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{{task}} {{omit from|Lilypond}} [[Category:Non parametric generators]] [[Category:Stateful transactions]]

A generator is an executable entity (like a function or procedure) that contains code that yields a sequence of values, one at a time, so that each time you call the generator, the next value in the sequence is provided.

Generators are often built on top of coroutines or objects so that the internal state of the object is handled “naturally”.

Generators are often used in situations where a sequence is potentially infinite, and where it is possible to construct the next value of the sequence with only minimal state.


  • Create a function that returns a generation of the m'th powers of the positive integers starting from zero, in order, and without obvious or simple upper limit. (Any upper limit to the generator should not be stated in the source but should be down to factors such as the languages natural integer size limit or computational time/size).
  • Use it to create a generator of: :::* Squares. :::* Cubes.
  • Create a new generator that filters all cubes from the generator of squares.
  • Drop the first 20 values from this last generator of filtered results, and then show the next 10 values.

Note that this task ''requires'' the use of generators in the calculation of the result.

;Also see:

  • [[wp:Generator (computer_science)|Generator]]


{{works with|Ada 2005}}

To modify the internal state, the function uses an access parameter. For a different approach, see the Random packages of the Ada compiler, which use the so-called "Rosen trick". With the next release of Ada 2012 functions are allowed to have in-out parameters, which would solve this problem, too. You could also use procedures instead of functions.


package Generator is

   type Generator is tagged private;
   procedure Reset (Gen : in out Generator);
   function Get_Next (Gen : access Generator) return Natural;

   type Generator_Function is access function (X : Natural) return Natural;
   procedure Set_Generator_Function (Gen  : in out Generator;
                                     Func : Generator_Function);

   procedure Skip (Gen : access Generator'Class; Count : Positive := 1);


   function Identity (X : Natural) return Natural;

   type Generator is tagged record
      Last_Source : Natural := 0;
      Last_Value  : Natural := 0;
      Gen_Func    : Generator_Function := Identity'Access;
   end record;

end Generator;


package Generator.Filtered is

   type Filtered_Generator is new Generator with private;
   procedure Reset (Gen : in out Filtered_Generator);
   function Get_Next (Gen : access Filtered_Generator) return Natural;

   procedure Set_Source (Gen    : in out Filtered_Generator;
                         Source : access Generator);
   procedure Set_Filter (Gen    : in out Filtered_Generator;
                         Filter : access Generator);


   type Filtered_Generator is new Generator with record
      Last_Filter : Natural := 0;
      Source, Filter : access Generator;
   end record;

end Generator.Filtered;


package body Generator is

   -- Identity --

   function Identity (X : Natural) return Natural is
      return X;
   end Identity;

   -- Skip --

   procedure Skip (Gen : access Generator'Class; Count : Positive := 1) is
      Val : Natural;
      pragma Unreferenced (Val);
      for I in 1 .. Count loop
         Val := Gen.Get_Next;
      end loop;
   end Skip;

   -- Reset --

   procedure Reset (Gen : in out Generator) is
      Gen.Last_Source := 0;
      Gen.Last_Value := 0;
   end Reset;

   -- Get_Next --

   function Get_Next (Gen : access Generator) return Natural is
      Gen.Last_Source := Gen.Last_Source + 1;
      Gen.Last_Value := Gen.Gen_Func (Gen.Last_Source);
      return Gen.Last_Value;
   end Get_Next;

   -- Set_Generator_Function --

   procedure Set_Generator_Function
     (Gen  : in out Generator;
      Func : Generator_Function)
      if Func = null then
         Gen.Gen_Func := Identity'Access;
         Gen.Gen_Func := Func;
      end if;
   end Set_Generator_Function;

end Generator;


package body Generator.Filtered is

   -- Reset --

   procedure Reset (Gen : in out Filtered_Generator) is
      Reset (Generator (Gen));
      Gen.Last_Filter := 0;
   end Reset;

   -- Get_Next --

   function Get_Next (Gen : access Filtered_Generator) return Natural is
      Next_Source : Natural := Gen.Source.Get_Next;
      Next_Filter : Natural := Gen.Last_Filter;
         if Next_Source > Next_Filter then
            Gen.Last_Filter := Gen.Filter.Get_Next;
            Next_Filter := Gen.Last_Filter;
         elsif Next_Source = Next_Filter then
            Next_Source := Gen.Source.Get_Next;
            return Next_Source;
         end if;
      end loop;
   end Get_Next;

   -- Set_Source --

   procedure Set_Source
     (Gen    : in out Filtered_Generator;
      Source : access Generator)
      Gen.Source := Source;
   end Set_Source;

   -- Set_Filter --

   procedure Set_Filter
     (Gen    : in out Filtered_Generator;
      Filter : access Generator)
      Gen.Filter := Filter;
   end Set_Filter;

end Generator.Filtered;

example use:

with Ada.Text_IO;
with Generator.Filtered;

procedure Generator_Test is

   function Square (X : Natural) return Natural is
      return X * X;
   end Square;

   function Cube (X : Natural) return Natural is
      return X * X * X;
   end Cube;

   G1, G2 : aliased Generator.Generator;
   F : aliased Generator.Filtered.Filtered_Generator;


   G1.Set_Generator_Function (Func => Square'Unrestricted_Access);
   G2.Set_Generator_Function (Func => Cube'Unrestricted_Access);

   F.Set_Source (G1'Unrestricted_Access);
   F.Set_Filter (G2'Unrestricted_Access);

   F.Skip (20);

   for I in 1 .. 10 loop
      Ada.Text_IO.Put ("I:" & Integer'Image (I));
      Ada.Text_IO.Put (", F:" & Integer'Image (F.Get_Next));
   end loop;

end Generator_Test;


I: 1, F: 529
I: 2, F: 576
I: 3, F: 625
I: 4, F: 676
I: 5, F: 784
I: 6, F: 841
I: 7, F: 900
I: 8, F: 961
I: 9, F: 1024
I: 10, F: 1089


Composable generators can be constructed from the methods and persistent properties of ''script'' objects: {{Trans|JavaScript}} {{Trans|Python}}

-- powers :: Gen [Int]
on powers(n)
    script f
        on |λ|(x)
            x ^ n as integer
        end |λ|
    end script
    fmapGen(f, enumFrom(0))
end powers

-- TEST ---------------------------------------------------
on run
    take(10, ¬
        drop(20, ¬
            differenceGen(powers(2), powers(3))))

    --> {529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089}
end run

-- GENERIC ------------------------------------------------

-- Just :: a -> Maybe a
on Just(x)
    {type:"Maybe", Nothing:false, Just:x}
end Just

-- Nothing :: Maybe a
on Nothing()
    {type:"Maybe", Nothing:true}
end Nothing

-- Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
on Tuple(a, b)
    {type:"Tuple", |1|:a, |2|:b, length:2}
end Tuple

-- differenceGen :: Gen [a] -> Gen [a] -> Gen [a]
on differenceGen(ga, gb)
    -- All values of ga except any
    -- already seen in gb.
        property g : zipGen(ga, gb)
        property bs : {}
        property xy : missing value
        on |λ|()
            set xy to g's |λ|()
            if missing value is xy then
                set x to |1| of xy
                set y to |2| of xy
                set bs to {y} & bs
                if bs contains x then
                    |λ|() -- Next in series.
                end if
            end if
        end |λ|
    end script
end differenceGen

-- drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
-- drop :: Int -> String -> String
on drop(n, xs)
    set c to class of xs
    if script is not c then
        if string is not c then
            if n < length of xs then
                items (1 + n) thru -1 of xs
            end if
            if n < length of xs then
                text (1 + n) thru -1 of xs
            end if
        end if
        take(n, xs) -- consumed
        return xs
    end if
end drop

-- enumFrom :: Int -> [Int]
on enumFrom(x)
        property v : missing value
        on |λ|()
            if missing value is not v then
                set v to 1 + v
                set v to x
            end if
            return v
        end |λ|
    end script
end enumFrom

-- fmapGen <$> :: (a -> b) -> Gen [a] -> Gen [b]
on fmapGen(f, gen)
        property g : mReturn(f)
        on |λ|()
            set v to gen's |λ|()
            if v is missing value then
                g's |λ|(v)
            end if
        end |λ|
    end script
end fmapGen

-- length :: [a] -> Int
on |length|(xs)
    set c to class of xs
    if list is c or string is c then
        length of xs
        (2 ^ 29 - 1) -- (maxInt - simple proxy for non-finite)
    end if
end |length|

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper
-- mReturn :: First-class m => (a -> b) -> m (a -> b)
on mReturn(f)
    if script is class of f then
            property |λ| : f
        end script
    end if
end mReturn

-- take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
-- take :: Int -> String -> String
on take(n, xs)
    set c to class of xs
    if list is c then
        if 0 < n then
            items 1 thru min(n, length of xs) of xs
        end if
    else if string is c then
        if 0 < n then
            text 1 thru min(n, length of xs) of xs
        end if
    else if script is c then
        set ys to {}
        repeat with i from 1 to n
            set v to xs's |λ|()
            if missing value is v then
                return ys
                set end of ys to v
            end if
        end repeat
        return ys
        missing value
    end if
end take

-- uncons :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
on uncons(xs)
    set lng to |length|(xs)
    if 0 = lng then
        if (2 ^ 29 - 1) as integer > lng then
            if class of xs is string then
                set cs to text items of xs
                Just(Tuple(item 1 of cs, rest of cs))
                Just(Tuple(item 1 of xs, rest of xs))
            end if
            set nxt to take(1, xs)
            if {} is nxt then
                Just(Tuple(item 1 of nxt, xs))
            end if
        end if
    end if
end uncons

