⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

{{task|Date and time}} {{omit from|GUISS|We could open a calendar, but the operator would have to read it}} {{omit from|ML/I}} {{omit from|PARI/GP|No standard date handling library}}

A company decides that whenever Xmas falls on a Sunday they will give their workers all extra paid holidays so that, together with any public holidays, workers will not have to work the following week (between the 25th of December and the first of January).

;Task: '''In what years between 2008 and 2121 will the 25th of December be a Sunday?'''

Using any standard date handling libraries of your programming language; compare the dates calculated with the output of other languages to discover any anomalies in the handling of dates which may be due to, for example, overflow in types used to represent dates/times similar to [[wp:Y2k#See_also|y2k]] type problems.


print((2008..2121).filter(y -> Time(y, 12, 25).strftime(‘%w’) == ‘0’))


[2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118]

360 Assembly

{{trans|REXX}} The program uses two ASSIST macro (XDECO,XPRNT) to keep the code as short as possible.

*        Day of the week           06/07/2016
         USING  DOW,R15            base register
         LA     R6,2008            year=2008
LOOP     C      R6,=F'2121'        do year=2008 to 2121
         BH     ELOOP              .
         LR     R7,R6              y=year
         LA     R8,12              m=12
         LA     R9,25              d=25
         C      R8,=F'3'           if m<3
         BNL    MGE3               then
         LA     R8,12(R8)            m=m+12
         BCTR   R7,0                 y=y-1
MGE3     LR     R10,R7             y
         SRDA   R10,32             .
         D      R10,=F'100'        r=y//100 ; l=y/100
         LR     R3,R8              m
         LA     R3,1(R3)           m+1
         M      R2,=F'26'          *26
         D      R2,=F'10'          /10
         AR     R3,R9              +d
         AR     R3,R10             +r
         LR     R2,R10             r
         SRA    R2,2               /4
         AR     R2,R3              (d+(m+1)*26/10+r+r/4
         LR     R3,R11             l
         SRA    R3,2               /4
         AR     R2,R3              (d+(m+1)*26/10+r+r/4+l/4
         LA     R5,5               5
         MR     R4,R11             *l
         AR     R2,R5              (d+(m+1)*26/10+r+r/4+l/4+5*l)
         SRDA   R2,32              .
         D      R2,=F'7'           w=(d+(m+1)*26/10+r+r/4+l/4+5*l)//7
         C      R2,=F'1'           if w=1  (sunday)
         BNE    WNE1               then
         XDECO  R6,PG                edit year
         XPRNT  PG,12                print year
WNE1     LA     R6,1(R6)           year=year+1
         B      LOOP               next year
ELOOP    BR     R14                exit
PG       DS     CL12               buffer
         END    DOW




report zday_of_week
data: lv_start type i value 2007,
      lv_n type i value 114,
      lv_date type sy-datum,
      lv_weekday type string,
      lv_day type c,
      lv_year type n length 4.

write 'December 25 is a Sunday in: '.
do lv_n times.
   lv_year = lv_start + sy-index.
   concatenate lv_year '12' '25' into lv_date.
   call function 'DATE_COMPUTE_DAY'
    exporting date = lv_date
    importing day  = lv_day.

   select single langt from t246 into lv_weekday
     where sprsl = sy-langu and
     wotnr = lv_day.

   if lv_weekday eq 'Sunday'.
     write / lv_year.


December 25 is a Sunday in:


Action! does not have a standard library providing a day of week function, therefore an adaptation of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determination_of_the_day_of_the_week#Sakamoto.27s_methods Sakamoto's method] to determine the day of week for a given date using integer arithmetic is used.

Byte FUNC DayOfWeek(BYTE day, month CARD year BYTE century)
CARD weekday
BYTE ARRAY index=[0 3 2 5 0 3 5 1 4 6 2 4]

IF year < 100  THEN
   year = year + century * 100

IF year < 1753 THEN RETURN(7) FI

IF month < 3 THEN

month = index(month-1)
weekday=year + year/4 - year/100 + year/400 + month + day
weekday = weekday MOD 7
RETURN (weekday)

PROC main()
PrintE("December 25 is a Sunday in:")
FOR y = 2008 to 2121
IF DayOfWeek(25, 12, y)=0 THEN


December 25 is a Sunday in:


## Ada

with Ada.Calendar.Formatting;  use Ada.Calendar.Formatting;
with Ada.Text_IO;              use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Yuletide is
   for Year in 2008..2121 loop
      if Day_Of_Week (Time_Of (Year, 12, 25)) = Sunday then
         Put_Line (Image (Time_Of (Year, 12, 25)));
      end if;
   end loop;
end Yuletide;

2011-12-25 00:00:00
2016-12-25 00:00:00
2022-12-25 00:00:00
2033-12-25 00:00:00
2039-12-25 00:00:00
2044-12-25 00:00:00
2050-12-25 00:00:00
2061-12-25 00:00:00
2067-12-25 00:00:00
2072-12-25 00:00:00
2078-12-25 00:00:00
2089-12-25 00:00:00
2095-12-25 00:00:00
2101-12-25 00:00:00
2107-12-25 00:00:00
2112-12-25 00:00:00
2118-12-25 00:00:00


## ALGOL 68

{{works with|ALGOL 68|Revision 1 - no extensions to language used}}

{{works with|ALGOL 68G|Any - tested with release [http://sourceforge.net/projects/algol68/files/algol68g/algol68g-1.18.0/algol68g-1.18.0-9h.tiny.el5.centos.fc11.i386.rpm/download 1.18.0-9h.tiny]}}

{{works with|ELLA ALGOL 68|Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release [http://sourceforge.net/projects/algol68/files/algol68toc/algol68toc-1.8.8d/algol68toc-1.8-8d.fc9.i386.rpm/download 1.8-8d]}}

# example from: http://www.xs4all.nl/~jmvdveer/algol.html - GPL #
INT sun=0 # , mon=1, tue=2, wed=3, thu=4, fri=5, sat=6 #;

PROC day of week = (INT year, month, day) INT: (
  # Day of the week by Zeller’s Congruence algorithm from 1887 #
  INT y := year, m := month, d := day, c;
  IF m <= 2 THEN
    m +:= 12; y -:= 1
  c := y OVER 100;
  y %*:= 100;
  (d - 1 + ((m + 1) * 26) OVER 10 + y + y OVER 4 + c OVER 4 - 2 * c) MOD 7

  print("December 25th is a Sunday in:");
  FOR year FROM 2008 TO 2121 DO
    INT wd = day of week(year, 12, 25);
    IF wd = sun THEN print(whole(year,-5)) FI
  new line(stand out)




December 25th is a Sunday in: 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118





   MOD := P - Q * (P / Q);

  IF MO < 3 THEN
      MO := MO + 10;
      YR := YR - 1;
  ELSE MO := MO - 2;
  Y := MOD(YR, 100);
  C := YR / 100;
  Z := (26 * MO - 2) / 10;
  Z := Z + DA + Y + (Y / 4) + (C /4) - 2 * C + 777;

SUNDAY := 0;
FOR YEAR := 2008 STEP 1 UNTIL 2121 DO







## AppleScript

set ChristmasSundays to {}
set Christmas to (current date)
set month of Christmas to December
set day of Christmas to 25
repeat with year from 2008 to 2121
	set year of Christmas to year
	if weekday of Christmas is Sunday then set end of ChristmasSundays to year
end repeat

Or, composing generic functions:

on run
    -- xmasOnSunday :: Int -> Bool
    script xmasOnSunday
        on |λ|(y)
            tell (current date)
                set {its year, its month, its day, its time} to {y, 12, 25, 0}
                return its weekday is Sunday
            end tell
        end |λ|
    end script

    filter(xmasOnSunday, enumFromTo(2008, 2121))
end run

-- GENERIC FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------

-- enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
on enumFromTo(m, n)
    if m ≤ n then
        set lst to {}
        repeat with i from m to n
            set end of lst to i
        end repeat
        return lst
        return {}
    end if
end enumFromTo

-- filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
on filter(f, xs)
    tell mReturn(f)
        set lst to {}
        set lng to length of xs
        repeat with i from 1 to lng
            set v to item i of xs
            if |λ|(v, i, xs) then set end of lst to v
        end repeat
        return lst
    end tell
end filter

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper
-- mReturn :: Handler -> Script
on mReturn(f)
    if class of f is script then
            property |λ| : f
        end script
    end if
end mReturn


{2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067,
2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118}

## Arc


(= day-names '(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday))
(= get-weekday-num (fn (year month day)
   (= helper '(0 3 2 5 0 3 5 1 4 6 2 4))
   (if (< month 3) (= year (- year 1)))
   (mod (+ year (helper (- month 1)) day
        (apply + (map [trunc (/ year _)] '(4 -100 400))))
(= get-weekday-name (fn (weekday-num) (day-names weekday-num)))



(up i 2008 2121
  (when (is 0 (get-weekday-num i 12 25))
    (prn i)))



## Arturo

sundays $(filter $(range 2008 2121) { $(day &+"-12-25")="sun" })

print sundays


#(2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118)

## AutoHotkey

year = 2008
stop = 2121

While year <= stop {
 FormatTime, day,% year 1225, dddd
 If day = Sunday
  out .= year "`n"
MsgBox,% out

