⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

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{{task|Image processing}}

Many image processing algorithms are defined for [[wp:Grayscale|grayscale]] (or else monochromatic) images.

;Task: Extend the data storage type defined [[Basic_bitmap_storage|on this page]] to support grayscale images.

Define two operations, one to convert a color image to a grayscale image and one for the backward conversion.

To get luminance of a color use the formula recommended by [http://www.cie.co.at/index_ie.html CIE]:

L = 0.2126 × R + 0.7152 × G + 0.0722 × B

When using floating-point arithmetic make sure that rounding errors would not cause run-time problems or else distorted results when calculated luminance is stored as an unsigned integer.


type Grayscale_Image is array (Positive range <>, Positive range <>) of Luminance;

Conversion to a grayscale image:

function Grayscale (Picture : Image) return Grayscale_Image is
   type Extended_Luminance is range 0..10_000_000;
   Result : Grayscale_Image (Picture'Range (1), Picture'Range (2));
   Color  : Pixel;
   for I in Picture'Range (1) loop
      for J in Picture'Range (2) loop
         Color := Picture (I, J);
         Result (I, J) :=
            (  (  2_126 * Extended_Luminance (Color.R)
               +  7_152 * Extended_Luminance (Color.G)
               +    722 * Extended_Luminance (Color.B)
            /  10_000
      end loop;
   end loop;
   return Result;
end Grayscale;

Conversion to a color image:

function Color (Picture : Grayscale_Image) return Image is
   Result : Image (Picture'Range (1), Picture'Range (2));
   for I in Picture'Range (1) loop
      for J in Picture'Range (2) loop
         Result (I, J) := (others => Picture (I, J));
      end loop;
   end loop;
   return Result;
end Color;


[[Image:BASIC256_greyscale_Mona_Lisa.jpg|right]] [[Image:BASIC256_greysacle_Grey_Mona_lisa.jpg|right]]

w = 143
h = 188
name$ = "Mona_Lisa.jpg"
graphsize w,h
imgload w/2, h/2, name$

for x = 0 to w-1
   for y = 0 to h-1
      p = pixel(x,y)
      b = p % 256
      p = p \256
      g = p % 256
      p = p \ 256
      r = p % 256
      l = 0.2126*r + 0.7152*g + 0.0722*b
      color rgb(l,l,l)
      plot x,y
   next y
next x

imgsave "Grey_"+name$,"jpg"

{{omit from|Batch File}}


{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}} This uses the formula for gamma-corrected images, which is more appropriate to this task (see discussion page). [[Image:original_bbc.jpg|right]] [[Image:greyscale_bbc.jpg|right]]

      Width% = 200
      Height% = 200

      VDU 23,22,Width%;Height%;8,16,16,128
      *display c:\lena

      FOR y% = 0 TO Height%-1
        FOR x% = 0 TO Width%-1
          rgb% = FNgetpixel(x%,y%)
          r% = rgb% >> 16
          g% = (rgb% >> 8) AND &FF
          b% = rgb% AND &FF
          l% = INT(0.3*r% + 0.59*g% + 0.11*b% + 0.5)
      NEXT y%

      DEF PROCsetpixel(x%,y%,r%,g%,b%)
      COLOUR 1,r%,g%,b%
      GCOL 1
      LINE x%*2,y%*2,x%*2,y%*2

      DEF FNgetpixel(x%,y%)
      LOCAL col%
      col% = TINT(x%*2,y%*2)
      SWAP ?^col%,?(^col%+2)
      = col%


Definition/interface for a grayscale image.

typedef unsigned char luminance;
typedef luminance pixel1[1];
typedef struct {
   unsigned int width;
   unsigned int height;
   luminance *buf;
} grayimage_t;
typedef grayimage_t *grayimage;

grayimage alloc_grayimg(unsigned int, unsigned int);
grayimage tograyscale(image);
image tocolor(grayimage);

The same as alloc_img, but for grayscale images.

grayimage alloc_grayimg(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
     grayimage img;
     img = malloc(sizeof(grayimage_t));
     img->buf = malloc(width*height*sizeof(pixel1));
     img->width = width;
     img->height = height;
     return img;

Convert from ''color'' image to ''grayscale'' image.

grayimage tograyscale(image img)
   unsigned int x, y;
   grayimage timg;
   double rc, gc, bc, l;
   unsigned int ofs;

   timg = alloc_grayimg(img->width, img->height);

   for(x=0; x < img->width; x++)
      for(y=0; y < img->height; y++)
        ofs = (y * img->width) + x;
        rc = (double) img->buf[ofs][0];
        gc = (double) img->buf[ofs][1];
        bc = (double) img->buf[ofs][2];
        l = 0.2126*rc + 0.7152*gc + 0.0722*bc;
        timg->buf[ofs][0] = (luminance) (l+0.5);
   return timg;

And back from a ''grayscale'' image to a ''color'' image.

image tocolor(grayimage img)
   unsigned int x, y;
   image timg;
   luminance l;
   unsigned int ofs;

   timg = alloc_img(img->width, img->height);

   for(x=0; x < img->width; x++)
      for(y=0; y < img->height; y++)
        ofs = (y * img->width) + x;
        l = img->buf[ofs][0];
        timg->buf[ofs][0] = l;
        timg->buf[ofs][1] = l;
        timg->buf[ofs][2] = l;
   return timg;


  • tocolor and tograyscale do not free the previous image, so it must be freed normally calling free_img. With a cast we can use the same function also for grayscale images, or we can define something like
#define free_grayimg(IMG) free_img((image)(IMG))
  • ''Luminance'' is rounded. Since the C implementation is based on unsigned char (256 possible values per components), L can be at most 255.0 and rounding gives 255, as we expect. Changing the color_component type would only change 256, 255.0 and 255 values here written in something else, the code would work the same.