-- zipGen :: Gen [a] -> Gen [b] -> Gen [(a, b)]
on zipGen(ga, gb)
        property ma : missing value
        property mb : missing value
        on |λ|()
            if missing value is ma then
                set ma to uncons(ga)
                set mb to uncons(gb)
            end if
            if Nothing of ma or Nothing of mb then
                missing value
                set ta to Just of ma
                set tb to Just of mb
                set x to Tuple(|1| of ta, |1| of tb)
                set ma to uncons(|2| of ta)
                set mb to uncons(|2| of tb)
                return x
            end if
        end |λ|
    end script
end zipGen


{529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089}


{{trans|Python}}{{works with|ALGOL 68|Revision 1 - with [[currying]] of functions and PRAGMA READ extensions}} {{works with|ALGOL 68G|Any - tested with release [http://sourceforge.net/projects/algol68/files/algol68g/algol68g-2.3.5 algol68g-2.3.5].}} {{wont work with|ELLA ALGOL 68|Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release [http://sourceforge.net/projects/algol68/files/algol68toc/algol68toc-1.8.8d/algol68toc-1.8-8d.fc9.i386.rpm/download 1.8-8d] - due to extensive use of '''format'''[ted] ''transput''.}} '''File: Template.Generator.a68'''


PROC gen filtered = (GENVALUE gen candidate, gen exclude, YIELDVALUE yield)VOID: (
    VALUE candidate; SEMA have next exclude = LEVEL 0;
    VALUE exclude;   SEMA get next exclude  = LEVEL 0;
    BOOL initialise exclude := TRUE;

    PAR ( # run each generator in a different thread #
# Thread 1 #
      # FOR VALUE next exclude IN # gen exclude( # ) DO #
      ##   (VALUE next exclude)VOID: (
            DOWN get next exclude; exclude := next exclude;
            IF candidate <= exclude THEN
                UP have next exclude
                UP get next exclude
      # OD #)),
# Thread 2 #
      # FOR VALUE next candidate IN # gen candidate( # ) DO #
      ##   (VALUE next candidate)VOID: (
            candidate := next candidate;
            IF initialise exclude ORF candidate > exclude THEN
                UP get next exclude;
                DOWN have next exclude; # wait for result #
                initialise exclude := FALSE
            IF candidate < exclude THEN
      # OD #))

PROC gen slice = (GENVALUE t, VALUE start, stop, YIELDVALUE yield)VOID: (
  INT index := 0;
  # FOR VALUE i IN # t( # ) DO #
  ##   (VALUE i)VOID: (
      IF   index >= stop THEN done
      ELIF index >= start THEN yield(i) FI;
      index +:= 1
  # OD # ));
    done: SKIP

PROC get list = (GENVALUE gen)[]VALUE: (
    INT upb := 0;
    INT ups := 2;
    FLEX [ups]VALUE out;
  # FOR VALUE i IN # gen( # ) DO #
  ##   (VALUE i)VOID:(
        upb +:= 1;
        IF upb > ups THEN # dynamically grow the array 50% #
          [ups +:= ups OVER 2]VALUE append; append[:upb-1] := out; out := append
        out[upb] := i
  # OD # ))

PROC powers = (VALUE m, YIELDVALUE yield)VOID:
    FOR n FROM 0 DO yield(n ** m) OD;

'''File: test.Generator.a68'''

#!/usr/local/bin/a68g --script #

PR READ "Template.Generator.a68" PR

GENVALUE squares = powers(2,), cubes = powers(3,);
GENVALUE fil = gen filtered(squares, cubes,);

printf(($g(0)x$, get list(gen slice(fil, 20, 30, )) ))


529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089


==={{libheader|libco}}=== libco is a tiny library that adds ''cooperative multithreading'', also known as ''coroutines'', to the C language. Its co_switch(x) function pauses the current cothread and resumes the other cothread x.

This example provides next64() and yield64(), to generate 64-bit integers. next64() switches to a generator. Then the generator passes some 64-bit integer to yield64(), which switches to the first cothread, where next64() returns this 64-bit integer.

#include <inttypes.h> /* int64_t, PRId64 */
#include <stdlib.h>	/* exit() */
#include <stdio.h>	/* printf() */

#include <libco.h>	/* co_{active,create,delete,switch}() */

/* A generator that yields values of type int64_t. */
struct gen64 {
	cothread_t giver;	/* this cothread calls yield64() */
	cothread_t taker;	/* this cothread calls next64() */
	int64_t given;
	void (*free)(struct gen64 *);
	void *garbage;

/* Yields a value. */
inline void
yield64(struct gen64 *gen, int64_t value)
	gen->given = value;

/* Returns the next value that the generator yields. */
inline int64_t
next64(struct gen64 *gen)
	gen->taker = co_active();
	return gen->given;

static void
gen64_free(struct gen64 *gen)

struct gen64 *entry64;

 * Creates a cothread for the generator. The first call to next64(gen)
 * will enter the cothread; the entry function must copy the pointer
 * from the global variable struct gen64 *entry64.
 * Use gen->free(gen) to free the cothread.
inline void
gen64_init(struct gen64 *gen, void (*entry)(void))
	if ((gen->giver = co_create(4096, entry)) == NULL) {
		/* Perhaps malloc() failed */
		fputs("co_create: Cannot create cothread\n", stderr);
	gen->free = gen64_free;
	entry64 = gen;

 * Generates the powers 0**m, 1**m, 2**m, ....
powers(struct gen64 *gen, int64_t m)
	int64_t base, exponent, n, result;

	for (n = 0;; n++) {
		 * This computes result = base**exponent, where
		 * exponent is a nonnegative integer. The result
		 * is the product of repeated squares of base.
		base = n;
		exponent = m;
		for (result = 1; exponent != 0; exponent >>= 1) {
			if (exponent & 1) result *= base;
			base *= base;
		yield64(gen, result);

/* stuff for squares_without_cubes() */
#define ENTRY(name, code) static void name(void) { code; }
ENTRY(enter_squares, powers(entry64, 2))
ENTRY(enter_cubes, powers(entry64, 3))

struct swc {
	struct gen64 cubes;
	struct gen64 squares;
	void (*old_free)(struct gen64 *);

static void
swc_free(struct gen64 *gen)
	struct swc *f = gen->garbage;

 * Generates the squares 0**2, 1**2, 2**2, ..., but removes the squares
 * that equal the cubes 0**3, 1**3, 2**3, ....
squares_without_cubes(struct gen64 *gen)
	struct swc f;
	int64_t c, s;

	gen64_init(&f.cubes, enter_cubes);
	c = next64(&f.cubes);

	gen64_init(&f.squares, enter_squares);
	s = next64(&f.squares);

	/* Allow other cothread to free this generator. */
	f.old_free = gen->free;
	gen->garbage = &f;
	gen->free = swc_free;

	for (;;) {
		while (c < s)
			c = next64(&f.cubes);
		if (c != s)
			yield64(gen, s);
		s = next64(&f.squares);

ENTRY(enter_squares_without_cubes, squares_without_cubes(entry64))

 * Look at the sequence of numbers that are squares but not cubes.
 * Drop the first 20 numbers, then print the next 10 numbers.
	struct gen64 gen;
	int i;

	gen64_init(&gen, enter_squares_without_cubes);

	for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
	for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
		printf("%" PRId64 ", ", next64(&gen));
	printf("%" PRId64 "\n", next64(&gen));

	gen.free(&gen); /* Free memory. */
	return 0;

One must download [http://byuu.org/programming/ libco] and give libco.c to the compiler.

$ libco=/home/kernigh/park/libco
$ cc -I$libco -o main main.c $libco/libco.c
$ ./main
529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089

Using struct to store state

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef int (*seq_func)(void *);
#define SEQ_BASE seq_func f; int output

/* sort of polymorphing data structure */
typedef struct { SEQ_BASE; } gen_t;

int seq_next(void *state)
	return ((gen_t*)state)->output = (*(seq_func*)state)(state);

typedef struct {
	int pos, n;
} power_gen_t;

int power_next(void *s)
	return (int)pow(++((power_gen_t*)s)->pos, ((power_gen_t*)s)->n);

void *power_seq(int n)
	power_gen_t *s = malloc(sizeof(power_gen_t));
	s->output = -1;
	s->f = power_next;
	s->n = n;
	s->pos = -1;
	return s;

typedef struct {
	void *in, *without;
} filter_gen_t;

int filter_next(void *s)
	gen_t *in = ((filter_gen_t*)s)->in, *wo = ((filter_gen_t*)s)->without;

		while (wo->output < in->output)
	} while(wo->output == in->output);

	return in->output;

void* filter_seq(gen_t *in, gen_t *without)
	filter_gen_t *filt = malloc(sizeof(filter_gen_t));
	filt->in = in;
	filt->without = without;
	filt->f = filter_next;
	filt->output = -1;
	return filt;

int main()
	int i;
	void *s = filter_seq(power_seq(2), power_seq(3));

	for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) seq_next(s);
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		printf("%d\n", seq_next(s));

	return 0;




A templated solution.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template<class T>
class Generator
  virtual T operator()() = 0;

// Does nothing unspecialized
template<class T, T P>
class PowersGenerator: Generator<T> {};

// Specialize with other types, or provide a generic version of pow
template<int P>
class PowersGenerator<int, P>: Generator<int>
  int i;
  PowersGenerator() { i = 1; }
  virtual int operator()()
    int o = 1;
    for(int j = 0; j < P; ++j) o *= i;
    return o;

