⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

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If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

{{task|Text processing}}

;Task: Given a prompt and a list containing a number of strings of which one is to be selected, create a function that:

  • prints a textual menu formatted as an index value followed by its corresponding string for each item in the list;
  • prompts the user to enter a number;
  • returns the string corresponding to the selected index number.

The function should reject input that is not an integer or is out of range by redisplaying the whole menu before asking again for a number. The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list.

For test purposes use the following four phrases in a list: fee fie huff and puff mirror mirror tick tock

;Note: This task is fashioned after the action of the [http://www.softpanorama.org/Scripting/Shellorama/Control_structures/select_statements.shtml Bash select statement].


with ada.text_io,Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use  ada.text_io, Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

procedure menu is
	type menu_strings is array (positive range <>) of Unbounded_String ;
	function "+" (s : string) return Unbounded_String is (To_Unbounded_String (s));

	function choice (m : menu_strings; prompt : string) return string is
		if m'length > 0 then
				put_line (prompt);
				for i in m'range loop
					put_line (i'img &") " & To_String (m(i)));
				end loop;
					return To_String (m(positive'value (get_line)));
					exception when others => put_line ("Try again !");
			end loop;
		end if;
		return "";
	end choice;

	put_line ("You chose " &
		choice ((+"fee fie",+"huff and puff",+"mirror mirror",+"tick tock"),"Enter your choice "));
end menu;



{{works with|ALGOL 68|Revision 1 - no extensions to language used}}

{{works with|ALGOL 68G|Any - tested with release [http://sourceforge.net/projects/algol68/files/algol68g/algol68g-1.18.0/algol68g-1.18.0-9h.tiny.el5.centos.fc11.i386.rpm/download 1.18.0-9h.tiny]}} {{wont work with|ELLA ALGOL 68|Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release [http://sourceforge.net/projects/algol68/files/algol68toc/algol68toc-1.8.8d/algol68toc-1.8-8d.fc9.i386.rpm/download 1.8-8d] - due to extensive use of '''format'''[ted] ''transput''}}

PROC menu select := (FLEX[]STRING items, UNION(STRING, VOID) prompt)STRING:
        INT choice;

        IF LWB items <= UPB items THEN
                        FOR i FROM LWB items TO UPB items DO
                                printf(($g(0)") "gl$, i, items[i]))
                        CASE prompt IN
                                (STRING prompt):printf(($g" "$, prompt)),
                                (VOID):printf($"Choice ? "$)
                        read((choice, new line));
                # WHILE # 1 > choice OR choice > UPB items
                DO SKIP OD;

        FLEX[0]STRING items := ("fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock");
        STRING prompt := "Which is from the three pigs : ";

        printf(($"You chose "g"."l$, menu select(items, prompt)))


1) fee fie
2) huff and puff
3) mirror mirror
4) tick tock
Which is from the three pigs :  2
You chose huff and puff.


{{incorrect|AutoHotkey|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}}

GoSub, CreateGUI

Gui, Submit, NoHide
If Input =
Else If Input not between 1 and 4
 Gui, Destroy
 Sleep, 500
 GoSub, CreateGUI
Else {
 GuiControlGet, string,,Text%Input%
 GuiControl,,Output,% SubStr(string,4)

list = fee fie,huff and puff,mirror mirror,tick tock
Loop, Parse, list, `,
 Gui, Add, Text, vText%A_Index%, %A_Index%: %A_LoopField%
Gui, Add, Text, ym, Which is from the three pigs?
Gui, Add, Edit, vInput gSubmit
Gui, Add, Edit, vOutput
Gui, Show



# syntax: GAWK -f MENU.AWK
    print("you picked:",menu(""))
    print("you picked:",menu("fee fie:huff and puff:mirror mirror:tick tock"))
function menu(str,  ans,arr,i,n) {
    if (str == "") {
    n = split(str,arr,":")
    while (1) {
      for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
        printf("%d - %s\n",i,arr[i])
      printf("? ")
      getline ans
      if (ans in arr) {
      print("invalid choice")


{{incorrect|Axe|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} In Axe, static data (such as strings) is laid out sequentially in memory. So the H in "HUFF" is the byte after the null terminator for "FIE". However, null terminators are only added to strings when they are stored with the store symbol →. strGet returns a pointer to the start of the nth null-terminated string in the data, which is why the strings must be laid out in memory correctly.

"FEE FIE"→Str1
 Disp I▶Hex+3,":",strGet(Str1,I-1),i
Disp "NUMBER? "
If N<1 or N>4
 Disp "BAD NUMBER",i
Disp strGet(Str1,N-1),i


{{works with|QuickBasic|4.5}}

 function sel$(choices$(), prompt$)
   if ubound(choices$) - lbound(choices$) = 0 then sel$ = ""
   ret$ = ""
      for i = lbound(choices$) to ubound(choices$)
         print i; ": "; choices$(i)
      next i
      input ;prompt$, index
      if index <= ubound(choices$) and index >= lbound(choices$) then ret$ = choices$(index)
   while ret$ = ""
   sel$ = ret$
end function
@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set "menuChoices="fee fie","huff and puff","mirror mirror","tick tock""

call :menu

pause>nul & exit

	if defined menuChoices (
		set "counter=0" & for %%a in (%menuChoices%) do (
			set /a "counter+=1"
			set "currentMenuChoice=%%a"
			set option[!counter!]=!currentMenuChoice:"=!
for /l %%a in (1,1,%counter%) do echo %%a^) !option[%%a]!
set /p "input=Choice 1-%counter%: "
for /l %%a in (1,1,%counter%) do (
	if !input! equ %%a echo You chose [ %%a^) !option[%%a]! ] & goto :EOF
echo.Invalid Input. Please try again...
goto :tryagain

Batch File

@echo off

call:menu "fee fie" "huff and puff" "mirror mirror" "tick tock"
exit /b

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set count=0
set reset=endlocal ^& goto menu
for %%i in (%*) do (
	set /a count+=1
	set string[!count!]=%%~i
	echo string[!count!] = %%~i
set /p choice=^>
if "%choice%"=="" %reset%
set "isNum="
for /f "delims=0123456789" %%i in ("%choice%") do set isNum=%%i
if defined isNum %reset%
if %choice% gtr %count% %reset%


      DIM list$(4)
      list$() = "fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"
      selected$ = FNmenu(list$(), "Please make a selection: ")
      PRINT selected$

      DEF FNmenu(list$(), prompt$)
      LOCAL index%, select$
      IF SUM(list$()) = "" THEN = ""
        FOR index% = 0 TO DIM(list$() ,1)
          IF list$(index%)<>"" PRINT ; index% ":", list$(index%)
        PRINT prompt$ ;
        INPUT "" select$
        index% = VAL(select$)
        IF select$<>STR$(index%) index% = -1
        IF index%>=0 IF index%<=DIM(list$() ,1) IF list$(index%)="" index% = -1
      UNTIL index%>=0 AND index%<=DIM(list$(), 1)
      = list$(index%)

Empty entries in the list are not offered as options, nor accepted as a selection.


menu = { prompt, choices |
  true? choices.empty?
  { "" }
    choices.each_with_index { c, i |
      p "#{i}. #{c}"

    selection = ask prompt

      true? selection.numeric?
      { selection = selection.to_i
        true? selection < 0 || { selection >= choices.length }
          { p "Selection is out of range"; menu prompt, choices }
          { choices[selection] }
    { p "Selection must be a number"; menu prompt, choices }

p menu "Selection: " ["fee fie" "huff and puff" "mirror mirror" "tick tock"]


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

const char *menu_select(const char *const *items, const char *prompt);

	const char *items[] = {"fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock", NULL};
	const char *prompt = "Which is from the three pigs?";

	printf("You chose %s.\n", menu_select(items, prompt));


const char *
menu_select(const char *const *items, const char *prompt)
	char buf[BUFSIZ];
	int i;
	int choice;
	int choice_max;

	if (items == NULL)
		return NULL;

	do {
		for (i = 0; items[i] != NULL; i++) {
			printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, items[i]);
		choice_max = i;
		if (prompt != NULL)
			printf("%s ", prompt);
			printf("Choice? ");
		if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL) {
			choice = atoi(buf);
	} while (1 > choice || choice > choice_max);

	return items[choice - 1];


