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Produce a graphical or ASCII-art representation of a [[wp:Peano curve|Peano curve]] of at least order 3.


Adaptation of the C program in the [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christoph_Schierz2/publication/228982573_A_recursive_algorithm_for_the_generation_of_space-filling_curves/links/0912f505c2f419782c000000/A-recursive-algorithm-for-the-generation-of-space-filling-curves.pdf Breinholt-Schierz paper] , requires the [http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~main/bgi/cs1300/ WinBGIm] library.

/*Abhishek Ghosh, 14th September 2018*/

#include <graphics.h>
#include <math.h>

void Peano(int x, int y, int lg, int i1, int i2) {

	if (lg == 1) {
	lg = lg/3;
	Peano(x+(2*i1*lg), y+(2*i1*lg), lg, i1, i2);
	Peano(x+((i1-i2+1)*lg), y+((i1+i2)*lg), lg, i1, 1-i2);
	Peano(x+lg, y+lg, lg, i1, 1-i2);
	Peano(x+((i1+i2)*lg), y+((i1-i2+1)*lg), lg, 1-i1, 1-i2);
	Peano(x+(2*i2*lg), y+(2*(1-i2)*lg), lg, i1, i2);
	Peano(x+((1+i2-i1)*lg), y+((2-i1-i2)*lg), lg, i1, i2);
	Peano(x+(2*(1-i1)*lg), y+(2*(1-i1)*lg), lg, i1, i2);
	Peano(x+((2-i1-i2)*lg), y+((1+i2-i1)*lg), lg, 1-i1, i2);
	Peano(x+(2*(1-i2)*lg), y+(2*i2*lg), lg, 1-i1, i2);

int main(void) {

	initwindow(1000,1000,"Peano, Peano");

	Peano(0, 0, 1000, 0, 0); /* Start Peano recursion. */
	return 0;


{{libheader|Go Graphics}}

The following is based on the recursive algorithm and C code in [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christoph_Schierz2/publication/228982573_A_recursive_algorithm_for_the_generation_of_space-filling_curves/links/0912f505c2f419782c000000/A-recursive-algorithm-for-the-generation-of-space-filling-curves.pdf this paper] scaled up to 81 x 81 points. The image produced is a variant known as a Peano-Meander curve (see Figure 1(b) [https://www5.in.tum.de/lehre/vorlesungen/asc/ss17/blatt10/ws10.pdf here]).

package main

import "github.com/fogleman/gg"

var points []gg.Point

const width = 81

func peano(x, y, lg, i1, i2 int) {
    if lg == 1 {
        px := float64(width-x) * 10
        py := float64(width-y) * 10
        points = append(points, gg.Point{px, py})
    lg /= 3
    peano(x+2*i1*lg, y+2*i1*lg, lg, i1, i2)
    peano(x+(i1-i2+1)*lg, y+(i1+i2)*lg, lg, i1, 1-i2)
    peano(x+lg, y+lg, lg, i1, 1-i2)
    peano(x+(i1+i2)*lg, y+(i1-i2+1)*lg, lg, 1-i1, 1-i2)
    peano(x+2*i2*lg, y+2*(1-i2)*lg, lg, i1, i2)
    peano(x+(1+i2-i1)*lg, y+(2-i1-i2)*lg, lg, i1, i2)
    peano(x+2*(1-i1)*lg, y+2*(1-i1)*lg, lg, i1, i2)
    peano(x+(2-i1-i2)*lg, y+(1+i2-i1)*lg, lg, 1-i1, i2)
    peano(x+2*(1-i2)*lg, y+2*i2*lg, lg, 1-i1, i2)

func main() {
    peano(0, 0, width, 0, 0)
    dc := gg.NewContext(820, 820)
    dc.SetRGB(1, 1, 1) // White background
    for _, p := range points {
        dc.LineTo(p.X, p.Y)
    dc.SetRGB(1, 0, 1) // Magenta curve

=={{header|IS-BASIC}}== 100 PROGRAM "PeanoC.bas" 110 OPTION ANGLE DEGREES 120 SET VIDEO MODE 5:SET VIDEO COLOR 0:SET VIDEO X 40:SET VIDEO Y 27 130 OPEN #101:"video:" 140 DISPLAY #101:AT 1 FROM 1 TO 27 150 PLOT 280,240,ANGLE 90; 160 CALL PEANO(28,90,6) 170 DEF PEANO(D,A,LEV) 180 IF LEV=0 THEN EXIT DEF 190 PLOT RIGHT A; 200 CALL PEANO(D,-A,LEV-1) 210 PLOT FORWARD D; 220 CALL PEANO(D,A,LEV-1) 230 PLOT FORWARD D; 240 CALL PEANO(D,-A,LEV-1) 250 PLOT LEFT A; 260 END DEF


In [https://wiki.formulae.org/Peano_curve this] page you can see the solution of this task.

Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text ([http://wiki.formulae.org/Editing_F%C5%8Drmul%C3%A6_expressions more info]). Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation &mdash;i.e. XML, JSON&mdash; they are intended for transportation effects more than visualization and edition.

The option to show Fōrmulæ programs and their results is showing images. Unfortunately images cannot be uploaded in Rosetta Code.

## Julia

The peano function is from the C version.

using Gtk, Graphics, Colors

function peano(ctx, x, y, lg, i1, i2)
    if lg < 3
        line_to(ctx, x - 250, y - 250)
        move_to(ctx, x - 250 , y - 250)
        lg = div(lg,  3)
        peano(ctx, x + (2 * i1 * lg), y + (2 * i1 * lg), lg, i1, i2)
        peano(ctx, x + ((i1 - i2 + 1) * lg), y + ((i1 + i2) * lg), lg, i1, 1 - i2)
        peano(ctx, x + lg, y + lg, lg, i1, 1 - i2)
        peano(ctx, x + ((i1 + i2) * lg), y + ((i1 - i2 + 1) * lg), lg, 1 - i1, 1 - i2)
        peano(ctx, x + (2 * i2 * lg), y + ( 2 * (1-i2) * lg), lg, i1, i2)
        peano(ctx, x + ((1 + i2 - i1) * lg), y + ((2 - i1 - i2) * lg), lg, i1, i2)
        peano(ctx, x + (2 * (1 - i1) * lg), y + (2 * (1 - i1) * lg), lg, i1, i2)
        peano(ctx, x + ((2 - i1 - i2) * lg), y + ((1 + i2 - i1) * lg), lg, 1 - i1, i2)
        peano(ctx, x + (2 * (1 - i2) * lg), y + (2 * i2 * lg), lg, 1 - i1, i2)

const can = @GtkCanvas()
const win = GtkWindow(can, "Peano Curve", 500, 500)

@guarded draw(can) do widget
    ctx = getgc(can)
    h = height(can)
    w = width(can)
    set_source(ctx, colorant"blue")
    set_line_width(ctx, 1)
    peano(ctx, w/2, h/2, 500, 0, 0)

const cond = Condition()
endit(w) = notify(cond)
signal_connect(endit, win, :destroy)


use SVG;
use List::Util qw(max min);

use constant pi => 2 * atan2(1, 0);

# Compute the curve with a Lindemayer-system
my %rules = (
my $peano = 'L';
$peano =~ s/([LR])/$rules{$1}/eg for 1..4;

# Draw the curve in SVG
($x, $y) = (0, 0);
$theta   = pi/2;
$r       = 4;

for (split //, $peano) {
    if (/F/) {
        push @X, sprintf "%.0f", $x;
        push @Y, sprintf "%.0f", $y;
        $x += $r * cos($theta);
        $y += $r * sin($theta);
    elsif (/\+/) { $theta += pi/2; }
    elsif (/\-/) { $theta -= pi/2; }

$max =  max(@X,@Y);
$xt  = -min(@X)+10;
$yt  = -min(@Y)+10;
$svg = SVG->new(width=>$max+20, height=>$max+20);
$points = $svg->get_path(x=>\@X, y=>\@Y, -type=>'polyline');
$svg->rect(width=>"100%", height=>"100%", style=>{'fill'=>'black'});
$svg->polyline(%$points, style=>{'stroke'=>'orange', 'stroke-width'=>1}, transform=>"translate($xt,$yt)");

open  $fh, '>', 'peano_curve.svg';
print $fh  $svg->xmlify(-namespace=>'svg');
close $fh;

[https://github.com/SqrtNegInf/Rosettacode-Perl5-Smoke/blob/master/ref/peano_curve.svg Peano curve] (offsite image)

