⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

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If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

{{task}}[[Category:Test card]] The task is to display a series of vertical greyscale bars (contrast bars) with a sufficient number of bars to span the entire width of the display.

For the top quarter of the display, the left hand bar should be black, and we then incrementally step through six shades of grey until we have a white bar on the right hand side of the display. (This gives a total of 8 bars)

For the second quarter down, we start with white and step down through 14 shades of gray, getting darker until we have black on the right hand side of the display. (This gives a total of 16 bars).

Halfway down the display, we start with black, and produce 32 bars, ending in white, and for the last quarter, we start with white and step through 62 shades of grey, before finally arriving at black in the bottom right hand corner, producing a total of 64 bars for the bottom quarter.


	import flash.display.Sprite;

	[SWF(width="640", height="480")]
	public class GreyscaleBars extends Sprite

		public function GreyscaleBars()
			_drawRow(8, 0);
			_drawRow(16, stage.stageHeight/4, true);
			_drawRow(32, stage.stageHeight/2);
			_drawRow(64, stage.stageHeight/4 * 3, true);

		private function _drawRow(nbSteps : uint, startingY : uint, reverse : Boolean = false) : void {

			for (var i : int = 0; i < nbSteps; i++) {
				graphics.beginFill(0x00, reverse ? 1 - (i/nbSteps) : (i/nbSteps));
				graphics.drawRect(i * stage.stageWidth / nbSteps, startingY, stage.stageWidth/nbSteps, stage.stageHeight/4);


{{libheader|GTK}} {{libheader|GtkAda}}

with Gtk.Window;   use Gtk.Window;
with Gtk.Enums;
with Gtk.Handlers;
with Gtk.Main;
with Gdk;
with Gdk.Event;
with Glib;         use Glib;
with Cairo;        use Cairo;
with Gdk.Cairo;
pragma Elaborate_All (Gtk.Handlers);

procedure Greyscale is

   Win    : Gtk_Window;
   Width  : constant := 640;
   Height : constant := 512;

   package Handlers is new Gtk.Handlers.Callback (Gtk_Window_Record);
   package Event_Cb is new Gtk.Handlers.Return_Callback (
      Widget_Type => Gtk_Window_Record,
      Return_Type => Boolean);

   procedure Quit (Win : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class) is
      pragma Warnings (Off, Win);
   end Quit;

   function Expose
     (Drawing : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class;
      Event   : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
      return    Boolean
      subtype Dub is Glib.Gdouble;
      Cr       : Cairo_Context;
      Revert   : Boolean;
      Grey     : Dub;
      DH       : constant Dub := Dub (Height) / 4.0;
      X, Y, DW : Dub;
      N        : Natural;

      Cr := Gdk.Cairo.Create (Get_Window (Drawing));
      for Row in 1 .. 4 loop

         N      := 2 ** (Row + 2);
         Revert := (Row mod 2) = 0;
         DW     := Dub (Width) / Dub (N);
         X      := 0.0;
         Y      := DH * Dub (Row - 1);
         for B in 0 .. (N - 1) loop
            Grey := Dub (B) / Dub (N - 1);
            if Revert then
               Grey := 1.0 - Grey;
            end if;
            Cairo.Set_Source_Rgb (Cr, Grey, Grey, Grey);
            Cairo.Rectangle (Cr, X, Y, DW, DH);
            Cairo.Fill (Cr);
            X := X + DW;
         end loop;
      end loop;
      Cairo.Destroy (Cr);
      return False;
   end Expose;


   Gtk_New (Win);
   Gtk.Window.Initialize (Win, Gtk.Enums.Window_Toplevel);
   Set_Title (Win, "Greyscale with GTKAda");
   Set_Default_Size (Win, Width, Height);
   Set_App_Paintable (Win, True);
   --  Attach handlers
   Handlers.Connect (Win, "destroy", Handlers.To_Marshaller (Quit'Access));
      Event_Cb.To_Marshaller (Expose'Access));

   Show_All (Win);

end Greyscale;


{{trans|BBC BASIC}}

100 SET WINDOW 0,1279,0,1023
110 REM (0,0) is the bottom left of the display
120 SET AREA COLOR 1 ! Select color one for drawing
130 FOR row=1 TO 4
140    LET n=IP(2^(row+2))
150    LET w=IP(1280/n)
160    LET py=IP(256*(4-row))
170    FOR b=0 TO n-1
180       LET g=b/(n-1)
190       IF n=16 OR n=64 THEN LET g=1-g
200       SET COLOR MIX(1) g,g,g    !  Reprogram color 1 to the gray we want
210       PLOT AREA: w*b,py; w*b+w,py; w*b+w,py+256; w*b,py+256
220    NEXT b
230 NEXT row
240 END


Requires the GDI+ Standard Library by tic: http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=32238

h	:= A_ScreenHeight
w	:= A_ScreenWidth
pToken	:= gdip_Startup()
hdc	:= CreateCompatibleDC()
hbm	:= CreateDIBSection(w, h)
obm	:= SelectObject(hdc, hbm)
G	:= Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc)

OnExit, Exit

Gui +E0x80000 +LastFound +OwnDialogs +Owner +AlwaysOnTop
hwnd	:= WinExist()
Gui Show, NA

columnHeight := h/4

Loop 4
	columnY		:= (A_Index-1) * columnHeight
	columnCount	:= 2**(A_Index+2)
	colorgap	:= 255 / (columnCount-1)
	columnWidth	:= w/ColumnCount
	If (A_Index & 1)
		colorComp := 0
		colorComp := 255
		,colorgap *= -1
	MsgBox % colorGap * columnCount
	Loop % columnCount
		columnX := (A_Index-1) * columnWidth
		pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(QColor(colorComp, colorComp, colorComp))
		Gdip_FillRectangle(G, pBrush, columnX, columnY, columnWidth, columnHeight)
		colorComp += colorgap
	SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex
	SetFormat, IntegerFast, D

UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd, hdc, 0, 0, W, H)

SelectObject(hdc, obm)


QColor(r, g, b){
	return 0xFF000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b)


h=ceil(graphheight/4) for row=1 to 4 w=ceil(graphwidth/(8*row)) c=255/(8*row-1) for n = 0 to (8*row-1) color 255-c*n,255-c*n,255-c*n if row/2 = int(row/2) then color c*n,c*n,c*n rect n*w,h*(row-1),w,h next n next row


MODE 8:REM 640 x 512 pixel display mode: BBC BASIC gives 2 graphics points per pixel
REM (0,0) is the bottom left of the display
GCOL 1  :REM Select colour one for drawing
FOR row%=1 TO 4
  FOR b%=0 TO n%-1
    IF n%=16 OR n%=64 THEN g%=255-g%
    COLOUR 1,g%,g%,g%  : REM Reprogram colour 1 to the grey we want
    RECTANGLE FILL w%*b%,py%,w%,256
  NEXT b%
NEXT row%



#include <gtk/gtk.h>

/* do some greyscale plotting */
void gsplot (cairo_t *cr,int x,int y,double s) {
    cairo_set_source_rgb (cr,s,s,s);
    cairo_move_to (cr,x+0.5,y);
    cairo_rel_line_to (cr,0,1);
    cairo_stroke (cr);
/* make a shaded widget */
gboolean expose_event (GtkWidget *widget,GdkEventExpose *event,gpointer data) {
    int r,c,x=0;
    cairo_t *cr;
    cr = gdk_cairo_create (widget->window);
    cairo_scale (cr,5,50);
    cairo_set_line_width (cr,1);
    for (r=0;r<4;r++) {
        c = (r&1)*64-(r%2);
        do gsplot (cr,x++%64,r,c/(1<<(3-r))/(8*(1<<r)-1.0));
        while ((c+=2*!(r%2)-1)!=(!(r%2))*64-(r%2));
    } cairo_destroy (cr);
    return FALSE;
/* main */
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    GtkWidget *window;
    gtk_init (&argc, &argv);
    window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
    g_signal_connect (window, "expose-event",G_CALLBACK (expose_event), NULL);
    g_signal_connect (window, "delete-event", G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL);
    gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW(window), 320, 200);
    gtk_widget_set_app_paintable (window, TRUE);
    gtk_widget_show_all (window);
    gtk_main ();
    return 0;



using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
static class Program { static void Main() { Application.Run(new FullScreen()); } }
public sealed class FullScreen : Form
    const int ColorCount = 256;
    public FullScreen()
        FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
        WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
        KeyPress += (s, e) => Application.Exit();
        BackgroundImage = ColorBars(Screen.FromControl(this).Bounds);
    private static Bitmap ColorBars(Rectangle size)
        var colorBars = new Bitmap(size.Width, size.Height);
        Func<int, int, int> forwardColor = (x, divs) => (int)(x * ((float)divs / size.Width)) * ColorCount / divs;
        Func<int, int, int> reverseColor = (x, divs) => ColorCount - 1 - forwardColor(x, divs);
        Action<int, int, int> setGray = (x, y, gray) => colorBars.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(gray, gray, gray));
        Action<int, int, int> setForward = (x, y, divs) => setGray(x, y, forwardColor(x, divs));
        Action<int, int, int> setReverse = (x, y, divs) => setGray(x, y, reverseColor(x, divs));
        int verticalStripe = size.Height / 4;
        for (int x = 0; x < size.Width; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < verticalStripe; y++) setForward(x, y, 8);
            for (int y = verticalStripe; y < verticalStripe * 2; y++) setReverse(x, y, 16);
            for (int y = verticalStripe * 2; y < verticalStripe * 3; y++) setForward(x, y, 32);
            for (int y = verticalStripe * 3; y < verticalStripe * 4; y++) setReverse(x, y, 64);
        return colorBars;