## AutoIt

```AutoIt>#include  2037 on my 32-bit Windows XP O/S
    for (i=2008; i<=2121; i++) {
      x = strftime("%Y/%m/%d %a",mktime(sprintf("%d 12 25 0 0 0",i)))
      if (x ~ /Sun/) { print(x) }



Works with: FreeBASIC

This program needs the modulo function because there is a bug in the built in modulo function.

Declare Function modulo(x As Double, y As Double) As Double
Declare Function wd(m As Double, d As Double, y As Double) As Integer

Dim yr As Double
For yr = 2008 To 2121
	If wd(12,25,yr) = 1 Then
		Print "Dec " & 25 & ", " & yr

Function modulo(x As Double, y As Double) As Double
	If y = 0 Then
		Return x
		Return x - y * Int(x / y)
	End If
End Function

Function wd(m As Double, d As Double, y As Double) As Integer
	If m = 1 Or m = 2 Then
		m += 12
		y-= 1
	End If
	Return modulo(365 * y + Fix(y / 4) - Fix(y / 100) + Fix(y / 400) + d  + Fix((153 * m + 8) / 5), 7) + 1
End Function

Dec 25, 2011
Dec 25, 2016
Dec 25, 2022
Dec 25, 2033
Dec 25, 2039
Dec 25, 2044
Dec 25, 2050
Dec 25, 2061
Dec 25, 2067
Dec 25, 2072
Dec 25, 2078
Dec 25, 2089
Dec 25, 2095
Dec 25, 2101
Dec 25, 2107
Dec 25, 2112
Dec 25, 2118

## BaCon

' Sunday Christmas
PRINT "Years with Christmas on a Sunday"
FOR y = 2008 TO 2121
    tv = TIMEVALUE(y, 12, 25, 0, 0, 0)
    IF WEEKDAY$(tv) = "Sunday" THEN PRINT y


prompt$ ./sunday-christmas
Years with Christmas on a Sunday

## FreeBASIC

' version 17-06-2015
' compile with: fbc -s console

Function wd(m As Integer, d As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer
  If m < 3 Then        ' If m = 1 Or m = 2 Then
    m += 12
    y -= 1
  End If
  Return (y + (y \ 4) - (y \ 100) + (y \ 400) + d + ((153 * m + 8) \ 5)) Mod 7
End Function

' ------=< MAIN >=------

For yr As Integer = 2008 To 2121
  If wd(12, 25, yr) = 0 Then
    Print "Dec 25 "; yr

' empty keyboard buffer
While InKey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"


Dec 25  2011
Dec 25  2016
Dec 25  2022
Dec 25  2033
Dec 25  2039
Dec 25  2044
Dec 25  2050
Dec 25  2061
Dec 25  2067
Dec 25  2072
Dec 25  2078
Dec 25  2089
Dec 25  2095
Dec 25  2101
Dec 25  2107
Dec 25  2112
Dec 25  2118

' version 17-06-2015
' Weekday And DateSerial only works with #Include "vbcompat.bi"
' compile with: fbc -s console

#Include Once "vbcompat.bi"
Dim As Double a

For yr As Integer = 2008 To 2121
  a = DateSerial (yr, 12, 25)
  If Weekday(a) = 1 Then Print Format(a, "dd-mm-yyyy")   ' 1 = sunday, 2 = monday ...

' empty keyboard buffer
While InKey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"



100 PROGRAM "Dayweek.bas"
110 PRINT "The years between 2008 and 2121 will the 25th of December be a Sunday:"
120 FOR Y=2008 TO 2121
130   IF DAYWEEK(Y,12,25)=0 THEN PRINT "Dec 25,";Y
140 NEXT
160   LET A=INT((14-M)/12):LET Y=Y-A
170   LET W=D+INT((13*(M+12*A-2)-1)/5)+Y+INT(Y/4)-INT(Y/100)+INT(Y/400)
180   LET DAYWEEK=W-7*INT(W/7)

## Sinclair ZX81 BASIC
Works with 1k of RAM. Follows the C code quite closely: the only factors that perhaps make it less readable are (a) the absence of a modulo operator and (b) the need for continual calls to INT because we don't have an integer type. The performance is pretty acceptable; seconds rather than minutes.

 10 LET M=12
 20 LET D=25
 30 FOR Y=2008 TO 2121
 40 GOSUB 80
 60 NEXT Y
 70 STOP
 80 LET A=INT ((14-M)/12)
 90 LET MM=M+12*A-2
100 LET YY=Y-A
110 LET W=D+INT ((13*MM-1)/5)+YY+INT (YY/4)-INT (YY/100)+INT (YY/400)
120 LET W=W-7*INT (W/7)



## Batch File


:: Day of the Week task from Rosetta Code Wiki
:: Batch File Implementation
:: In what years between 2008 and 2121 will the 25th of December be a Sunday?
:: This implementation uses Zeller's Rule...

@echo off

::Set month code for December
set mon=33

::Set day number
set day=25

for /L %%w in (2008,1,2121) do (
call :check_day %%w
exit /b

set yr=%1
set /a a=%yr%/100
set /a b=%yr%-(%a%*100)
set /a weekday=(%day%+%mon%+%b%+(%b%/4)+(%a%/4)+(5*%a%))%%7
if %weekday%==1 (
echo Dec 25, %yr% is a Sunday.
goto :EOF




Dec 25, 2011 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2016 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2022 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2033 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2039 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2044 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2050 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2061 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2067 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2072 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2078 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2089 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2095 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2101 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2107 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2112 is a Sunday.
Dec 25, 2118 is a Sunday.



{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}}

      INSTALL @lib$+"DATELIB"

      FOR year% = 2008 TO 2121
        IF FN_dow(FN_mjd(25, 12, year%)) = 0 THEN
          PRINT "Christmas Day is a Sunday in "; year%

## bc

Because ''bc'' has no date library, this program uses [http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/62324.html ''Zeller's rule''], also known as [http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/zel-like.htm ''Zeller's congruence''], to calculate day of week.

scale = 0

 * Returns day of week (0 to 6) for year, month m, day d in proleptic
 * Gregorian calendar. Sunday is 0. Assumes y >= 1, scale = 0.
define w(y, m, d) {
	auto a

	/* Calculate Zeller's congruence. */
	a = (14 - m) / 12
	m += 12 * a
	y -= a
	return ((d + (13 * m + 8) / 5 +			\
		 y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400) % 7)

for (y = 2008; y <= 2121; y++) {
	/* If December 25 is a Sunday, print year. */
	if (w(y, 12, 25) == 0) y

## Befunge

Befunge doesn't have any standard date-handling functionality, so we calculate the day of the week directly using a simple variation of the Zeller rule.

@_^#`"y": +1$<_v#%7+1+/*:*<
>:#,_>$:.55+,^ >0" ,52 ceD"


Dec 25, 2011
Dec 25, 2016
Dec 25, 2022
Dec 25, 2033
Dec 25, 2039
Dec 25, 2044
Dec 25, 2050
Dec 25, 2061
Dec 25, 2067
Dec 25, 2072
Dec 25, 2078
Dec 25, 2089
Dec 25, 2095
Dec 25, 2101
Dec 25, 2107
Dec 25, 2112
Dec 25, 2118

## Bracmat


{ Calculate day of week in proleptic Gregorian calendar. Sunday == 0. }
    ( wday
    =   year month day adjustment mm yy
      .   !arg:(?year,?month,?day)
        & div$(14+-1*!month,12):?adjustment
        & !month+12*!adjustment+-2:?mm
        & !year+-1*!adjustment:?yy
        &   mod
          $ (   !day
              + div$(13*!mm+-1,5)
              + !yy
              + div$(!yy,4)
              + -1*div$(!yy,100)
              + div$(!yy,400)
            , 7
& 2008:?y
&   whl
  ' ( !y:~>2121
    & (   wday$(!y,12,25):0
        & put$(str$(!y "-12-25\n"))
    & 1+!y:?y
& done;



## C

Because of problems with various C libraries (such as ''time_t'' overflowing during 2038, or strptime() or mktime() not filling in ''tm_wday''), this program uses [http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/62324.html Zeller's Rule] to calculate day of week.


/* Calculate day of week in proleptic Gregorian calendar. Sunday == 0. */
int wday(int year, int month, int day)
	int adjustment, mm, yy;

	adjustment = (14 - month) / 12;
	mm = month + 12 * adjustment - 2;
	yy = year - adjustment;
	return (day + (13 * mm - 1) / 5 +
		yy + yy / 4 - yy / 100 + yy / 400) % 7;

int main()
	int y;

	for (y = 2008; y <= 2121; y++) {
		if (wday(y, 12, 25) == 0) printf("%04d-12-25\n", y);

	return 0;

## C++


int main( ) {
   using namespace boost::gregorian ;

      << "Yuletide holidays must be allowed in the following years:\n" ;
   for ( int i = 2008 ; i < 2121 ; i++ ) {
      greg_year gy = i ;
      date d  ( gy, Dec , 25 ) ;
      if ( d.day_of_week( ) == Sunday ) {
	 std::cout << i << std::endl ;
   std::cout << "\n" ;
   return 0 ;



Yuletide holidays must be allowed in the following years:


## C#

using System;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        for (int i = 2008; i <= 2121; i++)
            DateTime date = new DateTime(i, 12, 25);
            if (date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                Console.WriteLine(date.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));

Using LINQ:

using System;
using System.Linq;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string[] days = Enumerable.Range(2008, 2121 - 2007)
            .Select(year => new DateTime(year, 12, 25))
            .Where(day => day.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
            .Select(day => day.ToString("dd MMM yyyy")).ToArray();

        foreach (string day in days) Console.WriteLine(day);
Lambda expressions FTW:

using System;
using System.Linq;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Enumerable.Range(2008, 113).ToList()
        .ConvertAll(ent => new DateTime(ent, 12, 25))
        .Where(ent => ent.DayOfWeek.Equals(DayOfWeek.Sunday)).ToList()
        .ForEach(ent => Console.WriteLine(ent.ToString("dd MMM yyyy")));

25 Dec 2011
25 Dec 2016
25 Dec 2022
25 Dec 2033
25 Dec 2039
25 Dec 2044
25 Dec 2050
25 Dec 2061
25 Dec 2067
25 Dec 2072
25 Dec 2078
25 Dec 2089
25 Dec 2095
25 Dec 2101
25 Dec 2107
25 Dec 2112
25 Dec 2118

## Clojure

Utilizing Java interop


(import '(java.util GregorianCalendar))
(defn yuletide [start end]
	    (filter #(= (. (new GregorianCalendar %
			 (. GregorianCalendar DECEMBER) 25) get (. GregorianCalendar DAY_OF_WEEK))
		 (. GregorianCalendar SUNDAY)) (range start (inc end))))

(yuletide 2008 2121)


(2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118)


Using Date Intrinsic Functions


       program-id. dec25.
       data division.
       working-storage section.
       1 work-date.
        2 yr pic 9(4) value 2008.
        2 mo-da pic 9(4) value 1225. *> Dec 25
       1 wk-date redefines work-date pic 9(8).
       1 binary.
        2 int-date pic 9(8).
        2 dow pic 9(4).
       procedure division.
           perform varying yr from 2008 by 1
           until yr > 2121
               compute int-date = function integer-of-date (wk-date)
               compute dow = function mod ((int-date - 1) 7) + 1
               if dow = 7  *> Sunday = 7 per ISO 8601 and ISO 1989
                   display yr
           stop run
       end program dec25.




Without Date Intrinsic Functions


       identification division.
       program-id. dowtest.
       data division.
       working-storage section.
       01  ws-inp-date   pic x(08).
       01  filler redefines ws-inp-date.
         03  ws-inp-year  pic 9(04).
       01  ws-dow        pic 9(05).
       procedure division.
           move '00001225' to ws-inp-date
           perform test before
           varying ws-inp-year from 2008 by +1
           until ws-inp-year > 2121
             call "todow" using
                 by reference ws-inp-date
                 by reference ws-dow
                 if ws-dow = 1 then
                   display 'year=' ws-inp-year
           stop run.

       end program dowtest.

       identification division.
       program-id.  todow.
       environment division.
       input-output section.
       data division.
       file section.
       working-storage section.
       01 tally pic 9(05).
       01  wms-work-area.
         03  wms-year       pic 9(04).
         03  wms-month      pic 9(02).
         03  wms-csys       pic 9(01) value 1.
         03  wms-sum        pic 9(05).
       linkage section.
       01  lkip-date.
         03  lkip-date-year     pic 9(04).
         03  lkip-date-month    pic 9(02).
         03  lkip-date-day      pic 9(02).
       01  lkop-dow             pic 9(05).
         88  lkop-sunday                   value 1.
       procedure division using
           by reference lkip-date
           by reference lkop-dow

           if lkip-date-month < 3
             compute wms-month = lkip-date-month + 12
             compute wms-year  = lkip-date-year - 1
             compute wms-month = lkip-date-month
             compute wms-year  = lkip-date-year

          compute wms-sum    =
                          ( lkip-date-day + 2 * wms-month + wms-year
                          + function integer (6 * (wms-month + 1) / 10)
                          + function integer ( wms-year / 4   )
                          - function integer ( wms-year / 100 )
                          + function integer ( wms-year / 400 )
                          + wms-csys )
         compute lkop-dow = function mod (wms-sum, 7) + 1
       end program todow.




## CoffeeScript

december = 11 # gotta love Date APIs :)
sunday = 0
for year in [2008..2121]
  xmas = new Date year, december, 25
  console.log year if xmas.getDay() is sunday
console.log year for year in [2008...2121] when new Date(year, 11, 25).getDay() is 0



## ColdFusion


        December 25th falls on a Sunday in #i#
