⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

{{task|Text processing}} Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column.

Use the following text to test your programs:


Note that:

The example input texts lines may, or may not, have trailing dollar characters.

All columns should share the same alignment.

Consecutive space characters produced adjacent to the end of lines are insignificant for the purposes of the task.

Output text will be viewed in a mono-spaced font on a plain text editor or basic terminal.

The minimum space between columns should be computed from the text and not hard-coded.

It is ''not'' a requirement to add separating characters between or around columns.



V txt = ‘Given$a$txt$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$

V parts = txt.split("\n").map(line -> line.rtrim(‘$’).split(‘$’))
V max_widths = [0] * parts[0].len
L(line) parts
   L(word) line
      max_widths[L.index] = max(max_widths[L.index], word.len)

(String, Int -> String) ljust = (s, w) -> s‘’(‘ ’ * (w - s.len))
(String, Int -> String) centr = (s, w) -> (‘ ’ * (w - s.len - (w I/ 2 - s.len I/ 2)))‘’s‘’(‘ ’ * (w I/ 2 - s.len I/ 2))
(String, Int -> String) rjust = (s, w) -> (‘ ’ * (w - s.len))‘’s

L(justify) [ljust, centr, rjust]
   print([‘Left’, ‘Center’, ‘Right’][L.index]‘ column-aligned output:’)
   L(line) parts
      L(word) line
         print(justify(word, max_widths[L.index]), end' ‘ ’)
   print(‘- ’ * 52)

360 Assembly

*        Align columns             12/04/2019
         USING  ALICOL,R13         base register
         B      72(R15)            skip savearea
         DC     17F'0'             savearea
         SAVE   (14,12)            save previous context
         ST     R13,4(R15)         link backward
         ST     R15,8(R13)         link forward
         LR     R13,R15            set addressability
         LA     R8,1               i=1
       DO WHILE=(C,R8,LE,=A(NI))   do r=1 to hbound(t)
         LA     R7,1                 j=1
         LA     R6,L'T               i=length(t)
       DO WHILE=(C,R6,GE,=A(1))      do i=length(t) to 1 by -1
         LR     R1,R8                  r
         MH     R1,=AL2(L'T)           ~
         LA     R4,T-L'T(R1)           t(r)
         BCTR   R4,0                   -1
         AR     R4,R6                  +i
         MVC    CI,0(R4)               ci=substr(t(r),i,1)
         CLI    CI,C' '                if ci=' '
         BE     ITERI1                 then iterate i
         CLI    CI,C'$'                if ci='$'
         BE     ITERI1                 then iterate i
         LR     R7,R6                  j=i
         B      LEAVEI1                leave i
ITERI1   BCTR   R6,0                   i--
       ENDDO    ,                    enddo i
LEAVEI1  LR     R1,R8                r
         MH     R1,=AL2(L'T)         ~
         LA     R4,T-L'T(R1)         @t(r)
         LA     R2,WT                @wt
         LR     R5,R7                j
         ICM    R5,B'1000',=C' '     padding
         LA     R3,L'T               length(wt)
         MVCL   R2,R4                wt=substr(t(r),1,j)
         LA     R0,1                 1
         ST     R0,I0                i0=1
         SR     R9,R9                c=0
         LA     R6,1                 i=1
       DO WHILE=(CR,R6,LE,R7)        do i=1 to j
         LA     R4,WT-1                @wt
         AR     R4,R6                  i
         MVC    CI(1),0(R4)            ci=substr(wt,i,1)
       IF   CLI,CI,EQ,C'$' THEN        if ci='$' then
         BAL    R14,SEQ                  call seq
         LR     R2,R6                    i
         LA     R2,1(R2)                 +1
         ST     R2,I0                    i0=i+1
       ENDIF    ,                      endif
         LA     R6,1(R6)               i++
       ENDDO    ,                    enddo i
         BAL    R14,SEQ            call seq
       IF     C,R9,GT,COLS THEN    if c>cols then
         ST     R9,COLS              cols=c
       ENDIF    ,                  endif
         LA     R8,1(R8)             r++
       ENDDO    ,                  enddo r
         LR     R2,R8              r
         BCTR   R2,0               -1
         ST     R2,ROWS            rows=r-1
         LA     R7,1               j=1
       DO WHILE=(C,R7,LE,=A(3))    do j=1 to 3
         XPRNT  =C'--',2             print
         LA     R8,1                 r=1
       DO WHILE=(C,R8,LE,ROWS)       do r=1 to rows
         MVC    PG,=CL120' '           pg=' '
         LA     R0,1                   1
         ST     R0,IB                  ib=1
         LA     R9,1                   c=1
       DO WHILE=(C,R9,LE,COLS)         do c=1 to cols
         LR     R1,R8                    r
         BCTR   R1,0                     -1
         MH     R1,=AL2(NJ)              ~
         AR     R1,R9                    c
         MH     R1,=AL2(L'WOR)           ~
         LA     R4,WOR-L'WOR(R1)         @wor(r,c)
         MVC    W,0(R4)                  w=wor(r,c)
         LA     R6,L'W                   i=length(w)
       DO WHILE=(C,R6,GE,=A(1))          do i=length(w) to 1 by -1
         LA     R4,W-1                     @w
         AR     R4,R6                      i
         MVC    CI,0(R4)                   ci=substr(w,i,1)
         CLI    CI,C' '                    if ci^=' '
         BNE    LEAVEI2                    then goto leavei2;
         BCTR   R6,0                       i--
       ENDDO    ,                        enddo i
LEAVEI2  EQU    *                        ~
       IF   LTR,R6,Z,R6 THEN             if i=0 then
         LA     R10,1                      l=1
       ELSE     ,                        else
         LR     R10,R6                     l=i
       ENDIF    ,                        endif
       IF     C,R7,EQ,=F'1' THEN         if j=1 then
         L      R11,IB                     ibx=ib
       ENDIF    ,                        endif
       IF     C,R7,EQ,=F'2' THEN         if j=2 then
         LR     R1,R9                      c
         SLA    R1,2                       ~
         L      R11,WID-L'WID(R1)          wid(c)
         A      R11,IB                     +ib
         SR     R11,R10                    ibx=ib+wid(c)-l
       ENDIF    ,                        endif
       IF     C,R7,EQ,=F'3' THEN         if j=3 then
         LR     R1,R9                      c
         SLA    R1,2                       ~
         L      R11,WID-L'WID(R1)          wid(c)
         SR     R11,R10                    -l
         SRA    R11,1                      /2
         A      R11,IB                     ibx=ib+(wid(c)-l)/2
       ENDIF    ,                        endif
         LA     R2,PG-1                  @pg
         AR     R2,R11                   +ibx
         LR     R3,R10                   l
         LA     R4,W                     @w
         LR     R5,R10                   l
         MVCL   R2,R4                    substr(pg,ibx,l)=substr(w,1,l)
         LR     R1,R9                    c
         SLA    R1,2                     ~
         L      R2,WID-L'WID(R1)         wid(c)
         A      R2,IB                    +ib
         LA     R2,1(R2)                 +1
         ST     R2,IB                    ib=ib+wid(c)+1
         LA     R9,1(R9)                 c++
       ENDDO    ,                      enddo c
         XPRNT  PG,L'PG                print
         LA     R8,1(R8)               r++
       ENDDO    ,                    enddo r
         LA     R7,1(R7)             j++
       ENDDO    ,                  enddo j
         L      R13,4(0,R13)       restore previous savearea pointer
         RETURN (14,12),RC=0       restore registers from calling sav
SEQ      EQU    *                  --begin seq
         LA     R9,1(R9)           c=c+1
         LR     R10,R6             i
         S      R10,I0             l=i-i0
         LA     R4,WT-1            @wt
         A      R4,I0              +i0
         LR     R5,R10             l
         ICM    R5,B'1000',=C' '   padding
         LR     R1,R8              r
         BCTR   R1,0               -1
         MH     R1,=AL2(NJ)        ~
         AR     R1,R9              +c
         MH     R1,=AL2(L'WOR)     ~
         LA     R2,WOR-L'WOR(R1)   @wor(r,c)
         LA     R3,L'WOR           length(wor)
         MVCL   R2,R4              wor(r,c)=substr(wt,i0,l)
         LR     R1,R9              c
         SLA    R1,2               ~
         L      R2,WID-L'WID(R1)   wid(c)
       IF     CR,R2,LT,R10 THEN    if l>wid(c) then
         LR     R1,R9                c
         SLA    R1,2                 ~
         ST     R10,WID-L'WID(R1)    wid(c)=l
       ENDIF    ,                  endif
         BR     R14                --end seq
NI       EQU    6                  ni
NJ       EQU    12                 nj
T DC CL68'Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$'
  DC CL68'are$delineated$by$a$single$''dollar''$character,$write$a$progX
  DC CL68'that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$eX
  DC CL68'column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.'
  DC CL68'Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$'
  DC CL68'justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$coX
WOR      DC     (NI*NJ)CL10' '     wor(ni,nj) char(10)
WID      DC     16F'0'             wid(16)
COLS     DC     F'0'
ROWS     DC     F'0'
WT       DS     CL(L'T)
W        DS     CL(L'WOR)
CI       DS     CL1
I0       DS     F
IB       DS     F
PG       DS     CL120
         END    ALICOL


Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within   a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       programm
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words    in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be       either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.
     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields   within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a programm
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that    words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to       be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.
  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields   within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    programm
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words     in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to       be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.


quote | Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$
var, raw-text

[] var, data
var width

: read-and-parse \ --
  raw-text @
  ( "$" s:/ data @ swap a:push drop )
  s:eachline ;

: find-widest \ -- n
  data @ ( ( swap s:len nip n:max ) swap a:reduce ) 0 a:reduce ;

: print-data \ fmt --
  width @ swap s:strfmt >r
  data @
      r@ s:strfmt .
    ) a:each drop

  ) a:each drop rdrop ;

: app:main

  \ find widest column, and add one for the space:
  find-widest n:1+ width !

  \ print the data
  cr "right:" . cr "%%>%ds" print-data
  cr "left:" . cr "%%<%ds" print-data
  cr "center:" . cr "%%|%ds" print-data
  bye ;


      Given          a       text       file         of       many     lines,      where     fields     within          a       line
        are delineated         by          a     single   'dollar' character,      write          a    program
       that     aligns       each     column         of     fields         by   ensuring       that      words         in       each
     column        are  separated         by         at      least        one     space.
   Further,      allow        for       each       word         in          a     column         to         be     either       left
 justified,      right justified,         or     center  justified     within        its    column.

Given      a          text       file       of         many       lines,     where      fields     within     a          line
are        delineated by         a          single     'dollar'   character, write      a          program
that       aligns     each       column     of         fields     by         ensuring   that       words      in         each
column     are        separated  by         at         least      one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each       word       in         a          column     to         be         either     left
justified, right      justified, or         center     justified  within     its        column.

   Given        a        text       file        of        many      lines,      where     fields     within        a        line
    are    delineated     by          a       single    'dollar'  character,    write        a       program
   that      aligns      each      column       of       fields       by      ensuring     that       words       in        each
  column       are     separated     by         at        least       one      space.
 Further,     allow       for       each       word        in          a       column       to         be       either      left
justified,    right   justified,     or       center    justified   within       its      column.


report z_align no standard page header.

data: lt_strings type standard table of string,
      lv_strings type string.
append: 'Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$' to lt_strings,
        'are$delineated$by$a$single$''dollar''$character,$write$a$program' to lt_strings,
        'that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$' to lt_strings,
        'column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.' to lt_strings,
        'Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$' to lt_strings,
        'justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.' to lt_strings.
types ty_strings type standard table of string.

perform align_col using 'LEFT' lt_strings.
perform align_col using 'RIGHT' lt_strings.
perform align_col using 'CENTER' lt_strings.

form align_col using iv_just type string iv_strings type ty_strings.
  constants: c_del value '$'.
  data: lv_string type string,
        lt_strings type table of string,
        lt_tables like table of lt_strings,
        lv_first type string,
        lv_second type string,
        lv_longest type i value 0,
        lv_off type i value 0,
        lv_len type i.
  " Loop through the supplied text. It is expected at the input is a table of strings, with each
  " entry in the table representing a new line of the input.
  loop at iv_strings into lv_string.
    " Split the current line at the delimiter.
    split lv_string at c_del into lv_first lv_second.
    " Loop through the line splitting at every delimiter.
      append lv_first to lt_strings.
      lv_len = strlen( lv_first ).
      " Check if the length of the new string is greater than the currently stored length.
      if lv_len > lv_longest.
        lv_longest = lv_len.
      if lv_second na c_del.
        " Check if the string is longer than the recorded maximum.
        lv_len = strlen( lv_second ).
        if lv_len > lv_longest.
          lv_longest = lv_len.
        append lv_second to lt_strings.
      split lv_second at c_del into lv_first lv_second.

    append lt_strings to lt_tables.
    clear lt_strings.

  " Loop through each line of input.
  loop at lt_tables into lt_strings.
    " Loop through each word in the line (Separated by specified delimiter).
    loop at lt_strings into lv_string.
      lv_off = ( sy-tabix - 1 ) * ( lv_longest + 2 ).
      case iv_just.
        when 'LEFT'.
          write : at (lv_longest) lv_string left-justified.
        when 'RIGHT'.
          write at (lv_longest) lv_string right-justified.
        when 'CENTER'.
          write at (lv_longest) lv_string centered.
    sy-linno = sy-linno - 1.
Given      a          text       file       of         many       lines,     where      fields     within     a          line
are        delineated by         a          single     'dollar'   character, write      a          program
that       aligns     each       column     of         fields     by         ensuring   that       words      in         each
column     are        separated  by         at         least      one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each       word       in         a          column     to         be         either     left
justified, right      justified, or         center     justified  within     its        column.

     Given          a       text       file         of       many     lines,      where     fields     within          a       line
       are delineated         by          a     single   'dollar' character,      write          a    program
      that     aligns       each     column         of     fields         by   ensuring       that      words         in       each
    column        are  separated         by         at      least        one     space.
  Further,      allow        for       each       word         in          a     column         to         be     either       left
justified,      right justified,         or     center  justified     within        its    column.

  Given        a         text       file        of        many      lines,     where      fields     within       a         line
   are     delineated     by         a        single    'dollar'  character,   write        a       program
   that      aligns      each      column       of       fields       by      ensuring     that      words        in        each
  column      are     separated      by         at       least       one       space.
 Further,    allow       for        each       word        in         a        column       to         be       either      left
justified,   right    justified,     or       center   justified    within      its      column.

## Ada

{{libheader|Simple components for Ada}}

with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;  use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
with Ada.Text_IO;             use Ada.Text_IO;
with Strings_Edit;            use Strings_Edit;

procedure Column_Aligner is
   Text : constant String :=
      "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$" & NUL &
      "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" & NUL &
      "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" & NUL &
      "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." & NUL &
      "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$" & NUL &
      "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." & NUL;
   File    : File_Type;
   Width   : array (1..1_000) of Natural := (others => 0);
   Line    : String (1..200);
   Column  : Positive := 1;
   Start   : Positive := 1;
   Pointer : Positive;
   Create (File, Out_File, "columned.txt");
      -- Determining the widths of columns
   for I in Text'Range loop
      case Text (I) is
         when '$' | NUL =>
            Width (Column) := Natural'Max (Width (Column), I - Start + 1);
            Start  := I + 1;
            if Text (I) = NUL then
               Column := 1;
               Column := Column + 1;
            end if;
         when others =>
      end case;
   end loop;
      -- Formatting
   for Align in Alignment loop
      Column  := 1;
      Start   := 1;
      Pointer := 1;
      for I in Text'Range loop
         case Text (I) is
            when '$' | NUL =>
               Put -- Formatted output of a word
               (  Destination => Line,
                  Pointer     => Pointer,
                  Value       => Text (Start..I - 1),
                  Field       => Width (Column),
                  Justify     => Align
               Start  := I + 1;
               if Text (I) = NUL then
                  Put_Line (File, Line (1..Pointer - 1));
                  Pointer := 1;
                  Column := 1;
                  Column := Column + 1;
               end if;
            when others =>
         end case;
      end loop;
   end loop;
   Close (File);
end Column_Aligner;

Formatted file sample:
Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.
      Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
        are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
       that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
     column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
   Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
 justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.
   Given        a        text     file    of      many     lines,     where   fields  within    a   line
    are    delineated     by        a   single  'dollar' character,   write     a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of     fields      by     ensuring   that   words    in   each
  column       are     separated   by     at     least       one     space.
 Further,     allow       for     each   word      in         a      column     to      be   either left
justified,    right   justified,   or   center justified   within      its   column.


## Aime

data b;
file f;
text n, t;
list c, r, s;
integer a, i, k, m, w;

b = "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$\n"


m = 0;

while (f.news(r, 0, 0, "$") ^ -1) {
    m = max(m, ~r);

i = 0;
while (i < m) {
    w = 0;
    for (, r in c) {
        if (i < ~r) {
            w = max(w, length(r[i]));
    s.append(w + 1);
    i += 1;

for (k, t in list("left", "center", "right")) {
    o_(t, " justified\n");
    for (, r in c) {
        for (i, n in r) {
            m = s[i] - ~n;
            o_form("/w~3/~/w~1/", a = (2 - k) * m >> 1, "", m - a, "", n);


left justified
Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

center justified
   Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
    are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
    that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
   column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
  Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
 justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

right justified
      Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
        are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
       that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
     column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
   Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
 justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.

## ALGOL 68

STRING nl = REPR 10;
STRING text in list := "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$"+nl+

PAGE page;

PROC flex page = (PAGE in page, INT row, col)PAGE:(
  HEAP FLEX[row, col]STRING out page;
  out page[:1 UPB in page, :2 UPB in page] := in page;
  FOR r TO row DO
    FOR c FROM 2 UPB in page + 1 TO col DO out page[r,c]:="" OD
  FOR r FROM 1 UPB in page + 1 TO row DO
    FOR c FROM 1 TO col DO out page[r,c]:="" OD
  out page

FILE text in file;
associate(text in file, text in list);
make term(text in file, "$");

on physical file end(text in file, (REF FILE skip)BOOL: stop iteration);
on logical file end(text in file, (REF FILE skip)BOOL: stop iteration);
FOR row DO
  on line end(text in file, (REF FILE skip)BOOL: stop iteration);
  FOR col DO
    STRING tok;
    getf(text in file, ($gx$,tok));
    IF row > 1 UPB page THEN page := flex page(page, row, 2 UPB page) FI;
    IF col > 2 UPB page THEN page := flex page(page, 1 UPB page, col) FI;
  stop iteration:
stop iteration:

  PROC aligner = (PAGE in page, PROC (STRING,INT)STRING aligner)VOID:(
    PAGE page := in page;
    [2 UPB page]INT max width;
    FOR col TO 2 UPB page DO
      INT max len:=0; FOR row TO UPB page DO IF UPB page[row,col]>max len THEN max len:=UPB page[row,col] FI OD;
      FOR row TO UPB page DO page[row,col] := aligner(page[row,col], maxlen) OD
    printf(($n(UPB page)(n(2 UPB page -1)(gx)gl)$,page))

  PROC left = (STRING in, INT len)STRING: in + " "*(len - UPB in),
       right = (STRING in, INT len)STRING: " "*(len - UPB in) + in,
       centre = (STRING in, INT len)STRING: ( INT pad=len-UPB in;  pad%2*" "+ in + (pad-pad%2)*" " );

  []STRUCT(STRING name, PROC(STRING,INT)STRING align) aligners = (("Left",left), ("Left",right), ("Centre",centre));

  FOR index TO UPB aligners DO
    print((new line, "# ",name OF aligners[index]," Column-aligned output:",new line));
    aligner(page, align OF aligners[index])

## AppleScript

Probably not the first language in which you would really choose to do this kind of thing, but certainly possible, and can be readily easily assembled from a set of generic primitives.


-- COLUMN ALIGNMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------

property pstrLines : ¬
    "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$\n" & ¬
    "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program\n" & ¬
    "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$\n" & ¬
    "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.\n" & ¬
    "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$\n" & ¬

property eLeft : -1
property eCenter : 0
property eRight : 1

-- columnsAligned :: EnumValue -> [[String]] -> String
on columnsAligned(eAlign, lstCols)
    -- padwords :: Int -> [String] -> [[String]]
    script padwords
        on |λ|(n, lstWords)

            -- pad :: String -> String
            script pad
                on |λ|(str)
                    set lngPad to n - (length of str)
                    if eAlign = my eCenter then
                        set lngHalf to lngPad div 2
                        {replicate(lngHalf, space), str, ¬
                            replicate(lngPad - lngHalf, space)}
                        if eAlign = my eLeft then
                            {"", str, replicate(lngPad, space)}
                            {replicate(lngPad, space), str, ""}
                        end if
                    end if
                end |λ|
            end script

            map(pad, lstWords)
        end |λ|
    end script

    unlines(map(my unwords, ¬
        transpose(zipWith(padwords, ¬
            map(my widest, lstCols), lstCols))))
end columnsAligned

-- lineColumns :: String -> String -> String
on lineColumns(strColDelim, strText)
    -- _words :: Text -> [Text]
    script _words
        on |λ|(str)
            splitOn(strColDelim, str)
        end |λ|
    end script

    set lstRows to map(_words, splitOn(linefeed, pstrLines))
    set nCols to widest(lstRows)

    -- fullRow :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
    script fullRow
        on |λ|(lst)
            lst & replicate(nCols - (length of lst), {""})
        end |λ|
    end script

    transpose(map(fullRow, lstRows))
end lineColumns

-- widest [a] -> Int
on widest(xs)
    |length|(maximumBy(comparing(my |length|), xs))
end widest

-- TEST ----------------------------------------------------------------------
on run
    set lstCols to lineColumns("$", pstrLines)

    script testAlignment
        on |λ|(eAlign)
            columnsAligned(eAlign, lstCols)
        end |λ|
    end script

    intercalate(return & return, ¬
        map(testAlignment, {eLeft, eRight, eCenter}))
end run

-- GENERIC FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------

-- comparing :: (a -> b) -> (a -> a -> Ordering)
on comparing(f)
    set mf to mReturn(f)
        on |λ|(a, b)
            set x to mf's |λ|(a)
            set y to mf's |λ|(b)
            if x < y then
                if x > y then
                end if
            end if
        end |λ|
    end script
end comparing

-- foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
on foldl(f, startValue, xs)
    tell mReturn(f)
        set v to startValue
        set lng to length of xs
        repeat with i from 1 to lng
            set v to |λ|(v, item i of xs, i, xs)
        end repeat
        return v
    end tell
end foldl

-- Text -> [Text] -> Text
on intercalate(strText, lstText)
    set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, strText}
    set strJoined to lstText as text
    set my text item delimiters to dlm
    return strJoined
end intercalate

-- length :: [a] -> Int
on |length|(xs)
    length of xs
end |length|

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper
-- mReturn :: Handler -> Script
on mReturn(f)
    if class of f is script then
            property |λ| : f
        end script
    end if
end mReturn

-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
on map(f, xs)
    tell mReturn(f)
        set lng to length of xs
        set lst to {}
        repeat with i from 1 to lng
            set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, i, xs)
        end repeat
        return lst
    end tell
end map

-- maximumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
on maximumBy(f, xs)
    set cmp to mReturn(f)
    script max
        on |λ|(a, b)
            if a is missing value or cmp's |λ|(a, b) < 0 then
            end if
        end |λ|
    end script

    foldl(max, missing value, xs)
end maximumBy

-- min :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
on min(x, y)
    if y < x then
    end if
end min

-- Egyptian multiplication - progressively doubling a list, appending
-- stages of doubling to an accumulator where needed for binary
-- assembly of a target length

-- replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
on replicate(n, a)
    if class of a is string then
        set out to ""
        set out to {}
    end if
    if n < 1 then return out
    set dbl to a

    repeat while (n > 1)
        if (n mod 2) > 0 then set out to out & dbl
        set n to (n div 2)
        set dbl to (dbl & dbl)
    end repeat
    return out & dbl
end replicate

-- Text -> Text -> [Text]
on splitOn(strDelim, strMain)
    set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, strDelim}
    set lstParts to text items of strMain
    set my text item delimiters to dlm
    return lstParts
end splitOn

-- transpose :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
on transpose(xss)
    script column
        on |λ|(_, iCol)
            script row
                on |λ|(xs)
                    item iCol of xs
                end |λ|
            end script

            map(row, xss)
        end |λ|
    end script

    map(column, item 1 of xss)
end transpose

-- [Text] -> Text
on unlines(lstLines)
    intercalate(linefeed, lstLines)
end unlines

-- [Text] -> Text
on unwords(lstWords)
    intercalate(" ", lstWords)
end unwords

-- zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
on zipWith(f, xs, ys)
    set lng to min(length of xs, length of ys)
    set lst to {}
    tell mReturn(f)
        repeat with i from 1 to lng
            set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, item i of ys)
        end repeat
        return lst
    end tell
end zipWith


 Given        a            text         file     of       many        lines,       where      fields    within    a        line
 are          delineated   by           a        single   'dollar'    character,   write      a         program
 that         aligns       each         column   of       fields      by           ensuring   that      words     in       each
 column       are          separated    by       at       least       one          space.
 Further,     allow        for          each     word     in          a            column     to        be        either   left
 justified,   right        justified,   or       center   justified   within       its        column.