using Qt 4.6

file greytones.h
```cpp #ifndef MYWIDGET_H #define MYWIDGET_H #include class QPaintEvent ; class MyWidget : public QWidget { public : MyWidget( ) ; protected : void paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) ; } ; #endif ``` ```txt file greytones.cpp ``` ```cpp #include #include "greytones.h" MyWidget::MyWidget( ) { setGeometry( 0, 0 , 640 , 480 ) ; } void MyWidget::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * ) { QBrush myBrush( Qt::SolidPattern ) ; QPainter myPaint( this ) ; int run = 0 ; //how often have we run through the loop ? int colorcomp = 0 ; for ( int columncount = 8 ; columncount < 128 ; columncount *= 2 ) { int colorgap = 255 / columncount ; int columnwidth = 640 / columncount ; // 640 being the window width int columnheight = 480 / 4 ; //we're looking at quarters if ( run % 2 == 0 ) { //we start with black columns colorcomp = 0 ; } else { //we start with white columns colorcomp = 255 ; colorgap *= -1 ; //we keep subtracting color values } int ystart = 0 + columnheight * run ; //determines the y coordinate of the first column per row int xstart = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < columncount ; i++ ) { myBrush.setColor( QColor( colorcomp, colorcomp , colorcomp ) ) ; myPaint.fillRect( xstart , ystart , columnwidth , columnheight , myBrush ) ; xstart += columnwidth ; colorcomp += colorgap ; //we choose the next color } run++ ; } } ```
file main.cpp
```cpp #include #include "greytones.h" int main( int argc, char * argv[ ] ) { QApplication app( argc , argv ) ; MyWidget window ; window.setWindowTitle( QApplication::translate( "greyScales" , "grey scales demonstration" ) ) ; window.show( ) ; return app.exec( ) ; } ``` =={{Header|Component Pascal}}== {{works with|Black Box Component Builder}} [[File:GreyScaleCp.png|thumb|right]] ```oberon2 MODULE RosettaGreys; IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties, Controllers, StdLog; CONST (* orient values *) left = 1; right = 0; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; PROCEDURE LoadGreyPalette(VAR colors: ARRAY OF Ports.Color); VAR i, step, hue: INTEGER; BEGIN step := 255 DIV LEN(colors); FOR i := 1 TO LEN(colors) DO hue := i * step; colors[i - 1] := Ports.RGBColor(hue,hue,hue) END END LoadGreyPalette; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore(f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR i, w, h: INTEGER; colors: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Ports.Color; PROCEDURE Draw(row, cols: INTEGER; orient: INTEGER); VAR w: INTEGER; c: Ports.Color; BEGIN NEW(colors,cols);LoadGreyPalette(colors^); w := (r - l) DIV cols; FOR i := 1 TO cols DO IF orient = left THEN c := colors[cols - i] ELSE c := colors[i - 1] END; f.DrawRect((l + w) * (i - 1), t + (row - 1) * h, (l + w) * i, t + row * h,Ports.fill,c); END END Draw; BEGIN h := (b - t) DIV 4; Draw(1,8,right); Draw(2,16,left); Draw(3,32,right); Draw(4,64,left); END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg(VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST min = 5 * Ports.mm; max = 50 * Ports.mm; VAR stdProp: Properties.StdProp; prop: Properties.Property; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 100 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 35 * Ports.mm END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END RosettaGreys. "RosettaGreys.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" ``` ## EasyLang [https://easylang.online/apps/run.html?bg=eee&code=n%20%3D%208%0Afor%20row%20range%204%0Asz%23%20%3D%20100%20/%20n%0Afor%20i%20range%20n%0Ac%23%20%3D%20i%20/%20%28n%20-%201%29%0Aif%20row%20mod%202%20%3D%201%0Ac%23%20%3D%201%20-%20c%23%0A.%0Acolor_red%20c%23%0Acolor_green%20c%23%0Acolor_blue%20c%23%0Amove%20sz%23%20%2A%20i%20row%20%2A%2025%0Arect%20sz%23%20%2B%201%2025%0A.%0An%20%3D%20n%20%2A%202%0A. Run it] ```easyprog.online n = 8 for row range 4 sz# = 100 / n for i range n c# = i / (n - 1) if row mod 2 = 1 c# = 1 - c# . color_red c# color_green c# color_blue c# move sz# * i row * 25 rect sz# + 1 25 . n = n * 2 . ``` ## Euler Math Toolbox ```Euler Math Toolbox >function grayscale(y1,y2,n,direction=1) ... $ loop 0 to n-1; $ s=#/(n-1); barcolor(rgb(s,s,s)); $ if direction==1 then plotbar(#/n,y1,1/n,y2-y1); $ else plotbar(1-(#+1)/n,y1,1/n,y2-y1); $ endif; $ end; $endfunction >function grayscales () ... $ aspect(2); barstyle("#"); $ window(0,0,1023,1023); margin(0); setplot(0,1,0,1); $ clg; $ hold on; $ grayscale(3/4,1,8,1); $ grayscale(1/2,3/4,14,-1); $ grayscale(1/4,1/2,32,1); $ grayscale(0,1/4,64,-1); $ hold off; $endfunction >grayscales: ``` ## FreeBASIC ```freebasic ' version 01-09-2017 ' compile with: fbc -s console ' or compile with: fbc -s gui ' hit any key to stop Dim As UInteger d, blocks, blocksize, ps, col, h, w, x, y1, y2 ScreenInfo w, h ' create display size window, 8bit color (palette), no frame ScreenRes w, h, 8,, 8 For x = 0 To 255 ' create grayscale palette for Palette x, x, x, x ' the window we just opened Next h = h \ 4 : y2 = h -1 If w Mod 64 <> 0 Then w -= (w Mod 64) blocks = 8 : blocksize = w \ 8 For ps = 1 To 4 For x = 0 To blocks -1 col = 255 * x \ (blocks -1) ' from black to white If (ps And 1) = 0 Then col = 255 - col ' from white to black Line (x * blocksize, y1) - (((x +1) * blocksize) -1, y2), col, bf Next y1 += h : y2 += h blocks *= 2 : blocksize \= 2 Next ' empty keyboard buffer While Inkey <> "" : Wend Sleep End ``` ## Frink ```frink fakewidth =!