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

void print_menu(const std::vector<std::string>& terms)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) {
        std::cout << i + 1 << ") " << terms[i] << '\n';

int parse_entry(const std::string& entry, int max_number)
    int number = std::stoi(entry);
    if (number < 1 || number > max_number) {
        throw std::invalid_argument("");

    return number;

std::string data_entry(const std::string& prompt, const std::vector<std::string>& terms)
    if (terms.empty()) {
        return "";

    int choice;
    while (true) {
        std::cout << prompt;

        std::string entry;
        std::cin >> entry;

        try {
            choice = parse_entry(entry, terms.size());
            return terms[choice - 1];
        } catch (std::invalid_argument&) {
            // std::cout << "Not a valid menu entry!" << std::endl;

int main()
    std::vector<std::string> terms = {"fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"};
    std::cout << "You chose: " << data_entry("> ", terms) << std::endl;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Menu
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<string> menu_items = new List<string>() { "fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock" };
            //List<string> menu_items = new List<string>();
        private static string PrintMenu(List<string> items)
            if (items.Count == 0)
                return "";

            string input = "";
            int i = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j < items.Count; j++)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}) {1}", j, items[j]);

                Console.WriteLine("What number?");
                input = Console.ReadLine();

            } while (!int.TryParse(input, out i) || i >= items.Count || i < 0);
            return items[i];


"Run the module `menu`."
shared void run() {
 	value selection = menu("fee fie", "huff And puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock");

String menu(String* strings) {
	if(strings.empty) {
		return "";
	value entries = map(zipEntries(1..strings.size, strings));
	while(true) {
		for(index->string in entries) {
			print("``index``) ``string``");
		process.write("> ");
		value input = process.readLine();
		if(exists input, exists int = parseInteger(input), exists string = entries[int]) {
			return string;


(defn menu [prompt choices]
  (if (empty? choices)
    (let [menutxt (apply str (interleave
                              (iterate inc 1)
                              (map #(str \space % \newline) choices)))]
      (println menutxt)
      (print prompt)
      (let [index (read-string (read-line))]
        ; verify
        (if (or (not (integer? index))
                (> index (count choices))
                (< index 1))
          ; try again
          (recur prompt choices)
          ; ok
          (nth choices (dec index)))))))

(println "You chose: "
         (menu "Which is from the three pigs: "
               ["fee fie" "huff and puff" "mirror mirror" "tick tock"]))


       PROGRAM-ID. Test-Prompt-Menu.


       01  Num-Options    USAGE UNSIGNED-INT VALUE 4.
       01  Example-Menu.
           03  Example-Options-Data.
               05  FILLER PIC X(30) VALUE "fee fie".
               05  FILLER PIC X(30) VALUE "huff and puff".
               05  FILLER PIC X(30) VALUE "mirror mirror".
               05  FILLER PIC X(30) VALUE "tick tock".

           03  Example-Options-Values REDEFINES Example-Options-Data.
               05  Example-Options PIC X(30) OCCURS 4 TIMES.

       01  Chosen-Option PIC X(30).

           CALL "Prompt-Menu" USING BY CONTENT Num-Options
               BY CONTENT Example-Menu
               BY REFERENCE Chosen-Option

           DISPLAY "You chose: " Chosen-Option


       END PROGRAM Test-Prompt-Menu.

       PROGRAM-ID. Prompt-Menu.

       01  User-Input        USAGE UNSIGNED-INT.
       01  Input-Flag        PIC X.
           88  Valid-Input   VALUE "Y".

       01  Options-Index     USAGE UNSIGNED-INT.
       01  Index-Display     PIC Z(10).


       01  Num-Options       USAGE UNSIGNED-INT.
       01  Menu-Options.
           03  Options-Table PIC X(30) OCCURS 0 TO 10000000 TIMES
               DEPENDING ON Num-Options.

       01  Chosen-Option     PIC X(30).

       PROCEDURE DIVISION USING Num-Options Menu-Options Chosen-Option.
           IF Num-Options = 0
               MOVE SPACES TO Chosen-Option

           PERFORM UNTIL Valid-Input
               PERFORM Display-Menu-Options

               DISPLAY "Choose an option: " WITH NO ADVANCING
               ACCEPT User-Input

               PERFORM Validate-Input

           MOVE Options-Table (User-Input) TO Chosen-Option


           PERFORM VARYING Options-Index FROM 1 BY 1
                   UNTIL Num-Options < Options-Index
               MOVE Options-Index TO Index-Display
                   Index-Display ". " Options-Table (Options-Index)

           IF User-Input = 0 OR > Num-Options
               DISPLAY "Invalid input."
               SET Valid-Input TO TRUE

       END PROGRAM Prompt-Menu.

Common Lisp

(defun select (prompt choices)
  (if (null choices)
    (do (n)
        ((and n (<= 0 n (1- (length choices))))
         (nth n choices))
      (format t "~&~a~%" prompt)
      (loop for n from 0
            for c in choices
            do (format t "  ~d) ~a~%" n c))
      (setf n (parse-integer (read-line *standard-input* nil)
                             :junk-allowed t)))))


import std.stdio, std.conv, std.string, std.array, std.typecons;

string menuSelect(in string[] entries) {
    static Nullable!(int, -1) validChoice(in string input,
                                          in int nEntries)
    pure nothrow {
        try {
            immutable n = input.to!int;
            return typeof(return)((n >= 0 && n <= nEntries) ? n : -1);
        } catch (Exception e) // Very generic
            return typeof(return)(-1); // Not valid.

    if (entries.empty)
        return "";

    while (true) {
        "Choose one:".writeln;
        foreach (immutable i, const entry; entries)
            writefln("  %d) %s", i, entry);
        "> ".write;
        immutable input = readln.chomp;
        immutable choice = validChoice(input, entries.length - 1);
        if (choice.isNull)
            "Wrong choice.".writeln;
            return entries[choice]; // We have a valid choice.

void main() {
    immutable items = ["fee fie", "huff and puff",
                       "mirror mirror", "tick tock"];
    writeln("You chose '", items.menuSelect, "'.");


Choose one:
  0) fee fie
  1) huff and puff
  2) mirror mirror
  3) tick tock
> 2
You chose 'mirror mirror'.


defmodule Menu do
  def select(_, []), do: ""
  def select(prompt, items) do
    IO.puts ""
    Enum.with_index(items) |> Enum.each(fn {item,i} -> IO.puts " #{i}. #{item}" end)
    answer = IO.gets("#{prompt}: ") |> String.strip
    case Integer.parse(answer) do
      {num, ""} when num in 0..length(items)-1 -> Enum.at(items, num)
      _ -> select(prompt, items)

# test empty list
response = Menu.select("Which is empty", [])
IO.puts "empty list returns: #{inspect response}"

# "real" test
items = ["fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"]
response = Menu.select("Which is from the three pigs", items)
IO.puts "you chose: #{inspect response}"


empty list returns: ""

 0. fee fie
 1. huff and puff
 2. mirror mirror
 3. tick tock
Which is from the three pigs: 4

 0. fee fie
 1. huff and puff
 2. mirror mirror
 3. tick tock
Which is from the three pigs: 3
you chose: "tick tock"


PROCEDURE Selection(choices$[],prompt$->sel$)
   IF UBOUND(choices$,1)-LBOUND(choices$,1)=0 THEN
      FOR i=LBOUND(choices$,1) TO UBOUND(choices$,1) DO
         PRINT(i;": ";choices$[i])
      END FOR
      IF index<=UBOUND(choices$,1) AND index>=LBOUND(choices$,1) THEN ret$=choices$[index] END IF
   UNTIL ret$<>""


include get.e

function menu_select(sequence items, object prompt)
    if length(items) = 0 then
        return ""
        for i = 1 to length(items) do
            printf(1,"%d) %s\n",{i,items[i]})
        end for

        if atom(prompt) then
            prompt = "Choice?"
        end if

        return items[prompt_number(prompt,{1,length(items)})]
    end if
end function

constant items = {"fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"}
constant prompt = "Which is from the three pigs? "

printf(1,"You chose %s.\n",{menu_select(items,prompt)})


USING: formatting io kernel math math.parser sequences ;

: print-menu ( seq -- )
    [ 1 + swap "%d - %s\n" printf ] each-index
    "Your choice? " write flush ;

: (select) ( seq -- result )
    dup print-menu readln string>number dup integer? [
        drop 1 - swap 2dup bounds-check?
        [ nth ] [ nip (select) ] if
    ] [ drop (select) ] if* ;

: select ( seq -- result ) [ "" ] [ (select) ] if-empty ;

Example usage:

( scratchpad ) { "fee fie" "huff and puff" "mirror mirror" "tick tock" } select
1 - fee fie
2 - huff and puff
3 - mirror mirror
4 - tick tock
Your choice? 1

--- Data stack:
"fee fie"


{{incorrect|Fantom|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}}

class Main
  static Void displayList (Str[] items)
    items.each |Str item, Int index|
      echo ("$index: $item")

  public static Str getChoice (Str[] items)
    selection := -1
    while (selection == -1)
      displayList (items)
      Env.cur.out.print ("Select: ").flush
      input := Int.fromStr(Env.cur.in.readLine, 10, false)
      if (input != null)
        if (input >= 0 && input < items.size)
          selection = input
      echo ("Try again")
    return items[selection]

  public static Void main ()
    choice := getChoice (["fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"])
    echo ("You chose: $choice")


Idiomatic Forth

Out of the box Forth does not have lists. This version uses strings and a vector table, which arguably is more how one would do this task in Forth. It returns a nil string if a nil string is given otherwise the input string becomes the title of the menu.

