⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

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{{task|Discrete math}}

Write a function which says whether a number is perfect.

[[wp:Perfect_numbers|A perfect number]] is a positive integer that is the sum of its proper positive divisors excluding the number itself.

Equivalently, a perfect number is a number that is half the sum of all of its positive divisors (including itself).

Note: The faster [[Lucas-Lehmer test]] is used to find primes of the form 2''n''-1, all ''known'' perfect numbers can be derived from these primes using the formula (2''n'' - 1) × 2''n'' - 1.

It is not known if there are any odd perfect numbers (any that exist are larger than 102000).

The number of ''known'' perfect numbers is '''50''' (as of September, 2018), and the largest known perfect number contains over '''46''' million decimal digits.

;See also: :* [[Rational Arithmetic]] :* [[oeis:A000396|Perfect numbers on OEIS]] :* [http://www.oddperfect.org/ Odd Perfect] showing the current status of bounds on odd perfect numbers.

360 Assembly

Simple code

{{trans|PL/I}} For maximum compatibility, this program uses only the basic instruction set (S/360) and two ASSIST macros (XDECO,XPRNT) to keep it as short as possible. The only added optimization is the loop up to n/2 instead of n-1. With 31 bit integers the limit is 2,147,483,647.

*        Perfect numbers           15/05/2016
         USING  PERFECTN,R13       prolog
         DC     17F'0'             "
STM      STM    R14,R12,12(R13)    "
         ST     R13,4(R15)         "
         ST     R15,8(R13)         "
         LR     R13,R15            "
         LA     R6,2               i=2
LOOPI    C      R6,NN              do i=2 to nn
         BH     ELOOPI
         LR     R1,R6              i
         BAL    R14,PERFECT
         LTR    R0,R0              if perfect(i)
         BZ     NOTPERF
         XDECO  R6,PG              edit i
         XPRNT  PG,L'PG            print i
NOTPERF  LA     R6,1(R6)           i=i+1
         B      LOOPI
ELOOPI   L      R13,4(0,R13)       epilog
         LM     R14,R12,12(R13)    "
         XR     R15,R15            "
         BR     R14                exit
PERFECT  SR     R9,R9              function perfect(n); sum=0
         LA     R7,1               j
         LR     R8,R1              n
         SRA    R8,1               n/2
LOOPJ    CR     R7,R8              do j=1 to n/2
         BH     ELOOPJ
         LR     R4,R1              n
         SRDA   R4,32
         DR     R4,R7              n/j
         LTR    R4,R4              if mod(n,j)=0
         BNZ    NOTMOD
         AR     R9,R7              sum=sum+j
NOTMOD   LA     R7,1(R7)           j=j+1
         B      LOOPJ
ELOOPJ   SR     R0,R0              r0=false
         CR     R9,R1              if sum=n
         BNE    NOTEQ
         BCTR   R0,0               r0=true
NOTEQ    BR     R14                return(r0); end perfect
NN       DC     F'10000'
PG       DC     CL12' '            buffer
         END    PERFECTN



Some optimizations

{{trans|REXX}} Use of optimizations found in Rexx algorithms and use of packed decimal to have bigger numbers. With 15 digit decimal integers the limit is 999,999,999,999,999.

*        Perfect numbers           15/05/2016
         USING  PERFECPO,R13       prolog
         DC     17F'0'             "
STM      STM    R14,R12,12(R13)    "
         ST     R13,4(R15)         "
         ST     R15,8(R13)         "
         LR     R13,R15            "
         ZAP    I,I1               i=i1
LOOPI    CP     I,I2               do i=i1 to i2
         BH     ELOOPI
         LA     R1,I               r1=@i
         BAL    R14,PERFECT        perfect(i)
         LTR    R0,R0              if perfect(i)
         BZ     NOTPERF
         UNPK   PG(16),I           unpack i
         OI     PG+15,X'F0'
         XPRNT  PG,16              print i
NOTPERF  AP     I,=P'1'            i=i+1
         B      LOOPI
ELOOPI   L      R13,4(0,R13)       epilog
         LM     R14,R12,12(R13)    "
         XR     R15,R15            "
         BR     R14                exit
PERFECT  EQU    *                  function perfect(n);
         ZAP    N,0(8,R1)          n=%r1
         CP     N,=P'6'            if n=6
         BNE    NOT6
         L      R0,=F'-1'          r0=true
         B      RETURN             return(true)
NOT6     ZAP    PW,N               n
         SP     PW,=P'1'           n-1
         ZAP    PW2,PW             n-1
         DP     PW2,=PL8'9'        (n-1)/9
         ZAP    R,PW2+8(8)         if mod((n-1),9)<>0
         BZ     ZERO
         SR     R0,R0              r0=false
         B      RETURN             return(false)
ZERO     ZAP    PW2,N              n
         DP     PW2,=PL8'2'        n/2
         ZAP    SUM,PW2(8)         sum=n/2
         AP     SUM,=P'3'          sum=n/2+3
         ZAP    J,=P'3'            j=3
LOOPJ    ZAP    PW,J               do loop on j
         MP     PW,J               j*j
         CP     PW,N               while j*j<=n
         BH     ELOOPJ
         ZAP    PW2,N              n
         DP     PW2,J              n/j
         CP     PW2+8(8),=P'0'     if mod(n,j)<>0
         BNE    NEXTJ
         AP     SUM,J              sum=sum+j
         ZAP    PW2,N              n
         DP     PW2,J              n/j
         AP     SUM,PW2(8)         sum=sum+j+n/j
NEXTJ    AP     J,=P'1'            j=j+1
         B      LOOPJ              next j
ELOOPJ   SR     R0,R0              r0=false
         CP     SUM,N              if sum=n
         BNE    RETURN
         BCTR   R0,0               r0=true
RETURN   BR     R14                return(r0); end perfect
I1       DC     PL8'1'
I2       DC     PL8'200000000000'
I        DS     PL8
PG       DC     CL16' '            buffer
N        DS     PL8
SUM      DS     PL8
J        DS     PL8
R        DS     PL8
C        DS     CL16
PW       DS     PL8
PW2      DS     PL16
         END    PERFECPO




function Is_Perfect(N : Positive) return Boolean is
   Sum : Natural := 0;
   for I in 1..N - 1 loop
      if N mod I = 0 then
         Sum := Sum + I;
      end if;
   end loop;
   return Sum = N;
end Is_Perfect;


{{works with|ALGOL 68|Revision 1 - no extensions to language used}} {{works with|ALGOL 68G|Any - tested with release [http://sourceforge.net/projects/algol68/files/algol68g/algol68g-1.18.0/algol68g-1.18.0-9h.tiny.el5.centos.fc11.i386.rpm/download 1.18.0-9h.tiny]}} {{works with|ELLA ALGOL 68|Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release [http://sourceforge.net/projects/algol68/files/algol68toc/algol68toc-1.8.8d/algol68toc-1.8-8d.fc9.i386.rpm/download 1.8-8d]}}

PROC is perfect = (INT candidate)BOOL: (
  INT sum :=1;
  FOR f1 FROM 2 TO ENTIER ( sqrt(candidate)*(1+2*small real) ) WHILE
    IF candidate MOD f1 = 0 THEN
      sum +:= f1;
      INT f2 = candidate OVER f1;
      IF f2 > f1 THEN
        sum +:= f2
# WHILE # sum <= candidate DO

  FOR i FROM 2 TO 33550336 DO
    IF is perfect(i) THEN print((i, new line)) FI




Based on the Algol 68 version.

    % returns true if n is perfect, false otherwise                %
    % n must be > 0                                                %
    logical procedure isPerfect ( integer value candidate ) ;
            integer sum;
            sum    := 1;
            for f1 := 2 until round( sqrt( candidate ) ) do begin
                if candidate rem f1 = 0 then begin
                    integer f2;
                    sum := sum + f1;
                    f2  := candidate div f1;
                    % avoid e.g. counting 2 twice as a factor of 4 %
                    if f2 > f1 then sum := sum + f2
                end if_candidate_rem_f1_eq_0 ;
            end for_f1 ;
            sum = candidate
        end isPerfect ;

    % test isPerfect                                               %
    for n := 2 until 10000 do if isPerfect( n ) then write( n );





-- PERFECT NUMBERS -----------------------------------------------------------

-- perfect :: integer -> bool
on perfect(n)

    -- isFactor :: integer -> bool
    script isFactor
        on |λ|(x)
            n mod x = 0
        end |λ|
    end script

    -- quotient :: number -> number
    script quotient
        on |λ|(x)
            n / x
        end |λ|
    end script

    -- sum :: number -> number -> number
    script sum
        on |λ|(a, b)
            a + b
        end |λ|
    end script

    -- Integer factors of n below the square root
    set lows to filter(isFactor, enumFromTo(1, (n ^ (1 / 2)) as integer))

    -- low and high factors (quotients of low factors) tested for perfection
    (n > 1) and (foldl(sum, 0, (lows & map(quotient, lows))) / 2 = n)
end perfect

-- TEST ----------------------------------------------------------------------
on run

    filter(perfect, enumFromTo(1, 10000))

    --> {6, 28, 496, 8128}

end run

-- GENERIC FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------

-- enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
on enumFromTo(m, n)
    if m > n then
        set d to -1
        set d to 1
    end if
    set lst to {}
    repeat with i from m to n by d
        set end of lst to i
    end repeat
    return lst
end enumFromTo

-- filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
on filter(f, xs)
    tell mReturn(f)
        set lst to {}
        set lng to length of xs
        repeat with i from 1 to lng
            set v to item i of xs
            if |λ|(v, i, xs) then set end of lst to v
        end repeat
        return lst
    end tell
end filter

-- foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
on foldl(f, startValue, xs)
    tell mReturn(f)
        set v to startValue
        set lng to length of xs
        repeat with i from 1 to lng
            set v to |λ|(v, item i of xs, i, xs)
        end repeat
        return v
    end tell
end foldl

-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
on map(f, xs)
    tell mReturn(f)
        set lng to length of xs
        set lst to {}
        repeat with i from 1 to lng
            set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, i, xs)
        end repeat
        return lst
    end tell
end map

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper
-- mReturn :: Handler -> Script
on mReturn(f)
    if class of f is script then
            property |λ| : f
        end script
    end if
end mReturn


{6, 28, 496, 8128}


This will find the first 8 perfect numbers.