To convert TO grayscale:

Bitmap tImage = new Bitmap("spectrum.bmp");

for (int x = 0; x < tImage.Width; x++)
	for (int y = 0; y < tImage.Height; y++)
		Color tCol = tImage.GetPixel(x, y);

		// L = 0.2126·R + 0.7152·G + 0.0722·B
		double L = 0.2126 * tCol.R + 0.7152 * tCol.G + 0.0722 * tCol.B;
		tImage.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(L), Convert.ToInt32(L), Convert.ToInt32(L)));

// Save


(import '[java.io File]
        '[javax.imageio ImageIO]
        '[java.awt Color]
        '[java.awt.image BufferedImage]))

(defn rgb-to-gray [color-image]
  (let [width (.getWidth color-image)]
    (partition width
               (for [x (range width)
                     y (range (.getHeight color-image))]
                 (let [rgb (.getRGB color-image x y)
                       rgb-object (new Color rgb)
                       r (.getRed rgb-object)
                       g (.getGreen rgb-object)
                       b (.getBlue rgb-object)
                       a (.getAlpha rgb-object)]
                   ;Compute the grayscale value an return it: L = 0.2126·R + 0.7152·G + 0.0722·B
                   (+ (* r 0.2126) (* g 0.7152) (* b 0.0722)))))))

(defn write-matrix-to-image [matrix filename]
   (let [height (count matrix)
         width (count (first matrix))
         output-image (new BufferedImage width height BufferedImage/TYPE_BYTE_GRAY)]
     (doseq [row-index    (range height)
             column-index (range width)]
       (.setRGB output-image column-index row-index (.intValue (nth (nth matrix row-index) column-index))))
   (new File filename)))

      (ImageIO/read (new File "test.jpg")))

Common Lisp

Use the function rgb-to-gray-image to convert a rgb-image as loaded by the function defined [[Bitmap/Read a PPM file#Common Lisp]]. The package identifier assumes that you have the package as defined in [[Basic bitmap storage#Common Lisp]]. With the function grayscale-image-to-pgm-file it is possible to write out the gray image as pgm file which can then be further processed.

(in-package #:rgb-pixel-buffer)

(defun rgb-to-gray-image (rgb-image)
  (flet ((rgb-to-gray (rgb-value)
	   (round (+ (* 0.2126 (rgb-pixel-red rgb-value))
		     (* 0.7152 (rgb-pixel-green rgb-value))
		     (* 0.0722 (rgb-pixel-blue rgb-value))))))
    (let ((gray-image (make-array (array-dimensions rgb-image) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
      (dotimes (i (array-total-size rgb-image))
	(setf (row-major-aref gray-image i) (rgb-to-gray (row-major-aref rgb-image i))))

(export 'rgb-to-gray-image)

(defun grayscale-image-to-pgm-file (image file-name &optional (max-value 255))
  (with-open-file (p file-name :direction :output
		     :if-exists :supersede)
    (format p "P2 ~&~A ~A ~&~A" (array-dimension image 1) (array-dimension image 0) max-value)
    (dotimes (i (array-total-size image))
      (print (row-major-aref image i) p))))

(export 'grayscale-image-to-pgm-file)


This example uses the bitmap module defined in the [[Bitmap]] Task page.

module grayscale_image;

import core.stdc.stdio, std.array, std.algorithm, std.string, std.ascii;
public import bitmap;

struct Gray {
    ubyte c;
    enum black = typeof(this)(0);
    enum white = typeof(this)(255);
    alias c this;

Image!Color loadPGM(Color)(Image!Color img, in string fileName) {
    static int readNum(FILE* f) nothrow @nogc {
        int n;
        while (!fscanf(f, "%d ", &n)) {
            if ((n = fgetc(f)) == '#') {
                while ((n = fgetc(f)) != '\n')
                    if (n == EOF)
                        return 0;
            } else
                return 0;
        return n;

    if (img is null)
        img = new Image!Color();

    auto fin = fopen(fileName.toStringz(), "rb");
    scope(exit) if (fin) fclose(fin);
    if (!fin)
        throw new Exception("Can't open input file.");

    if (fgetc(fin) != 'P' ||
        fgetc(fin) != '5' ||
        throw new Exception("Not a PGM (PPM P5) image.");

    immutable int nc = readNum(fin);
    immutable int nr = readNum(fin);
    immutable int maxVal = readNum(fin);
    if (nc <= 0 || nr <= 0 || maxVal <= 0)
        throw new Exception("Wrong input image sizes.");
    img.allocate(nc, nr);
    auto pix = new ubyte[img.image.length];

    immutable count = fread(pix.ptr, 1, nc * nr, fin);
    if (count != nc * nr)
        throw new Exception("Wrong number of items read.");

    return img;

void savePGM(Color)(in Image!Color img, in string fileName)
in {
    assert(img !is null);
    assert(img.nx > 0 && img.ny > 0 &&
           img.image.length == img.nx * img.ny,
           "Wrong image.");
} body {
    auto fout = fopen(fileName.toStringz(), "wb");
    if (fout == null)
        throw new Exception("File can't be opened.");
    fprintf(fout, "P5\n%d %d\n255\n", img.nx, img.ny);
    auto pix = new ubyte[img.image.length];
    foreach (i, ref p; pix)
        p = cast(typeof(pix[0]))img.image[i];
    immutable count = fwrite(pix.ptr, ubyte.sizeof,
                             img.nx * img.ny, fout);
    if (count != img.nx * img.ny)
        new Exception("Wrong number of items written.");

Gray lumCIE(in RGB c) pure nothrow @nogc {
    return Gray(cast(ubyte)(0.2126 * c.r +
                            0.7152 * c.g +
                            0.0722 * c.b + 0.5));

Gray lumAVG(in RGB c) pure nothrow @nogc {
    return Gray(cast(ubyte)(0.3333 * c.r +
                            0.3333 * c.g +
                            0.3333 * c.b + 0.5));

Image!Gray rgb2grayImage(alias Conv=lumCIE)(in Image!RGB im) nothrow {
    auto result = new typeof(return)(im.nx, im.ny);
    foreach (immutable i, immutable rgb; im.image)
        result.image[i] = Conv(rgb);
    return result;

Image!RGB gray2rgbImage(in Image!Gray im) nothrow {
    auto result = new typeof(return)(im.nx, im.ny);
    foreach (immutable i, immutable gr; im.image)
        result.image[i] = RGB(gr, gr, gr);
    return result;

version (grayscale_image_main) {
    void main() {
        auto im1 = new Image!Gray;

        auto img2 = new Image!RGB;

Euler Math Toolbox

>A=loadrgb("mona.jpg"); >insrgb(A); >function grayscale (A) ... ${r,g,b}=getrgb(A); $c=0.2126*r+0.7152*g+0.0722*b; $return rgb(c,c,c); $endfunction >insrgb(grayscale(A)); >insrgb(A|grayscale(A));

## Erlang

The code below extends the erlang module on [[Bitmap]] task. This module supports RGB and grayscale modes. RGB colors are specified as {rgb, R, G, B} and saved as bytes into an array. Grayscale colors are likewise specified as {gray, L} where L is luminance.


-export([new/2, fill/2, set_pixel/3, get_pixel/2, convert/2]).

