q, q = next_of(q))
			p->next = q;
		p->next = NULL;

	ptr = block_head;
	block_head = block_head->next;

	ptr->prev = parent;
	ptr->qprev = ptr->qnext = 0;
	ptr->h = 0;
	return ptr;

void unnewstate(state_t *p) {
	p->next = block_head;
	block_head = p;

enum { space, wall, player, box };

#define E "\033["
const char * const glyph1[] = { " ", "#", E"31m@"E"m", E"33m$"E"m"};
const char * const glyph2[] = { E"32m."E"m", "#", E"32m@"E"m", E"32m$"E"m"};
#undef E

// mark up positions where a box definitely should not be
void mark_live(const int c)
	if (live[c]) return;

	live[c] = 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		int d = offset[i];
		if (board[c + d] != wall && board[c + d * 2] != wall)
			mark_live(c + d);

state_t *parse_board(const int y, const int x, const char *s)
	w = x, h = y;
	ensure( board = calloc(w * h, sizeof(uint8_t)) );
	ensure( tmpmap= calloc(w * h, sizeof(uint8_t)) );
	ensure( goals = calloc(w * h, sizeof(uint8_t)) );
	ensure( live  = calloc(w * h, sizeof(uint8_t)) );
	ensure( dist  = calloc(w * h, sizeof(int)) );

	n_boxes = 0;
	for (int i = 0; s[i]; i++) {
		switch(s[i]) {
		case '#':	board[i] = wall;

		case '.':	// fallthrough
		case '+':	goals[i] = 1; // fallthrough
		case '@':	continue;

		case '*':	goals[i] = 1; // fallthrough
		case '$':	n_boxes++;
		default:	continue;

	const int is = sizeof(int);
	state_size = (sizeof(state_t) + (1 + n_boxes) * sizeof(cidx_t) + is - 1)
			/ is * is;

	boxsize = sizeof(cidx_t) * (1 + n_boxes);
	state_t *state = newstate(NULL);
	state->depth = 0;

	offset[0] = w;
	offset[1] = -w;

	for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < w * h; i++) {
		if (goals[i]) mark_live(i);
		if (s[i] == '$' || s[i] == '*')
			state->c[++j] = i;
		else if (s[i] == '@' || s[i] == '+')
			state->c[0] = i;

	memcpy(tmpmap, board, sizeof(uint8_t) * w * h);
	return state;

void show_board(const state_t *s)
	printf("move %d\n", s->depth);
	unsigned char b[w * h];
	memcpy(b, board, w * h);

	b[ s->c[0] ] = player;
	for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
		b[ s->c[i] ] = box;

	for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++) {
		printf((goals[i] ? glyph2 : glyph1)[ b[i] ]);
		if (! ((1 + i) % w))

// K&R hash function
void hash(state_t *s)
	if (!s->h) {
		register hash_t ha = 0;
		cidx_t *p = s->c;
		for (int i = 0; i <= n_boxes; i++)
			ha = p[i] + 31 * ha;
		s->h = ha;

state_t **buckets;
hash_t hash_size, fill_limit, filled;

void extend_table()
	int old_size = hash_size;

	if (!old_size) {
		hash_size = 1024;
		filled = 0;
		fill_limit = hash_size * 3 / 4; // 0.75 load factor
	} else {
		hash_size *= 4;
		fill_limit *= 4;

	// rehash
	ensure(buckets = realloc(buckets, sizeof(state_t*) * hash_size));
	memset(buckets + old_size, 0, sizeof(state_t*) * (hash_size - old_size));

	const hash_t bits = hash_size - 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < old_size; i++) {
		state_t *head = buckets[i];
		buckets[i] = NULL;
		while (head) {
			state_t *next = head->next;
			const int j = head->h & bits;
			head->next = buckets[j];
			buckets[j] = head;
			head = next;

state_t *lookup(state_t *s)
	state_t *f = buckets[s->h & (hash_size - 1)];
	while(f && !((f->h == s->h) && !memcmp(s->c, f->c, boxsize)))
		f = f->next;

	return f;