// Only works with non-decreasing generators
template<class T, class G, class F>
class Filter: Generator<T>
  G gen;
  F filter;
  T lastG, lastF;

  Filter() { lastG = gen(); lastF = filter(); }

  virtual T operator()()
    while(lastG >= lastF)
      if(lastG == lastF)
        lastG = gen();
      lastF = filter();

    T out = lastG;
    lastG = gen();
    return out;

int main()
  Filter<int, PowersGenerator<int, 2>, PowersGenerator<int, 3>> gen;

  for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)

  for(int i = 20; i < 30; ++i)
    cout << i << ": " << gen() << endl;


20: 529
21: 576
22: 625
23: 676
24: 784
25: 841
26: 900
27: 961
28: 1024
29: 1089


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

static class Program {
    static void Main() {
        Func<int, IEnumerable<int>> ms = m => Infinite().Select(i => (int)Math.Pow(i, m));
        var squares = ms(2);
        var cubes = ms(3);
        var filtered = squares.Where(square => cubes.First(cube => cube >= square) != square);
        var final = filtered.Skip(20).Take(10);
        foreach (var i in final) Console.WriteLine(i);

    static IEnumerable<int> Infinite() {
        var i = 0;
        while (true) yield return i++;


In Clojure, the role that generator functions take in some other languages is generally filled by sequences. Most of the functions that produce sequences produce lazy sequences, many of the standard functions deal with sequences, and their use in Clojure is extremely idiomatic. Thus we can define squares and cubes as lazy sequences:

(defn powers [m] (for [n (iterate inc 1)] (reduce * (repeat m n)))))
(def squares (powers 2))
(take 5 squares) ; => (1 4 9 16 25)

The definition here of the squares-not-cubes lazy sequence uses the loop/recur construct, which isn't lazy. So we use ''lazy-seq'' explicity:

(defn squares-not-cubes
  ([] (squares-not-cubes (powers 2) (powers 3)))
  ([squares cubes]
    (loop [[p2first & p2rest :as p2s] squares, [p3first & p3rest :as p3s] cubes]
        (= p2first p3first) (recur p2rest p3rest)
        (> p2first p3first) (recur p2s p3rest)
        :else (cons p2first (lazy-seq (squares-not-cubes p2rest p3s)))))))

(->> (squares-not-cubes) (drop 20) (take 10))
; => (529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089)

If we really need a generator function for some reason, any lazy sequence can be turned into a stateful function. (The inverse of ''seq->fn'' is the standard function ''repeatedly''.)

(defn seq->fn [sequence]
  (let [state (atom (cons nil sequence))]
    (fn [] (first (swap! state rest)))

(def f (seq->fn (squares-not-cubes)))
[(f) (f) (f)] ; => [4 9 16]

Common Lisp

(defun take (seq &optional (n 1))
  (values-list (loop repeat n collect (funcall seq))))

(defun power-seq (n)
  (let ((x 0))
    (lambda () (expt (incf x) n))))

(defun filter-seq (s1 s2) ;; remove s2 from s1
  (let ((x1 (take s1)) (x2 (take s2)))
    (lambda ()
      (tagbody g
	(if (= x1 x2)
	     (progn (setf x1 (take s1) x2 (take s2)) (go g)))
	(if (> x1 x2)
	     (progn (setf x2 (take s2)) (go g))))

      (prog1 x1 (setf x1 (take s1))))))

(let ((2not3 (filter-seq (power-seq 2) (power-seq 3))))
  (take 2not3 20) ;; drop 20
  (princ (multiple-value-list (take 2not3 10))))


Efficient Standard Version

void main() {
    import std.stdio, std.bigint, std.range, std.algorithm;

    auto squares = 0.sequence!"n".map!(i => i.BigInt ^^ 2);
    auto cubes = 0.sequence!"n".map!(i => i.BigInt ^^ 3);



[529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089]

===Simple Ranges-Based Implementation=== {{trans|C#}}

void main() {
    import std.stdio, std.bigint, std.range, std.algorithm;

    auto squares = 0.sequence!"n".map!(i => i.BigInt ^^ 2);
    auto cubes = 0.sequence!"n".map!(i => i.BigInt ^^ 3);

    .filter!(s => cubes.find!(c => c >= s).front != s)

The output is the same.

===More Efficient Ranges-Based Version===

import std.stdio, std.bigint, std.range, std.algorithm;

struct Filtered(R1, R2) if (is(ElementType!R1 == ElementType!R2)) {
    R1 s1;
    R2 s2;
    alias ElementType!R1 T;
    T front, source, filter;

    this(R1 r1, R2 r2) {
        s1 = r1;
        s2 = r2;
        source = s1.front;
        filter = s2.front;

    static immutable empty = false;

    void popFront() {
        while (true) {
            if (source > filter) {
                filter = s2.front;
            } else if (source < filter) {
                front = source;
                source = s1.front;
            source = s1.front;

auto filtered(R1, R2)(R1 r1, R2 r2) // Helper function.
if (isInputRange!R1 && isInputRange!R2 &&
    is(ElementType!R1 == ElementType!R2)) {
    return Filtered!(R1, R2)(r1, r2);

void main() {
    auto squares = 0.sequence!"n".map!(i => i.BigInt ^^ 2);
    auto cubes = 0.sequence!"n".map!(i => i.BigInt ^^ 3);
    filtered(squares, cubes).drop(20).take(10).writeln;

The output is the same.

===Closures-Based Version=== {{trans|Go}}

import std.stdio;

auto powers(in double e) pure nothrow {
    double i = 0;
    return () => i++ ^^ e;

auto filter2(D)(D af, D bf) {
    double a = af(), b = bf();

    return {
        double r;
        while (true) {
            if (a < b) {
                r = a;
                a = af();
            if (b == a)
                a = af();
            b = bf();
        return r;

void main() {
    auto fgen = filter2(2.powers, 3.powers);
    foreach (immutable i; 0 .. 20)
    foreach (immutable i; 0 .. 10)
        write(fgen(), " ");


529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089

Generator Range Version

import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.concurrency, std.bigint;

auto powers(in uint m) pure nothrow @safe {
    return 0.sequence!"n".map!(i => i.BigInt ^^ m);

auto filtered(R1, R2)(R1 r1, R2 r2) /*@safe*/
if (isForwardRange!R1 && isForwardRange!R2 &&
    is(ElementType!R1 == ElementType!R2)) {
    return new Generator!(ElementType!R1)({
        auto v = r1.front; r1.popFront;
        auto f = r2.front; r2.popFront;

        while (true) {
            if (v > f) {
                f = r2.front; r2.popFront;
            } else if (v < f)
            v = r1.front; r1.popFront;

void main() {
    auto squares = 2.powers, cubes = 3.powers;
    filtered(squares, cubes).drop(20).take(10).writeln;


[529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089]


E does not provide coroutines on the principle that interleaving of execution of code should be explicit to avoid unexpected interactions. However, this problem does not especially require them. Each generator here is simply a function that returns the next value in the sequence when called.

def genPowers(exponent) {
    var i := -1
    return def powerGenerator() {
        return (i += 1) ** exponent

def filtered(source, filter) {
    var fval := filter()
    return def filterGenerator() {
        while (true) {
            def sval := source()
            while (sval > fval) {
                fval := filter()
            if (sval < fval) {
                return sval

def drop(n, gen) {
    for _ in 1..n { gen() }

def squares := genPowers(2)
def cubes := genPowers(3)
def squaresNotCubes := filtered(squares, cubes)
drop(20, squaresNotCubes)
for _ in 1..10 {
    print(`${squaresNotCubes()} `)


(lib 'tasks) ;; for make-generator

;; generator of generators
(define (gen-power power)
		(lambda(n) (yield (expt n power)) (1+ n))  1))

(define powers-2 (gen-power 2))
(define powers-3 (gen-power 3))

(take powers-3 10)
    → (1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729 1000)

;; generators substraction
;; input : two generators ga, gb - Sequences must be increasing
;; output : new generator  = ga sequence minus gb sequence

(define (gen-substract ga gb)
	(define (substract b (a))
	(set! a (next ga))
	(while (>= a b) ; avance b until > a
		(when (= a b) (set! a (next ga)))
		(set! b (next gb)))
	(yield a)
	b ) ;; b := next state
	(make-generator substract (next gb)))

;; application
(define task    (gen-substract (gen-power 2) (gen-power 3)))

(drop task 20)
(take task 10)
    → (529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089)

; inspect
task → #generator:state: 1331



defmodule Generator do
  def filter( source_pid, remove_pid ) do
    first_remove = next( remove_pid )
    spawn( fn -> filter_loop(source_pid, remove_pid, first_remove) end )

  def next( pid ) do
    send(pid, {:next, self})
    receive do
      x -> x

  def power( m ), do: spawn( fn -> power_loop(m, 0) end )

  def task do
    squares_pid = power( 2 )
    cubes_pid = power( 3 )
    filter_pid = filter( squares_pid, cubes_pid )
    for _x <- 1..20, do: next(filter_pid)
    for _x <- 1..10, do: next(filter_pid)

  defp filter_loop( pid1, pid2, n2 ) do
    receive do
      {:next, pid} ->
        {n, new_n2} = filter_loop_next( next(pid1), n2, pid1, pid2 )
        send( pid, n )
        filter_loop( pid1, pid2, new_n2 )

  defp filter_loop_next( n1, n2, pid1, pid2 ) when n1 > n2, do:
       filter_loop_next( n1, next(pid2), pid1, pid2 )
  defp filter_loop_next( n, n, pid1, pid2 ), do:
       filter_loop_next( next(pid1), next(pid2), pid1, pid2 )
  defp filter_loop_next( n1, n2, _pid1, _pid2 ), do: {n1, n2}

  defp power_loop( m, n ) do
    receive do
      {:next, pid} -> send( pid, round(:math.pow(n, m) ) )
    power_loop( m, n + 1 )

IO.inspect Generator.task


[529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089]

Emacs Lisp

This code requires generator library which was introduced in Emacs 25.2

(require 'generator)
(setq lexical-binding t)

(iter-defun exp-gen (pow)
  (let ((i -1))
      (setq i (1+ i))
      (iter-yield (expt i pow)))))

(iter-defun flt-gen ()
  (let* ((g (exp-gen 2))
	 (f (exp-gen 3))
	 (i (iter-next g))
	 (j (iter-next f)))
      (setq i (iter-next g))
      (while (> i j)
	(setq j (iter-next f)))
      (unless (= i j)
	(iter-yield i)))))

(let ((g (flt-gen))
      (o 'nil))
  (dotimes (i 29)
    (setq o (iter-next g))
    (when (>= i 20)
      (print o))))


-module( generator ).