= dummy g = new graphics g.antialiased[false] drawBars[g, 0, 1, 0, 1/4, 8] drawBars[g, 1, 0, 1/4, 1/2, 16] drawBars[g, 0, 1, 1/2, 3/4, 32] drawBars[g, 1, 0, 3/4, 1, 64] g.show[640,480,1] // No portable fullscreen mode; user must maximize window. drawBars[g is graphics, leftColor, rightColor, top, bottom, steps] := { colorStep = (rightColor - leftColor) / steps color = leftColor for i=0 to steps-1 { g.color[color, color, color] g.fillRectSides[i/dummy/steps, top, (i+1)/dummy/steps, bottom] color = color + colorStep } } ``` ## Gambas ```gambas Public Sub Form_Open() Dim iRow, iCol, iClr As Integer 'For Row, Column and Colour Dim iInc As Integer = 4 'To calculate RGB colour Dim h1Panel As Panel 'Panels to display colours With Me 'Setup the Form .Arrangement = Arrange.Row 'Arrange children in rows .Border = False 'No Border .Height = Desktop.Height 'Fill the screen .Width = Desktop.Width 'Fill the screen .Fullscreen = True 'Set the Form to Fullscreen End With For iRow = 1 To 4 'For each row.. iInc += iInc 'Increase iInc by itself For iCol = 0 To iInc - 1 'For each column.. iClr = iCol * (256 / iInc) 'Set the RGB colour If iRow = 2 Or iRow = 4 Then iClr = 255 - (iCol * (256 / iInc)) 'If row 2 or 4 then reverse the colours h1Panel = New Panel(Me) 'Create a new Panel With h1Panel 'With the Panel.. .Width = Desktop.Width / iInc 'Set the width .Height = Desktop.Height / 4 'Set the height .Background = Color.RGB(iClr, iClr, iClr) 'Set the Background colour .Border = Border.Plain 'Set a Border (It's easier to see the colour changes) End With Next Next End ``` '''[http://www.cogier.com/gambas/GreyScale.png Click here for image of the output]''' ## Go {{libheader|Go Graphics}} {{trans|Java}} ```go package main import ( "github.com/fogleman/gg" "math" ) func greyBars(dc *gg.Context) { run := 0 colorComp := 0.0 // component of the color for colCount := 8; colCount < 128; colCount *= 2 { // by this gap we change the background color colorGap := 255.0 / float64(colCount-1) colWidth := float64(dc.Width() / colCount) colHeight := float64(dc.Height() / 4) // switches color directions with each iteration of for loop if run%2 == 0 { colorComp = 0.0 } else { colorComp = 255.0 colorGap = -colorGap } xstart, ystart := 0.0, colHeight*float64(run) for i := 0; i < colCount; i++ { icolor := int(math.Round(colorComp)) // round to nearer integer dc.SetRGB255(icolor, icolor, icolor) dc.DrawRectangle(xstart, ystart, colWidth, colHeight) dc.Fill() xstart += colWidth colorComp += colorGap } run++ } } func main() { dc := gg.NewContext(640, 320) greyBars(dc) dc.SavePNG("greybars.png") } ``` {{out}} ```txt Image similar to R entry (first image) ``` ## Haskell This program uses an inlined XPM file which is scaled to fill an entire GTK fullscreen window ```Haskell import Graphics.UI.Gtk import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.GC import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) -- click on the window to exit. main = do initGUI window <- windowNew buf <- pixbufNewFromXPMData bars widgetAddEvents window [ButtonPressMask] on window objectDestroy mainQuit on window exposeEvent (paint buf) on window buttonPressEvent $ liftIO $ do { widgetDestroy window; return True } windowFullscreen window widgetShowAll window mainGUI paint :: Pixbuf -> EventM EExpose Bool paint buf = do pix <- eventWindow liftIO $ do (sx, sy) <- drawableGetSize pix newBuf <- pixbufScaleSimple buf sx sy InterpNearest gc <- gcNewWithValues pix newGCValues drawPixbuf pix gc newBuf 0 0 0 0 (-1) (-1) RgbDitherNone 0 0 return True bars :: [String] bars = [ "64 4 65 1 1 1"," c None","A c #000000", "C c #080808","D c #0C0C0C","E c #101010","F c #141414", "G c #181818","H c #1C1C1C","I c #202020","J c #242424", "K c #282828","L c #2C2C2C","M c #303030","N c #343434", "O c #383838","P c #3C3C3C","Q c #404040","R c #444444", "S c #484848","T c #4C4C4C","U c #505050","V c #545454", "W c #585858","X c #5C5C5C","Y c #606060","Z c #646464", "a c #686868","b c #6C6C6C","c c #707070","d c #747474", "e c #787878","f c #7C7C7C","g c #808080","h c #848484", "i c #888888","j c #8C8C8C","k c #909090","l c #949494", "m c #989898","n c #9C9C9C","o c #A0A0A0","p c #A4A4A4", "q c #A8A8A8","r c #ACACAC","s c #B0B0B0","t c #B4B4B4", "u c #B8B8B8","v c #BCBCBC","w c #C0C0C0","x c #C4C4C4", "y c #C8C8C8","z c #CCCCCC","0 c #D0D0D0","1 c #D4D4D4", "2 c #D8D8D8","3 c #DCDCDC","4 c #E0E0E0","5 c #E4E4E4", "6 c #E8E8E8","7 c #ECECEC","8 c #F0F0F0","9 c #F4F4F4", ". c #F8F8F8","+ c #FCFCFC","* c #FFFFFF", "AAAAAAAAJJJJJJJJRRRRRRRRZZZZZZZZhhhhhhhhppppppppxxxxxxxx********", "****88881111xxxxttttppppllllhhhhddddZZZZVVVVRRRRNNNNJJJJFFFFAAAA", "AADDFFHHJJLLNNPPRRTTVVXXZZbbddffhhjjllnnpprrttvvxxzz11336688..