\ Rosetta Code Menu Idiomatic Forth

\ vector table compiler
: CASE:  ( -- ) CREATE ;
: |      ( -- <text>)  '  ,  ;  IMMEDIATE

: NIL      ( -- addr len) S" " ;
: FEE      ( -- addr len) S" fee fie" ;
: HUFF     ( -- addr len) S" huff and puff" ;
: MIRROR   ( -- addr len) S" mirror mirror" ;
: TICKTOCK ( -- addr len) S" tick tock" ;

CASE: SELECT ( n -- addr len)

: BETWEEN ( n low hi -- ?)  1+ WITHIN ;

: MENU ( addr len -- addr len )
       DUP 0=
          2DROP  NIL  EXIT
             CR 2DUP 3 SPACES   TYPE
             CR   ." 1 " 1 SELECT TYPE
             CR   ." 2 " 2 SELECT TYPE
             CR   ." 3 " 3 SELECT TYPE
             CR   ." 4 " 4 SELECT TYPE
             CR ." Choice: " KEY DUP EMIT
             DUP '1' '4' BETWEEN 0=
          -ROT 2DROP    \ drop input string
          CR [CHAR] 0 -  SELECT

If there must be lists

Here we extend Forth to support simple lists and complete the task using the language extensions.

\ Rosetta Menu task with Simple lists in Forth

: STRING, ( caddr len -- ) HERE  OVER CHAR+  ALLOT  PLACE ;
: "       ( -- ) [CHAR] " PARSE  STRING, ;

: {       ( -- ) ALIGN 0 C, ;
: }       ( -- ) { ;

: {NEXT} ( str -- next_str)  COUNT + ;
: {NTH}  ( n array_addr -- str)  SWAP 0 DO {NEXT} LOOP ;

: {LEN}  ( array_addr -- )  \ count strings in a list
          0 >R                      \ Counter on Rstack
          {NEXT}                    \ skip 1st empty string
             {NEXT} DUP C@          \ Fetch length byte
          WHILE                     \ While true
             R> 1+ >R               \ Inc. counter
          R> ;                      \ return counter to data stack

: {TYPE}    ( $ -- ) COUNT TYPE ;
: '"'    ( -- )   [CHAR] " EMIT ;
: {""}   ( $ -- )  '"' SPACE {TYPE} '"' SPACE ;
: }PRINT ( n array -- ) {NTH} {TYPE} ;

### == TASK BEGINS ==

       { " fee fie"
         " huff and puff"
         " mirror mirror"
         " tick tock" }



: BETWEEN ( n low hi -- ?)  1+ WITHIN ;

: .MENULN ( n -- n) DUP '0' + EMIT SPACE OVER }PRINT ;

: MENU    ( list -- string )
       DUP {LEN} 0=
           DROP NIL
             CR 1 .MENULN
             CR 2 .MENULN
             CR 3 .MENULN
             CR 4 .MENULN
             CR ." Choice: " KEY DUP EMIT
             DUP '1' '4' BETWEEN
         0= WHILE
         [CHAR] 0 -
         CR SWAP {NTH}