``` ## Common Lisp ```lisp (loop for year from 2008 upto 2121 when (= 6 (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour date month year day-of-week dst-p tz) (decode-universal-time (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 25 12 year)) (declare (ignore second minute hour date month year dst-p tz)) day-of-week)) collect year) ``` ```lisp (loop for year from 2008 upto 2121 for xmas = (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 25 12 year) for day = (nth-value 6 (decode-universal-time xmas)) when (= day 6) collect year) ``` ## Component Pascal {{Works with|BlackBox Component Builder}} ```oberon2 MODULE DayOfWeek; IMPORT DevCommanders, TextMappers, Dates, StdLog; PROCEDURE XmastOnSun(s,e: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; d: Dates.Date; BEGIN i := s;d.day := 25;d.month := 12; WHILE i < e DO d.year := i; IF Dates.DayOfWeek(d) = Dates.sunday THEN StdLog.Int(i);StdLog.Ln END; INC(i) END END XmastOnSun; PROCEDURE Do*; VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; r: ARRAY 2 OF INTEGER; i: INTEGER; BEGIN s.ConnectTo(DevCommanders.par.text); s.SetPos(DevCommanders.par.beg); s.Scan;i := 0; WHILE ~s.rider.eot DO IF s.type = TextMappers.int THEN r[i] := s.int; INC(i) END; s.Scan END; XmastOnSun(r[0],r[1]); END Do; END DayOfWeek. ``` Execute: ^Q DayOfWeek.Do 2008 2121~ {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## D ```d void main() { import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.datetime; writeln("Christmas comes on a Sunday in the years:\n", iota(2008, 2122) .filter!(y => Date(y, 12, 25).dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.sun)); } ``` {{out}} ```txt Christmas comes on a Sunday in the years: [2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118] ``` ## Delphi {{libheader|sysutils}} always in uses clause in Delphi ```delphi procedure IsXmasSunday(fromyear, toyear: integer); var i: integer; TestDate: TDateTime; outputyears: string; begin outputyears := ''; for i:= fromyear to toyear do begin TestDate := EncodeDate(i,12,25); if dayofweek(TestDate) = 1 then begin outputyears := outputyears + inttostr(i) + ' '; end; end; //CONSOLE //writeln(outputyears); //GUI form1.label1.caption := outputyears; end; ``` Procedure called with year range to test and outputs a space-delimited array of years to a label. There is no error check that fromyear < toyear, but this is easily added. {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## ECL ```ECL //In what years between 2008 and 2121 will the 25th of December be a Sunday? IMPORT STD; BaseYear := 2008; EndYear := 2121; ChristmasDay := RECORD UNSIGNED1 DayofWeek; UNSIGNED2 Year; END; ChristmasDay FindDate(INTEGER Ctr) := TRANSFORM SELF.DayofWeek := (STD.Date.FromGregorianYMD((BaseYear-1) + Ctr,12,25)) % 7; //0=Sunday SELF.Year := (BaseYear-1) + Ctr; END; YearDS := DATASET(EndYear-BaseYear,FindDate(COUNTER)); OUTPUT(YearDS(DayofWeek=0),{Year}); /* Outputs: 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 */ ``` This code solves a specific task, but can easily be modified as a generic function to return the DayOfWeek for any day after 1 AD. ## Elixir {{works with|Elixir|1.4}} ```elixir Enum.each(2008..2121, fn year -> wday = Date.from_erl!({year, 12, 25}) |> Date.day_of_week if wday==7, do: IO.puts "25 December #{year} is sunday" end) ``` {{out}} ```txt 25 December 2011 is sunday 25 December 2016 is sunday 25 December 2022 is sunday 25 December 2033 is sunday 25 December 2039 is sunday 25 December 2044 is sunday 25 December 2050 is sunday 25 December 2061 is sunday 25 December 2067 is sunday 25 December 2072 is sunday 25 December 2078 is sunday 25 December 2089 is sunday 25 December 2095 is sunday 25 December 2101 is sunday 25 December 2107 is sunday 25 December 2112 is sunday 25 December 2118 is sunday ``` ## Erlang ```erlang % Implemented by bengt kleberg -module(yuletide). -export([main/0, sunday_years/2]). main() -> [io:fwrite("25 December ~p is Sunday~n", [X]) || X <- sunday_years(2008, 2121)]. sunday_years( Start, Stop ) -> [X || X <- lists:seq(Start, Stop), is_sunday(calendar:day_of_the_week({X, 12, 25}))]. is_sunday( 7 ) -> true; is_sunday( _ ) -> false. ``` {{out}} ```txt 25 December 2011 is Sunday 25 December 2016 is Sunday 25 December 2022 is Sunday 25 December 2033 is Sunday 25 December 2039 is Sunday 25 December 2044 is Sunday 25 December 2050 is Sunday 25 December 2061 is Sunday 25 December 2067 is Sunday 25 December 2072 is Sunday 25 December 2078 is Sunday 25 December 2089 is Sunday 25 December 2095 is Sunday 25 December 2101 is Sunday 25 December 2107 is Sunday 25 December 2112 is Sunday 25 December 2118 is Sunday ``` ## ERRE ```ERRE PROGRAM DAY_OF_THE_WEEK PROCEDURE MODULO(X,Y->RES) IF Y=0 THEN RES=X ELSE RES=X-Y*INT(X/Y) END IF END PROCEDURE PROCEDURE WD(M,D,Y->RES%) IF M=1 OR M=2 THEN M+=12 Y-=1 END IF MODULO(365*Y+INT(Y/4)-INT(Y/100)+INT(Y/400)+D+INT((153*M+8)/5),7->RES) RES%=RES+1.0 END PROCEDURE BEGIN PRINT(CHR$(12);) ! CLS FOR YR=2008 TO 2121 DO WD(12,25,YR->RES%) IF RES%=1 THEN ! day 1 is Sunday...... PRINT("Dec";25;",";YR) END IF END FOR GET(K$) END PROGRAM ``` {{out}} ```txt Dec 25, 2011 Dec 25, 2016 Dec 25, 2022 Dec 25, 2033 Dec 25, 2039 Dec 25, 2044 Dec 25, 2050 Dec 25, 2061 Dec 25, 2067 Dec 25, 2072 Dec 25, 2078 Dec 25, 2089 Dec 25, 2095 Dec 25, 2101 Dec 25, 2107 Dec 25, 2112 Dec 25, 2118 ``` ## Euphoria ```Euphoria --Day of the week task from Rosetta Code wiki --User:Lnettnay --In what years between 2008 and 2121 will the 25th of December be a Sunday include std/datetime.e datetime dt for year = 2008 to 2121 do dt = new(year, 12, 25) if weeks_day(dt) = 1 then -- Sunday = 1 ? year end if end for ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` =={{header|F_Sharp|F#}}== ```fsharp open System [ 2008 .. 2121 ] |> List.choose (fun y -> if DateTime(y,12,25).DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday then Some(y) else None) |> printfn "%A" ``` {{out}} ```txt [2011; 2016; 2022; 2033; 2039; 2044; 2050; 2061; 2067; 2072; 2078; 2089; 2095; 2101; 2107; 2112; 2118] ``` ## Factor ```factor USING: calendar math.ranges prettyprint sequences ; 2008 2121 [a,b] [ 12 25 sunday? ] filter . ``` ## FBSL ```qbasic #APPTYPE CONSOLE 'In what years between 2008 and 2121 will the 25th of December be a Sunday? dim date as integer, dayname as string for dim year = 2008 to 2121 date = year * 10000 + 1225 dayname = dateconv(date,"dddd") if dayname = "Sunday" then print "Christmas Day is on a Sunday in ", year end if next PAUSE ``` =={{header|Fōrmulæ}}== In [https://wiki.formulae.org/Day_of_the_week this] page you can see the solution of this task. Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text ([http://wiki.formulae.org/Editing_F%C5%8Drmul%C3%A6_expressions more info]). Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation —i.e. XML, JSON— they are intended for transportation effects more than visualization and edition. The option to show Fōrmulæ programs and their results is showing images. Unfortunately images cannot be uploaded in Rosetta Code. ## Forth Forth has only TIME&DATE, which does not give day of week. Many public Forth Julian date calculators had year-2100 problems, but this algorithm works well. ```forth \ Zeller's Congruence : weekday ( d m y -- wd) \ 1 mon..7 sun over 3 < if 1- swap 12 + swap then 100 /mod dup 4 / swap 2* - swap dup 4 / + + swap 1+ 13 5 */ + + ( in zeller 0=sat, so -2 to 0= mon, then mod, then 1+ for 1=mon) 2- 7 mod 1+ ; : yuletide ." December 25 is Sunday in " 2122 2008 do 25 12 i weekday 7 = if i . then loop cr ; ``` ```forth cr yuletide December 25 is Sunday in 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ok ``` To show year-2100 problems with SwiftForth's provided Modified Julian Day support: ```forth : yuletide ." December 25 is Sunday in " 2122 2008 do 25 12 i d/m/y 7 mod 0= if i . then loop cr ; cr yuletide December 25 is Sunday in 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2100 2106 2117 ``` In [[4tH]] a library is available which provides the right answer: ```forth include lib/time.4th : yuletide ." December 25 is Sunday in " 2122 2008 do 25 12 i weekday 6 = if i . then loop cr ; cr yuletide ``` The code is derived from "Collected Algorithms from ACM", Volume 1 Algorithms 1-220. ## Fortran {{works with|Fortran|90 and later}} Based on Forth example ```fortran PROGRAM YULETIDE IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: day, year WRITE(*, "(A)", ADVANCE="NO") "25th of December is a Sunday in" DO year = 2008, 2121 day = Day_of_week(25, 12, year) IF (day == 1) WRITE(*, "(I5)", ADVANCE="NO") year END DO CONTAINS FUNCTION Day_of_week(d, m, y) INTEGER :: Day_of_week, j, k, mm, yy INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d, m, y mm=m yy=y IF(mm.le.2) THEN mm=mm+12 yy=yy-1 END IF j = yy / 100 k = MOD(yy, 100) Day_of_week = MOD(d + ((mm+1)*26)/10 + k + k/4 + j/4 + 5*j, 7) END FUNCTION Day_of_week END PROGRAM YULETIDE ``` {{out}} ```txt 25th of December is a Sunday in 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Gambas '''[https://gambas-playground.proko.eu/?gist=b9b4e9a871e96ea6f1db467fa23669fe Click this link to run this code]''' ```gambas Public Sub Main() Dim siCount As Short For siCount = 2008 To 2121 If WeekDay(Date(siCount, 12, 25)) = 0 Then Print Format(Date(siCount, 12, 25), "dddd dd mmmm yyyy") & " falls on a Sunday" Next End ``` Output: ```txt Sunday 25 December 2011 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2016 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2022 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2033 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2039 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2044 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2050 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2061 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2067 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2072 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2078 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2089 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2095 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2101 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2107 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2112 falls on a Sunday Sunday 25 December 2118 falls on a Sunday ``` ## GAP ```gap Filtered([2008 .. 2121], y -> WeekDay([25, 12, y]) = "Sun"); # [ 2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118 ] # A possible implementation of WeekDayAlt days := ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"];; WeekDayAlt := function(args) local d, m, y, k; d := args[1]; m := args[2]; y := args[3]; if m < 3 then m := m + 12; y := y - 1; fi; k := 1 + RemInt(d + QuoInt((m + 1)*26, 10) + y + QuoInt(y, 4) + 6*QuoInt(y, 100) + QuoInt(y, 400) + 5, 7); return days[k]; end; Filtered([2008 .. 2121], y -> WeekDayAlt([25, 12, y]) = "Sun"); # [ 2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118 ] ``` ## Go ```go package main import "fmt" import "time" func main() { for year := 2008; year <= 2121; year++ { if time.Date(year, 12, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Weekday() == time.Sunday { fmt.Printf("25 December %d is Sunday\n", year) } } } ``` {{out}} ```txt 25 December 2011 is Sunday 25 December 2016 is Sunday 25 December 2022 is Sunday 25 December 2033 is Sunday 25 December 2039 is Sunday 25 December 2044 is Sunday 25 December 2050 is Sunday 25 December 2061 is Sunday 25 December 2067 is Sunday 25 December 2072 is Sunday 25 December 2078 is Sunday 25 December 2089 is Sunday 25 December 2095 is Sunday 25 December 2101 is Sunday 25 December 2107 is Sunday 25 December 2112 is Sunday 25 December 2118 is Sunday ``` ## Groovy Solution: ```groovy def yuletide = { start, stop -> (start..stop).findAll { Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd", "${it}-12-25").format("EEE") == "Sun" } } ``` Test program: ```groovy println yuletide(2008, 2121) ``` {{out}} ```txt [2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118] ``` ## Haskell Using the time library: ```haskell import Data.Time (fromGregorian) import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate (toWeekDate) isXmasSunday :: Integer -> Bool isXmasSunday year = let (_, _, wday) = toWeekDate $ fromGregorian year 12 25 in wday == 7 main :: IO () main = mapM_ putStrLn [ "25 December " ++ show year ++ " is Sunday" | year <- [2008 .. 2121] , isXmasSunday year ] ``` {{out}} ```txt 25 December 2011 is Sunday 25 December 2016 is Sunday 25 December 2022 is Sunday 25 December 2033 is Sunday 25 December 2039 is Sunday 25 December 2044 is Sunday 25 December 2050 is Sunday 25 December 2061 is Sunday 25 December 2067 is Sunday 25 December 2072 is Sunday 25 December 2078 is Sunday 25 December 2089 is Sunday 25 December 2095 is Sunday 25 December 2101 is Sunday 25 December 2107 is Sunday 25 December 2112 is Sunday 25 December 2118 is Sunday ``` The built-in System.Time module can overflow at the Unix epoch in 2038: ```haskell import System.Time isXmasSunday :: Int -> Bool isXmasSunday year = ctWDay cal == Sunday where cal = toUTCTime $ toClockTime cal' cal' = CalendarTime { ctYear = year , ctMonth = December , ctDay = 25 , ctHour = 0 , ctMin = 0 , ctSec = 0 , ctPicosec = 0 , ctWDay = Friday , ctYDay = 0 , ctTZName = "" , ctTZ = 0 , ctIsDST = False } main :: IO () main = mapM_ putStrLn [ "25 December " ++ show year ++ " is Sunday" | year <- [2008 .. 