      Given            a         text     file       of        many       lines,      where    fields    within        a   line
        are   delineated           by        a   single    'dollar'   character,      write         a   program
       that       aligns         each   column       of      fields           by   ensuring      that     words       in   each
     column          are    separated       by       at       least          one     space.
   Further,        allow          for     each     word          in            a     column        to        be   either   left
 justified,        right   justified,       or   center   justified       within        its   column.

   Given          a           text       file      of       many        lines,      where     fields    within      a      line
    are       delineated       by         a      single   'dollar'    character,    write        a      program
    that        aligns        each      column     of      fields         by       ensuring    that      words      in     each
   column        are       separated      by       at       least        one        space.
  Further,      allow         for        each     word       in           a         column      to        be      either   left
 justified,     right      justified,     or     center   justified     within       its      column.

## AutoHotkey

Alignment := "L"																				; Options: L, R, C
Text =
( LTrim

Loop, Parse, Text																				; calculate column's width
	If A_LoopField in $,`n
		If (N > W)
			W := N, N := 0
			N := 0
Width := ++W

Loop, Parse, Text, `n																			; process each line
	Words := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "$")
	For i, Word in Words																		; process each word
		Line .= Align(Word, Alignment, Width)
	Result .= RTrim(Line) . "`n"
	Line := ""

Clipboard := Result																				; present results
MsgBox, The results are in the Clipboard

Align(Pal, How, Width) {																		; function for alignment
	Length := StrLen(Pal)
	If (How = "L")
		Return Pal . Spc(Width - Length)
	Else If (How = "R")
		Return Spc(Width - Length) . Pal
	Else If (How = "C")
		Return Spc((Width - Length)//2) . Pal . Spc(Width - Length - (Width - Length)//2)

Spc(Number) {																					; function to concatenate space characters
	Loop, %Number%
		Ret .= A_Space
	Return Ret


## AutoIt


; == If the given text is in an file, it will read with:
Global $aRead
_FileReadToArray($sPath, $aRead)  ; == $aRead[0] includes count of lines, every line stored in one item (without linebreak)

; == For example we get the same result with StringSplit()
Global $sText = _
"Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$" & @CRLF & _
"are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" & @CRLF & _
"that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" & @CRLF & _
"column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." & @CRLF & _
"Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$" & @CRLF & _
"justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." & @CRLF

$aRead = StringSplit($sText, @CRLF, 1)

; == strip leading and trailing "$" and trailing spaces, count remaining "$" to get max column number
Global $iMaxColumn = 0, $iLines = 0
For $i = 1 To $aRead[0]
	If $aRead[$i] = '' Then ContinueLoop   ; skip empty lines
	$iLines += 1
	$aRead[$i] = StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($aRead[$i], '^\$', ''), '\$$', ''), '\s*$', '')
	StringReplace($aRead[$i], '$', '$')
	If @extended +1 > $iMaxColumn Then $iMaxColumn = @extended +1

; == build array to store all fields and length of every item
Global $aFields[$iLines][$iMaxColumn +1][2]
; == and store the max. length of item in columns
Global $aColLen[$iMaxColumn]

; == fill the array
Global $aSplitLine
$iLines = 0
For $i = 1 To $aRead[0]
	If $aRead[$i] = '' Then ContinueLoop   ; skip empty lines
	$iMaxColLen = 0
	$aSplitLine = StringSplit($aRead[$i], '$')
	For $j = 1 To $aSplitLine[0]
		$aFields[$iLines][$j-1][0] = $aSplitLine[$j]
		$aFields[$iLines][$j-1][1] = StringLen($aSplitLine[$j])
		If $aFields[$iLines][$j-1][1] > $aColLen[$j-1] Then $aColLen[$j-1] = $aFields[$iLines][$j-1][1]
	$iLines += 1

; == let the user select the alignment for every column
$sAlign = InputBox('Column alignment', 'There are ' & $iMaxColumn & ' columns.' & @LF & '0 = left    1 = center    2 = right' & @LF &  _
                   'Input alignment for all columns without delimiters.' & @LF & 'Let it empty, to align all left.')
If $sAlign = '' Then
	For $i = 1 To $iMaxColumn
		$sAlign &= '0'
Global $aAlignment = StringSplit($sAlign, '', 2)

; == output all to console
Global $sLineOut
For $i = 0 To UBound($aFields) -1
	$sLineOut = ''
	For $j = 0 To $iMaxColumn -1
		If $aFields[$i][$j][0] = '' Then ContinueLoop
		$sLineOut &= _GetAligned($aFields[$i][$j][0], $aFields[$i][$j][1], $aAlignment[$j], $aColLen[$j])
	ConsoleWrite(StringTrimRight($sLineOut, 1) & @LF)

Func _GetAligned($_sString, $_iLen, $_iAlign, $_iMaxLen)
	Local $sSpace = ''
	For $i = 1 To $_iMaxLen
		$sSpace &= ' '
	Switch $_iAlign
		Case 0
			Return $_sString & StringLeft($sSpace, $_iMaxLen - $_iLen +1)
		Case 1
			Local $iLenLeft = Int(($_iMaxLen - $_iLen)/2)
			Local $iLenRight = $_iMaxLen - $iLenLeft - $_iLen
			Return StringLeft($sSpace, $iLenLeft) & $_sString & StringLeft($sSpace, $iLenRight) & ' '
		Case 2
			Return StringLeft($sSpace, $_iMaxLen - $_iLen) & $_sString & ' '
EndFunc  ;==>_GetAligned


Example output in Alignment: left - center - right - left - center - right - left - center - right - left - center - right


Given          a            text file     of        many lines,      where    fields within    a    line
are        delineated         by a      single  'dollar' character,  write         a program
that         aligns         each column   of      fields by         ensuring    that words     in   each
column        are      separated by       at       least one         space.
Further,     allow           for each    word         in a           column       to be      either left
justified,   right    justified, or     center justified within       its    column.