Loop, 30 {
  If isMersennePrime(A_Index + 1)
    res .= "Perfect number: " perfectNum(A_Index + 1) "`n"

MsgBox % res

perfectNum(N) {
  Return 2**(N - 1) * (2**N - 1)

isMersennePrime(N) {
  If (isPrime(N)) && (isPrime(2**N - 1))
    Return true

isPrime(N) {
  Loop, % Floor(Sqrt(N))
    If (A_Index > 1 && !Mod(N, A_Index))
      Return false
  Return true


$ awk 'func perf(n){s=0;for(i=1;i<n;i++)if(n%i==0)s+=i;return(s==n)}
BEGIN{for(i=1;i<10000;i++)if(perf(i))print i}'


{{trans|Mathematica}} Using the interpreter, define the function:

perfect?(n:Integer):Boolean == reduce(+,divisors n) = 2*n

Alternatively, using the Spad compiler:

)abbrev package TESTP TestPackage
TestPackage() : withma
    perfect?: Integer -> Boolean
      import IntegerNumberTheoryFunctions
      perfect? n == reduce("+",divisors n) = 2*n

Examples (testing 496, testing 128, finding all perfect numbers in 1...10000):

perfect? 496
perfect? 128
[i for i in 1..10000 | perfect? i]




{{works with|QuickBasic|4.5}}

FUNCTION perf(n)
	sum = 0
	for i = 1 to n - 1
		IF n MOD i = 0 THEN
			sum = sum + i
	IF sum = n THEN
		perf = 1
		perf = 0

==={{header|IS-BASIC}}=== 100 PROGRAM "PerfectN.bas" 110 FOR X=1 TO 10000 120 IF PERFECT(X) THEN PRINT X; 130 NEXT 140 DEF PERFECT(N) 150 IF N<2 OR MOD(N,2)<>0 THEN LET PERFECT=0:EXIT DEF 160 LET S=1 170 FOR I=2 TO SQR(N) 180 IF MOD(N,I)=0 THEN LET S=S+I+N/I 190 NEXT 200 LET PERFECT=N=S 210 END DEF

## Sinclair ZX81 BASIC
Call this subroutine and it will (eventually) return <tt>PERFECT</tt> = 1 if <tt>N</tt> is perfect or <tt>PERFECT</tt> = 0 if it is not.

2000 LET SUM=0
2010 FOR F=1 TO N-1
2030 NEXT F


BASIC version

      FOR n% = 2 TO 10000 STEP 2
        IF FNperfect(n%) PRINT n%

      DEF FNperfect(N%)
      LOCAL I%, S%
      S% = 1
      FOR I% = 2 TO SQR(N%)-1
        IF N% MOD I% = 0 S% += I% + N% DIV I%
      IF I% = SQR(N%) S% += I%
      = (N% = S%)



Assembler version

{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}}

      DIM P% 100
      [OPT 2 :.S% xor edi,edi
      .perloop mov eax,ebx : cdq : div ecx : or edx,edx : loopnz perloop : inc ecx
      add edi,ecx : add edi,eax : loop perloop : mov eax,edi : shr eax,1 : ret : ]

      FOR B% = 2 TO 35000000 STEP 2
        C% = SQRB%
        IF B% = USRS% PRINT B%




( ( perf
  =   sum i
    .   0:?sum
      & 0:?i
      &   whl
        ' ( !i+1:<!arg:?i
          & ( mod$(!arg.!i):0&!sum+!i:?sum
      & !sum:!arg
& 0:?n
&   whl
  ' ( !n+1:~>10000:?n
    & (perf$!n&out$!n|)





#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"

int perfect(int n) {
    int max = (int)sqrt((double)n) + 1;
    int tot = 1;
    int i;

    for (i = 2; i < max; i++)
        if ( (n % i) == 0 ) {
            tot += i;
            int q = n / i;
            if (q > i)
                tot += q;

    return tot == n;

int main() {
    int n;
    for (n = 2; n < 33550337; n++)
        if (perfect(n))
            printf("%d\n", n);

    return 0;

Using functions from [[Factors of an integer#Prime factoring]]:

int main()
	int j;
	ulong fac[10000], n, sum;


	for (n = 2; n < 33550337; n++) {
		j = get_factors(n, fac) - 1;
		for (sum = 0; j && sum <= n; sum += fac[--j]);
		if (sum == n) printf("%lu\n", n);

	return 0;



static void Main(string[] args)
	Console.WriteLine("Perfect numbers from 1 to 33550337:");

	for (int x = 0; x < 33550337; x++)
		if (IsPerfect(x))
			Console.WriteLine(x + " is perfect.");


static bool IsPerfect(int num)
	int sum = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
		if (num % i == 0)
			sum += i;

	return sum == num ;

===Version using Lambdas, will only work from version 3 of C# on===

static void Main(string[] args)
	Console.WriteLine("Perfect numbers from 1 to 33550337:");

	for (int x = 0; x < 33550337; x++)
		if (IsPerfect(x))
			Console.WriteLine(x + " is perfect.");


static bool IsPerfect(int num)
	return Enumerable.Range(1, num - 1).Sum(n => num % n == 0 ? n : 0 ) == num;


{{works with|gcc}}

#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

int divisor_sum( int number ) {
   int sum = 0 ;
   for ( int i = 1 ; i < number ; i++ )
      if ( number % i == 0 )
         sum += i ;
   return sum;

int main( ) {
   cout << "Perfect numbers from 1 to 33550337:\n" ;
   for ( int num = 1 ; num < 33550337 ; num++ ) {
      if (divisor_sum(num) == num)
         cout << num << '\n' ;
   return 0 ;


(defn proper-divisors [n]
  (if (< n 4)
    (->> (range 2 (inc (quot n 2)))
         (filter #(zero? (rem n %)))
         (cons 1))))

(defn perfect? [n]
  (= (reduce + (proper-divisors n)) n))


(defn perfect? [n]
  (->> (for [i (range 1 n)] :when (zero? (rem n i))] i)
       (reduce +)
       (= n)))

Functional version

(defn perfect? [n]
	(= (reduce + (filter #(zero? (rem n %)) (range 1 n))) n))


Optimized version, for fun.

is_perfect_number = (n) ->
  do_factors_add_up_to n, 2*n

do_factors_add_up_to = (n, desired_sum) ->
  # We mildly optimize here, by taking advantage of
  # the fact that the sum_of_factors( (p^m) * x)
  # is (1 + ... + p^m-1 + p^m) * sum_factors(x) when
  # x is not itself a multiple of p.

  p = smallest_prime_factor(n)
  if p == n
    return desired_sum == p + 1

  # ok, now sum up all powers of p that
  # divide n
  sum_powers = 1
  curr_power = 1
  while n % p == 0
    curr_power *= p
    sum_powers += curr_power
    n /= p

  # if desired_sum does not divide sum_powers, we
  # can short circuit quickly
  return false unless desired_sum % sum_powers == 0

  # otherwise, recurse
  do_factors_add_up_to n, desired_sum / sum_powers

smallest_prime_factor = (n) ->
  for i in [2..n]
    return n if i*i > n
    return i if n % i == 0

# tests
do ->
  # This is pretty fast...
  for n in [2..100000]
    console.log n if is_perfect_number n

  # For big numbers, let's just sanity check the known ones.
  known_perfects = [
  for n in known_perfects
    throw Error("fail") unless is_perfect_number(n)
    throw Error("fail") if is_perfect_number(n+1)


> coffee perfect_numbers.coffee


{{trans|D}} {{works with|Visual COBOL}} main.cbl:


       PROGRAM-ID. perfect-main.

           FUNCTION perfect
       01  i                      PIC 9(8).

           PERFORM VARYING i FROM 2 BY 1 UNTIL 33550337 = i
               IF FUNCTION perfect(i) = 0
                   DISPLAY i

       END PROGRAM perfect-main.


       FUNCTION-ID. perfect.

       01  max-val                 PIC 9(8).
       01  total                   PIC 9(8) VALUE 1.
       01  i                       PIC 9(8).
       01  q                       PIC 9(8).

       01  n                       PIC 9(8).
       01  is-perfect              PIC 9.


           PERFORM VARYING i FROM 2 BY 1 UNTIL i = max-val
               IF FUNCTION MOD(n, i) = 0
                   ADD i TO total

                   DIVIDE n BY i GIVING q
                   IF q > i
                       ADD q TO total

           IF total = n
               MOVE 0 TO is-perfect
               MOVE 1 TO is-perfect

       END FUNCTION perfect.