-record(bitmap, {
    mode = rgb,
    pixels = nil,
    shape = {0, 0}

tuple_to_bytes({rgb, R, G, B}) ->
  <<R:8, G:8, B:8>>;
tuple_to_bytes({gray, L}) ->

bytes_to_tuple(rgb, Bytes) ->
  <<R:8, G:8, B:8>> = Bytes,
  {rgb, R, G, B};
bytes_to_tuple(gray, Bytes) ->
  <<L:8>> = Bytes,
  {gray, L}.

new(Width, Height) ->
  new(Width, Height, {rgb, 0, 0, 0}).

new(Width, Height, rgb) ->
  new(Width, Height, {rgb, 0, 0, 0});

new(Width, Height, gray) ->
  new(Width, Height, {gray, 0, 0, 0});

new(Width, Height, ColorTuple) when is_tuple(ColorTuple) ->
  [Mode|Components] = tuple_to_list(ColorTuple),
  Bytes = list_to_binary(Components),
    pixels=array:new(Width * Height, {default, Bytes}),
    shape={Width, Height},

fill(#bitmap{shape={Width, Height}, mode=Mode}, ColorTuple)
    when element(1, ColorTuple) =:= Mode ->
  new(Width, Height, ColorTuple).

set_pixel(#bitmap{pixels=Pixels, shape={Width, _Height}, mode=Mode}=Bitmap,
    {at, X, Y}, ColorTuple) when  element(1, ColorTuple) =:= Mode ->
  Index = X + Y * Width,
  Bitmap#bitmap{pixels=array:set(Index, tuple_to_bytes(ColorTuple), Pixels)}.

get_pixel(#bitmap{pixels=Pixels, shape={Width, _Height}, mode=Mode},
    {at, X, Y}) ->
  Index = X + Y * Width,
  Bytes = array:get(Index, Pixels),
  bytes_to_tuple(Mode, Bytes).

luminance(<<R:8, G:8, B:8>>) ->
  <<(trunc(R * 0.2126 + G * 0.7152 + B * 0.0722))>>.

%% convert from rgb to grayscale
convert(#bitmap{pixels=Pixels, mode=rgb}=Bitmap, gray) ->
    pixels=array:map(fun(_I, Pixel) ->
          luminance(Pixel) end, Pixels),

%% convert from grayscale to rgb
convert(#bitmap{pixels=Pixels, mode=gray}=Bitmap, rgb)->
    pixels=array:map(fun(_I, <<L:8>>) -> <<L:8, L:8, L:8>> end, Pixels),

%% no conversion if the mode is the same with the bitmap.
convert(#bitmap{mode=Mode}=Bitmap, Mode) ->


function to_gray(sequence image)
    sequence color
    for i = 1 to length(image) do
        for j = 1 to length(image[i]) do
            color = and_bits(image[i][j], {#FF0000,#FF00,#FF}) /
                                          {#010000,#0100,#01} -- unpack color triple
            image[i][j] = floor(0.2126*color[1] + 0.7152*color[2] + 0.0722*color[3])
        end for
    end for
    return image
end function

function to_color(sequence image)
    for i = 1 to length(image) do
        for j = 1 to length(image[i]) do
            image[i][j] = image[i][j]*#010101
        end for
    end for
    return image
end function


24-bpp BMP-format P.O.T.-size image solution: [[Image:FBSLLena.png|right]]

DIM colored = ".\LenaClr.bmp", grayscale = ".\LenaGry.bmp"
DIM head, tail, r, g, b, l, ptr, blobsize = 54 ' sizeof BMP file headers

head = @FILEGET + blobsize: tail = @FILEGET + FILELEN ' set loop bounds

FOR ptr = head TO tail STEP 3 ' transform color triplets
	b = PEEK(ptr + 0, 1) ' read Windows colors stored in BGR order
	g = PEEK(ptr + 1, 1)
	r = PEEK(ptr + 2, 1)
	l = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b ' derive luminance
	SETMEM(FILEGET, RGB(l, l, l), ptr - head + blobsize, 3) ' write grayscale



In [https://wiki.formulae.org/Grayscale_image this] page you can see the solution of this task.

Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text ([http://wiki.formulae.org/Editing_F%C5%8Drmul%C3%A6_expressions more info]). Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation —i.e. XML, JSON— they are intended for transportation effects more than visualization and edition.

The option to show Fōrmulæ programs and their results is showing images. Unfortunately images cannot be uploaded in Rosetta Code.


\ grayscale bitmap (without word-alignment for scan lines)

\ bdim, bwidth, bdata all work with graymaps

: graymap ( w h -- gmp )
  2dup * bdata allocate throw
  dup >r 2! r> ;

: gxy ( x y gmp -- addr )
  dup bwidth rot * rot + swap bdata + ;

: g@ ( x y gmp -- c ) gxy c@ ;
: g! ( c x y bmp -- ) gxy c! ;

: gfill ( c gmp -- )
  dup bdata swap bdim * rot fill ;

: gshow ( gmp -- )
  dup bdim
  0 do cr
    dup 0 do
      over i j rot g@ if [char] * emit else space then
  2drop ;

\ RGB <-> Grayscale
: lum>rgb ( 0..255 -- pixel )
   dup 8 lshift or
   dup 8 lshift or ;

: pixel>rgb ( pixel -- r g b )
  256 /mod 256 /mod ;
: rgb>lum ( pixel -- 0..255 )
   722 *   swap
  7152 * + swap
  2126 * + 10000 / ;

: bitmap>graymap ( bmp -- gmp )
  dup bdim graymap
  dup bdim nip 0 do
    dup bwidth 0 do
      over i j rot b@ rgb>lum
      over i j rot g!
  loop nip ;

: graymap>bitmap ( gmp -- bmp )
  dup bdim bitmap
  dup bdim nip 0 do
    dup bwidth 0 do
      over i j rot g@ lum>rgb
      over i j rot b!
  loop nip ;


(These fragments should be added to RCImageBasic module, see [[Basic bitmap storage#Fortran|Basic bitmap storage]])

First let's define a new type; the sc stands for Single Channel, which can be luminance (as it is here).

type scimage
   integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: channel
   integer :: width, height
end type scimage

In order to allow proper overloading, the following subroutines of the [[Basic bitmap storage#Fortran|storage]] should be renamed appending the _rgb suffix: valid_image, inside_image, alloc_img, free_img, fill_img, get_pixel, put_pixel, init_img. The ''single channel'' version would be named with the _sc suffix, then we should define the proper interfaces to use the already written code as before. Here there are only the interfaces and subroutines needed for the task.

