⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

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== it should be interesting concerning the drawing of a rocket ship == One could easily see how the ASCII drawing of a rocket ship might cause bewilderment for some backward peoples of the renderings as it might appear to be something else. Sodlid? -- [[User:Gerard Schildberger|Gerard Schildberger]] ([[User talk:Gerard Schildberger|talk]]) 23:24, 5 August 2019 (UTC) (speaking rather backwardly)

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Of course, one can't do justice in the displaying of the "launching" of a spaceship, but I was toying with an alternative of showing the ''USS Enterprise'' flying horizontally (across the screen). -- [[User:Gerard Schildberger|Gerard Schildberger]] ([[User talk:Gerard Schildberger|talk]]) 23:24, 5 August 2019 (UTC) ::fascinating :D

== arbitrary animation should be allowed ==

I think there is no strict rules in this task. Any cosmic ship animation will do the trick as long as:

  1. Watcher can see a countdown

  2. Watcher can notice ship "engines ON" / "ignition" event

  3. Watcher sees ship flying with ''acceleration''

If all three rules are fulfilled then ANY animation fits for the task.