Test at the gForth console


1 fee fie
2 huff and puff
3 mirror mirror
4 tick tock
Choice: 0

1 fee fie
2 huff and puff
3 mirror mirror
4 tick tock
Choice: Q

1 fee fie
2 huff and puff
3 mirror mirror
4 tick tock
Choice: 2
{TYPE} huff and puff ok
{TYPE}  ok
## Fortran Please find the build instructions in the comments at the start of the FORTRAN 2008 source. Compiler: gfortran from the GNU compiler collection. Command interpreter: bash. ```FORTRAN !a=./f && make $a && OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 $a !gfortran -std=f2008 -Wall -fopenmp -ffree-form -fall-intrinsics -fimplicit-none f.f08 -o f module menu public :: selector contains function selector(title,options) result(choice) character(len=*),intent(in) :: title character(len=*),dimension(:),intent(in) :: options character(len=len(options)) :: choice integer :: i,ichoose,ios,n choice = "" n = size(options) if (n > 0) then do print "(a)",title print "(i8,"", "",a)",(i,options(i),i=1,n) read (*,fmt="(i8)",iostat=ios) ichoose if (ios == -1) exit ! EOF error if (ios /= 0) cycle ! other error if (ichoose < 1) cycle if (ichoose > n) cycle ! out-of-bounds choice = options(ichoose) exit end do end if end function selector end module menu program menu_demo use menu character(len=14),dimension(:),allocatable :: zero_items,fairytale character(len=len(zero_items)) :: s !! empty list demo allocate(zero_items(0)) print "(a)","input items:",zero_items s = selector('Choose from the empty list',zero_items) print "(a)","returned:",s if (s == "") print "(a)","(an empty string)" !! Fairy tale demo allocate(fairytale(4)) fairytale = (/'fee fie ','huff and puff ', & 'mirror mirror ','tick tock '/) print "(a)","input items:",fairytale s = selector('Choose a fairy tale',fairytale) print "(a)","returned: ",s if (s == "") print "(a)","(an empty string)" end program menu_demo ``` =={{header|F Sharp|F#}}== ```fsharp open System let rec menuChoice (options : string list) prompt = if options = [] then "" else for i = 0 to options.Length - 1 do printfn "%d. %s" (i + 1) options.[i] printf "%s" prompt let input = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine()) match input with | true, x when 1 <= x && x <= options.Length -> options.[x - 1] | _, _ -> menuChoice options prompt [] let main _ = let menuOptions = ["fee fie"; "huff and puff"; "mirror mirror"; "tick tock"] let choice = menuChoice menuOptions "Choose one: " printfn "You chose: %s" choice 0 ``` ## Gambas {{incorrect|Gambas|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} ```gambas Public Sub Form_Open() Dim sMenu As String[] = ["fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"] Dim sAnswer As String Do sAnswer = InputBox("0: fee fie 1: huff and puff 2: mirror mirror 3: tick tock", "Please select an number") If InStr("0123", sAnswer) Then Message("You selected item " & sAnswer & " - " & sMenu[Val(sAnswer)], "OK") Loop End ``` ## Go ```go package main import "fmt" func menu(choices []string, prompt string) string { if len(choices) == 0 { return "" } var c int for { fmt.Println("") for i, s := range choices { fmt.Printf("%d. %s\n", i+1, s) } fmt.Print(prompt) _, err := fmt.Scanln(&c) if err == nil && c > 0 && c <= len(choices) { break } } return choices[c-1] } func main() { pick := menu(nil, "No prompt") fmt.Printf("No choices, result = %q\n", pick) choices := []string{ "fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock", } pick = menu(choices, "Enter number: ") fmt.Printf("You picked %q\n", pick) } ``` Output: ```txt No choices, result = "" 1. fee fie 2. huff and puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Enter number: 2 You picked "huff and puff" ``` ## Haskell ```Haskell module RosettaSelect where import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) import Control.Monad (guard) select :: [String] -> IO String select [] = return "" select menu = do putStr $ showMenu menu putStr "Choose an item: " choice <- getLine maybe (select menu) return $ choose menu choice showMenu :: [String] -> String showMenu menu = unlines [show n ++ ") " ++ item | (n, item) <- zip [1..] menu] choose :: [String] -> String -> Maybe String choose menu choice = do n <- maybeRead choice guard $ n > 0 listToMaybe $ drop (n-1) menu maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a maybeRead = fmap fst . listToMaybe . filter (null . snd) . reads ``` Example usage, at the GHCI prompt: ```Haskell *RosettaSelect> select ["fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"] 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Choose an item: 3 "mirror mirror" *RosettaSelect> ``` ## HicEst {{incorrect|HicEst|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} ```HicEst CHARACTER list = "fee fie,huff and puff,mirror mirror,tick tock,", answer*20 POP(Menu=list, SelTxt=answer) SUBROUTINE list ! callback procedure must have same name as menu argument ! Subroutine with no arguments: all objects are global ! The global variable $$ returns the selected list index WRITE(Messagebox, Name) answer, $$ END ``` =={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}== {{incorrect|Icon|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}}{{incorrect|Unicon|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine].}} ```Icon procedure main() L := ["fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"] every i := 1 to *L do write(i,") ",L[i]) repeat { writes("Choose a number from the menu above: ") a := read() if 1 <= integer(a) <= i then break } write("You selected ",a," ==> ",L[a]) end ``` ## J '''Solution:''' ```j CHOICES =: ];._2 'fee fie;huff and puff;mirror mirror;tick tock;' PROMPT =: 'Which is from the three pigs? ' showMenu =: smoutput@:(,"1~ (' ' ,.~ 3 ": i.@:(1 ,~ #))) read_stdin =: 1!:1@:1: menu =: '? '&$: :(4 : 0) NB. use: [prompt] menu choice_array CHOICES =. y if. 0 = # CHOICES do. return. end. PROMPT =. x whilst. RESULT -.@:e. i. # CHOICES do. showMenu CHOICES smoutput PROMPT RESULT =. _1 ". read_stdin'' end. RESULT {:: CHOICES ) ``` See [[Talk:Select#J_implementation|Talk page]] for explanation. ## Java ```java5 public static String select(List list, String prompt){ if(list.size() == 0) return ""; Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); String ret = null; do{ for(int i=0;i= 0 && index < list.size()){ ret = list.get(index); } }while(ret == null); return ret; } ``` ## JavaScript {{works with|Node.js}} ```javascript const readline = require('readline'); async function menuSelect(question, choices) { if (choices.length === 0) return ''; const prompt = choices.reduce((promptPart, choice, i) => { return promptPart += `${i + 1}. ${choice}\n`; }, ''); let inputChoice = -1; while (inputChoice < 1 || inputChoice > choices.length) { inputChoice = await getSelection(`\n${prompt}${question}: `); } return choices[inputChoice - 1]; } function getSelection(prompt) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const lr = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); lr.question(prompt, (response) => { lr.close(); resolve(parseInt(response) || -1); }); }); } const choices = ['fee fie', 'huff and puff', 'mirror mirror', 'tick tock']; const question = 'Which is from the three pigs?'; menuSelect(question, choices).then((answer) => { console.log(`\nYou chose ${answer}`); }); ``` ## jq {{works with|jq|1.5}} This version uses jq 1.5's 'input' builtin to read programmatically from STDIN. ```jq def choice: def read(prompt; max): def __read__: prompt, ( input as $input | if ($input|type) == "number" and 0 < $input and $input <= max then $input else __read__ end); __read__; if length == 0 then "" else . as $in | ("Enter your choice:\n" + (reduce range(0; length) as $i (""; . + "\($i + 1): \($in[$i])\n")) ) as $prompt | read($prompt; length) as $read | if ($read|type) == "string" then $read else "Thank you for selecting \($in[$read-1])" end end ; ``` '''Example:''' ```jq ["fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"] | choice ``` ```sh $ jq -n -r -f Menu.jq Enter your choice: 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock 5 Enter your choice: 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock 1 Thank you for selecting fee fie ``` ## Julia {{works with|Julia|0.6}} {{trans|Python}} ```julia function _menu(items) for (ind, item) in enumerate(items) @printf " %2i) %s\n" ind item end end _ok(::Any,::Any) = false function _ok(reply::AbstractString, itemcount) n = tryparse(Int, reply) return isnull(n) || 0 ≤ get(n) ≤ itemcount end "Prompt to select an item from the items" function _selector(items, prompt::AbstractString) isempty(items) && return "" reply = -1 itemcount = length(items) while !