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{{collection|Tetris}} CREDITS: this is a joint work by Boris F. and Nikita S. The program is started by calling Tetris[] from a blank input line. The cursor arrow keys are used to move, rotate, drop.

==Code== (* ::Package::*) BeginPackage["Tetris`"];

Tetris::usage = "Tetris[] starts game";


{w, h} = {14, 26}; bg = {0, 0, 0}; (background color) br = {.3, .3, .3}; (border color) speed0 = .6; (initial speed) fallspeed = 0.001; acc = 0.8; (speed acceleration factor) sounds = False; lpl = 2; (lines per level) sndbrick = Play[Sin[1000 t] + Cos[1100 t], {t, 0, .1}]; gomsg = "GAME OVER"; bcaption = " New game ";

figs = { (figure:{coords, color}) {{{0, -1}, {0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, -1}}, {0.1, 0.1, 1.0}} (J), {{{0, -1}, {0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}}, {1.0, 0.5, 0.0}} (L), {{{1, 0}, {0, 0}, {1, -1}, {0, 1}}, {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}} (Z), {{{1, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, -1}, {1, 1}}, {0.1, 1.0, 0.1}} (S), {{{0, 1}, {0, 0}, {0, 2}, {0, -1}}, {0.1, 0.9, 1.0}} (I), {{{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}}, {1.0, 1.0, 0.1}} (O), {{{0, -1}, {0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}}, {0.9, 0.1, 1.0}} (T) };

init[] := (oldspeed = 0 ; speed = speed0 ; lines = score = level = 0 ; glass = Table[If[1 < j < w && i > 1, bg, br], {i, h}, {j, w}] ; nextglass = Table[bg, {4}, {6}] ; fig7 = RandomSample@figs ; nfig = First@fig7 ; fig7 = Rest@fig7 ; newmask[] ; playing = False ; benabled = True ; msg = "" ; RemoveScheduledTask /@ ScheduledTasks[] );

newmask[] := (mask = Map[# == bg &, glass, {2}]);

newfig[] := (put[nextglass, nfig[[1]], {2, 3}, bg] ; {fig, fc} = nfig ; nfig = First@fig7 ; fig7 = Rest@fig7 ; If[fig7 === {}, fig7 = RandomSample@figs] ; put[nextglass, nfig[[1]], {2, 3}, nfig[[2]]] ; {y, x} = {h - 3, Floor[w/2]} ; If[check[fig, {y, x}] , put[glass, fig, {y, x}, fc] , stop[] ; playing = False ; benabled = True ; msg = gomsg ; Return[] ]; If[oldspeed != 0 , stop[] ; speed = oldspeed ; oldspeed = 0 ; start[] ]; );

rotate[f_] := If[f[[1]] == {0, 0} , f , {{0, -1}, {1, 0}}.# & /@ f ];

SetAttributes[do, HoldAll]; do[act_] := If[playing, act];

stop[] := RemoveScheduledTask[t]; start[] := StartScheduledTask[t = CreateScheduledTask[move[], speed]];

move[] := If[check[fig, {y - 1, x}] , put[glass, fig, {y, x}, bg] ; put[glass, fig, {--y, x}, fc] , es@sndbrick ; newmask[] ; del[] ; newfig[] ];

turn[] := Block[{newf}, newf = rotate@fig ; If[check[newf, {y, x}] , put[glass, fig, {y, x}, bg] ; fig = newf ; put[glass, fig, {y, x}, fc] ]; ];

shift[dx_] := If[check[fig, {y, x + dx}] , put[glass, fig, {y, x}, bg] ; x += dx ; put[glass, fig, {y, x}, fc] ];

SetAttributes[es, HoldFirst]; es[s_] := If[sounds, EmitSound@s];

price[n_] := Switch[n, 1, 40, 2, 100, 3, 300, 4, 1200];

del[] := Module[{sel, g, ln}, sel = Not[Or @@ #] & /@ mask ; sel[[1]] = False ; g = Pick[glass, Not /@ sel] ; If[(ln = h - Length@g) > 0 , glass = g~Join~Table[If[1 < i < w, bg, br], {ln}, {i, w}] ; es@Play[UnitStep@Sin[2000 t] Sin[5000 t t], {t, 0, .2 (ln)}] ; lines += ln ; score += price[ln]*(level + 1) ; cl = Quotient[lines, lpl] ; If[cl > level , level = cl ; stop[] ; speed *= acc ; oldspeed *= acc ; start[]] ; newmask[] ]; ];

SetAttributes[#, HoldFirst] & /@ {set, put};

set[g_, p_, c_] := (g[[Sequence @@ p]] = c);

put[g_, f_, p_, c_] := set[g, #, c] & /@ (# + p & /@ f);

get[p_] := mask[[Sequence @@ p]];

check[f_, p_] := And @@ (get /@ (# + p & /@ f));

drop[] := If[speed != fallspeed , stop[] ; playing = False ; oldspeed = speed ; speed = fallspeed ; start[] ; playing = True ];

menu = Button[bcaption , init[] ; newfig[] ; playing = True ; start[] ; benabled = False , Enabled -> Dynamic@benabled ];

Tetris[] := DynamicModule[{}, init[]; EventHandler[ Graphics[ {Raster@Dynamic@glass[[;; -4]], Raster[Dynamic@nextglass, {{w, h - 7}, {w + 6, h - 3}}], Text[Style["Score", 24, White, Bold], {w, 17}, {-1, 0}], Text[Style[Dynamic@score, 24, White, Bold], {w + 6, 17}, {1, 0}], Text[Style["Lines", 24, Green, Bold], {w, 14}, {-1, 0}], Text[Style[Dynamic@lines, 24, Green, Bold], {w + 6, 14}, {1, 0}], Text[Style["Level", 24, Cyan, Bold], {w, 11}, {-1, 0}], Text[Style[Dynamic@level, 24, Cyan, Bold], {w + 6, 11}, {1, 0}], Text[Style[Dynamic@msg, 24, White, Bold], {w + 3, 7}, {0, 0}], Inset[menu, {w + 3, 2}] } , PlotRange -> {{0, w + 7}, {0, h - 2}} , Background -> RGBColor@br , ImageSize -> 600 ], {"RightArrowKeyDown" :> do@shift@1 , "LeftArrowKeyDown" :> do@shift@-1 , "UpArrowKeyDown" :> do@turn[] , "DownArrowKeyDown" :> do@drop[] } ] ];