## AWK


    colsep = " " # separator between columns
    report("raw data")
{   printf("%s\n",$0)
    arr[NR] = $0
    n = split($0,tmp_arr,"$")
    for (j=1; j<=n; j++) {
      width = max(width,length(tmp_arr[j]))
    report("left justified")
    report("right justified")
    report("center justified")
function report(text,  diff,i,j,l,n,r,tmp_arr) {
    printf("\nreport: %s\n",text)
    for (i=1; i<=NR; i++) {
      n = split(arr[i],tmp_arr,"$")
      if (tmp_arr[n] == "") { n-- }
      for (j=1; j<=n; j++) {
        if (text ~ /^[Ll]/) { # left
        else if (text ~ /^[Rr]/) { # right
        else if (text ~ /^[Cc]/) { # center
          diff = width - length(tmp_arr[j])
          l = r = int(diff / 2)
          if (diff != l + r) { r++ }
function max(x,y) { return((x > y) ? x : y) }



```txt report: raw data Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column. report: left justified Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. report: right justified Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. report: center justified Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## BaCon ```freebasic DECLARE in$[] = { "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$", \ "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program", \ "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$", \ "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.", \ "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$", \ "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." } OPTION DELIM "$" CONST items = 6 SUB Print_In_Columns(style) ' Find widest column FOR y = 0 TO items-1 FOR x = 1 TO AMOUNT(in$[y]) IF LEN(TOKEN$(in$[y], x)) > max THEN max = LEN(TOKEN$(in$[y], x)) NEXT NEXT ' Print aligned FOR y = 0 TO items-1 FOR x = 1 TO AMOUNT(in$[y]) PRINT ALIGN$(TOKEN$(in$[y], x), max+1, style); NEXT PRINT NEXT PRINT END SUB Print_In_Columns(0) Print_In_Columns(1) Print_In_Columns(2) ``` {{out}} ```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## Batch File ```dos @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion mode con cols=103 echo Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ >file.txt echo are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program! >>file.txt echo that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$>>file.txt echo column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.>>file.txt echo Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$>>file.txt echo justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.>>file.txt for /f "tokens=1-13 delims=$" %%a in ('type file.txt') do ( call:maxlen %%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f %%g %%h %%i %%j %%k %%l %%m ) echo. for /f "tokens=1-13 delims=$" %%a in ('type file.txt') do ( call:align 1 %%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f %%g %%h %%i %%j %%k %%l %%m ) echo. for /f "tokens=1-13 delims=$" %%a in ('type file.txt') do ( call:align 2 %%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f %%g %%h %%i %%j %%k %%l %%m ) echo. for /f "tokens=1-13 delims=$" %%a in ('type file.txt') do ( call:align 3 %%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f %%g %%h %%i %%j %%k %%l %%m ) exit /B :maxlen &::sets variables len1 to len13 set "cnt=1" :loop1 if "%1"=="" exit /b call:strlen %1 length if !len%cnt%! lss !length! set len%cnt%=!length! set /a cnt+=1 shift goto loop1 :align setlocal set cnt=1 set print= :loop2 if "%2"=="" echo(%print%&endlocal & exit /b set /a width=len%cnt%,cnt+=1 set arr=%2 if %1 equ 1 call:left %width% arr if %1 equ 2 call:right %width% arr if %1 equ 3 call:center %width% arr set "print=%print%%arr% " shift /2 goto loop2 :left %num% &string setlocal set "arr=!%2! " set arr=!arr:~0,%1! endlocal & set %2=%arr% exit /b :right %num% &string setlocal set "arr= !%2!" set arr=!arr:~-%1! endlocal & set %2=%arr% exit /b :center %num% &string setlocal set /a width=%1-1 set arr=!%2! :loop3 if "!arr:~%width%,1!"=="" set "arr=%arr% " if "!arr:~%width%,1!"=="" set "arr= %arr%" if "!arr:~%width%,1!"=="" goto loop3 endlocal & set %2=%arr% exit /b :strlen StrVar &RtnVar setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "s=#%~1" set "len=0" for %%N in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do ( if "!s:~%%N,1!" neq "" set /a "len+=%%N" & set "s=!s:~%%N!" ) endlocal & set %~2=%len% exit /b ``` {{out}} ```txt Given a text file of many lines where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further allow for each word in a column to be either left justified right justified or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further allow for each word in a column to be either left justified right justified or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further allow for each word in a column to be either left justified right justified or center justified within its column. ``` ## BASIC = ## BBC BASIC = {{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}} ```bbcbasic DATA 6 DATA "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$" DATA "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" DATA "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" DATA "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." DATA "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$" DATA "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." REM First find the maximum length of a 'word': max% = 0 READ nlines% FOR Line% = 1 TO nlines% READ text$ REPEAT word$ = FNword(text$, "$") IF LEN(word$) > max% THEN max% = LEN(word$) UNTIL word$ = "" NEXT Line% @% = max% : REM set column width REM Now display the aligned text: RESTORE READ nlines% FOR Line% = 1 TO nlines% READ text$ REPEAT word$ = FNword(text$, "$") PRINT FNjustify(word$, max%, "left"),; UNTIL word$ = "" PRINT NEXT Line% END DEF FNword(text$, delim$) PRIVATE delim% LOCAL previous% IF delim% = 0 THEN previous% = 1 ELSE previous% = delim% + LEN(delim$) ENDIF delim% = INSTR(text$+delim$, delim$, previous%) IF delim% = 0 THEN = "" ELSE = MID$(text$, previous%, delim%-previous%) + " " ENDIF DEF FNjustify(word$, field%, mode$) IF word$ = "" THEN = "" CASE mode$ OF WHEN "center": = STRING$((field%-LEN(word$)) DIV 2, " ") + word$ WHEN "right": = STRING$(field%-LEN(word$), " ") + word$ ENDCASE = word$ ``` = ## Commodore BASIC = ```basic 10 rem ******************************** 20 rem print words in columns 30 rem commodore basic 2.0 40 rem ******************************** 50 print chr$(14) : rem change to upper/lower case set 60 gosub 140 : rem find length of longest word 70 algn$ = "left" 80 gosub 260 : rem print aligned text 90 algn$ = "center" 100 gosub 260 110 algn$ = "right" 120 gosub 260 130 end 140 rem *** find length of longest word 150 mx=0 160 for i=1 to 6 170 read a$ 180 n=1 190 for j=1 to len(a$) 200 if mid$(a$,j,1)<>"$" then n=n+1: goto 230 210 if mx"$" then n=n+1 : goto 380 360 gosub 440 : rem print word 370 n=1 380 next 390 if n>1 then gosub 440 400 next 410 print 420 return 430 rem ********* print word ********** 440 b$ = mid$(a$,j-n+1,n-1) 450 b = len(b$) 460 if algn$ = "center" then 520 470 if algn$ = "right" then 570 480 if c+b<40 and c+mx>40 then print b$: c=1: return 490 if c+mx>40 then print : c=1 500 print b$;left$(s$,mx-b);: c=c+mx 510 return 520 if c+mx>40 then print : c=1 530 bb=(mx-b)/2 : ba=bb 540 if bb>1 and int(bb)=bb then ba=bb-1 550 print left$(s$,ba);b$;left$(s$,bb);: c=c+mx 560 return 570 if c+mx>40 then print : c=1 580 print left$(s$,mx-b);b$;: c=c+mx 590 return 600 rem *********** the words ********* 610 data "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$" 620 data "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" 630 data "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" 640 data "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." 650 data "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$" 660 data "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column" ``` ## C See [[Column Aligner/C]] ## C# Uses a delegate, which were added to the language in C# 2, to define left-, right-, or center-justified. {{works with|C sharp|C#|2+}} ```c# using System; class ColumnAlignerProgram { delegate string Justification(string s, int width); static string[] AlignColumns(string[] lines, Justification justification) { const char Separator = '$'; // build input table and calculate columns count string[][] table = new string[lines.Length][]; int columns = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { string[] row = lines[i].TrimEnd(Separator).Split(Separator); if (columns < row.Length) columns = row.Length; table[i] = row; } // create formatted table string[][] formattedTable = new string[table.Length][]; for (int i = 0; i < formattedTable.Length; i++) { formattedTable[i] = new string[columns]; } for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) { // get max column width int columnWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < table.Length; i++) { if (j < table[i].Length && columnWidth < table[i][j].Length) columnWidth = table[i][j].Length; } // justify column cells for (int i = 0; i < formattedTable.Length; i++) { if (j < table[i].Length) formattedTable[i][j] = justification(table[i][j], columnWidth); else formattedTable[i][j] = new String(' ', columnWidth); } } // create result string[] result = new string[formattedTable.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { result[i] = String.Join(" ", formattedTable[i]); } return result; } static string JustifyLeft(string s, int width) { return s.PadRight(width); } static string JustifyRight(string s, int width) { return s.PadLeft(width); } static string JustifyCenter(string s, int width) { return s.PadLeft((width + s.Length) / 2).PadRight(width); } static void Main() { string[] input = { "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$", "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program", "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$", "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.", "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$", "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.", }; foreach (string line in AlignColumns(input, JustifyCenter)) { Console.WriteLine(line); } } } ``` {{out}} (centered): ```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## C++ See [[Column Aligner/C++]] ## Clojure ```Clojure (ns rosettacode.align-columns (:require [clojure.contrib.string :as str])) (def data "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.") (def table (map #(str/split #"\$" %) (str/split-lines data))) (defn col-width [n table] (reduce max (map #(try (count (nth % n)) (catch Exception _ 0)) table))) (defn spaces [n] (str/repeat n " ")) (defn add-padding "if the string is too big turncate it, else return a string with padding" [string width justification] (if (>= (count string) width) (str/take width string) (let [pad-len (int (- width (count string))) ;we don't want rationals half-pad-len (int (/ pad-len 2))] (case justification :right (str (spaces pad-len) string) :left (str string (spaces pad-len)) :center (str (spaces half-pad-len) string (spaces (- pad-len half-pad-len))))))) (defn aligned-table "get the width of each column, then generate a new table with propper padding for eath item" ([table justification] (let [col-widths (map #(+ 2 (col-width % table)) (range (count(first table))))] (map (fn [row] (map #(add-padding %1 %2 justification) row col-widths)) table)))) (defn print-table [table] (do (println) (print (str/join "" (flatten (interleave table (repeat "\n"))))))) (print-table (aligned-table table :center)) ``` ## COBOL ```cobol identification division. program-id. AlignColumns. data division. working-storage section. *>-> Constants 78 MAX-LINES value 6. 78 MAX-LINE-SIZE value 66. 78 MAX-COLUMNS value 12. 78 MAX-COLUMN-SIZE value 16. *>-> Indexes 01 w-idx pic is 9(2). 01 w-idy pic is 9(2). 01 w-pos pic is 9(3). *>-> Data structures 01 w-lines. 05 w-line pic is x(MAX-LINE-SIZE) occurs MAX-LINES. 01 w-column-sizes. 05 w-column-size pic is 99 occurs MAX-COLUMNS value zeros. 01 w-matrix. 05 filler occurs MAX-LINES. 10 filler occurs MAX-COLUMNS. 15 w-content pic is x(MAX-COLUMN-SIZE). *>-> Output 01 w-line-out pic is x(120). *>-> Data alignment 01 w-alignment pic is x(1). 88 alignment-left value is "L". 88 alignment-center value is "C". 88 alignment-right value is "R". procedure division. main. move "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$" to w-line(1) move "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" to w-line(2) move "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" to w-line(3) move "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." to w-line(4) move "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$" to w-line(5) move "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." to w-line(6) perform calculate-size-columns set alignment-left to true perform show-content set alignment-center to true perform show-content set alignment-right to true perform show-content goback . calculate-size-columns. perform varying w-idx from 1 by 1 until w-idx > MAX-LINES unstring w-line(w-idx) delimited by "$" into w-content(w-idx, 1), w-content(w-idx, 2), w-content(w-idx, 3), w-content(w-idx, 4), w-content(w-idx, 5), w-content(w-idx, 6), w-content(w-idx, 7), w-content(w-idx, 8), w-content(w-idx, 9), w-content(w-idx, 10), w-content(w-idx, 11), w-content(w-idx, 12), perform varying w-idy from 1 by 1 until w-idy > MAX-COLUMNS if function stored-char-length(w-content(w-idx, w-idy)) > w-column-size(w-idy) move function stored-char-length(w-content(w-idx, w-idy)) to w-column-size(w-idy) end-if end-perform end-perform . show-content. move all "-" to w-line-out display w-line-out perform varying w-idx from 1 by 1 until w-idx > MAX-LINES move spaces to w-line-out move 1 to w-pos perform varying w-idy from 1 by 1 until w-idy > MAX-COLUMNS call "C$JUSTIFY" using w-content(w-idx, w-idy)(1:w-column-size(w-idy)), w-alignment move w-content(w-idx, w-idy) to w-line-out(w-pos:w-column-size(w-idy)) compute w-pos = w-pos + w-column-size(w-idy) + 1 end-perform display w-line-out end-perform . ``` {{out}} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## CoffeeScript ```coffeescript pad = (n) -> s = '' while n > 0 s += ' ' n -= 1 s align = (input, alignment = 'center') -> tokenized_lines = (line.split '$' for line in input) col_widths = {} for line in tokenized_lines for token, i in line if !col_widths[i]? or token.length > col_widths[i] col_widths[i] = token.length padders = center: (s, width) -> excess = width - s.length left = Math.floor excess / 2 right = excess - left pad(left) + s + pad(right) right: (s, width) -> excess = width - s.length pad(excess) + s left: (s, width) -> excess = width - s.length s + pad(excess) padder = padders[alignment] for line in tokenized_lines padded_tokens = (padder(token, col_widths[i]) for token, i in line) console.log padded_tokens.join ' ' input = [ "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$" "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$" "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." ] for alignment in ['center', 'right', 'left'] console.log "\n----- #{alignment}" align input, alignment ``` {{out}} > coffee align_columns.coffee ----- center Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ----- right Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ----- left Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## Common Lisp ```lisp (defun nonempty (seq) (position-if (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) t) seq)) (defun split (delim seq) "Splits seq on delim into a list of subsequences. Trailing empty subsequences are removed." (labels ((f (seq &aux (pos (position delim seq))) (if pos (cons (subseq seq 0 pos) (f (subseq seq (1+ pos)))) (list seq)))) (let* ((list (f seq)) (end (position-if #'nonempty list :from-end t))) (subseq list 0 (1+ end))))) (defun lengthen (list minlen filler-elem &aux (len (length list))) "Destructively pads list with filler-elem up to minlen." (if (< len minlen) (nconc list (make-list (- minlen len) :initial-element filler-elem)) list)) (defun align-columns (text &key (align :left) &aux (fmtmod (case align (:left "@") (:right ":") (:center "@:") (t (error "Invalid alignment.")))) (fields (mapcar (lambda (line) (split #\$ line)) (split #\Newline text))) (mostcols (loop for l in fields maximize (length l))) widest) (setf fields (mapcar (lambda (l) (lengthen l mostcols "")) fields)) (setf widest (loop for col below (length (first fields)) collect (loop for row in fields maximize (length (elt row col))))) (format nil (with-output-to-string (s) (princ "~{~{" s) (dolist (w widest) (format s "~~~d~a<~~a~~>" (1+ w) fmtmod)) (princ "~}~%~}" s)) fields)) ``` ## D ```d void main() { import std.stdio, std.string, std.algorithm, std.range, std.typetuple; immutable data = "Given$a$txt$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." .split.map!(r => r.chomp("$").split("$")).array; size_t[size_t] maxWidths; foreach (const line; data) foreach (immutable i, const word; line) maxWidths[i] = max(maxWidths.get(i, 0), word.length); foreach (immutable just; TypeTuple!(leftJustify, center, rightJustify)) foreach (immutable line; data) writefln("%-(%s %)", line.length.iota .map!(i => just(line[i], maxWidths[i], ' '))); } ``` {{out}} ```txt Given a txt file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a txt file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a txt file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## Delphi {{libheader|Delphi StdCtrls, Classes, SysUtils, StrUtils, Contnrs}} ```Delphi USES StdCtrls, Classes, SysUtils, StrUtils, Contnrs; procedure AlignByColumn(Output: TMemo; Align: TAlignment); const TextToAlign = 'Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$'#$D#$A + 'are$delineated$by$a$single$''dollar''$character,$write$a$program'#$D#$A + 'that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$'#$D#$A + 'column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.'#$D#$A + 'Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$'#$D#$A + 'justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.'; var TextLine, TempTString: TStringlist; TextLines: TObjectList; MaxLength, i, j: Byte; OutPutString, EmptyString, Item: String; begin TRY MaxLength := 0; TextLines := TObjectList.Create(True); TextLine := TStringList.Create; TextLine.text := TextToAlign; for i:= 0 to TextLine.Count - 1 do begin TempTString := TStringlist.create; TempTString.text :=AnsiReplaceStr(TextLine[i], '$', #$D#$A); TextLines.Add(TempTString); end; for i := 0 to TextLines.Count - 1 do for j := 0 to TStringList(TextLines.Items[i]).Count - 1 do If Length(TStringList(TextLines.Items[i])[j]) > MaxLength then MaxLength := Length(TStringList(TextLines.Items[i])[j]); If MaxLength > 0 then MaxLength := MaxLength + 2; // Add to empty spaces to it for i := 0 to TextLines.Count - 1 do begin OutPutString := ''; for j := 0 to TStringList(TextLines.Items[i]).Count - 1 do begin EmptyString := StringOfChar(' ', MaxLength); Item := TStringList(TextLines.Items[i])[j]; case Align of taLeftJustify: Move(Item[1], EmptyString[2], Length(Item)); taRightJustify: Move(Item[1], EmptyString[MaxLength - Length(Item) + 1], Length(Item)); taCenter: Move(Item[1], EmptyString[(MaxLength - Length(Item) + 1) div 2 + 1], Length(Item)); end; OutPutString := OutPutString + EmptyString; end; Output.Lines.Add(OutPutString); end; FINALLY FreeAndNil(TextLine); FreeAndNil(TextLines); END; end; ``` ## E ```e pragma.enable("accumulator") def left(width, word) { return word + " " * (width - word.size()) } def center(width, word) { def leftCount := (width - word.size()) // 2 return " " * leftCount + word + " " * (width - word.size() - leftCount) } def right(width, word) { return " " * (width - word.size()) + word } def alignColumns(align, text) { def split := accum [] for line in text.split("\n") { _.with(line.split("$")) } var widths := [] for line in split { for i => word in line { widths with= (i, widths.fetch(i, fn{0}).max(word.size())) } } return accum "" for line in split { _ + accum "" for i => word in line { _ + align(widths[i] + 1, word) } + "\n" } } ``` ```e ? def text := "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column."; null ? println(alignColumns(left, text)) Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ? println(alignColumns(center, text)) Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ? println(alignColumns(right, text)) Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## Elixir {{trans|Ruby}} {{works with|Elixir|1.3}} The String module of Elixir doesn't have the function of the center position adjusting. It calls and processes the function of 'Erlang'. ```elixir defmodule Align do def columns(text, alignment) do fieldsbyrow = String.split(text, "\n", trim: true) |> Enum.map(fn row -> String.split(row, "$", trim: true) end) maxfields = Enum.map(fieldsbyrow, fn field -> length(field) end) |> Enum.max colwidths = Enum.map(fieldsbyrow, fn field -> field ++ List.duplicate("", maxfields - length(field)) end) |> List.zip |> Enum.map(fn column -> Tuple.to_list(column) |> Enum.map(fn col-> String.length(col) end) |> Enum.max end) Enum.each(fieldsbyrow, fn row -> Enum.zip(row, colwidths) |> Enum.map(fn {field, width} -> adjust(field, width, alignment) end) |> Enum.join(" ") |> IO.puts end) end defp adjust(field, width, :Left), do: String.pad_trailing(field, width) defp adjust(field, width, :Right), do: String.pad_leading(field, width) defp adjust(field, width, _), do: :string.centre(String.to_charlist(field), width) end text = """ Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column. """ Enum.each([:Left, :Right, :Center], fn alignment -> IO.puts "\n# #{alignment} Column-aligned output:" Align.columns(text, alignment) end) ``` {{out}} ```txt # Left Column-aligned output: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. # Right Column-aligned output: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. # Center Column-aligned output: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## Erlang ```erlang -module (align_columns). -export([align_left/0, align_right/0, align_center/0]). -define (Lines, ["Given\$a\$text\$file\$of\$many\$lines\$where\$fields\$within\$a\$line\$", "are\$delineated\$by\$a\$single\$'dollar'\$character,\$write\$a\$program", "that\$aligns\$each\$column\$of\$fields\$by\$ensuring\$that\$words\$in\$each\$", "column\$are\$separated\$by\$at\$least\$one\$space.", "Further,\$allow\$for\$each\$word\$in\$a\$column\$to\$be\$either\$left\$", "justified,\$right\$justified,\$or\$center\$justified\$within\$its\$column."]. align_left()-> align_columns(left). align_right()-> align_columns(right). align_center()-> align_columns(centre). align_columns(Alignment) -> Words = [ string:tokens(Line, "\$") || Line <- ?Lines ], Words_length = lists:foldl( fun max_length/2, [], Words), Result = [prepare_line(Words_line, Words_length, Alignment) || Words_line <- Words], [ io:fwrite("~s~n", [lists:flatten(Line)]) || Line <- Result], ok. max_length(Words_of_a_line, Acc_maxlength) -> Line_lengths = [length(W) || W <- Words_of_a_line ], Max_nb_of_length = lists:max([length(Acc_maxlength), length(Line_lengths)]), Line_lengths_prepared = adjust_list (Line_lengths, Max_nb_of_length, 0), Acc_maxlength_prepared = adjust_list(Acc_maxlength, Max_nb_of_length, 0), Two_lengths =lists:zip(Line_lengths_prepared, Acc_maxlength_prepared), [ lists:max([A, B]) || {A, B} <- Two_lengths]. adjust_list(L, Desired_length, Elem) -> L++lists:duplicate(Desired_length - length(L), Elem). prepare_line(Words_line, Words_length, Alignment) -> All_words = adjust_list(Words_line, length(Words_length), ""), Zipped = lists:zip (All_words, Words_length), [ apply(string, Alignment, [Word, Length + 1, $\s]) || {Word, Length} <- Zipped]. ``` {{out}} ```txt 1> c(align_columns). {ok,align_columns} 2> align_columns:align_center(). Given a text file of many lines where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ok 3> align_columns:align_left(). Given a text file of many lines where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ok 4> align_columns:align_right(). Given a text file of many lines where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ok ``` ## Euphoria ```euphoria constant data = { "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$", "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program", "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$", "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.", "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$", "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." } function split(sequence s, integer c) sequence out integer first, delim out = {} first = 1 while first<=length(s) do delim = find_from(c,s,first) if delim = 0 then delim = length(s)+1 end if out = append(out,s[first..delim-1]) first = delim + 1 end while return out end function function align(sequence s, integer width, integer alignment) integer n n = width - length(s) if n <= 0 then return s elsif alignment < 0 then return s & repeat(' ', n) elsif alignment > 0 then return repeat(' ', n) & s else return repeat(' ', floor(n/2)) & s & repeat(' ', floor(n/2+0.5)) end if end function integer maxlen sequence lines maxlen = 0 lines = repeat(0,length(data)) for i = 1 to length(data) do lines[i] = split(data[i],'$') for j = 1 to length(lines[i]) do if length(lines[i][j]) > maxlen then maxlen = length(lines[i][j]) end if end for end for for a = -1 to 1 do for i = 1 to length(lines) do for j = 1 to length(lines[i]) do puts(1, align(lines[i][j],maxlen,a) & ' ') end for puts(1,'\n') end for puts(1,'\n') end for ``` {{out}} ```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` =={{header|F_Sharp|F#}}== ```fsharp open System open System.IO let tableFromPath path = let lines = [ for line in File.ReadAllLines(path) -> (line.TrimEnd('$').Split('$')) ] let width = List.fold (fun max (line : string[]) -> if max < line.Length then line.Length else max) 0 lines List.map (fun (a : string[]) -> (List.init width (fun i -> if i < a.Length then a.[i] else ""))) lines let rec trans m = match m with | []::_ -> [] | _ -> (List.map List.head m) :: trans (List.map List.tail m) let colWidth table = List.map (fun col -> List.max (List.map String.length col)) (trans table) let left = (fun (s : string) n -> s.PadRight(n)) let right = (fun (s : string) n -> s.PadLeft(n)) let center = (fun (s : string) n -> s.PadLeft((n + s.Length) / 2).PadRight(n)) [] let main argv = let table = tableFromPath argv.[0] let width = Array.ofList (colWidth table) let format table align = List.map (fun (row : string list) -> List.mapi (fun i s -> sprintf "%s" (align s width.[i])) row) table |> List.iter (fun row -> printfn "%s" (String.Join(" ", Array.ofList row))) for align in [ left; right; center ] do format table align printfn "%s" (new String('-', (Array.sum width) + width.Length - 1)) 0 ``` Output, when called with a file containing the sample input ```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ``` ## Factor ```factor USING: fry io kernel math math.functions math.order sequences splitting strings ; IN: rosetta.column-aligner CONSTANT: example-text "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." : split-and-pad ( text -- lines ) "\n" split [ "$" split harvest ] map dup [ length ] [ max ] map-reduce '[ _ "" pad-tail ] map ; : column-widths ( columns -- widths ) [ [ length ] [ max ] map-reduce ] map ; SINGLETONS: +left+ +middle+ +right+ ; GENERIC: align-string ( str n alignment -- str' ) M: +left+ align-string drop CHAR: space pad-tail ; M: +right+ align-string drop CHAR: space pad-head ; M: +middle+ align-string drop over length - 2 / [ floor CHAR: space ] [ ceiling CHAR: space ] bi surround ; : align-columns ( columns alignment -- columns' ) [ dup column-widths ] dip '[ [ _ align-string ] curry map ] 2map ; : print-aligned ( text alignment -- ) [ split-and-pad flip ] dip align-columns flip [ [ write " " write ] each nl ] each ; ``` example-text { +left+ +middle+ +right+ } [ print-aligned ] with each ## FBSL Using a multiline string: ```qbasic #APPTYPE CONSOLE DIM s = "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." DIM lines[] = SPLIT(s, CRLF), tokens[], l, t, length, margin, justify = "center" FOREACH l IN lines tokens = SPLIT(l, "$") FOREACH t IN tokens IF STRLEN(t) > length THEN length = INCR(STRLEN) NEXT NEXT FOREACH l IN lines tokens = SPLIT(l, "$") FOREACH t IN tokens SELECT CASE justify CASE "left" PRINT t, SPACE(length - STRLEN(t)); CASE "center" margin = (length - STRLEN(t)) \ 2 PRINT SPACE(margin), t, SPACE(length - STRLEN - margin); CASE "right" PRINT SPACE(length - STRLEN(t)), t; END SELECT NEXT PRINT NEXT PAUSE ``` {{out}} Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Press any key to continue... ## Forth {{works with|GNU Forth}} ```forth \ align columns : split ( addr len char -- addr len1 addr len-len1 ) >r 2dup r> scan 2swap 2 pick - ; variable column : for-each-line ( file len xt -- ) >r begin #lf split r@ execute 1 /string dup 0<= until 2drop rdrop ; : for-each-field ( line len xt -- ) 0 column ! >r begin '$ split r@ execute 1 column +! 1 /string dup 0<= until 2drop rdrop ; 0 value num-columns : count-columns ( line len -- ) ['] 2drop for-each-field num-columns column @ max to num-columns ; : find-num-columns ( file len -- ) 0 to num-columns ['] count-columns for-each-line ; 0 value column-widths : column-width ( field len -- ) column-widths column @ + c@ max column-widths column @ + c! drop ; : measure-widths ( line len -- ) ['] column-width for-each-field ; : find-column-widths ( file len -- ) num-columns allocate throw to column-widths column-widths num-columns erase ['] measure-widths for-each-line ; \ type aligned, same naming convention as standard numeric U.R, .R : type.l ( addr len width -- ) over - >r type r> spaces ; : type.c ( addr len width -- ) over - dup 2/ spaces >r type r> 1+ 2/ spaces ; : type.r ( addr len width -- ) over - spaces type ; defer type.aligned : print-field ( field len -- ) column-widths column @ + c@ type.aligned space ; : print-line ( line len -- ) cr ['] print-field for-each-field ; : print-fields ( file len -- ) ['] print-line for-each-line ; \ read file s" columns.txt" slurp-file ( file len ) \ scan once to determine num-columns 2dup find-num-columns \ scan again to determine column-widths 2dup find-column-widths \ print columns, once for each alignment type ' type.l is type.aligned 2dup print-fields cr ' type.c is type.aligned 2dup print-fields cr ' type.r is type.aligned 2dup print-fields cr \ cleanup nip free throw column-widths free throw ``` ## Fortran For the general situation, a utility has no knowledge of the maximum number of fields in a record nor the maximum length of a record, still less knowledge of the sizes of the fields in the records. Decent file systems (for example, that of the Burroughs 6700) make available the MaxRecordLength of a file when a file is opened, but many systems are less than helpful. It is possible to open a file as UNFORMATTED and then simply read sequences of binary data to be interpreted to taste, but in the ASCII world that means deciding on record markers being CR, CRLF, LF, or LFCR and I have encountered files with mixtures... In any case, a file with a fixed record length will likely not contain any such markers. The plan here is to read the file to find out. But, given that the maximum record length ''is'' unknown, reading records into some storage area is problematical. Some systems can create a "string" variable via the read statement that will be of the proper size, but older Fortran works always with storage sizes fixed at compile time. However, after F77 started being extended, a common extension was the Q-element in FORMAT statements, which instead of interpreting the content of a record, reports instead the number of characters yet unread in a record. Thus, a statement like READ(in,"(Q)") L will read a record of input and the first action is to place in variable L the number of characters yet to be processed of that record. Since the content of the record is not being transferred, there is no need for a CHARACTER area of sufficient size to receive all of it. Indeed here, nothing is read. As for the LF/CRLF/LFCR/CR issue, with FORMATTED input the file system makes its decision and presents record content without incorporating such out-of-context data. When data are being read into a CHARACTER variable, once the receiver is filled subsequent data in a long record will be ignored, and if the input record was smaller than the variable, trailing spaces will be supplied to fill out the variable. It is for this reason that the read statement is READ (IN,11,END = 20) L,ACARD(1:L) so that, ''on-the-fly'', the length of the record is determined, and then only that number of characters are placed in ACARD with no (possibly large number of) trailing spaces being appended. Naturally, subsequent inspection of ACARD will have to be careful not to look beyond character L, where detritus from previous usage will languish. Once the main programme has ascertained the maximum record length, subroutine RAKE can be invoked with this as a parameter. From F90 on, as introduced by Algol in the 1960s, functions and subroutines have been allowed to declare arrays of a size specified by a variable and so the "surely big enough" issue is reduced. Thus, given a maximum length of M, a record containing M field delimiters can represent M + 1 fields, all null. The last field's delimiter is the end-of-record, so one more. It is also possible to use ALLOCATE(...) to request storage of suitable dimension for a variable within a routine, but that introduces verbiage. So, a programme can request just enough storage for its particular tasks and thereby possibly succeed on a problem too large for an always-big-enough storage scheme, but on the other hand, the fixed storage allocation scheme doesn't suddenly run out in the middle of a job. Accordingly, a second scan of the records of the text file can be made, with a view to ascertaining the maximum widths for the first, second, etc. columns. This is done by storing in array C the positions of the delimiters in the text, so the content of a field ''i'' on a record will be starting with C(I - 1) + 1, and ending with C(I) - 1, - that is, the first character following a delimiter to the last character before a delimiter. In other words, the delimiter is not a part of the field's content. For convenience in this, C(0) = 0, since the first field is number one, and the last field's delimiter is one past the end of the record. Having an array start with non-default bounds is a feature of F90, similarly the array assignment that tracks the maximum field widths in array W. The specification makes no call for leading or trailing spaces in a field's content to be trimmed; if it did then two sets of fingers would be used to mark the first and last position of each text. Happily, there is also no call to recognise quoted texts, that might contain delimiter characters that are not delimiters. Equipped at last with knowledge of each column's maximum width, yet another pass can be made through the file to produce the output. A feature of the format code A''w'' is that text is aligned to the right within the width of ''w''. So, concoct a FORMAT text with suitable A''w'' entries, also augmenting the width by one for each column to meet the requirement that each column's content is separated from the others by at least one space. This concoction is easy enough, and could be improved by taking advantage of the "factoring" that format statements allow so that for example "A7,A7" can be replaced by "2A7", and further, bracketing of sequences is allowed and with repeat counts for them also. Alas, finding the minimum sequence is in general a very difficult problem, so no attempt is made. As for "sufficient storage" for the FORMAT variable, a two-digit width specification seems sufficient so each field's format code would be "A''dd''," - four characters. Only later Fortran allows the I0 format code, meaning that an integer will be written only with sufficient digits, not a fixed "sufficiency" of digits. A pity the code for this isn't just "I" rather than "I0" which implies a width of zero. A difficulty now arises in terminating the format text with the closing bracket. This is done by searching for the sequence ", " and replacing the comma by the closing bracket. This is present only because format 21 specifies as a repeat count. If it were say 666 instead, after the last W value was written the format processing would cycle back to its next repetition, write out an "A", then stop since there is no W value to write via the "I0" format code. Thus, the format text ends ",A" and the INDEX fails to find the desired ", ". It could instead search for ",A " (just ",A" would stop on the second field's format code) but ", " seems clear. The usage is standard only for recent Fortran. Formatted output opportunities are many and options numerous. Other schemes could be used, such as the write statement specifying the text literals in its items, but that would require an implied-DO output list and it seemed nicer to be able to use the array specification W(1:MF) instead. Given a FORMAT text that produces output in aligned columns makes it easy enough to meet the other requirements. To cause texts to be aligned left, append sufficient spaces to each output text, and for centred text, half that number. This relies on the special intrinsic function REPEAT(text,n) returning a varying number of characters - CHARACTER functions have to return a ''fixed'' number of characters, until the standardisation of varying-length strings in F2003 ''et seq''. Earlier Fortrans lack the REPEAT function, but its effect can be gained via something like CHARACTER*66 SPACE, where SPACE is set to spaces, and SPACE(1:N) is used where REPEAT(" ",N) is desired. And if messing with variable FORMAT is unwanted, the REPEAT scheme can be used for the right-justified output also. ```Fortran SUBROUTINE RAKE(IN,M,X,WAY) !Casts forth text in fixed-width columns. Collates column widths so that each column is wide enough for its widest member. INTEGER IN !Fingers the input file. INTEGER M !Maximum record length thereof. CHARACTER*1 X !The delimiter, possibly a comma. INTEGER WAY !Alignment style. INTEGER W(M + 1) !If every character were X in the maximum-length record, INTEGER C(0:M + 1) !Then M + 1 would be the maximum number of fields possible. CHARACTER*(M) ACARD !A scratchpad big enough for the biggest. CHARACTER*(28 + 4*M) FORMAT !Guess. Allow for "Ann," per field. INTEGER I !A stepper. INTEGER L,LF !Text fingers. INTEGER NF,MF !Field counts. CHARACTER*6 WAYNESS(-1:+1) !Some annotation may be helpful. PARAMETER (WAYNESS = (/"Left","Centre","Right"/)) !Using normal language. INTEGER LINPR !The mouthpiece. COMMON LINPR !Used all over. W = 0 !Maximum field widths so far seen. MF = 0 !Maximum number of fields to a record. C(0) = 0 !Syncopation for the first field's predecessor. WRITE (LINPR,*) !Some separation. WRITE (LINPR,*) "Align ",WAYNESS(MIN(MAX(WAY,-1),+1)) !Explain, cautiously. Chase through the file assessing the lengths of each field. 