⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

{{draft task}} [[wp:Rule 30|Rule 30]] is considered to be chaotic enough to generate good pseudo-random numbers. As a matter of fact, rule 30 is used by the [[wp:Mathematica|Mathematica]] software for its default random number generator.

Steven Wolfram's recommendation for random number generation from rule 30 consists in extracting successive bits in a fixed position in the array of cells, as the automaton changes state.

The purpose of this task is to demonstrate this. With the code written in the [[Elementary cellular automaton|parent task]], which you don't need to re-write here, show the ten first bytes that emerge from this recommendation. To be precise, you will start with a state of all cells but one equal to zero, and you'll follow the evolution of the particular cell whose state was initially one. Then you'll regroup those bits by packets of eight, reconstituting bytes with the first bit being the [[wp:most significant bit|most significant]].

You can pick which ever length you want for the initial array but it should be visible in the code so that your output can be reproduced with an other language.

For extra-credits, you will make this algorithm run as fast as possible in your language, for instance with an extensive use of bitwise logic.


  • [http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~dgerman/2005midwestNKSconference/dgelbm.pdf Cellular automata: Is Rule 30 random]? (PDF).


64-bits array size, cyclic borders.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

typedef unsigned long long ull;
#define N (sizeof(ull) * CHAR_BIT)
#define B(x) (1ULL << (x))

void evolve(ull state, int rule)
	int i, p, q, b;

	for (p = 0; p < 10; p++) {
		for (b = 0, q = 8; q--; ) {
			ull st = state;
			b |= (st&1) << q;

			for (state = i = 0; i < N; i++)
				if (rule & B(7 & (st>>(i-1) | st<<(N+1-i))))
					state |= B(i);
		printf(" %d", b);

int main(void)
	evolve(1, 30);
	return 0;


 220 197 147 174 117 97 149 171 100 151


We'll re-write the code of the parent task here.

#include <bitset>
#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE	           80
#define RULE               30
#define RULE_TEST(x)       (RULE & 1 << (7 & (x)))

void evolve(std::bitset<SIZE> &s) {
    int i;
    std::bitset<SIZE> t(0);
    t[SIZE-1] = RULE_TEST( s[0] << 2 | s[SIZE-1] << 1 | s[SIZE-2] );
    t[     0] = RULE_TEST( s[1] << 2 | s[     0] << 1 | s[SIZE-1] );
    for (i = 1; i < SIZE-1; i++)
	t[i] = RULE_TEST( s[i+1] << 2 | s[i] << 1 | s[i-1] );
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) s[i] = t[i];
void show(std::bitset<SIZE> s) {
    int i;
    for (i = SIZE; i--; ) printf("%c", s[i] ? '#' : ' ');
unsigned char byte(std::bitset<SIZE> &s) {
    unsigned char b = 0;
    int i;
    for (i=8; i--; ) {
	b |= s[0] << i;
    return b;

int main() {
    int i;
    std::bitset<SIZE> state(1);
    for (i=10; i--; )
	printf("%u%c", byte(state), i ? ' ' : '\n');
    return 0;


220 197 147 174 117 97 149 171 240 241


{{trans|C}} Adapted from the C version, with improvements and bug fixes. Optimized for performance as requested in the task description. This is a lazy range.

import std.stdio, std.range, std.typecons;

struct CellularRNG {
    private uint current;
    private immutable uint rule;
    private ulong state;

    this(in ulong state_, in uint rule_) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
        this.state = state_;
        this.rule = rule_;

    public enum bool empty = false;
    @property uint front() pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return current; }

    void popFront() pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
        enum uint nBit = 8;
        enum uint NU = ulong.sizeof * nBit;
        current = 0;

        foreach_reverse (immutable i; 0 .. nBit) {
            immutable state2 = state;
            current |= (state2 & 1) << i;

            state = 0;
            /*static*/ foreach (immutable j; staticIota!(0, NU)) {
                // To avoid undefined behavior with out-of-range shifts.
                static if (j > 0)
                    immutable aux1 = state2 >> (j - 1);
                    immutable aux1 = state2 >> 63;

                static if (j == 0)
                    immutable aux2 = state2 << 1;
                else static if (j == 1)
                    immutable aux2 = state2 << 63;
                    immutable aux2 = state2 << (NU + 1 - j);

                immutable aux = 7 & (aux1 | aux2);
                if (rule & (1UL << aux))
                    state |= 1UL << j;

void main() {
    CellularRNG(1, 30).take(10).writeln;
    CellularRNG(1, 30).drop(2_000_000).front.writeln;