Common Lisp


(defun perfectp (n)
  (= n (loop for i from 1 below n when (= 0 (mod n i)) sum i)))


Functional Version

import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;

bool isPerfectNumber1(in uint n) pure nothrow
in {
    assert(n > 0);
} body {
    return n == iota(1, n - 1).filter!(i => n % i == 0).sum;

void main() {
    iota(1, 10_000).filter!isPerfectNumber1.writeln;


[6, 28, 496, 8128]

Faster Imperative Version


import std.stdio, std.math, std.range, std.algorithm;

bool isPerfectNumber2(in int n) pure nothrow {
    if (n < 2)
        return false;

    int total = 1;
    foreach (immutable i; 2 .. cast(int)real(n).sqrt + 1)
        if (n % i == 0) {
            immutable int q = n / i;
            total += i;
            if (q > i)
                total += q;

    return total == n;

void main() {


[6, 28, 496, 8128]

With a 33_550_337.iota it outputs:

[6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336]


Explicit Iterative Version

 * Function to test if a number is a perfect number
 * A number is a perfect number if it is equal to the sum of all its divisors
 * Input: Positive integer n
 * Output: true if n is a perfect number, false otherwise
bool isPerfect(int n){
    //Generate a list of integers in the range 1 to n-1 : [1, 2, ..., n-1]
    List<int> range = new List<int>.generate(n-1, (int i) => i+1);

    //Create a list that filters the divisors of n from range
    List<int> divisors = new List.from(range.where((i) => n%i == 0));

    //Sum the all the divisors
    int sumOfDivisors = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < divisors.length; i++){
        sumOfDivisors = sumOfDivisors + divisors[i];

    // A number is a perfect number if it is equal to the sum of its divisors
    // We return the test if n is equal to sumOfDivisors
    return n == sumOfDivisors;

Compact Version


isPerfect(n) =>
    n == new List.generate(n-1, (i) => n%(i+1) == 0 ? i+1 : 0).fold(0, (p,n)=>p+n);

In either case, if we test to find all the perfect numbers up to 1000, we get:

main() =>
    new List.generate(1000,(i)=>i+1).where(isPerfect).forEach(print);




func isPerfect(num) {
    var sum = 0
    for i in 1..(num - 1) {
        if !i {
        if num % i == 0 {
            sum += i
    return sum == num

const max = 33550337
print("Perfect numbers from 0 to \(max):")

for x in 0..max {
    if isPerfect(x) {
        print("\(x) is perfect")


def isPerfectNumber(x :int) {
  var sum := 0
  for d ? (x % d <=> 0) in 1..!x {
    sum += d
    if (sum > x) { return false }
  return sum <=> x





			io.put_string ("  6 is perfect...%T")
			io.put_boolean (is_perfect_number (6))
			io.put_string (" 77 is perfect...%T")
			io.put_boolean (is_perfect_number (77))
			io.put_string ("128 is perfect...%T")
			io.put_boolean (is_perfect_number (128))
			io.put_string ("496 is perfect...%T")
			io.put_boolean (is_perfect_number (496))

	is_perfect_number (n: INTEGER): BOOLEAN
			-- Is 'n' a perfect number?
			n_positive: n > 0
			sum: INTEGER
				1 |..| (n - 1) as c
				if n \\ c.item = 0 then
					sum := sum + c.item
			Result := sum = n



  6 is perfect...      True
 77 is perfect...      False
128 is perfect...      False
496 is perfect...      True


ELENA 4.x:

import system'routines;
import system'math;
import extensions;

extension extension
        = new Range(1, self - 1).selectBy:(n => (self.mod:n == 0).iif(n,0) ).summarize(new Integer()) == self;

public program()
    for(int n := 1, n < 10000, n += 1)
            { console.printLine(n," is perfect") }



6 is perfect
28 is perfect
496 is perfect
8128 is perfect


defmodule RC do
  def is_perfect(1), do: false
  def is_perfect(n) when n > 1 do
    Enum.sum(factor(n, 2, [1])) == n

  defp factor(n, i, factors) when n <  i*i   , do: factors
  defp factor(n, i, factors) when n == i*i   , do: [i | factors]
  defp factor(n, i, factors) when rem(n,i)==0, do: factor(n, i+1, [i, div(n,i) | factors])
  defp factor(n, i, factors)                 , do: factor(n, i+1, factors)

IO.inspect (for i <- 1..10000, RC.is_perfect(i), do: i)


[6, 28, 496, 8128]


is_perfect(X) ->
    X == lists:sum([N || N <- lists:seq(1,X-1), X rem N == 0]).



      LOCAL I%,S%
      FOR I%=2 TO SQR(N%)-1 DO
        IF N% MOD I%=0 THEN S%+=I%+N% DIV I%
      END FOR
      IF I%=SQR(N%) THEN S%+=I%

    PRINT(CHR$(12);) ! CLS
    FOR N%=2 TO 10000 STEP 2 DO
       IF OK% THEN PRINT(N%)




let perf n = n = List.fold (+) 0 (List.filter (fun i -> n % i = 0) [1..(n-1)])

for i in 1..10000 do if (perf i) then printfn "%i is perfect" i


6 is perfect
28 is perfect
496 is perfect
8128 is perfect


45p;!." "28p;!.   { 0 -1 }


USING: kernel math math.primes.factors sequences ;
IN: rosettacode.perfect-numbers

: perfect? ( n -- ? )  [ divisors sum ] [ 2 * ] bi = ;


: perfect? ( n -- ? )
  over 2/ 1+ 2 ?do
    over i mod 0= if i + then
  = ;


{{works with|Fortran|90 and later}}

FUNCTION isPerfect(n)
  LOGICAL :: isPerfect
  INTEGER :: i, factorsum

  isPerfect = .FALSE.
  factorsum = 1
  DO i = 2, INT(SQRT(REAL(n)))
     IF(MOD(n, i) == 0) factorsum = factorsum + i + (n / i)
  IF (factorsum == n) isPerfect = .TRUE.


{{trans|C (with some modifications)}}

' FB 1.05.0 Win64

Function isPerfect(n As Integer) As Boolean
   If n < 2 Then Return False
   If n Mod 2 = 1 Then Return False '' we can assume odd numbers are not perfect
   Dim As Integer sum = 1, q
   For i As Integer = 2 To Sqr(n)
     If n Mod i = 0 Then
       sum += i
       q = n \ i
       If q > i Then sum += q
     End If
   Return n = sum
End Function

Print "The first 5 perfect numbers are : "
For i As Integer = 2 To 33550336
  If isPerfect(i) Then Print i; " ";

Print "Press any key to quit"


The first 5 perfect numbers are :
 6  28  496  8128  33550336


def perfect( n ) = sum( d | d <- 1..n if d|n ) == 2n

println( (1..500).filter(perfect) )


(6, 28, 496)


Filtered([1 .. 10000], n -> Sum(DivisorsInt(n)) = 2*n);
# [ 6, 28, 496, 8128 ]


package main

import "fmt"

func computePerfect(n int64) bool {
    var sum int64
    for i := int64(1); i < n; i++ {
        if n%i == 0 {
            sum += i
    return sum == n

// following function satisfies the task, returning true for all
// perfect numbers representable in the argument type
func isPerfect(n int64) bool {
    switch n {
    case 6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336, 8589869056,
        137438691328, 2305843008139952128:
        return true
    return false

// validation
func main() {
    for n := int64(1); ; n++ {
        if isPerfect(n) != computePerfect(n) {
        if n%1e3 == 0 {
            fmt.Println("tested", n)


tested 1000
tested 2000
tested 3000



def isPerfect = { n ->
    n > 4 && (n == (2..Math.sqrt(n)).findAll { n % it == 0 }.inject(1) { factorSum, i -> factorSum += i + n/i })

Test program:

(0..10000).findAll { isPerfect(it) }.each { println it }




perfect n =
    n == sum [i | i <- [1..n-1], n `mod` i == 0]

Create a list of known perfects:

perfect =
  (\x -> (2 ^ x - 1) * (2 ^ (x - 1))) <$>
  filter (\x -> isPrime x && isPrime (2 ^ x - 1)) maybe_prime
    maybe_prime = scanl1 (+) (2 : 1 : cycle [2, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6])
    isPrime n = all ((/= 0) . (n `mod`)) $ takeWhile (\x -> x * x <= n) maybe_prime

isPerfect n = f n perfect
    f n (p:ps) =
      case compare n p of
        EQ -> True
        LT -> False
        GT -> f n ps

main :: IO ()
main = do
  mapM_ print $ take 10 perfect
  mapM_ (print . (\x -> (x, isPerfect x))) [6, 27, 28, 29, 496, 8128, 8129]

or, restricting the search space to improve performance:

isPerfect :: Int -> Bool
isPerfect n =
  let lows = filter ((0 ==) . rem n) [1 .. floor (sqrt (fromIntegral n))]
  in 1 < n &&
     n ==
          (lows ++
           [ y
           | x <- lows
           , let y = quot n x
           , x /= y ]))

main :: IO ()
main = print $ filter isPerfect [1 .. 10000]




   DO i = 1, 1E4
      IF( perfect(i) ) WRITE() i
END ! end of "main"

FUNCTION perfect(n)
   sum = 1
   DO i = 2, n^0.5
      sum = sum + (MOD(n, i) == 0) * (i + INT(n/i))
   perfect = sum == n

=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==

procedure main(arglist)
limit := \arglist[1] | 100000
write("Perfect numbers from 1 to ",limit,":")
every write(isperfect(1 to limit))

procedure isperfect(n)         #: returns n if n is perfect
local sum,i

every (sum := 0) +:= (n ~= divisors(n))
if sum = n then return n

link factors

{{libheader|Icon Programming Library}} [http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/library/src/procs/factors.icn Uses divisors from factors]


Perfect numbers from 1 to 100000:


is_perfect=: +: = >:@#.~/.~&.q:@(6>.<.)