10 READ (IN,11,END = 20) L,ACARD(1:L) !Grab a record. 11 FORMAT (Q,A) !Working only up to its end. CALL LIZZIEBORDEN !Find the chop points. W(1:NF) = MAX(W(1:NF),C(1:NF) - C(0:NF - 1) - 1) !Thereby the lengths between. MF = MAX(MF,NF) !Also want to know the most number of chops. GO TO 10 !Get the next record. Concoct a FORMAT based on the maximum size of each field. Plus one. 20 REWIND(IN) !Back to the beginning. WRITE (FORMAT,21) W(1:MF) + 1 !Add one to meet the specified at least one space between columns. 21 FORMAT ("(",("A",I0,",")) !Generates a sequence of An, items. LF = INDEX(FORMAT,", ") !The last one has a trailing comma. IF (LF.LE.0) STOP "Format trouble!" !Or, maybe not! FORMAT(LF:LF) = ")" !Convert it to the closing bracket. WRITE (LINPR,*) "Format",FORMAT(1:LF) !Present it. Chug afresh, this time knowing the maximum length of each field. 30 READ (IN,11,END = 40) L,ACARD(1:L) !Place just the record's content. CALL LIZZIEBORDEN !Find the chop points. SELECT CASE(WAY) !What is to be done? CASE(-1) !Shove leftwards by appending spaces. WRITE (LINPR,FORMAT) (ACARD(C(I - 1) + 1:C(I) - 1)// !The chopped text. 1 REPEAT(" ",W(I) - C(I) + C(I - 1) + 1),I = 1,NF) !Some spaces. CASE( 0) !Centre by appending half as many spaces. WRITE (LINPR,FORMAT) (ACARD(C(I - 1) + 1:C(I) - 1)// !The chopped text. 1 REPEAT(" ",(W(I) - C(I) + C(I - 1) + 1)/2),I = 1,NF) !Some spaces. CASE(+1) !Align rightwards is the default style. WRITE (LINPR,FORMAT) (ACARD(C(I - 1) + 1:C(I) - 1),I = 1,NF) !So, just the texts. CASE DEFAULT !This shouldn't happen. WRITE (LINPR,*) "Huh? WAY=",WAY !But if it does, STOP "Unanticipated value for WAY!" !Explain. END SELECT !So much for that record. GO TO 30 !Go for another. Closedown 40 REWIND(IN) !Be polite. CONTAINS !This also marks the end of source for RAKE... SUBROUTINE LIZZIEBORDEN !Take an axe to ACARD, chopping at X. NF = 0 !No strokes so far. DO I = 1,L !So, step away. IF (ICHAR(ACARD(I:I)).EQ.ICHAR(X)) THEN !Here? NF = NF + 1 !Yes! C(NF) = I !The place! END IF !So much for that. END DO !On to the next. NF = NF + 1 !And the end of ACARD is also a chop point. C(NF) = L + 1 !As if here. END SUBROUTINE LIZZIEBORDEN !She was aquitted. END SUBROUTINE RAKE !So much raking over. INTEGER L,M,N !To be determined the hard way. INTEGER LINPR,IN !I/O unit numbers. COMMON LINPR !Some of general note. LINPR = 6 !Standard output via this unit number. IN = 10 !Some unit number for the input file. OPEN (IN,FILE="Rake.txt",STATUS="OLD",ACTION="READ") !For formatted input. N = 0 !No records read. M = 0 !Longest record so far. 1 READ (IN,2,END = 10) L !How long is this record? 2 FORMAT (Q) !Obviously, Q specifies the length, not a content field. N = N + 1 !Anyway, another record has been read. M = MAX(M,L) !And this is the longest so far. GO TO 1 !Go back for more. 10 REWIND (IN) !We're ready now. WRITE (LINPR,*) N,"Recs, longest rec. length is ",M CALL RAKE(IN,M,"$",-1) !Align left. CALL RAKE(IN,M,"$", 0) !Centre. CALL RAKE(IN,M,"$",+1) !Align right. END !That's all. ``` Every line of output starts with a space, and if it were to be sent to a lineprinter, this would be used as the carriage control character (meaning, advance one line then print the rest) - the first column does not need to be set off by one space from the previous column, but rather than devise special treatment it is spaced off anyway. The free-format output statements also start with a space. Output: ```txt 6 Recs, longest rec. length is 66 Align Left Format(A11,A11,A11,A7,A7,A10,A11,A9,A8,A8,A7,A5,A1) Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Align Centre Format(A11,A11,A11,A7,A7,A10,A11,A9,A8,A8,A7,A5,A1) Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Align Right Format(A11,A11,A11,A7,A7,A10,A11,A9,A8,A8,A7,A5,A1) Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## FreeBASIC ```freebasic ' FB 1.05.0 Win64 Sub Split(s As String, sep As String, result() As String) Dim As Integer i, j, count = 0 Dim temp As String Dim As Integer position(Len(s) + 1) position(0) = 0 For i = 0 To Len(s) - 1 For j = 0 To Len(sep) - 1 If s[i] = sep[j] Then count += 1 position(count) = i + 1 End If Next j Next i position(count + 1) = Len(s) + 1 Redim result(count) For i = 1 To count + 1 result(i - 1) = Mid(s, position(i - 1) + 1, position(i) - position(i - 1) - 1) Next End Sub Sub CSet(buffer As String, s As Const String) Dim As Integer bLength = Len(buffer) Dim As Integer sLength = Len(s) Dim As Integer diff, lSpaces If sLength >= bLength Then LSet buffer, s Else diff = bLength - sLength lSpaces = diff \ 2 LSet buffer, Space(lSpaces) + s End If End Sub Dim lines() As String Dim count As Integer = 0 Open "align_columns.txt" For Input As #1 While Not Eof(1) Redim Preserve lines(count) Line Input #1, lines(count) count +=1 Wend Close #1 Dim As Integer i,j, length, numColumns = 0 Dim As Integer numLines = UBound(lines) + 1 Dim fields() As String ' Work out the maximum number of columns For i = 0 To numLines - 1 Erase fields Split RTrim(lines(i), "$"), "$", fields() length = UBound(fields) + 1 If length > numColumns Then numColumns = length Next ' Split lines into fields and work out maximum size of each column Dim matrix(numLines - 1, numColumns - 1) As String Dim columnSizes(numColumns - 1) As Integer For i = 0 To numLines - 1 Erase fields Split RTrim(lines(i), "$"), "$", fields() For j = 0 To UBound(fields) matrix(i, j) = fields(j) length = Len(fields(j)) If length > columnSizes(j) Then columnSizes(j) = length Next j Next i Dim buffer As String 'Separate each column by 2 spaces Open "align_left_columns.txt" For Output As #1 Open "align_right_columns.txt" For Output As #2 Open "align_center_columns.txt" For Output As #3 For i = 0 To UBound(matrix, 1) For j = 0 To UBound(matrix, 2) buffer = Space(columnSizes(j)) LSet buffer, matrix(i, j) Print #1, buffer; RSet buffer, matrix(i, j) Print #2, buffer; CSet buffer, matrix(i, j) Print #3, buffer; If j < UBound(matrix, 2) Then Print #1, " "; : Print #2, " "; : Print #3, " "; End If Next j Print #1, : Print #2, : Print #3, Next i Close #1 : Close #2 : Close #3 ``` {{out}} ```txt --- align_columns.txt Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column. --- align_left_columns.txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. --- align_right_columns.txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. --- align_center_columns.txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## Gambas '''[https://gambas-playground.proko.eu/?gist=023b4c5144d45e047abe02ebf5c4525a Click this link to run this code]''' ```gambas Public Sub Main() 'Written in Gambas 3.9.2 as a Command line Application - 15/03/2017 Dim siCount, siCounter, siLength As Short 'Counters Dim siLongest As Short = -1 'To store the longest 'Word' Dim sLine, sRows As New String[] 'Arrays Dim sTemp, sAlign As String 'Temp strings Dim sInput As String = "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines, $where$fields$within$a$line$" & "\n" "are$delineated$by$a$single$ 'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" & "\n" "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" & "\n" "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." & "\n" "Further, $allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$" & "\n" "justified, $right$justified, $or$center$justified$within$its$column." 'Main string (with End Of Line characters added) For Each sTemp In Split(sInput, "\n") 'For each Line (split by End of Line character).. sLine.add(sTemp) 'Add the Line to sLine array Next For siCount = 0 To sLine.Max 'For each of Lines in the array.. For Each sTemp In Split(sLine[siCount], "$") 'For each 'Word' in the Line (Split by the '$') siLength = Len(sTemp) 'Store the length of the current 'Word' If siLength > siLongest Then siLongest = siLength 'Make sure siLength has the length of the longest 'Word' sRows.add(Trim(sTemp)) 'Create an array of the 'Words' Next sRows.add("\n") 'Add a End Of Line character to the sRows array Next For siCounter = 0 To 2 'For each alignment (Left, Right and Centre) For Each sTemp In sRows 'For each 'Word' in the sRows array.. If sTemp = "\n" Then 'If it's a End Of Line character then.. Print 'Print Continue 'Jump to the next iteration of the For Next Loop Endif If siCounter = 0 Then Print sTemp & Space(siLongest - Len(sTemp)); 'Print control for Left align If siCounter = 1 Then Print Space(siLongest - Len(sTemp)) & sTemp; 'Print control for Right align If siCounter = 2 Then 'Print control for Centre align siCount = (siLongest - Len(sTemp)) / 2 'Difference between the length of the longest 'Word' and the current 'Word' / 2 sAlign = Space(siCount) & sTemp & Space(siCount) 'Put the string together for printing If Len(sAlign) < siLongest Then sAlign &= " " 'Check it's the correct length if not add a space on the end Print sAlign; 'Print the 'Word' Endif Next Print 'Print an empty line between each alignment list Next End ``` {{out}} ```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## Go ```go package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) const text = `Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.` type formatter struct { text [][]string width []int } func newFormatter(text string) *formatter { var f formatter for _, line := range strings.Split(text, "\n") { words := strings.Split(line, "$") for words[len(words)-1] == "" { words = words[:len(words)-1] } f.text = append(f.text, words) for i, word := range words { if i == len(f.width) { f.width = append(f.width, len(word)) } else if len(word) > f.width[i] { f.width[i] = len(word) } } } return &f } const ( left = iota middle right ) func (f formatter) print(j int) { for _, line := range f.text { for i, word := range line { fmt.Printf("%-*s ", f.width[i], fmt.Sprintf("%*s", len(word)+(f.width[i]-len(word))*j/2, word)) } fmt.Println("") } fmt.Println("") } func main() { f := newFormatter(text) f.print(left) f.print(middle) f.print(right) } ``` ```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## Groovy Solution: ```groovy def alignColumns = { align, rawText -> def lines = rawText.tokenize('\n') def words = lines.collect { it.tokenize(/\$/) } def maxLineWords = words.collect {it.size()}.max() words = words.collect { line -> line + [''] * (maxLineWords - line.size()) } def columnWidths = words.transpose().collect{ column -> column.collect { it.size() }.max() } def justify = [ Right : { width, string -> string.padLeft(width) }, Left : { width, string -> string.padRight(width) }, Center : { width, string -> string.center(width) } ] def padAll = { pad, colWidths, lineWords -> [colWidths, lineWords].transpose().collect { pad(it) + ' ' } } words.each { padAll(justify[align], columnWidths, it).each { print it }; println() } } ``` Test Program: ```groovy def rawTextInput = '''Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.''' ['Left', 'Center', 'Right'].each { align -> println "${align} Justified:" alignColumns(align, rawTextInput) println() } ``` {{out}}
Left Justified:
Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

Center Justified:
  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

Right Justified:
     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.

## Harbour


   LOCAL a := { "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$",;
                "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." }
   LOCAL e, nMax

   // remove trailing dollars
   AEval( a, {|e,n| Iif( Right(e,1)=="$", a[n] := hb_StrShrink( e, 1 ), NIL ) } )

   // find max word length
   nMax := 0
   AEval( a, {|e| AEval( hb_Atokens( e, "$"), {|i| nMax := Max( nMax, Len(i) )} ) } )

   // start printing, padding words as needed
   ? "----Left aligned columns----"
   FOR EACH e IN a
      AEval( hb_Atokens( e, "$"), {|i| QQout( PadR(i, nMax) )} )

   ? "----Center aligned columns----"
   FOR EACH e IN a
      AEval( hb_Atokens( e, "$"), {|i| QQout( PadC(i, nMax) )} )

   ? "----Right aligned columns----"
   FOR EACH e IN a
      AEval( hb_Atokens( e, "$"), {|i| QQout( PadL(i, nMax) )} )




----Left aligned columns----
Given      a          text       file       of         many       lines,     where      fields     within     a          line
are        delineated by         a          single     'dollar'   character, write      a          program
that       aligns     each       column     of         fields     by         ensuring   that       words      in         each
column     are        separated  by         at         least      one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each       word       in         a          column     to         be         either     left
justified, right      justified, or         center     justified  within     its        column.

----Center aligned columns----
   Given        a        text       file        of        many      lines,      where     fields     within        a        line
    are    delineated     by          a       single    'dollar'  character,    write        a       program
   that      aligns      each      column       of       fields       by      ensuring     that       words       in        each
  column       are     separated     by         at        least       one      space.
 Further,     allow       for       each       word        in          a       column       to         be       either      left
justified,    right   justified,     or       center    justified   within       its      column.

----Right aligned columns----
      Given          a       text       file         of       many     lines,      where     fields     within          a       line
        are delineated         by          a     single   'dollar' character,      write          a    program
       that     aligns       each     column         of     fields         by   ensuring       that      words         in       each
     column        are  separated         by         at      least        one     space.
   Further,      allow        for       each       word         in          a     column         to         be     either       left
 justified,      right justified,         or     center  justified     within        its    column.

## Haskell

import Data.List (unfoldr, transpose)
import Control.Arrow (second)

dat =
  "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$\n" ++
  "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program\n" ++
  "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$\n" ++
  "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.\n" ++
  "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$\n" ++

brkdwn =
  takeWhile (not . null) . unfoldr (Just . second (drop 1) . span ('$' /=))

format j ls = map (unwords . zipWith align colw) rows
    rows = map brkdwn $ lines ls
    colw = map (maximum . map length) . transpose $ rows
    align cw w =
      case j of
        'c' -> replicate l ' ' ++ w ++ replicate r ' '
        'r' -> replicate dl ' ' ++ w
        'l' -> w ++ replicate dl ' '
        dl = cw - length w
        (l, r) = (dl `div` 2, dl - l)



*Main> mapM_ putStrLn $ format 'c' dat
  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

Or, using '''Text''' and its functions as an alternative to '''[Char]''' strings:

import Prelude as P
import Data.Text as T
       (Text, pack, unpack, splitOn, unlines, unwords, length,
        justifyLeft, justifyRight, center)
import Data.List (transpose, zip, maximumBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)

rows :: [[Text]]
rows =
  (splitOn (pack "$") . pack) <$>
  [ "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$"
  , "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program"
  , "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$"
  , "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space."
  , "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$"
  , "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column."

cols :: [[Text]]
cols =
  transpose $
  ((++) <*>
   (flip P.replicate (pack []) .
    (-) (maximum (P.length <$> rows)) . P.length)) <$>

main :: IO ()
main =
  mapM_ putStrLn $
  [ (\cols f ->
        (unpack . T.unlines) $
        T.unwords <$> transpose ((\(xs, n) -> f (n + 1) ' ' <$> xs) <$> cols))
      (zip cols ((T.length . maximumBy (comparing T.length)) <$> cols))
  ] <*>
  [justifyLeft, justifyRight, center]


Given       a           text        file    of      many       lines,      where     fields   within   a       line
are         delineated  by          a       single  'dollar'   character,  write     a        program
that        aligns      each        column  of      fields     by          ensuring  that     words    in      each
column      are         separated   by      at      least      one         space.
Further,    allow       for         each    word    in         a           column    to       be       either  left
justified,  right       justified,  or      center  justified  within      its       column.

      Given           a        text    file      of       many      lines,     where   fields   within       a  line
        are  delineated          by       a  single   'dollar'  character,     write        a  program
       that      aligns        each  column      of     fields          by  ensuring     that    words      in  each
     column         are   separated      by      at      least         one    space.
   Further,       allow         for    each    word         in           a    column       to       be  either  left
 justified,       right  justified,      or  center  justified      within       its  column.

   Given         a          text      file     of      many       lines,     where    fields   within     a     line
    are      delineated      by        a     single  'dollar'   character,   write       a     program
    that       aligns       each     column    of     fields        by      ensuring   that     words     in    each
   column       are      separated     by      at      least       one       space.
  Further,     allow        for       each    word      in          a        column     to       be     either  left
 justified,    right     justified,    or    center  justified    within      its     column.

## HicEst

A file opened with a Format option describing the column format(s) can be addressed like a standard in-memory array. In addition the DLG function ([http://www.HicEst.com/MatrixExplorer.htm MatrixExplorer]) allows this text/numeric file to be edited or visualized in many ways, but string columns are always left adjusted while numeric columns are right adjusted. Export is possible.


CHARACTER Fnam = "\HicEst\Rosetta\Align columns.txt"

   OPEN(FIle=Fnam, Format="12$", LENgth=rows)
! call the DLG function in MatrixExplorer mode:
   DLG(Edit=Fnam, Format='12A10') ! left adjusted, 12 columns, 10 spaces each

! or the standard way:
   CALL Align( "LLLLLLLLLLL ", Fnam, rows)   ! left   align
   CALL Align( "CCCCCCCCCCC ", Fnam, rows)   ! center align
   CALL Align( "RRRRRRRRRRR ", Fnam, rows)   ! right  align

SUBROUTINE Align(picture, filename, rows)
   CHARACTER picture, filename
   CHARACTER out*400, txt*20

   W = LEN(picture)
   DO i = 1, rows
     out = " "
     DO j = 0, 100
       txt = filename(i, j+1, *9) ! on error branch to label 9
       WRITE(Text=out(j*W+1 : ), Format=picture) txt
   WRITE() out

Given       a           text        file        of          many        lines,      where       fields      within      a           line
are         delineated  by          a           single      'dollar'    character,  write       a           program
that        aligns      each        column      of          fields      by          ensuring    that        words       in          each
column      are         separated   by          at          least       one         space.
Further,    allow       for         each        word        in          a           column      to          be          either      left
justified,  right       justified,  or          center      justified   within      its         column.
   Given         a         text        file         of         many       lines,       where      fields      within         a         line
    are     delineated      by           a        single     'dollar'   character,     write         a        program
   that       aligns       each       column        of        fields        by       ensuring      that        words        in         each
  column        are      separated      by          at         least        one       space.
 Further,      allow        for        each        word         in           a        column        to          be        either       left
justified,     right    justified,      or        center     justified    within        its       column.
      Given           a        text        file          of        many      lines,       where      fields      within           a        line
        are  delineated          by           a      single    'dollar'  character,       write           a     program
       that      aligns        each      column          of      fields          by    ensuring        that       words          in        each
     column         are   separated          by          at       least         one      space.
   Further,       allow         for        each        word          in           a      column          to          be      either        left
 justified,       right  justified,          or      center   justified      within         its     column.

=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==
An argument of left, center, or right controls the
column alignment.  The default is left-alignment.

global width

procedure main(args)
    lines := []
    width := 0
    format := left
    match("left"|"right"|"center", format <- !args)
    every put(lines,prepare(!&input))
    display(lines, proc(format,3))

procedure prepare(lines)
    line := []
    lines ? {
        while (not pos(0)) & (field := tab(upto('$')|0)) do {
            put(line, field)
            width <:= *field
    return line

procedure display(lines, format)
    width +:= 1
    every line := !lines do {
        every writes(format(!line, width))

Sample run:

->align right 

## J


'LEFT CENTER RIGHT'=: i.3                NB. justification constants

NB.* alignCols v Format delimited text in justified columns
NB. y:          text to format
NB.                 rows marked by last character in text
NB.                 columns marked by $
NB. optional x: justification. Default is LEFT
NB. result:     text table
alignCols=: verb define
  LEFT alignCols y                       NB. default
  global=. dyad def'9!:x y'each
  oldbox=. 6 16 global '';''             NB. save settings
  7 17 global (11#' ');,~x               NB. apply new settings
  result=. _2{:\ ": <;._2 @:,&'$';._2 y  NB. parse & format text
  7 17 global oldbox                     NB. restore settings


   text=: noun define

   alignCols text           NB. default justification
 Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
 are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
 that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
 column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
 Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
 justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

   CENTER alignCols text    NB. specify desired justification as left argument
   Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
    are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
    that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
   column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
  Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
 justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

## Java

{{works with|Java|7}}

{{libheader|Apache Commons Lang}}

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

 * Aligns fields into columns, separated by "|"
public class ColumnAligner {
    private List words = new ArrayList<>();
    private int columns = 0;
    private List columnWidths = new ArrayList<>();

     * Initialize columns aligner from lines in a single string
     * @param s
     *            lines in a single string. Empty string does form a column.
    public ColumnAligner(String s) {
        String[] lines = s.split("\\n");
        for (String line : lines) {

     * Initialize columns aligner from lines in a list of strings
     * @param lines
     *            lines in a single string. Empty string does form a column.
    public ColumnAligner(List lines) {
        for (String line : lines) {

    private void processInputLine(String line) {
        String[] lineWords = line.split("\\$");
        columns = Math.max(columns, lineWords.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < lineWords.length; i++) {
            String word = lineWords[i];
            if (i >= columnWidths.size()) {
            } else {
                columnWidths.set(i, Math.max(columnWidths.get(i), word.length()));

    interface AlignFunction {
        String align(String s, int length);

     * Left-align all columns
     * @return Lines, terminated by "\n" of columns, separated by "|"
    public String alignLeft() {
        return align(new AlignFunction() {
            public String align(String s, int length) {
                return StringUtils.rightPad(s, length);

     * Right-align all columns
     * @return Lines, terminated by "\n" of columns, separated by "|"
    public String alignRight() {
        return align(new AlignFunction() {
            public String align(String s, int length) {
                return StringUtils.leftPad(s, length);

     * Center-align all columns
     * @return Lines, terminated by "\n" of columns, separated by "|"
    public String alignCenter() {
        return align(new AlignFunction() {
            public String align(String s, int length) {
                return StringUtils.center(s, length);

    private String align(AlignFunction a) {
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        for (String[] lineWords : words) {
            for (int i = 0; i < lineWords.length; i++) {
                String word = lineWords[i];
                if (i == 0) {
                result.append(a.align(word, columnWidths.get(i)) + "|");
        return result.toString();

    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
        if (args.length < 1) {
            System.out.println("Usage: ColumnAligner file [left|right|center]");
        String filePath = args[0];
        String alignment = "left";
        if (args.length >= 2) {
            alignment = args[1];
        ColumnAligner ca = new ColumnAligner(Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(filePath), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        switch (alignment) {
        case "left":
        case "right":
        case "center":
            System.err.println(String.format("Error! Unknown alignment: '%s'", alignment));

## JavaScript

### Imperative


var justification="center",

String.prototype.repeat=function(n){return new Array(1 + parseInt(n)).join(this);}

for(x=0;xcols) cols=input[x].length;
for(x=0;x item.length ? acc : item; }, 0);

//boilerplate: this function would normally be in a library like underscore, lodash, or ramda
var zip = function (items, toInsert) {
  toInsert = (toInsert === undefined) ? null : toInsert;
  var longestItem = getLongest(items);
  return longestItem.map(function (_unused, index) {
    return items.map(function (item) {
      return item[index] === undefined ? toInsert : item[index];

//here's the part that's not boilerplate
var makeColumns = function (formatting, data) {
  var zipData = zip(data, '');
  var makeSpaces = function (num) { return new Array(num + 1).join(' '); };
  var formattedCols = zipData.map(function (column) {
    var maxLen = getLongest(column).length;//find the maximum word length
    if (formatting === 'left') {
      return column.map(function (word) { return word + makeSpaces(maxLen - word.length); });
    } else if (formatting === 'right') {
      return column.map(function (word) { return makeSpaces(maxLen - word.length) + word; });
    } else {
      return column.map(function (word) {
        var spaces = maxLen - word.length,
            first = ~~(spaces / 2),
            last = spaces - first;
        return makeSpaces(first) + word + makeSpaces(last);

  return zip(formattedCols).map(function (row) { return row.join(' '); }).join('\n');

Or (ES5) using transpose and zipWith:

(function (strText) {
    'use strict';

    // [[a]] -> [[a]]
    function transpose(lst) {
        return lst[0].map(function (_, iCol) {
            return lst.map(function (row) {
                return row[iCol];

    // (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
    function zipWith(f, xs, ys) {
        return xs.length === ys.length ? (
            xs.map(function (x, i) {
                return f(x, ys[i]);
        ) : undefined;

    // (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
    function maximumBy(f, xs) {
        return xs.reduce(function (a, x) {
            return a === undefined ? x : (
                f(x) > f(a) ? x : a
        }, undefined)

    // [String] -> String
    function widest(lst) {
        return maximumBy(length, lst)

    // [[a]] -> [[a]]
    function fullRow(lst, n) {
        return lst.concat(Array.apply(null, Array(n - lst.length))
            .map(function () {
                return ''

    // String -> Int -> String
    function nreps(s, n) {
        var o = '';
        if (n < 1) return o;
        while (n > 1) {
            if (n & 1) o += s;
            n >>= 1;
            s += s;
        return o + s;

    // [String] -> String
    function unwords(xs) {
        return xs.join('  ');

    // [String] -> String
    function unlines(xs) {
        return xs.join('\n');

    // [a] -> Int
    function length(xs) {
        return xs.length;

    // -- Int -> [String] -> [[String]]
    function padWords(n, lstWords, eAlign) {
        return lstWords.map(function (w) {
            var lngPad = n - w.length;

            return (
                    (eAlign === eCenter) ? (function () {
                        var lngHalf = Math.floor(lngPad / 2);

                        return [
                            nreps(' ', lngHalf), w,
                            nreps(' ', lngPad - lngHalf)
                    })() : (eAlign === eLeft) ?
                        ['', w, nreps(' ', lngPad)] :
                        [nreps(' ', lngPad), w, '']

    // MAIN

    var eLeft = -1,
        eCenter = 0,
        eRight = 1;

    var lstRows = strText.split('\n')
        .map(function (x) {
            return x.split('$');

        lngCols = widest(lstRows),
        lstCols = transpose(lstRows.map(function (r) {
            return fullRow(r, lngCols)
        lstColWidths = lstCols.map(widest);


    return [eLeft, eRight, eCenter]
        .map(function (eAlign) {
            var fPad = function (n, lstWords) {
                return padWords(n, lstWords, eAlign);

            return transpose(
                    zipWith(fPad, lstColWidths, lstCols)



Given       a           text        file    of      many       lines,      where     fields   within   a       line
are         delineated  by          a       single  'dollar'   character,  write     a        program
that        aligns      each        column  of      fields     by          ensuring  that     words    in      each
column      are         separated   by      at      least      one         space.
Further,    allow       for         each    word    in         a           column    to       be       either  left
justified,  right       justified,  or      center  justified  within      its       column.

     Given           a        text    file      of       many      lines,     where   fields   within       a  line
       are  delineated          by       a  single   'dollar'  character,     write        a  program
      that      aligns        each  column      of     fields          by  ensuring     that    words      in  each
    column         are   separated      by      at      least         one    space.
  Further,       allow         for    each    word         in           a    column       to       be  either  left
justified,       right  justified,      or  center  justified      within       its  column.

  Given         a          text      file     of      many       lines,     where    fields   within     a     line
   are      delineated      by        a     single  'dollar'   character,   write       a     program
   that       aligns       each     column    of     fields        by      ensuring   that     words     in    each
  column       are      separated     by      at      least       one       space.
 Further,     allow        for       each    word      in          a        column     to       be     either  left
justified,    right     justified,    or    center  justified    within      its     column.

## jq

{{ Works with|jq|1.4}}
The key to the following implementation is the filter named "transpose", which is defined to work on a possibly jagged matrix.

# transpose a possibly jagged matrix
def transpose:
  if . == [] then []
  else (.[1:] | transpose) as $t
  | .[0] as $row
  | reduce range(0; [($t|length), (.[0]|length)] | max) as $i
      ([]; . + [ [ $row[$i] ] + $t[$i] ])

# left/right/center justification of strings:
def ljust(width): . + " " * (width - length);

def rjust(width): " " * (width - length) + .;

def center(width):
  (width - length) as $pad
  | if $pad <= 0 then .
    else ($pad / 2 | floor) as $half
    | $half * " " + . + ($pad-$half) * " "
    end ;

# input: a single string, which includes newlines to separate lines, and $ to separate phrases;
# method must be "left" "right" or anything else for central justification.
def format(method):
  def justify(width):
    if   method == "left"  then ljust(width)
    elif method == "right" then rjust(width)
    else center(width)

  # max_widths: input: an array of strings, each with "$" as phrase-separator;
  # return the appropriate column-wise maximum lengths
  def max_widths:
    map(split("$") | map(length))
    | transpose | map(max) ;

  split("\n") as $input
  | $input
  | (max_widths | map(.+1)) as $widths
  | map( split("$") | . as $line | reduce range(0; length) as $i
      (""; . + ($line[$i]|justify($widths[$i])) ))
  | join("\n")


"Center:", format("center"), "",
"Left:",   format("left"),   "",
"Right:",  format("right")