2121] , isXmasSunday year ] ``` {{out}} on 32-bit machine: ```txt 25 December 2011 is Sunday 25 December 2016 is Sunday 25 December 2022 is Sunday 25 December 2033 is Sunday *** Exception: user error (Time.toClockTime: invalid input) ``` but with 64 bit systems, running current versions of GHC: ```txt 25 December 2011 is Sunday 25 December 2016 is Sunday 25 December 2022 is Sunday 25 December 2033 is Sunday 25 December 2039 is Sunday 25 December 2044 is Sunday 25 December 2050 is Sunday 25 December 2061 is Sunday 25 December 2067 is Sunday 25 December 2072 is Sunday 25 December 2078 is Sunday 25 December 2089 is Sunday 25 December 2095 is Sunday 25 December 2101 is Sunday 25 December 2107 is Sunday 25 December 2112 is Sunday 25 December 2118 is Sunday ``` ## HicEst ```HicEst DO year = 1, 1000000 TIME(Year=year, MOnth=12, Day=25, TO, WeekDay=weekday) IF( weekday == 7) WRITE(StatusBar) year ENDDO END ``` ```txt No anomalies detected for the first million years :-) Dec 25 = Sunday in 5 ... 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ... 999994 ``` == {{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}} == ```Icon link datetime procedure main() writes("December 25th is a Sunday in: ") every writes((dayoweek(25,12,y := 2008 to 2122)=="Sunday",y)," ") end ``` {{libheader|Icon Programming Library}} [http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/library/src/procs/datetime.icn datetime provides dayoweek] ```Icon procedure dayoweek(day, month, year) #: day of the week static d_code, c_code, m_code, ml_code, y, C, M, Y initial { d_code := ["Saturday", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"] c_code := table() c_code[16] := c_code[20] := 0 c_code[17] := c_code[21] := 6 c_code[18] := c_code[22] := 4 c_code[19] := c_code[23] := 2 m_code := table() m_code[1] := m_code["January"] := 1 m_code[2] := m_code["February"] := 4 m_code[3] := m_code["March"] := 4 m_code[4] := m_code["April"] := 0 m_code[5] := m_code["May"] := 2 m_code[6] := m_code["June"] := 5 m_code[7] := m_code["July"] := 0 m_code[8] := m_code["August"] := 3 m_code[9] := m_code["September"] := 6 m_code[10] := m_code["October"] := 1 m_code[11] := m_code["November"] := 4 m_code[12] := m_code["December"] := 6 ml_code := copy(m_code) ml_code[1] := ml_code["January"] := 0 ml_code[2] := ml_code["February"] := 3 } if year < 1600 then stop("*** can't compute day of week that far back") if year > 2299 then stop("*** can't compute day of week that far ahead") C := c_code[(year / 100) + 1] y := year % 100 Y := (y / 12) + (y % 12) + ((y % 12) / 4) month := integer(month) M := if (year % 4) = 0 then ml_code[month] else m_code[month] return d_code[(C + Y + M + day) % 7 + 1] end ``` {{out}} ```txt December 25th is a Sunday in: 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## J ```j load 'dates' NB. provides verb 'weekday' xmasSunday=: #~ 0 = [: weekday 12 25 ,~"1 0 ] NB. returns years where 25 Dec is a Sunday xmasSunday 2008 + i.114 NB. check years from 2008 to 2121 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Java ```java import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class Yuletide{ public static void main(String[] args) { for(int i = 2008;i<=2121;i++){ Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(i, Calendar.DECEMBER, 25); if(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)==Calendar.SUNDAY){ System.out.println(cal.getTime()); } } } } ``` {{out}} ```txt Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2011 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2016 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2022 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2033 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2039 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2044 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2050 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2061 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2067 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2072 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2078 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2089 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2095 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2101 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2107 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2112 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CST 2118 ``` ## JavaScript ### ES5 ### =Iteration= ```javascript for (var year = 2008; year <= 2121; year++){ var xmas = new Date(year, 11, 25) if ( xmas.getDay() === 0 ) console.log(year) } ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ### =Functional composition= ```JavaScript (function () { 'use strict'; // isXmasSunday :: Integer -> Bool function isXmasSunday(year) { return (new Date(year, 11, 25)) .getDay() === 0; } // range :: Int -> Int -> [Int] function range(m, n) { return Array.apply(null, Array(n - m + 1)) .map(function (_, i) { return m + i; }); } return range(2008, 2121) .filter(isXmasSunday); })(); ``` {{Out}} ```txt [2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118] ``` ### ES6 ```JavaScript (() => { 'use strict'; // main :: IO () const main = () => { const xs = enumFromTo(2008, 2121) .filter(xmasIsSunday); return ( console.log(xs), xs ); }; // xmasIsSunday :: Int -> Bool const xmasIsSunday = year => (new Date(year, 11, 25)) .getDay() === 0; // enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int] const enumFromTo = (m, n) => Array.from({ length: 1 + n - m }, (_, i) => m + i); return main(); })(); ``` {{Out}} ```JavaScript [2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118] ``` ## jq ```jq # Use Zeller's Congruence to determine the day of the week, given # year, month and day as integers in the conventional way. # If iso == "iso" or "ISO", then emit an integer in 1 -- 7 where # 1 represents Monday, 2 Tuesday, etc; # otherwise emit 0 for Saturday, 1 for Sunday, etc. # def day_of_week(year; month; day; iso): if month == 1 or month == 2 then [month + 12, year - 1] else [month, year] end | day + (13*(.[0] + 1)/5|floor) + (.[1]%100) + ((.[1]%100)/4|floor) + (.[1]/400|floor) - 2*(.[1]/100|floor) | if iso == "iso" or iso == "ISO" then 1 + ((. + 5) % 7) else . % 7 end; ``` '''The task''': ```jq # Give the results as an array so they can # readily be presented on a single line: [range(2008; 2122) | select( day_of_week(.;12;25;0) == 1 )] ``` {{out}} $ jq -n -c -f zeller.jq [2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118] ## Jsish Jsi does not yet implement the Javascript ''Date'' object. ''strftime' and ''strptime'' functions are used here instead. ```javascript /* Day of the week, December 25th on a Sunday */ for (var year = 2008; year <= 2121; year++) { var xmas = strptime(year + '/12/25', '%Y/%m/%d'); var weekDay = strftime(xmas, '%w'); if (weekDay == 0) puts(year); } /* =!EXPECTSTART!= 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 =!EXPECTEND!= */ ``` {{out}} ```txt prompt$ jsish -u dayOfTheWeek.jsi [PASS] dayOfTheWeek.jsi ``` ## Julia ```julia using Dates lo, hi = 2008, 2121 xmas = collect(Date(lo, 12, 25):Year(1):Date(hi, 12, 25)) filter!(xmas) do dt dayofweek(dt) == Dates.Sunday end println("Years from $lo to $hi having Christmas on Sunday: ") foreach(println, year.(xmas)) ``` {{out}} ```txt Years from 2008 to 2121 having Christmas on Sunday: 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## K ```K wd:{(__jd x)!7} / Julian day count, Sun=6 y@&6={wd 1225+x*10000}'y:2008+!114 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Kotlin ```scala // version 1.0.6 import java.util.* fun main(args: Array) { println("Christmas day in the following years falls on a Sunday:\n") val calendar = GregorianCalendar(2008, Calendar.DECEMBER, 25) for (year in 2008..2121) { if (Calendar.SUNDAY == calendar[Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK]) println(year) calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1) } } ``` {{out}} ```txt Christmas day in the following years falls on a Sunday: 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Lasso ```lasso loop(-From=2008, -to=2121) => {^ local(tDate = date('12/25/' + loop_count)) #tDate->dayOfWeek == 1 ? '\r' + #tDate->format('%D') + ' is a Sunday' ^} ``` {{out}} ```txt 12/25/2011 is a Sunday 12/25/2016 is a Sunday 12/25/2022 is a Sunday 12/25/2033 is a Sunday 12/25/2039 is a Sunday 12/25/2044 is a Sunday 12/25/2050 is a Sunday 12/25/2061 is a Sunday 12/25/2067 is a Sunday 12/25/2072 is a Sunday 12/25/2078 is a Sunday 12/25/2089 is a Sunday 12/25/2095 is a Sunday 12/25/2101 is a Sunday 12/25/2107 is a Sunday 12/25/2112 is a Sunday 12/25/2118 is a Sunday ``` ## Liberty BASIC ```lb count = 0 for year = 2008 to 2121 dateString$="12/25/";year dayNumber=date$(dateString$) if dayNumber mod 7 = 5 then count = count + 1 print dateString$ end if next year print count; " years when Christmas Day falls on a Sunday" end ``` ## Lingo ```lingo put "December 25 is a Sunday in:" refDateObj = date(1905,1,2) repeat with year = 2008 to 2121 dateObj = date(year, 12, 25) dayOfWeek = ((dateObj - refDateObj) mod 7)+1 -- 1=Monday..7=Sunday if dayOfWeek=7 then put year end repeat ``` {{out}} ```txt -- "December 25 is a Sunday in:" -- 2011 -- 2016 -- 2022 -- 2033 -- 2039 -- 2044 -- 2050 -- 2061 -- 2067 -- 2072 -- 2078 -- 2089 -- 2095 -- 2101 -- 2107 -- 2112 -- 2118 ``` ## LiveCode ```LiveCode function xmasSunday startDate endDate convert the long date to dateitems put it into xmasDay put 12 into item 2 of xmasDay put 25 into item 3 of xmasDay repeat with i = startDate to endDate put i into item 1 of xmasDay convert xmasDay to dateItems if item 7 of xmasDay is 1 then put i & comma after xmasYear end repeat if the last char of xmasYear is comma then delete the last char of xmasYear return xmasYear end xmasSunday ``` Example ```LiveCode put xmasSunday(2008,2121) ``` Output ```txt 2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118 ``` ## Logo ```Logo ; Determine if a Gregorian calendar year is leap to leap? :year output (and equal? 0 modulo :year 4 not member? modulo :year 400 [100 200 300] ) end ; Convert Gregorian calendar date to a simple day count from ; day 1 = January 1, 1 CE to day_number :year :month :day local "elapsed make "elapsed difference :year 1 output (sum product 365 :elapsed int quotient :elapsed 4 minus int quotient :elapsed 100 int quotient :elapsed 400 int quotient difference product 367 :month 362 12 ifelse lessequal? :month 2 0 ifelse leap? :year -1 -2 :day) end ; Find the day of the week from a day number; 0 = Sunday through 6 = Saturday to day_of_week :day_number output modulo :day_number 7 end ; True if the given day is a Sunday to sunday? :year :month :day output equal? 0 day_of_week day_number :year :month :day end ; Put it all together to answer the question posed in the problem print filter [sunday? ? 12 25] iseq 2008 2121 bye ``` {{Out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Lua '''Library:''' [http://luaforge.net/projects/date/ LuaDate] ```Lua require("date") for year=2008,2121 do if date(year, 12, 25):getweekday() == 1 then print(year) end end ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ### Without external modules Same output as above ```Lua local dTab = {day = 25, month = 12} for year = 2008, 2121 do dTab.year = year if os.date("%A", os.time(dTab)) == "Sunday" then print(year) end end ``` ## M2000 Interpreter Str$( number, format$) use Visual Basic 6 format ```M2000 Interpreter Print "December 25 is a Sunday in:" For Year=2008 to 2121 { if Str$(Date("25/12/"+str$(Year,"")),"w")="1" Then { Print Year } } \\ is the same with this: Print "December 25 is a Sunday in:" For Year=2008 to 2121 { if Str$(Date(str$(Year,"")+"-12-25"),"w")="1" Then { Print Year } } ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## M4 ```M4 divert(-1) define(`for', `ifelse($#,0,``$0'', `ifelse(eval($2<=$3),1, `pushdef(`$1',$2)$4`'popdef(`$1')$0(`$1',incr($2),$3,`$4')')')') dnl julian day number corresponding to December 25th of given year define(`julianxmas', `define(`yrssince0',eval($1+4712))`'define(`noOfLpYrs', eval((yrssince0+3)/4))`'define(`jd', eval(365*yrssince0+noOfLpYrs-10-($1-1501)/100+($1-1201)/400+334+25-1))`' ifelse(eval($1%4==0 && ($1%100!