[220, 197, 147, 174, 117, 97, 149, 171, 100, 151]

Run-time: less than two seconds with the ldc2 compiler.

=={{header|F_Sharp|F#}}== This task uses [[Elementary cellular automaton#The_Function]]

// Generate random numbers using Rule 30. Nigel Galloway: August 1st., 2019
eca 30 [|yield 1; yield! Array.zeroCreate 99|]|>Seq.chunkBySize 8|>Seq.map(fun n->n|>Array.mapi(fun n g->g.[0]<<<(7-n))|>Array.sum)|>Seq.take 10|>Seq.iter(printf "%d "); printfn ""


220 197 147 174 117 97 149 171 240 241



package main

import "fmt"

const n = 64

func pow2(x uint) uint64 {
    return uint64(1) << x

func evolve(state uint64, rule int) {
    for p := 0; p < 10; p++ {
        b := uint64(0)
        for q := 7; q >= 0; q-- {
            st := state
            b |= (st & 1) << uint(q)
            state = 0
            for i := uint(0); i < n; i++ {
                var t1, t2, t3 uint64
                if i > 0 {
                    t1 = st >> (i - 1)
                } else {
                    t1 = st >> 63
                if i == 0 {
                    t2 = st << 1
                } else if i == 1 {
                    t2 = st << 63

                } else {
                    t2 = st << (n + 1 - i)
                t3 = 7 & (t1 | t2)
                if (uint64(rule) & pow2(uint(t3))) != 0 {
                    state |= pow2(i)
        fmt.Printf("%d ", b)

func main() {
    evolve(1, 30)


220 197 147 174 117 97 149 171 100 151


Assume the comonadic solution given at [[Elementary cellular automaton#Haskell]] is packed in a module CellularAutomata

import CellularAutomata (runCA, rule, fromList)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Control.Comonad

rnd = fromBits <$> unfoldr (pure . splitAt 8) bits
  where size = 80
        bits = extract <$> runCA (rule 30) (fromList (1:replicate size 0))

fromBits = foldl (\res x -> 2*res + x) 0


λ> take 10 rnd

Using the rule 30 CA it is possible to determine the RandomGen instance which could be utilized by the Random class:

import System.Random

instance RandomGen (Cycle Int) where
  next c = let x = c =>> step (rule 30) in (fromBits (view x), x)
  split c = (c, fromList (reverse (view c)))
λ> let r30 = fromList [1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1] :: Cycle Int

λ> take 15 $ randoms r30

λ> take 30 $ randomRs ('A','J') r30

We can compare it with standard generator on a small integer range, using simple bin counter:

λ> let bins lst = [ (n, length (filter (==n) lst)) | n <- nub lst]

λ> bins . take 10000 . randomRs ('A','J') $ r30

λ> bins . take 10000 . randomRs ('A','J') <$> getStdGen


ca is a cellular automata class. The rng class inherits ca and extends it with bit and byte verbs to sample the ca.