state_t* add_to_table(state_t *s)
	state_t *f;
	if ((f = lookup(s))) {
		if (f->depth > s->depth) {
			f->depth = s->depth;
			f->prev = s->prev;
			return f;
		return 0;

	if (filled++ >= fill_limit)

	hash_t i = s->h & (hash_size - 1);

	s->next = buckets[i];
	buckets[i] = s;
	return s;

inline void sort_state(state_t *n)
	// leet bubble sort: boxes are indistinguishable
	cidx_t *p = n->c;
	for (int i = n_boxes; --i; ) {
		cidx_t t = 0;
		for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) {
			if (p[j] > p[j + 1])
				t = p[j], p[j] = p[j+1], p[j+1] = t;
		if (!t) break;

inline bool success(const state_t *s)
	for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
		if (!goals[s->c[i]]) return false;
	return true;

inline int deadlocked(state_t *s)
	for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
		if (!live[s->c[i]]) return 1;


	int ret = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
		tmpmap[s->c[i]] = box;

	/* check if two boxes are next to each other and sitting along a wall
	   or some such */
	for (int i = 1; i < n_boxes; i++) {
		int x = s->c[i];
		int y = s->c[i + 1];
		if (y == x + 1 && !(goals[x] && goals[y])) {
			if ((tmpmap[x - w] >= wall && tmpmap[y - w] >= wall) ||
				(tmpmap[x + w] >= wall && tmpmap[y + w] >= wall))
				ret = 1;
				goto bail;
			if ((tmpmap[x - w] == wall || tmpmap[x + w] == wall) &&
				(tmpmap[y - w] == wall || tmpmap[y + w] == wall))
				ret = 1;
				goto bail;
		for (int j = i + 1; j <= n_boxes; j++) {
			y = s->c[j];

			if (y == x + w) {
				if (goals[x] && goals[y]) continue;
				if ((tmpmap[x - 1] >= wall && tmpmap[y - 1] >= wall) ||
					(tmpmap[x + 1] >= wall && tmpmap[y + 1] >= wall))
					ret = 1;
					goto bail;
				if ((tmpmap[x - 1] == wall || tmpmap[x + 1] == wall) &&
					(tmpmap[y - 1] == wall || tmpmap[y + 1] == wall))
					ret = 1;
					goto bail;
bail:	for(int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
		tmpmap[s->c[i]] = space;

	return ret;

// Dijkstra's, calculate move distance from the state's player to all cells
void calc_dist(state_t *s)
	int qlen = 0, t = w * h, qidx[t];
	cidx_t pq[t], pop;
	memset(qidx, 0, sizeof(int) * t);
	for (int i = w * h; i--; ) dist[i] = t;

	inline void pq_push(cidx_t c, short d) {
		if (board[c] >= wall || dist[c] <= d) return;

		int i = qidx[c], j;
		if (!i) i = ++qlen;

		while (i > 1 && dist[pq[j = i / 2]] > d) {
			pq[i] = pq[j];
			qidx[pq[i]] = i;
			i = j;
		qidx[c] = i;
		pq[i] = c;
		dist[pq[i]] = d;

	inline void pq_pop() {
		pop = pq[1];
		short tmp = pq[qlen--];
		pq[0] = pq[1];
		int i = 1, j;
		for (i = 1; (j = i * 2) <= qlen; i = j) {
			if (j < qlen && dist[pq[j]] > dist[pq[j + 1]]) j++;
			if (dist[pq[j]] >= dist[tmp]) break;
			pq[i] = pq[j];
			qidx[pq[i]] = i;
		pq[i] = tmp;
		qidx[tmp] = i;

	pq_push(s->c[0], 0);
	while (qlen) {
		short d = dist[pop] + 1;
		pq_push(pop - w, d);
		pq_push(pop + w, d);
		pq_push(pop - 1, d);
		pq_push(pop + 1, d);

// make a new state by push a box in current state
state_t* push_me(state_t *s, int dc)
	int c1 = s->c[0] + dc;
	if (board[c1] != box) return 0;

	int c2 = c1 + dc;
	if (board[c2] >= wall) return 0;

	state_t *n = newstate(s);
	n->depth = s->depth + 1;

	for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
		n->c[i] = (s->c[i] == c1) ? c2 : s->c[i];
	n->c[0] = c1;
	return n;