```sh $ jq -M -R -r -s -f Align_columns.jq Align_columns.txt Center: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Left: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Right: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ```
## Jsish From Javascript ES5 entry. ```javascript /* Align columns, in Jsish */ function alignColumns(phrases:array, just:string) { var x, y, max, diff, left, right, cols=0; for(x=0; xcols) cols=phrases[x].length; } for (x=0; x) { operator fun invoke(a: AlignFunction) : String { var result = "" for (lineWords in words) { for (i in lineWords.indices) { if (i == 0) result += '|' result += a(lineWords[i], column_widths[i]) result += '|' } result += '\n' } return result } private val words = arrayListOf>() private val column_widths = arrayListOf() init { lines.forEach { val lineWords = java.lang.String(it).split("\\$") words += lineWords for (i in lineWords.indices) { if (i >= column_widths.size) { column_widths += lineWords[i].length } else { column_widths[i] = Math.max(column_widths[i], lineWords[i].length) } } } } } fun main(args: Array) { if (args.isEmpty()) { println("Usage: ColumnAligner file [L|R|C]") return } val ca = ColumnAligner(Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(args[0]), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) val alignment = if (args.size >= 2) args[1] else "L" when (alignment) { "L" -> print(ca(AlignFunction.LEFT)) "R" -> print(ca(AlignFunction.RIGHT)) "C" -> print(ca(AlignFunction.CENTER)) else -> System.err.println("Error! Unknown alignment: " + alignment) } } ``` ## Lasso ```Lasso #!/usr/bin/lasso9 local(text = "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column. ") define go_left(text::array, width::integer) => { local(output = string) with row in #text do { with word in #row do { #output -> append(string(#word) -> padtrailing(#width + 1)&) } #output -> append('\n') } return #output } define go_right(text::array, width::integer) => { local(output = string) with row in #text do { with word in #row do { #output -> append(string(#word) -> padleading(#width + 1)&) } #output -> append('\n') } return #output } define go_center(text::array, width::integer) => { local(output = string) with row in #text do { with word in #row do { local( padlength = (#width + 1 - #word -> size), padleft = (' ' * (#padlength / 2)), padright = (' ' * (#padlength - #padleft -> size)) ) #output -> append(#padleft + string(#word) + #padright) } #output -> append('\n') } return #output } define prepcols(text::string) => { local( result = array, maxwidth = 0 ) with row in #text -> split('\n') do { #row -> removetrailing('$') #result -> insert(#row -> split('$')) } with word in delve(#result) do { #word -> size > #maxwidth ? #maxwidth = #word -> size } stdoutnl('Left aligned result: \n' + go_left(#result, #maxwidth)) stdoutnl('Right aligned result: \n' + go_right(#result, #maxwidth)) stdoutnl('Centered result: \n' + go_center(#result, #maxwidth)) } prepcols(#text) ``` {{out}} ```txt Left aligned result: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Right aligned result: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Centered result: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## Liberty BASIC ```lb mainwin 140 32 CRLF$ =chr$( 13) maxlen =0 read y Dim txt$( y) For i =1 To y Read i$ print i$ if right$( i$, 1) <>"$" then i$ =i$ +"$" txt$( i) =i$ x =max( CountDollars( txt$( i)), x) Next i print x Dim matrix$( x, y) Print CRLF$; " ---- Left ----" For yy =1 To y For xx =1 To x matrix$( xx, yy) =word$( txt$( yy), xx, "$") print matrix$( xx, yy), "|"; maxlen =max( maxlen, Len( matrix$( xx, yy))) Next xx print "" Next yy Print CRLF$; " ---- Right ----" For yy =1 To y For xx =1 To x Print right$( " " +matrix$( xx, yy), maxlen +1); "|"; ' will truncate column words longer than 20. Change to use maxlen.... Next xx Print "" Next yy Print CRLF$ +" ---- Center ----" For yy =1 to y For xx =1 to x wordLen =Len( matrix$( xx, yy)) padNeeded =maxlen -wordLen +4 LeftSpaces =padNeeded /2 if LeftSpaces =int( LeftSpaces) then RightSpaces =LeftSpaces else RightSpaces =LeftSpaces -1 end if Print space$( LeftSpaces); matrix$( xx, yy); space$( RightSpaces); "|"; Next xx Print "" Next yy wait Data 6 Data "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$" Data "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" Data "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" Data "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." Data "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$" Data "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." function CountDollars( src$) c =0 for j =1 to len( src$) if mid$( src$, j, 1) ="$" then c =c +1 next j CountDollars =c end function end ``` ## Lua {{works with|Lua|5.1}} ```lua local tWord = {} -- word table local tColLen = {} -- maximum word length in a column local rowCount = 0 -- row counter --store maximum column lengths at 'tColLen'; save words into 'tWord' table local function readInput(pStr) for line in pStr:gmatch("([^\n]+)[\n]-") do -- read until '\n' character rowCount = rowCount + 1 tWord[rowCount] = {} -- create new row local colCount = 0 for word in line:gmatch("[^$]+") do -- read non '$' character colCount = colCount + 1 tColLen[colCount] = math.max((tColLen[colCount] or 0), #word) -- store column length tWord[rowCount][colCount] = word -- store words end--for word end--for line end--readInput --repeat space to align the words in the same column local align = { ["left"] = function (pWord, pColLen) local n = (pColLen or 0) - #pWord + 1 return pWord .. (" "):rep(n) end;--["left"] ["right"] = function (pWord, pColLen) local n = (pColLen or 0) - #pWord + 1 return (" "):rep(n) .. pWord end;--["right"] ["center"] = function (pWord, pColLen) local n = (pColLen or 0) - #pWord + 1 local n1 = math.floor(n/2) return (" "):rep(n1) .. pWord .. (" "):rep(n-n1) end;--["center"] } --word table padder local function padWordTable(pAlignment) local alignFunc = align[pAlignment] -- selecting the spacer function for rowCount, tRow in ipairs(tWord) do for colCount, word in ipairs(tRow) do tRow[colCount] = alignFunc(word, tColLen[colCount]) -- save the padded words into the word table end--for colCount, word end--for rowCount, tRow end--padWordTable --main interface --------------------------------------------------[] function alignColumn(pStr, pAlignment, pFileName) --------------------------------------------------[] readInput(pStr) -- store column lengths and words padWordTable(pAlignment or "left") -- pad the stored words local output = "" for rowCount, tRow in ipairs(tWord) do local line = table.concat(tRow) -- concatenate words in one row print(line) -- print the line output = output .. line .. "\n" -- concatenate the line for output, add line break end--for rowCount, tRow if (type(pFileName) == "string") then local file = io.open(pFileName, "w+") file:write(output) -- write output to file file:close() end--if type(pFileName) return output end--alignColumn ``` Usage Example: ```lua input = [[Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.]] outputLeft = alignColumn(input) outputRight = alignColumn(input, "right") alignColumn(input, "center", "output.txt") ``` ## M2000 Interpreter ```M2000 Interpreter Module Align_Columns { a$={Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column. } const cr$=chr$(13), lf$=chr$(10) def c1=0, cmax=0, p1=-1, i flush ' empty stack for i=1 to len(a$) select case mid$(a$,i,1) case "$", cr$ if p1<>-1 then data (p1, c1): p1=-1: cmax=max(c1,cmax):c1=0 case lf$ data (-1,0) ' push to end of stack an array of two items (a tuple in m2000) else case if p1=-1 then p1=i :c1=1 else c1++ end select next if p1<>-1 then push (p1, c1): cmax=max(c1,cmax):c1=0 \\ so now stack of values hold all tuples. Dim Words(), AlignType$(1 to 3) AlignType$(1)=lambda$ (a$,wd)->field$(a$, wd) AlignType$(2)=lambda$ (a$,wd)->{ a$=left$(a$, wd) =left$(string$(" ", (len(a$)-wd) div 2)+a$+string$(" ",wd),wd) } AlignType$(3)= lambda$ (a$,wd)->format$("{0:"+str$(-wd)+"}", a$) \\ [] return a stack object, reference and leave current stack of values a new stack \\ Array( stack_object) empty the stack object moving items to an array Words()=Array([]) document export$ def aline$ cmax++ ' add one space For al=1 to 3 For i=0 to len(Words())-1 if Words(i)(0)=-1 then ' we use rtrim$() to cut trailing spaces export$=rtrim$(aline$)+cr$+lf$ : aline$="" else aline$+=AlignType$(al)(mid$(a$,Words(i)(0), Words(i)(1)),cmax) end if next i next \\ export to clipboard Clipboard export$ Rem Form 140, 60 Rem Print #-2, export$ ' render text to console without using console's columns } Align_Columns ``` {{out}}
Given      a          text       file       of         many       lines,     where      fields     within     a          line
are        delineated by         a          single     'dollar'   character, write      a          program
that       aligns     each       column     of         fields     by         ensuring   that       words      in         each
column     are        separated  by         at         least      one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each       word       in         a          column     to         be         either     left
justified, right      justified, or         center     justified  within     its        column.
   Given        a        text       file        of        many      lines,      where     fields     within        a        line
    are    delineated     by          a       single    'dollar'  character,    write        a       program
   that      aligns      each      column       of       fields       by      ensuring     that       words       in        each
  column       are     separated     by         at        least       one      space.
 Further,     allow       for       each       word        in          a       column       to         be       either      left
justified,    right   justified,     or       center    justified   within       its      column.
      Given          a       text       file         of       many     lines,      where     fields     within          a       line
        are delineated         by          a     single   'dollar' character,      write          a    program
       that     aligns       each     column         of     fields         by   ensuring       that      words         in       each
     column        are  separated         by         at      least        one     space.
   Further,      allow        for       each       word         in          a     column         to         be     either       left
 justified,      right justified,         or     center  justified     within        its    column.
## Maple Assign the sample data. ```Maple txt := "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$\n" "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program\n" "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$\n" "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.\n" "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$\n" "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.\n": ``` The following procedure solves the problem. It takes the string to be operated on as input, and an optional alignment parameter, which defaults to centred alignment. The aligned text is returned, as a string, which can then be printed. ```Maple AlignColumns := proc( txt, align :: { "left", "right", "centre" } := "centre" ) uses StringTools; # Get a list of lists of fields local A := map( Split, Split( txt ), "$" ); # Calculate the column width local width := 1 + max( map( L -> max( map( length, L ) ), A ) ); # Add spacing according to the requested type of alignment if align = "left" then local J := map( line -> map( PadRight, line, width ), A ) elif align = "right" then J := map( line -> map( PadLeft, line, width ), A ) else J := map( line -> map( Center, line, width ), A ) end if; # Join up the fields in each line. J := map( cat@op, J ); # Re-assemble the lines into a single string. Join( J, "\n" ) end proc: ``` For the sample text, we get the following results. ```Maple > printf( "%s\n", AlignColumns( txt ) ): Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. > printf( "%s\n", AlignColumns( txt, "center" ) ): # same as above Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. > printf( "%s\n", AlignColumns( txt, "left" ) ): Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. > printf( "%s\n", AlignColumns( txt, "right" ) ): Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` Alternatively, this could be printed to a file (using fprintf instead of printf). =={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}== ```Mathematica TableForm[StringSplit[StringSplit[a,"\n"],"$"],TableAlignments -> Center] ``` Output with example text : [[File:centeredtext.png]] ## ML/I In this example, ML/I reads its macros first, then switches input to the file containing the data to be formatted. Output is to 'standard output' or similar. Note the presetting of P102 to indicate the alignment required. ```ML/I MCSKIP "WITH" NL "" Align columns - assumes macros on input stream 1, data on stream 2 MCPVAR 102 "" Set P102 to alignment required: "" 1 = centre "" 2 = left "" 3 = right MCSET P102 = 1 MCSKIP MT,<> MCINS %. MCSKIP SL WITH * "" Assume no more than 100 columns - P101 used for max number of fields "" Set P variables 1-101 to 0 MCDEF ZEROPS WITHS NL AS ZEROPS "" First pass - macro to accumulate max columns, and max widths MCDEF SL N1 OPT $ N1 OR $ WITHS NL OR SPACE WITHS NL OR NL ALL AS MCSET S1=1 *MCSET S10=2 *MCSET S1=0 MCSET S4=1 ""MCNOTE Max field is %P101. ""MCDEF REP NL AS ""REP MCDEF SL N1 OPT $ N1 OR $ WITHS NL OR SPACE WITHS NL OR NL ALL AS ,1,T3)%L7.%WBT2."" MCSUB(< >,1,PT2-T3-MCLENG(%WBT2.)+1)MCGO L4 %L2.MCSUB(%WBT2.< >,1,PT2)MCGO L4 %L3.MCSUB(< >%WBT2.,1-PT2,0)"" %L4. MCSET T2=T2+1 MCGO L5 %L6. > MCSET S1=1 *MCSET S10=102 ``` ## MUMPS ```MUMPS columns(how) ; how = "Left", "Center" or "Right" New col,half,ii,max,spaces,word Set ii=0 Set ii=ii+1,line(ii)="Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$" Set ii=ii+1,line(ii)="are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" Set ii=ii+1,line(ii)="that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" Set ii=ii+1,line(ii)="column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." Set ii=ii+1,line(ii)="Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$" Set ii=ii+1,line(ii)="justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." Set ii="" For Set ii=$Order(line(ii)) Quit:ii="" Do . For col=1:1:$Length(line(ii),"$") Do . . Set max=$Length($Piece(line(ii),"$",col)) . . Set:max>$Get(max(col)) max(col)=max . . Quit . Quit Set ii="" For Set ii=$Order(line(ii)) Quit:ii="" Do . Write ! For col=1:1:$Length(line(ii),"$") Do:$Get(max(col)) . . Set word=$Piece(line(ii),"$",col) . . Set spaces=$Justify("",max(col)-$Length(word)) . . If how="Left" Write word,spaces," " Quit . . If how="Right" Write spaces,word," " Quit . . Set half=$Length(spaces)\2 . . Write $Extract(spaces,1,half),word,$Extract(spaces,half+1,$Length(spaces))," " . . Quit . Quit Write ! Quit Do columns("Left") Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Do columns("Center") Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Do columns("Right") Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## Nim ```nim from strutils import splitLines, split from sequtils import mapIt from strfmt import format, write let textinfile = """Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.""" var words = textinfile.splitLines.mapIt(it.split '$') var maxs = newSeq[int](max words.mapIt(it.len)) for line in words: for j,w in line: maxs[j] = max(maxs[j], w.len+1) for i, align in ["<",">","^"]: echo(["Left", "Right", "Center"][i], " column-aligned output:") for line in words: for j,w in line: stdout.write(w.format align & $maxs[j]) stdout.write "\n" stdout.write "\n" ``` {{out}} ```txt Left column-aligned output: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Right column-aligned output: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Center column-aligned output: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## Nit Source: [https://github.com/nitlang/nit/blob/master/examples/rosettacode/align_columns.nit the official Nit’s repository] ```nit # Task: Align columns # # Uses `Text::justify` from the standard library. module align_columns fun aligner(text: String, left: Float) do # Each row is a sequence of fields var rows = new Array[Array[String]] for line in text.split('\n') do rows.add line.split("$") end # Compute the final length of each column var lengths = new Array[Int] for fields in rows do var i = 0 for field in fields do var fl = field.length if lengths.length <= i or fl > lengths[i] then lengths[i] = fl end i += 1 end end # Process each line and align each field for fields in rows do var line = new Array[String] var i = 0 for field in fields do line.add field.justify(lengths[i], left) i += 1 end print line.join(" ") end end var text = """ Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.""" aligner(text, 0.0) aligner(text, 1.0) aligner(text, 0.5) ``` {{out}} ```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` =={{header|Oberon-2}}== works with oo2c version 2. ```oberon2 MODULE Columns; IMPORT NPCT:Tools, Object, Out; TYPE Parts = ARRAY 32 OF STRING; Formatter = PROCEDURE (s: STRING; len: LONGINT): STRING; VAR lines: ARRAY 6 OF STRING; words: ARRAY 6 OF Parts; columnWidth: ARRAY 128 OF INTEGER; lineIdx: INTEGER; (* * Size: returns de number of words in a line *) PROCEDURE Size(p: Parts): INTEGER; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE (i < LEN(p)) & (p[i] # NIL) DO INC(i); END; RETURN i END Size; (* * Max: returns maximum number of words in the lines *) PROCEDURE Max(w: ARRAY OF Parts): INTEGER; VAR i, max, resp: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0;resp := 0; WHILE (i < LEN(w)) DO max := Size(w[i]); IF (max > resp) THEN resp := max END; INC(i) END; RETURN resp; END Max; (* * MaxColumnWidth: returns the maximum width of a column *) PROCEDURE MaxColumnWidth(w: ARRAY OF Parts;column: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR line,max: LONGINT; BEGIN line := 0; max := MIN(INTEGER); WHILE (line < LEN(w)) DO; IF (w[line,column] # NIL) & (w[line,column](Object.String8).length > max) THEN max := w[line,column](Object.String8).length END; INC(line) END; RETURN SHORT(max) END MaxColumnWidth; (* * PrintWords: prints the words in 'w' using the formatter passed in 'format' *) PROCEDURE PrintWords(w: ARRAY OF Parts; format: Formatter); VAR i,j: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE (i < LEN(words)) DO j := 0; WHILE (j < Max(words)) & (words[i,j] # NIL) DO Out.Object(format(words[i,j],columnWidth[j] + 1)); INC(j) END; Out.Ln; INC(i) END; Out.Ln END PrintWords; BEGIN lines[0] := "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$"; lines[1] := "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program"; lines[2] := "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$"; lines[3] := "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space."; lines[4] := "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$"; lines[5] := "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column."; (* Split line in words *) lineIdx := 0; WHILE lineIdx < LEN(lines) DO Tools.Split(lines[lineIdx],"$",words[lineIdx]); INC(lineIdx) END; (* Calculate width of the column *) lineIdx := 0; WHILE (lineIdx < Max(words)) DO columnWidth[lineIdx] := MaxColumnWidth(words,lineIdx); INC(lineIdx) END; (* Print Results *) PrintWords(words,Tools.AdjustLeft); PrintWords(words,Tools.AdjustCenter); PrintWords(words,Tools.AdjustRight); END Columns. ``` ```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## OCaml ```ocaml #load "str.cma" open Str let input = "\ Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." let () = let lines = split (regexp_string "\n") input in let fields_l = List.map (split (regexp_string "$")) lines in let fields_l = List.map Array.of_list fields_l in let n = (* number of columns *) List.fold_left (fun n fields -> max n (Array.length fields)) 0 fields_l in let pads = Array.make n 0 in List.iter ( (* calculate the max padding for each column *) Array.iteri (fun i word -> pads.(i) <- max pads.(i) (String.length word)) ) fields_l; let print f = List.iter (fun fields -> Array.iteri (fun i word -> f word (pads.(i) - (String.length word)) ) fields; print_newline() ) fields_l; in (* left column-aligned output *) print (fun word pad -> let spaces = String.make pad ' ' in Printf.printf "%s%s " word spaces); (* right column-aligned output *) print (fun word pad -> let spaces = String.make pad ' ' in Printf.printf "%s%s " spaces word); (* center column-aligned output *) print (fun word pad -> let pad1 = pad / 2 in let pad2 = pad - pad1 in let sp1 = String.make pad1 ' ' in let sp2 = String.make pad2 ' ' in Printf.printf "%s%s%s " sp1 word sp2); ;; ``` ## Oforth ```oforth import: mapping import: file : <l 2 / ->m String new just $RIGHT if=: [ l <lines 0 #[ apply( #[ size max ] ) ] lines apply ->maxsize #[ apply( #[ justify( maxsize , just) . ] ) printcr ] lines apply ; ``` {{out}} ```txt >"align.txt" $LEFT align Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ok > ``` ## ooRexx ```ooRexx text = .array~of("Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$", - "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program", - "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$", - "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.", - "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$", - "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.") columns = 0 parsedText = .array~new -- split each line of text into words and figure out how many columns we need loop line over text parsedLine = line~makearray("$") parsedText~append(parsedLine) columns = max(columns, parsedLine~items) end -- now figure out how wide we need to make each column columnWidths = .array~new(columns) linelength = 0 loop i = 1 to columns width = 0 loop line over parsedText word = line[i] if word \= .nil then width = max(width, word~length) end columnWidths[i] = width -- keep track of the total width, including space for a separator linelength += width + 1 end say "align left:" say out = .mutableBuffer~new(linelength) loop line over parsedText -- mutable buffers are more efficient than repeated string concats -- reset the working buffer to zero out~setbuffersize(0) loop col = 1 to line~items word = line[col] if word == .nil then word = '' out~append(word~left(columnwidths[col] + 1)) end say out~string end say say "align right:" say loop line over parsedText -- mutable buffers are more efficient than repeated string concats -- reset the working buffer to zero out~setbuffersize(0) loop col = 1 to line~items word = line[col] if word == .nil then word = '' out~append(word~right(columnwidths[col] + 1)) end say out~string end say say "align center:" say loop line over parsedText -- mutable buffers are more efficient than repeated string concats -- reset the working buffer to zero out~setbuffersize(0) loop col = 1 to line~items word = line[col] if word == .nil then word = '' out~append(word~center(columnwidths[col] + 1)) end say out~string end ``` ```txt align left: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. align right: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. align center: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## OpenEdge/Progress ```progress FUNCTION alignColumns RETURNS CHAR ( i_c AS CHAR, i_calign AS CHAR ): DEF VAR ipass AS INT. DEF VAR iline AS INT. DEF VAR icol AS INT. DEF VAR iwidth AS INT EXTENT. DEF VAR cword AS CHAR. DEF VAR cspace AS CHAR. DEF VAR cresult AS CHAR. EXTENT( iwidth ) = NUM-ENTRIES( ENTRY( 1, i_c, "~n" ), "$" ). DO ipass = 0 TO 1: DO iline = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES( i_c, "~n" ): DO icol = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES( ENTRY( iline, i_c, "~n" ), "$" ): cword = ENTRY( icol, ENTRY( iline, i_c, "~n" ), "$" ). IF ipass = 0 THEN iwidth = MAXIMUM( LENGTH( cword ), iwidth[ icol ] ). ELSE DO: cspace = FILL( " ", iwidth[ icol ] - LENGTH( cword ) ). CASE i_calign: WHEN "left" THEN cresult = cresult + cword + cspace. WHEN "right" THEN cresult = cresult + cspace + cword. WHEN "center" THEN DO: cword = FILL( " ", INTEGER( LENGTH( cspace ) / 2 ) ) + cword. cresult = cresult + cword + FILL( " ", iwidth[icol] - LENGTH( cword ) ). END. END CASE. /* i_calign */ cresult = cresult + " ". END. END. /* DO icol = 1 TO ... */ IF ipass = 1 THEN cresult = cresult + "~n". END. /* DO iline = 1 TO ... */ END. /* DO ipass = 0 TO 1 */ RETURN cresult. END FUNCTION. DEF VAR cc AS CHAR. cc = SUBSTITUTE( "&1~n&2~n&3~n&4~n&5~n&6", "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$", "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program", "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$", "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.", "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$", "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." ). MESSAGE alignColumns( cc, "left" ) SKIP alignColumns( cc, "right" ) SKIP alignColumns( cc, "center" ) VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. ``` {{out}} ```txt --------------------------- Message --------------------------- Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- ``` ## OxygenBasic ```txt ' ### ========== Class AlignedText ' ### ========== indexbase 1 string buf, bufo, cr, tab, jus sys Cols, Rows, ColWidth[200], TotWidth, ColPad method SetText(string s) cr=chr(13)+chr(10) tab=chr(9) jus=string 200,"L" buf=s measure end method method measure() sys a, b, wa, wb, cm, c, cw a=1 : b=1 Cols=0 : Rows=0 : ColPad=3 do wb=b a=instr b,buf,cr if a=0 then exit do cm=0 c++ do wa=instr wb,buf,"$" if wa=0 or wa>a then exit do cm++ if cm>cols then cols=cm cw=wa-wb if cw > ColWidth[cm] then ColWidth[cm]=cw wb=wa+1 end do b=a+len cr end do rows=c ' c=0 for i=1 to cols ColWidth[ i ]+=ColPad c+=ColWidth[ i ] next TotWidth=c+len cr 'print ShowMetrics end method method ShowMetrics() as string pr="METRICS:" cr cr pr+=rows tab cols tab totwidth cr cr pr+="column" tab "spacing" cr for i=1 to cols pr+=i tab ColWidth[ i ] cr next return pr end method method justify(string j) mid jus,1,j end method method layout() as string sys a, b, wa, wb, wl, cm, lpos, cpos bufo=space Rows*TotWidth a=1 : b=1 do wb=b a=instr(b,buf,cr) if a=0 then exit do cm=0 cpos=1 do wa=instr(wb,buf,"$") if wa=0 or wa>a then exit do ' cm++ ' 'JUSTIFICATION ' wl=wa-wb p=lpos+cpos 'default "L" LEFT ALIGN ' select case asc(jus,cm) case "R" : p=lpos+cpos+ColWidth[cm]-wl-Colpad case "C" : p=lpos+cpos+( ColWidth[cm]-wl-Colpad )*.5 end select ' mid bufo,p, mid buf,wb,wl cpos+=colwidth[cm] wb=wa+1 end do b=a+len cr lpos+=TotWidth if lpos '#'(1:"a" 2:"b" 3:"c") fun {ParseLine Line} {List.toTuple '#' {String.tokens Line &$}} end %% possible alignments: fun {Left Txt Extra} Txt#{Spaces Extra} end fun {Right Txt Extra} {Spaces Extra}#Txt end fun {Center Txt Extra} Half = Extra div 2 in {Spaces Half}#Txt#{Spaces Half + Extra mod 2} end %% helpers: %% 3 -> unit(1 2 3) fun {TupleRange Max} {List.toTuple unit {List.number 1 Max 1}} end fun {Maximum X|Xr} {FoldL Xr Value.max X} end fun {Spaces N} case N of 0 then nil else & |{Spaces N-1} end end Lines = ["Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$" "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$" "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column."] in {ForAll {Align Lines Left} System.showInfo} ``` ## Pascal See [[Align_columns#Delphi | Delphi]] ## Perl ```Perl #/usr/bin/perl -w use strict ; die "Call : perl columnaligner.pl !