DOC =: 'locale creation: (RULE ; INITIAL_STATE) conew ''ca'''
create =: 3 :'''RULE STATE'' =: y'
next =: 3 :'STATE =: RULE (((8$2) #: [) {~ [: #. [: -. [: |: |.~"1 0&_1 0 1@]) STATE'

bit =: 3 :'([ next) ({. STATE)'
byte =: [: #. [: , [: bit"0 (i.8)"_

Having installed these into a j session we create and use the mathematica prng.

   m =: (30 ; 64 {. 1) conew 'rng'
   byte__m"0 i.10
220 197 147 174 117 97 149 171 100 151



// version 1.1.51

const val N = 64

fun pow2(x: Int) = 1L shl x

fun evolve(state: Long, rule: Int) {
    var state2 = state
    for (p in 0..9) {
        var b = 0
        for (q in 7 downTo 0) {
            val st = state2
            b = (b.toLong() or ((st and 1L) shl q)).toInt()
            state2 = 0L
            for (i in 0 until N) {
                val t = ((st ushr (i - 1)) or (st shl (N + 1 - i)) and 7L).toInt()
                if ((rule.toLong() and pow2(t)) != 0L) state2 = state2 or pow2(i)
        print(" $b")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    evolve(1, 30)


 220 197 147 174 117 97 149 171 100 151


{{Works with|Free Pascal}} Using ROR and ROL is as fast as assembler and more portable.
[https://tio.run/##7VZdb@pGEH33r5iHSEAvYJsQ0kBTifBxawmwC6a9bVVFjr3AKmZtrZdwaZS/Xjq7iwPckOThvvQhSHx45szMmbPD7qZBFgZxZZaG263HkzkPljBexeTcahmmuRAibZomYdU1vacpiWhQTfjclE/miHwVtxMRCHIrI26PQpaBWKwTHkfVdRLPMGs1TJamzlxdiGVsPJ45/W6vD32v82QAPJ4Nk4hAl8Tpgj49nrUnw6Hb7YEz8nsDDXA93xk6f7Z9xx2BOyq3B@gwTenqILQ9cD6PIOVJeG0/YfreYNLTgW3P8//wetBxRxN30FPOUdfpPxmrjGQImWyyqaBx1jLChGUCLcvg6zhZsSiDa6j9YFuWpT5a6OLajq9rsNFiPAQczbo3LQg0YUqZaNTRO1uxUNCEwWciOt701qdL0oSdV2xSgrF@J11hNk7ChEcGHLx@oegqH5kGiUQ3oYv6Rq29izB80lwQIBAh07aMOzKnDI1BtpQ0u/6kI6OG7m86BXiCw18I9asq9d/lXvvLKwBFBwFdCVAFAdZULHTFKFFsOMlWMda/1l0WMcibliBbxHBeg0@6gZahwg25XiRacQIOo@JQxBZlMWVk38ChE5PbL1OcGMk8iRaGr1gZR4Q8lBlC96uUl0A/SOJHPNDuYYiyu@NfpSRFmcguSZdMpF2Db11HIyExRQV2x7JOCb7gD8kl7@N5UmQbOvZmg62OAkEfiMOE/H816pUbx4cwYIDDi3PKNij4nGaC8OydLnGsNy5T0@loy807fe@X0tqHgxYfwDSnjCcxCjyHgEWgtJYPL9cB7jawQMxRzqL@@Ul/laQwUj1oj7q61HsCv7EseUevSf5B5IPIB5H/LZHj0/S9nXN/AkxSQiJBMpHv@L5d9i3c8ZzRbgukTTjYUPMNcM2pIDErFp4TwCzhkMn6Gf2HQDKDQrlRLxfgjoqsUNL73@8BX8IqlTguQCSwDu6JNOCJh4A@pqBqu9zdH9RHxcaTcs0QbeVH5qm7lCRvyeCDi4Os@uKc3BXSlZ4vLq9U2Z8rLaXOiQK5Fsfw0qGrEG7CmGSQEg7SiQIXykXfrgirZD5TaFrN2mHYy@Xyg@w@XymqbkVkTviJZfEXBASCQSv/tga2XIndNW3Xukr0TUfN@ilyeWk1CL6aJNjxzNMU4KceXkvHP0s2nATRLrqK5zNec1MakwjkQU2F8cY8Nepqlox63XgpJ16Try4MI@/bgFrNAvvqEuw6vi/rYNuXAOr5Cp9tOWJgX9hGzs04JHNe@y4ydu3H6kXju9hst/@GsziYZ9uKe76tTB7@Aw Try it online!] counting CPU-Cycles 32 vs 31 on Ryzen Zen1 per Byte -> 100Mb/s