interface alloc_img
   module procedure alloc_img_rgb, alloc_img_sc
end interface

interface free_img
   module procedure free_img_rgb, free_img_sc
end interface

Now we can define useful interfaces and subroutines more task-related:

interface assignment(=)
   module procedure rgbtosc, sctorgb
end interface
subroutine alloc_img_sc(img, w, h)
  type(scimage) :: img
  integer, intent(in) :: w, h

  allocate(img%channel(w, h))
  img%width = w
  img%height = h
end subroutine alloc_img_sc

subroutine free_img_sc(img)
  type(scimage) :: img

  if ( associated(img%channel) ) deallocate(img%channel)
end subroutine free_img_sc

subroutine rgbtosc(sc, colored)
  type(rgbimage), intent(in) :: colored
  type(scimage), intent(inout) :: sc

  if ( ( .not. valid_image(sc) ) .and. valid_image(colored) ) then
     call alloc_img(sc, colored%width, colored%height)
  end if

  if ( valid_image(sc) .and. valid_image(colored) ) then
     sc%channel = floor(0.2126*colored%red + 0.7152*colored%green + &
  end if

end subroutine rgbtosc

subroutine sctorgb(colored, sc)
  type(scimage), intent(in) :: sc
  type(rgbimage), intent(inout) :: colored

  if ( ( .not. valid_image(colored) ) .and. valid_image(sc) ) then
     call alloc_img_rgb(colored, sc%width, sc%height)
  end if

  if ( valid_image(sc) .and. valid_image(colored) ) then
     colored%red = sc%channel
     colored%green = sc%channel
     colored%blue = sc%channel
  end if

end subroutine sctorgb

'''Usage example''' (fragment) which can be used to convert from ''rgb'' image to ''grayscale'' image and back (since we only can output the ''rgb'' kind):

type(scimage) :: gray
type(rgbimage) :: animage
  ! ... here we "load" or create animage
  ! while gray must be created or initialized to null
  ! or errors can arise...
  call init_img(gray)
  gray = animage
  animage = gray
  call output_ppm(an_unit, animage)


package raster

import (

// Grmap parallels Bitmap, but with an element type of uint16
// in place of Pixel.
type Grmap struct {
    Comments   []string
    rows, cols int
    px         []uint16
    pxRow      [][]uint16

// NewGrmap constructor.
func NewGrmap(x, y int) (b *Grmap) {
    g := &Grmap{
        Comments: []string{creator}, // creator a const in bitmap source file
        rows:     y,
        cols:     x,
        px:       make([]uint16, x*y),
        pxRow:    make([][]uint16, y),
    x0, x1 := 0, x
    for i := range g.pxRow {
        g.pxRow[i] = g.px[x0:x1]
        x0, x1 = x1, x1+x
    return g

func (b *Grmap) Extent() (cols, rows int) {
    return b.cols, b.rows

func (g *Grmap) Fill(c uint16) {
    for i := range g.px {
        g.px[i] = c

func (g *Grmap) SetPx(x, y int, c uint16) bool {
    defer func() { recover() }()
    g.pxRow[y][x] = c
    return true

func (g *Grmap) GetPx(x, y int) (uint16, bool) {
    defer func() { recover() }()
    return g.pxRow[y][x], true

// Grmap method of Bitmap, converts (color) Bitmap to (grayscale) Grmap
func (b *Bitmap) Grmap() *Grmap {
    g := NewGrmap(b.cols, b.rows)
    g.Comments = append([]string{}, b.Comments...)
    for i, p := range b.px {
        g.px[i] = uint16((int64(p.R)*2126 + int64(p.G)*7152 + int64(p.B)*722) *
            math.MaxUint16 / (math.MaxUint8 * 10000))
    return g

// Bitmap method Grmap, converts Grmap to Bitmap.  All pixels in the resulting
// color Bitmap will be (very nearly) shades of gray.
func (g *Grmap) Bitmap() *Bitmap {
    b := NewBitmap(g.cols, g.rows)
    b.Comments = append([]string{}, g.Comments...)
    for i, p := range g.px {
        roundedSum := int(p) * 3 * math.MaxUint8 / math.MaxUint16
        rounded := uint8(roundedSum / 3)
        remainder := roundedSum % 3
        b.px[i].R = rounded
        b.px[i].G = rounded
        b.px[i].B = rounded
        if remainder > 0 {
            odd := rand.Intn(3)
            switch odd + (remainder * 3) {
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
            case 6:
            case 7:
            case 8:
    return b

For demonstration program see task [[Bitmap/Read a PPM file]].


module Bitmap.Gray(module Bitmap.Gray) where

import Bitmap
import Control.Monad.ST

newtype Gray = Gray Int deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Color Gray where
    luminance (Gray x) = x
    black = Gray 0
    white = Gray 255
    toNetpbm = map $ toEnum . luminance
    fromNetpbm = map $ Gray . fromEnum
    netpbmMagicNumber _ = "P5"
    netpbmMaxval _ = "255"

toGrayImage :: Color c => Image s c -> ST s (Image s Gray)
toGrayImage = mapImage $ Gray . luminance

A Gray image can be converted to an RGB image with Bitmap.RGB.toRGBImage, defined [[Basic bitmap storage|here]].


Color bitmap structure and basic functions for manipulations with it are described [[Basic_bitmap_storage#J|here]].

Grayscale image is stored as two-dimensional array of luminance values. Allowed luminance scale is the same as for the color bitmap; the functions below are neutral to scale.

NB. converts the image to grayscale according to formula
NB. L = 0.2126*R + 0.7152*G + 0.0722*B
toGray=: [: <. +/ .*"1&0.2126 0.7152 0.0722

NB. converts grayscale image to the color image, with all channels equal
toColor=: 3 & $"0


## Java

void convertToGrayscale(final BufferedImage image){
    for(int i=0; i<image.getWidth(); i++){
        for(int j=0; j<image.getHeight(); j++){
            int color = image.getRGB(i,j);

            int alpha = (color >> 24) & 255;
            int red = (color >> 16) & 255;
            int green = (color >> 8) & 255;
            int blue = (color) & 255;

            final int lum = (int)(0.2126 * red + 0.7152 * green + 0.0722 * blue);

            alpha = (alpha << 24);
            red = (lum << 16);
            green = (lum << 8);
            blue = lum;

            color = alpha + red + green + blue;



HTML 5 Demonstration: https://repl.it/repls/NiceFaroffRockrat

function toGray(img) {
  let cnv = document.getElementById("canvas");
  let ctx = cnv.getContext('2d');
  let imgW = img.width;
  let imgH = img.height;
  cnv.width = imgW;
  cnv.height = imgH;

  ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
  let pixels = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, imgW, imgH);
  for (let y = 0; y < pixels.height; y ++) {
    for (let x = 0; x < pixels.width; x ++) {
      let i = (y * 4) * pixels.width + x * 4;
      let avg = (pixels.data[i] + pixels.data[i + 1] + pixels.data[i + 2]) / 3;

      pixels.data[i] = avg;
      pixels.data[i + 1] = avg;
      pixels.data[i + 2] = avg;
  ctx.putImageData(pixels, 0, 0, 0, 0, pixels.width, pixels.height);
  return cnv.toDataURL();


'''Adhering to the Task Description'''

using Color, Images, FixedPointNumbers

const M_RGB_Y = reshape(Color.M_RGB_XYZ[2,:], 3)

function rgb2gray(img::Image)
    g = red(img)*M_RGB_Y[1] + green(img)*M_RGB_Y[2] + blue(img)*M_RGB_Y[3]
    g = clamp(g, 0.0, 1.0)
    return grayim(g)

function gray2rgb(img::Image)
    colorspace(img) == "Gray" || return img
    g = map((x)->RGB{Ufixed8}(x, x, x), img.data)
    return Image(g, spatialorder=spatialorder(img))

ima = imread("grayscale_image_color.png")
imb = rgb2gray(ima)
imc = gray2rgb(imb)
imwrite(imc, "grayscale_image_rc.png")

Rounding errors are unlikely to be an issue for rgb2gray. The calculation of g promotes it to the literal float type (typically Float64).