\n" unless @ARGV == 2 ; #$ARGV[ 0 ] contains example file , $ARGV[1] any of 'left' , 'right' or 'center' die "last argument must be one of center, left or right!\n" unless $ARGV[ 1 ] =~ /center|left|right/ ; sub printLines( $$$ ) ; open INFILE , "<" , "$ARGV[ 0 ]" or die "Can't open $ARGV[ 0 ]!\n" ; my @lines = ; close INFILE ; chomp @lines ; my @fieldwidths = map length, split /\$/ , $lines[ 0 ] ; foreach my $i ( 1..$#lines ) { my @words = split /\$/ , $lines[ $i ] ; foreach my $j ( 0..$#words ) { if ( $j <= $#fieldwidths ) { if ( length $words[ $j ] > $fieldwidths[ $j ] ) { $fieldwidths[ $j ] = length $words[ $j ] ; } } else { push @fieldwidths, length $words[ $j ] ; } } } printLine( $_ , $ARGV[ 1 ] , \@fieldwidths ) foreach @lines ; ################################################################## #### sub printLine { my $line = shift ; my $orientation = shift ; my $widthref = shift ; my @words = split /\$/, $line ; foreach my $k ( 0..$#words ) { my $printwidth = $widthref->[ $k ] + 1 ; if ( $orientation eq 'center' ) { $printwidth++ ; } if ( $orientation eq 'left' ) { print $words[ $k ] ; print " " x ( $printwidth - length $words[ $k ] ) ; } elsif ( $orientation eq 'right' ) { print " " x ( $printwidth - length $words[ $k ] ) ; print $words[ $k ] ; } elsif ( $orientation eq 'center' ) { my $left = int( ( $printwidth - length $words[ $k ] ) / 2 ) ; my $right = $printwidth - length( $words[ $k ] ) - $left ; print " " x $left ; print $words[ $k ] ; print " " x $right ; } } print "\n" ; } ``` a shorter solution ```perl use List::Util qw(max); sub columns { my @lines = map [split /\$/] => split /\n/ => shift; my $pos = {qw/left 0 center 1 right 2/}->{+shift}; for my $col (0 .. max map {$#$_} @lines) { my $max = max my @widths = map {length $_->[$col]} @lines; for my $row (0 .. $#lines) { my @pad = map {' ' x $_, ' ' x ($_ + 0.5)} ($max - $widths[$row]) / 2; for ($lines[$row][$col]) {$_ = join '' => @pad[0 .. $pos-1], $_, @pad[$pos .. $#pad]} } } join '' => map {"@$_\n"} @lines } print columns <<'END', $_ for qw(left right center); Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column. END ``` ## Perl 6 {{works with|Rakudo|2018.03}} Call with parameter left (default), center or right. ```perl6 my @lines = q|Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column. |.lines; my @widths; for @lines { for .split('$').kv { @widths[$^key] max= $^word.chars; } } for @lines { say |.split('$').kv.map: { (align @widths[$^key], $^word) ~ " "; } } sub align($column_width, $word, $aligment = @*ARGS[0]) { my $lr = $column_width - $word.chars; my $c = $lr / 2; given ($aligment) { when "center" { " " x $c.ceiling ~ $word ~ " " x $c.floor } when "right" { " " x $lr ~ $word } default { $word ~ " " x $lr } } } ``` Or a more functional version, called like ./align.p6 left input.txt, which however only supports left and right alignment (not center): ```perl6 sub MAIN ($alignment where 'left'|'right', $file) { my @lines := $file.IO.lines.map(*.split('$').cache).cache; my @widths = roundrobin(|@lines).map(*».chars.max); my $align = {left=>'-', right=>''}{$alignment}; my $format = @widths.map( '%' ~ ++$ ~ '$' ~ $align ~ * ~ 's' ).join(' ') ~ "\n"; printf $format, |$_ for @lines; } ``` ## Phix ```Phix constant data = { "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$", "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program", "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$", "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.", "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$", "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." } function split(sequence s, integer c) sequence out = {} integer first = 1, delim while first<=length(s) do delim = find_from(c,s,first) if delim = 0 then delim = length(s)+1 end if out = append(out,s[first..delim-1]) first = delim + 1 end while return out end function function align(sequence s, integer width, integer alignment) integer n = width-length(s) if n<=0 then return s elsif alignment<0 then return s & repeat(' ', n) elsif alignment>0 then return repeat(' ', n) & s else -- (PL if I'd written this, I'd have n-floor(n/2) on the rhs) return repeat(' ', floor(n/2)) & s & repeat(' ', floor(n/2+0.5)) end if end function procedure AlignColumns() integer llij sequence lines, li sequence maxlens = {} lines = repeat(0,length(data)) for i=1 to length(data) do li = split(data[i],'$') lines[i] = li if length(li)>length(maxlens) then maxlens &= repeat(0,length(li)-length(maxlens)) end if for j=1 to length(li) do llij = length(li[j]) if llij>maxlens[j] then maxlens[j] = llij end if end for end for for a=-1 to 1 do -- (alignment = left/centre/right) for i=1 to length(lines) do for j=1 to length(lines[i]) do puts(1, align(lines[i][j],maxlens[j],a) & ' ') end for puts(1,'\n') end for puts(1,'\n') end for if getc(0) then end if end procedure AlignColumns() ``` {{out}} ```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## PHP ```php STR_PAD_RIGHT, 'R' => STR_PAD_LEFT, 'C' => STR_PAD_BOTH); /** Justify columns of textual tabular input where the record separator is the newline and the field separator is a 'dollar' character. justification can be L, R, or C; (Left, Right, or Centered). Return the justified output as a string */ function aligner($str, $justification = 'L') { global $j2justtype; assert(array_key_exists($justification, $j2justtype)); $justtype = $j2justtype[$justification]; $fieldsbyrow = array(); foreach (explode("\n", $str) as $line) $fieldsbyrow[] = explode('$', $line); $maxfields = max(array_map('count', $fieldsbyrow)); foreach (range(0, $maxfields-1) as $col) { $maxwidth = 0; foreach ($fieldsbyrow as $fields) $maxwidth = max($maxwidth, strlen($fields[$col])); foreach ($fieldsbyrow as &$fields) $fields[$col] = str_pad($fields[$col], $maxwidth, ' ', $justtype); unset($fields); // see http://bugs.php.net/29992 } $result = ''; foreach ($fieldsbyrow as $fields) $result .= implode(' ', $fields) . "\n"; return $result; } $textinfile = 'Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$\'dollar\'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.'; foreach (array('L', 'R', 'C') as $j) echo aligner($textinfile, $j); ?> ``` ## PicoLisp ```PicoLisp (let Sizes NIL # Build a list of sizes (let Lines # and of lines (make (in "input.txt" # Reading input file (while (split (line) "$") # delimited by '$' (let (L (link (mapcar pack @)) S Sizes) (setq Sizes # Maintain sizes (make (while (or L S) (link (max (inc (length (pop 'L))) (pop 'S) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (for L Lines # Print lines (prinl (apply align L (mapcar - Sizes))) ) # left aligned (prinl) (for L Lines (prinl (apply align L Sizes)) ) # right aligned (prinl) (for L Lines (prinl (apply center L Sizes)) ) ) ) # and centered ``` {{out}} ```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## PL/I ```PL/I declare text character (300) varying; declare word character (20) varying; declare justification character (1); declare k fixed binary; declare input file, output file output; open file (input) title ( '/CENTER.DAT,type(text),recsize(1000)' ); open file (output) title ( '/OUT.TXT,type(text),recsize(1000)' ); on endfile (input) stop; display ('Specify whether justification is left, centered, or right'); display ('Reply with a single letter: L, C, or R'); get edit (justification) (A(1)); do forever; get file (input) edit (text) (L); put skip list (text); text = trim(text, '$', '$'); do until (k = 0); k = index(text, '$'); if k = 0 then /* last word in line */ word = text; else do; word = substr(text, 1, k-1); text = substr(text, k); text = trim(text, '$'); end; select (justification); when ('C', 'c') word = center(word, maxlength(word)); when ('R', 'r') word = right (word, maxlength(word)); otherwise ; /* The default is left adjusted. */ end; put file (output) edit (word) (a(maxlength(word))); end; put file (output) skip; end; ``` ## PowerShell ```PowerShell $file = @' Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column. '@.Split("`n") $arr = @() $file | foreach { $line = $_ $i = 0 $hash = [ordered]@{} $line.split('$') | foreach{ $hash["$i"] = "$_" $i++ } $arr += @([pscustomobject]$hash) } $arr | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders -Wrap * ``` Output: ```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## Prolog Works with SWI-Prolog. ```Prolog aligner :- L ="Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.", % read the lines and the words % compute the length of the longuest word. % LP is the list of lines, % each line is a list of words parse(L, 0, N, LP, []), % we need to add 1 to aligned N1 is N+1, % words will be left aligned sformat(AL, '~~w~~t~~~w|', [N1]), % words will be centered sformat(AC, '~~t~~w~~t~~~w|', [N1]), % words will be right aligned sformat(AR, '~~t~~w~~~w|', [N1]), write('Left justified :'), nl, maplist(affiche(AL), LP), nl, write('Centered justified :'), nl, maplist(affiche(AC), LP), nl, write('Right justified :'), nl, maplist(affiche(AR), LP), nl. affiche(F, L) :- maplist(my_format(F), L), nl. my_format(_F, [13]) :- nl. my_format(F, W) :- string_to_atom(W,AW), sformat(AF, F, [AW]), write(AF). parse([], Max, Max) --> []. parse(T, N, Max) --> { parse_line(T, 0, N1, T1, L, []), ( N1 > N -> N2 = N1; N2 = N)}, [L], parse(T1, N2, Max). parse_line([], NF, NF, []) --> []. parse_line([H|TF], NF, NF, TF) --> {code_type(H, end_of_line), !}, []. parse_line(T, N, NF, TF) --> { parse_word(T, 0, N1, T1, W, []), ( N1 > N -> N2 = N1; N2 = N)}, [W], parse_line(T1, N2, NF, TF). % 36 is the code of '$' parse_word([36|T], N, N, T) --> {!}, []. parse_word([H|T], N, N, [H|T]) --> {code_type(H, end_of_line), !}, []. parse_word([], N, N, []) --> []. parse_word([H|T], N1, NF, TF) --> [H], {N2 is N1 + 1}, parse_word(T, N2, NF, TF). ``` {{out}} ```txt ?- aligner. Left justified : Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Centered justified : Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Right justified : Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. true . ``` ## PureBasic {{works with|PureBasic|4.41}} ```PureBasic Declare max(a,b) If OpenConsole() Define a, i, x, y, maxlen Dim txt.s(0) Restore lines ; Get address of the first data block Read.i a ReDim txt(a) For i=0 To a ; Read the raw data lines Read.s txt(i) txt(i)=Trim(txt(i),"$") ; Remove any bad '$' that may be useless in the end... x=max(CountString(txt(i),"$"),x) Next y=a Dim matrix.s(x,y) ; Set up a nice matrix to work with, each word cleanly separated For x=0 To ArraySize(matrix(),1) For y=0 To ArraySize(matrix(),2) matrix(x,y)=StringField(txt(y),x+1,"$") maxlen=max(maxlen,Len(matrix(x,y))) Next Next If maxlen%2 maxlen+1 ; Just to make sure that 'centered' output looks nice.... EndIf PrintN(#CRLF$+"---- Right ----") For y=0 To ArraySize(matrix(),2) For x=0 To ArraySize(matrix(),1) Print(RSet(matrix(x,y),maxlen+1)) Next PrintN("") Next PrintN(#CRLF$+"---- Left ----") For y=0 To ArraySize(matrix(),2) For x=0 To ArraySize(matrix(),1) Print(LSet(matrix(x,y),maxlen+1)) Next PrintN("") Next PrintN(#CRLF$+"---- Center ----") For y=0 To ArraySize(matrix(),2) For x=0 To ArraySize(matrix(),1) a=maxlen-Len(matrix(x,y)) Print(LSet(RSet(matrix(x,y),maxlen-a/2),maxlen)) Next PrintN("") Next PrintN(#CRLF$+#CRLF$+"Press ENTER to quit."): Input() CloseConsole() EndIf Procedure max(x,y) If x>=y ProcedureReturn x Else ProcedureReturn y EndIf EndProcedure DataSection lines: Data.i 5 ; e.g. 6-1 since first line is equal to 'zero'. text: Data.s "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$" Data.s "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" Data.s "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" Data.s "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." Data.s "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$oo$be$either$left$" Data.s "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." EndDataSection ``` ## Python ### Procedural ### =Using StringIO= ```python from StringIO import StringIO textinfile = '''Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.''' j2justifier = dict(L=str.ljust, R=str.rjust, C=str.center) def aligner(infile, justification = 'L'): ''' \ Justify columns of textual tabular input where the row separator is the newline and the field separator is a 'dollar' character. justification can be L, R, or C; (Left, Right, or Centered). Return the justified output as a string ''' assert justification in j2justifier, "justification can be L, R, or C; (Left, Right, or Centered)." justifier = j2justifier[justification] fieldsbyrow= [line.strip().split('$') for line in infile] # pad to same number of fields per row maxfields = max(len(row) for row in fieldsbyrow) fieldsbyrow = [fields + ['']*(maxfields - len(fields)) for fields in fieldsbyrow] # rotate fieldsbycolumn = zip(*fieldsbyrow) # calculate max fieldwidth per column colwidths = [max(len(field) for field in column) for column in fieldsbycolumn] # pad fields in columns to colwidth with spaces fieldsbycolumn = [ [justifier(field, width) for field in column] for width, column in zip(colwidths, fieldsbycolumn) ] # rotate again fieldsbyrow = zip(*fieldsbycolumn) return "\n".join( " ".join(row) for row in fieldsbyrow) for align in 'Left Right Center'.split(): infile = StringIO(textinfile) print "\n# %s Column-aligned output:" % align print aligner(infile, align[0]) ``` {{out}} ```txt # Left Column-aligned output: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. # Right Column-aligned output: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. # Center Column-aligned output: Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ### =Brief native version= Works with Python 2 and 3. ```python ''' cat <<'EOF' > align_columns.dat Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column. EOF ''' for align in '<^>': rows = [ line.strip().split('$') for line in open('align_columns.dat') ] fmts = [ '{:%s%d}' % (align, max( len(row[i]) if i < len(row) else 0 for row in rows )) for i in range(max(map(len, rows))) ] for row in rows: print(' '.join(fmts).format(*(row + [''] * len(fmts)))) print('') ``` ### =Alternative= {{trans|D}} ```python txt = """Given$a$txt$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.""" parts = [line.rstrip("$").split("$") for line in txt.splitlines()] max_widths = {} for line in parts: for i, word in enumerate(line): max_widths[i] = max(max_widths.get(i, 0), len(word)) for i, justify in enumerate([str.ljust, str.center, str.rjust]): print ["Left", "Center", "Right"][i], " column-aligned output:\n" for line in parts: for j, word in enumerate(line): print justify(word, max_widths[j]), print print "- " * 52 ``` ### Functional ### =As a fold= A fold/'''reduce''' between two transpositions. (Selection of string justification methods via '''getattr'''): {{Works with|Python|3.7}} ```python '''Variously aligned columns from delimited text. ''' from functools import reduce from itertools import repeat # TEST ---------------------------------------------------- # main :: IO () def main(): '''Test of three alignments.''' txt = '''Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.''' rows = [x.split('$') for x in txt.splitlines()] table = paddedRows(max(map(len, rows)))('')(rows) print('\n\n'.join(map( alignedTable(table)(' '), [-1, 0, 1] # Left, Center, Right ))) # alignedTable :: [[String]] -> Alignment -> String -> String def alignedTable(rows): '''Tabulation of rows of cells, with cell alignment specified by: eAlign -1 = left eAlign 0 = center eAlign 1 = right and separator between columns supplied by the `sep` argument. ''' def go(sep, eAlign): lcr = ['ljust', 'center', 'rjust'][1 + eAlign] # nextAlignedCol :: [[String]] -> [String] -> [[String]] def nextAlignedCol(cols, col): w = max(len(cell) for cell in col) return cols + [ [getattr(s, lcr)(w, ' ') for s in col] ] return '\n'.join([ sep.join(cells) for cells in zip(*reduce(nextAlignedCol, zip(*rows), [])) ]) return lambda sep: lambda eAlign: go(sep, eAlign) # GENERIC ------------------------------------------------- # paddedRows :: Int -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]] def paddedRows(n): '''A list of rows of even length, in which each may be padded (but not truncated) to length n with appended copies of value v.''' def go(v, xs): def pad(x): d = n - len(x) return (x + list(repeat(v, d))) if 0 < d else x return [pad(row) for row in xs] return lambda v: lambda xs: go(v, xs) if xs else [] # MAIN --- if __name__ == '__main__': main() ``` {{Out}} ```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ``` ## R ```R # Read in text lines <- readLines(tc <- textConnection("Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.")); close(tc) #Split words by the dollar words <- strsplit(lines, "\\$") #Reformat maxlen <- max(sapply(words, length)) words <- lapply(words, function(x) {length(x) <- maxlen; x}) block <- matrix(unlist(words), byrow=TRUE, ncol=maxlen) block[is.na(block)] <- "" leftjust <- format(block) rightjust <- format(block, justify="right") centrejust <- format(block, justify="centre") # Print print0 <- function(x) invisible(apply(x, 1, function(x) cat(x, "\n"))) print0(leftjust) print0(rightjust) print0(centrejust) ``` Right justified output shown.
```txt Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each column are separated by at least one space. Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left justified, right justified, or center justified within its column. ```
## Racket ```Racket #lang racket (define (display-aligned text #:justify [justify 'left]) (define lines (for/list ([line (regexp-split #rx"\n" text)]) (regexp-split #rx"\\$" line))) (define width (add1 (for*/fold ([m 0]) ([line lines] [word line]) (max m (string-length word))))) (define spaces (make-string width #\space)) (for ([line lines]) (for* ([word line] [strs (let ([spc (substring spaces (string-length word))]) (case justify [(left) (list word spc)] [(right) (list spc word)] [(center) (let ([i (quotient (string-length spc) 2)]) (list (substring spc i) word (substring spc 0 i)))]))]) (display strs)) (newline))) (define text "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$ are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$ column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space. Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$ justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.") (display-aligned text) (display-aligned #:justify 'right text) (display-aligned #:justify 'center text) ``` ## RapidQ ```vb Dim MText as QMemorystream MText.WriteLine "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$" MText.WriteLine "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" MText.WriteLine "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" MText.WriteLine "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." MText.WriteLine "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$" MText.WriteLine "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column." DefStr TextLeft, TextRight, TextCenter DefStr MLine, LWord, Newline = chr$(13)+chr$(10) DefInt ColWidth(100), ColCount DefSng NrSpaces 'Find column widths MText.position = 0 for x = 0 to MText.linecount -1 MLine = MText.ReadLine for y = 0 to Tally(MLine, "$") LWord = Field$(MLine, "$", y+1) ColWidth(y) = iif (ColWidth(y) < len(LWord), len(LWord), ColWidth(y)) next next 'Create aligned wordlists MText.position = 0 for x = 0 to MText.linecount -1 MLine = MText.ReadLine for y = 0 to Tally(MLine, "$") LWord = Field$(MLine, "$", y+1) NrSpaces = ColWidth(y) - len(LWord) 'left align TextLeft = TextLeft + LWord + Space$(NrSpaces+1) 'Right align TextRight = TextRight + Space$(NrSpaces+1) + LWord 'Center TextCenter = TextCenter + Space$(floor((NrSpaces)/2)+1) + LWord + Space$(Ceil((NrSpaces)/2)) next TextLeft = TextLeft + Newline TextRight = TextRight + Newline TextCenter = TextCenter + Newline next ``` {{out}}
TextLeft contains:
Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

TextRight contains:
      Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
        are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
       that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
     column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
   Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
 justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.

TextCenter contains:
   Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
    are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
    that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
   column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
  Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
 justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.



	Title: "Align Columns"
	URL: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Align_columns

specimen: {Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$

; Parse specimen into data grid.

data: copy []
foreach line parse specimen to-string lf [ ; Break into lines.