Examples of use, including extensions beyond those assumptions:

   is_perfect 33550336
   I. is_perfect i. 100000
6 28 496 8128

   ] zero_through_twentynine =. i. 3 10
 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
   is_perfect zero_through_twentynine
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
   is_perfect 191561942608236107294793378084303638130997321548169216x

More efficient version based on [http://jsoftware.com/pipermail/programming/2014-June/037695.html comments] by Henry Rich and Roger Hui (comment train seeded by Jon Hough).


public static boolean perf(int n){
	int sum= 0;
	for(int i= 1;i < n;i++){
		if(n % i == 0){
			sum+= i;
	return sum == n;

Or for arbitrary precision:[[Category:Arbitrary precision]]

import java.math.BigInteger;

public static boolean perf(BigInteger n){
	BigInteger sum= BigInteger.ZERO;
	for(BigInteger i= BigInteger.ONE;
	i.compareTo(n) < 0;i=i.add(BigInteger.ONE)){
			sum= sum.add(i);
	return sum.equals(n);




function is_perfect(n)
 var sum = 1, i, sqrt=Math.floor(Math.sqrt(n));
 for (i = sqrt-1; i>1; i--)
  if (n % i == 0) {
   sum += i + n/i;
 if(n % sqrt == 0)
  sum += sqrt + (sqrt*sqrt == n ? 0 : n/sqrt);
 return sum === n;

var i;
for (i = 1; i < 10000; i++)
 if (is_perfect(i))





Naive version (brute force)

(function (nFrom, nTo) {

  function perfect(n) {
    return n === range(1, n - 1).reduce(
      function (a, x) {
        return n % x ? a : a + x;
      }, 0

  function range(m, n) {
    return Array.apply(null, Array(n - m + 1)).map(function (x, i) {
      return m + i;

  return range(nFrom, nTo).filter(perfect);

})(1, 10000);


[6, 28, 496, 8128]

Much faster (more efficient factorisation)

(function (nFrom, nTo) {

  function perfect(n) {
    var lows = range(1, Math.floor(Math.sqrt(n))).filter(function (x) {
      return (n % x) === 0;

    return n > 1 && lows.concat(lows.map(function (x) {
      return n / x;
    })).reduce(function (a, x) {
      return a + x;
    }, 0) / 2 === n;

  function range(m, n) {
    return Array.apply(null, Array(n - m + 1)).map(function (x, i) {
      return m + i;

  return range(nFrom, nTo).filter(perfect)

})(1, 10000);


[6, 28, 496, 8128]

Note that the filter function, though convenient and well optimised, is not strictly necessary. We can always replace it with a more general monadic bind (chain) function, which is essentially just concat map (Monadic return/inject for lists is simply lambda x --> [x], inlined here, and fail is [].)

(function (nFrom, nTo) {

  // ( monadic return for lists is just lambda x -> [x] )

  return chain(
    rng(nFrom, nTo),

    function mPerfect(n) {
      return (chain(
        rng(1, Math.floor(Math.sqrt(n))),
        function (y) {
          return (n % y) === 0 && n > 1 ? [y, n / y] : [];
      ).reduce(function (a, x) {
        return a + x;
      }, 0) / 2 === n) ? [n] : [];



  // Monadic bind (chain) for lists
  function chain(xs, f) {
    return [].concat.apply([], xs.map(f));

  function rng(m, n) {
    return Array.apply(null, Array(n - m + 1)).map(function (x, i) {
      return m + i;

})(1, 10000);


[6, 28, 496, 8128]


(() => {
    const main = () =>
        enumFromTo(1, 10000).filter(perfect);

    // perfect :: Int -> Bool
    const perfect = n => {
            lows = enumFromTo(1, Math.floor(Math.sqrt(n)))
            .filter(x => (n % x) === 0);

        return n > 1 && lows.concat(lows.map(x => n / x))
            .reduce((a, x) => (a + x), 0) / 2 === n;

    // GENERIC --------------------------------------------

    // enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
    const enumFromTo = (m, n) =>
            length: n - m + 1
        }, (_, i) => i + m)

    // MAIN ---
    return main();


[6, 28, 496, 8128]


def is_perfect:
  . as $in
  | $in == reduce range(1;$in) as $i
      (0; if ($in % $i) == 0 then $i + . else . end);

# Example:
range(1;10001) | select( is_perfect )

{{Out}} $ jq -n -f is_perfect.jq 6 28 496 8128


{{works with|Julia|0.6}}

isperfect(n::Integer) = n == sum([n % i == 0 ? i : 0 for i = 1:(n - 1)])
perfects(n::Integer) = filter(isperfect, 1:n)

@show perfects(10000)


perfects(10000) = [6, 28, 496, 8128]



   perfect:{(x>2)&x=+/-1_{d:&~x!'!1+_sqrt x;d,_ x%|d}x}
   perfect 33550336

6 28 496 8128

   m:3 10#!30
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29)

   perfect'/: m
(0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0)



// version 1.0.6

fun isPerfect(n: Int): Boolean = when {
        n < 2      -> false
        n % 2 == 1 -> false  // there are no known odd perfect numbers
        else       -> {
            var tot = 1
            var q: Int
            for (i in 2 .. Math.sqrt(n.toDouble()).toInt()) {
                if (n % i == 0) {
                    tot += i
                    q = n / i
                    if (q > i) tot += q
            n == tot

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // expect a run time of about 6 minutes on a typical laptop
    println("The first five perfect numbers are:")
    for (i in 2 .. 33550336) if (isPerfect(i)) print("$i ")


The first five perfect numbers are:
6 28 496 8128 33550336


{{VI solution|LabVIEW_Perfect_numbers.png}}



define isPerfect(n::integer) => {
  #n < 2 ? return false
  return #n == (
    with i in generateSeries(1, math_floor(math_sqrt(#n)) + 1)
      where #n % #i == 0
      let q = #n / #i
    sum (#q > #i ? (#i == 1 ? 1 | #q + #i) | 0)

with x in generateSeries(1, 10000)
  where isPerfect(#x)
select #x


6, 28, 496, 8128

Liberty BASIC

for n =1 to 10000
    if perfect( n) =1 then print n; " is perfect."
next n


function perfect( n)
    sum =0
    for i =1 TO n /2
        if n mod i =0 then
            sum =sum +i
        end if
    next i
    if sum =n then
        perfect= 1
        perfect =0
    end if
end function


on isPercect (n)
  sum = 1
  cnt = n/2
  repeat with i = 2 to cnt
    if n mod i = 0 then sum = sum + i
  end repeat
  return sum=n
to perfect? :n
  output equal? :n  apply "sum  filter [equal? 0  modulo :n ?]  iseq 1 :n/2


function isPerfect(x)
    local sum = 0
    for i = 1, x-1 do
	sum = (x % i) == 0 and sum + i or sum
    return sum == x

M2000 Interpreter

Module PerfectNumbers {
      Function Is_Perfect(n as decimal) {
            s=1 : sN=Sqrt(n)
            last= n=sN*sN
            If n mod 2=0 then s+=2+n div 2
            i=3 : sN--
            While i<sN {
            if  n mod i=0 then t=n div i :i=max.data(n div t, i): s+=t+ i
      Inventory Known1=2@, 3@
      IsPrime=lambda  Known1 (x as decimal) -> {
                  if exist(Known1, x) then =1=1 : exit
                  if x<=5 OR frac(x) then {if x == 2 OR x == 3 OR x == 5 then Append Known1, x  : =1=1
                  if frac(x/2) else exit
                  if frac(x/3) else exit
                  x1=sqrt(x):d = 5@
                  {if frac(x/d ) else exit
                        d += 2: if d>x1 then Append Known1, x : =1=1 : exit
                        if frac(x/d) else exit
                        d += 4: if d<= x1 else Append Known1, x :  =1=1: exit
      \\ Check a perfect and a non perfect number
      p=2 : n=3 : n1=2
      Document Doc$
      IsPerfect( 0, 28)
      IsPerfect( 0, 1544)
      While p<32  { ' max 32
            if isprime(2^p-1@) then {
                   Rem  Print perf
                   \\ decompose pretty fast the Perferct Numbers
                   \\ all have a series of 2 and last a prime equal to perf/2^(p-1)
                   inventory queue factors
                   For i=1 to p-1 {
                         Append factors, 2@
                  Append factors, perf/2^(p-1)
                  \\ end decompose
                  Rem Print factors
                  IsPerfect(factors, Perf)

      Clipboard Doc$
      \\ exit here. No need for Exit statement
      Sub IsPerfect(factors, n)
            if n<10000 or type$(factors)<>"Inventory" then {
            } else {
                  local mm=each(factors, 1, -2), f =true
                  while mm {if eval(mm)<>2 then f=false
                  if f then if n/2@**(len(mm)-1)= factors(len(factors)-1!) then s=true
            Local a$=format$("{0} is {1}perfect number", n, If$(s->"", "not "))
            Print a$
      End Sub



28 is perfect number
1544 is not perfect number
6 is perfect number
28 is perfect number
496 is perfect number
8128 is perfect number
33550336 is perfect number
8589869056 is perfect number
137438691328 is perfect number
2305843008139952128 is perfect number