=0 || $1%400==0)),1, `define(`jd',incr(jd))')`'jd') divert for(`yr',2008,2121, `ifelse(eval(julianxmas(yr)%7==6),1,`yr ')') ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Maple ```Maple xmas:= proc() local i, dt; for i from 2008 to 2121 by 1 do dt := Date(i, 12, 25); if (Calendar:-DayOfWeek(dt) = 1) then print(i); end if; end do; end proc; xmas(); ``` {{Out|Output}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` =={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}== ```Mathematica Reap[If[DateString[{#,12,25},"DayName"]=="Sunday",Sow[#]]&/@Range[2008,2121]][[2,1]] ``` gives back: ```Mathematica {2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118} ``` =={{header|MATLAB}} / {{header|Octave}}== ```Matlab t = datenum([[2008:2121]',repmat([12,25,0,0,0], 2121-2007, 1)]); t = t(strmatch('Sunday', datestr(t,'dddd')), :); datestr(t,'yyyy') ``` {{out}} ```txt ans = 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Maxima ```maxima weekday(year, month, day) := block([m: month, y: year, k], if m < 3 then (m: m + 12, y: y - 1), k: 1 + remainder(day + quotient((m + 1)*26, 10) + y + quotient(y, 4) + 6*quotient(y, 100) + quotient(y, 400) + 5, 7), ['monday, 'tuesday, 'wednesday, 'thurdsday, 'friday, 'saturday, 'sunday][k] )$ sublist(makelist(i, i, 2008, 2121), lambda([y], weekday(y, 12, 25) = 'sunday)); /* [2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118] */ ``` =={{header|Modula-3}}== {{trans|C}} Modula-3 represents time using a (safe) wrapper around the C time interface. Consequently, it suffers from the same problem as C. ```modula3 MODULE Yule EXPORTS Main; IMPORT IO, Fmt, Date, Time; VAR date: Date.T; time: Time.T; BEGIN FOR year := 2008 TO 2121 DO date.day := 25; date.month := Date.Month.Dec; date.year := year; TRY time := Date.ToTime(date); EXCEPT | Date.Error => IO.Put(Fmt.Int(year) & " is the last year we can specify\n"); EXIT; END; date := Date.FromTime(time); IF date.weekDay = Date.WeekDay.Sun THEN IO.Put("25th of December " & Fmt.Int(year) & " is Sunday\n"); END; END; END Yule. ``` {{out}} ```txt 25th of December 2011 is Sunday 25th of December 2016 is Sunday 25th of December 2022 is Sunday 25th of December 2033 is Sunday 2038 is the last year we can specify ``` =={{header|МК-61/52}}== П9 7 П7 1 П8 НОП ИП8 2 2 - 1 0 / [x] П6 ИП9 + 1 8 9 9 - 3 6 5 , 2 5 * [x] ИП8 ИП6 1 2 * - 1 4 - 3 0 , 5 9 * [x] + 2 9 + ИП7 + П4 ИП4 7 / [x] 7 * - x=0 64 ИП9 С/П ИП9 1 + П9 БП 06 ``` ''Input:'' РX: starting year. ''Output:'' the year in which Christmas falls on a Sunday. For example, enter ''2008'', the first result: ''2018'' (''January 7, 2018'' is Sunday). ## MUMPS {{libheader|VA Kernel|22.0}} ```MUMPS DOWHOLIDAY ;In what years between 2008 and 2121 will December 25 be a Sunday? ;Uses the VA's public domain routine %DTC (Part of the Kernel) named here DIDTC NEW BDT,EDT,CHECK,CHKFOR,LIST,I,X,Y ;BDT - the beginning year to check ;EDT - the end year to check ;BDT and EDT are year offsets from the epoch date 1/1/1700 ;CHECK - the month and day to look at ;CHKFOR - what day of the week to look for ;LIST - list of years in which the condition is true ;I - the year currently being checked ;X - the date in an "internal" format, for input to DOW^DIDTC ;Y - the output from DOW^DIDTC SET BDT=308,EDT=421,CHECK="1225",CHKFOR=0,LIST="" FOR I=BDT:1:EDT SET X=I_CHECK D DOW^DIDTC SET:(Y=0) LIST=$SELECT($LENGTH(LIST):LIST_", ",1:"")_(I+1700) IF $LENGTH(LIST)=0 WRITE !,"There are no years that have Christmas on a Sunday in the given range." IF $LENGTH(LIST) WRITE !,"The following years have Christmas on a Sunday: ",LIST KILL BDT,EDT,CHECK,CHKFOR,LIST,I,X,Y QUIT ``` Usage: ```txt USER>D ^DOW The following years have Christmas on a Sunday: 2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118 ``` ## NetRexx ```NetRexx /* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref savelog symbols nobinary yearRanges = [int 2008, 2121] searchday = '' cal = Calendar loop year = yearRanges[0] to yearRanges[1] cal = GregorianCalendar(year, Calendar.DECEMBER, 25) dayIndex = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) if dayIndex = Calendar.SUNDAY then searchday = searchday year end year say 'Between' yearRanges[0] 'and' yearRanges[1]', Christmas day falls on a Sunday on the following years:' searchday = searchday.strip.changestr(' ', ',') say ' 'searchday return ``` {{out}} ```txt Between 2008 and 2121, Christmas day falls on a Sunday on the following years: 2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118 ``` ===Comparison of Some Common Day-of-Week Algorithms=== The following program exercises some common "Day-0f-Week" algorithms to confirm they all arrive at the same result. ```NetRexx /* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref savelog symbols nobinary days = 'Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday' yearRanges = [int 2008, 2121] searchday = '' searchday['index'] = days.wordpos('Sunday') searchday[0] = 0 algorithmName = ['Java Calendar', 'Zeller[1]', 'Zeller[2]', 'Sakamoto', 'Gauss', 'Keith', 'Babwani'] loop alg = 0 to algorithmName.length - 1 sd = searchday[0] + 1 searchday[0] = sd searchday['agorithm', sd] = algorithmName[alg] loop year = yearRanges[0] to yearRanges[1] select case alg when 0 then dayIndex = getDaynumJavaLibrary(year, 12, 25) when 1 then dayIndex = getDaynumZellersCongruenceMethod1(year, 12, 25) when 2 then dayIndex = getDaynumZellersCongruenceMethod2(year, 12, 25) when 3 then dayIndex = getDaynumSakamoto(year, 12, 25) when 4 then dayIndex = getDaynumGauss(year, 12, 25) when 5 then dayIndex = getDaynumKeith(year, 12, 25) when 6 then dayIndex = getDaynumBabwani(year, 12, 25) otherwise nop end if dayIndex = searchday['index'] then searchday[sd] = searchday[sd] year end year end alg -- display results say 'Between' yearRanges[0] 'and' yearRanges[1]', Christmas day falls on a Sunday in the following years:' loop r_ = 1 to searchday[0] searchday[r_] = searchday[r_].strip.changestr(' ', ',') say searchday['agorithm', r_].right(20)':' searchday[r_] end r_ return -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- method getDaynumJavaLibrary(Year = int, Month = int, Day = int, iso = Rexx 'Y') public static binary returns int -- The day-of-week is an integer value where 1 is Sunday, 2 is Monday, ..., and 7 is Saturday -- For an ISO week date Day-of-Week d (1 = Monday to 7 = Sunday), use d = ((h - 1 + 6) mod 7) + 1 cal = Calendar jmNumber = [ - Calendar.JANUARY, Calendar.FEBRUARY, Calendar.MARCH, Calendar.APRIL - , Calendar.MAY, Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.JULY, Calendar.AUGUST - , Calendar.SEPTEMBER, Calendar.OCTOBER, Calendar.NOVEMBER, Calendar.DECEMBER - ] mon = jmNumber[Month - 1] cal = GregorianCalendar(Year, mon, Day) h = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) if 'YES'.abbrev(iso.upper, 1) then w = ((h - 1 + 6) // 7) + 1 else w = h return w -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- method getDaynumZellersCongruenceMethod1(Year = int, Month = int, Day = int, iso = Rexx 'Y') public static returns int -- DayNum results in an integer in the range 0-6 where 0 represents Monday etc. -- For an ISO week date add 1 if Month = 1 | Month = 2 then do Month = Month + 12 Year = Year - 1 end MonthFactor = 2 * Month + 3 * (Month + 1) % 5 YearFactor = Year + Year % 4 - Year % 100 + Year % 400 DayNum = (Day + MonthFactor + YearFactor) // 7 if 'YES'.abbrev(iso.upper, 1) then d = DayNum + 1 else d = DayNum return d -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- method getDaynumZellersCongruenceMethod2(Year = int, Month = int, Day = int, iso = Rexx 'Y') public static binary returns int -- h is the day of the week (0 = Saturday, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ...) -- For an ISO week date Day-of-Week d (1 = Monday to 7 = Sunday), use d = ((h + 5) mod 7) + 1 if Month < 3 then do Month = Month + 12 Year = Year - 1 end q = Day m = Month Y = Year h = (q + ((m + 1) * 26 % 10) + Y + (Y % 4) + 6 * (Y % 100) + (Y % 400)) // 7 if 'YES'.abbrev(iso.upper, 1) then d = ((h + 5) // 7) + 1 else d = h return d -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- method getDaynumSakamoto(y = int, m = int, d = int, iso = Rexx 'Y') public static binary returns int -- h is the day of the week (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday...) -- For an ISO week date Day-of-Week d (1 = Monday to 7 = Sunday), use d = ((h + 6) mod 7) + 1 t = [int 0, 3, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 4] y = y - (m < 3) h = (y + y % 4 - y % 100 + y % 400 + t[m - 1] + d) // 7 if 'YES'.abbrev(iso.upper, 1) then d = ((h + 6) // 7) + 1 else d = h return d -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- method getDaynumGauss(Year = int, Month = int, Day = int, iso = Rexx 'Y') public static binary returns int -- W is week day (0 = Sunday, ..., 6 = Saturday) -- For an ISO week date Day-of-Week d (1 = Monday to 7 = Sunday), use d = ((h + 6) mod 7) + 1 Year = Year - (Month < 3) k = double Day C = double Year % 100 Y = double Year // 100 m = double ((Month + 9) // 12) + 1 W = modulo(int (k + Math.floor(2.6 * m - 0.2) + y + Math.floor(y / 4) + Math.floor(c / 4) - 2 * c), 7) if 'YES'.abbrev(iso.upper, 1) then h = ((W + 6) // 7) + 1 else h = W return h -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- method getDaynumKeith(y = int, m = int, d = int, iso = Rexx 'Y') public constant binary returns int -- W is week day (0 = Sunday, ..., 6 = Saturday) -- For an ISO week date Day-of-Week d (1 = Monday to 7 = Sunday), use d = ((h + 6) mod 7) + 1 if m < 3 then do d = d + y y = y - 1 end else do d = d + y - 2 end h = (23 * m % 9 + d + 4 + y % 4 - y % 100 + y % 400) // 7 if 'YES'.abbrev(iso.upper, 1) then W = ((h + 6) // 7) + 1 else W = h return W -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- method getDaynumBabwani(Year = int, Month = int, Day = int, iso = Rexx 'Y') public constant binary returns int -- return dow = Day of week: 0 = Saturday, 1 = Sunday, ... 6 = Friday -- For an ISO week date Day-of-Week W (1 = Monday to 7 = Sunday), use W = ((dow + 5) mod 7) + 1 y = Year m = Month d = Day dow = int -- dow stands for day of week dowfg = double fmonth = int leap = int if ((y // 100 == 0) & (y // 400 \= 0)) then -- leap function 1 for leap & 0 for non-leap leap = 0 else if (y // 4 == 0) then leap = 1 else leap = 0 fmonth = 3 + (2 - leap) * ((m + 2) % (2 * m)) + (5 * m + m % 9) % 2 -- f(m) formula fmonth = fmonth // 7 -- f(m) is brought in range of 0 to 6 century = y % 100 lastdigits = y // 100 dowfg = 1.25 * lastdigits + fmonth + d - 2 * (century // 4) -- function of weekday for Gregorian dow = int dowfg // 7 -- remainder on division by 7 if 'YES'.abbrev(iso.upper, 1) then W = ((dow + 5) // 7) + 1 else W = dow return W -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- method modulo(N = int, D = int) inheritable static binary returns int return (D + (N // D)) // D ``` {{out}} ```txt Between 2008 and 2121, Christmas day falls on a Sunday in the following years: Java Calendar: 2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118 Zeller[1]: 2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118 Zeller[2]: 2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118 Sakamoto: 2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118 Gauss: 2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118 Keith: 2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118 Babwani: 2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118 ``` ## Nim ```nim import times var timeinfo = getLocalTime getTime() timeinfo.monthday = 25 timeinfo.month = mDec for year in 2008..2121: timeinfo.year = year if getLocalTime(timeInfoToTime timeinfo).weekday == dSun: stdout.write year," " ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` =={{header|Oberon-2}}== {{works with|oo2c version 2}} ```oberon2 MODULE DayOfWeek; IMPORT NPCT:Dates, Out; VAR year: INTEGER; date: Dates.Date; BEGIN FOR year := 2008 TO 2121 DO date := Dates.NewDate(25,12,year); IF date.DayOfWeek() = Dates.sunday THEN Out.Int(date.year,4);Out.Ln END END END DayOfWeek. ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` {{works with|AOS}} ```Oberon2 MODULE DaysOfWeek; (** AUTHOR ""; PURPOSE ""; *) IMPORT Out := KernelLog, Dates; PROCEDURE Do*; VAR date: Dates.DateTime; i,y,w,wd: LONGINT; BEGIN FOR i := 2008 TO 2121 DO date.year := i;date.month :=12; date.day := 25; date.hour := 0;date.minute := 0; date.second := 0; Dates.WeekDate(date,y,w,wd); IF wd = 7 THEN Out.Int(i,0);Out.Ln END END END Do; END DaysOfWeek. ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` =={{header|Objective-C}}== {{works with|GNUstep}} {{works with|Cocoa}} ```objc>#import Printf.printf "%d is the last year we can specify\n" (i-1); raise e done with _ -> () ``` {{out}} of a run on a 32 bit machine ```txt 25 December 2011 is Sunday 25 December 2016 is Sunday 25 December 2022 is Sunday 25 December 2033 is Sunday 2037 is the last year we can specify ``` ### With a dedicated library {{libheader|OCaml Calendar Library}} Unlike the previous example which only uses the OCaml standard library, here with the OCaml Calendar Library we can go until the year 2121: ```ocaml open CalendarLib let list_make_seq first last = let rec aux i acc = if i < first then acc else aux (pred i) (i::acc) in aux last [] let print_date (year, month, day) = Printf.printf "%d-%02d-%02d\n" year month day let () = let years = list_make_seq 2008 2121 in let years = List.filter (fun year -> Date.day_of_week (Date.make year 12 25) = Date.Sun) years in print_endline "December 25 is a Sunday in:"; List.iter (Printf.printf "%d\n") years ``` {{out}} ```txt $ ocaml unix.cma str.cma -I +calendar calendarLib.cma xmas_sundays.ml December 25 is a Sunday in: 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Oforth ```Oforth import: date seqFrom(2008, 2121) filter(#[ 12 25 Date newDate dayOfWeek Date.SUNDAY == ]) . ``` {{out}} ```txt [2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118] ``` ## ooRexx ```ooRexx date = .datetime~new(2008, 12, 25) lastdate = .datetime~new(2121, 12, 25) resultList = .array~new -- our collector of years -- date objects are directly comparable loop while date <= lastdate if date~weekday == 7 then resultList~append(date~year) -- step to the next year date = date~addYears(1) end say "Christmas falls on Sunday in the years" resultList~toString("Line", ", ") ``` {{out}} ```txt Christmas falls on Sunday in the years 2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118 ``` ## PARI/GP ```parigp njd(D) = { my (m, y); if (D[2] > 2, y = D[1]; m = D[2]+1, y = D[1]-1; m = D[2]+13); (1461*y)\4 + (306001*m)\10000 + D[3] - 694024 + if (100*(100*D[1]+D[2])+D[3] > 15821004, 2 - y\100 + y\400) } for (y = 2008, 2121, if (njd([y,12,25]) % 7 == 1, print(y))); ``` Output: ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Pascal {{libheader|sysutils}}{{works with|Free Pascal}} See [[Day_of_the_week#Delphi | Delphi]] ## Peloton ```sgml><@ SAI <@ ITEFORLI3>2121|2008| <@ LETVARCAP>Christmas Day|25-Dec-<@ SAYVALFOR>... <@ TSTDOWVARLIT>Christmas Day|1 <@ IFF> <@ SAYCAP>Christmas Day <@ SAYVALFOR>... is a Sunday<@ SAYKEY>__Newline ``` English dialect variable-length space-padded opcodes ```html><# suppressimplicitoutput <# iterate foriteration literalstring3>2121|2008| <# let variable capture>Christmas Day|25-Dec-<# say value foriteration>... <# test dayofweek variable literal>Christmas Day|1 <# if> <# say capture>Christmas Day <# say value foriteration>... is a Sunday<# say keyword>__Newline ``` {{out}} ```txt Christmas Day 2011 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2016 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2022 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2033 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2039 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2044 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2050 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2061 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2067 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2072 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2078 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2089 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2095 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2101 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2107 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2112 is a Sunday Christmas Day 2118 is a Sunday ``` ## Perl ```perl #! /usr/bin/perl -w use Time::Local; use strict; foreach my $i (2008 .. 2121) { my $time = timelocal(0,0,0,25,11,$i); my ($s,$m,$h,$md,$mon,$y,$wd,$yd,$is) = localtime($time); if ( $wd == 0 ) { print "25 Dec $i is Sunday\n"; } } exit 0; ``` {{out}} ```txt 25 Dec 2011 is Sunday 25 Dec 2016 is Sunday 25 Dec 2022 is Sunday 25 Dec 2033 is Sunday Day too big - 25195 > 24855 Sec too small - 25195 < 78352 Sec too big - 25195 > 15247 Cannot handle date (0, 0, 0, 25, 11, 2038) at ./ydate.pl line 8 ``` Using the DateTime module from CPAN: ```perl #! /usr/bin/perl -w use DateTime; use strict; foreach my $i (2008 .. 2121) { my $dt = DateTime->new( year => $i, month => 12, day => 25 ); if ( $dt->day_of_week == 7 ) { print "25 Dec $i is Sunday\n"; } } exit 0; ``` or shorter: ```perl #! /usr/bin/perl -w use DateTime; use strict; for (2008 .. 2121) { print "25 Dec $_ is Sunday\n" if DateTime->new(year => $_, month => 12, day => 25)->day_of_week == 7; } exit 0; ``` {{out}} ```txt 25 Dec 2011 is Sunday 25 Dec 2016 is Sunday 25 Dec 2022 is Sunday 25 Dec 2033 is Sunday 25 Dec 2039 is Sunday 25 Dec 2044 is Sunday 25 Dec 2050 is Sunday 25 Dec 2061 is Sunday 25 Dec 2067 is Sunday 25 Dec 2072 is Sunday 25 Dec 2078 is Sunday 25 Dec 2089 is Sunday 25 Dec 2095 is Sunday 25 Dec 2101 is Sunday 25 Dec 2107 is Sunday 25 Dec 2112 is Sunday 25 Dec 2118 is Sunday ``` Alternatively in one line using grep (read from right to left): ```perl #! /usr/bin/perl -w use DateTime; use strict; print join " ", grep { DateTime->new(year => $_, month => 12, day => 25)->day_of_week == 7 } (2008 .. 2121); 0; ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Perl 6 {{works with|Rakudo|2010.07}} As Perl 5, except DateTime is built-in, so you don't need to download a module of that name: ```perl6 say join ' ', grep { Date.new($_, 12, 25).day-of-week == 7 }, 2008 .. 2121; ``` ## Phix ```Phix sequence res = {} for y=2008 to 2121 do if day_of_week(y,12,25)=1 then res = append(res,y) end if end for ?res ``` {{out}} ```txt {2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118} ``` ## PHP ```php format("w") == 0 ) { echo "25 Dec $i is Sunday\n"; } } ?> ``` {{out}} ```txt 25 Dec 2011 is Sunday 25 Dec 2016 is Sunday 25 Dec 2022 is Sunday 25 Dec 2033 is Sunday 25 Dec 2039 is Sunday 25 Dec 2044 is Sunday 25 Dec 2050 is Sunday 25 Dec 2061 is Sunday 25 Dec 2067 is Sunday 25 Dec 2072 is Sunday 25 Dec 2078 is Sunday 25 Dec 2089 is Sunday 25 Dec 2095 is Sunday 25 Dec 2101 is Sunday 25 Dec 2107 is Sunday 25 Dec 2112 is Sunday 25 Dec 2118 is Sunday ``` ## PicoLisp ```PicoLisp (for (Y 2008 (>= 2121 Y) (inc Y)) (when (= "Sunday" (day (date Y 12 25))) (printsp Y) ) ) ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Pike ```Pike filter(Calendar.Year(2008)->range(Calendar.Year(2121))->years()->month(12)->day(25), lambda(object day){ return day->week_day()==7; })->year()->format_nice(); ``` {{out}} ```txt Result: ({ /* 17 elements */ "2011", "2016", "2022", "2033", "2039", "2044", "2050", "2061", "2067", "2072", "2078", "2089", "2095", "2101", "2107", "2112", "2118" }) ``` ## PL/I ```PL/I declare i picture '9999'; do i = 2008 to 2121; if weekday(days('25Dec' || i, 'DDMmmYYYY')) = 1 then put skip list ('Christmas day ' || i || ' is a Sunday'); end; ``` ## PowerShell ```powershell 2008..2121 | Where-Object { (Get-Date $_-12-25).DayOfWeek -eq "Sunday" } ``` ### Find Christmas holiday for any day and/or year ```PowerShell function Get-ChristmasHoliday { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] [ValidateRange(1,9999)] [int[]] $Year = (Get-Date).Year ) Process { [datetime]$christmas = Get-Date $Year/12/25 switch ($christmas.DayOfWeek) { "Sunday" {[datetime[]]$dates = 1..5 | ForEach-Object {$christmas.AddDays($_)}} "Monday" {[datetime[]]$dates = $christmas, $christmas.AddDays(1)} "Saturday" {[datetime[]]$dates = $christmas.AddDays(-2), $christmas.AddDays(-1)} Default {[datetime[]]$dates = $christmas.AddDays(-1), $christmas} } $dates | Group-Object -Property Year | Select-Object -Property @{Name="Year" ; Expression={$_.Name}}, @{Name="DayOfWeek"; Expression={$christmas.DayOfWeek}}, @{Name="Christmas"; Expression={$christmas.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")}}, @{Name="DaysOff" ; Expression={$_.Group | ForEach-Object {$_.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")}}} } } ``` Satisfy the task requirement: ```PowerShell 2008..2121 | Get-ChristmasHoliday | where DayOfWeek -match Su ``` {{Out}} ```txt Year DayOfWeek Christmas DaysOff ---- --------- --------- ------- 2011 Sunday 12/25/2011 {12/26/2011, 12/27/2011, 12/28/2011, 12/29/2011...} 2016 Sunday 12/25/2016 {12/26/2016, 12/27/2016, 12/28/2016, 12/29/2016...} 2022 Sunday 12/25/2022 {12/26/2022, 12/27/2022, 12/28/2022, 12/29/2022...} 2033 Sunday 12/25/2033 {12/26/2033, 12/27/2033, 12/28/2033, 12/29/2033...} 2039 Sunday 12/25/2039 {12/26/2039, 12/27/2039, 12/28/2039, 12/29/2039...} 2044 Sunday 12/25/2044 {12/26/2044, 12/27/2044, 12/28/2044, 12/29/2044...} 2050 Sunday 12/25/2050 {12/26/2050, 12/27/2050, 12/28/2050, 12/29/2050...} 2061 Sunday 12/25/2061 {12/26/2061, 12/27/2061, 12/28/2061, 12/29/2061...} 2067 Sunday 12/25/2067 {12/26/2067, 12/27/2067, 12/28/2067, 12/29/2067...} 2072 Sunday 12/25/2072 {12/26/2072, 12/27/2072, 12/28/2072, 12/29/2072...} 2078 Sunday 12/25/2078 {12/26/2078, 12/27/2078, 12/28/2078, 12/29/2078...} 2089 Sunday 12/25/2089 {12/26/2089, 12/27/2089, 12/28/2089, 12/29/2089...} 2095 Sunday 12/25/2095 {12/26/2095, 12/27/2095, 12/28/2095, 12/29/2095...} 2101 Sunday 12/25/2101 {12/26/2101, 12/27/2101, 12/28/2101, 12/29/2101...} 2107 Sunday 12/25/2107 {12/26/2107, 12/27/2107, 12/28/2107, 12/29/2107...} 2112 Sunday 12/25/2112 {12/26/2112, 12/27/2112, 12/28/2112, 12/29/2112...} 2118 Sunday 12/25/2118 {12/26/2118, 12/27/2118, 12/28/2118, 12/29/2118...} ``` Get days off for a random year: ```PowerShell Get-ChristmasHoliday -Year (2008..2121 | Get-Random) ``` {{Out}} ```txt Year DayOfWeek Christmas DaysOff ---- --------- --------- ------- 2110 Thursday 12/25/2110 {12/24/2110, 12/25/2110} ``` Get days off for the current year using the '''Year''' property returned by Get-Date: ```PowerShell (Get-Date | Get-ChristmasHoliday).DaysOff ``` {{Out}} ```txt 12/26/2016 12/27/2016 12/28/2016 12/29/2016 12/30/2016 ``` Get days off for the current year as [DateTime] objects: ```PowerShell (Get-Date | Get-ChristmasHoliday).DaysOff | Get-Date ``` {{Out}} ```txt Monday, December 26, 2016 12:00:00 AM Tuesday, December 27, 2016 12:00:00 AM Wednesday, December 28, 2016 12:00:00 AM Thursday, December 29, 2016 12:00:00 AM Friday, December 30, 2016 12:00:00 AM ``` ## Prolog Works with SWI-Prolog; ```Prolog main() :- christmas_days_falling_on_sunday(2011, 2121, SundayList), writeln(SundayList). christmas_days_falling_on_sunday(StartYear, EndYear, SundayList) :- numlist(StartYear, EndYear, YearRangeList), include(is_christmas_day_a_sunday, YearRangeList, SundayList). is_christmas_day_a_sunday(Year) :- Date = date(Year, 12, 25), day_of_the_week(Date, DayOfTheWeek), DayOfTheWeek == 7. ``` {{out}} ```txt ?- main. [2011,2016,2022,2033,2039,2044,2050,2061,2067,2072,2078,2089,2095,2101,2107,2112,2118] true. ``` ## PureBasic PureBasic's internal Date() is limited between 1970-01-01 00:00:00 and 2038-01-19 03:14:07 ```PureBasic For i=2008 To 2037 If DayOfWeek(Date(i,12,25,0,0,0))=0 PrintN(Str(i)) EndIf Next ``` ## Python ```python from calendar import weekday, SUNDAY [year for year in range(2008, 2122) if weekday(year, 12, 25) == SUNDAY] ``` {{out}} ```txt [2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118] ``` The function calendar.weekday accepts all dates between 1/1/1 and 9999/12/31, and uses the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proleptic_Gregorian_calendar proleptic Gregorian calendar] before adoption of the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_calendar Gregorian calendar] in 1582. There is no gap between 1582/10/4 and 1582/10/15, as can be seen with print(calendar.calendar(1582)). Or, in terms of datetime: {{Works with|Python|3.7}} ```python '''Days of the week''' from datetime import date from itertools import islice # xmasIsSunday :: Int -> Bool def xmasIsSunday(y): '''True if Dec 25 in the given year is a Sunday.''' return 6 == date(y, 12, 25).weekday() # main :: IO () def main(): '''Years between 2008 and 2121 with 25 Dec on a Sunday''' xs = list(filter( xmasIsSunday, enumFromTo(2008)(2121) )) total = len(xs) print( fTable(main.__doc__ + ':\n\n' + '(Total ' + str(total) + ')\n')( lambda i: str(1 + i) )(str)(index(xs))( enumFromTo(0)(total - 1) ) ) # GENERIC ------------------------------------------------- # enumFromTo :: (Int, Int) -> [Int] def enumFromTo(m): '''Integer enumeration from m to n.''' return lambda n: list(range(m, 1 + n)) # index (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a def index(xs): '''Item at given (zero-based) index.''' return lambda n: None if 0 > n else ( xs[n] if ( hasattr(xs, "__getitem__") ) else next(islice(xs, n, None)) ) # unlines :: [String] -> String def unlines(xs): '''A single string formed by the intercalation of a list of strings with the newline character. ''' return '\n'.join(xs) # FORMATTING --------------------------------------------- # fTable :: String -> (a -> String) -> # (b -> String) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> String def fTable(s): '''Heading -> x display function -> fx display function -> f -> xs -> tabular string. ''' def go(xShow, fxShow, f, xs): ys = [xShow(x) for x in xs] w = max(map(len, ys)) return s + '\n' + '\n'.join(map( lambda x, y: y.rjust(w, ' ') + ' -> ' + fxShow(f(x)), xs, ys )) return lambda xShow: lambda fxShow: lambda f: lambda xs: go( xShow, fxShow, f, xs ) # MAIN -- if __name__ == '__main__': main() ``` {{Out}} ```txt Years between 2008 and 2121 with 25 Dec on a Sunday: (Total 17) 1 -> 2011 2 -> 2016 3 -> 2022 4 -> 2033 5 -> 2039 6 -> 2044 7 -> 2050 8 -> 2061 9 -> 2067 10 -> 2072 11 -> 2078 12 -> 2089 13 -> 2095 14 -> 2101 15 -> 2107 16 -> 2112 17 -> 2118 ``` ## R ```R years <- 2008:2121 xmas <- as.POSIXlt(paste0(years, '/12/25')) years[xmas$wday==0] # 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 # Also: xmas=seq(as.Date("2008/12/25"), as.Date("2121/12/25"), by="year") as.numeric(format(xmas[weekdays(xmas)== 'Sunday'], "%Y")) # Still another solution, using ISOdate and weekdays with(list(years=2008:2121), years[weekdays(ISOdate(years, 12, 25)) == "Sunday"]) # Or with "subset" subset(data.frame(years=2008:2121), weekdays(ISOdate(years, 