Perl 6

{{works with|Rakudo|2018.06}}

use SVG;

role Lindenmayer {
    has %.rules;
    method succ {
        self.comb.map( { %!rules{$^c} // $c } ).join but Lindenmayer(%!rules)

my $peano = 'L' but Lindenmayer( { 'L' => 'LFRFL-F-RFLFR+F+LFRFL', 'R' => 'RFLFR+F+LFRFL-F-RFLFR' } );

$peano++ xx 4;
my @points = (10, 10);

for $peano.comb {
    state ($x, $y) = @points[0,1];
    state $d = 0 + 8i;
    when 'F' { @points.append: ($x += $d.re).round(1), ($y += $d.im).round(1) }
    when /< + - >/ { $d *= "{$_}1i" }
    default { }

say SVG.serialize(
    svg => [
        :660width, :660height, :style<stroke:lime>,
        :rect[:width<100%>, :height<100%>, :fill<black>],
        :polyline[ :points(@points.join: ','), :fill<black> ],

See: [https://github.com/thundergnat/rc/blob/master/img/peano-perl6.svg Peano curve] (SVG image)


{{libheader|pGUI}} Space key toggles between switchback and meander curves.

-- demo\rosetta\peano_curve.exw
include pGUI.e

Ihandle dlg, canvas
cdCanvas cddbuffer, cdcanvas

bool meander = false    -- space toggles (false==draw switchback curve)
constant width = 81

sequence points = {}

-- switchback peano:
-- There are (as per wp) four shapes to draw:
--  1: +-v ^     2: ^ v-+     3: v ^-+     2: +-^ v
--     | | |        | | |        | | |        | | |  
--     ^ v-+        +-v ^        +-^ v        v ^-+
-- 1 starts bottom left, ends top right
-- 2 starts bottom right, ends top left
-- 3 starts top left, ends bottom right
-- 4 starts top right, ends bottom left
-- given the centre point (think {1,1}), and using {0,0} as the bottom left:
constant shapes = {{{-1,-1},{-1,0},{-1,+1},{0,+1},{0,0},{0,-1},{+1,-1},{+1,0},{+1,+1}},
                   {{+1,-1},{+1,0},{+1,+1},{0,+1},{0,0},{0,-1},{-1,-1},{-1,0},{-1,+1}},     -- (== sq_mul(shapes[1],{-1,0}))
                   {{-1,+1},{-1,0},{-1,-1},{0,-1},{0,0},{0,+1},{+1,+1},{+1,0},{+1,-1}},     -- (== reverse(shapes[2]))
                   {{+1,+1},{+1,0},{+1,-1},{0,-1},{0,0},{0,+1},{-1,+1},{-1,0},{-1,-1}}}     -- (== reverse(shapes[1]))

constant subshapes = {{1,2,1,3,4,3,1,2,1},
                      {2,1,2,4,3,4,2,1,2},      -- == sq_sub({3,3,3,7,7,7,3,3,3},subshapes[1])
                      {3,4,3,1,2,1,3,4,3},      -- == sq_sub(5,subshapes[2])
                      {4,3,4,2,1,2,4,3,4}}      -- == sq_sub(5,subshapes[1])

-- As noted, it should theoretically be possible to simplify/shorten/remove/inline those tables

procedure switchback_peano(integer x, y, level, shape)
-- (written from scratch, with a nod to the meander algorithm [below])
    if level<=1 then
        points = append(points, {x*10, y*10})
    end if
    level /= 3
    for i=1 to 9 do
        integer {dx,dy} = shapes[shape][i]
    end for
end procedure

procedure meander_peano(integer x, y, lg, i1, i2)
-- (translated from Go)
    if lg=1 then
        integer px := (width-x) * 10,
                py := (width-y) * 10
        points = append(points, {px, py})
    end if
    lg /= 3
    meander_peano(x+2*i1*lg, y+2*i1*lg, lg, i1, i2)
    meander_peano(x+(i1-i2+1)*lg, y+(i1+i2)*lg, lg, i1, 1-i2)
    meander_peano(x+lg, y+lg, lg, i1, 1-i2)
    meander_peano(x+(i1+i2)*lg, y+(i1-i2+1)*lg, lg, 1-i1, 1-i2)
    meander_peano(x+2*i2*lg, y+2*(1-i2)*lg, lg, i1, i2)
    meander_peano(x+(1+i2-i1)*lg, y+(2-i1-i2)*lg, lg, i1, i2)
    meander_peano(x+2*(1-i1)*lg, y+2*(1-i1)*lg, lg, i1, i2)
    meander_peano(x+(2-i1-i2)*lg, y+(1+i2-i1)*lg, lg, 1-i1, i2)
    meander_peano(x+2*(1-i2)*lg, y+2*i2*lg, lg, 1-i1, i2)
end procedure