## M4 ```M4 define(`for', `ifelse($#,0,``$0'', `ifelse(eval($2<=$3),1, `pushdef(`$1',$2)$4`'popdef(`$1')$0(`$1',incr($2),$3,`$4')')')')dnl define(`ispart', `ifelse(eval($2*$2<=$1),1, `ifelse(eval($1%$2==0),1, `ifelse(eval($2*$2==$1),1, `ispart($1,incr($2),eval($3+$2))', `ispart($1,incr($2),eval($3+$2+$1/$2))')', `ispart($1,incr($2),$3)')', $3)') define(`isperfect', `eval(ispart($1,2,1)==$1)') for(`x',`2',`33550336', `ifelse(isperfect(x),1,`x ')') ``` ## Maple ```Maple isperfect := proc(n) return evalb(NumberTheory:-SumOfDivisors(n) = 2*n); end proc: isperfect(6); true ``` =={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}== Custom function: ```Mathematica PerfectQ[i_Integer] := Total[Divisors[i]] == 2 i ``` Examples (testing 496, testing 128, finding all perfect numbers in 1...10000): ```Mathematica PerfectQ[496] PerfectQ[128] Flatten[PerfectQ/@Range[10000]//Position[#,True]&] ``` gives back: ```Mathematica True False {6,28,496,8128} ``` ## MATLAB Standard algorithm: ```MATLAB function perf = isPerfect(n) total = 0; for k = 1:n-1 if ~mod(n, k) total = total+k; end end perf = total == n; end ``` Faster algorithm: ```MATLAB function perf = isPerfect(n) if n < 2 perf = false; else total = 1; k = 2; quot = n; while k < quot && total <= n if ~mod(n, k) total = total+k; quot = n/k; if quot ~= k total = total+quot; end end k = k+1; end perf = total == n; end end ``` ## Maxima ```maxima ".."(a, b) := makelist(i, i, a, b)$ infix("..")$ perfectp(n) := is(divsum(n) = 2*n)$ sublist(1 .. 10000, perfectp); /* [6, 28, 496, 8128] */ ``` ## MAXScript ```maxscript fn isPerfect n = ( local sum = 0 for i in 1 to (n-1) do ( if mod n i == 0 then ( sum += i ) ) sum == n ) ``` ## Microsoft Small Basic {{trans|BBC BASIC}} ```microsoftsmallbasic For n = 2 To 10000 Step 2 VerifyIfPerfect() If isPerfect = 1 Then TextWindow.WriteLine(n) EndIf EndFor Sub VerifyIfPerfect s = 1 sqrN = Math.SquareRoot(n) If Math.Remainder(n, 2) = 0 Then s = s + 2 + Math.Floor(n / 2) EndIf i = 3 while i <= sqrN - 1 If Math.Remainder(n, i) = 0 Then s = s + i + Math.Floor(n / i) EndIf i = i + 1 EndWhile If i * i = n Then s = s + i EndIf If n = s Then isPerfect = 1 Else isPerfect = 0 EndIf EndSub ``` =={{header|Modula-2}}== {{trans|BBC BASIC}} {{works with|ADW Modula-2|any (Compile with the linker option ''Console Application'').}} ```modula2 MODULE PerfectNumbers; FROM SWholeIO IMPORT WriteCard; FROM STextIO IMPORT WriteLn; FROM RealMath IMPORT sqrt; VAR N: CARDINAL; PROCEDURE IsPerfect(N: CARDINAL): BOOLEAN; VAR S, I: CARDINAL; SqrtN: REAL; BEGIN S := 1; SqrtN := sqrt(FLOAT(N)); IF N REM 2 = 0 THEN S := S + 2 + N / 2; END; I := 3; WHILE FLOAT(I) <= SqrtN - 1.0 DO IF N REM I = 0 THEN S := S + I + N / I; END; I := I + 1; END; IF I * I = N THEN S := S + I; END; RETURN (N = S); END IsPerfect; BEGIN FOR N := 2 TO 10000 BY 2 DO IF IsPerfect(N) THEN WriteCard(N, 5); WriteLn; END; END; END PerfectNumbers. ``` ## Nim ```nim import math proc isPerfect(n: int): bool = var sum: int = 1 for i in 2 .. <(n.toFloat.sqrt+1).toInt: if n mod i == 0: sum += (i + n div i) return (n == sum) for i in 2..10_000: if isPerfect(i): echo(i) ``` ## Objeck ```objeck bundle Default { class Test { function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil { "Perfect numbers from 1 to 33550337:"->PrintLine(); for(num := 1 ; num < 33550337; num += 1;) { if(IsPerfect(num)) { num->PrintLine(); }; }; } function : native : IsPerfect(number : Int) ~ Bool { sum := 0 ; for(i := 1; i < number; i += 1;) { if (number % i = 0) { sum += i; }; }; return sum = number; } } } ``` ## OCaml ```ocaml let perf n = let sum = ref 0 in for i = 1 to n-1 do if n mod i = 0 then sum := !sum + i done; !sum = n ``` Functional style: ```ocaml (* range operator *) let rec (--) a b = if a > b then [] else a :: (a+1) -- b let perf n = n = List.fold_left (+) 0 (List.filter (fun i -> n mod i = 0) (1 -- (n-1))) ``` ## Oforth ```Oforth : isPerfect(n) | i | 0 n 2 / loop: i [ n i mod ifZero: [ i + ] ] n == ; ``` {{out}} ```txt #isPerfect 10000 seq filter . [6, 28, 496, 8128] ``` ## ooRexx ```ooRexx -- first perfect number over 10000 is 33550336...let's not be crazy loop i = 1 to 10000 if perfectNumber(i) then say i "is a perfect number" end ::routine perfectNumber use strict arg n sum = 0 -- the largest possible factor is n % 2, so no point in -- going higher than that loop i = 1 to n % 2 if n // i == 0 then sum += i end return sum = n ``` {{out}} ```txt 6 is a perfect number 28 is a perfect number 496 is a perfect number 8128 is a perfect number ``` ## Oz ```oz declare fun {IsPerfect N} fun {IsNFactor I} N mod I == 0 end Factors = {Filter {List.number 1 N-1 1} IsNFactor} in {Sum Factors} == N end fun {Sum Xs} {FoldL Xs Number.'+' 0} end in {Show {Filter {List.number 1 10000 1} IsPerfect}} {Show {IsPerfect 33550336}} ``` ## PARI/GP Uses built-in method. Faster tests would use the LL test for evens and myriad results on OPNs otherwise. ```parigp isPerfect(n)=sigma(n,-1)==2 ``` Show perfect numbers ```parigp forprime(p=2, 2281, if(isprime(2^p-1), print(p"\t",(2^p-1)*2^(p-1)))) ``` Faster with Lucas-Lehmer test ```parigp p=2;n=3;n1=2; while(p<2281, if(isprime(p), s=Mod(4,n); for(i=3,p, s=s*s-2); if(s==0 || p==2, print("(2^"p"-1)2^("p"-1)=\t"n1*n"\n"))); p++; n1=n+1; n=2*n+1) ``` {{Out}} ```txt (2^2-1)2^(2-1)= 6 (2^3-1)2^(3-1)= 28 (2^5-1)2^(5-1)= 496 (2^7-1)2^(7-1)= 8128 (2^13-1)2^(13-1)= 33550336 (2^17-1)2^(17-1)= 8589869056 (2^19-1)2^(19-1)= 137438691328 (2^31-1)2^(31-1)= 2305843008139952128 (2^61-1)2^(61-1)= 2658455991569831744654692615953842176 (2^89-1)2^(89-1)= 191561942608236107294793378084303638130997321548169216 ``` ## Pascal ```pascal program PerfectNumbers; function isPerfect(number: longint): boolean; var i, sum: longint; begin sum := 1; for i := 2 to round(sqrt(real(number))) do if (number mod i = 0) then sum := sum + i + (number div i); isPerfect := (sum = number); end; var candidate: longint; begin writeln('Perfect numbers from 1 to 33550337:'); for candidate := 2 to 33550337 do if isPerfect(candidate) then writeln (candidate, ' is a perfect number.'); end. ``` {{Out}} ```txt Perfect numbers from 1 to 33550337: 6 is a perfect number. 28 is a perfect number. 496 is a perfect number. 8128 is a perfect number. 33550336 is a perfect number. ``` ## Perl ### Functions ```perl sub perf { my $n = shift; my $sum = 0; foreach my $i (1..$n-1) { if ($n % $i == 0) { $sum += $i; } } return $sum == $n; } ``` Functional style: ```perl use List::Util qw(sum); sub perf { my $n = shift; $n == sum(0, grep {$n % $_ == 0} 1..$n-1); } ``` ### Modules The functions above are terribly slow. As usual, this is easier and faster with modules. Both ntheory and Math::Pari have useful functions for this. {{libheader|ntheory}} A simple predicate: ```perl use ntheory qw/divisor_sum/; sub is_perfect { my $n = shift; divisor_sum($n) == 2*$n; } ``` Use this naive method to show the first 5. Takes about 15 seconds: ```perl use ntheory qw/divisor_sum/; for (1..33550336) { print "$_\n" if divisor_sum($_) == 2*$_; } ``` Or we can be clever and look for 2^(p-1) * (2^p-1) where 2^p -1 is prime. The first 20 takes about a second. ```perl use ntheory qw/forprimes is_prime/; use bigint; forprimes { my $n = 2**$_ - 1; print "$_\t", $n * 2**($_-1),"\n" if is_prime($n); } 2, 4500; ``` {{out}} ```txt 2 6 3 28 5 496 7 8128 13 33550336 17 8589869056 19 137438691328 31 2305843008139952128 61 2658455991569831744654692615953842176 89 191561942608236107294793378084303638130997321548169216 ... 