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== Poorly defined == I vote this page be deleted in favor of more concrete metaprogramming tasks, such as [[Extend your language]]. --[[User:IanOsgood|IanOsgood]] 01:32, 3 December 2010 (UTC) : Perhaps "metaprogramming" could be defined as a task and/or example semantic property? (i.e. 'this task requires metaprogramming', or 'this example uses metaprogramming to solve the task') Then we could fairly easily show tasks which use or are solved using it, which I think would solve part of the reason the page was likely created. If the task is intended to explicitly document explicit language support or practice for metaprogramming, as analogous to [[control structures]] or [[loop structures]], then perhaps there needs to be a better way to identify and specify that type of task. (I'm not opposed to such explicit documentation-type tasks. They're a distilled, contextless form of comparison which has its own cases of utility.) --[[User:Short Circuit|Michael Mol]] 03:30, 3 December 2010 (UTC) :: "If the task is intended to explicitly document explicit language support or practice for metaprogramming": it is. It's a very open-ended task, but I don't see anything wrong with that. —[[User:Underscore|Underscore]] ([[User talk:Underscore|Talk]]) 20:33, 4 December 2010 (UTC)