⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Kernighan Brian Kernighan], in a [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg4U4r_AgJU lecture] at the University of Nottingham, described a [https://youtu.be/Sg4U4r_AgJU?t=50s problem] on which this task is based.

;Problem: You are given a a data file of thousands of lines; each of three whitespace separated fields: a date, a one word name and the magnitude of the event.

Example lines from the file would be lines like:

8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6
3/13/2009    CostaRica           5.1


  • Create a program or script invocation to find all the events with magnitude greater than 6
  • Assuming an appropriate name e.g. "data.txt" for the file: :# Either: Show how your program is invoked to process a data file of that name. :# Or: Incorporate the file name into the program, (as it is assumed that the program is single use).


IF  FILE input file;
    STRING file name = "data.txt";
    open( input file, file name, stand in channel ) /= 0
    # failed to open the file #
    print( ( "Unable to open """ + file name + """", newline ) )
    # file opened OK #
    BOOL at eof := FALSE;
    # set the EOF handler for the file #
    on logical file end( input file, ( REF FILE f )BOOL:
                                         # note that we reached EOF on the latest read #
                                         at eof := TRUE;
                                         # return TRUE so processing can continue #
    # return the real value of the specified field on the line #
    PROC real field = ( STRING line, INT field )REAL:
            REAL result  := 0;
            INT  c pos   := LWB line;
            INT  max pos := UPB line;
            STRING f     := "";
            FOR f ield number TO field WHILE c pos <= max pos DO
                # skip leading spaces #
                WHILE IF c pos > max pos THEN FALSE ELSE line[ c pos ] = " " FI DO
                    c pos +:= 1
                IF c pos <= max pos THEN
                    # have a field #
                    INT start pos = c pos;
                    WHILE IF c pos > max pos THEN FALSE ELSE line[ c pos ] /= " " FI DO
                        c pos +:= 1
                    IF field number = field THEN
                        # have the required field #
                        f := line[ start pos : c pos - 1 ]
            IF f /= "" THEN
                # have the field - assume it a real value and convert it #
                FILE real value;
                associate( real value, f );
                on value error( real value
                              , ( REF FILE f )BOOL:
                                         # "handle" invalid data #
                                         result := 0;
                                         # return TRUE so processing can continue #
                get( real value, ( result ) )
         END # real field # ;
    # show the lines where the third field is > 6 #
    WHILE NOT at eof
        STRING line;
        get( input file, ( line, newline ) );
        IF real field( line, 3 ) > 6 THEN
            print( ( line, newline ) )
    # close the file #
    close( input file )


 awk '$3 > 6' data.txt


// Randizo was here!
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
    ifstream file("../include/earthquake.txt");

    int count_quake = 0;
    int column = 1;
    string value;
    double size_quake;
    string row = "";

    while(file >> value)
        if(column == 3)
            size_quake = stod(value);

                row += value + "\t";
                cout << row << endl;

            column = 1;
            row = "";
            row+=value + "\t";

    cout << "\nNumber of quakes greater than 6 is " << count_quake << endl;

    return 0;

New version:

// Jolkdarr was also here!
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    using namespace std;
    ifstream file("data.txt");
    int count_quake = 0;
    string s1, s2;
    double rate;
    while (!file.eof()) {
        file >> s1 >> s2 >> rate;
        if (rate > 6.0) {
        	cout << s1 << setw(20) << s2 << " " << rate << endl;

    cout << endl << "Number of quakes greater than 6 is " << count_quake << endl;
    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    FILE *fp;
    char *line = NULL;
    size_t len = 0;
    ssize_t read;
    char *lw, *lt;
    fp = fopen("data.txt", "r");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        printf("Unable to open file\n");
    printf("Those earthquakes with a magnitude > 6.0 are:\n\n");
    while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != EOF) {
        if (read < 2) continue;   /* ignore blank lines */
        lw = strrchr(line, ' ');  /* look for last space */
        lt = strrchr(line, '\t'); /* look for last tab */
        if (!lw && !lt) continue; /* ignore lines with no whitespace */
        if (lt > lw) lw = lt;     /* lw points to last space or tab */
        if (atof(lw + 1) > 6.0) printf("%s", line);
    if (line) free(line);
    return 0;

{{output}} Using the given file:

Those earthquakes with a magnitude > 6.0 are:

8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    static void Main() {
        foreach (var earthquake in LargeEarthquakes("data.txt", 6))
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", earthquake));

    static IEnumerable<string[]> LargeEarthquakes(string filename, double limit) =>
        from line in File.ReadLines(filename)
        let parts = line.Split(default(char[]), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
        where double.Parse(parts[2]) > limit
        select parts;



use: cx;