Program Rule30;
  {$Mode Delphi}{$ASMMODE INTEL}
//  {$CODEALIGN proc=1}
  maxRounds = 2*1000*1000;
  rounds    = 10;

  Rule30_State : Uint64;

function GetCPU_Time: int64;
  TCpu = record
            LoCpu : Dword;
  Cput : TCpu;
  MOV Dword Ptr [CpuT.LoCpu],EAX
  MOV Dword Ptr [CpuT.HiCpu],EDX
  with Cput do
    result := int64(HiCPU) shl 32 + LoCpu;

procedure InitRule30_State;inline;
  Rule30_State:= 1;

procedure Next_State_Rule_30;inline;
  run, prev,next: Uint64;
  run  := Rule30_State;
  Prev := RORQword(run,1);
  next := ROLQword(run,1);
  Rule30_State  := (next OR run) XOR prev;

function NextRule30Byte:NativeInt;
//64-BIT can use many registers
//32-Bit still fast
  run, prev,next: Uint64;
  myOne : UInt64;
  run  := Rule30_State;
  result := 0;
  myOne  := 1;
  //Unrolling and inlining Next_State_Rule_30 by hand
  result := (result+result) OR (run AND myOne);
  next := ROLQword(run,1);
  Prev := RORQword(run,1);
  run  := (next OR run) XOR prev;

  result := (result+result) OR (run AND myOne);
  next := ROLQword(run,1);
  Prev := RORQword(run,1);
  run  := (next OR run) XOR prev;

  result := (result+result) OR (run AND myOne);
  next := ROLQword(run,1);
  Prev := RORQword(run,1);
  run  := (next OR run) XOR prev;

  result := (result+result) OR (run AND myOne);
  next := ROLQword(run,1);
  Prev := RORQword(run,1);
  run  := (next OR run) XOR prev;

  result := (result+result) OR (run AND myOne);
  next := ROLQword(run,1);
  Prev := RORQword(run,1);
  run  := (next OR run) XOR prev;

  result := (result+result) OR (run AND myOne);
  next := ROLQword(run,1);
  Prev := RORQword(run,1);
  run  := (next OR run) XOR prev;

  result := (result+result) OR (run AND myOne);
  next := ROLQword(run,1);
  Prev := RORQword(run,1);
  run  := (next OR run) XOR prev;

  result := (result+result) OR (run AND myOne);
  next := ROLQword(run,1);
  Prev := RORQword(run,1);
  Rule30_State := (next OR run) XOR prev;

procedure Speedtest;
  T1,T0 : INt64;
  i: NativeInt;
  writeln('Speedtest for statesize of ',64,' bits');
  //Warm up start to wake up CPU takes some time
  For i := 100*1000*1000-1 downto 0 do

  T0 := GetCPU_Time;
  For  i := maxRounds-1 downto 0 do
  T1 := GetCPU_Time;
  writeln('cycles per Byte : ',(T1-t0)/maxRounds:0:2);

procedure Task;
  i: integer;
  writeln('The task ');
  For  i := 1 to rounds do

  write(' <ENTER> ');readln;


//compiled 64-Bit
Speedtest for statesize of 64 bits
cycles per Byte : 30.95

The task
 220 197 147 174 117  97 149 171 100 151

//compiled 32-Bit
Speedtest for statesize of 64 bits
cycles per Byte : 128.56

The task
 220 197 147 174 117  97 149 171 100 151


{{trans|Perl 6}}

package Automaton {
    sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $rule = [ reverse split //, sprintf "%08b", shift ];
    return bless { rule => $rule, cells => [ @_ ] }, $class;
    sub next {
    my $this = shift;
    my @previous = @{$this->{cells}};
    $this->{cells} = [
        map {
          4*$previous[($_ - 1) % @previous]
        + 2*$previous[$_]
        +   $previous[($_ + 1) % @previous]
        } 0 .. @previous - 1
    return $this;
    use overload
    q{""} => sub {
    my $this = shift;
    join '', map { $_ ? '#' : ' ' } @{$this->{cells}}

my $a = Automaton->new(30, 1, map 0, 1 .. 100);

for my $n (1 .. 10) {
    my $sum = 0;
    for my $b (1 .. 8) {
	$sum = $sum * 2 + $a->{cells}[0];
    print $sum, $n == 10 ? "\n" : " ";