function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer /*posx*/, integer /*posy*/)
    if length(points)=0 then
        if meander then
            meander_peano(0, 0, width, 0, 0)
            switchback_peano(41, 41, width, 1)
        end if
    end if
    cdCanvasBegin(cddbuffer, CD_OPEN_LINES)  
    for i=1 to length(points) do
        integer {x,y} = points[i]
        cdCanvasVertex(cddbuffer, x, y) 
    end for 
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

function map_cb(Ihandle ih)
    cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, ih)
    cddbuffer = cdCreateCanvas(CD_DBUFFER, cdcanvas)
    cdCanvasSetBackground(cddbuffer, CD_WHITE)
    cdCanvasSetForeground(cddbuffer, CD_MAGENTA)
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

function esc_close(Ihandle /*ih*/, atom c)
    if c=K_ESC then return IUP_CLOSE end if
    if c=' ' then
        meander = not meander
        points = {}
    end if
    return IUP_CONTINUE
end function

procedure main()
    canvas = IupCanvas(NULL)
    IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", "822x822") -- initial size
    IupSetCallback(canvas, "MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb"))

    dlg = IupDialog(canvas)
    IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Peano Curve")
    IupSetAttribute(dlg, "DIALOGFRAME", "YES")  -- no resize here
    IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_ANY",     Icallback("esc_close"))
    IupSetCallback(canvas, "ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb"))

end procedure


Draw the Peano curve using the classical turtle style known from Logo.

The MetaPict library is used to implement a turtle.

See also https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/fee6/187cc2dd1679d4976db9522b06a49f63be46.pdf

/* Jens Axel Søgaard, 27th December 2018*/
#lang racket
(require metapict metapict/mat) 

;;; Turtle State
(define p (pt 0 0))  ; current position
(define d (vec 0 1)) ; current direction
(define c '())       ; line segments drawn so far

;;; Turtle Operations
(define (jump q)    (set! p q))
(define (move q)    (set! c (cons (curve p -- q) c)) (set! p q))
(define (forward x) (move (pt+ p (vec* x d))))
(define (left  a)   (set! d (rot a d)))
(define (right a)   (left (- a)))

;;; Peano
(define (peano n a h)
  (unless (= n 0)
    (right a)
    (peano (- n 1) (- a) h)
    (forward h)
    (peano (- n 1) a h)
    (forward h)
    (peano (- n 1) (- a) h)
    (left a)))

;;; Produce image
(set-curve-pict-size 400 400)
(with-window (window -1 81 -1 82)
  (peano 6 90 3)
  (draw* c))


Using the LSystem class defined at [https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Hilbert_curve#Sidef Hilbert curve].

var rules = Hash(

var lsys = LSystem(
    width:  325,
    height: 650,

    xoff: -3,
    yoff: -3,

    len:   4,
    angle: 90,
    color: 'dark green',

lsys.execute('L', 4, "peano_curve.png", rules)

Output image: [https://github.com/trizen/rc/blob/master/img/peano_curve.png Peano curve]