107, 127, 521, 607, 1279, 2203, 2281, 3217, 4253, 4423 ... ``` We can speed this up even more using a faster program for printing the large results, as well as a faster primality solution. The first 38 in about 1 second with most of the time printing the large results. Caveat: this goes well past the current bound for odd perfect numbers and does not check for them. ```perl use ntheory qw/forprimes is_mersenne_prime/; use Math::GMP qw/:constant/; forprimes { print "$_\t", (2**$_-1)*2**($_-1),"\n" if is_mersenne_prime($_); } 7_000_000; ``` In addition to generating even perfect numbers, we can also have a fast function which returns true when a given even number is perfect: ```perl use ntheory qw(is_mersenne_prime valuation); sub is_even_perfect { my ($n) = @_; my $v = valuation($n, 2) || return; my $m = ($n >> $v); ($m & ($m + 1)) && return; ($m >> $v) == 1 || return; is_mersenne_prime($v + 1); } ``` ## Perl 6 Naive (very slow) version ```perl6 sub is-perf($n) { $n == [+] grep $n %% *, 1 .. $n div 2 } # used as put ((1..Inf).hyper.grep: {.&is-perf})[^4]; ``` {{out}} ```txt 6 28 496 8128 ``` Much, much faster version: ```perl6 my @primes = lazy (2,3,*+2 … Inf).grep: { .is-prime }; my @perfects = lazy gather for @primes { my $n = 2**$_ - 1; take $n * 2**($_ - 1) if $n.is-prime; } .put for @perfects[^12]; ``` {{out}} ```txt 6 28 496 8128 33550336 8589869056 137438691328 2305843008139952128 2658455991569831744654692615953842176 191561942608236107294793378084303638130997321548169216 13164036458569648337239753460458722910223472318386943117783728128 14474011154664524427946373126085988481573677491474835889066354349131199152128 ``` ## Phix ```Phix function is_perfect(integer n) return sum(factors(n,-1))=n end function for i=2 to 100000 do if is_perfect(i) then ?i end if end for ``` {{out}} ```txt 6 28 496 8128 ``` ### gmp version {{libheader|mpfr}} ```Phix include mpfr.e mpz n = mpz_init(), p = mpz_init() randstate state = gmp_randinit_mt() for i=2 to 159 do mpz_ui_pow_ui(n, 2, i) mpz_sub_ui(n, n, 1) if mpz_probable_prime_p(n, state) then mpz_ui_pow_ui(p,2,i-1) mpz_mul(n,n,p) printf(1, "%d %s\n",{i,mpz_get_str(n,comma_fill:=true)}) end if end for n = mpz_free(n) state = gmp_randclear(state) ``` {{out}} ```txt 2 6 3 28 5 496 7 8,128 13 33,550,336 17 8,589,869,056 19 137,438,691,328 31 2,305,843,008,139,952,128 61 2,658,455,991,569,831,744,654,692,615,953,842,176 89 191,561,942,608,236,107,294,793,378,084,303,638,130,997,321,548,169,216 107 13,164,036,458,569,648,337,239,753,460,458,722,910,223,472,318,386,943,117,783,728,128 127 14,474,011,154,664,524,427,946,373,126,085,988,481,573,677,491,474,835,889,066,354,349,131,199,152,128 ``` ## PHP {{trans|C++}} ```php function is_perfect($number) { $sum = 0; for($i = 1; $i < $number; $i++) { if($number % $i == 0) $sum += $i; } return $sum == $number; } echo "Perfect numbers from 1 to 33550337:" . PHP_EOL; for($num = 1; $num < 33550337; $num++) { if(is_perfect($num)) echo $num . PHP_EOL; } ``` ## PicoLisp ```PicoLisp (de perfect (N) (let C 0 (for I (/ N 2) (and (=0 (% N I)) (inc 'C I)) ) (= C N) ) ) ``` ```PicoLisp (de faster (N) (let (C 1 Stop (sqrt N)) (for (I 2 (<= I Stop) (inc I)) (and (=0 (% N I)) (inc 'C (+ (/ N I) I)) ) ) (= C N) ) ) ``` ## PL/I ```PL/I perfect: procedure (n) returns (bit(1)); declare n fixed; declare sum fixed; declare i fixed binary; sum = 0; do i = 1 to n-1; if mod(n, i) = 0 then sum = sum + i; end; return (sum=n); end perfect; ``` ## PowerShell ```powershell Function IsPerfect($n) { $sum=0 for($i=1;$i-lt$n;$i++) { if($n%$i -eq 0) { $sum += $i } } return $sum -eq $n } Returns "True" if the given number is perfect and "False" if it's not. ``` ## Prolog ### Classic approach Works with SWI-Prolog ```Prolog tt_divisors(X, N, TT) :- Q is X / N, ( 0 is X mod N -> (Q = N -> TT1 is N + TT; TT1 is N + Q + TT); TT = TT1), ( sqrt(X) > N + 1 -> N1 is N+1, tt_divisors(X, N1, TT1); TT1 = X). perfect(X) :- tt_divisors(X, 2, 1). perfect_numbers(N, L) :- numlist(2, N, LN), include(perfect, LN, L). ``` ### Faster method Since a perfect number is of the form 2^(n-1) * (2^n - 1), we can eliminate a lot of candidates by merely factoring out the 2s and seeing if the odd portion is (2^(n+1)) - 1. ```Prolog perfect(N) :- factor_2s(N, Chk, Exp), Chk =:= (1 << (Exp+1)) - 1, prime(Chk). factor_2s(N, S, D) :- factor_2s(N, 0, S, D). factor_2s(D, S, D, S) :- getbit(D, 0) =:= 1, !. factor_2s(N, E, D, S) :- E2 is E + 1, N2 is N >> 1, factor_2s(N2, E2, D, S). % check if a number is prime % wheel235(L) :- W = [4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6 | W], L = [1, 2, 2 | W]. prime(N) :- N < 2, !, false. prime(N) :- wheel235(W), prime(N, 2, W). prime(N, D, _) :- D*D > N, !. prime(N, D, _) :- N mod D =:= 0, !, false. prime(N, D, [A|As]) :- D2 is D + A, prime(N, D2, As). ``` {{out}} ```txt ?- between(1, 10_000, N), perfect(N). N = 6 ; N = 28 ; N = 496 ; N = 8128 ; false. ``` ### Functional approach Works with SWI-Prolog and module lambda, written by Ulrich Neumerkel found there http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/ulrich/Prolog-inedit/lambda.pl ```Prolog :- use_module(library(lambda)). is_divisor(V, N) :- 0 =:= V mod N. is_perfect(N) :- N1 is floor(N/2), numlist(1, N1, L), f_compose_1(foldl((\X^Y^Z^(Z is X+Y)), 0), filter(is_divisor(N)), F), call(F, L, N). f_perfect_numbers(N, L) :- numlist(2, N, LN), filter(is_perfect, LN, L). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % functionnal predicates %% foldl(Pred, Init, List, R). % foldl(_Pred, Val, [], Val). foldl(Pred, Val, [H | T], Res) :- call(Pred, Val, H, Val1), foldl(Pred, Val1, T, Res). %% filter(Pred, LstIn, LstOut) % filter(_Pre, [], []). filter(Pred, [H|T], L) :- filter(Pred, T, L1), ( call(Pred,H) -> L = [H|L1]; L = L1). %% f_compose_1(Pred1, Pred2, Pred1(Pred2)). % f_compose_1(F,G, \X^Z^(call(G,X,Y), call(F,Y,Z))). ``` ## PureBasic ```PureBasic Procedure is_Perfect_number(n) Protected summa, i=1, result=#False Repeat If Not n%i summa+i EndIf i+1 Until i>=n If summa=n result=#True EndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ``` ## Python ### Procedural ```python def perf(n): sum = 0 for i in xrange(1, n): if n % i == 0: sum += i return sum == n ``` ### Functional ```python def perf(n): return n == sum(i for i in range(1, n) if n % i == 0) print ( list(filter(perf, range(1, 10001))) ) ``` Or, over 50X faster, as measured by ''time.time()'': ```python '''Perfect numbers''' from math import sqrt # perfect :: Int - > Bool def perfect(n): '''Is n the sum of its proper divisors other than 1 ?''' root = sqrt(n) lows = [x for x in enumFromTo(2)(int(root)) if 0 == (n % x)] return 1 < n and ( n == 1 + sum(lows + [n / x for x in lows if root != x]) ) # main :: IO () def main(): '''Test''' print([ x for x in enumFromTo(1)(10000) if perfect(x) ]) # GENERIC ------------------------------------------------- # enumFromTo :: (Int, Int) -> [Int] def enumFromTo(m): '''Integer enumeration from m to n.''' return lambda n: list(range(m, 1 + n)) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ``` {{Out}} ```txt [6, 28, 496, 8128] ``` ## R ```R is.perf <- function(n){ if (n==0|n==1) return(FALSE) s <- seq (1,n-1) x <- n %% s m <- data.frame(s,x) out <- with(m, s[x==0]) return(sum(out)==n) } # Usage - Warning High Memory Usage is.perf(28) sapply(c(6,28,496,8128,33550336),is.perf) ``` ## Racket ```racket #lang racket (require math) (define (perfect? n) (= (* n 2) (sum (divisors n)))) ; filtering to only even numbers for better performance (filter perfect? (filter even? (range 1e5))) ;-> '(0 6 28 496 8128) ``` ## REBOL ```rebol perfect?: func [n [integer!] /local sum] [ sum: 0 repeat i (n - 1) [ if zero? remainder n i [ sum: sum + i ] ] sum = n ] ``` ## REXX ### Classic REXX version of ooRexx This version is a '''Classic Rexx''' version of the '''ooRexx''' program as of 14-Sep-2013. ```rexx /*REXX version of the ooRexx program (the code was modified to run with Classic REXX).*/ do i=1 to 10000 /*statement changed: LOOP ──► DO*/ if perfectNumber(i) then say i "is a perfect number" end exit perfectNumber: procedure; parse arg n /*statements changed: ROUTINE,USE*/ sum=0 do i=1 to n%2 /*statement changed: LOOP ──► DO*/ if n//i==0 then sum=sum+i /*statement changed: sum += i */ end return sum=n ``` '''output''' when using the default of 10000: ```txt 6 is a perfect number 28 is a perfect number 496 is a perfect number 8128 is a perfect number ``` ### Classic REXX version of PL/I This version is a '''Classic REXX''' version of the '''PL/I''' program as of 14-Sep-2013, a REXX '''say''' statement was added to display the perfect numbers. Also, an epilog was written for the re-worked function. ```rexx /*REXX version of the PL/I program (code was modified to run with Classic REXX). */ parse arg low high . /*obtain the specified number(s).