_ok(reply, itemcount) _menu(items) print(prompt) reply = strip(readline(STDIN)) end return items[parse(Int, reply)] end items = ["fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"] item = _selector(items, "Which is from the three pigs: ") println("You chose: ", item) ``` ## Kotlin ```scala // version 1.1.2 fun menu(list: List): String { if (list.isEmpty()) return "" val n = list.size while (true) { println("\n M E N U\n") for (i in 0 until n) println("${i + 1}: ${list[i]}") print("\nEnter your choice 1 - $n : ") val index = readLine()!!.toIntOrNull() if (index == null || index !in 1..n) continue return list[index - 1] } } fun main(args: Array) { val list = listOf( "fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock" ) val choice = menu(list) println("\nYou chose : $choice") } ``` Sample session: {{out}} ```txt M E N U 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Enter your choice 1 - 4 : 0 M E N U 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Enter your choice 1 - 4 : asdf M E N U 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Enter your choice 1 - 4 : 2 You chose : huff and puff ``` ## Logo {{incorrect|Logo|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} {{works with|UCB Logo}} ```logo to select :prompt [:options] foreach :options [(print # ?)] forever [ type :prompt type "| | make "n readword if (and [number? :n] [:n >= 1] [:n <= count :options]) [output item :n :options] print sentence [Must enter a number between 1 and] count :options ] end print equal? [huff and puff] (select [Which is from the three pigs?] [fee fie] [huff and puff] [mirror mirror] [tick tock]) ``` ## Lua ```lua function select (list) if not list or #list == 0 then return "" end local last, sel = #list repeat for i,option in ipairs(list) do io.write(i, ". ", option, "\n") end io.write("Choose an item (1-", tostring(last), "): ") sel = tonumber(string.match(io.read("*l"), "^%d+$")) until type(sel) == "number" and sel >= 1 and sel <= last return list[math.floor(sel)] end print("Nothing:", select {}) print() print("You chose:", select {"fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"}) ``` {{out}} ```txt Nothing: 1. fee fie 2. huff and puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Choose an item (1-4): 0 1. fee fie 2. huff and puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Choose an item (1-4): a 1. fee fie 2. huff and puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Choose an item (1-4): 1.7 1. fee fie 2. huff and puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Choose an item (1-4): 10 1. fee fie 2. huff and puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Choose an item (1-4): 3 You chose: mirror mirror ``` =={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}== '''Interpreter:''' Wolfram Desktop and Wolfram Desktop Kernel {{works with|Wolfram Language|12}} Redisplays the list of choices on every invalid input as per the task description. In the notebook interface (of Wolfram Desktop, at least), Print[] would most pragmatically be located outside of the loop because Input[] uses a dialog box. ```Mathematica textMenu[data_List] := Module[{choice}, If[Length@data == 0, Return@""]; While[!(IntegerQ@choice && Length@data >= choice > 0), MapIndexed[Print[#2[[1]], ") ", #1]&, data]; choice = Input["Enter selection..."] ]; data[[choice]] ] ``` {{out|Kernel (REPL) output|note=function definition omitted}} ```txt Wolfram Desktop Kernel (using Wolfram Language 12.0.0) for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) Copyright 1988-2019 Wolfram Research, Inc. In[1]:= (*! ELIDED !*) In[2]:= textMenu[{}] Out[2]= In[3]:= textMenu[{"fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"}] 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Enter selection...0 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Enter selection...5 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Enter selection...-1 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Enter selection...fee fie 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Enter selection...3 Out[3]= mirror mirror ``` ## MATLAB ```MATLAB function sucess = menu(list) if numel(list) == 0 sucess = ''; return end while(true) disp('Please select one of these options:'); for i = (1:numel(list)) disp([num2str(i) ') ' list{i}]); end disp([num2str(numel(list)+1) ') exit']); try key = input(':: '); if key == numel(list)+1 break elseif (key > numel(list)) || (key < 0) continue else disp(['-> ' list{key}]); end catch continue end end sucess = true; end ``` ## min {{works with|min|0.19.3}} min has an operator choose that nearly conforms to this task. The input list is altered so that the choice can be returned, and the empty list case is handled. ```min ( :prompt =list (list bool) (list (' dup append) map prompt choose) ("") if ) :menu ("fee fie" "huff and puff" "mirror mirror" "tick tock") "Enter an option" menu "You chose: " print! puts! ``` {{out}} ```txt Enter an option 1 - fee fie 2 - huff and puff 3 - mirror mirror 4 - tick tock Enter your choice (1 - 4): 5 Invalid choice. 1 - fee fie 2 - huff and puff 3 - mirror mirror 4 - tick tock Enter your choice (1 - 4): 1 You chose: fee fie ``` =={{header|Modula-2}}== {{incorrect|Modula-2|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} ```modula2 MODULE Menu; FROM InOut IMPORT WriteString, WriteCard, WriteLn, ReadCard; CONST StringLength = 100; MenuSize = 4; TYPE String = ARRAY[0..StringLength-1] OF CHAR; VAR menu : ARRAY[0..MenuSize] OF String; selection, index : CARDINAL; BEGIN menu[1] := "fee fie"; menu[2] := "huff and puff"; menu[3] := "mirror mirror"; menu[4] := "tick tock"; FOR index := 1 TO HIGH(menu) DO WriteString("["); WriteCard( index,1); WriteString( "] "); WriteString( menu[index]); WriteLn; END;(*of FOR*) WriteString("Choose what you want : "); ReadCard(selection); IF (selection <= HIGH(menu)) AND (selection > 0) THEN WriteString("You have chosen: "); WriteString( menu[selection]); WriteLn; ELSE WriteString("Selection is out of range!"); WriteLn; END (*of IF*) END Menu. ``` ## MUMPS ```MUMPS MENU(STRINGS,SEP) ;http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Menu NEW I,A,MAX ;I is a loop variable ;A is the string read in from the user ;MAX is the number of substrings in the STRINGS list ;SET STRINGS="fee fie^huff and puff^mirror mirror^tick tock" SET MAX=$LENGTH(STRINGS,SEP) QUIT:MAX=0 "" WRITEMENU FOR I=1:1:MAX WRITE I,": ",$PIECE(STRINGS,SEP,I),! READ:30 !,"Choose a string by its index: ",A,! IF (A<1)!(A>MAX)!(A\1'=A) GOTO WRITEMENU KILL I,MAX QUIT $PIECE(STRINGS,SEP,A) ``` Usage: ```txt USER>W !,$$MENU^ROSETTA("fee fie^huff and puff^mirror mirror^tick tock","^") 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Choose a string by its index: 3 mirror mirror USER>W !,$$MENU^ROSETTA("fee fie^huff and puff^mirror mirror^tick tock","^") 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Choose a string by its index: 5 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Choose a string by its index: A 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Choose a string by its index: 0 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Choose a string by its index: 1 fee fie ``` ## Nim {{trans|Python}} ```nim import strutils, rdstdin proc menu(xs) = for i,x in xs: echo " ",i,") ",x proc ok(reply, count): bool = try: let n = parseInt(reply) return 0 <= n and n < count except: return false proc selector(xs, prompt): string = if xs.len == 0: return "" var reply = "-1" while not ok(reply, xs.len): menu(xs) reply = readLineFromStdin(prompt).strip() return xs[parseInt(reply)] const xs = ["fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"] let item = selector(xs, "Which is from the three pigs: ") echo "You chose: ", item ``` Output: ```txt 0) fee fie 1) huff and puff 2) mirror mirror 3) tick tock Which is from the three pigs: foo 0) fee fie 1) huff and puff 2) mirror mirror 3) tick tock Which is from the three pigs: 4 0) fee fie 1) huff and puff 2) mirror mirror 3) tick tock Which is from the three pigs: 2 You chose: mirror mirror ``` ## OCaml ```ocaml let select ?(prompt="Choice? ") = function | [] -> "" | choices -> let rec menu () = List.iteri (Printf.printf "%d: %s\n") choices; print_string prompt; try List.nth choices (read_int ()) with _ -> menu () in menu () ``` Example use in the REPL: ```ocaml # select ["fee fie"; "huff and puff"; "mirror mirror"; "tick tock"];; 0: fee fie 1: huff and puff 2: mirror mirror 3: tick tock Choice? 2 - : string = "mirror mirror" ``` ## OpenEdge/Progress ```progress FUNCTION bashMenu RETURNS CHAR( i_c AS CHAR ): DEF VAR ii AS INT. DEF VAR hfr AS HANDLE. DEF VAR hmenu AS HANDLE EXTENT. DEF VAR ikey AS INT. DEF VAR ireturn AS INT INITIAL ?. EXTENT( hmenu ) = NUM-ENTRIES( i_c ). CREATE FRAME hfr ASSIGN WIDTH = 80 HEIGHT = NUM-ENTRIES( i_c ) PARENT = CURRENT-WINDOW VISIBLE = TRUE . DO ii = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES( i_c ): CREATE TEXT hmenu ASSIGN FRAME = hfr FORMAT = "x(79)" SCREEN-VALUE = SUBSTITUTE( "&1. &2", ii, ENTRY( ii, i_c ) ) ROW = ii VISIBLE = TRUE . END. IF i_c = "" THEN ireturn = 1. DO WHILE ireturn = ?: READKEY. ikey = INTEGER( CHR( LASTKEY ) ) NO-ERROR. IF ikey >= 1 AND ikey <= NUM-ENTRIES( i_c ) THEN ireturn = ikey. END. RETURN ENTRY( ireturn, i_c ). END FUNCTION. MESSAGE bashMenu( "fee fie,huff and puff,mirror mirror,tick tock" ) VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. ``` ## Oz ```oz declare fun {Select Prompt Items} case Items of nil then "" else for Item in Items Index in 1..{Length Items} do {System.showInfo Index#") "#Item} end {System.printInfo Prompt} try {Nth Items {ReadInt}} catch _ then {Select Prompt Items} end end end fun {ReadInt} class TextFile from Open.file Open.text end StdIo = {New TextFile init(name:stdin)} in {String.toInt {StdIo getS($)}} end Item = {Select "Which is from the three pigs: " ["fee fie" "huff and puff" "mirror mirror" "tick tock"]} in {System.showInfo "You chose: "#Item} ``` ## PARI/GP {{incorrect|PARI/GP|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} ```parigp choose(v)=my(n);for(i=1,#v,print(i". "v[i]));while(type(n=input())!