**", "*+.9876543210zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCA" ] ``` =={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}== This procedure uses code from the [[Colour_bars/Display|Colour bars/Display task]], specifically the: ''DrawTestCard'' procedure and ''testcard'', ''band'', and ''bar'' records which are used to build structures that can be easily transcribed into independent bands and bars. [[File:Greyscale_unicon.png|thumb|right]] ```Icon link graphics,printf,numbers procedure main() DrawTestCard(GreyScale_TestCard()) WDone() end procedure greyscale(l,h,s) #: generate s greys over range l:h every i := round(l to h+1 by ((h-l)/(s-1.))) do suspend sprintf("%d,%d,%d",i,i,i) # return rgb black-grey-white end procedure GreyScale_TestCard() #: return greyscale testcard TC := testcard(,"GreyScale Test Card", width := 800, height := 600, list(numbands := 4) ) maxv := 2^16-1 # largest colour value every (iv := [], i := 1 to numbands) do { # for each band every put(v := [], greyscale(0,maxv,2^(2+i))) # compute greyscale put(iv, if i%2 = 0 then v else reverse(v)) # switch directions } every r := height/numbands * ((i := 1 to numbands)-1) + 1 do { TC.bands[i] := band(r,[]) every c := width/(*iv[i]) * ((j := 1 to *iv[i])-1) + 1 do put(TC.bands[i].bars, bar( c, iv[i,j])) put((TC.bands[i]).bars, bar(width)) # right sentinal } put(TC.bands,band(height)) # bottom sentinal return TC end ``` {{libheader|Icon Programming Library}} [http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/library/src/procs/graphics.icn graphics.icn supports graphics] [http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/library/src/procs/printf.icn printf.icn provides sprintf, etc.] [http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/library/src/procs/numbers.icn numbers.icn provides round] ## J '''Solution:''' ```j load 'viewmat' size=. 2{.".wd'qm' NB. J6 size=. getscreenwh_jgtk_ '' NB. J7 rows=. (2^3+i.4),._1^i.4 bars=. ((64%{.)#[:(<:@|%~i.)*/)"1 rows togreyscale=. (256#. [:<.255 255 255&*)"0 'rgb' viewmat (4<.@%~{:size)# (64<.@%~{.size)#"1 togreyscale bars ``` Note that this solution is not posted directly to the screen but to a viewmat window, which may not be centered. ## Java using basically the same code as in the C++ example ```Java import javax.swing.* ; import java.awt.* ; public class Greybars extends JFrame { private int width ; private int height ; public Greybars( ) { super( "grey bars example!" ) ; width = 640 ; height = 320 ; setSize( width , height ) ; setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) ; setVisible( true ) ; } public void paint ( Graphics g ) { int run = 0 ; double colorcomp = 0.0 ; //component of the color for ( int columncount = 8 ; columncount < 128 ; columncount *= 2 ) { double colorgap = 255.0 / (columncount - 1) ; //by this gap we change the background color int columnwidth = width / columncount ; int columnheight = height / 4 ; if ( run % 2 == 0 ) //switches color directions with every for loop colorcomp = 0.0 ; else { colorcomp = 255.0 ; colorgap *= -1.0 ; } int ystart = 0 + columnheight * run ; int xstart = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < columncount ; i++ ) { int icolor = (int)Math.round(colorcomp) ; //round to nearer integer Color nextColor = new Color( icolor , icolor, icolor ) ; g.setColor( nextColor ) ; g.fillRect( xstart , ystart , columnwidth , columnheight ) ; xstart += columnwidth ; colorcomp += colorgap ; } run++ ; } } public static void main( String[ ] args ) { Greybars gb = new Greybars( ) ; } } ``` ## JavaScript Live Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/gcN9g/embedded/result/ ```JavaScript> var width = 640; var height = 400; var c = document.createElement("canvas"); c.setAttribute('id', 'myCanvas'); c.setAttribute('style', 'border:1px solid black;'); c.setAttribute('width', width); c.setAttribute('height', height); document.body.appendChild(c); var ctx = document.getElementById('myCanvas').getContext("2d"); var columnCount = 8; // number of columns var rowCount = 4; // number of rows var direction = 1; // 1 = from left to right, 0 = from right to left var blackLeft = 1; // black is left: 1 = true, 0 = false for(var j = 0; j < rowCount; j++){ for(var i = 0; i < columnCount; i++){ ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,'+ (blackLeft-(1/(columnCount-1)*i))*direction +')'; ctx.fillRect( (width/columnCount)*i,(height/rowCount)*j, (width/columnCount),(height/rowCount) ); } columnCount *= 2; direction *= -1; blackLeft = blackLeft ? 0 : 1; } ``` ## Julia ```Julia using Gtk, Cairo, ColorTypes function generategrays(n, screenwidth) verts = Vector{RGB}() hwidth = Int(ceil(screenwidth/n)) for x in 00:Int(floor(0xff/(n-1))):0xff rgbgray = RGB(x/255, x/255, x/255) for i in 1:hwidth push!