-export( [filter/2, next/1, power/1, task/0] ).

filter(	Source_pid, Remove_pid ) ->
	First_remove = next( Remove_pid	),
        erlang:spawn( fun() -> filter_loop(Source_pid, Remove_pid, First_remove) end ).

next( Pid ) ->
    Pid ! {next, erlang:self()},
    receive X -> X end.

power( M ) -> erlang:spawn( fun() -> power_loop(M, 0) end ).

task() ->
    Squares_pid = power( 2 ),
    Cubes_pid = power( 3 ),
    Filter_pid = filter( Squares_pid, Cubes_pid ),
    [next(Filter_pid) || _X <- lists:seq(1, 20)],
    [next(Filter_pid) || _X <- lists:seq(1, 10)].

filter_loop( Pid1, Pid2, N2 ) ->
        {next, Pid} ->
	       {N, New_N2} = filter_loop_next( next(Pid1), N2, Pid1, Pid2 ),
               Pid ! N
        filter_loop( Pid1, Pid2, New_N2 ).

filter_loop_next( N1, N2, Pid1, Pid2 ) when N1 > N2 -> filter_loop_next( N1, next(Pid2), Pid1, Pid2 );
filter_loop_next( N, N, Pid1, Pid2 ) -> filter_loop_next( next(Pid1), next(Pid2), Pid1, Pid2 );
filter_loop_next( N1, N2, _Pid1, _Pid2 ) -> {N1, N2}.

power_loop( M, N ) ->
        receive	{next, Pid} -> Pid ! erlang:round(math:pow(N, M) ) end,
	power_loop( M, N + 1 ).


31> generator:task().

=={{header|F_Sharp|F#}}== {{trans|C#}}

let m n = Seq.unfold(fun i -> Some(bigint.Pow(i, n), i + 1I)) 0I

let squares = m 2
let cubes = m 3

let (--) orig veto = Seq.where(fun n -> n <> (Seq.find(fun m -> m >= n) veto)) orig

let ``squares without cubes`` = squares -- cubes

Seq.take 10 (Seq.skip 20 (``squares without cubes``))
|> Seq.toList |> printfn "%A"


[529; 576; 625; 676; 784; 841; 900; 961; 1024; 1089]


Using lazy lists for our generators:

USING: fry kernel lists lists.lazy math math.functions
prettyprint ;
IN: rosetta-code.generator-exponential

: mth-powers-generator ( m -- lazy-list )
    [ 0 lfrom ] dip [ ^ ] curry lmap-lazy ;

: lmember? ( elt list -- ? )
    over '[ unswons dup _ >= ] [ drop ] until nip = ;

: 2-not-3-generator ( -- lazy-list )
    2 mth-powers-generator
    [ 3 mth-powers-generator lmember? not ] <lazy-filter> ;

10 2-not-3-generator 20 [ cdr ] times ltake list>array .


{ 529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 }


Using closures to implement generators.

class Main
  // Create and return a function which generates mth powers when called
  |->Int| make_generator (Int m)
    current := 0
    return |->Int|
      current += 1
      return (current-1).pow (m)

  |->Int| squares_without_cubes ()
    squares := make_generator (2)
    cubes := make_generator (3)
    c := cubes.call
    return |->Int|
      while (true)
        s := squares.call
        while (c < s) { c = cubes.call }
        if (c != s) return s
      return 0

  Void main ()
    swc := squares_without_cubes ()
    20.times { swc.call } // drop 20 values
    10.times // display the next 10
      echo (swc.call)




\ genexp-rcode.fs   Generator/Exponential for RosettaCode.org

\ Generator/filter implementation using return stack as continuations stack
: ENTER         ( cont.addr --  ;borrowed from M.L.Gasanenko papers)
: |             ( f --  ;true->go ahead, false->return into generator )
: GEN           ( --  ;generate forever what is between 'GEN' and ';' )
: STOP          ( f --  ;return to caller of word that contain 'GEN' )

\ Problem at hand
: square        ( n -- n^2 )    dup * ;
: cube          ( n -- n^3 )    dup square * ;

\ Faster tests using info that tested numbers are monotonic growing
        VARIABLE Sqroot         \ last square root
        VARIABLE Cbroot         \ last cubic  root
: square?       ( u -- f  ;test U for square number)
                Sqroot @ square over <
                1 Sqroot +!
        Sqroot @ square =
: cube?         ( u -- f  ;test U for cubic  number)
                Cbroot @ cube over <
                1 Cbroot +!
        Cbroot @ cube =
        VARIABLE Counter
: (go)  ( u -- u' )
        GEN 1+ Counter @ 30 >= STOP
        dup square? | dup cube? 0= | Counter @ 20 >= 1 Counter +! | dup .
:noname 0 Counter ! 1 Sqroot ! 1 Cbroot ! 0 (go) drop ;
execute cr bye


$ gforth -e "include genexp-rcode.fs"
529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089


{{trans|Haskell}} (for the powers function) {{trans|Scala}} (for the filter)

def powers( m ) = map( (^ m), 0.. )

  filtered( s@sh:_, ch:ct ) | sh > ch = filtered( s, ct )
  filtered( sh:st, c@ch:_ ) | sh < ch = sh # filtered( st, c )
  filtered( _:st, c ) = filtered( st, c )

println( filtered(powers(2), powers(3)).drop(20).take(10) )


[529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089]


Most direct and most efficient on a single core is implementing generators with closures.

package main

import (

// note: exponent not limited to ints
func newPowGen(e float64) func() float64 {
    var i float64
    return func() (r float64) {
        r = math.Pow(i, e)

// given two functions af, bf, both monotonically increasing, return a
// new function that returns values of af not returned by bf.
func newMonoIncA_NotMonoIncB_Gen(af, bf func() float64) func() float64 {
    a, b := af(), bf()
    return func() (r float64) {
        for {
            if a < b {
                r = a
                a = af()
            if b == a {
                a = af()
            b = bf()

func main() {
    fGen := newMonoIncA_NotMonoIncB_Gen(newPowGen(2), newPowGen(3))
    for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        fmt.Print(fGen(), " ")


529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089

Alternatively, generators can be implemented in Go with goroutines and channels. There are tradeoffs however, and often one technique is a significantly better choice.

Goroutines can run concurrently, but there is overhead associated with thread scheduling and channel communication. Flow control is also different. A generator implemented as a closure is a function with a single entry point fixed at the beginning. On repeated calls, execution always starts over at the beginning and ends when a value is returned. A generator implemented as a goroutine, on the other hand, "returns" a value by sending it on a channel, and then the goroutine continues execution from that point. This allows more flexibility in structuring code.

package main

import (

func newPowGen(e float64) chan float64 {
    ch := make(chan float64)
    go func() {
        for i := 0.; ; i++ {
            ch <- math.Pow(i, e)
    return ch

// given two input channels, a and b, both known to return monotonically
// increasing values, supply on channel c values of a not returned by b.
func newMonoIncA_NotMonoIncB_Gen(a, b chan float64) chan float64 {
    ch := make(chan float64)
    go func() {
        for va, vb := <-a, <-b; ; {
            switch {
            case va < vb:
                ch <- va
            case va == vb:
                va = <-a
                vb = <-b

    return ch

func main() {
    ch := newMonoIncA_NotMonoIncB_Gen(newPowGen(2), newPowGen(3))
    for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        fmt.Print(<-ch, " ")


Generators in most cases can be implemented using infinite lists in Haskell. Because Haskell is lazy, only as many elements as needed is computed from the infinite list:

import Data.List.Ordered

powers :: Int -> [Int]
powers m = map (^ m) [0..]

squares :: [Int]
squares = powers 2

cubes :: [Int]
cubes = powers 3

foo :: [Int]
foo = filter (not . has cubes) squares

main :: IO ()
main = print $ take 10 $ drop 20 foo



=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}== Generators are close to the heart and soul of Icon/Unicon. Co-expressions let us circumvent the normal backtracking mechanism and get results where we need them.

procedure main()

write("Non-cube Squares (21st to 30th):")
every (k := 0, s := noncubesquares()) do
   if(k +:= 1) > 30 then break
   else write(20 < k," : ",s)

procedure mthpower(m)   #: generate i^m for i = 0,1,...
while (/i := 0) | (i +:= 1) do suspend i^m

procedure noncubesquares()  #: filter for squares that aren't cubes
cu := create mthpower(3)    # co-expressions so that we can
sq := create mthpower(2)    # ... get our results where we need

repeat {
   if c === s then  ( c := @cu , s := @sq )
   else if s > c then c := @cu
   else {
      suspend s
      s := @sq

Note: The task could be written without co-expressions but would be likely be ugly. If there is an elegant non-co-expression version please add it as an alternate example.