'data.txt' `r fopen lines {
  let: (time place mag) @@s split ..;
  let: (m1 m2) $mag @. split &int map ..;
  $m1 6 >= $m2 0 > and {[$time @@s $place @@s $mag] say} if
} for


8/27/1883 Krakatoa 8.8
5/18/1980 MountStHelens 7.6



import std.conv : to;
import std.regex : ctRegex, split;
import std.stdio : File, writeln;

void main() {
    auto ctr = ctRegex!"\\s+";

    writeln("Those earthquakes with a magnitude > 6.0 are:");
    foreach (line; File("data.txt").byLineCopy) {
        auto parts = split(line, ctr);
        if (parts[2].to!double > 6.0) {


Those earthquakes with a magnitude > 6.0 are:
8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6

Emacs Lisp

#!/usr/bin/env emacs --script

(dolist (arg command-line-args-left)
  (find-file arg)
  (while (not (eobp))
    (let* ((line (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
           (magn (nth 2 (split-string line "\\s-+"))))
      (when (> (string-to-number magn) 6.0)
        (message line)))
    (forward-line 1))))


lines is a convenience word that reads lines from standard input. If you don't want to type them all in yourself, it is suggested that you give the program a file to read. For example, on the Windows command line: factor kernighan.factor < earthquakes.txt

USING: io math math.parser prettyprint sequences splitting ;
IN: rosetta-code.kernighan

lines [ "\s" split last string>number 6 > ] filter .


package main

import (

func main() {
    f, err := os.Open("data.txt")
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Unable to open the file")
    defer f.Close()
    fmt.Println("Those earthquakes with a magnitude > 6.0 are:\n")
    input := bufio.NewScanner(f)
    for input.Scan() {
        line := input.Text()
        fields := strings.Fields(line)
        mag, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fields[2], 64)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("Unable to parse magnitude of an earthquake")
        if mag > 6.0 {


Those earthquakes with a magnitude > 6.0 are:

8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6



import java.util.regex.Pattern

class LargeEarthquake {
    static void main(String[] args) {
        def r = Pattern.compile("\\s+")
        println("Those earthquakes with a magnitude > 6.0 are:\n")
        def f = new File("data.txt")
        f.eachLine { it ->
            if (r.split(it)[2].toDouble() > 6.0) {


Those earthquakes with a magnitude > 6.0 are:

8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6


// Version 1.2.40

import java.io.File

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val r = Regex("""\s+""")
    println("Those earthquakes with a magnitude > 6.0 are:\n")
    File("data.txt").forEachLine {
        if (it.split(r)[2].toDouble() > 6.0) println(it)

{{output}} Using the given file:

Those earthquakes with a magnitude > 6.0 are:

8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6


import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C

main :: IO ()
main = do
  cs <- C.readFile "data.txt"
  mapM_ print $
    C.lines cs >>=
    (\x ->
        [ x
        | 6 < (read (last (C.unpack <$> C.words x)) :: Float) ])


"8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8"
"5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6"


NB. this program is designed for systems where the line ending is either LF or CRLF

NB. filename select_magnitude minimum
NB. default file is /tmp/famous.quakers

select_magnitude=: '/tmp/famous.quakers'&$: : (4 :0)
 data =. 1!:1 boxopen x       NB. read the file
 data =. data -. CR           NB. remove nasty carriage returns
 data =. ,&LF^:(LF~:{:) data  NB. append new line if none found
 lines =. [;._2 data          NB. split the literal based on the final character
 magnitudes =. ". _1&{::@(<;._2)@(,&' ')@deb"1 lines
 (y <: magnitudes) # lines

   select_magnitude 6
8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6


Using the example data as a small text file.

using DataFrames, CSV

df = CSV.File("kernighansproblem.txt", delim=" ", ignorerepeated=true,
    header=["Date", "Location", "Magnitude"], types=[DateTime, String, Float64],
    dateformat="mm/dd/yyyy") |> DataFrame

println(filter(row -> row[:Magnitude] > 6, df))


2×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ Date                │ Location      │ Magnitude │
│     │ DateTime            │ String        │ Float64   │
│ 1   │ 1883-08-27T00:00:00 │ Krakatoa      │ 8.8       │
│ 2   │ 1980-05-18T00:00:00 │ MountStHelens │ 7.6       │


For each line, the Lua pattern "%S+$" is used to capture between the final space character and the end of the line.

-- arg[1] is the first argument provided at the command line
for line in io.lines(arg[1] or "data.txt") do  -- use data.txt if arg[1] is nil
  magnitude = line:match("%S+$")
  if tonumber(magnitude) > 6 then print(line) end


perl -n -e '/(\S+)\s*$/ and $1 > 6 and print' data.txt

Perl 6

{{works with|Rakudo|2018.03}} Pass in a file name, or use default for demonstration purposes.