(verts, rgbgray) end end verts end function drawline(ctx, p1, p2, color, width) move_to(ctx, p1.x, p1.y) set_source(ctx, color) line_to(ctx, p2.x, p2.y) set_line_width(ctx, width) stroke(ctx) end const can = @GtkCanvas() const win = GtkWindow(can, "Grayscale bars/Display", 400, 400) fullscreen(win) # start full screen, then reduce to regular window in 5 seconds. draw(can) do widget ctx = getgc(can) h = height(can) w = width(can) gpoints = generategrays(8, w) for (i, x) in enumerate(0:w-1) drawline(ctx, Point(x, 0.25*h), Point(x, 0), gpoints[i], 1) end gpoints = reverse(generategrays(16, w)) for (i, x) in enumerate(0:w-1) drawline(ctx, Point(x, 0.5*h), Point(x, 0.25*h), gpoints[i], 1) end gpoints = generategrays(32, w) for (i, x) in enumerate(0:w-1) drawline(ctx, Point(x, 0.75*h), Point(x, 0.5*h), gpoints[i], 1) end gpoints = reverse(generategrays(64, w)) for (i, x) in enumerate(0:w-1) drawline(ctx, Point(x, h), Point(x, 0.75*h), gpoints[i], 1) end end show(can) sleep(5) unfullscreen(win) const cond = Condition() endit(w) = notify(cond) signal_connect(endit, win, :destroy) wait(cond) ``` ## Kotlin {{trans|Java}} ```scala // version 1.1 import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Graphics import javax.swing.JFrame class GreyBars : JFrame("grey bars example!") { private val w: Int private val h: Int init { w = 640 h = 320 setSize(w, h) defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE isVisible = true } override fun paint(g: Graphics) { var run = 0 var colorComp: Double // component of the color var columnCount = 8 while (columnCount < 128) { var colorGap = 255.0 / (columnCount - 1) // by this gap we change the background color val columnWidth = w / columnCount val columnHeight = h / 4 if (run % 2 == 0) // switches color directions with each iteration of while loop colorComp = 0.0 else { colorComp = 255.0 colorGap *= -1.0 } val ystart = columnHeight * run var xstart = 0 for (i in 0 until columnCount) { val iColor = Math.round(colorComp).toInt() val nextColor = Color(iColor, iColor, iColor) g.color = nextColor g.fillRect(xstart, ystart, columnWidth, columnHeight) xstart += columnWidth colorComp += colorGap } run++ columnCount *= 2 } } } fun main(args: Array) { GreyBars() } ``` ## Liberty BASIC Black boxes were added around each color for ease of counting the boxes. ```lb nomainwin WindowWidth =DisplayWidth WindowHeight =DisplayHeight open "Grey bars" for graphics_fs_nsb as #w #w "trapclose [quit]" #w "down" bars =4 ' alter for more, finer bars. for group =0 to bars -1 for i = 0 to 2^( 3 +group) -1 #w "place "; WindowWidth *i /( 2^( 3 +group)); " "; WindowHeight *group /bars if ( group =0) or ( group =2) then g$ =str$( int( 255 *i /(2^( 3 +group)-1))) else g$ =str$( 255 -int( 255 *i /(2^( 3 +group)-1))) end if grey$ =g$ +" " +g$ +" " +g$ #w "backcolor "; grey$ '#w "color "; grey$ 'rem out for outlined areas.. #w "boxfilled "; WindowWidth *( i +1) /8 ; " "; WindowHeight *( group +1) /bars next i next group wait [quit] close #w end ``` Resulting [http://www.diga.me.uk/greyscale.gif GreyScale image] without the outlines. =={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}== ```mathematica CreateDocument[ Graphics[ Flatten@Table[ { If[EvenQ[#3], GrayLevel[ 1. - j/#1 ], GrayLevel[ j/#1 ]], Rectangle[{j #2, 7*#3}, {#2 (j + 1), (#3 + 1) 7}]}, {j, 0, #1}] & @@@ {{7, 8, 3}, {15, 4, 2}, {31, 2, 1}, {63, 1, 0} } ,ImageSize -> Full], WindowFrame -> "Frameless", WindowSize -> Full] ``` [[File:greyscales.jpg|thumb|right]] ## MAXScript 3ds max provides customizable maps like gradient to the user, but you can also write it: ```MAXScript fn drawBarRow _bmp _row _width _number _inverse= ( local dir = if _inverse then 1 else -1 if not _inverse then ( setpixels _bmp [0,_row] (for i in 1 to (_width/_number) collect (black)) for i = (_width/_number) to _width by (_width/_number) do ( local loopPosition = i/(_width-(_width/_number)) as float local colorsArr = for c in 1 to (_width/_number) collect (white*loopPosition) setpixels _bmp [i,_row] colorsArr ) return _bmp ) else ( setpixels _bmp [0,_row] (for i in 1 to (_width/_number) collect (white)) for i = _width to (_width/_number) by ((_width/_number)*-1) do ( local loopPosition = 1.0-(i/(_width-(_width/_number))) as float local colorsArr = for c in 1 to (_width/_number) collect (white*loopPosition) setpixels _bmp [i,_row] colorsArr ) return _bmp ) ) fn bitmap_verticalBars = ( local width = (sysinfo.desktopsize).x local height = (sysinfo.desktopsize).y local theBitmap = bitmap width height color:white local row = 0 while row <= (height-1) do ( local barNumber = 0 case of ( (row < (height/4)): (barNumber = 1) (row >= (height/4) and row < (height/2)): (barNumber = 2) (row >= (height/2) and row < (height-(height/4))): (barNumber = 3) (row >= (height-(height/4))): (barNumber = 4) default: return theBitmap ) case barNumber of ( 1: ( theBitmap = drawBarRow theBitmap row width 8 false ) 2: ( theBitmap = drawBarRow theBitmap row width 16 true ) 3: ( theBitmap = drawBarRow theBitmap row width 32 false ) 4: ( theBitmap = drawBarRow theBitmap row width 64 true ) ) row += 1 -- ) return theBitmap ) b = bitmap_verticalBars() display b ``` ## OCaml ```ocaml open Graphics let round x = truncate (floor (x +. 0.5)) let () = open_graph ""; let width = size_x () and height = size_y () in let bars = [| 8; 16; 32; 64 |] in let n = Array.length bars in Array.iteri (fun i bar -> let part = float width /. float bar in let y = (height / n) * (n - i - 1) in for j = 0 to pred bar do let x = round (float j *. part) in let v = round (float j *. 