Non-cube Squares (21st to 30th):
21 : 529
22 : 576
23 : 625
24 : 676
25 : 784
26 : 841
27 : 900
28 : 961
29 : 1024
30 : 1089


Generators are not very natural, in J, because they avoid the use of arrays and instead rely on sequential processing.

Here is a generator for mth powers of a number:

coclass 'mthPower'
  N=: 0
  create=: 3 :0
    M=: y
  next=: 3 :0
    n=. N
    N=: N+1

And, here are corresponding square and cube generators

stateySquare=: 2 conew 'mthPower'
stateyCube=: 3 conew 'mthPower'

Here is a generator for squares which are not cubes:

coclass 'uncubicalSquares'
  N=: 0
  next=: 3 :0"0
    while. (-: <.) 3 %: *: n=. N do. N=: N+1 end. N=: N+1
    *: n

And here is an example of its use:

   next__g i.10 [ next__g i.20 [ g=: conew 'uncubicalSquares'
529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089

That said, here is a more natural approach, for J.

mthPower=: 1 :'^&m@i.'
squares=: 2 mthPower
cubes=: 3 mthPower
uncubicalSquares=: squares -. cubes

The downside of this approach is that it is computing independent sequences. And for the "uncubicalSquares" verb, it is removing some elements from that sequence. So you must estimate how many values to generate. However, this can be made transparent to the user with a simplistic estimator:

uncubicalSquares=: {. squares@<.@p.~&3 1.1 -. cubes

Example use:

20 }. uncubicalSquares 30 NB. the 21st through 30th uncubical square
529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089


{{works with|java|8}}

import java.util.function.LongSupplier;
import static java.util.stream.LongStream.generate;

public class GeneratorExponential implements LongSupplier {
    private LongSupplier source, filter;
    private long s, f;

    public GeneratorExponential(LongSupplier source, LongSupplier filter) {
        this.source = source;
        this.filter = filter;
        f = filter.getAsLong();

    public long getAsLong() {
        s = source.getAsLong();

        while (s == f) {
            s = source.getAsLong();
            f = filter.getAsLong();

        while (s > f) {
            f = filter.getAsLong();

        return s;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        generate(new GeneratorExponential(new SquaresGen(), new CubesGen()))
                .forEach(n -> System.out.printf("%d ", n));

class SquaresGen implements LongSupplier {
    private long n;

    public long getAsLong() {
        return n * n++;

class CubesGen implements LongSupplier {
    private long n;

    public long getAsLong() {
        return n * n * n++;
529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089



{{works with|Firefox 3.6 using JavaScript 1.7|}}

function PowersGenerator(m) {
	var n=0;
	while(1) {
		yield Math.pow(n, m);
		n += 1;

function FilteredGenerator(g, f){
	var value = g.next();
	var filter = f.next();

	while(1) {
		if( value < filter ) {
			yield value;
			value = g.next();
		} else if ( value > filter ) {
			filter = f.next();
		} else {
			value = g.next();
			filter = f.next();

var squares = PowersGenerator(2);
var cubes = PowersGenerator(3);

var filtered = FilteredGenerator(squares, cubes);

for( var x = 0; x < 20; x++ ) filtered.next()
for( var x = 20; x < 30; x++ ) console.logfiltered.next());


function* nPowerGen(n) {
  let e = 0;
  while (1) { e++ && (yield Math.pow(e, n)); }

function* filterGen(gS, gC, skip=0) {
  let s = 0; // The square value
  let c = 0; // The cube value
  let n = 0; // A skip counter

  while(1) {
    s = gS.next().value;
    s > c && (c = gC.next().value);
    s == c ?
      c = gC.next().value :
      n++ && n > skip && (yield s);

const filtered = filterGen(nPowerGen(2), nPowerGen(3), skip=20);
// Generate the first 10 values
for (let n = 0; n < 10; n++) {



Compositional derivation of custom generators: {{Trans|Python}}

(() => {
    'use strict';

    // main :: IO()
    const main = () => {

        // powers :: Gen [Int]
        const powers = n =>
                x => Math.pow(x, n),

        // xs :: [Int]
        const xs = take(10, drop(20,

        // -> [529,576,625,676,784,841,900,961,1024,1089]

    // GENERIC FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------

    // Just :: a -> Maybe a
    const Just = x => ({
        type: 'Maybe',
        Nothing: false,
        Just: x

    // Nothing :: Maybe a
    const Nothing = () => ({
        type: 'Maybe',
        Nothing: true,

    // Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
    const Tuple = (a, b) => ({
        type: 'Tuple',
        '0': a,
        '1': b,
        length: 2

    // differenceGen :: Gen [a] -> Gen [a] -> Gen [a]
    function* differenceGen(ga, gb) {
        // All values of generator stream a except any
        // already seen in generator stream b.
            stream = zipGen(ga, gb),
            sb = new Set([]);
        let xy = take(1, stream);
        while (0 < xy.length) {
            const [x, y] = Array.from(xy[0]);
            if (!sb.has(x)) yield x;
            xy = take(1, stream);

    // drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
    // drop :: Int -> Generator [a] -> Generator [a]
    // drop :: Int -> String -> String
    const drop = (n, xs) =>
        Infinity > length(xs) ? (
        ) : (take(n, xs), xs);

    // enumFrom :: Enum a => a -> [a]
    function* enumFrom(x) {
        let v = x;
        while (true) {
            yield v;
            v = 1 + v;

    // fmapGen <$> :: (a -> b) -> Gen [a] -> Gen [b]
    function* fmapGen(f, gen) {
        let v = take(1, gen);
        while (0 < v.length) {
            v = take(1, gen)

    // fst :: (a, b) -> a
    const fst = tpl => tpl[0];

    // Returns Infinity over objects without finite length.
    // This enables zip and zipWith to choose the shorter
    // argument when one is non-finite, like cycle, repeat etc

    // length :: [a] -> Int
    const length = xs =>
        (Array.isArray(xs) || 'string' === typeof xs) ? (
        ) : Infinity;

    // snd :: (a, b) -> b
    const snd = tpl => tpl[1];

    // take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
    // take :: Int -> String -> String
    const take = (n, xs) =>
        'GeneratorFunction' !== xs.constructor.constructor.name ? (
            xs.slice(0, n)
        ) : [].concat.apply([], Array.from({
            length: n
        }, () => {
            const x = xs.next();
            return x.done ? [] : [x.value];

    // uncons :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
    const uncons = xs => {
        const lng = length(xs);
        return (0 < lng) ? (
            lng < Infinity ? (
                Just(Tuple(xs[0], xs.slice(1))) // Finite list
            ) : (() => {
                const nxt = take(1, xs);
                return 0 < nxt.length ? (
                    Just(Tuple(nxt[0], xs))
                ) : Nothing();
            })() // Lazy generator
        ) : Nothing();

    // zipGen :: Gen [a] -> Gen [b] -> Gen [(a, b)]
    const zipGen = (ga, gb) => {
        function* go(ma, mb) {
                a = ma,
                b = mb;
            while (!a.Nothing && !b.Nothing) {
                    ta = a.Just,
                    tb = b.Just
                yield(Tuple(fst(ta), fst(tb)));
                a = uncons(snd(ta));
                b = uncons(snd(tb));
        return go(uncons(ga), uncons(gb));

    // MAIN ---
    return main();




{{works with|jq|1.4}} '''Part 1: i^m, 2^m and 3^m'''

jq is a purely functional language and so does not have generators with state. To generate a sequence of values one-by-one therefore requires a "next-value" function, the input of which must include relevant state information. For convenience, a counter is usually included. For generating i^m, therefore, we would have:

# Compute self^m where m is a non-negative integer:
def pow(m): . as $in | reduce range(0;m) as $i (1; .*$in);

# state: [i, i^m]
def next_power(m): .[0] + 1 | [., pow(m) ];

To make such generators easier to use, we shall define filters to skip and to emit a specified number of items:

# skip m states, and return the next state
def skip(m; next):
  if m <= 0 then . else next | skip(m-1; next) end;

# emit m states including the initial state
def emit(m; next):
  if m <= 0 then empty else ., (next | emit(m-1; next)) end;


# Generate the first 4 values in the sequence i^2:
[0,0] | emit(4; next_power(2)) | .[1]

# Generate all the values in the sequence i^3 less than 100:
[0,0] | recurse(next_power(3) | if .[1] < 100 then . else empty end) | .[1]

'''An aside on streams'''

Since the release of version jq 1.4, enhancements for processing streams of values have been added, notably "foreach" and "limit". If your version of jq has these enhancements, then it is often preferable to use them in conjunction with functions that emit streams of values rather than the "next-value" functions that are the focus of this page.