="t_INT"|n>#v|n<1,);v[n] choose(["fee fie","huff and puff","mirror mirror","tick tock"]) ``` ## Pascal {{works with|Free_Pascal}} Tested with Free Pascal 2.6.4 (arm). ```pascal program Menu; {$ASSERTIONS ON} uses objects; var MenuItems :PUnSortedStrCollection; selected :string; Function SelectMenuItem(MenuItems :PUnSortedStrCollection):string; var i, idx :integer; code :word; choice :string; begin // Return empty string if the collection is empty. if MenuItems^.Count = 0 then begin SelectMenuItem := ''; Exit; end; repeat for i:=0 to MenuItems^.Count-1 do begin writeln(i+1:2, ') ', PString(MenuItems^.At(i))^); end; write('Make your choice: '); readln(choice); // Try to convert choice to an integer. // Code contains 0 if this was successful. val(choice, idx, code) until (code=0) and (idx>0) and (idx<=MenuItems^.Count); // Return the selected element. SelectMenuItem := PString(MenuItems^.At(idx-1))^; end; begin // Create an unsorted string collection for the menu items. MenuItems := new(PUnSortedStrCollection, Init(10, 10)); // Add some menu items to the collection. MenuItems^.Insert(NewStr('fee fie')); MenuItems^.Insert(NewStr('huff and puff')); MenuItems^.Insert(NewStr('mirror mirror')); MenuItems^.Insert(NewStr('tick tock')); // Display the menu and get user input. selected := SelectMenuItem(MenuItems); writeln('You chose: ', selected); dispose(MenuItems, Done); // Test function with an empty collection. MenuItems := new(PUnSortedStrCollection, Init(10, 10)); selected := SelectMenuItem(MenuItems); // Assert that the function returns an empty string. assert(selected = '', 'Assertion failed: the function did not return an empty string.'); dispose(MenuItems, Done); end. ``` {{out}} ```txt $ bin/menu 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Make your choice: abc 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Make your choice: 99 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Make your choice: 3 You chose: mirror mirror ``` ## Perl ```perl sub menu { my ($prompt,@array) = @_; return '' unless @array; print " $_: $array[$_]\n" for(0..$#array); print $prompt; $n = <>; return $array[$n] if $n =~ /^\d+$/ and defined $array[$n]; return &menu($prompt,@array); } @a = ('fee fie', 'huff and puff', 'mirror mirror', 'tick tock'); $prompt = 'Which is from the three pigs: '; $a = &menu($prompt,@a); print "You chose: $a\n"; ``` ## Perl 6 ```perl6 sub menu ( $prompt, @items ) { return '' unless @items.elems; repeat until my $selection ~~ /^ \d+ $/ && @items[--$selection] { my $i = 1; say " {$i++}) $_" for @items; $selection = prompt $prompt; } return @items[$selection]; } my @choices = 'fee fie', 'huff and puff', 'mirror mirror', 'tick tock'; my $prompt = 'Enter the number corresponding to your selection: '; my $answer = menu( $prompt, [] ); say "You chose: $answer" if $answer.chars; $answer = menu( $prompt, @choices ); say "You chose: $answer" if $answer.chars; ``` ## PL/I {{incorrect|PL/I|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} ```PL/I test: proc options (main); declare menu(4) character(100) varying static initial ( 'fee fie', 'huff and puff', 'mirror mirror', 'tick tock'); declare (i, k) fixed binary; do i = lbound(menu,1) to hbound(menu,1); put skip edit (trim(i), ': ', menu(i) ) (a); end; put skip list ('please choose an item number'); get list (k); if k >= lbound(menu,1) & k <= hbound(menu,1) then put skip edit ('you chose ', menu(k)) (a); else put skip list ('Could not find your phrase'); end test; ``` ## Phix ```Phix function menu_select(sequence items, object prompt) sequence res = "" items = remove_all("",items) if length(items)!=0 then while 1 do for i=1 to length(items) do printf(1,"%d) %s\n",{i,items[i]}) end for puts(1,iff(atom(prompt)?"Choice?":prompt)) res = scanf(trim(gets(0)),"%d") puts(1,"\n") if length(res)=1 then integer nres = res[1][1] if nres>0 and nres<=length(items) then res = items[nres] exit end if end if end while end if return res end function constant items = {"fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"} constant prompt = "Which is from the three pigs? " string res = menu_select(items,prompt) printf(1,"You chose %s.\n",{res}) ``` ## PHP ```php 'fee fie', 'huff and puff', 'mirror mirror', 'tick tock'); for(;;) { foreach ($allowed as $id => $name) { echo " $id: $name\n"; } echo "Which is from the four pigs: "; $stdin_string = fgets($stdin, 4096); if (isset($allowed[(int) $stdin_string])) { echo "You chose: {$allowed[(int) $stdin_string]}\n"; break; } } ``` ## PicoLisp ```PicoLisp (de choose (Prompt Items) (use N (loop (for (I . Item) Items (prinl I ": " Item) ) (prin Prompt " ") (flush) (NIL (setq N (in NIL (read)))) (T (>= (length Items) N 1) (prinl (get Items N))) ) ) ) (choose "Which is from the three pigs?" '("fee fie" "huff and puff" "mirror mirror" "tick tock") ) ``` {{out}} ```txt 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Which is from the three pigs? q 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Which is from the three pigs? 5 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Which is from the three pigs? 2 huff and puff ``` ## PowerShell {{incorrect|PowerShell|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine].}} ```PowerShell function Select-TextItem { <# .SYNOPSIS Prints a textual menu formatted as an index value followed by its corresponding string for each object in the list. .DESCRIPTION Prints a textual menu formatted as an index value followed by its corresponding string for each object in the list; Prompts the user to enter a number; Returns an object corresponding to the selected index number. .PARAMETER InputObject An array of objects. .PARAMETER Prompt The menu prompt string. .EXAMPLE “fee fie”, “huff and puff”, “mirror mirror”, “tick tock” | Select-TextItem .EXAMPLE “huff and puff”, “fee fie”, “tick tock”, “mirror mirror” | Sort-Object | Select-TextItem -Prompt "Select a string" .EXAMPLE Select-TextItem -InputObject (Get-Process) .EXAMPLE (Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "notepad"}) | Select-TextItem -Prompt "Select a Process" | Stop-Process -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $Prompt = "Enter Selection" ) Begin { $menuOptions = @() } Process { $menuOptions += $InputObject } End { do { [int]$optionNumber = 1 foreach ($option in $menuOptions) { Write-Host ("{0,3}: {1}" -f $optionNumber,$option) $optionNumber++ } Write-Host ("{0,3}: {1}" -f 0,"To cancel") [int]$choice = Read-Host $Prompt $selectedValue = "" if ($choice -gt 0 -and $choice -le $menuOptions.Count) { $selectedValue = $menuOptions[$choice - 1] } } until ($choice -eq 0 -or $choice -le $menuOptions.Count) return $selectedValue } } “fee fie”, “huff and puff”, “mirror mirror”, “tick tock” | Select-TextItem -Prompt "Select a string" ``` {{Out}} ```txt 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock 0: To cancel Select a string: 3 mirror mirror ``` ## ProDOS {{incorrect|ProDOS|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} :a printline ### =======MENU======= printline 1. Fee Fie printline 2. Huff Puff printline 3. Mirror, Mirror printline 4. Tick, Tock editvar /newvar /value=a /userinput=1 /title=What page do you want to go to? if -a- /hasvalue 1 printline You chose a line from the book Jack and the Beanstalk. & exitcurrentprogram 1 if -a- /hasvalue 2 printline You chose a line from the book The Three Little Pigs. & exitcurrentprogram 1 if -a- /hasvalue 3 printline You chose a line from the book Snow White. & exitcurrentprogram 1 if -a- /hasvalue 4 printline You chose a line from the book Beauty and the Beast. & exitcurrentprogram 1 printline You either chose an invalid choice or didn't chose. editvar /newvar /value=goback /userinput=1 /title=Do you want to chose something else? if -goback- /hasvalue y goto :a else exitcurrentprogram 1 ``` ## Prolog {{works with|SWI-Prolog|6}} ```prolog rosetta_menu([], "") :- !. %% Incase of an empty list. rosetta_menu(Items, SelectedItem) :- repeat, %% Repeat until everything that follows is true. display_menu(Items), %% IO get_choice(Choice), %% IO number(Choice), %% True if Choice is a number. nth1(Choice, Items, SelectedItem), %% True if SelectedItem is the 1-based nth member of Items, (fails if Choice is out of range) !. display_menu(Items) :- nl, foreach( nth1(Index, Items, Item), format('~w) ~s~n', [Index, Item]) ). get_choice(Choice) :- prompt1('Select a menu item by number:'), read(Choice). ``` Example run: ```prolog ?- rosetta_menu(["fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"], String). 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Select a menu item by number:a. 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Select a menu item by number:10. 