255. /. float (bar - 1)) in let v = if (i mod 2) = 0 then v else 255 - v in set_color (rgb v v v); fill_rect x y (round part) (height / n) done ) bars; ignore(read_key()) ``` Run with: ```txt $ ocaml graphics.cma greyscale_bars.ml ``` ## Perl ```perl sub partition { my($all, $div) = @_; my @marks = 0; push @marks, $_/$div * $all for 1..$div; my @copy = @marks; $marks[$_] -= $copy[$_-1] for 1..$#marks; @marks[1..$#marks]; } sub bars { my($h,$w,$p,$rev) = @_; my (@nums,@vals,$line,$d); $d = 2**$p; push @nums, int $_/($d-1) * (2**16-1) for $rev ? reverse 0..$d-1 : 0..$d-1; push @vals, ($nums[$_]) x (partition($w, $d))[$_] for 0..$#nums; $line = join(' ', @vals) . "\n"; $line x $h; } my($w,$h) = (1280,768); open my $pgm, '>', 'Greyscale-bars-perl5.pgm' or die "Can't create Greyscale-bars-perl5.pgm: $!"; print $pgm <<"EOH"; P2 # Greyscale-bars-perl5.pgm $w $h 65535 EOH my ($h1,$h2,$h3,$h4) = partition($h,4); print $pgm bars($h1,$w,3,0), bars($h2,$w,4,1), bars($h3,$w,5,0), bars($h4,$w,6,1); ``` [https://github.com/SqrtNegInf/Rosettacode-Perl5-Smoke/blob/master/ref/Greyscale-bars-perl5.png See Greyscale-bars-perl5] (offsite image) ## Perl 6 ```perl6 my ($width,$height) = 1280,768; my $PGM = open "Greyscale-bars-perl6.pgm", :w orelse die "Can't create Greyscale-bars-perl6.pgm: $_"; $PGM.print: qq:to/EOH/; P2 # Greyscale-bars-perl6.pgm $width $height 65535 EOH my ($h1,$h2,$h3,$h4) = divvy($height,4); my @nums = ((0/7,1/7...7/7) X* 65535)».floor; my $line = ~(@nums Zxx divvy($width,8)); $PGM.say: $line for ^$h1; @nums = ((15/15,14/15...0/15) X* 65535)».floor; $line = ~(@nums Zxx divvy($width,16)); $PGM.say: $line for ^$h2; @nums = ((0/31,1/31...31/31) X* 65535)».floor; $line = ~(@nums Zxx divvy($width,32)); $PGM.say: $line for ^$h3; @nums = ((63/63,62/63...0/63) X* 65535)».floor; $line = ~(@nums Zxx divvy($width,64)); $PGM.say: $line for ^$h4; $PGM.close; sub divvy($all, $div) { my @marks = ((1/$div,2/$div ... 1) X* $all)».round; @marks Z- 0,|@marks; } ``` [https://github.com/SqrtNegInf/Rosettacode-Perl6-Smoke/blob/master/ref/Greyscale-bars-perl6.png See Greyscale-bars-perl6] (offsite image) ## Phix Resizeable. Use of nx avoids rounding/misalignment errors {{libheader|pGUI}} ```Phix -- -- demo\rosetta\Greyscale_bars.exw -- include pGUI.e Ihandle dlg, canvas cdCanvas cddbuffer, cdcanvas function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer /*posx*/, integer /*posy*/) cdCanvasActivate(cddbuffer) integer {width, height} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE") integer h = ceil(height/4) for row=1 to 4 do integer x = 0, p2 = power(2,row+2), c = floor(255/(p2-1)) for n=0 to p2-1 do integer colour = c*n*#010101 if and_bits(row,1)=0 then colour = xor_bits(colour,#FFFFFF) end if cdCanvasSetForeground(cddbuffer, colour) integer nx = ceil(width*(n+1)/p2) cdCanvasBox(cddbuffer, x, nx, height-h, height) x = nx end for height -= h end for cdCanvasFlush(cddbuffer) return IUP_DEFAULT end function function map_cb(Ihandle ih) cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, ih) cddbuffer = cdCreateCanvas(CD_DBUFFER, cdcanvas) return IUP_DEFAULT end function function unmap_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/) cdKillCanvas(cddbuffer) cdKillCanvas(cdcanvas) return IUP_DEFAULT end function function esc_close(Ihandle /*ih*/, atom c) if c=K_ESC then return IUP_CLOSE end if return IUP_CONTINUE end function procedure main() IupOpen() canvas = IupCanvas(NULL) IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", "600x400") IupSetCallback(canvas, "MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb")) IupSetCallback(canvas, "UNMAP_CB", Icallback("unmap_cb")) dlg = IupDialog(canvas) IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Greyscale bars") IupSetCallback(canvas, "ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb")) IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_ANY", Icallback("esc_close")) IupMap(dlg) IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", NULL) IupShowXY(dlg,IUP_CENTER,IUP_CENTER) IupMainLoop() IupClose() end procedure main() ``` ## PicoLisp ```PicoLisp (let Pgm # Create PGM of 384 x 288 pixels (make (for N 4 (let L (make (for I (* N 8) (let C (*/ (dec I) 255 (dec (* N 8))) (unless (bit? 1 N) (setq C (- 255 C)) ) (do (/ 48 N) (link C)) ) ) ) (do 72 (link L)) ) ) ) (out '(display) # Pipe to ImageMagick (prinl "P5") # NetPBM format (prinl (length (car Pgm)) " " (length Pgm)) (prinl 255) (for Y Pgm (apply wr Y)) ) ) ``` ## PureBasic ```PureBasic If Not InitKeyboard(): End: EndIf ;can't init keyboard If Not InitSprite(): End: EndIf ;can't init sprite/screen library If Not ExamineDesktops(): End: EndIf ;can't retrieve information about desktop Define height.f, width.f, depth height.f = DesktopHeight(0) width.f = DesktopWidth(0) depth = DesktopDepth(0) If OpenScreen(width, height, depth, "Press ENTER to exit") Define vsCount, v, h, columns, columnWidth, endColor, shade StartDrawing(ScreenOutput()) vsCount = 4 For v = 0 To 3 columns = (v + 1) * 8 columnWidth = Round(width / columns, #PB_Round_Up) endColor = $FFFFFF * (v % 2) ;alternate between black and white for first and last bar Box(0, (height * v) / vsCount, columnWidth, height / vsCount, endColor) For h = 1 To columns - 2 If v % 2 = 0 shade = 256 / columns * (h + 1) Else shade = 256 / columns * (columns - (h + 1)) EndIf Box((width * h) / columns, (height * v) / vsCount, columnWidth, height / vsCount, RGB(shade, shade, shade)) Next Box((width * (columns - 1)) / columns, (height * v) / vsCount, columnWidth, height / vsCount, $FFFFFF - endColor) Next StopDrawing() FlipBuffers() Repeat Delay(10) ExamineKeyboard() Until KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape) Or KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Return) CloseScreen() EndIf ``` Press Enter or Escape to exit the programs's display. ## Python {{libheader|livewires}} ```Python #!