'''Part 2: selection from 2 ^ m'''

# Infrastructure:
def last(f): reduce f as $i (null; $i);

# emit the last value that satisfies condition, or null
def while(condition; next):
  def w: if condition then ., (next|w) else empty end;

# Powers of m1 that are not also powers of m2.
# filtered_next_power(m1;m2) produces [[i, i^m1], [j, j^m1]] where i^m1
# is not a power of m2 and j^m2 < i^m1
def filtered_next_power(m1; m2):
  if . then . else [[0,0],[0,0]] end
  | (.[0] | next_power(m1)) as $next1
  | (.[1] | while( .[1] <= $next1[1]; next_power(m2))) as $next2
  | if $next1[1] == $next2[1]
    then [$next1, $next2] | filtered_next_power(m1;m2)
    else [$next1, $next2]
    end ;

# Emit ten powers of 2 that are NOT powers of 3,
# skipping the first 20 integers satisfying the condition, including 0.
  | skip(20; filtered_next_power(2;3))
  | emit(10; filtered_next_power(2;3))
  | .[0][1]


$ jq -n -f generators.jq


The task can be achieved by using closures, iterators or tasks. Here is a solution using anonymous functions and closures.

drop(gen::Function, n::Integer) = (for _ in 1:n gen() end; gen)
take(gen::Function, n::Integer) = collect(gen() for _ in 1:n)

function pgen(n::Number)
    x = 0
    return () -> (x += 1) ^ n

function genfilter(g1::Function, g2::Function)
    local r1
    local r2 = g2()
    return () -> begin
        r1 = g1()
        while r2 <  r1 r2 = g2() end
        while r1 == r2 r1 = g1() end
        return r1

@show take(drop(genfilter(pgen(2), pgen(3)), 20), 10)


take(drop(genfilter(pgen(2), pgen(3)), 20), 10) = [529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089]


Coroutines were introduced in version 1.1 of Kotlin but, as yet, are an experimental feature:

// version 1.1.0
// compiled with flag -Xcoroutines=enable to suppress 'experimental' warning

import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.buildSequence

fun generatePowers(m: Int) =
    buildSequence {
        var n = 0
        val mm = m.toDouble()
        while (true) yield(Math.pow((n++).toDouble(), mm).toLong())

fun generateNonCubicSquares(squares: Sequence<Long>, cubes: Sequence<Long>) =
    buildSequence {
        val iter2 = squares.iterator()
        val iter3 = cubes.iterator()
        var square = iter2.next()
        var cube = iter3.next()
        while (true) {
            if (square > cube) {
                cube = iter3.next()
            } else if (square < cube) {
            square = iter2.next()

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val squares = generatePowers(2)
    val cubes = generatePowers(3)
    val ncs = generateNonCubicSquares(squares, cubes)
    print("Non-cubic squares (21st to 30th) : ")
    ncs.drop(20).take(10).forEach { print("$it ") } // print 21st to 30th items


Non-cubic squares (21st to 30th) : 529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089

M2000 Interpreter

Module Generator {
      PowGen = Lambda (e)-> {
            =lambda i=0, e -> {

      Squares=lambda PowGen=PowGen(2) ->{

      Cubes=Lambda PowGen=PowGen(3) -> {

      Filter=Lambda  z=Squares(), Squares, m, Cubes->{
            while m<Z {m=cubes()}
            if z=m then z=Squares()

      For i=1 to 20 : dropit=Filter() :Next i

      Document doc$="Non-cubic squares (21st to 30th)"
      Print doc$
      \\ a new line to doc$
      For i=1 to  10 {
            Print Format$("I: {0::-2}, F: {1}",i+20, f)
            doc$=Format$("I: {0::-2}, F: {1}",i+20, f)+{
      Clipboard doc$


