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Most of the control structure listed under "Conditional" are actually looping constructs. For instance: for, for-each, while, do-while, and their variants. Why are all the for-each loops in a different category? Iterative? That seems less important than the fact that it's a loop. The truly conditional constructs are if-then-else, ternary, switch, and their variants. Goto, Break, and Continue are some 'control flow' constructs. The fall-through in a switch is another control flow example. 'Break' and 'continue' deserve a mention with respect to loops. So far they are completely undiscussed (except breaks in switches). Exception handling constructs could be in a 'Non-local transfer of control' section. Many modern languages implement exceptions, so there should be more on this. --[[User:Shock|Shock]] 21:49, 24 January 2007 (EST) :Sorry...I'm not a CS major; When I spawned the page, I wasn't sure how to categorize it. I'm reorganizing the page into "Conditional", "Control Flow", "Loops", and "Exceptions". Wish me luck; I'm likely to make mistakes. --[[User:Short Circuit|Short Circuit]] 10:48, 25 January 2007 (EST) ::There's a ton of code in here. On second thought, this needs to be split into multiple articles. "Conditional Structures", "Flow Control Structures", "Loop Structures", and "Exception Handling", then. --[[User:Short Circuit|Short Circuit]] 10:52, 25 January 2007 (EST)