	append/only data parse line "$"        ; Break into columns.

; Compute independent widths for each column.

widths: copy []  insert/dup widths 0 length? data/1
foreach line data [
	forall line [
		i: index? line
		widths/:i: max widths/:i length? line/1

pad: func [n /local x][x: copy ""  insert/dup x " " n  x]

; These formatting functions are passed as arguments to entable.

right: func [n s][rejoin [pad n - length? s  s]]

left: func [n s][rejoin [s  pad n - length? s]]

centre: func [n s /local h][
	h: round/down (n - length? s) / 2
	rejoin [pad h  s  pad n - h - length? s]

; Display data as table.

entable: func [data format] [
	foreach line data [
		forall line [
			prin rejoin [format  pick widths index? line  line/1  " "]
		print ""

; Format data table.

foreach i [left centre right] [
	print ["^/Align" i "...^/"]  entable data get i]


Align left ...

Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

Align centre ...

  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

Align right ...

     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.


## Red

Red [
  Title: "Align Columns"
  Original-Author: oofoe

text: {Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$

; Parse specimen into data grid.

data: copy []
foreach line split text lf [
  append/only data split line "$"

; Compute independent widths for each column.

widths: copy []
foreach line data [
  forall line [
    i: index? line
    if i > length? widths [append widths 0]
    widths/:i: max widths/:i length? line/1

pad: function [n] [x: copy "" insert/dup x " " n x]

; These formatting functions are passed as arguments to entable.

right: func [n s][rejoin [pad n - length? s s]]

left: func [n s][rejoin [s pad n - length? s]]

centre: function [n s] [
  d: n - length? s
  h: round/down d / 2
  rejoin [pad h s pad d - h]

; Display data as table.

entable: func [data format] [
  foreach line data [
    forall line [
      prin rejoin [format pick widths index? line line/1 " "]
    print ""

; Format data table.

foreach i [left centre right] [
  print [newline "Align" i "..." newline]  entable data get i]


===(no output)===

z.1 = "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$"
z.2 = "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program"
z.3 = "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$"
z.4 = "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space."
z.5 = "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$"
z.6 = "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column."

word. = ""
width. = 0
maxcol = 0
do row = 1 to 6
  line = z.row
  do col = 1 by 1 until length(line) = 0
    parse var line word.row.col "$" line
    if length(word.row.col) > width.col then width.col = length(word.row.col)
  if col > maxcol then maxcol = col

say "align left:"
do row = 1 to 6
  out = ""
  do col = 1 to maxcol
    out = out || left(word.row.col,width.col+1)
  say out
say "align right:"
do row = 1 to 6
  out = ""
  do col = 1 to maxcol
    out = out || right(word.row.col,width.col+1)
  say out
say "align center:"
do row = 1 to 6
  out = ""
  do col = 1 to maxcol
    out = out || center(word.row.col,width.col+1)
  say out

===(with output)===

/*REXX program displays  various alignments  for words in an array of  text strings.    */
cols=0;     size=0;     wid.=0;     t.=;     @.= /*zero or nullify some variables.      */
                                                 /* [↓]   some "text" lines.            */
t.1 = "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$"
t.2 = "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program"
t.3 = "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$"
t.4 = "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space."
t.5 = "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$"
t.6 = "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column."
                                                 /* [↑]  a null line is the end of text.*/
  do r=1  while  t.r\==''                        /* [↓]  process all the text lines.    */
  _=strip(t.r,,'$')                              /*strip leading & trailing dollar signs*/
                     do c=1  until _==''         /* [↓]  process each of the words.     */
                     parse  var  _    @.r.c  '$'  _
                     wid.c=max(wid.c, length(@.r.c))     /*find the maximum word width. */
                     end   /*c*/
  cols=max(cols,c)                               /*use the maximum COLS found.          */
  end    /*r*/

  do k=1  for cols;  size=size+wid.k;  end       /*find the width of the biggest line.  */
rows=r-1                                         /*adjust ROWS because of the  DO  loop.*/
  do j=1  for 3;     say;     say                /*show two blank lines for a separator.*/
  say center(word('left right center', j)  "aligned", size+cols-1, "═")     /*show title*/
                do    r=1  for rows;   _=                /*construct row by row.        */
                   do c=1  for cols;   [email protected]           /*     "    col  " col.        */
                   if j==1  then _=_   left(x, wid.c)    /*justified    left.           */
                   if j==2  then _=_  right(x, wid.c)    /*    "       right.           */
                   if j==3  then _=_ centre(x, wid.c)    /*    "      center.           */
                   end   /*c*/
                say substr(_, 2)                 /*ignore the leading extra blank.      */
                end      /*r*/
  end   /*j*/                                    /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */

{{out|output|text=  when using the default input:}}


══════════════════════════════════════════════left aligned══════════════════════════════════════════════
Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

═════════════════════════════════════════════right aligned══════════════════════════════════════════════
     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.

═════════════════════════════════════════════center aligned═════════════════════════════════════════════
  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.


===(boxed output)===
Note: This version boxes each column of output to better show the columns.

/*REXX pgm displays various (boxed) alignments for words in an array of text strings.   */
cols=0;     size=0;     wid.=0;     t.=;     @.= /*zero or nullify some variables.      */
                                                 /* [↓]   some "text" lines.            */
t.1 = "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$"
t.2 = "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program"
t.3 = "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$"
t.4 = "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space."
t.5 = "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$"
t.6 = "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column."
                                                 /* [↑]  a null line is the end of text.*/
  do r=1  while  t.r\==''                        /* [↓]  process all the text lines.    */
  _=strip(t.r,,'$')                              /*strip leading & trailing dollar signs*/
                     do c=1  until _==''         /* [↓]  process each of the words.     */
                     parse  var  _    @.r.c  '$'  _
                     wid.c=max(wid.c, length(@.r.c))     /*find the maximum word width. */
                     end   /*c*/
  cols=max(cols,c)                               /*use the maximum COLS found.          */
  end    /*r*/

  do k=1  for cols;  size=size+wid.k;  end       /*find the width of the biggest line.  */
rows=r-1                                         /*adjust ROWS because of the  DO  loop.*/
  do j=1  for 3;     say;     say                /*show two blank lines for a separator.*/
  say center(word('left right center', j)  "aligned", size+cols+1, "═")     /*show title*/

                 do r=0  to rows;    _=;      !='│';           if r==0  then !='┬'
                       do c=1  for cols;                       [email protected]
                       if r==0  then x=copies("─", wid.c +1)
                       if j==1  then _=_  ||  !  ||    left(x, wid.c)
                       if j==2  then _=_  ||  !  ||   right(x, wid.c)
                       if j==3  then _=_  ||  !  ||  centre(x, wid.c)
                       end   /*c*/
                 if r==0  then do;    _= '┌'substr(_, 2, length(_) -1)"┐"
                                    bot= '└'substr(_, 2, length(_) -2)"┘"
                          else _=_ || !
                 say _
                 end         /*r*/               /* [↑]  shows words in boxes.          */
  say translate(bot, '┴', "┬")
  end   /*j*/                                    /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */

{{out|output|text=  when using the default input:}}


═══════════════════════════════════════════════left aligned═══════════════════════════════════════════════
│Given     │a         │text      │file  │of    │many     │lines,    │where   │fields │within │a     │line│
│are       │delineated│by        │a     │single│'dollar' │character,│write   │a      │program│      │    │
│that      │aligns    │each      │column│of    │fields   │by        │ensuring│that   │words  │in    │each│
│column    │are       │separated │by    │at    │least    │one       │space.  │       │       │      │    │
│Further,  │allow     │for       │each  │word  │in       │a         │column  │to     │be     │either│left│
│justified,│right     │justified,│or    │center│justified│within    │its     │column.│       │      │    │

══════════════════════════════════════════════right aligned═══════════════════════════════════════════════
│     Given│         a│      text│  file│    of│     many│    lines,│   where│ fields│ within│     a│line│
│       are│delineated│        by│     a│single│ 'dollar'│character,│   write│      a│program│      │    │
│      that│    aligns│      each│column│    of│   fields│        by│ensuring│   that│  words│    in│each│
│    column│       are│ separated│    by│    at│    least│       one│  space.│       │       │      │    │
│  Further,│     allow│       for│  each│  word│       in│         a│  column│     to│     be│either│left│
│justified,│     right│justified,│    or│center│justified│    within│     its│column.│       │      │    │

══════════════════════════════════════════════center aligned══════════════════════════════════════════════
│  Given   │    a     │   text   │ file │  of  │  many   │  lines,  │ where  │fields │within │  a   │line│
│   are    │delineated│    by    │  a   │single│'dollar' │character,│ write  │   a   │program│      │    │
│   that   │  aligns  │   each   │column│  of  │ fields  │    by    │ensuring│ that  │ words │  in  │each│
│  column  │   are    │separated │  by  │  at  │  least  │   one    │ space. │       │       │      │    │
│ Further, │  allow   │   for    │ each │ word │   in    │    a     │ column │  to   │  be   │either│left│
│justified,│  right   │justified,│  or  │center│justified│  within  │  its   │column.│       │      │    │


## Ruby

{{works with|Ruby|1.9.3+}}

J2justifier = {Left: :ljust, Right: :rjust, Center: :center}

Justify columns of textual tabular input where the record separator is the newline
and the field separator is a 'dollar' character.
justification can be Symbol; (:Left, :Right, or :Center).

Return the justified output as a string
def aligner(infile, justification = :Left)
  fieldsbyrow = infile.map {|line| line.strip.split('$')}
  # pad to same number of fields per record
  maxfields = fieldsbyrow.map(&:length).max
  fieldsbyrow.map! {|row| row + ['']*(maxfields - row.length)}
  # calculate max fieldwidth per column
  colwidths = fieldsbyrow.transpose.map {|column|
  # pad fields in columns to colwidth with spaces
  justifier = J2justifier[justification]
  fieldsbyrow.map {|row|
    row.zip(colwidths).map {|field, width|
      field.send(justifier, width)
    }.join(" ")

require 'stringio'

textinfile = < ""
	siz(i mod across) = max(siz(i mod across),len(word$(theString$,i + 1,"$")))
	i = i + 1
for i = 0 to across - 1
	siz(i) = siz(i) + 1
	if siz(i) and 1 then siz(i) = siz(i) + 1
next i

i = 0
a$ = word$(theString$,i+1,"$")
while a$ <> ""
        s = siz(i mod across) - len(a$)
	if align$ = "right"   then a$ = left$(b$,s);a$
	if align$ = "left"    then a$ = a$;left$(b$,s)
	if align$ = "center"  then a$ = left$(b$,int(s / 2));a$;left$(b$,int(s / 2) + (s and 1))
	print "|";a$;
	i  = i + 1
	if i mod across = 0 then print "|"
	a$ = word$(theString$,i+1,"$")
end function

------------ align:left -- across:6 ------------
|Given       |a           |text    |file        |of              |many      |
|lines,      |where       |fields  |within      |a               |line      |
|are         |delineated  |by      |a           |single          |'dollar'  |
|character,  |write       |a       |programthat |aligns          |each      |
|column      |of          |fields  |by          |ensuring        |that      |
|words       |in          |each    |column      |are             |separated |
|by          |at          |least   |one         |space.Further,  |allow     |
|for         |each        |word    |in          |a               |column    |
|to          |be          |either  |left        |justified,      |right     |
|justified,  |or          |center  |justified   |within          |its       |
------------ align:right -- across:6 ------------
|       Given|           a|    text|        file|              of|      many|
|      lines,|       where|  fields|      within|               a|      line|
|         are|  delineated|      by|           a|          single|  'dollar'|
|  character,|       write|       a| programthat|          aligns|      each|
|      column|          of|  fields|          by|        ensuring|      that|
|       words|          in|    each|      column|             are| separated|
|          by|          at|   least|         one|  space.Further,|     allow|
|         for|        each|    word|          in|               a|    column|
|          to|          be|  either|        left|      justified,|     right|
|  justified,|          or|  center|   justified|          within|       its|
|     column.
------------ align:center -- across:6 ------------
|   Given    |     a      |  text  |    file    |       of       |   many   |
|   lines,   |   where    | fields |   within   |       a        |   line   |
|    are     | delineated |   by   |     a      |     single     | 'dollar' |
| character, |   write    |   a    |programthat |     aligns     |   each   |
|   column   |     of     | fields |     by     |    ensuring    |   that   |
|   words    |     in     |  each  |   column   |      are       |separated |
|     by     |     at     | least  |    one     | space.Further, |  allow   |
|    for     |    each    |  word  |     in     |       a        |  column  |
|     to     |     be     | either |    left    |   justified,   |  right   |
| justified, |     or     | center | justified  |     within     |   its    |
|  column.

## Rust

use std::iter::{Extend, repeat};

enum AlignmentType { Left, Center, Right }

fn get_column_widths(text: &str) -> Vec {
    let mut widths = Vec::new();
    for line in text.lines().map(|s| s.trim_matches(' ').trim_right_matches('$')) {
        let lens = line.split('$').map(|s| s.chars().count());
        for    (idx, len) in lens.enumerate() {
            if idx < widths.len() {
                widths[idx] = std::cmp::max(widths[idx], len);
            else {

fn align_columns(text: &str, alignment: AlignmentType) -> String {
    let widths = get_column_widths(text);
    let mut result = String::new();
    for line in text.lines().map(|s| s.trim_matches(' ').trim_right_matches('$')) {
        for (s, w) in line.split('$').zip(widths.iter()) {
            let blank_count = w - s.chars().count();
            let (pre, post) = match alignment {
                AlignmentType::Left => (0, blank_count),
                AlignmentType::Center => (blank_count / 2, (blank_count + 1) / 2),
                AlignmentType::Right => (blank_count, 0),
            result.extend(repeat(' ').take(pre));
            result.extend(repeat(' ').take(post));
            result.push(' ');

fn main() {
    let text = r#"Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$

    println!("{}", align_columns(text, AlignmentType::Left));
    println!("{}", repeat('-').take(110).collect::());
    println!("{}", align_columns(text, AlignmentType::Center));
    println!("{}", repeat('-').take(110).collect::());
    println!("{}", align_columns(text, AlignmentType::Right));

Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.


## Scala

{{works with|scala|2.8.0.r18997-b20091009021954}}

For Scala 2.7, change from fromPath to fromFile, and remove the extra parameter to Source's getLines.

object ColumnAligner {
  val eol = System.getProperty("line.separator")
  def getLines(filename: String) = scala.io.Source.fromPath(filename).getLines(eol)
  def splitter(line: String) = line split '$'
  def getTable(filename: String) = getLines(filename) map splitter
  def fieldWidths(fields: Array[String]) = fields map (_ length)
  def columnWidths(txt: Iterator[Array[String]]) = (txt map fieldWidths).toList.transpose map (_ max)

  def alignField(alignment: Char)(width: Int)(field: String) = alignment match {
    case 'l' | 'L' => "%-"+width+"s" format field
    case 'r' | 'R' => "%"+width+"s" format field
    case 'c' | 'C' => val padding = (width - field.length) / 2; " "*padding+"%-"+(width-padding)+"s" format field
    case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException

  def align(aligners: List[String => String])(fields: Array[String]) =
    aligners zip fields map Function.tupled(_ apply _)

  def alignFile(filename: String, alignment: Char) = {
    def table = getTable(filename)
    val aligners = columnWidths(table) map alignField(alignment)
    table map align(aligners) map (_ mkString " ")

  def printAlignedFile(filename: String, alignment: Char) {
    alignFile(filename, alignment) foreach println

Another take:

def pad(s:String, i:Int, d:String) = {
  val padsize = (i-s.length).max(0)
  d match {
    case "left" => s+" "*padsize
    case "right" => " "*padsize+s
    case "center" => " "*(padsize/2) + s + " "*(padsize-padsize/2)

val lines = scala.io.Source.fromFile("c:\\text.txt").getLines.map(_.trim())
val words = lines.map(_.split("\\$").toList).toList
val lens = words.map(l => l.map(_.length)).toList

var maxlens = Map[Int,Int]() withDefaultValue 0
lens foreach (l =>
  for(i <- (0 until l.length)){
    maxlens += i -> l(i).max(maxlens(i))

val padded = words map ( _.zipWithIndex.map{case(s,i)=>pad(s,maxlens(i),"center")+" "} )
padded map (_.reduceLeft(_ + _)) foreach println

## Scheme


(import (scheme base)
        (scheme write)
        (srfi 1)
        (except (srfi 13) string-for-each string-map)
        (srfi 14))

;; text is a list of lines, alignment is left/right/center
;; displays the aligned text in columns with a single space gap
(define (align-columns text alignment)
  (define (split line) ; splits string on $ into list of strings
    (string-tokenize line (char-set-complement (->char-set "$"))))
  (define (extend lst n) ; extends list to length n, by adding "" to end
    (append lst (make-list (- n (length lst)) "")))
  (define (align-word word width) ; align single word to fit width
    (case alignment
      ((left) (string-pad-right word width))
      ((right) (string-pad word width))
      ((center) (let ((rem (- width (string-length word))))
                  (string-pad-right (string-pad word (- width (truncate (/ rem 2))))
  (display alignment) (newline)
  (let* ((text-list (map split text))
         (max-line-len (fold (lambda (text val) (max (length text) val)) 0 text-list))
         (text-lines (map (lambda (line) (extend line max-line-len)) text-list))
         (min-col-widths (map (lambda (col)
                                (fold (lambda (line val)
                                        (max (string-length (list-ref line col))
                              (iota max-line-len))))
    (map (lambda (line)
           (map (lambda (word width)
                  (display (string-append (align-word word width)
                                          " ")))
                line min-col-widths)

;; show example
(define *example*

(align-columns *example* 'left)
(align-columns *example* 'center)
(align-columns *example* 'right)




Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

   Given        a        text     file    of      many     lines,     where   fields  within    a   line
    are    delineated     by        a   single  'dollar' character,   write     a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of     fields      by     ensuring   that   words    in   each
  column       are     separated   by     at     least       one     space.
 Further,     allow       for     each   word      in         a      column     to      be   either left
justified,    right   justified,   or   center justified   within      its   column.

     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.


## sed

The code allows to left (by default) or right justify colums. Centering is not supported. Requires about 2x bytes of memory (each line duplicated).


#!/bin/sed -nrf
# Format: \n\n\n\n...
# After reading whole file  contains max number of fields of max width each.

# If no $ at start or end of a line -- add them
/^\$/! s/^/$/
/\$$/! s/$/$/

# First line saved as three lines in hold space:
# \n\n
 s/[^$]/ /g
 # Restart -- go to next line

# For lines 2,3,...
# Current line -> pattern
# (each character replaced by constant symbol (e.g. space) so that we can count them)
s/[^$]/ /g
# Add two markers

# Compare patterns
	/1\$\n/ bout
	# Advance markers
	# Add one more field
	/^[^2]*2\$\n/{ s/^([^2]*)2\$\n/\12$$\n/; }
# Remove first line
# Remove 2$-marker

# We are on the last line -- start printing
	# Add a line for aligned string
	# Add marker again (only one this time)
		# 1. look up missing spaces,
		# 2. put first word of 2nd line before first newline adding missing spaces
		# 3. cut first word of 2nd and 3rd lines.
		# Replace \5\3 by \3\5 for RIGHT ALIGNMENT
		s/(\n[^\n]*)1\$([^$\n]*)([^$\n]*)\$([^\n]*\n)\$([^$\n]*)([^\n]*\n)\$\2\$/\5\3 \1$\2\31$\4\6$/
	# We ate 2nd and 3rd lines completely, except newlines -- remove them
	# Print the first line in pattern space
	# ... and remove it
	# Remove marker
	# If no more lines -- exit




$ cat align.txt
$ ./align-columns.sed align.txt
Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.


## Seed7

$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const array string: inputLines is [] (

const func array integer: computeColumnWidths (in array string: inputLines) is func
    var array integer: columnWidths is 0 times 0;
    var string: line is "";
    var array string: lineFields is 0 times "";
    var integer: index is 0;
    for line range inputLines do
      lineFields := split(line, "$");
      if length(lineFields) > length(columnWidths) then
        columnWidths &:= (length(lineFields) - length(columnWidths)) times 0;
      end if;
      for index range 1 to length(lineFields) do
        if length(lineFields[index]) > columnWidths[index] then
          columnWidths[index] := length(lineFields[index]);
        end if;
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const func string: center (in string: stri, in integer: length) is
  return ("" lpad (length - length(stri)) div 2 <& stri) rpad length;

const proc: main is func
    var array integer: columnWidths is 0 times 0;
    var string: line is "";
    var array string: lineFields is 0 times "";
    var integer: index is 0;
    columnWidths := computeColumnWidths(inputLines);
    for line range inputLines do
      lineFields := split(line, "$");
      for index range 1 to length(lineFields) do
        # write(lineFields[index] rpad columnWidths[index] <& " "); # Left justify
        # write(lineFields[index] lpad columnWidths[index] <& " "); # Right justify
        write(center(lineFields[index], columnWidths[index]) <& " ");
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;



  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.