Non-cubic squares (21st to 30th)
I: 21, F: 529
I: 22, F: 576
I: 23, F: 625
I: 24, F: 676
I: 25, F: 784
I: 26, F: 841
I: 27, F: 900
I: 28, F: 961
I: 29, F: 1024
I: 30, F: 1089
## Lingo Lingo neither supports coroutines nor first-class functions, and also misses syntactic sugar for implementing real generators. But in the context of for or while loops, simple pseudo-generator objects that store states internally and manipulate data passed by reference can be used to implement generator-like behavior and solve the given task. ```Lingo squares = script("generator.power").new(2) cubes = script("generator.power").new(3) filter = script("generator.filter").new(squares, cubes) filter.skip(20) res = [] i = 0 repeat while filter.exec(res) i = i + 1 if i>10 then exit repeat put res[1] end repeat ``` {{out}} ```txt -- 529 -- 576 -- 625 -- 676 -- 784 -- 841 -- 900 -- 961 -- 1024 -- 1089 ``` Parent script "generator.power" ```Lingo property _exp property _index -- @constructor on new (me, e) me._exp = e me._index = 0 return me end on exec (me, input) me._index = me._index+1 input[1] = integer(power(me._index, me._exp)) return TRUE end on skip (me, steps) me._index = me._index + steps end on reset (me) me._index = 0 end ``` Parent script "generator.filter" ```Lingo property _genv property _genf -- @constructor on new (me, genv, genf) me._genv = genv me._genf = genf return me end on exec (me, input) repeat while TRUE me._genv.exec(input) v = input[1] ok = TRUE me._genf.reset() -- reset filter generator repeat while TRUE me._genf.exec(input) f = input[1] if f>v then exit repeat if f=v then ok=FALSE exit repeat end if end repeat if ok then input[1] = v exit repeat end if end repeat return TRUE end on skip (me, steps) repeat with i = 1 to steps me.exec([]) end repeat end on reset (me) me._genv.reset() me._genf.reset() end ``` ## Lua Generators can be implemented both as closures and as coroutines. The following example demonstrates both. ```Lua --could be done with a coroutine, but a simple closure works just as well. local function powgen(m) local count = 0 return function() count = count + 1 return count^m end end local squares = powgen(2) local cubes = powgen(3) local cowrap,coyield = coroutine.wrap, coroutine.yield local function filter(f,g) return cowrap(function() local ff,gg = f(), g() while true do if ff == gg then ff,gg = f(), g() elseif ff < gg then coyield(ff) ff = f() else gg = g() end end end) end filter = filter(squares,cubes) for i = 1,30 do local result = filter() if i > 20 then print(result) end end ``` ## Nim ```nim proc `^`*(base: int, exp: int): int = var (base, exp) = (base, exp) result = 1 while exp != 0: if (exp and 1) != 0: result *= base exp = exp shr 1 base *= base proc next(s): int = for n in s(): return n proc powers(m): auto = iterator it(): int{.closure.} = for n in 0 .. f: f = next(s2) continue elif v < f: yield v v = next(s1) var squares = powers(2) cubes = powers(3) i = 1 for x in filtered(squares, cubes): if i > 20: echo x if i >= 30: break inc i ``` {{out}} ```txt 529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 ``` ## PARI/GP Define two generator functions genpow() and genpow2(). ```parigp g = List(1); \\ generator stack genpow(p) = my(a=g[1]++);listput(g,[0,p]);()->g[a][1]++^g[a][2]; genpowf(p,f) = my(a=g[1]++);listput(g,[0,p]);(s=0)->my(q);while(ispower(p=g[a][1]++^g[a][2],f)||(s&&q++<=s),);p; ``` ''genpow(power)'' returns a function that returns a simple power generator. ''genpowf(power,filter)'' returns a function thats returns a filtered power generator. This generator accepts an optional skip-parameter. Create simple power generators: ```txt gp > squares = genpow(2); gp > cubes = genpow(3); gp > cubes() 1 gp > cubes() 8 gp > squares() 1 gp > squares() 4 gp > cubes() 27 gp > squares() 9 ``` Create filtered power generator, skip first 20 results and print next 10 values: ```txt gp > powf2 = genpowf(2,3); gp > print(powf2(20)); for(i=1,9,print(powf2())) 529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 ``` ## Perl These generators are anonymous subroutines, which are closures. ```perl # gen_pow($m) creates and returns an anonymous subroutine that will # generate and return the powers 0**m, 1**m, 2**m, ... sub gen_pow { my $m = shift; my $e = 0; return sub { return $e++ ** $m; }; } # gen_filter($g1, $g2) generates everything returned from $g1 that # is not also returned from $g2. Both $g1 and $g2 must be references # to subroutines that generate numbers in increasing order. gen_filter # creates and returns an anonymous subroutine. sub gen_filter { my($g1, $g2) = @_; my $v1; my $v2 = $g2->(); return sub { for (;;) { $v1 = $g1->(); $v2 = $g2->() while $v1 > $v2; return $v1 unless $v1 == $v2; } }; } # Create generators. my $squares = gen_pow(2); my $cubes = gen_pow(3); my $squares_without_cubes = gen_filter($squares, $cubes); # Drop 20 values. $squares_without_cubes->() for (1..20); # Print 10 values. my @answer; push @answer, $squares_without_cubes->() for (1..10); print "[", join(", ", @answer), "]\n"; ``` {{out}} ```txt [529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089] ``` ## Perl 6 {{works with|rakudo|2015.12}} As with Haskell, generators are disguised as lazy lists in Perl 6. ```perl6 sub powers($m) { $m XR** 0..* } my @squares = powers(2); my @cubes = powers(3); sub infix: (@orig,@veto) { gather for @veto -> $veto { take @orig.shift while @orig[0] before $veto; @orig.shift if @orig[0] eqv $veto; } } say (@squares with-out @cubes)[20 ..^ 20+10].join(', '); ``` {{out}} ```txt 529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089 ``` ## Phix ```Phix -- -- demo\rosetta\Generator_Exponential.exw -- ### ================================ -- bool terminate = false atom res procedure powers(integer p) integer i=0 while not terminate do res = power(i,p) task_suspend(task_self()) task_yield() i += 1 end while end procedure constant squares = task_create(routine_id("powers"),{2}), cubes = task_create(routine_id("powers"),{3}) atom square, cube task_schedule(cubes,1) task_yield() cube = res for i=1 to 30 do while 1 do task_schedule(squares,1) task_yield() square = res while cube20 then ?square end if end for terminate = 1 ``` {{out}} ```txt 529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 ``` ## PHP {{trans|Python}} {{works with|PHP|5.5+}} ```php current(), $s2->current()]; if ($v > $f) { $s2->next(); continue; } else if ($v < $f) { yield $v; } $s1->next(); } } list($squares, $cubes) = [powers(2), powers(3)]; $f = filtered($squares, $cubes); foreach (range(0, 19) as $i) { $f->next(); } foreach (range(20, 29) as $i) { echo $i, "\t", $f->current(), "\n"; $f->next(); } ?> ``` {{out}} ```txt 20 529 21 576 22 625 23 676 24 784 25 841 26 900 27 961 28 1024 29 1089 ``` ## PicoLisp Coroutines are available only in the 64-bit version. ```PicoLisp (de powers (M) (co (intern (pack 'powers M)) (for (I 0 (inc 'I)) (yield (** I M)) ) ) ) (de filtered (N M) (co 'filtered (let (V (powers N) F (powers M)) (loop (if (> V F) (setq F (powers M)) (and (> F V) (yield V)) (setq V (powers N)) ) ) ) ) ) (do 20 (filtered 2 3)) (do 10 (println (filtered 2 3))) ``` {{out}} ```txt 529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 ``` ## PL/I ```PL/I Generate: procedure options (main); /* 27 October 2013 */ declare j fixed binary; declare r fixed binary; /* Ignore the first 20 values */ do j = 1 to 20; /* put edit (filter() ) (f(6)); */ r = filter (); end; put skip; do j = 1 to 10; put edit (filter() ) (f(6)); end; /* filters out cubes from the result of the square generator. */ filter: procedure returns (fixed binary); declare n fixed binary static initial (-0); declare (i, j, m) fixed binary; do while ('1'b); m = squares(); r = 0; do j = 1 to m; if m = cubes() then go to ignore; end; return (m); ignore: end; end filter; squares: procedure returns (fixed binary); declare i fixed binary static initial (-0); i = i + 1; return (i**2); end squares; cubes: procedure returns (fixed binary); r = r + 1; return (r**3); end cubes; end Generate; ``` ```txt 20 dropped values: 4 9 16 25 36 49 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 256 289 324 361 400 441 484 Next 10 values: 529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 ``` ## Python In Python, any function that contains a yield statement becomes a generator. The standard libraries itertools module provides the following functions used in the solution: [http://docs.python.org/library/itertools.html#itertools.count count], that will count up from zero; and [http://docs.python.org/library/itertools.html#itertools.islice islice], which will take a slice from an iterator/generator. {{works with|Python|2.6+ and 3.x}} (in versions prior to 2.6, replace next(something) with something.next()) ```python from itertools import islice, count def powers(m): for n in count(): yield n ** m def filtered(s1, s2): v, f = next(s1), next(s2) while True: if v > f: f = next(s2) continue elif v < f: yield v v = next(s1) squares, cubes = powers(2), powers(3) f = filtered(squares, cubes) print(list(islice(f, 20, 30))) ``` {{out}} ```txt [529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089] ``` Or, deriving custom generators compositionally: {{Works with|Python|3.7}} ```python '''Exponentials as generators''' from itertools import count, islice # powers :: Gen [Int] def powers(n): '''A non-finite succession of integers, starting at zero, raised to the nth power.''' def f(x): return pow(x, n) return map(f, count(0)) # main :: IO () def main(): '''Taking the difference between two derived generators.''' print( take(10)( drop(20)( differenceGen(powers(2))( powers(3) ) ) ) ) # GENERIC ------------------------------------------------- # differenceGen :: Gen [a] -> Gen [a] -> Gen [a] def differenceGen(ga): '''All values of ga except any already seen in gb.''' def go(a, b): stream = zip(a, b) bs = set([]) while True: xy = next(stream, None) if None is not xy: x, y = xy bs.add(y) if x not in bs: yield x else: return return lambda gb: go(ga, gb) # drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a] # drop :: Int -> String -> String def drop(n): '''The sublist of xs beginning at (zero-based) index n.''' def go(xs): if isinstance(xs, list): return xs[n:] else: take(n)(xs) return xs return lambda xs: go(xs) # take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] # take :: Int -> String -> String def take(n): '''The prefix of xs of length n, or xs itself if n > length xs.''' return lambda xs: ( xs[0:n] if isinstance(xs, list) else list(islice(xs, n)) ) # MAIN --- if __name__ == '__main__': main() ``` {{Out}} ```txt [529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089] ``` ## R ```rsplus powers = function(m) {n = -1 function() {n <<- n + 1 n^m}} noncubic.squares = local( {squares = powers(2) cubes = powers(3) cube = cubes() function() {square = squares() while (1) {if (square > cube) {cube <<- cubes() next} else if (square < cube) {return(square)} else {square = squares()}}}}) for (i in 1:20) noncubic.squares() for (i in 1:10) message(noncubic.squares()) ``` ## Racket ```racket #lang racket (require racket/generator) ;; this is a function that returns a powers generator, not a generator (define (powers m) (generator () (for ([n (in-naturals)]) (yield (expt n m))))) (define squares (powers 2)) (define cubes (powers 3)) ;; same here (define (filtered g1 g2) (generator () (let loop ([n1 (g1)] [n2 (g2)]) (cond [(< n1 n2) (yield n1) (loop (g1) n2)] [(> n1 n2) (loop n1 (g2))] [else (loop (g1) (g2))])))) (for/list ([x (in-producer (filtered squares cubes) (lambda (_) #f))] [i 30] #:when (>= i 20)) x) ``` {{out}} ```txt '(529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089) ``` ## REXX The generators (below, the Gxxxxx functions) lie dormant until a request is made for a specific generator index. ```rexx /*REXX program demonstrates how to use a generator (also known as an iterator). */ parse arg N .; if N=='' | N=="," then N=20 /*N not specified? Then use default.*/ @.= /* [↓] calculate squares,cubes,pureSq.*/ do i=1 for N; call Gsquare i call Gcube i call GpureSquare i /*these are cube─free square numbers.*/ end /*i*/ do k=1 for N; @.pureSquare.k=; end /*k*/ /*this is used to drop 1st N values.