'''A More Idiomatic Approach'''

using Color, Images, FixedPointNumbers

ima = imread("grayscale_image_color.png")
imb = convert(Image{Gray{Ufixed8}}, ima)
imwrite(imb, "grayscale_image_julia.png")

{{output}} I didn't find a colorful image that I was comfortable modifying and sharing, so I'm omitting the image files from my solution to this task. Try out these [http://r0k.us/graphics/kodak/ images] for something to work with. Although these images are intended for image processing testing and development and are said to be available for unrestricted use, I could find no clear and definitive statement of their usage rights.

The results of the two approaches (according to task, ''rc'', and idiomatic, ''julia'') are indistinguishable except perhaps by close examination. The ''julia'' file is native grayscale, and the ''rc'' file is RGB that shows only grays.

The task description is silent on the issue of companded sRGB versus linear RGB. Most images are actually sRGB, and strictly speaking, the transformation to get Y from RGB is applicable to linear RGB. I imagine that, unlike the ''rc'' version, the ''julia'' version reverses compansion prior to applying the CIE transformation to extract luminance from RGB.


This just converts a colored image to grayscale.

As it's not possible to recover the original colored image (because different combinations of RGB values could have produced the same luminance), I have not bothered with the reverse operation.

// version 1.2.10

import java.io.File
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import javax.imageio.ImageIO

fun BufferedImage.toGrayScale() {
    for (x in 0 until width) {
        for (y in 0 until height) {
            var argb  = getRGB(x, y)
            val alpha = (argb shr 24) and 0xFF
            val red   = (argb shr 16) and 0xFF
            val green = (argb shr  8) and 0xFF
            val blue  =  argb and 0xFF
            val lumin = (0.2126 * red + 0.7152 * green + 0.0722 * blue).toInt()
            argb = (alpha shl 24) or (lumin shl 16) or (lumin shl 8) or lumin
            setRGB(x, y, argb)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val image = ImageIO.read(File("bbc.jpg")) // using BBC BASIC image
    val grayFile = File("bbc_gray.jpg")
    ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", grayFile)


Images same as BBC BASIC entry


on rgbToGrayscaleImageFast (img)
  res = image(img.width, img.height, 8)
  res.paletteRef = #grayScale
  res.copyPixels(img, img.rect, img.rect)
  return res

on rgbToGrayscaleImageCustom (img)
  res = image(img.width, img.height, 8)
  res.paletteRef = #grayScale
  repeat with x = 0 to img.width-1
    repeat with y = 0 to img.height-1
      c = img.getPixel(x,y)
      n = c.red*0.2126 + c.green*0.7152 + c.blue*0.0722
      res.setPixel(x,y, color(256-n))
    end repeat
  end repeat
  return res


function ConvertToGrayscaleImage( bitmap )
    local size_x, size_y = #bitmap, #bitmap[1]
    local gray_im = {}

    for i = 1, size_x do
        gray_im[i] = {}
        for j = 1, size_y do
            gray_im[i][j] = math.floor( 0.2126*bitmap[i][j][1] + 0.7152*bitmap[i][j][2] + 0.0722*bitmap[i][j][3] )

    return gray_im

function ConvertToColorImage( gray_im )
    local size_x, size_y = #gray_im, #gray_im[1]
    local bitmap = Allocate_Bitmap( size_x, size_y )         -- this function is defined at http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Basic_bitmap_storage#Lua

    for i = 1, size_x do
        for j = 1, size_y do
            bitmap[i][j] = { gray_im[i][j], gray_im[i][j], gray_im[i][j] }

    return bitmap


Maple has builtin command for conversion from RGB to Grayscale image: ImageTools:-ToGrayScale, which uses gray = 0.30 red + 0.59 green + 0.11 blue, the following implementation uses the CIE formula. Note that the conversion back from GrayScale to RGB uses Maple's builtin command: ImageTools:-ToRGB.

#conversion forward
gray := Matrix(dimensions[1], dimensions[2]);
for i from 1 to dimensions[1] do
	for j from 1 to dimensions[2] do
		gray[i,j] := 0.2126 * img[i,j,1] + 0.7152*img[i,j,2] + 0.0722*img[i,j,3]:
	end do:
end do:
#display the result
#conversion backward
#display the result

=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}== Mathematica has a built-in grayscale conversion function called "ColorConvert". This example does not use it since it appears the luminance calculation is different from the CIE spec. Grayscale to RGB "conversion" just changes the single channel grayscale image to a triple channel image.

toGrayscale[rgb_Image] := ImageApply[#.{0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722}&, rgb]
toFakeRGB[L_Image] := ImageApply[{#, #, #}&, L]


Built in colour to grayscale converter uses the following forumula: 0.2989R + 0.5870G + 0.1140*B

function [grayImage] = colortograyscale(inputImage)
   grayImage = rgb2gray(inputImage);


Conversion to a grayscale image:

let to_grayscale ~img:(_, r_channel, g_channel, b_channel) =
  let width = Bigarray.Array2.dim1 r_channel
  and height = Bigarray.Array2.dim2 r_channel in

  let gray_channel =
    let kind = Bigarray.int8_unsigned
    and layout = Bigarray.c_layout
    (Bigarray.Array2.create kind layout width height)
  for y = 0 to pred height do
    for x = 0 to pred width do
      let r = r_channel.{x,y}
      and g = g_channel.{x,y}
      and b = b_channel.{x,y} in
      let v = (2_126 * r +  7_152 * g + 722 * b) / 10_000 in
      gray_channel.{x,y} <- v;

Conversion to a color image:

let to_color ~img:gray_channel =
  let width = Bigarray.Array2.dim1 gray_channel
  and height = Bigarray.Array2.dim2 gray_channel in
  let all_channels =
    let kind = Bigarray.int8_unsigned
    and layout = Bigarray.c_layout
    Bigarray.Array3.create kind layout 3 width height
  let r_channel = Bigarray.Array3.slice_left_2 all_channels 0
  and g_channel = Bigarray.Array3.slice_left_2 all_channels 1
  and b_channel = Bigarray.Array3.slice_left_2 all_channels 2
  Bigarray.Array2.blit gray_channel r_channel;
  Bigarray.Array2.blit gray_channel g_channel;
  Bigarray.Array2.blit gray_channel b_channel;

and functions to get/set a pixel:

let gray_get_pixel_unsafe (gray_channel) =
  (fun x y -> gray_channel.{x,y})

let gray_put_pixel_unsafe (gray_channel) v =
  (fun x y -> gray_channel.{x,y} <- v)