220 197 147 174 117 97 149 171 240 241

Perl 6

class Automaton {
    has $.rule;
    has @.cells;
    has @.code = $!rule.fmt('%08b').flip.comb».Int;

    method gist { "|{ @!cells.map({+$_ ?? '#' !! ' '}).join }|" }

    method succ {
        self.new: :$!rule, :@!code, :cells(
                    4 «*« @!cells.rotate(-1)
                »+« 2 «*« @!cells
                »+«       @!cells.rotate(1)

my Automaton $a .= new: :rule(30), :cells( flat 1, 0 xx 100 );

say :2[$a++.cells[0] xx 8] xx 10;


220 197 147 174 117 97 149 171 240 241


Making the minimum possible changes to [[Elementary_cellular_automaton#Phix]], output matches C, D, Go, J, Kotlin, Racket, and zkl, and with the changes marked [2] C++, Haskell, Perl, Python, Ruby, Scheme, and Sidef, but completely different to Rust and Tcl. No attempt to optimise.

--string s = ".........#.........", --(original)
string s = "...............................#"&
--string s = "#"&repeat('.',100),   -- [2]
       t=s, r = "........"
integer rule = 30, k, l = length(s), w = 0
for i=1 to 8 do
    r[i] = iff(mod(rule,2)?'#':'.')
    rule = floor(rule/2)
end for
sequence res = {}
for i=0 to 80 do
    w = w*2 + (s[32]='#')
--  w = w*2 + (s[1]='#')            -- [2]
    if mod(i+1,8)=0 then res&=w w=0 end if
    for j=1 to l do
        k = (s[iff(j=1?l:j-1)]='#')*4
          + (s[          j   ]='#')*2
          + (s[iff(j=l?1:j+1)]='#')+1
        t[j] = r[k]
    end for
    s = t
end for



{{out}} with the changes marked [2]



Python: With zero padded ends

from elementary_cellular_automaton import eca, eca_wrap

def rule30bytes(lencells=100):
    cells = '1' + '0' * (lencells - 1)
    gen = eca(cells, 30)
    while True:
        yield int(''.join(next(gen)[0] for i in range(8)), 2)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print([b for i,b in zip(range(10), rule30bytes())])


[255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255]


Python: With wrapping of end cells

def rule30bytes(lencells=100):
    cells = '1' + '0' * (lencells - 1)
    gen = eca_wrap(cells, 30)
    while True:
        yield int(''.join(next(gen)[0] for i in range(8)), 2))


[220, 197, 147, 174, 117, 97, 149, 171, 240, 241]


Implementation of [[Elementary cellular automaton]] is saved in "Elementary_cellular_automata.rkt"

#lang racket
;; below is the code from the parent task
(require "Elementary_cellular_automata.rkt")
(require racket/fixnum)

;; This is the RNG automaton
(define (CA30-random-generator
         #:rule [rule 30] ; rule 30 is random, maybe you're interested in using others
         ;; width of the CA... this is implemented as a number of words plus,
         ;; maybe, another word containing the spare bits
         #:bits [bits 256])
  (define-values [full-words more-bits]
    (quotient/remainder bits usable-bits/fixnum))
  (define wrap-rule
    (and (positive? more-bits) (wrap-rule-truncate-left-word more-bits)))
  (define next-gen (CA-next-generation 30 #:wrap-rule wrap-rule))
  (define v (make-fxvector (+ full-words (if more-bits 1 0))))
  (fxvector-set! v 0 1) ; this bit will always have significance

  (define (next-word)
    (define-values [v+ o] (next-gen v 0))
    (begin0 (fxvector-ref v 0) (set! v v+)))