*/ if high=='' & low=='' then high=34000000 /*if no arguments, use a range. */ if low=='' then low=1 /*if no LOW, then assume unity.*/ if high=='' then high=low /*if no HIGH, then assume LOW. */ do i=low to high /*process the single # or range. */ if perfect(i) then say i 'is a perfect number.' end /*i*/ exit perfect: procedure; parse arg n /*get the number to be tested. */ sum=0 /*the sum of the factors so far. */ do i=1 for n-1 /*starting at 1, find all factors*/ if n//i==0 then sum=sum+i /*I is a factor of N, so add it.*/ end /*i*/ return sum=n /*if the sum matches N, perfect! */ ``` '''output''' when using the input defaults of: 1 10000 The output is the same as for the ooRexx version (above). ### traditional method Programming note: this traditional method takes advantage of a few shortcuts: :::* testing only goes up to the (integer) square root of '''X''' :::* testing bypasses the test of the first and last factors :::* the ''corresponding factor'' is also used when a factor is found ```rexx /*REXX program tests if a number (or a range of numbers) is/are perfect. */ parse arg low high . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if high=='' & low=="" then high=34000000 /*if no arguments, then use a range. */ if low=='' then low=1 /*if no LOW, then assume unity. */ if high=='' then high=low /*if no HIGH, then assume LOW. */ w=length(high) /*use W for formatting the output. */ numeric digits max(9,w+2) /*ensure enough digits to handle number*/ do i=low to high /*process the single number or a range.*/ if isPerfect(i) then say right(i,w) 'is a perfect number.' end /*i*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ isPerfect: procedure; parse arg x /*obtain the number to be tested. */ if x<6 then return 0 /*perfect numbers can't be < six. */ s=1 /*the first factor of X. ___*/ do j=2 while j*j<=x /*starting at 2, find the factors ≤√ X */ if x//j\==0 then iterate /*J isn't a factor of X, so skip it.*/ s = s + j + x%j /* ··· add it and the other factor. */ end /*j*/ /*(above) is marginally faster. */ return s==x /*if the sum matches X, it's perfect! */ ``` '''output''' when using the default inputs: ```txt 6 is a perfect number. 28 is a perfect number. 496 is a perfect number. 8128 is a perfect number. 33550336 is a perfect number. ``` For 10,000 numbers tested, this version is '''19.6''' times faster than the ooRexx program logic. For 10,000 numbers tested, this version is '''25.6''' times faster than the PL/I program logic. Note: For the above timings, only 10,000 numbers were tested. ### optimized using digital root This REXX version makes use of the fact that all ''known'' perfect numbers > 6 have a ''digital root'' of '''1'''. ```rexx /*REXX program tests if a number (or a range of numbers) is/are perfect. */ parse arg low high . /*obtain the specified number(s). */ if high=='' & low=="" then high=34000000 /*if no arguments, then use a range. */ if low=='' then low=1 /*if no LOW, then assume unity. */ if high=='' then high=low /*if no HIGH, then assume LOW. */ w=length(high) /*use W for formatting the output. */ numeric digits max(9,w+2) /*ensure enough digits to handle number*/ do i=low to high /*process the single number or a range.*/ if isPerfect(i) then say right(i,w) 'is a perfect number.' end /*i*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ isPerfect: procedure; parse arg x 1 y /*obtain the number to be tested. */ if x==6 then return 1 /*handle the special case of six. */ /*[↓] perfect number's digitalRoot = 1*/ do until y<10 /*find the digital root of Y. */ parse var y r 2; do k=2 for length(y)-1; r=r+substr(y,k,1); end /*k*/ y=r /*find digital root of the digit root. */ end /*until*/ /*wash, rinse, repeat ··· */ if r\==1 then return 0 /*Digital root ¬ 1? Then ¬ perfect. */ s=1 /*the first factor of X. ___*/ do j=2 while j*j<=x /*starting at 2, find the factors ≤√ X */ if x//j\==0 then iterate /*J isn't a factor of X, so skip it. */ s = s + j + x%j /*··· add it and the other factor. */ end /*j*/ /*(above) is marginally faster. */ return s==x /*if the sum matches X, it's perfect! */ ``` '''output''' is the same as the traditional version and is about '''5.3''' times faster (testing '''34,000,000''' numbers). ### optimized using only even numbers This REXX version uses the fact that all ''known'' perfect numbers are ''even''. ```rexx /*REXX program tests if a number (or a range of numbers) is/are perfect. */ parse arg low high . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if high=='' & low=="" then high=34000000 /*if no arguments, then use a range. */ if low=='' then low=1 /*if no LOW, then assume unity. */ low=low+low//2 /*if LOW is odd, bump it by one. */ if high=='' then high=low /*if no HIGH, then assume LOW. */ w=length(high) /*use W for formatting the output. */ numeric digits max(9,w+2) /*ensure enough digits to handle number*/ do i=low to high by 2 /*process the single number or a range.*/ if isPerfect(i) then say right(i,w) 'is a perfect number.' end /*i*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ isPerfect: procedure; parse arg x 1 y /*obtain the number to be tested. */ if x==6 then return 1 /*handle the special case of six. */ do until y<10 /*find the digital root of Y. */ parse var y 1 r 2; do k=2 for length(y)-1; r=r+substr(y,k,1); end /*k*/ y=r /*find digital root of the digital root*/ end /*until*/ /*wash, rinse, repeat ··· */ if r\==1 then return 0 /*Digital root ¬ 1 ? Then ¬ perfect.*/ s=3 + x%2 /*the first 3 factors of X. ___*/ do j=3 while j*j<=x /*starting at 3, find the factors ≤√ X */ if x//j\==0 then iterate /*J isn't a factor o f X, so skip it.*/ s = s + j + x%j /* ··· add it and the other factor. */ end /*j*/ /*(above) is marginally faster. */ return s==x /*if sum matches X, then it's perfect!*/ ``` '''output''' is the same as the traditional version and is about '''11.5''' times faster (testing '''34,000,000''' numbers). ===Lucas-Lehmer method=== This version uses memoization to implement a fast version of the Lucas-Lehmer test. ```rexx /*REXX program tests if a number (or a range of numbers) is/are perfect. */ parse arg low high . /*obtain the optional arguments from CL*/ if high=='' & low=="" then high=34000000 /*if no arguments, then use a range. */ if low=='' then low=1 /*if no LOW, then assume unity. */ low=low+low//2 /*if LOW is odd, bump it by one. */ if high=='' then high=low /*if no HIGH, then assume LOW. */ w=length(high) /*use W for formatting the output. */ numeric digits max(9,w+2) /*ensure enough digits to handle number*/ @.=0; @.1=2 /*highest magic number and its index. */ do i=low to high by 2 /*process the single number or a range.*/ if isPerfect(i) then say right(i,w) 'is a perfect number.' end /*i*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ isPerfect: procedure expose @.; parse arg x /*obtain the number to be tested. */ /*Lucas-Lehmer know that perfect */ /* numbers can be expressed as: */ /* [2**n - 1] * [2** (n-1) ] */ if @.0'''i''' is ''fast advanced'' according to the last number tested. An integer square root function was added to limit the factorization of a number. ```rexx /*REXX program tests if a number (or a range of numbers) is/are perfect. */ parse arg low high . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if high=='' & low=="" then high=34000000 /*No arguments? Then use a range. */ if low=='' then low=1 /*if no LOW, then assume unity. */ low=low+low//2 /*if LOW is odd, bump it by one. */ if high=='' then high=low /*if no HIGH, then assume LOW. */ w=length(high) /*use W for formatting the output. */ numeric digits max(9,w+2) /*ensure enough decimal digits for nums*/ @. =0; @.1=2; !.