'''Use package''': image

function [grayImage] = colortograyscale(inputImage)
   grayImage = rgb2gray(inputImage);

Differently from [[Grayscale image#MATLAB|MATLAB]], the grayscale is computed as mean of the three RGB values. Changing this non-optimal behaviour is a matter of fixing three lines in the rgb2gray.m file; since it's a GPL-ed code, here it is a semplified version (error checking, usage help, argument checking removed)

function gray = rgb2gray (rgb)
    case "double"
      gray = luminance(rgb);
    case "uint8"
      gray = uint8(luminance(rgb));
    case "uint16"
      gray = uint16(luminance(rgb));

function lum = luminance(rgb)
   lum = 0.2126*rgb(:,:,1) + 0.7152*rgb(:,:,2) + 0.0722*rgb(:,:,3);

Original code of the rgb2gray.m in the image package version 1.0.8 is by Kai Habel (under the GNU General Public License)


We define a "graymap" as a two-dimensional array of floats. In module "Grayscale.oz", we implement conversion functions from and to bitmaps:

   fun {ToGraymap bitmap(Arr)}
      graymap({Array2D.map Arr Luminance})

   fun {Luminance Color}
      F = {Record.map Color Int.toFloat}
      0.2126*F.1 + 0.7152*F.2 + 0.0722*F.3

   fun {FromGraymap graymap(Arr)}
      bitmap({Array2D.map Arr ToColor})

   fun {ToColor Lum}
      L = {Float.toInt Lum}
      color(L L L)



Since we are using Imlib2, this one '''does''' '''not''' implement really a gray-scale (single channel) storage; it only ''converts'' an RGB image to an RGB image with the same three colour components for each pixel (which result in a gray-scale-like image)

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use Image::Imlib2;

sub tograyscale
    my $img = shift;
    my $gimg = Image::Imlib2->new($img->width, $img->height);
    for ( my $x = 0; $x < $gimg->width; $x++ ) {
	for ( my $y = 0; $y < $gimg->height; $y++ ) {
	    my ( $r, $g, $b, $a ) = $img->query_pixel($x, $y);
	    my $gray = int(0.2126 * $r + 0.7152 * $g + 0.0722 * $b);
	    # discard alpha info...
	    $gimg->set_color($gray, $gray, $gray, 255);
	    $gimg->draw_point($x, $y);
    return $gimg;

my $animage = Image::Imlib2->load("Lenna100.jpg");
my $gscale = tograyscale($animage);

exit 0;

Perl 6

This script expects to be fed a P6 .ppm file name at the command line. It will convert it to grey scale and save it as a binary portable grey map (P5 .pgm) file.

sub MAIN ($filename = 'default.ppm') {

    my $in = open($filename, :r, :enc<iso-8859-1>) or die $in;

    my ($type, $dim, $depth) = $in.lines[^3];

    my $outfile = $filename.subst('.ppm', '.pgm');
    my $out = open($outfile, :w, :enc<iso-8859-1>) or die $out;


    for $in.lines.ords -> $r, $g, $b {
        my $gs = $r * 0.2126 + $g * 0.7152 + $b * 0.0722;
        $out.print: chr($gs min 255);


Using the .ppm file from the [[Bitmap/Write a PPM file#Perl 6|Write a PPM file]] task:

Original: [[File:Ppm-perl6.png]] Grey Scale: [[File:Pgm-g2-perl6.png]]


{{Trans|Euphoria}} Requires read_ppm() from [[Bitmap/Read_a_PPM_file#Phix|Read_a_PPM_file]], see [[Bitmap/Write_a_PPM_file#Phix|Write_a_PPM_file]] for actual use. Included as demo\rosetta\Bitmap_Greyscale.exw

function to_gray(sequence image)
sequence color
    for i=1 to length(image) do
        for j=1 to length(image[i]) do
            -- unpack color triple
            color = sq_div(sq_and_bits(image[i][j], {#FF0000,#FF00,#FF}),
            image[i][j] = floor(0.2126*color[1] + 0.7152*color[2] + 0.0722*color[3])*#010101
        end for
    end for
    return image
end function

sequence img = read_ppm("Lena.ppm")
    img = to_gray(img)


Uses the [[Write ppm file#PHP|Bitmap class]] defined for writing a PPM file

class BitmapGrayscale extends Bitmap {
  public function toGrayscale(){
    for ($i = 0; $i < $this->h; $i++){
      for ($j = 0; $j < $this->w; $j++){
        $l = ($this->data[$j][$i][0] * 0.2126)
           + ($this->data[$j][$i][1] * 0.7152)
           + ($this->data[$j][$i][2] * 0.0722);
        $l = round($l);
        $this->data[$j][$i] = array($l,$l,$l);

$b = new BitmapGrayscale(16,16);
$b->fill(0,0,null,null, array(255,255,0));
$b->setPixel(0, 15, array(255,0,0));
$b->setPixel(0, 14, array(0,255,0));
$b->setPixel(0, 13, array(0,0,255));


do j = 1 to hbound(image,1);
   do i = 0 to hbound(image,2);
      color = image(i,j);
      R = substr(color, 17, 8);
      G = substr(color, 9, 8);
      B = substr(color, 1, 8);
      grey =  trunc(0.2126*R + 0.7152*G + 0.0722*B);
      greybits = grey;
      image(i,j) = substr(greybits, length(greybits)-7, 8);


# Convert color image (PPM) to greyscale image (PGM)
(de ppm->pgm (Ppm)
                     (* (car C) 2126)  # Red
                     (* (cadr C) 7152)  # Green
                     (* (caddr C) 722) )  # Blue
                  10000 ) )
            Y ) )
      Ppm ) )

# Convert greyscale image (PGM) to color image (PPM)
(de pgm->ppm (Pgm)
            '((G) (list G G G))
            Y ) )
      Pgm ) )
# Write greyscale image (PGM) to file
(de pgmWrite (Pgm File)
   (out File
      (prinl "P5")
      (prinl (length (car Pgm)) " " (length Pgm))
      (prinl 255)
      (for Y Pgm (apply wr Y)) ) )