12, 25)) == "Sunday")$years # Simply replace "Sunday" with whatever it's named in your country, # or set locale first, with Sys.setlocale(cat="LC_ALL", "en") # Under MS Windows, write instead Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "English") ``` ## Racket ```Racket #lang racket (require racket/date) (define (xmas-on-sunday? year) (zero? (date-week-day (seconds->date (find-seconds 0 0 12 25 12 year))))) (for ([y (in-range 2008 2121)] #:when (xmas-on-sunday? y)) (displayln y)) ``` ## REBOL ```REBOL REBOL [ Title: "Yuletide Holiday" URL: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Yuletide_Holiday ] for y 2008 2121 1 [ d: to-date reduce [y 12 25] if 7 = d/weekday [prin [y ""]] ] ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Red ```Red Red [] repeat yy 114 [ d: to-date reduce [25 12 (2007 + yy )] if 7 = d/weekday [ print d ] ;; 7 = sunday ] ;; or print "version 2" d: to-date [25 12 2008] while [d <= 25/12/2121 ] [ if 7 = d/weekday [ print rejoin [d/day '. d/month '. d/year ] ] d/year: d/year + 1 ] ``` {{out}} ```txt 25-Dec-2011 25-Dec-2016 25-Dec-2022 25-Dec-2033 25-Dec-2039 25-Dec-2044 25-Dec-2050 25-Dec-2061 25-Dec-2067 25-Dec-2072 25-Dec-2078 25-Dec-2089 25-Dec-2095 25-Dec-2101 25-Dec-2107 25-Dec-2112 25-Dec-2118 version 2 25.12.2011 25.12.2016 25.12.2022 25.12.2033 25.12.2039 25.12.2044 25.12.2050 25.12.2061 25.12.2067 25.12.2072 25.12.2078 25.12.2089 25.12.2095 25.12.2101 25.12.2107 25.12.2112 25.12.2118 >> ``` ## REXX ### using DATE weekday The extended DATE parameters (arguments 2 and 3) are only supported by the newer REXX interpreters. ```rexx do year=2008 to 2121 if date('w', year'1225', 's') == 'Sunday' then say year end ``` ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ### using DATE base The extended DATE parameters (arguments 2 and 3) are only supported by the newer REXX interpreters. ```rexx do year=2008 to 2121 if date('b', year'1225', 's') // 7 == 6 then say year end ``` '''output''' is the same as above ### using DATE iso Works with Regina REXX only. Works with ooRexx The extended DATE parameters (arguments 2 and 3) are only supported by the newer REXX interpreters. Programming note: The '''ISO''' option of the '''date''' BIF is a Regina extension. Language note: the DATE built-in function always returns the day-of-week in English, no matter what the native language is in effect. ```rexx /*REXX program displays in which years 12/25 (December 25th) falls on a Sunday. */ parse arg start finish . /*get the START and FINISH years. */ if start=='' | start=="," then start=2008 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if finish=='' | finish=="," then finish=2121 /* " " " " " " */ do y=start to finish /*process all the years specified. */ if date('Weekday', y"-12-25", 'ISO')\=='Sunday' then iterate /* if date('w' , y"-12-25", 'i' ) ··· (same as above). */ /* ↑↑↑↑↑↑ ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ ↑↑↑ */ /* option yyyy-mm-dd fmt */ say 'December 25th,' y "falls on a Sunday." end /*y*/ /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ ``` '''output''' when using the default input: ```txt December 25th, 2011 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2016 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2022 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2033 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2039 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2044 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2050 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2061 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2067 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2072 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2078 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2089 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2095 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2101 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2107 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2112 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2118 falls on a Sunday. ``` ### old school DOW This DOW (day-of-week) version will work with any version of a REXX interpreter. ```rexx /*REXX program (old school) displays in which years 12/25 (Dec. 25th) falls on a Sunday.*/ parse arg start finish . /*get the START and FINISH years. */ if start=='' | start=="," then start=2008 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if finish=='' | finish=="," then finish=2121 /* " " " " " " */ do y=start to finish /*process all the years specified. */ if dow(12,25,y)==1 then say 'December 25th,' y "falls on a Sunday." end /*y*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ dow: procedure; parse arg m,d,y; if m<3 then do; m=m+12; y=y-1; end yL=left(y,2); yr=right(y,2); w=(d + (m+1)*26%10+yr+yr%4+yL%4+5*yL) // 7 if w==0 then w=7; return w /*Sunday=1, Monday=2, ··· Saturday=7*/ ``` '''output''' when using the default input: ```txt December 25th, 2011 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2016 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2022 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2033 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2039 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2044 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2050 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2061 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2067 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2072 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2078 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2089 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2095 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2101 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2107 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2112 falls on a Sunday. December 25th, 2118 falls on a Sunday. ``` ## Ring ```ring for n = 2008 to 2121 if n < 2100 leap = n - 1900 else leap = n - 1904 ok m = (((n-1900)%7) + floor(leap/4) + 27) % 7 if m = 4 see "25 Dec " + n + nl ok next ``` ## Ruby ```ruby require 'date' (2008..2121).each {|year| puts "25 Dec #{year}" if Date.new(year, 12, 25).sunday? } ``` {{out}} ```txt 25 Dec 2011 25 Dec 2016 25 Dec 2022 25 Dec 2033 25 Dec 2039 25 Dec 2044 25 Dec 2050 25 Dec 2061 25 Dec 2067 25 Dec 2072 25 Dec 2078 25 Dec 2089 25 Dec 2095 25 Dec 2101 25 Dec 2107 25 Dec 2112 25 Dec 2118 ``` Or using the Time class ```ruby (2008..2121).each {|year| puts "25 Dec #{year}" if Time.local(year, 12, 25).sunday?} ``` {{output}} ```txt 25 Dec 2011 25 Dec 2016 25 Dec 2022 25 Dec 2033 25 Dec 2039 25 Dec 2044 25 Dec 2050 25 Dec 2061 25 Dec 2067 25 Dec 2072 25 Dec 2078 25 Dec 2089 25 Dec 2095 25 Dec 2101 25 Dec 2107 25 Dec 2112 25 Dec 2118 ``` (Note: The Time class could not handle dates beyond 2038 prior to Ruby 1.9.2.[https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2010/08/18/ruby-1-9.2-released/]) ## Run BASIC ```runbasic for year = 2008 to 2121 if val(date$("12-25-";year)) mod 7 = 5 then print "For ";year;"xmas is Sunday" next year ``` ```txt For 2011 xmas is Sunday For 2016 xmas is Sunday For 2022 xmas is Sunday For 2033 xmas is Sunday For 2039 xmas is Sunday For 2044 xmas is Sunday For 2050 xmas is Sunday For 2061 xmas is Sunday For 2067 xmas is Sunday For 2072 xmas is Sunday For 2078 xmas is Sunday For 2089 xmas is Sunday For 2095 xmas is Sunday For 2101 xmas is Sunday For 2107 xmas is Sunday For 2112 xmas is Sunday For 2118 xmas is Sunday ``` ## Rust ```rust extern crate chrono; use chrono::prelude::*; fn main() { let years = (2008..2121).filter(|&y| Local.ymd(y, 12, 25).weekday() == Weekday::Sun).collect::>(); println!("Years = {:?}", years); } ``` Output: ```txt Years = [2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118] ``` ## SAS ```sas data _null_; do y=2008 to 2121; a=mdy(12,25,y); if weekday(a)=1 then put y; end; run; /* 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 */ ``` =={{header|S-BASIC}}== ```BASIC $constant SUNDAY = 0 rem - compute p mod q function mod(p, q = integer) = integer end = p - q * (p/q) comment return day of week (Sun = 0, Mon = 1, etc.) for a given Gregorian calendar date using Zeller's congruence end function dayofweek (mo, da, yr = integer) = integer var y, c, z = integer if mo < 3 then begin mo = mo + 10 yr = yr - 1 end else mo = mo - 2 y = mod(yr,100) c = int(yr / 100) z = int((26 * mo - 2) / 10) z = z + da + y + int(y/4) + int(c/4) - 2 * c + 777 z = mod(z,7) end = z rem - main program var year = integer print "Christmas will fall on a Sunday in" for year=2008 to 2121 if dayofweek(12,25,year) = SUNDAY then print year next year end ``` {{out}} ```txt Christmas will fall on a Sunday in 2011 2016 2011 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Scala {{libheader|Scala}} ===JDK (discouraged) === ```scala import java.util.{ Calendar, GregorianCalendar } import Calendar.{ DAY_OF_WEEK, DECEMBER, SUNDAY } object DayOfTheWeek extends App { val years = 2008 to 2121 val yuletide = years.filter(year => (new GregorianCalendar(year, DECEMBER, 25)).get(DAY_OF_WEEK) == SUNDAY) // If you want a test: (optional) assert(yuletide == Seq(2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118)) println(yuletide.mkString( s"${yuletide.length} Years between ${years.head} and ${years.last}" + " including where Christmas is observed on Sunday:\n", ", ", ".")) } ``` ===JDK >= 8 (recommended)=== ### =Naive programming= ```scala import java.time.{ DayOfWeek, LocalDate } object DayOfTheWeek1 extends App { val years = 2008 to 2121 val yuletide = for { year <- years if LocalDate.of(year, 12, 25).getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.SUNDAY } yield year println(yuletide.mkString( s"${yuletide.count(p => true)} Years between ${years.head} and ${years.last}" + " including where Christmas is observed on Sunday:\n", ", ", ".")) } ``` ### =Idiomatic programming= ```scala import java.time.{ DayOfWeek, LocalDate } object DayOfTheWeek1 extends App { val years = 2008 to 2121 val yuletide = years.filter(year => (LocalDate.of(year, 12, 25).getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.SUNDAY)) // If you want a test: (optional) assert(yuletide == Seq(2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118)) println(yuletide.mkString( s"${yuletide.length} Years between ${years.head} and ${years.last}" + " including where Christmas is observed on Sunday:\n", ", ", ".")) } ``` ### =Tail recursion= ```scala import java.time.{ DayOfWeek, LocalDate } import scala.annotation.tailrec object DayOfTheWeek3 extends App { val years = 2008 to 2121 val yuletide = { @tailrec def inner(anni: List[Int], accu: List[Int]): List[Int] = { if (anni == Nil) accu else inner(anni.tail, accu ++ (if (LocalDate.of(anni.head, 12, 25).getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.SUNDAY) List(anni.head) else Nil)) } inner(years.toList, Nil) } // If you want a test: (optional) assert(yuletide == Seq(2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118)) println(yuletide.mkString( s"${yuletide.length} Years between ${years.head} and ${years.last}" + " including where Christmas is observed on Sunday:\n", ", ", ".")) } ``` {{out | Output of all solutions }} ```txt Years between 2008 and 2121 including when Christmas is observed on Sunday: 2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118. ``` ## Scheme ```scheme (define (day-of-week year month day) (if (< month 3) (begin (set! month (+ month 12)) (set! year (- year 1)))) (+ 1 (remainder (+ 5 day (quotient (* (+ 1 month) 13) 5) year (quotient year 4) (* (quotient year 100) 6) (quotient year 400)) 7))) (define (task) (let loop ((y 2121) (v '())) (if (< y 2008) v (loop (- y 1) (if (= 7 (day-of-week y 12 25)) (cons y v) v))))) (task) ; (2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118) ``` ## Seed7 The library [http://seed7.sourceforge.net/libraries/time.htm time.s7i] defines the function [http://seed7.sourceforge.net/libraries/time.htm#dayOfWeek%28in_time%29 dayOfWeek], which returns 1 for monday, 2 for tuesday, and so on up to 7 for sunday. ```seed7 $ include "seed7_05.s7i"; include "time.s7i"; const proc: main is func local var integer: year is 0; begin for year range 2008 to 2122 do if dayOfWeek(date(year, 12, 25)) = 7 then writeln("Christmas comes on a sunday in " <& year); end if; end for; end func; ``` {{out}} ```txt Christmas comes on a sunday in 2011 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2016 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2022 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2033 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2039 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2044 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2050 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2061 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2067 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2072 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2078 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2089 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2095 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2101 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2107 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2112 Christmas comes on a sunday in 2118 ``` ## Sidef {{trans|Perl}} ```ruby require('Time::Local')   for year in (2008 .. 