⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

This version handles even tricky cases where there are many possible choices of each path but only one leads to a solution (as in awkwardcase below). The core of this is the ForkSolve method, which clones the current object and speculatively searches forward from there. (Note, you need a very recent build of Tcl 8.6 to make this work, as it depends on a feature change from 2012-03-27.) {{works with|Tcl|8.6}}

package require Tcl 8.6

oo::class create Hidato {
    variable grid max filled
    constructor {initialConfiguration} {
	set max 1
	set y 0
	foreach row [split [string trim $initialConfiguration "\n"] "\n"] {
	    set x 0
	    set rowcontents {}
	    foreach cell $row {
		if {![string is integer -strict $cell]} {set cell -1}
		lappend rowcontents $cell
		set max [expr {max($max, $cell)}]
		if {$cell > 0} {
		    dict set filled $cell [list $y $x]
		incr x
	    lappend grid $rowcontents
	    incr y

    method FindSeps {} {
	set result {}
	for {set i 1} {$i < $max-1} {incr i} {
	    if {[dict exists $filled $i]} {
		for {set j [expr {$i+1}]} {$j <= $max} {incr j} {
		    if {[dict exists $filled $j]} {
			if {$j-$i > 1} {
			    lappend result [list $i $j [expr {$j-$i}]]
	return [lsort -integer -index 2 $result]

    method MakePaths {sep} {
	lassign $sep from to len
	lassign [dict get $filled $from] y x
	set result {}
	foreach {dx dy} {-1 -1  -1 0  -1 1  0 -1  0 1  1 -1  1 0  1 1} {
	    my Discover [expr {$x+$dx}] [expr {$y+$dy}] [expr {$from+1}] $to \
		[list [list $from $x $y]] $grid
	return $result
    method Discover {x y n limit path model} {
	# Check for illegal
	if {[lindex $model $y $x] != 0} return
	upvar 1 result result
	lassign [dict get $filled $limit] ly lx
	# Special case
	if {$n == $limit-1} {
	    if {abs($x-$lx)<=1 && abs($y-$ly)<=1 && !($lx==$x && $ly==$y)} {
		lappend result \
		    [lappend path [list $n $x $y] [list $limit $lx $ly]]
	# Check for impossible
	if {abs($x-$lx) > $limit-$n || abs($y-$ly) > $limit-$n} return
	# Recursive search
	lappend path [list $n $x $y]
	lset model $y $x $n
	incr n
	foreach {dx dy} {-1 -1  -1 0  -1 1  0 -1  0 1  1 -1  1 0  1 1} {
	    my Discover [expr {$x+$dx}] [expr {$y+$dy}] $n $limit $path $model

    forward log puts

    method applyPath {path {bit "unique path"}} {
	my log "Found $bit for [lindex $path 0 0] -> [lindex $path end 0]"
	foreach cell [lrange $path 1 end-1] {
	    lassign $cell n x y
	    lset grid $y $x $n
	    dict set filled $n [list $y $x]

    method print {} {
	foreach row $grid {
	    foreach cell $row {
		puts -nonewline [format " %*s" [string length $max] [expr {
		    $cell==-1 ? "." : $cell
	    puts ""

    method state {} {list $grid $max $filled}

    method ForkSolve {paths} {
	my log "Choice of [llength $paths] possible paths"
	foreach p $paths {
	    set subobj [oo::copy [self]]
	    try {
		$subobj applyPath $p "path #[incr count]"
		if {[$subobj solve]} {
		    my log "Leads to solution!"
		    lassign [$subobj state] grid max filled
		    return -code break
		} else {
		    my log "No solution?"
	    } finally {
		$subobj destroy
    method solve {} {
	set limit [llength [my FindSeps]]
	while {[llength [set seps [my FindSeps]]] && [incr limit -1]>=0} {
	    set pshort {}
	    foreach sep $seps {
		set paths [my MakePaths $sep]
		if {[llength $paths] == 1} {
		    my applyPath [lindex $paths 0]
		    set pshort {}
		} elseif {![llength $pshort]} {
		    set pshort $paths
		} elseif {[llength $pshort] > [llength $paths]} {
		    set pshort $paths
	    if {[llength $pshort]} {
		my ForkSolve $pshort
		return false
	return true

Hidato create sample {
     0  33  35   0   0   .   .   .
     0   0  24  22   0   .   .   .
     0   0   0  21   0   0   .   .
     0  26   0  13  40  11   .   .
    27   0   0   0   9   0   1   .
     .   .   0   0  18   0   0   .
     .   .   .   .   0   7   0   0 
     .   .   .   .   .   .   5   0 
sample solve
puts ""   ;# Blank line for clarity in output
sample print
puts ""

Hidato create awkwardcase {
    . 4 .
    0 7 0
    1 0 0
awkwardcase solve
puts ""
awkwardcase print


Found unique path for 5 -> 7
Found unique path for 7 -> 9
Found unique path for 9 -> 11
Found unique path for 11 -> 13
Found unique path for 33 -> 35
Found unique path for 18 -> 21
Found unique path for 1 -> 5
Found unique path for 35 -> 40
Found unique path for 22 -> 24
Found unique path for 24 -> 26
Found unique path for 27 -> 33
Found unique path for 13 -> 18

 32 33 35 36 37  .  .  .
 31 34 24 22 38  .  .  .
 30 25 23 21 12 39  .  .
 29 26 20 13 40 11  .  .
 27 28 14 19  9 10  1  .
  .  . 15 16 18  8  2  .
  .  .  .  . 17  7  6  3
  .  .  .  .  .  .  5  4

Choice of 2 possible paths
Found path #1 for 1 -> 4
Found unique path for 4 -> 7
Leads to solution!

 . 4 .
 3 7 5
 1 2 6