=2; _=' 6' /*highest magic number and its index.*/ !._=22; !.16=12; !.28=8; !.36=20; !.56=20; !.76=20; !.96=20 /* [↑] "Lucas' numbers, in 1891. */ do i=low to high by 0 /*process the single number or a range.*/ if isPerfect(i) then say right(i,w) 'is a perfect number.' i=i+!.? /*use a fast advance for the DO index. */ end /*i*/ /* [↑] note: the DO index is modified.*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ isPerfect: procedure expose @. !. ? /*expose (make global) some variables. */ parse arg x 1 y '' -2 ? /*# (and copy), and the last 2 digits.*/ if x==6 then return 1 /*handle the special case of six. */ if !.?==2 then return 0 /*test last two digits: François Lucas.*/ /*╔═════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Lucas─Lehmer know that perfect numbers can ║ ║ be expressed as: [2^n -1] * {2^(n-1) } ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════╝*/ if @.01; q=q%4; _=z-r-q; r=r%2; if _>=0 then do; z=_; r=r+q; end end /*while q>1*/ /* [↑] compute the integer SQRT of X.*/ /* _____*/ do j=3 to r /*starting at 3, find factors ≤ √ X */ if x//j==0 then s=s+j+x%j /*J divisible by X? Then add J and X÷J*/ end /*j*/ return s==x /*if the sum matches X, then perfect! */ ``` '''output''' is the same as the traditional version and is about '''500''' times faster (testing '''34,000,000''' numbers). ## Ring ```ring for i = 1 to 10000 if perfect(i) see i + nl ok next func perfect n sum = 0 for i = 1 to n - 1 if n % i = 0 sum = sum + i ok next if sum = n return 1 else return 0 ok return sum ``` ## Ruby ```ruby def perf(n) sum = 0 for i in 1...n sum += i if n % i == 0 end sum == n end ``` Functional style: ```ruby def perf(n) n == (1...n).select {|i| n % i == 0}.inject(:+) end ``` Faster version: ```ruby def perf(n) divisors = [] for i in 1..Math.sqrt(n) divisors << i << n/i if n % i == 0 end divisors.uniq.inject(:+) == 2*n end ``` Test: ```ruby for n in 1..10000 puts n if perf(n) end ``` {{out}} ```txt 6 28 496 8128 ``` ===Fast (Lucas-Lehmer)=== Generate and memoize perfect numbers as needed. ```ruby require "prime" def mersenne_prime_pow?(p) # Lucas-Lehmer test; expects prime as argument return true if p == 2 m_p = ( 1 << p ) - 1 s = 4 (p-2).times{ s = (s**2 - 2) % m_p } s == 0 end @perfect_numerator = Prime.each.lazy.select{|p| mersenne_prime_pow?(p)}.map{|p| 2**(p-1)*(2**p-1)} @perfects = @perfect_numerator.take(1).to_a def perfect?(num) @perfects << @perfect_numerator.next until @perfects.last >= num @perfects.include? num end # demo p (1..10000).select{|num| perfect?(num)} t1 = Time.now p perfect?(13164036458569648337239753460458722910223472318386943117783728128) p Time.now - t1 ``` {{out}} ```txt [6, 28, 496, 8128] true 0.001053954 ``` As the task states, it is not known if there are any odd perfect numbers (any that exist are larger than 10**2000). This program tests 10**2001 in about 30 seconds - but only for even perfects. ## Run BASIC ```runbasic for i = 1 to 10000 if perf(i) then print i;" "; next i FUNCTION perf(n) for i = 1 TO n - 1 IF n MOD i = 0 THEN sum = sum + i next i IF sum = n THEN perf = 1 END FUNCTION ``` {{Out}} ```txt 6 28 496 8128 ``` ## Rust ```rust fn main ( ) { fn factor_sum(n: i32) -> i32 { let mut v = Vec::new(); //create new empty array for x in 1..n-1 { //test vaules 1 to n-1 if n%x == 0 { //if current x is a factor of n v.push(x); //add x to the array } } let mut sum = v.iter().sum(); //iterate over array and sum it up return sum; } fn perfect_nums(n: i32) { for x in 2..n { //test numbers from 1-n if factor_sum(x) == x {//call factor_sum on each value of x, if return value is = x println!("{} is a perfect number.", x); //print value of x } } } perfect_nums(10000); } ``` ## SASL Copied from the SASL manual, page 22: ```SASL || The function which takes a number and returns a list of its factors (including one but excluding itself) || can be written factors n = { a <- 1.. n/2; n rem a = 0 } || If we define a perfect number as one which is equal to the sum of its factors (for example 6 = 3 + 2 + 1 is perfect) || we can write the list of all perfect numbers as perfects = { n <- 1... ; n = sum(factors n) } ``` ## Scala ```scala def perfectInt(input: Int) = ((2 to sqrt(input).toInt).collect {case x if input % x == 0 => x + input / x}).sum == input - 1 ``` '''or''' ```scala def perfect(n: Int) = (for (x <- 2 to n/2 if n % x == 0) yield x).sum + 1 == n ``` ## Scheme ```scheme (define (perf n) (let loop ((i 1) (sum 0)) (cond ((= i n) (= sum n)) ((= 0 (modulo n i)) (loop (+ i 1) (+ sum i))) (else (loop (+ i 1) sum))))) ``` ## Seed7 ```seed7 $ include "seed7_05.s7i"; const func boolean: isPerfect (in integer: n) is func result var boolean: isPerfect is FALSE; local var integer: i is 0; var integer: sum is 1; var integer: q is 0; begin for i range 2 to sqrt(n) do if n rem i = 0 then sum +:= i; q := n div i; if q > i then sum +:= q; end if; end if; end for; isPerfect := sum = n; end func; const proc: main is func local var integer: n is 0; begin for n range 2 to 33550336 do if isPerfect(n) then writeln(n); end if; end for; end func; ``` {{Out}} ```txt 6 28 496 8128 33550336 ``` ## Sidef ```ruby func is_perfect(n) { n.sigma == 2*n } for n in (1..10000) { say n if is_perfect(n) } ``` Alternatively, a more efficient check for even perfect numbers: ```ruby func is_even_perfect(n) { var square = (8*n + 1) square.is_square || return false var t = ((square.isqrt + 1) / 2) t.is_smooth(2) || return false t-1 -> is_prime } for n in (1..10000) { say n if is_even_perfect(n) } ``` {{out}} ```txt 6 28 496 8128 ``` ## Simula ```simula BOOLEAN PROCEDURE PERF(N); INTEGER N; BEGIN INTEGER SUM; FOR I := 1 STEP 1 UNTIL N-1 DO IF MOD(N, I) = 0 THEN SUM := SUM + I; PERF := SUM = N; END PERF; ``` ## Slate ```slate n@(Integer traits) isPerfect [ (((2 to: n // 2 + 1) select: [| :m | (n rem: m) isZero]) inject: 1 into: #+ `er) = n ]. ``` ## Smalltalk ```smalltalk Integer extend [ "Translation of the C version; this is faster..." isPerfectC [ |tot| tot := 1. (2 to: (self sqrt) + 1) do: [ :i | (self rem: i) = 0 ifTrue: [ |q| tot := tot + i. q := self // i. q > i ifTrue: [ tot := tot + q ] ] ]. ^ tot = self ] "... but this seems more idiomatic" isPerfect [ ^ ( ( ( 2 to: self // 2 + 1) select: [ :a | (self rem: a) = 0 ] ) inject: 1 into: [ :a :b | a + b ] ) = self ] ]. ``` ```smalltalk 1 to: 9000 do: [ :p | (p isPerfect) ifTrue: [ p printNl ] ] ``` ## Swift {{trans|Java}} ```Swift func perfect(n:Int) -> Bool { var sum = 0 for i in 1.. ``` ## VBA {{trans|Phix}} Using [[Factors_of_an_integer#VBA]], slightly adapted. ```vb Private Function Factors(x As Long) As String Application.Volatile Dim i As Long Dim cooresponding_factors As String Factors = 1 corresponding_factors = x For i = 2 To Sqr(x) If x Mod i = 0 Then Factors = Factors & ", " & i If i <> x / i Then corresponding_factors = x / i & ", " & corresponding_factors End If Next i If x <> 1 Then Factors = Factors & ", " & corresponding_factors End Function Private Function is_perfect(n As Long) fs = Split(Factors(n), ", ") Dim f() As Long ReDim f(UBound(fs)) For i = 0 To UBound(fs) f(i) = Val(fs(i)) Next i is_perfect = WorksheetFunction.Sum(f) - n = n End Function Public Sub main() Dim i As Long For i = 2 To 100000 If is_perfect(i) Then Debug.Print i Next i End Sub ``` {{out}} ```txt 6 28 496 8128 ``` ## VBScript ```vb Function IsPerfect(n) IsPerfect = False i = n - 1 sum = 0 Do While i > 0 If n Mod i = 0 Then sum = sum + i End If i = i - 1 Loop If sum = n Then IsPerfect = True End If End Function WScript.StdOut.Write IsPerfect(CInt(WScript.Arguments(0))) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine ``` {{out}} ```txt C:\>cscript /nologo perfnum.vbs 6 True C:\>cscript /nologo perfnum.vbs 29 False C:\> ``` ## XPL0 ```XPL0 include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations func Perfect(N); \Return 'true' if N is a perfect number int N, S, I, Q; [S:= 1; for I:= 2 to sqrt(N) do [Q:= N/I; if rem(0)=0 then S:= S+I+Q; ]; return S=N & N#1; ]; int A, N; [for A:= 1 to 16 do [N:= (1<