Const WIDTH = 243 'a power of 3 for a evenly spaced curve
Dim n As Long
Dim points() As Single
Dim flag As Boolean
'Store the coordinate pairs (x, y) generated by Peano into
'a SafeArrayOfPoints with lineto. The number of points
'generated depend on WIDTH. Peano is called twice. Once
'to count the number of points, and twice to generate
'the points after the dynamic array has been
'VBA doesn't have a lineto method. Instead of AddLine, which
'requires four parameters, including the begin pair of
'coordinates, the method AddPolyline is used, which is
'called from main after all the points are generated.
'This creates a single object, whereas AddLine would
'create thousands of small unconnected line objects.
Private Sub lineto(x As Integer, y As Integer)
    If flag Then
        points(n, 1) = x
        points(n, 2) = y
    End If
    n = n + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Peano(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal lg As Integer, _
    ByVal i1 As Integer, ByVal i2 As Integer)
    If (lg = 1) Then
        Call lineto(x * 3, y * 3)
        Exit Sub
    End If
    lg = lg / 3
    Call Peano(x + (2 * i1 * lg), y + (2 * i1 * lg), lg, i1, i2)
    Call Peano(x + ((i1 - i2 + 1) * lg), y + ((i1 + i2) * lg), lg, i1, 1 - i2)
    Call Peano(x + lg, y + lg, lg, i1, 1 - i2)
    Call Peano(x + ((i1 + i2) * lg), y + ((i1 - i2 + 1) * lg), lg, 1 - i1, 1 - i2)
    Call Peano(x + (2 * i2 * lg), y + (2 * (1 - i2) * lg), lg, i1, i2)
    Call Peano(x + ((1 + i2 - i1) * lg), y + ((2 - i1 - i2) * lg), lg, i1, i2)
    Call Peano(x + (2 * (1 - i1) * lg), y + (2 * (1 - i1) * lg), lg, i1, i2)
    Call Peano(x + ((2 - i1 - i2) * lg), y + ((1 + i2 - i1) * lg), lg, 1 - i1, i2)
    Call Peano(x + (2 * (1 - i2) * lg), y + (2 * i2 * lg), lg, 1 - i1, i2)
End Sub
Sub main()
    n = 1: flag = False
    Call Peano(0, 0, WIDTH, 0, 0) 'Start Peano recursion to count number of points
    ReDim points(1 To n - 1, 1 To 2)
    n = 1: flag = True
    Call Peano(0, 0, WIDTH, 0, 0) 'Start Peano recursion to generate and store points
    ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPolyline points 'Excel assumed
End Sub



WIDTH = 243 //a power of 3 for a evenly spaced curve

open window 700, 700

Peano(0, 0, WIDTH, 0, 0)

Sub Peano(x, y, lg, i1, i2)
    If (lg = 1) Then
        line x * 3, y * 3
    End If
    lg = lg / 3
    Peano(x + (2 * i1 * lg), y + (2 * i1 * lg), lg, i1, i2)
    Peano(x + ((i1 - i2 + 1) * lg), y + ((i1 + i2) * lg), lg, i1, 1 - i2)
    Peano(x + lg, y + lg, lg, i1, 1 - i2)
    Peano(x + ((i1 + i2) * lg), y + ((i1 - i2 + 1) * lg), lg, 1 - i1, 1 - i2)
    Peano(x + (2 * i2 * lg), y + (2 * (1 - i2) * lg), lg, i1, i2)
    Peano(x + ((1 + i2 - i1) * lg), y + ((2 - i1 - i2) * lg), lg, i1, i2)
    Peano(x + (2 * (1 - i1) * lg), y + (2 * (1 - i1) * lg), lg, i1, i2)
    Peano(x + ((2 - i1 - i2) * lg), y + ((1 + i2 - i1) * lg), lg, 1 - i1, i2)
    Peano(x + (2 * (1 - i2) * lg), y + (2 * i2 * lg), lg, 1 - i1, i2)
End Sub


Using a Lindenmayer system and turtle graphics & turned 90°:

lsystem("L",					// axiom
  Dictionary("L","LFRFL-F-RFLFR+F+LFRFL", "R","RFLFR+F+LFRFL-F-RFLFR"), # rules
  "+-F", 4)				  	// constants, order
: turtle(_);

fcn lsystem(axiom,rules,consts,n){	// Lindenmayer system --> string
   foreach k in (consts){ rules.add(k,k) }
   buf1,buf2 := Data(Void,axiom).howza(3), Data().howza(3);  // characters
      buf1.pump(buf2.clear(), rules.get);
      t:=buf1; buf1=buf2; buf2=t;	// swap buffers
   buf1.text		// n=4 --> 16,401  characters

Using Image Magick and the PPM class from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bitmap/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm#zkl

fcn turtle(koch){
   const D=10.0;
   dir,angle, x,y := 0.0, (90.0).toRad(), 20.0, 830.0; // turtle; x,y are float
   img,color := PPM(850,850), 0x00ff00;
   foreach c in (koch){
	 case("F"){   // draw forward
	    dx,dy := D.toRectangular(dir);
	    tx,ty := x,y; x,y = (x+dx),(y+dy);
	    img.line(tx.toInt(),ty.toInt(), x.toInt(),y.toInt(), color);
	 case("-"){ dir-=angle } // turn right
	 case("+"){ dir+=angle } // turn left

{{out}} Image at [http://www.zenkinetic.com/Images/RosettaCode/peanoCurve.zkl.jpg Peano curve]