# Create an empty image of 120 x 90 pixels
(setq *Ppm (make (do 90 (link (need 120)))))

# Fill background with green color
(ppmFill *Ppm 0 255 0)

# Draw a diagonal line
(for I 80 (ppmSetPixel *Ppm I I 0 0 0))

# Convert to greyscale image (PGM)
(setq *Pgm (ppm->pgm *Ppm))

# Write greyscale image to .pgm file
(pgmWrite *Pgm "img.pgm")

# Convert to color image and write to .ppm file
(ppmWrite (pgm->ppm *Pgm) "img.ppm")


Procedure ImageGrayout(image)
  Protected w, h, x, y, r, g, b, gray, color

  w = ImageWidth(image)
  h = ImageHeight(image)
  For x = 0 To w - 1
    For y = 0 To h - 1
      color = Point(x, y)
      r    = Red(color)
      g    = Green(color)
      b    = Blue(color)
      gray = 0.2126*r + 0.7152*g + 0.0722*b
      Plot(x, y, RGB(gray, gray, gray)

Procedure ImageToColor(image)
  Protected w, h, x, y, v, gray

  w = ImageWidth(image)
  h = ImageHeight(image)
  For x = 0 To w - 1
    For y = 0 To h - 1
      gray = Point(x, y)
      v    = Red(gray) ;for gray, each of the color's components is the same
      ;color = RGB(0.2126*v, 0.7152*v, 0.0722*v)
      Plot(x, y, RGB(v, v, v))


{{works with|Python|3.1}}

Extending the example given [[Basic_bitmap_storage#Alternative_version|here]]

# String masquerading as ppm file (version P3)
import io
ppmfileout = io.StringIO('')

def togreyscale(self):
    for h in range(self.height):
        for w in range(self.width):
            r, g, b = self.get(w, h)
            l = int(0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b)
            self.set(w, h, Colour(l, l, l))

Bitmap.togreyscale = togreyscale

# Draw something simple
bitmap = Bitmap(4, 4, white)
bitmap.fillrect(1, 0, 1, 2, Colour(127, 0, 63))
bitmap.set(3, 3, Colour(0, 127, 31))
# Write to the open 'file' handle
ppmfileout = io.StringIO('')

The print statement above produces the following output :

# generated from Bitmap.writeppmp3
4 4
   255 255 255   255 255 255   255 255 255     0 127  31
   255 255 255   255 255 255   255 255 255   255 255 255
   255 255 255   127   0  63   255 255 255   255 255 255
   255 255 255   127   0  63   255 255 255   255 255 255

# generated from Bitmap.writeppmp3
4 4
   254 254 254   254 254 254   254 254 254    93  93  93
   254 254 254   254 254 254   254 254 254   254 254 254
   254 254 254    31  31  31   254 254 254   254 254 254
   254 254 254    31  31  31   254 254 254   254 254 254




# Conversion from Grey to RGB uses the following code
setAs("pixmapGrey", "pixmapRGB",
function(from, to){
    z = new(to, as(from, "pixmap"))
    z@red = from@grey
    z@green = from@grey
    z@blue = from@grey
    z@channels = c("red", "green", "blue")

# Conversion from RGB to grey uses built-in coefficients of 0.3, 0.59, 0.11.  To see this, type

# We can override this behaviour with
setMethod("addChannels", "pixmapRGB",
function(object, coef=NULL){
    if(is.null(coef)) coef = c(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722)
    z = new("pixmapGrey", object)
    z@grey = coef[1] * object@red + coef[2] * object@green +
        coef[3] * object@blue
    z@channels = "grey"

# Colour image
plot(p1 <- pixmapRGB(c(c(1,0,0,0,0,1), c(0,1,0,0,1,0), c(0,0,1,1,0,0)), nrow=6, ncol=6))

#Convert to grey
plot(p2 <- as(p1, "pixmapGrey"))

# Convert back to "colour"
plot(p3 <- as(p2, "pixmapRGB"))


This image shows the output: http://imgur.com/e3Wi8RJ

I gave up on uploading to Rosetta Code.

#lang racket
(require racket/draw)

(define (gray->color gray-bm)
  (define gray-dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap gray-bm]))
  (define-values (w h) (send gray-dc get-size))
  (define width (exact-floor w))
  (define height (exact-floor h))
  (define color-bm (make-bitmap width height))
  (define color-dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap color-bm]))
  (define pixels (make-bytes (* 4 width height)))
  (send gray-dc get-argb-pixels 0 0 width height pixels)
  (send color-dc set-argb-pixels 0 0 width height pixels)

(define (color->gray color-bm)
  (define color-dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap color-bm]))
  (define-values (w h) (send color-dc get-size))
  (define width (exact-floor w))
  (define height (exact-floor h))
  (define gray-bm (make-bitmap width height))
  (define gray-dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap gray-bm]))
  (define pixels (make-bytes (* 4 width height)))
  (send color-dc get-argb-pixels 0 0 width height pixels)
  (for ([i (in-range 0 (* 4 width height) 4)])
    (define α (bytes-ref pixels i))
    (define r (bytes-ref pixels (+ i 1)))
    (define g (bytes-ref pixels (+ i 2)))
    (define b (bytes-ref pixels (+ i 3)))
    (define l (exact-floor (+ (* 0.2126 r) (* 0.7152 g) (* 0.0722 b))))
    (bytes-set! pixels (+ i 1) l)
    (bytes-set! pixels (+ i 2) l)
    (bytes-set! pixels (+ i 3) l))
  (send gray-dc set-argb-pixels 0 0 width height pixels)

(require images/icons/symbol)
(define rosetta (text-icon "Rosetta Code" #:color "red" #:height 80))
(color->gray rosetta)
(gray->color (color->gray rosetta))


Note: REXX uses characters instead of binary for storing numbers, so there is no rounding (using characters to

      store numbers is almost the same as using decimal floating point).
/*REXX program converts a RGB (red─green─blue) image into a  grayscale/greyscale image. */
  blue= '00 00 ff'x                              /*define the blue color  (hexadecimal).*/
    @.= blue                                     /*set the entire  image  to blue color.*/
 width=  60                                      /* width of the   image  (in pixels).  */
height= 100                                      /*height  "  "      "      "   "       */

  do    col=1  for width
     do row=1  for height                        /* [↓]  C2D  convert  char ───> decimal*/
     r=  left(@.col.row, 1)    ;    r=c2d(r)     /*extract the component red  & convert.*/
     g=substr(@.col.row, 2, 1) ;    g=c2d(g)     /*   "     "      "    green "    "    */
     b= right(@.col.row, 1)    ;    b=c2d(b)     /*   "     "      "    blue  "    "    */
     _= d2c( (.2126*r + .7152*g + .0722*b) % 1)  /*convert RGB number  ───►  grayscale. */
     @.col.row=copies(_, 3)                      /*redefine old RGB    ───►  grayscale. */
     end   /*row*/                               /* [↑]  D2C  convert  decimal ───► char*/
  end      /*col*/                               /* [↑]  x%1   is the same as  TRUNC(x) */
                                                 /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */

Other alternatives to express the ''blue'' color are:

  blue= "00 00 ff"x                              /*define the blue color  (hexadecimal).*/
  blue= '00 00 FF'x                              /*define the blue color  (hexadecimal).*/
  blue= '0000ff'x                                /*define the blue color  (hexadecimal).*/

  blue= '00000000 00000000 11111111'b            /*define the blue color  (binary).     */
  blue= '000000000000000011111111'b              /*define the blue color  (binary)      */

  blue= 'zzy'                                    /*define the blue color  (character).  */
                                                 /*not recommended because of rendering.*/
                                                 /*where   Z   is the character  '00'x  */
                                                 /*where   Y   is the character  'ff'x  */

                                                 /*Both  Z & Y are normally not viewable*/
                                                 /*on most terminals (appear as blanks).*/


Extending [[Basic_bitmap_storage#Ruby]]

class RGBColour
  def to_grayscale
    luminosity = Integer(0.2126*@red + 0.7152*@green + 0.0722*@blue)
    self.class.new(luminosity, luminosity, luminosity)

class Pixmap
  def to_grayscale
    gray = self.class.new(@width, @height)
    @width.times do |x|
      @height.times do |y|
        gray[x,y] = self[x,y].to_grayscale


Uses the [[Basic_bitmap_storage#Scala|Scala Basic Bitmap Storage]] class.

object BitmapOps {
   def luminosity(c:Color)=(0.2126*c.getRed + 0.7152*c.getGreen + 0.0722*c.getBlue+0.5).toInt

   def grayscale(bm:RgbBitmap)={
      val image=new RgbBitmap(bm.width, bm.height)
      for(x <- 0 until bm.width; y <- 0 until bm.height; l=luminosity(bm.getPixel(x,y)))
         image.setPixel(x, y, new Color(l,l,l))




func tograyscale(img) {
    var (width, height) = (img.width, img.height)
    var gimg = %s'Image::Imlib2'.new(width, height)
    for y,x in (^height ~X ^width) {
        var (r, g, b) = img.query_pixel(x, y)
        var gray = int(0.2126*r + 0.7152*g + 0.0722*b)
        gimg.set_color(gray, gray, gray, 255)
        gimg.draw_point(x, y)
    return gimg

var (input='input.png', output='output.png') = ARGV...
var image = %s'Image::Imlib2'.load(input)
var gscale = tograyscale(image)



package require Tk

proc grayscale image {
    set w [image width $image]
    set h [image height $image]
    for {set x 0} {$x<$w} {incr x} {
        for {set y 0} {$y<$h} {incr y} {
            lassign [$image get $x $y] r g b
            set l [expr {int(0.2126*$r + 0.7152*$g + 0.0722*$b)}]
            $image put [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $l $l $l] -to $x $y

Photo images are always 8-bits-per-channel RGBA.

Vedit macro language

Conversion to a grayscale image.

//  Convert RGB image to grayscale (8 bit/pixel)
//    #10 = buffer that contains image data
//  On return:
//    #20 = buffer for the new grayscale image

#20 = Buf_Num
Repeat(File_Size/3) {
    #9 =  Cur_Char() * 2126
    #9 += Cur_Char(1) * 7152
    #9 += Cur_Char(2) * 722
    Ins_Char(#9 / 10000)

Conversion to a color image.

//  Convert grayscale image (8 bits/pixel) into RGB (24 bits/pixel)
//    #20 = buffer that contains image data
//  On return:
//    #10 = buffer for the new RGB image

#10 = Buf_Num
Buf_Switch(#20)			// input image (grayscale)
Repeat(File_Size) {
    #9 =  Cur_Char()
    Buf_Switch(#10)		// output image (RGB)
    Ins_Char(#9, COUNT, 3)

Visual Basic .NET

Convert a Bitmap to Grayscale.

Imports System.Drawing.Imaging

  Public Function Grayscale(ByVal Map As Bitmap) As Bitmap

    Dim oData() As Integer = GetData(Map)
    Dim oReturn As New Bitmap(Map.Width, Map.Height, Map.PixelFormat)
    Dim a As Integer = 0
    Dim r As Integer = 0
    Dim g As Integer = 0
    Dim b As Integer = 0
    Dim l As Integer = 0

    For i As Integer = 0 To oData.GetUpperBound(0)
      a = (oData(i) >> 24)
      r = (oData(i) >> 16) And 255
      g = (oData(i) >> 8) And 255
      b = oData(i) And 255

      l = CInt(r * 0.2126F + g * 0.7152F + b * 0.0722F)

      oData(i) = (a << 24) Or (l << 16) Or (l << 8) Or l

    SetData(oReturn, oData)

    Return oReturn

  End Function

  Private Function GetData(ByVal Map As Bitmap) As Integer()

    Dim oBMPData As BitmapData = Nothing
    Dim oData() As Integer = Nothing

    oBMPData = Map.LockBits(New Rectangle(0, 0, Map.Width, Map.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)

    Array.Resize(oData, Map.Width * Map.Height)

    Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(oBMPData.Scan0, oData, 0, oData.Length)


    Return oData

  End Function

  Private Sub SetData(ByVal Map As Bitmap, ByVal Data As Integer())

    Dim oBMPData As BitmapData = Nothing

    oBMPData = Map.LockBits(New Rectangle(0, 0, Map.Width, Map.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)

    Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(Data, 0, oBMPData.Scan0, Data.Length)


  End Sub


{{trans|BASIC256}} "image" is a library created by Hermang Mansilla for import and show .BMP files. http://www.oocities.org/sunsetstrip/palms/1624/yabasic/libs/IMAGE.TXT

import image

open window 600,600

GetImage(1, "House.bmp")
DisplayImage(1, 0, 0)

For x = 1 to 300
    For y = 1 to 300
	z$ = getbit$(x,y,x,y)
	r = dec(mid$(z$,9,2))
	g = dec(mid$(z$,11,2))
	b = dec(mid$(z$,13,2))
	color r3,g3,b3
	dot x+300,y+300
    next y
next x


Does an in-place conversion from a color PPM image to a gray scale PPM image (ie rgb is down sampled but remains rgb vs one byte color). If you wish to write a bit map (or some other format), check out [[Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe#zkl]]

Uses the PPM class from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bitmap/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm#zkl {{trans|BASIC256}}

fcn toGrayScale(img){  // in-place conversion
   foreach x,y in (img.w,img.h){
      lum:=(0.2126*r + 0.7152*g + 0.0722*b).toInt();
      img[x,y]=((lum*256) + lum)*256 + lum;

{{out}} http://www.zenkinetic.com/Images/RosettaCode/lenaGray.jpg

{{omit from|AWK}} {{omit from|Lotus 123 Macro Scripting}} {{omit from|ML/I}} {{omit from|PARI/GP}} {{omit from|TI-83 BASIC}} {{omit from|TI-89 BASIC}}