/usr/bin/env python #four gray scaled stripes 8:16:32:64 in Python 2.7.1 from livewires import * horiz=640; vert=480; pruh=vert/4; dpp=255.0 begin_graphics(width=horiz,height=vert,title="Gray stripes",background=Colour.black) def ty_pruhy(each): hiy=each[0]*pruh; loy=hiy-pruh krok=horiz/each[1]; piecol=255.0/(each[1]-1) for x in xrange(0,each[1]): barva=Colour(piecol*x/dpp,piecol*x/dpp,piecol*x/dpp ); set_colour(barva) if each[2]: box(x*krok,hiy,x*krok+krok,loy,filled=1) else: box(horiz-x*krok,hiy,horiz-((x+1)*krok),loy,filled=1) # main source=[[4,8,True],[3,16,False],[2,32,True],[1,64,False]] for each in source: ty_pruhy(each) while keys_pressed() != [' ']: # press spacebar to close window pass ``` ## R Create a 4x64 matrix representing the described pattern, set margins to 0 so the image will fill the display, and plot the matrix in grayscale using the "image" function: [[File:GrayscalesR.png|thumb|right]] ```R mat <- matrix(c(rep(1:8, each = 8) / 8, rep(16:1, each = 4) / 16, rep(1:32, each = 2) / 32, rep(64:1, each = 1) / 64), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) par(mar = rep(0, 4)) image(t(mat[4:1, ]), col = gray(1:64/64), axes = FALSE) ``` Or, this can be generalized with the function below, which produces the pattern for an arbitrary number of rows (though rows become visibly indistinguishable after about row 5): [[File:GrayscalesR-6.png|thumb|right]] ```R grayscalesImage <- function(nrow = 4) { X <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow, ncol = 2^(nrow + 2)) for (i in 1:nrow) { X[i, ] <- rep(1:2^(i + 2), each = 2^(nrow - i)) / 2^(i + 2) if (i %% 2 == 0) X[i, ] <- rev(X[i, ]) } par(mar = rep(0, 4)) image(t(X[nrow:1, ]), col = gray(1:ncol(X) / ncol(X)), axes = FALSE) } ## Example ## grayscalesImage(6) # produces image shown in screenshot to the right ``` ## Racket This solution uses the built-in pict library for graphics. [[File:Grayscale-pict.png|thumb|right]] ```racket #lang racket/gui (require slideshow/pict) (define-values (*width* *height*) (values 400 40)) (define (shades inc) (for/list ([scale (in-range 0 (+ 1 inc) inc)]) (round (* 255 scale)))) (define (grays increment direction) (define colors (shades increment)) (apply hc-append ((if (eq? direction 'right) identity reverse) (for/list ([c colors]) (colorize (filled-rectangle (/ *width* (length colors)) *height*) (make-color c c c)))))) (vc-append (grays 1/8 'right) (grays 1/16 'left) (grays 1/32 'right) (grays 1/64 'left)) ``` ## RapidQ ```vb Declare Sub PaintCanvas Create Form as Qform Caption = "Rosetta Greyscale" Center create Canv as QCanvas align = 5 onPaint = PaintCanvas end create end create Sub PaintCanvas NumRows = 4 'Change for number of rows for curbar = 0 to NumRows-1 Bars = 2^(curbar+3) for x = 0 to (Bars -1) x1=Canv.Width/Bars*x y1=Canv.Height/NumRows*CurBar x2=Canv.Width/Bars*(x+1) y2=Canv.Height/NumRows*(CurBar+1) c=(255/(Bars-1))*x c=iif(curbar mod 2, 255-c, c) Canv.FillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, rgb(c, c, c)) next x next curbar end sub Form.showmodal ``` ## Ring ```ring # Project : Greyscale bars/Display load "guilib.ring" paint = null new qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("Greyscale bars/Display") setgeometry(100,100,500,600) label1 = new qlabel(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,400,400) settext("") } new qpushbutton(win1) { setgeometry(150,500,100,30) settext("draw") setclickevent("draw()") } show() } exec() } func draw p1 = new qpicture() color = new qcolor() { setrgb(0,0,255,255) } pen = new qpen() { setcolor(color) setwidth(1) } paint = new qpainter() { begin(p1) setpen(pen) for row=1 to 4 n=pow(2,(row+2)) w=1280/n py=256*(4-row) for b=0 to n-1 g=floor(255*b/(n-1)) if n=16 or n=64 g=255-g ok color2 = new qcolor() color2.setrgb(g,g,g,255) mybrush = new qbrush() {setstyle(1) setcolor(color2)} paint.setbrush(mybrush) paint.drawrect(w*b,py,w,256) next next endpaint() } label1 { setpicture(p1) show() } ``` Output: https://www.dropbox.com/s/01iywg04iwubf55/GreyscaleBars.jpg?dl=0 ## Run BASIC ```Runbasic for i = 1 to 4 incr = int(256 / (i * 8)) c = 256 html "" for j = 1 to i * 8 html "" c = c - incr next j html "" next i html "
" end ``` ```txt Run in a browser ``` ## Scala ```scala import scala.swing._ class GreyscaleBars extends Component { override def paintComponent(g:Graphics2D)={ val barHeight=size.height>>2 for(run <- 0 to 3; colCount=8<