2121) { var time = %S.timelocal(0,0,0,25,11,year) var wd = Time(time).local.wday if (wd == 0) { say "25 Dec #{year} is Sunday" } } ``` {{out}} ```txt 25 Dec 2011 is Sunday 25 Dec 2016 is Sunday 25 Dec 2022 is Sunday 25 Dec 2033 is Sunday 25 Dec 2039 is Sunday 25 Dec 2044 is Sunday 25 Dec 2050 is Sunday 25 Dec 2061 is Sunday 25 Dec 2067 is Sunday 25 Dec 2072 is Sunday 25 Dec 2078 is Sunday 25 Dec 2089 is Sunday 25 Dec 2095 is Sunday 25 Dec 2101 is Sunday 25 Dec 2107 is Sunday 25 Dec 2112 is Sunday 25 Dec 2118 is Sunday ``` ## Smalltalk ```smalltalk 2008 to: 2121 do: [ :year | |date| date := Date newDay: 25 monthIndex: 12 year: year. date dayName = #Sunday ifTrue: [ date displayNl ] ] ``` {{out}} ```txt 25-Dec-2011 25-Dec-2016 25-Dec-2022 25-Dec-2033 25-Dec-2039 25-Dec-2044 25-Dec-2050 25-Dec-2061 25-Dec-2067 25-Dec-2072 25-Dec-2078 25-Dec-2089 25-Dec-2095 25-Dec-2101 25-Dec-2107 25-Dec-2112 25-Dec-2118 ``` ## SQL SQL has good support for date functions; care must be taken with NLS settings (globalization support), in the code below the date format language is passed in as an argument to the relevant function. ```sql select extract(year from dt) as year_with_xmas_on_sunday from ( select add_months(date '2008-12-25', 12 * (level - 1)) as dt from dual connect by level <= 2121 - 2008 + 1 ) where to_char(dt, 'Dy', 'nls_date_language=English') = 'Sun' order by 1 ; ``` {{out}} ```txt YEAR_WITH_XMAS_ON_SUNDAY ------------------------ 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 17 rows selected. ``` ## Stata ```stata clear sca n=2121-2008+1 set obs `=n' gen year=2007+_n list if dow(mdy(12,25,year))==0, noobs sep(0) +------+ | year | |------| | 2011 | | 2016 | | 2022 | | 2033 | | 2039 | | 2044 | | 2050 | | 2061 | | 2067 | | 2072 | | 2078 | | 2089 | | 2095 | | 2101 | | 2107 | | 2112 | | 2118 | +------+ ``` ### Mata ```mata year=2008::2121 select(year,dow(mdy(12,25,year)):==0) ``` ## Suneido ```Suneido year = 2008 while (year <= 2121) { if Date('#' $ year $ '1225').WeekDay() is 0 Print(year) ++year } ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Standard ML ```sml (* Call: yearsOfSundayXmas(2008, 2121) *) fun yearsOfSundayXmas(fromYear, toYear) = if fromYear>toYear then () else let val d = Date.date {year=fromYear, month=Date.Dec, day=25, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, offset=SOME Time.zeroTime} val wd = Date.weekDay d in if wd=Date.Sun then ( print(Int.toString fromYear ^ "\n"); yearsOfSundayXmas(fromYear+1, toYear) ) else yearsOfSundayXmas(fromYear+1, toYear) end; ``` {{out}} ```txt - yearsOfSundayXmas(2008, 2121); 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Swift ```Swift import Cocoa var year=2008 let formatter=NSDateFormatter() formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd" let gregorian:NSCalendar! = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian) while (year<2122){ var date:NSDate!=formatter.dateFromString(String(year)+"-12-25") var components=gregorian.components(NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitWeekday, fromDate: date) var dayOfWeek:NSInteger=components.weekday if(dayOfWeek==1){ println(year) } year++ } ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Tcl {{works with|Tcl|8.5}} ```tcl package require Tcl 8.5 for {set y 2008} {$y <= 2121} {incr y} { if {[clock format [clock scan "$y-12-25" -format {%Y-%m-%d}] -format %w] == 0} { puts "xmas $y is a sunday" } } ``` {{out}} ```txt xmas 2011 is a sunday xmas 2016 is a sunday xmas 2022 is a sunday xmas 2033 is a sunday xmas 2039 is a sunday xmas 2044 is a sunday xmas 2050 is a sunday xmas 2061 is a sunday xmas 2067 is a sunday xmas 2072 is a sunday xmas 2078 is a sunday xmas 2089 is a sunday xmas 2095 is a sunday xmas 2101 is a sunday xmas 2107 is a sunday xmas 2112 is a sunday xmas 2118 is a sunday ``` =={{header|TI-83 BASIC}}== '''Works with''' TI-84+/SE only ```ti83b :For(A,2008,2121 :If dayofWk(A,12,25)=1 :Disp A :End ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 Done ``` ## TUSCRIPT ```tuscript $$ MODE TUSCRIPT PRINT "25th of December will be a Sunday in the following years: " LOOP year=2008,2121 SET dayofweek = DATE (number,25,12,year,nummer) IF (dayofweek==7) PRINT year ENDLOOP ``` {{out}} ```txt 25th of December will be a Sunday in the following years: 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## UNIX Shell Unix commands may use ''time_t'' to count seconds since the [[show the epoch|epoch]]. For systems with 32-bit time, the counter overflows during 19 January 2038. These scripts continue to 2121 and may need a system with 64-bit time, to prevent the overflow. ### With GNU date This solution uses date -d, which seems to be a [[GNU]] extension, so it only works with those systems. {{works with|bash}} ```bash #! /bin/bash for (( i=2008; i<=2121; ++i )) do date -d "$i-12-25" done |grep Sun exit 0 ``` The first lines of output (from a GNU/Linux system with 32bit time_t, date version 6.9) are ```bash Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CET 2011 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CET 2016 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CET 2022 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 CET 2033 date: invalid date `2038-12-25' ``` I.e., starting from year 2038, the date command (which uses the glibc library, at least on GNU systems), is not able to recognise the date as a valid one! ''Different machine/OS version (64 bit time_t):'' This is the same command run on RedHat Linux. ```bash bash-3.00$ date --version date (coreutils) 5.2.1 Written by David MacKenzie. Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. bash-3.00$ uname -a Linux brslln01 2.6.9-67.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Nov 7 13:56:44 EST 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux bash-3.00$ for((i=2009; i <= 2121; i++)); do date -d "$i-12-25" |egrep Sun; done Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2011 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2016 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2022 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2033 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2039 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2044 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2050 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2061 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2067 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2072 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2078 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2089 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2095 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2101 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2107 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2112 Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 GMT 2118 bash-3.00$ ``` ===With GNU date and GNU seq ({{header|UnixPipes}})=== Like the previous solution, this solution uses date -d, which seems to be a [[GNU]] extension. Output is same as previous solution. ```bash seq 2008 2121 | xargs -IYEAR -n 1 date +%c -d 'Dec 25 YEAR' | grep Sun ``` ### With Unix cal The cal command is a tradition since Version 6 AT&T UNIX. This solution assumes that cal will always output a calendar in this format. ```txt $ cal 12 2011 December 2011 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ``` This format always puts Sunday in columns 1 and 2. The solution uses ''tail'' to delete the first 2 lines (month, year, names of days), ''cut'' to extract Sunday's columns, and ''grep'' to check if "25" appears in those columns. {{works with|Bourne Shell}} ```bash y=2008 while test $y -lt 2122; do cal 12 $y | tail +3 | cut -c1-2 | grep -Fq 25 && echo 25 Dec $y y=`expr $y + 1` done ``` Running this script with [[OpenBSD]], the output is identical to the C# program. OpenBSD ''cal'' accepts any year from 1 to 9999, so 2008 to 2122 is well within range. ### With zsh ```bash zmodload zsh/datetime for (( year = 2010; year <= 2121; year++ )); if [[ $(strftime '%A' $(strftime -r '%F' $year-12-25)) == Sunday ]] print $year ``` If the system has 32-bit time, this script will malfunction for years >= 2038; it will print no year from 2038 to 2121 (unless today is Sunday, then it prints every year from 2038 to 2121). This happens because ''strftime -r '%F' $year-12-25'' yields -1 for an out-of-range date, and ''strftime '%A' -1'' yields name of today. ## Ursala A standard library, stt, provides basic date manipulation functions, and is imported in this example. Unix era times denominated in seconds since 1969 (excluding leap seconds) are represented as natural numbers with unlimited precision. Results are valid for the arbitrarily distant future assuming the Gregorian calendar remains in effect. The algorithm relies on the string_to_time function converting a date expressed as a character string to seconds without needing a weekday field in the input, and the time_to_string function outputting the corresponding date with the weekday included. The output is then filtered for Sundays. ```Ursala #import std #import nat #import stt christmases = time_to_string* string_to_time*TS 'Dec 25 0:0:0 '-*@hS %nP* nrange/2008 2121 #show+ sunday_years = ~&zS sep` * =]'Sun'*~ christmases ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## VBA ```vb Option Explicit Sub MainDayOfTheWeek() Debug.Print "Xmas will be a Sunday in : " & XmasSunday(2008, 2121) End Sub Private Function XmasSunday(firstYear As Integer, lastYear As Integer) As String Dim i As Integer, temp$ For i = firstYear To lastYear If Weekday(CDate("25/12/" & i)) = vbSunday Then temp = temp & ", " & i Next XmasSunday = Mid(temp, 2) End Function ``` {{Out}} ```txt Xmas will be a Sunday in : 2011, 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, 2067, 2072, 2078, 2089, 2095, 2101, 2107, 2112, 2118 ``` ## VBScript ```vb For year = 2008 To 2121 If Weekday(DateSerial(year, 12, 25)) = 1 Then WScript.Echo year End If Next ``` {{Out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Vedit macro language ```vedit Buf_Switch(Buf_Free) for (#3 = 2008; #3 < 2122; #3++) { Reg_Set(10, "12/25/") Num_Str(#3, 10, LEFT+APPEND) if (JDate(@10) % 7 == 0) { Num_Ins(#3, NOCR) } } ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Visual Objects ```visualfoxpro local i as dword for i := 2008 upto 2121 if DOW(ConDate(i, 12, 25)) = 1 ? AsString(i) endif next i ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Wortel ```wortel !-&y = 0 `.getDay. @new Date[y 11 25] @range[2008 2121] ``` Returns: ```txt [2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118] ``` ## XPL0 The original routine in the library only worked correctly between the years 1980 and 2099. It was upgraded with this new routine that handles all dates in the Gregorian calendar, from 1583 onward. It's based on Zeller's Congruence. ```XPL0 include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations func WeekDay(Year, Month, Day); \Return day of week (0=Sat 1=Sun..6=Fri) int Year, Month, Day; [if Month<=2 then [Month:= Month+12; Year:= Year-1]; return rem((Day + (Month+1)*26/10 + Year + Year/4 + Year/100*6 + Year/400) / 7); ]; \WeekDay int Year; [for Year:= 2008 to 2121 do if WeekDay(Year, 12, 25) = 1 then \25th of December is a Sunday [IntOut(0, Year); CrLf(0)]; ] ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## Yabasic {{trans|FreeBASIC}} ```Yabasic sub wd(m, d, y) If m < 3 Then // If m = 1 Or m = 2 Then m = m + 12 y = y - 1 End If Return mod((y + int(y / 4) - int(y / 100) + int(y / 400) + d + int((153 * m + 8) / 5)), 7) End sub // ------=< MAIN >=------ For yr = 2008 To 2121 If wd(12, 25, yr) = 0 Then Print "Dec 25 ", yr EndIf Next ``` ## zkl ISO dates, monday is 1, sunday is 7 ```zkl var [const] D=Time.Date; foreach y in ([2008..2121]){ if (D.Sunday==D.weekDay(y,12,25)) println(y) } ``` Or, in a more functional manner: ```zkl var [const] D=Time.Date; [2008..2121].filter(fcn(y){ D.Sunday==D.weekDay(y,12,25) }).println() ``` {{out}} ```txt 2011 2016 2022 2033 2039 2044 2050 2061 2067 2072 2078 2089 2095 2101 2107 2112 2118 ``` ## zonnon ```zonnon module Main; (*Access to Mono System package *) import System; var now: System.DateTime; begin now := System.DateTime.Now; System.Console.Write(now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd :")); System.Console.WriteLine(now.DayOfWeek); end Main. ``` {{Out}} ```txt 2017-12-05 :Tuesday ``` ## ZX Spectrum Basic {{trans|BASIC}} ```zxbasic 10 CLS 20 FOR y=2008 TO 2121 30 LET year=y: LET m=12: LET d=25: GO SUB 1000 40 IF wd=0 THEN PRINT d;" ";m;" ";y 50 NEXT y 60 STOP 1000 REM week day 1010 IF m=1 OR m=2 THEN LET m=m+12: LET year=year-1 1020 LET wd=FN m(year+INT (year/4)-INT (year/100)+INT (year/400)+d+INT ((153*m+8)/5),7) 1030 RETURN 1100 DEF FN m(a,b)=a-INT (a/b)*b ```