$_ = @*ARGS[0] ?? @*ARGS[0].IO !! q:to/END/;
    8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
    5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6
    3/13/2009    CostaRica           5.1

map { .say if .words[2] > 6 }, .lines;


Parse using PHP's fscanf().


// make sure filename was specified on command line
if ( ! isset( $argv[1] ) )
	die( 'Data file name required' );

// open file and check for success
if ( ! $fh = fopen( $argv[1], 'r' ) )
	die ( 'Cannot open file: ' . $argv[1] );

while ( list( $date, $loc, $mag ) = fscanf( $fh, "%s %s %f" ) ) {
	if ( $mag > 6 ) {
		printf( "% -12s % -19s %.1f\n", $date, $loc, $mag );

fclose( $fh );

Usage: Specify file name on command line. Ex: php eq.php data.txt


8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6


## Phix

sequence cl = command_line()
string filename = iff(length(cl)>=3?cl[3]:"e02.txt")
integer fn = open(filename,"r")
if fn=-1 then crash("cannot open filename") end if
while 1 do
    object line = gets(fn)
    if line=-1 then exit end if
    line = substitute(trim(line),"\t"," ")
    sequence r = scanf(line,"%s %f")
    if length(r)=1 and r[1][2]>6 then ?line end if
end while



"8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8"
"5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6"


## Python

Typed into a bash shell or similar:

python -c '
with open("data.txt") as f:
    for ln in f:
        if float(ln.strip().split()[2]) > 6:

Or, if scale permits a file slurp and a parse retained for further processing, we can combine the parse and filter with a concatMap abstraction:

from os.path import expanduser
from functools import (reduce)
from itertools import (chain)

# largeQuakes :: Int -> [String] -> [(String, String, String)]
def largeQuakes(n):
    def quake(threshold):
        def go(x):
            ws = x.split()
            return [tuple(ws)] if threshold < float(ws[2]) else []
        return lambda x: go(x)
    return concatMap(quake(n))

# main :: IO ()
def main():
    print (

# GENERIC ABSTRACTION -------------------------------------

# concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
def concatMap(f):
    return lambda xs: list(
            map(f, xs)

# MAIN ---
if __name__ == '__main__':


[('8/27/1883', 'Krakatoa', '8.8'), ('5/18/1980', 'MountStHelens', '7.6')]

## Racket

The file specified contains the three lines from the task description.

This is just a file filter, matching lines are printed out.

#lang racket

(with-input-from-file "data/large-earthquake.txt"
  (λ ()
    (for ((s (in-port read-line))
          #:when (> (string->number (third (string-split s))) 6))
    (displayln s))))

Or, defining a list -> list function in terms of '''filter''':

#lang racket

; largeQuakes :: Int -> [String] -> [String]
(define (largeQuakes n xs)
   (λ (x)
     (< n (string->number (last (string-split x)))))

; main :: IO ()
(module* main #f
     (lines (readFile "~/quakes.txt"))))))

; GENERIC ---------------------------------------------

; lines :: String -> [String]
(define (lines s)
  (string-split s "\n"))

; readFile :: FilePath -> IO String
(define (readFile fp)
   (expand-user-path fp)))

; unlines :: [String] -> String
(define (unlines xs)
  (string-join xs "\n"))


8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6

To combine filtering with more pre-processing, we can use '''concatMap''' in place of '''filter''':

#lang racket

(require gregor) ; Date parsing

; test :: IO ()
(module* main #f
      ([q ((quakesAbove 6)
           (lines (readFile "~/quakes.txt")))])
    (writeln q)))

; quakesAbove :: Int -> [String] -> [(Date, String, Float)]
(define (quakesAbove n)
  (λ (xs)
      (λ (x)
        (local [(define-values (dte k mgn)
                  (apply values (string-split x)))
                (define m (string->number mgn))]
          (if (< n m)
              (list (list (parse-date dte "M/d/y") k m))

; GENERIC ---------------------------------------------

; concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
(define (concatMap f)
  (λ (xs)
    (foldr (λ (x a) (append (f x) a)) '() xs)))

; lines :: String -> [String]
(define (lines s)
  (string-split s "\n"))

; readFile :: FilePath -> IO String
(define (readFile fp)
   (expand-user-path fp)))


(# "Krakatoa" 8.8)
(# "MountStHelens" 7.6)


A little extra coding was added to provide:
:::*   an output title   (with centering and better alignment)
:::*   an error message for when the input file wasn't found   (or is empty)
:::*   the number of records read
:::*   the number of records that met the qualifying magnitude
:::*   the qualifying magnitude