  (lambda (bits)
    (for/fold ([acc 0]) ([_ (in-range bits)])
      ;; the CA is fixnum, but this function returns integers of arbitrary width
      (bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift acc 1) (bitwise-and (next-word) 1)))))

(module+ main
  ;; To match the other examples on this page, the automaton is 30+30+4 bits long
  ;; (i.e. 64 bits)
  (define C30-rand-64 (CA30-random-generator #:bits 64))
  ;; this should be the list from "C"
  (for/list ([i 10]) (C30-rand-64 8))

  ; we also do big numbers...
  (number->string (C30-rand-64 256) 16)
  (number->string (C30-rand-64 256) 16)
  (number->string (C30-rand-64 256) 16)
  (number->string (C30-rand-64 256) 16))


(220 197 147 174 117 97 149 171 100 151)


size = 100
eca = ElemCellAutomat.new("1"+"0"*(size-1), 30)
eca.take(80).map{|line| line[0]}.each_slice(8){|bin| p bin.join.to_i(2)}




//Assuming the code from the Elementary cellular automaton task is in the namespace.
fn main() {
    struct WolfGen(ElementaryCA);
    impl WolfGen {
        fn new() -> WolfGen {
            let (_, ca) = ElementaryCA::new(30);
        fn next(&mut self) -> u8 {
            let mut out = 0;
            for i in 0..8 {
                out |= ((1 & self.0.next())<<i)as u8;
    let mut gen = WolfGen::new();
    for _ in 0..10 {
        print!("{} ", gen.next());


157 209 228 58 87 195 212 106 147 244


; uses SRFI-1 library http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-1/srfi-1.html

(define (random-r30 n)
  (let ((r30 (vector 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0)))
      (lambda (x y ls)
	(if (= x 1)
	  (cons (* x y) ls)
	  (cons (+ (car ls) (* x y)) (cdr ls))))
      (circular-list 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128)
	(lambda (x) (zero? (car x)))
	(lambda (x) (cons (- (car x) 1)
			  (evolve (cdr x) r30)))
	(cons (* 8 n) (cons 1 (make-list 79 0))))))) ; list

(random-r30 10)


(220 197 147 174 117 97 149 171 240 241)


var auto = Automaton(30, [1] + 100.of(0));

10.times {
    var sum = 0;
    8.times {
        sum = (2*sum + auto.cells[0]);
    say sum;




{{works with|Tcl|8.6}}

oo::class create RandomGenerator {
    superclass ElementaryAutomaton
    variable s
    constructor {stateLength} {
	next 30
	set s [split 1[string repeat 0 $stateLength] ""]

    method rand {} {
	set bits {}
	while {[llength $bits] < 8} {
	    lappend bits [lindex $s 0]
	    set s [my evolve $s]
	return [scan [join $bits ""] %b]


set rng [RandomGenerator new 31]
for {set r {}} {[llength $r]<10} {} {
    lappend r [$rng rand]
puts [join $r ,]

{{out}} 220,197,147,174,241,126,135,130,143,234 Note that as the number of state bits is increased (the parameter to the constructor), the sequence tends to a limit of 220, 197, 147, 174, 117, 97, 149, 171, 240, 241, \ldots and that deviations from this are due to interactions between the state modification “wavefront” as the automaton wraps round.


No attempts at extra credit and not fast.

fcn rule(n){ n=n.toString(2); "00000000"[n.len() - 8,*] + n }
fcn applyRule(rule,cells){
   cells=String(cells[-1],cells,cells[0]);  // wrap edges
   (cells.len() - 2).pump(String,'wrap(n){ rule[7 - cells[n,3].toInt(2)] })
fcn rand30{
   var r30=rule(30), cells="0"*63 + 1; // 64 bits (8 bytes), arbitrary
      n=n*2 + cells[-1];          // append bit 0
      cells=applyRule(r30,cells); // next state

Note that "var" in a function is "static" in C, ie function local variables, initialized once.

do(10){ rand30().print(","); }