## Shiny

text: 'Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$

align: action text; position;

    # split text into 2D array of lines and words
    lines : { for text.split ~\$?\r?\n~ { for a.split '$' a end } end }

    # calculate max required width for each column
    widths: { for lines for a here[b]: a.length.max here[b]? ends }

    spaces: action out ("%%%ds" in).format '' end

    # formatting functions
    left: action word; width;
        pad: width-word.length
        print "%s%s " word spaces pad
    right: action word; width;
        pad: width-word.length
        print "%s%s " spaces pad word
    center: action word; width;
        pad: (width-word.length)/2
        print "%s%s%s " spaces pad.floor word spaces pad.ceil

    if position.match ~^(left|center|right)$~ for lines
        for a local[position] a widths[b] end say ''
    ends say ''

align text 'left'
align text 'center'
align text 'right'

Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.

## Sidef

class Format(text, width) {
    method align(j) {
        text.map { |row|
            row.range.map { |i|
                '%-*s ' % (width[i],
                  '%*s' % (row[i].len + (width[i]-row[i].len * j/2), row[i]));
        }.join("\n") + "\n";

func Formatter(text) {
    var textArr = [];
    var widthArr = [];

    text.each_line {
        var words = .split('$');

        words.each_kv { |i, word|
            if (i == widthArr.len) {
            elsif (word.len > widthArr[i]) {
                widthArr[i] = word.len;

    return Format(textArr, widthArr);

enum |left, middle, right|;
const text = <<'EOT';

var f = Formatter(text);

say f.align(left);
say f.align(middle);
say f.align(right);

## Tcl

package require Tcl 8.5

set text {Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$

array set max {}
foreach line [split $text \n] {
    set col 0
    set thisline [split $line \$]
    lappend words $thisline
    foreach word $thisline {
        set max([incr col]) [expr {[info exists max($col)]
                                    ? max($max($col), [string length $word])
                                    : [string length $word]

proc justify {word position width} {
    switch -exact -- $position {
        left {
            return [format "%-*s" $width $word]
        center {
            set lpadw [expr {($width - [string length $word])/2}]
            return [format "%s%-*s" [string repeat " " $lpadw] [incr width -$lpadw] $word]
        right {
            return [format "%*s" $width $word]

foreach position {left center right} {
    foreach thisline $words {
        set col 0
        set line ""
        foreach word $thisline {
            append line [justify $word $position $max([incr col])] " "
        puts [string trimright $line]
    puts ""


Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.



$$ SET exampletext=*
SET nix=SPLIT (exampletext,":$:",c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12)
LOOP l1=1,12
SET colum=CONCAT ("c",l1)
SET newcolum=CONCAT ("new",l1)
SET @newcolum="", length=MAX LENGTH (@colum), space=length+2
 LOOP n,l2=@colum
 SET newcell=CENTER (l2,space)
 SET @newcolum=APPEND (@newcolum,"~",newcell)
 SET @newcolum=SPLIT  (@newcolum,":~:")
SET exampletext=JOIN(new1,"$",new2,new3,new4,new5,new6,new7,new8,new9,new10,new11,new12)




   Given    $     a      $    text    $  file  $   of   $   many    $   lines,   $  where   $ fields  $ within  $   a    $ line$
    are     $ delineated $     by     $   a    $ single $ 'dollar'  $ character, $  write   $    a    $ program $        $
    that    $   aligns   $    each    $ column $   of   $  fields   $     by     $ ensuring $  that   $  words  $   in   $ each$
   column   $    are     $ separated  $   by   $   at   $   least   $    one     $  space.  $         $         $        $
  Further,  $   allow    $    for     $  each  $  word  $    in     $     a      $  column  $   to    $   be    $ either $ left$
 justified, $   right    $ justified, $   or   $ center $ justified $   within   $   its    $ column. $         $        $


## TXR

@  (coll)@{item /[^$]+/}@(end)
@; nc = number of columns
@; pi = padded items (data with row lengths equalized with empty strings)
@; cw = vector of max column widths
@; ce = center padding
@(bind nc @[apply max [mapcar length item]])
@(bind pi @(mapcar (op append @1 (repeat '("") (- nc (length @1)))) item))
@(bind cw @(vector-list
             (mapcar (op apply max [mapcar length @1])
                     ;; matrix transpose trick cols become rows:
                     [apply mapcar [cons list pi]])))
@(bind ns "")
@  (repeat)
@    (rep :counter i)@{pi @[cw i]} @(end)
@  (end)
@  (repeat)
@    (rep :counter i)@{pi @(- [cw i])} @(end)
@  (end)
@  (repeat)
@    (rep :counter i)@\
     @{ns @(trunc (- [cw i] (length pi)) 2)}@\
     @{pi @(- [cw i] (trunc (- [cw i] (length pi)) 2))} @(end)
@  (end)

$ txr align-columns.txr align-columns.dat
Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.
     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.
  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

## UNIX Shell

This is a draft implementation of the "align columns" problem using Unix shell commands.  The key tool for left and right justified text is the "rs" command.  Centered text is a little more complex, since this is not a feature currently in "rs" (''The centered solution will be added later.'')


cat < just-nocenter.sh

td() {
cat <<'EOF'

rows=$( td | wc -l )

# get the number of fields
fields=$(td | rs -c'$' -g1 -h | awk '{print $2}')

# get the max of the value widths
cwidth=$(td | rs -c'$' -g1 -w1 2>/dev/null | awk 'BEGIN{w=0}{if(length>w){w=length}}END{print w}')

# compute the minimum line width for the columns
lwidth=$(( (1 + cwidth) * fields ))

# left adjusted columns
td | rs -c'$' -g1 -zn -w$lwidth

echo ""

# right adjusted columns
td | rs -c'$' -g1 -znj -w$lwidth

echo ""





$ ./just-nocenter.sh
Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.


The centered output will be added later, when I've more time.  '' I did this in about 10 minutes.''

## Ursala

The algorithm is to lex the text to a list of lists of strings assuming $ as a separator,
then pad the lists out to the length of the maximum length list, transpose,
do the same with each column, and transpose again.
For left justification, nothing further but concatenation is needed.
For right justification, each word's string of trailing blanks is moved to the beginning,
and for center justification, the trailing blanks are divided equally between the beginning and end of each word.

#import std

text =


pad = sep`$*; @FS ~&rSSSK7+ (zipp` ^*D\~& leql$^)*rSSK7+ zipp0^*D/leql$^ ~&

just_left   = mat` *+ pad
just_right  = mat` *+ pad; ==` ~-rlT**
just_center = mat` *+ pad; ==` ~-rK30PlrK31PTT**


main = mat0 <.just_left,just_center,just_right> text

Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.


## VBA

Call subroutine "TestSplit" with arguments ''align'' (one of: "left", "right", "center") and ''spacing'' (an integer) between columns.
Both arguments are optional and default to "left" and 1 respectively.


Public Sub TestSplit(Optional align As String = "left", Optional spacing As Integer = 1)
  Dim word() As String
  Dim colwidth() As Integer
  Dim ncols As Integer
  Dim lines(6) As String
  Dim nlines As Integer

  'check arguments
  If Not (align = "left" Or align = "right" Or align = "center") Then
    MsgBox "TestSplit: wrong argument 'align': " & align
    Exit Sub
  End If
  If spacing < 0 Then
    MsgBox "TestSplit: wrong argument: 'spacing' cannot be negative."
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' Sample Input (should be from a file)
  nlines = 6
  lines(1) = "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$"
  lines(2) = "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program"
  lines(3) = "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$"
  lines(4) = "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space."
  lines(5) = "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$"
  lines(6) = "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column."

  'first pass: count columns and column widths
  'the words are not kept in memory
  ncols = -1
  For l = 1 To nlines
    word = Split(RTrim(lines(l)), "$")
    If UBound(word) > ncols Then
      ncols = UBound(word)
      ReDim Preserve colwidth(ncols)
    End If
    For i = 0 To UBound(word)
      If Len(word(i)) > colwidth(i) Then colwidth(i) = Len(word(i))
    Next i
  Next l

  'discard possibly empty columns at the right
  '(this assumes there is at least one non-empty column)
  While colwidth(ncols) = 0
    ncols = ncols - 1

  'second pass: print in columns
  For l = 1 To nlines
    word = Split(RTrim(lines(l)), "$")
    For i = 0 To UBound(word)
      a = word(i)
      w = colwidth(i)
      If align = "left" Then
        Debug.Print a + String$(w - Len(a), " ");
      ElseIf align = "right" Then
        Debug.Print String$(w - Len(a), " ") + a;
      ElseIf align = "center" Then
        d = Int((w - Len(a)) / 2)
        Debug.Print String$(d, " ") + a + String$(w - (d + Len(a)), " ");
      End If
      If i < ncols Then Debug.Print Spc(spacing);
    Next i
  Next l
End Sub




testsplit , 4 'default alignment, non-default spacing
Given         a             text          file      of        many         lines,        where       fields     within     a         line
are           delineated    by            a         single    'dollar'     character,    write       a          program
that          aligns        each          column    of        fields       by            ensuring    that       words      in        each
column        are           separated     by        at        least        one           space.
Further,      allow         for           each      word      in           a             column      to         be         either    left
justified,    right         justified,    or        center    justified    within        its         column.

testsplit "center" 'non-default alignment, default spacing
  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.


## VBScript


' Align columns - RC - VBScript
	Const nr=16, nc=16
	ReDim d(nc),t(nr), wor(nr,nc)
	i=i+1: t(i) = "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$"
	i=i+1: t(i) = "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program"
	i=i+1: t(i) = "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$"
	i=i+1: t(i) = "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space."
	i=i+1: t(i) = "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$To$be$either$left$"
	i=i+1: t(i) = "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column."
	For r=1 to nr
		If t(r)="" Then Exit For
		For c=1 To UBound(m)+1
			If Len(wor(r,c))>d(c) Then d(c)=Len(wor(r,c))
		Next 'c
		If c>cols Then cols=c
	Next 'r
	For n=1 To 3
		Wscript.Echo "*****" & tt(n-1) & "*****"
		For r=1 To rows
			For c=1 To cols
				x=wor(r,c): s=Space(d(c))
				Select Case n
					Case 1: w=w &" "& Left   (x & s,d(c))
					Case 2: w=w &" "& Right  (s & x,d(c))
					Case 3: w=w &" "& xCentre(x,d(c)," ")
				End Select 'n
			Next 'c
			Wscript.Echo Mid(w,2)
		Next 'r
	Next 'n

Function xCentre(c, n, Pad)
    Dim j
    If n > Len(c) Then
		j = (n - Len(c)) \  2
		If (n - Len(c)) Mod 2 <> 0 Then j = j + 1
		xCentre = Mid(String(j, Pad) & c & String(j, Pad), 1, n)
		xCentre = c
    End If
End Function 'xCentre

Function xRTrim(c, Pad)
	Dim i2, l, cc
	cc = "": l = Len(c)
	If l > 0 Then
		i2 = l
		Do While (Mid(c, i2, 1) = Pad And i2 > 1)
			i2 = i2 - 1
		If i2 = 1 And Mid(c, i2, 1) = Pad Then i2 = 0
		If i2 > 0 Then cc = Mid(c, 1, i2)
	End If
	xRTrim = cc
End Function 'xRTrim




Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   To      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      To      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.

   Given        a        text     file    of      many     lines,     where   fields  within    a   line
    are    delineated     by        a   single  'dollar' character,   write     a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of     fields      by     ensuring   that   words    in   each
  column       are     separated   by     at     least       one     space.
 Further,     allow       for     each   word      in         a      column     To      be   either left
justified,    right   justified,   or   center justified   within      its   column.


## Vedit macro language

This implementation converts the file currently being edited. The file can then be saved with different filename if required.

RS(10, "$")		// Field separator
#11 = 1			// Align: 1 = left, 2 = center, 3 = right

// Reset column widths. Max 50 columns
for (#1=40; #1<90; #1++) { #@1 = 0 }

// Find max width of each column
Repeat(ALL) {
    for (#1=40; #1<90; #1++) {
        Match(@10, ADVANCE)			// skip field separator if any
	#2 = Cur_Pos
	Search("|{|@(10),|N}", NOERR)		// field separator or end of line
	#3 = Cur_Pos - #2			// width of text
	if (#3 > #@1) { #@1 = #3 }
	if (At_EOL) { Break }
    Line(1, ERRBREAK)

// Convert lines
Repeat(ALL) {
    for (#1=40; #1<90; #1++) {
	#2 = Cur_Pos
	Search("|{|@(10),|N}", NOERR)
	if (At_EOL==0) { Del_Char(Chars_Matched) }
	#3 = #@1 - Cur_Pos + #2			// number of spaces to insert
	#4 = 0
	if (#11 == 2) { #4 = #3/2; #3 -= #4 }	// Center
	if (#11 == 3) { #4 = #3;   #3 = 0 }	// Right justify
	Set_Marker(1, Cur_Pos)
	Ins_Char(' ', COUNT, #4)		// add spaces before the word
	Ins_Char(' ', COUNT, #3+1)		// add spaces after the word
	if (At_EOL) { Break }
    Line(1, ERRBREAK)


-- Left:
Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

-- Center:
  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

-- Right:
     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.

## Visual Basic

Sub AlignCols(Lines, Optional Align As AlignmentConstants, Optional Sep$ = "$", Optional Sp% = 1)
Dim i&, j&, D&, L&, R&: ReDim W(UBound(Lines)): ReDim C&(0)

  For j = 0 To UBound(W)
    W(j) = Split(Lines(j), Sep)
    If UBound(W(j)) > UBound(C) Then ReDim Preserve C(UBound(W(j)))
    For i = 0 To UBound(W(j)): If Len(W(j)(i)) > C(i) Then C(i) = Len(W(j)(i))
  Next i, j

  For j = 0 To UBound(W): For i = 0 To UBound(W(j))
    D = C(i) - Len(W(j)(i))
    L = Choose(Align + 1, 0, D, D \ 2)
    R = Choose(Align + 1, D, 0, D - L) + Sp
    Debug.Print Space(L); W(j)(i); Space(R); IIf(i < UBound(W(j)), "", vbLf);
  Next i, j
End Sub

Sub Main() 'usage of the above
Const Text$ = "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$" & vbLf & _
              "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program" & vbLf & _
              "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$" & vbLf & _
              "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space." & vbLf & _
              "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$" & vbLf & _

  Debug.Print vbLf; "-- Left:":   AlignCols Split(Text, vbLf), vbLeftJustify
  Debug.Print vbLf; "-- Center:": AlignCols Split(Text, vbLf), vbCenter
  Debug.Print vbLf; "-- Right:":  AlignCols Split(Text, vbLf), vbRightJustify
End Sub


-- Left:
Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

-- Center:
  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

-- Right:
     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.

## Visual Basic .NET

Module Module1
    Private Delegate Function Justification(s As String, width As Integer) As String

    Private Function AlignColumns(lines As String(), justification As Justification) As String()
        Const Separator As Char = "$"c
        ' build input container table and calculate columns count
        Dim containerTbl As String()() = New String(lines.Length - 1)() {}
        Dim columns As Integer = 0
        For i As Integer = 0 To lines.Length - 1
            Dim row As String() = lines(i).TrimEnd(Separator).Split(Separator)
            If columns < row.Length Then
                columns = row.Length
            End If
            containerTbl(i) = row
        ' create formatted container table
        Dim formattedTable As String()() = New String(containerTbl.Length - 1)() {}
        For i As Integer = 0 To formattedTable.Length - 1
            formattedTable(i) = New String(columns - 1) {}
        For j As Integer = 0 To columns - 1
            ' get max column width
            Dim columnWidth As Integer = 0
            For i As Integer = 0 To containerTbl.Length - 1
                If j < containerTbl(i).Length AndAlso columnWidth < containerTbl(i)(j).Length Then
                    columnWidth = containerTbl(i)(j).Length
                End If
            ' justify column cells
            For i As Integer = 0 To formattedTable.Length - 1
                If j < containerTbl(i).Length Then
                    formattedTable(i)(j) = justification(containerTbl(i)(j), columnWidth)
                    formattedTable(i)(j) = New [String](" "c, columnWidth)
                End If
        ' create result
        Dim result As String() = New String(formattedTable.Length - 1) {}
        For i As Integer = 0 To result.Length - 1
            result(i) = [String].Join(" ", formattedTable(i))
        Return result
    End Function

    Private Function JustifyLeft(s As String, width As Integer) As String
        Return s.PadRight(width)
    End Function
    Private Function JustifyRight(s As String, width As Integer) As String
        Return s.PadLeft(width)
    End Function
    Private Function JustifyCenter(s As String, width As Integer) As String
        Return s.PadLeft((width + s.Length) / 2).PadRight(width)
    End Function

    Sub Main()
        Dim input As String() = {"Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$", "are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program", "that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$", "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.", "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$", "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column."}

        For Each line As String In AlignColumns(input, AddressOf JustifyLeft)
    End Sub

End Module


-- Left:
Given      a          text       file   of     many      lines,     where    fields  within  a      line
are        delineated by         a      single 'dollar'  character, write    a       program
that       aligns     each       column of     fields    by         ensuring that    words   in     each
column     are        separated  by     at     least     one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each   word   in        a          column   to      be      either left
justified, right      justified, or     center justified within     its      column.

-- Center:
  Given        a         text     file    of     many      lines,    where   fields  within    a    line
   are     delineated     by       a    single 'dollar'  character,  write      a    program
   that      aligns      each    column   of    fields       by     ensuring  that    words    in   each
  column      are     separated    by     at     least      one      space.
 Further,    allow       for      each   word     in         a       column    to      be    either left
justified,   right    justified,   or   center justified   within     its    column.

-- Right:
     Given          a       text   file     of      many     lines,    where  fields  within      a line
       are delineated         by      a single  'dollar' character,    write       a program
      that     aligns       each column     of    fields         by ensuring    that   words     in each
    column        are  separated     by     at     least        one   space.
  Further,      allow        for   each   word        in          a   column      to      be either left
justified,      right justified,     or center justified     within      its column.

## zkl

fcn format(text,how){
   max:=words.reduce(fcn(p,n){ n=n.len(); n>p and n or p },0);
      case(-1){ "%%-%ds ".fmt(max).fmt }
      case(0) { fcn(max,w){
            a:=(max-w.len())/2; b:=max-w.len() - a; String(" "*a,w," "*b);
      case(1){ "%%%ds ".fmt(max).fmt }
   w:=words.walker(); d:=Data(0,Int);
   do{ w.pump(wordsPerCol,d,fmt).append("\n") } while(not w.atEnd);


format(text, 0).print();
format(text, 1).print();

Blow apart the text into a list of words, find max len of any word, calc how many words will fit on a 80 col line, format all words into a bit bucket line at a time. Formatting is "%-ms" or "%ms" for left & right justify (m is field width), calculated for center. fmt is the string format method or center calc function, depending. Where string formatting can be used, it would be better to format all words in a line in one go but the code would be longer.
Given      a          text       file       of         many       lines,
where      fields     within     a          line       are        delineated
by         a          single     'dollar'   character, write      a
program    that       aligns     each       column     of         fields
by         ensuring   that       words      in         each       column
are        separated  by         at         least      one        space.
Further,   allow      for        each       word       in         a
column     to         be         either     left       justified, right
justified, or         center     justified  within     its        column.

  Given       a        text      file       of       many     lines,
  where     fields    within      a        line      are    delineated
    by        a       single   'dollar' character,  write       a
 program     that     aligns     each     column      of      fields
    by     ensuring    that     words       in       each     column
   are    separated     by        at      least      one      space.
 Further,   allow      for       each      word       in        a
  column      to        be      either     left   justified,  right
justified,    or      center  justified   within     its     column.

     Given          a       text       file         of       many     lines,
     where     fields     within          a       line        are delineated
        by          a     single   'dollar' character,      write          a
   program       that     aligns       each     column         of     fields
        by   ensuring       that      words         in       each     column
       are  separated         by         at      least        one     space.
  Further,      allow        for       each       word         in          a
    column         to         be     either       left justified,      right
justified,         or     center  justified     within        its    column.


## ZX Spectrum Basic

The max width (without 'hack') of ZX Spectrum screen is 32 characters. The text sample is adapted for this feature.

10 DATA 6
20 DATA "The$problem$of$Speccy$"
30 DATA "is$the$screen.$"
40 DATA "Need$adapt$text$sample$"
50 DATA "for$show$the$result$"
60 DATA "without$problem$,right?$"
70 DATA "But$see$the$code.$"
80 REM First find the maximum length of a 'word'
90 LET max=0: LET d$="$"
100 READ nlines
110 FOR l=1 TO nlines
120 READ t$
130 GO SUB 1000
150 NEXT l
155 LET s$="                                "( TO max)
160 REM Now display the aligned text:
170 LET m$="l": GO SUB 2000: PRINT
180 LET m$="r": GO SUB 2000: PRINT
190 LET m$="c": GO SUB 2000
200 STOP
1000 REM Maximum length of a word
1010 LET lt=LEN t$: LET p=1: LET lw=0
1020 FOR i=1 TO lt
1030 IF t$(i)=d$ THEN LET lw=i-p: LET p=i: IF lw>max THEN LET max=lw
1040 NEXT i
2000 REM Show aligned text
2010 RESTORE 20
2020 FOR l=1 TO nlines
2030 READ t$
2040 GO SUB 3000
2050 NEXT l
3000 REM Show words
3010 LET lt=LEN t$: LET p=1: LET lw=0
3020 FOR i=1 TO lt
3030 IF t$(i)<>d$ THEN GO TO 3090
3035 LET lw=i-p
3040 LET p$=t$(p TO i-1): LET p=i+1: LET z$=s$
3050 IF m$="l" THEN LET z$( TO lw)=p$
3060 IF m$="r" THEN LET z$(max-lw+1 TO )=p$
3070 IF m$="c" THEN LET z$((max/2)-(lw/2) TO )=p$
3080 PRINT z$;
3090 NEXT i
3095 PRINT

{{out}}Left alignement example:

The     problem of      Speccy
is      the     screen.
Need    adapt   text    sample
for     show    the     result
without problem ,right?
But     see     the     code.

{{omit from|PARI/GP|No real capacity for string manipulation}}