/*REXX program to read a file containing a list of earthquakes:   date, site, magnitude.*/
parse arg iFID mMag .                            /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if iFID=='' | iFID==","  then iFID= 'earthquakes.dat' /*Not specified?  Then use default*/
if mMag=='' | mMag==","  then mMag= 6                 /* "      "         "   "     "   */
#=0                                              /*# of earthquakes that meet criteria. */
   do j=0  while lines(iFID)\==0                 /*read all lines in the input file.    */
   if j==0  then say 'Reading from file: ' iFID  /*show the name of the file being read.*/
   parse value linein(iFID) with date site mag . /*parse three words from an input line.*/
   if mag<=mMag  then iterate                    /*Is the quake too small?  Then skip it*/
   #= # + 1;     if j==0  then say               /*bump the number of qualifying quakes.*/
   if #==1  then say center('date', 20, "═")     '=magnitude='     center("site", 20, '═')
   say               center(date, 20)      center(mag/1, 11)   '  '        site
   end   /*j*/                                   /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
if j\==0  then say j  'records read from file: ' iFID
if j==0  then say er 'file    '          iFID           "   is empty or not found."
         else say #  ' earthquakes listed whose magnitude is  ≥ ' mMag

{{out|output|text=  when using the default inputs:}}


Reading from file:  earthquakes.dat

════════date════════ =magnitude= ════════site════════
     08/27/1883          8.8        Krakatoa
     05/18/1980          7.6        MountStHelens

3 records read from file:  earthquakes.dat

2  earthquakes listed whose magnitude is  ≥  6


## Ring


# Project  : Kernighans large earthquake problem

load "stdlib.ring"
nr = 0
equake = list(3)
fn = "equake.txt"
fp = fopen(fn,"r")

while not feof(fp)
         nr = nr + 1
         equake[nr] = readline(fp)
for n = 1 to len(equake)
     for m = 1 to len(equake[n])
          if equake[n][m] = " "
             sp = m
     sptemp = right(equake[n],len(equake[n])-sp)
     sptemo = number(sptemp)
     if sptemp > 6
        see equake[n] + nl




8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
5/18/1980    MountStHelens   7.6


## Ruby


ruby -nae "$F[2].to_f > 6 && print" data.txt


A more interesting problem. Print only the events whose magnitude is above average.

Contents of the file:


8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6
3/13/2009    CostaRica           5.1
2000-02-02  Foo               7.7
1959-08-08   Bar             6.2
1849-09-09  Pym                9.0


The command:


ruby -e"m=$<.to_a;f=->s{s.split[2].to_f};a=m.reduce(0){|t,s|t+f[s]}/m.size;puts m.select{|s|f[s]>a}" e.txt




8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8
5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6
2000-02-02  Foo               7.7
1849-09-09  Pym                9.0


## Scala

  .filter(_(2).toDouble > 6.0)

## Swift

Expects the program to be started with the path to the data file.

import Foundation

guard let path = Array(CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst()).first else {

let fileData = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: path)!
let eventData = String(data: fileData, encoding: .utf8)!

for line in eventData.components(separatedBy: "\n") {
  guard let lastSpace = line.lastIndex(of: " "), // Get index of last space
        line.index(after: lastSpace) != line.endIndex, // make sure the last space isn't the end of the line
        let magnitude = Double(String(line[line.index(after: lastSpace)])),
        magnitude > 6 else { // Finally check the magnitude


## Tcl

Inspired by awk.

catch {console show} 			;## show console when running from tclwish
catch {wm withdraw .}

set filename "data.txt"
set fh [open $filename]
set NR 0 				;# number-of-record, means linenumber

while {[gets $fh line]>=0} { 		;# gets returns length of line, -1 means eof
    incr NR
    set  line2 [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $line]  ;# reduce multiple whitespace
    set  fld   [split $line2]  	;# split line into fields, at whitespace
    set  f3    [lindex $fld 2] 	;# zero-based
   #set  NF    [llength $fld]   	;# number-of-fields

    if {$f3 > 6} { puts "$line" }
close $fh

## Yabasic

if peek("argument") then
    filename$ = peek$("argument")
    filename$ = "data.txt"
end if

dim tok$(1)
a = open(filename$)
if not a error "Could not open '" + filename$ + "' for reading"
while(not eof(a))
  line input #a a$
  void = token(a$, tok$())
  if val(tok$(3)) > 6 print a$
close a

## zkl

While lexical comparsions [of numeric data] are fine for this problem, it
is bad practice so I don't do it (written so text is automatically
converted to float).

fcn equake(data,out=Console){
   data.pump(out,fcn(line){ 6.0line.split()[-1] },Void.Filter)

"8/27/1883    Krakatoa            8.8\n"
"5/18/1980    MountStHelens       7.6\n"
"3/13/2009    CostaRica           5.1\n"




$ zkl --eval 'File.stdin.pump(Console,fcn(line){ 6.0