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==Unary operator precedence== In the grmmmar, the definition of primary is:

    primary             =   Identifier
                          | Integer
                          | '(' expr ')'
                          | ('+' | '-' | '!') expr

which makes the unary operators the lowest precedence? Should that be:

    primary             =   Identifier
                          | Integer
                          | '(' expr ')'
                          | ('+' | '-' | '!') primary

which would be more usual? If I read it correctly, the C reference implementation does treat unary operators as highest precedence. --[[User:Tigerofdarkness|Tigerofdarkness]] ([[User talk:Tigerofdarkness|talk]]) 08:46, 23 October 2016 (UTC)

You are correct. Thanks for catching this! I have modified the grammar. --[[User:Ed Davis|Ed Davis]] ([[User talk:Ed Davis|talk]]) 11:03, 23 October 2016 (UTC)

==prt_list production incorrect== I think the prt_list production should be:

prt_list            =   (String | expr) { ',' (String | expr) } ;

because | is lower precedence than concatenation.

Yep, I agree. It has been corrected. Thanks for the catch! --[[User:Ed Davis|Ed Davis]] ([[User talk:Ed Davis|talk]]) 18:19, 22 April 2019 (UTC)