*/ w=length(N+10); ps= 'pure square' /*the width of the numbers; a literal.*/ do m=N+1 for 10; say ps right(m, w)":" right(GpureSquare(m), 3*w) end /*m*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ Gpower: procedure expose @.; parse arg x,p; [email protected] if q\=='' then return q; _=x**p; @.pow.x.p=_ return _ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ Gsquare: procedure expose @.; parse arg x; [email protected] if q=='' then @.square.x=Gpower(x, 2) return @.square.x /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ Gcube: procedure expose @.; parse arg x; [email protected] if q=='' then @.cube.x=Gpower(x, 3) [email protected]; @.3pow._=1 return @.cube.x /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ GpureSquare: procedure expose @.; parse arg x; [email protected] if q\=='' then return q #=0 do j=1 until #==x; ?=Gpower(j, 2) /*search for pure square. */ if @.3pow.?==1 then iterate /*is it a power of three? */ #=#+1; @.pureSquare.#=? /*assign next pureSquare. */ end /*j*/ return @.pureSquare.x ``` '''output''' when using the default value: ```txt pure square 21: 529 pure square 22: 576 pure square 23: 625 pure square 24: 676 pure square 25: 784 pure square 26: 841 pure square 27: 900 pure square 28: 961 pure square 29: 1024 pure square 30: 1089 ``` ## Ruby This first solution cheats and uses only one generator! It has three iterators powers(2), powers(3) and squares_without_cubes, but the only generator runs powers(3). An iterator is a Ruby method that takes a block parameter, and loops the block for each element. So powers(2) { |i| puts "Got #{i}" } would loop forever and print Got 0, Got 1, Got 4, Got 9 and so on. Starting with Ruby 1.8.7, one can use Object#enum_for to convert an iterator method to an Enumerator object. The Enumerator#next method is a generator that runs the iterator method on a separate coroutine. Here cubes.next generates the next cube number. ```ruby # This solution cheats and uses only one generator! def powers(m) return enum_for(__method__, m) unless block_given? 0.step{|n| yield n**m} end def squares_without_cubes return enum_for(__method__) unless block_given? cubes = powers(3) c = cubes.next powers(2) do |s| c = cubes.next while c < s yield s unless c == s end end p squares_without_cubes.take(30).drop(20) # p squares_without_cubes.lazy.drop(20).first(10) # Ruby 2.0+ ``` {{out}} ```txt [529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089] ``` ---- Here is the correct solution, which obeys the ''requirement'' of ''three'' generators. ```ruby # This solution uses three generators. def powers(m) return enum_for(__method__, m) unless block_given? 0.step{|n| yield n**m} end def squares_without_cubes return enum_for(__method__) unless block_given? cubes = powers(3) #no block, so this is the first generator c = cubes.next squares = powers(2) # second generator loop do s = squares.next c = cubes.next while c < s yield s unless c == s end end answer = squares_without_cubes # third generator 20.times { answer.next } p 10.times.map { answer.next } ``` {{out}} ```txt [529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089] ``` If we change both programs to drop the first 1_000_020 values (output: [1000242014641, 1000244014884, 1000246015129, 1000248015376, 1000250015625, 1000252015876, 1000254016129, 1000256016384, 1000258016641, 1000260016900]), then the one-generator solution runs much faster than the three-generator solution on a machine with [[MRI]] 1.9.2. ---- The other way. Powers method is the same as the above. {{trans|Python}} ```ruby def filtered(s1, s2) return enum_for(__method__, s1, s2) unless block_given? v, f = s1.next, s2.next loop do v > f and f = s2.next and next v < f and yield v v = s1.next end end squares, cubes = powers(2), powers(3) f = filtered(squares, cubes) p f.take(30).last(10) # p f.lazy.drop(20).first(10) # Ruby 2.0+ ``` Output is the same as the above. ## Scala ```scala object Generators { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { def squares(n:Int=0):Stream[Int]=(n*n) #:: squares(n+1) def cubes(n:Int=0):Stream[Int]=(n*n*n) #:: cubes(n+1) def filtered(s:Stream[Int], c:Stream[Int]):Stream[Int]={ if(s.head>c.head) filtered(s, c.tail) else if(s.headch) => filtered2(s, ct) case (sh#::st, ch#::_) if (sh sh #:: filtered2(st, c) case (_#::st, _) => filtered2(st, c) } ``` {{out}} ```txt 529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089, empty ``` ## Rust ```Rust use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::iter::Peekable; fn powers(m: u32) -> impl Iterator { (0u64..).map(move |x| x.pow(m)) } fn noncubic_squares() -> impl Iterator { NoncubicSquares { squares: powers(2).peekable(), cubes: powers(3).peekable(), } } struct NoncubicSquares, U: Iterator> { squares: Peekable, cubes: Peekable, } impl, U: Iterator> Iterator for NoncubicSquares { type Item = u64; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { loop { match self.squares.peek()?.cmp(self.cubes.peek()?) { Ordering::Equal => self.squares.next(), Ordering::Greater => self.cubes.next(), Ordering::Less => return self.squares.next(), }; } } } fn main() { noncubic_squares() .skip(20) .take(10) .for_each(|x| print!("{} ", x)); println!(); } ``` {{out}} ```txt 529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 ``` ## Scheme ```lisp (define (power-seq n) (let ((i 0)) (lambda () (set! i (+ 1 i)) (expt i n)))) (define (filter-seq m n) (let* ((s1 (power-seq m)) (s2 (power-seq n)) (a 0) (b 0)) (lambda () (set! a (s1)) (let loop () (if (>= a b) (begin (cond ((> a b) (set! b (s2))) ((= a b) (set! a (s1)))) (loop)))) a))) (let loop ((seq (filter-seq 2 3)) (i 0)) (if (< i 30) (begin (if (> i 20) (begin (display (seq)) (newline)) (seq)) (loop seq (+ 1 i))))) ``` {{out}} ```txt 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 ``` ## Sidef {{trans|Perl}} ```ruby func gen_pow(m) { var e = 0; func { e++ ** m }; } func gen_filter(g1, g2) { var v2 = g2.run; func { loop { var v1 = g1.run; while (v1 > v2) { v2 = g2.run }; v1 == v2 || return v1; } } } # Create generators. var squares = gen_pow(2); var cubes = gen_pow(3); var squares_without_cubes = gen_filter(squares, cubes); # Drop 20 values. 20.times { squares_without_cubes() }; # Print 10 values. var answer = []; 10.times { answer.append(squares_without_cubes()) }; say answer; ``` {{out}} ```txt [529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089] ``` ## Swift ```swift func powGen(m: Int) -> GeneratorOf { let power = Double(m) var cur: Double = 0 return GeneratorOf { Int(pow(cur++, power)) } } var squares = powGen(2) var cubes = powGen(3) var nCube = cubes.next() var filteredSqs = GeneratorOf { for var nSq = squares.next() ;; nCube = cubes.next() { if nCube > nSq { return nSq } else if nCube == nSq { nSq = squares.next() } } } extension GeneratorOf { func drop(n: Int) -> GeneratorOf { var g = self for _ in 0.. GeneratorOf { var (i, g) = (0, self) return GeneratorOf{++i > n ? nil : g.next()} } } for num in filteredSqs.drop(20).take(10) { print(num) } //529 //576 //625 //676 //784 //841 //900 //961 //1024 //1089 ``` ## SuperCollider ```SuperCollider f = { |m| {:x, x<-(0..) } ** m }; g = f.(2); g.nextN(10); // answers [ 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 ] ``` patterns are stream generators: ```SuperCollider ( f = Pseries(0, 1) g = f ** 2; g.asStream.nextN(10); // answers [ 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 ] ) ``` supercollider has no "without" stream function, this builds one: ```SuperCollider ( var filter = { |a, b, func| // both streams are assumed to be ordered Prout { var astr, bstr; var aval, bval; astr = a.asStream; bstr = b.asStream; bval = bstr.next; while { aval = astr.next; aval.notNil } { while { bval.notNil and: { bval < aval } } { bval = bstr.next; }; if(func.value(aval, bval)) { aval.yield }; } } }; var without = filter.(_, _, { |a, b| a != b }); // partially apply function f = Pseries(0, 1); g = without.(f ** 2, f ** 3); h = g.drop(20); h.asStream.nextN(10); ) answers: [ 529, 576, 625, 676, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089 ] ``` ## Tcl {{works with|Tcl|8.6}} Tcl implements generators in terms of coroutines. If these generators were terminating, they would finish by doing return -code break so as to terminate the calling loop context that is doing the extraction of the values from the generator. ```tcl package require Tcl 8.6 proc powers m { yield for {set n 0} true {incr n} { yield [expr {$n ** $m}] } } coroutine squares powers 2 coroutine cubes powers 3 coroutine filtered apply {{s1 s2} { yield set f [$s2] set v [$s1] while true { if {$v > $f} { set f [$s2] continue } elseif {$v < $f} { yield $v } set v [$s1] } }} squares cubes # Drop 20 for {set i 0} {$i<20} {incr i} {filtered} # Take/print 10 for {} {$i<30} {incr i} { puts [filtered] } ``` {{out}} ```txt 529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 ``` ## VBA ```vb Public lastsquare As Long Public nextsquare As Long Public lastcube As Long Public midcube As Long Public nextcube As Long Private Sub init() lastsquare = 1 nextsquare = -1 lastcube = -1 midcube = 0 nextcube = 1 End Sub Private Function squares() As Long lastsquare = lastsquare + nextsquare nextsquare = nextsquare + 2 squares = lastsquare End Function Private Function cubes() As Long lastcube = lastcube + nextcube nextcube = nextcube + midcube midcube = midcube + 6 cubes = lastcube End Function Public Sub main() init cube = cubes For i = 1 To 30 Do While True square = squares Do While cube < square cube = cubes Loop If square <> cube Then Exit Do End If Loop If i > 20 Then Debug.Print square; End If Next i End Sub ``` {{out}} ```txt 529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 ``` ## Visual Basic .NET '''Compiler:''' >= Visual Studio 2012 ```vbnet Module Program Iterator Function IntegerPowers(exp As Integer) As IEnumerable(Of Integer) Dim i As Integer = 0 Do Yield CInt(Math.Pow(i, exp)) i += 1 Loop End Function Function Squares() As IEnumerable(Of Integer) Return IntegerPowers(2) End Function Function Cubes() As IEnumerable(Of Integer) Return IntegerPowers(3) End Function Iterator Function SquaresWithoutCubes() As IEnumerable(Of Integer) Dim cubeSequence = Cubes().GetEnumerator() Dim nextGreaterOrEqualCube As Integer = 0 For Each curSquare In Squares() Do While nextGreaterOrEqualCube < curSquare cubeSequence.MoveNext() nextGreaterOrEqualCube = cubeSequence.Current Loop If nextGreaterOrEqualCube <> curSquare Then Yield curSquare Next End Function Sub Main() For Each x In From i In SquaresWithoutCubes() Skip 20 Take 10 Console.WriteLine(x) Next End Sub End Module ``` More concise but slower implementation that relies on LINQ-to-objects to achieve generator behavior (runs slower due to re-enumerating Cubes() for every element of Squares()). ```vbnet Function SquaresWithoutCubesLinq() As IEnumerable(Of Integer) Return Squares().Where(Function(s) s <> Cubes().First(Function(c) c >= s)) End Function ``` {{out}} ```txt 529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 ``` ## XPL0 ```XPL0 code ChOut=8, IntOut=11; func Gen(M); \Generate Mth powers of positive integers int M; int N, R, I; [N:= [0, 0, 0, 0]; \provides own/static variables R:= 1; for I:= 1 to M do R:= R*N(M); N(M):= N(M)+1; return R; ]; func Filter; \Generate squares of positive integers that aren't cubes int S, C; [C:= [0]; \static variable = smallest cube > current square repeat S:= Gen(2); while S > C(0) do C(0):= Gen(3); until S # C(0); return S; ]; int I; [for I:= 1 to 20 do Filter; \drop first 20 values for I:= 1 to 10 do [IntOut(0, Filter); ChOut(0, ^ )]; \show next 10 values ] ``` {{out}} ```txt 529 576 625 676 784 841 900 961 1024 1089 ``` ## zkl {{trans|Python}} Generators are implemented with fibers (aka VMs) and return [lazy] iterators. ```zkl fcn powers(m){ n:=0.0; while(1){vm.yield(n.pow(m).toInt()); n+=1} } var squared=Utils.Generator(powers,2), cubed=Utils.Generator(powers,3); fcn filtered(sg,cg){s:=sg.next(); c:=cg.next(); while(1){ if(s>c){c=cg.next(); continue;} else if(sc) { cg.next(); return(self.fcn(sg,cg)); } sg.next(); return(s); } var f=[0..].tweak(filtered.fp(squared,cubed)) f.drop(20).walk(10).println(); ```