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Select a menu item by number:3. String = "mirror mirror". ``` ## PureBasic ```PureBasic If OpenConsole() Define i, txt$, choice Dim txts.s(4) EnableGraphicalConsole(1) ;- Enable graphical mode in the console Repeat ClearConsole() Restore TheStrings ; Set reads address For i=1 To 4 Read.s txt$ txts(i)=txt$ ConsoleLocate(3,i): Print(Str(i)+": "+txt$) Next ConsoleLocate(3,6): Print("Your choice? ") choice=Val(Input()) Until choice>=1 And choice<=4 ClearConsole() ConsoleLocate(3,2): Print("You chose: "+txts(choice)) ; ;-Now, wait for the user before ending to allow a nice presentation ConsoleLocate(3,5): Print("Press ENTER to quit"): Input() EndIf End DataSection TheStrings: Data.s "fee fie", "huff And puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock" EndDataSection ``` ## Python ```python def _menu(items): for indexitem in enumerate(items): print (" %2i) %s" % indexitem) def _ok(reply, itemcount): try: n = int(reply) return 0 <= n < itemcount except: return False def selector(items, prompt): 'Prompt to select an item from the items' if not items: return '' reply = -1 itemcount = len(items) while not _ok(reply, itemcount): _menu(items) # Use input instead of raw_input for Python 3.x reply = raw_input(prompt).strip() return items[int(reply)] if __name__ == '__main__': items = ['fee fie', 'huff and puff', 'mirror mirror', 'tick tock'] item = selector(items, 'Which is from the three pigs: ') print ("You chose: " + item) ``` Sample runs: ```txt 0) fee fie 1) huff and puff 2) mirror mirror 3) tick tock Which is from the three pigs: -1 0) fee fie 1) huff and puff 2) mirror mirror 3) tick tock Which is from the three pigs: 0 You chose: fee fie >>> ### ============================= RESTART ============================= >>> 0) fee fie 1) huff and puff 2) mirror mirror 3) tick tock Which is from the three pigs: 4 0) fee fie 1) huff and puff 2) mirror mirror 3) tick tock Which is from the three pigs: 3 You chose: tick tock ``` ## R Uses [http://www.stat.ucl.ac.be/ISdidactique/Rhelp/library/base/html/menu.html menu]. ```R showmenu <- function(choices = NULL) { if (is.null(choices)) return("") ans <- menu(choices) if(ans==0) "" else choices[ans] } str <- showmenu(c("fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock")) str <- showmenu() ``` ## Racket ```Racket #lang racket (define (menu choices) (cond [(null? choices) ""] [else (for ([c choices] [i (in-naturals 1)]) (printf "~a. ~a\n" i c)) (printf "Enter a number: ") (define n (string->number (read-line))) (or (and (exact-integer? n) (<= 1 n (length choices)) (list-ref choices (sub1 n))) (menu choices))])) (menu '("fee fie" "huff and puff" "mirror mirror" "tick tock")) ``` Sample Run: ```txt 1. fee fie 2. huff and puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Enter a number: three 1. fee fie 2. huff and puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Enter a number: help 1. fee fie 2. huff and puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Enter a number: 3!! 1. fee fie 2. huff and puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Enter a number: 3 "mirror mirror" ``` ## REBOL {{incorrect|REBOL|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} ```REBOL REBOL [ Title: "Text Menu" URL: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Select ] choices: ["fee fie" "huff and puff" "mirror mirror" "tick tock"] choice: "" valid?: func [ choices [block! list! series!] choice ][ if error? try [choice: to-integer choice] [return false] all [0 < choice choice <= length? choices] ] while [not valid? choices choice][ repeat i length? choices [print [" " i ":" choices/:i]] choice: ask "Which is from the three pigs? " ] print ["You chose:" pick choices to-integer choice] ``` Output: ```txt 1 : fee fie 2 : huff and puff 3 : mirror mirror 4 : tick tock Which is from the three pigs? klf 1 : fee fie 2 : huff and puff 3 : mirror mirror 4 : tick tock Which is from the three pigs? 5 1 : fee fie 2 : huff and puff 3 : mirror mirror 4 : tick tock Which is from the three pigs? 2 You chose: huff and puff ``` ## REXX ```rexx /*REXX program displays a list, then prompts the user for a selection number (integer).*/ do forever /*keep prompting until response is OK. */ call list_create /*create the list from scratch. */ call list_show /*display (show) the list to the user.*/ if #==0 then return '' /*if list is empty, then return null.*/ say right(' choose an item by entering a number from 1 ───►' #, 70, '═') parse pull x /*get the user's choice (if any). */ select when x='' then call sayErr "a choice wasn't entered" when words(x)\==1 then call sayErr 'too many choices entered:' when \datatype(x,'N') then call sayErr "the choice isn't numeric:" when \datatype(x,'W') then call sayErr "the choice isn't an integer:" when x<1 | x># then call sayErr "the choice isn't within range:" otherwise leave /*this leaves the DO FOREVER loop.*/ end /*select*/ end /*forever*/ /*user might've entered 2. or 003 */ x=x/1 /*normalize the number (maybe). */ say; say 'you chose item' x": " #.x return #.x /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ list_create: #.1= 'fee fie' /*this is one method for list-building.*/ #.2= 'huff and puff' #.3= 'mirror mirror' #.4= 'tick tock' #=4 /*store the number of choices in # */ return /*(above) is just one convention. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ list_show: say /*display a blank line. */ do j=1 for # /*display the list of choices. */ say '[item' j"] " #.j /*display item number with its choice. */ end /*j*/ say /*display another blank line. */ return /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ sayErr: say; say '***error***' arg(1) x; say; return ``` '''output''' (which includes what the user entered: ```txt [item 1] fee fie [item 2] huff and puff [item 3] mirror mirror [item 4] tick tock ════════════════════ choose an item by entering a number from 1 ───► 4 2 ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ what the user entered at the terminal. you chose item 2: huff and puff ``` ## Ring ```ring aList = ["fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"] selected = menu(aList, "please make a selection: ") see "" + selected + nl func menu aList, prompt ndex = 1 while index>0 and index<=len(aList) for index = 1 to len(aList) if aList[index]!="" see "" + index + " : " + aList[index] + " " ok next see nl see prompt give select index = number(select) see "" + aList[index] + nl if select!=string(index) index = -1 ok if index>=0 if index<=len(aList) if aList[index]="" index = -1 ok ok ok end return aList[index] ``` Output: ```txt 1 : fee fie 2 : huff and puff 3 : mirror mirror 4 : tick tock please make a selection: 2 huff and puff 1 : fee fie 2 : huff and puff 3 : mirror mirror 4 : tick tock please make a selection: 1 fee fie 1 : fee fie 2 : huff and puff 3 : mirror mirror 4 : tick tock please make a selection: 4 tick tock 1 : fee fie 2 : huff and puff 3 : mirror mirror 4 : tick tock please make a selection: 3 mirror mirror ``` ## Ruby ```ruby def select(prompt, items = []) if items.empty? '' else answer = -1 until (0...items.length).cover?(answer) items.each_with_index {|i,j| puts "#{j}. #{i}"} print "#{prompt}: " begin answer = Integer(gets) rescue ArgumentError redo end end items[answer] end end # test empty list response = select('Which is empty') puts "empty list returns: >#{response}<\n" # "real" test items = ['fee fie', 'huff and puff', 'mirror mirror', 'tick tock'] response = select('Which is from the three pigs', items) puts "you chose: >#{response}<" ``` ## Run BASIC ```runbasic dim choose$(5) choose$(1) = "1 Fee Fie" choose$(2) = "2 Huff Puff" choose$(3) = "3 Mirror, Mirror" choose$(4) = "4 Tick, Tock" choose$(5) = "Exit" [start] print "Menu Selection" listbox #lb,choose$(),5 button #sel, "Accept",[select] wait [select] selected$=#lb selection$() print " " if selected$<>"" then print "You selected ";selected$ else print "No selection made" end if button #con, "Continue",[go2] wait [go2] if selected$<>"Exit" then cls goto [start] else cls end end if ``` ## Rust ```rust fn menu_select<'a>(items: &'a [&'a str]) -> &'a str { if items.len() == 0 { return ""; } let stdin = std::io::stdin(); let mut buffer = String::new(); loop { for (i, item) in items.iter().enumerate() { println!("{}) {}", i + 1, item); } print!("Pick a number from 1 to {}: ", items.len()); // Read the user input: stdin.read_line(&mut buffer).unwrap(); println!(); if let Ok(selected_index) = buffer.trim().parse::() { if 0 < selected_index { if let Some(selected_item) = items.get(selected_index - 1) { return selected_item; } } } // The buffer will contain the old input, so we need to clear it before we can reuse it. buffer.clear(); } } fn main() { // Empty list: let selection = menu_select(&[]); println!("No choice: {:?}", selection); // List with items: let items = [ "fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock", ]; let selection = menu_select(&items); println!("You chose: {}", selection); } ``` ## Scala ===Scala idiom (Functional)=== import scala.util.Try object Menu extends App { val choice = menu(list) def menu(menuList: Seq[String]): String = { if (menuList.isEmpty) "" else { val n = menuList.size def getChoice: Try[Int] = { println("\n M E N U\n") menuList.zipWithIndex.map { case (text, index) => s"${index + 1}: $text" }.foreach(println(_)) print(s"\nEnter your choice 1 - $n : ") Try { io.StdIn.readInt() } } menuList(Iterator.continually(getChoice) .dropWhile(p => p.isFailure || !(1 to n).contains(p.get)) .next.get - 1) } } def list = Seq("fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock") println(s"\nYou chose : $choice") } ``` ## Seed7 ```seed7 $ include "seed7_05.s7i"; const func string: menuSelect (in array string: items, in string: prompt) is func result var string: selection is ""; local var string: item is ""; var integer: index is 0; var integer: num is 0; begin if length(items) <> 0 then repeat for item key index range items do writeln(index <& ". " <& item); end for; write(prompt); readln(num); until num >= 1 and num <= length(items); selection := items[num]; end if end func; const array string: items is [] ("fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"); const string: prompt is "Which is from the three pigs? "; const proc: main is func begin writeln("You chose " <& menuSelect(items, prompt)); end func; ``` ## Sidef ```ruby func menu (prompt, arr) { arr.len > 0 || return '' loop { for i in ^arr { say " #{i}: #{arr[i]}" } var n = Sys.scanln(prompt) \\ return() n ~~ /^[0-9]+\z/ ? Num(n) : next arr.exists(n) && return arr[n] } } var list = ['fee fie', 'huff and puff', 'mirror mirror', 'tick tock'] var prompt = 'Please choose an item number: ' var answer = menu(prompt, list) say "You choose: #{answer}" ``` ## Tcl ```tcl proc select {prompt choices} { set nc [llength $choices] if {!