#define MAX_MOVE 1024
state_t *solution, *queue[MAX_MOVE];
int known_moves = MAX_MOVE;

// if a better move is found for a configuration already queued
void unqueue_move(state_t *s)
	state_t *p = s->qnext;
	if (p) p->qprev = s->qprev;

	p = s->qprev;
	if (!p) {
		if (queue[s->depth] == s)
			queue[s->depth] = s->qnext;
	} else
		p->qnext = s->qnext;

int queue_move(state_t *s)
	if (!s) return 0;

	int d = s->depth;
	if (d >= known_moves || deadlocked(s)) {
		return 0;

	state_t *f = lookup(s);
	if (f) {
		if (f->depth <= d) {
			return 0;
		f->depth = d;
		f->prev = s->prev;
		s = f;
	} else

	s->qprev = 0;
	if ((s->qnext = queue[d]))
		s->qnext->qprev = s;

	queue[d] = s;

	if (success(s)) {
		if (s->depth < known_moves) {
			known_moves = s->depth;
			solution = s;
			printf("\nfound solution at move %d\n", known_moves);

	return 1;

// this is called for queued moves; only push moves ever show up in queue
int do_move(state_t *s)
	for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
		board[s->c[i]] = box;


	int t = w * h;
	uint8_t near_box[t];
	memset(near_box, 0, t);

	for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++) {
		int c = s->c[i];
		near_box[c - w] = near_box[c + w]
			= near_box[c - 1] = near_box[c + 1] = 1;

	for (int i = w + 1; i < w * (h - 1); i++) {
		if (!near_box[i] || dist[i] >= t)
		state_t *n = s;
		if (dist[i]) {
			n = newstate(s);
			memcpy(n->c, s->c, boxsize);
			n->c[0] = i;
			n->depth = s->depth + dist[i];
			n = add_to_table(n);

		if (!dist[i] || n) {
			queue_move(push_me(n, -1));
			queue_move(push_me(n,  1));
			queue_move(push_me(n, -w));
			queue_move(push_me(n,  w));

	for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
		board[s->c[i]] = space;

	return 0;

void show_moves(state_t *s)
	if (s->prev) {
		int d = s->depth - s->prev->depth;
		if (d > 1) {
			for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
				board[s->c[i]] = box;
			s->c[0] = s->prev->c[0];
			s->depth = s->prev->depth;
			while (d--) {
				for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
					int c = s->c[0] + offset[i];
					if (dist[c] == d) {
						s->c[0] = c;
				if (d) {
			for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
				board[s->c[i]] = space;

int main()
	state_t *s = parse_board(

#define BIG 0

#if BIG == 0
		8, 7,
		"#     #"
		"#     #"
		"#. #  #"
		"#. $$ #"
		"#.$$  #"
		"#.#  @#"

#elif BIG == 1
		5, 13,
		"#  #        #"
		"# $$$$$$$  @#"
		"#.......    #"
#elif BIG == 2
		5, 13,
		"#... #      #"
		"#.$$$$$$$  @#"
		"#...        #"

#elif BIG == 3
		11, 19,
		"    #####          "
		"    #   #          "
		"    #$  #          "
		"  ###  $##         "
		"  #  $ $ #         "
		"### # ## #   ######"
		"#   # ## #####  ..#"
		"# $  $          ..#"
		"##### ### #@##  ..#"
		"    #     #########"
		"    #######        "
		11, 13,
		"####     ####"
		"#   .### ####"
		"# # #    ####"
		"# # $ $#. ###"
		"# #  *  # ###"
		"# .#$ $ # ###"
		"##    # # ###"
		"## ###.    @#"
		"##     ##   #"



	for (int d = 1; d < known_moves; d++) {
		state_t *s = queue[d];
		printf("depth %d (%d records, mem: %d/%dM)\r", d, filled,
			filled * state_size / (1 << 20),
			alloced * state_size / (1 << 20));

		for (; s; s = s->qnext) do_move(s);

	if (solution) {
		printf("\npress any key to see solution\n");

#if 0

	while (block_root) {
		void *tmp = block_root->next;
		block_root = tmp;

	return 0;