$nc} { return "" } set numWidth [string length $nc] while true { set i 0 foreach s $choices { puts [format " %-*d: %s" $numWidth [incr i] $s] } puts -nonewline "$prompt: " flush stdout gets stdin num if {[string is int -strict $num] && $num >= 1 && $num <= $nc} { incr num -1 return [lindex $choices $num] } } } ``` Testing it out interactively... ```tcl % puts >[select test {}]< >< % puts >[select "Which is from the three pigs" { "fee fie" "huff and puff" "mirror mirror" "tick tock" }]< 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Which is from the three pigs: 0 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Which is from the three pigs: skdfjhgz 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Which is from the three pigs: 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Which is from the three pigs: 5 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Which is from the three pigs: 2 >huff and puff< ``` =={{header|TI-83 BASIC}}== TI-83 BASIC does not support lists of strings, so this works by accepting a string containing an arbitrary number of items separated by colons. If you want to use a different delimiter, change the colons on lines 2, 3, 6 and 7 to your symbol of choice. The calculator's screen isn't big enough to display more than 7 (9 on the new C Silver Edition and CE calcs) options at a time, so the display scrolls to accommodate options if necessary. You won't be able to see options that have scrolled off the top of the screen, but they're still accessible from the input. Although TI-BASIC ''can'' handle empty strings, there's no way to give it one through the Input function, so it doesn't have to worry about being "called with an empty list." Input "",Str1 //input as ITEM 1:ITEM 2:ITEM 3... ":"+Str1+":→Str1 Σ(sub(Str1,X,1)=":",X,1,length(Str1→X 0→dim(L₁ For(Z,2,length(Str1 inString(Str1,":",Z-1 1+Ans+.01inString(Str1,":",Ans+1→L₁(1+dim(L₁ ᴇ2fPart(Ans→Z End seq(iPart(L₁(X))+.01(ᴇ2fPart(L₁(X))-iPart(L₁(X))),X,1,dim(L₁→L₁ Repeat A>0 and AFEE FIE:HUFF AND PUFF:MIRROR MIRROR:TICK TOCK 1:FEE FIE 2:HUFF AND PUFF 3:MIRROR MIRROR 4:TICK TOCK ? [flashing cursor] ``` The language also has a Menu( command, but it doesn't really follow the requirements for the challenge (only up to 7 options allowed, no user input, option is selected using the arrow keys instead of by entering a number, etc) "FEE FIE→Str0 "HUFF AND PUFF→Str1 "MIRROR MIRROR→Str2 "TICK TOCK→Str3 Menu("CHOOSE",Str0,A,Str1,B,Str2,C,Str3,D) Lbl A Disp Str0 Return Lbl B Disp Str1 Return Lbl C Disp Str2 Return Lbl D Disp Str3 ## UNIX Shell {{incorrect|UNIX Shell|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} This example uses the [http://www.softpanorama.org/Scripting/Shellorama/Control_structures/select_statements.shtml Bash select statement], but Bash did not invent this feature. The ''select'' loop comes originally from the [[Korn Shell]], and appears in some other shells. This loop always continues to read menu choices until the script breaks the loop, or the standard input reaches end of file (EOF). * If the user enters a blank line, the ''select'' loop repeats the list of choices. This is the only way to print the list again. An invalid choice only repeats the prompt, not the list. Our ''choose'' function wraps a ''select'' loop. This wrapper implements the task requirement to provide an empty string from an empty list of choices. It also breaks the ''select'' loop after the first good choice. {{works with|bash}} {{works with|ksh93}} {{works with|pdksh}} {{works with|zsh}} ```bash # choose 'choice 1' 'choice 2' ... # Prints menu to standard error. Prompts with PS3. # Reads REPLY from standard input. Sets CHOICE. choose() { CHOICE= # Default CHOICE is empty string. [[ $# -gt 0 ]] || return # Return if "$@" is empty. select CHOICE; do # Select from "$@". if [[ -n $CHOICE ]]; then break else echo Invalid choice. fi done } PS3='Which is from the three pigs: ' choose 'fee fie' 'huff and puff' 'mirror mirror' 'tick tock' [[ -n $CHOICE ]] && echo You chose: $CHOICE [[ -z $CHOICE ]] && echo No input. ``` ```txt $ bash menu.sh 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Which is from the three pigs: 5 Invalid choice. Which is from the three pigs: 2 You chose: huff and puff $ ``` ```txt $ zsh menu.sh 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Which is from the three pigs: 2 You chose: huff and puff ``` = ## es = {{incorrect|es|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} There is no ''select'' loop, but this ''es'' script provides just enough code to mimic one. * ''Deviation from task:'' When the list of choices is empty, this function returns an empty list, not an empty string. ```es # choose 'choice 1' 'choice 2' ... # Prints menu to standard error. Prompts with $prompt. # Returns choice. If no input, returns empty list. fn choose args { # If args are empty, return empty list. ~ $#args 0 && return # Echo to standard error. let (reply =; choice =; fn-menu =; fn-ch =) >[1=2] { fn-menu = { # Show menu. let (i = 1) for (c = $args) { echo $i') '$c i = `{expr $i + 1} } } fn-ch = { # Set choice = $args($reply), but ignore error # if $reply is not a valid index. choice = <={catch @ e {result} { result $args($reply) }} } menu forever { # Show prompt, read reply. echo -n $prompt reply = <={%read} # If no input, return empty list. ~ $#reply 0 && return # Parse reply and return choice. reply = <={%split \ \t\n $reply} if {~ $#reply 0} { # Empty reply: show menu again. menu } {~ $#reply 1 && ch; ~ $#choice 1} { return $choice } { echo Invalid choice. } } } } let (choice = <={ local (prompt = 'Which is from the three pigs: ') choose 'fee fie' 'huff and puff' 'mirror mirror' 'tick tock' }) { ~ $#choice 1 && echo You chose: $choice ~ $#choice 0 && echo No input. } ``` ```txt $ es menu.es 1) fee fie 2) huff and puff 3) mirror mirror 4) tick tock Which is from the three pigs: 2 You chose: huff and puff ``` ## Ursa {{trans|Python}} ```ursa def _menu (string<> items) for (decl int i) (< i (size items)) (inc i) out " " i ") " items endl console end for end _menu def _ok (string reply, int itemcount) try decl int n set n (int reply) return (and (or (> n 0) (= n 0)) (< n itemcount)) catch return false end try end _ok def selector (string<> items, string prompt) # Prompt to select an item from the items if (= (size items) 0) return "" end if decl int itemcount reply set reply -1 set itemcount (size items) while (not (_ok reply itemcount)) _menu items out prompt console set reply (in int console) end while return items<(int reply)> end selector decl string<> items append "fee fie" "huff and puff" "mirror mirror" "tick tock" items decl string item set item (selector items "Which is from the three pigs: ") out "You chose: " item endl console ``` ## VBScript {{incorrect|VBScript|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} ```vb Do WScript.StdOut.Write "1. fee fie" & vbCrLf WScript.StdOut.Write "2. huff puff" & vbCrLf WScript.StdOut.Write "3. mirror mirror" & vbCrLf WScript.StdOut.Write "4. tick tock" & vbCrLf WScript.StdOut.Write "Please Enter Your Choice: " & vbCrLf choice = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine Select Case choice Case "1" WScript.StdOut.Write "fee fie" & vbCrLf Exit Do Case "2" WScript.StdOut.Write "huff puff" & vbCrLf Exit Do Case "3" WScript.StdOut.Write "mirror mirror" & vbCrLf Exit Do Case "4" WScript.StdOut.Write "tick tock" & vbCrLf Exit Do Case Else WScript.StdOut.Write choice & " is an invalid choice. Please try again..." &_ vbCrLf & vbCrLf End Select Loop ``` {{Out}} ```txt F:\>cscript /nologo menu.vbs 1. fee fie 2. huff puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Please Enter Your Choice: 9 9 is an invalid choice. Please try again... 1. fee fie 2. huff puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Please Enter Your Choice: f f is an invalid choice. Please try again... 1. fee fie 2. huff puff 3. mirror mirror 4. tick tock Please Enter Your Choice: 3 mirror mirror ``` ## XPL0 {{incorrect|XPL0|The function should return an empty string if called with an empty list. Please also check if this could really used as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subroutine function aka subroutine.]}} ```XPL0 include c:\cxpl\codes; string 0; func Menu(List); int List; int Size, I, C; [Size:= List(0); if Size < 1 then return List(0); for I:= 1 to Size-1 do [IntOut(0, I); Text(0, ": "); Text(0, List(I)); CrLf(0); ]; CrLf(0); Text(0, List(Size)); \display prompt loop [C:= ChIn(0); \buffered keyboard requires Enter key if C>=^1 & C<=Size-1+^0 then return List(C-^0); Text(0, "Please enter 1 thru "); IntOut(0, Size-1); Text(0, ": "); ]; ]; Text(0, Menu([5, "fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock", "Which phrase is from the Three Little Pigs? "])) ``` Example output: ```txt 1: fee fie 2: huff and puff 3: mirror mirror 4: tick tock Which phrase is from the Three Little Pigs? 5 Please enter 1 thru 4: 2 huff and puff ``` ## zkl ```zkl fcn teleprompter(options){ os:=T("exit").extend(vm.arglist); N:=os.len(); if(N==1) return(""); while(1){ Utils.zipWith(fcn(n,o){"%d) %s".fmt(n,o).println()},[0..],os); a:=ask("Your choice: "); try{ n:=a.toInt(); if(0<=n