⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

{{task|Sound}} [[Category:Temporal media]] {{omit from|AWK}} {{omit from|Brlcad}} {{omit from|HTML}} {{omit from|LFE}} {{omit from|Logtalk}} {{omit from|Lotus 123 Macro Scripting}} {{omit from|Maxima}} {{omit from|ML/I}} {{omit from|Openscad}} {{omit from|PARI/GP}} {{omit from|TI-83 BASIC}} {{omit from|TPP}} {{omit from|zkl}}

Record a monophonic 16-bit PCM sound into either memory space, a file or array.

(This task neglects to specify the sample rate, and whether to use signed samples. The programs in this page might use signed 16-bit or unsigned 16-bit samples, at 8000 Hz, 44100 Hz, or any other sample rate. Therefore, these programs might not record sound in the same format.)


name := "sample"
waitsec := 5
Tooltip Recording %name%.wav
MCI_SendString("close all wait")
MCI_SendString("open new type waveaudio alias " . name)
MCI_SendString("set " . name . " time format ms wait")
;MCI_SendString("set " . name . " bitspersample 16 wait")
;MCI_SendString("set " . name . " channels 1 wait")
;MCI_SendString("set " . name . " samplespersec 16000 wait")
;MCI_SendString("set " . name . " alignment 1 wait")
;MCI_SendString("set " . name . " bytespersec 8000 wait")
MCI_SendString("record " . name)
Sleep waitsec*1000
MCI_SendString("stop " . name . " wait")
MCI_SendString("save " . name . " """ . name . ".wav""")
Tooltip Finished ... Playing
MCI_SendString("delete " . name)
MCI_SendString("close " . name . " wait")
MCI_SendString("open """ . name . ".wav"" type waveaudio alias " . name)
MCI_SendString("play " . name . " wait")
MCI_SendString("close " . name . " wait")

MCI_SendString(p_lpszCommand,ByRef r_lpszReturnString="",p_hwndCallback=0) {
	Return DllCall("winmm.dll\mciSendString" . (A_IsUnicode ? "W":"A")
		,"Str",p_lpszCommand						;-- lpszCommand
		,"Str",r_lpszReturnString					;-- lpszReturnString
		,"UInt",512									;-- cchReturn
		,A_PtrSize ? "Ptr":"UInt",p_hwndCallback	;-- hwndCallback
		,"Cdecl Int")								;-- Return type
; For more intuitive functions, see the MCI library by jballi.
; doc: http://www.autohotkey.net/~jballi/MCI/v1.1/MCI.html
; download: http://www.autohotkey.net/~jballi/MCI/v1.1/MCI.ahk


{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}}

      wavfile$ = @dir$ + "capture.wav"
      bitspersample% = 16
      channels% = 2
      samplespersec% = 44100

      alignment% = bitspersample% * channels% / 8
      bytespersec% = alignment% * samplespersec%

      params$ = " bitspersample " + STR$(bitspersample%) + \
      \         " channels " + STR$(channels%) + \
      \         " alignment " + STR$(alignment%) + \
      \         " samplespersec " + STR$(samplespersec%) + \
      \         " bytespersec " + STR$(bytespersec%)

      SYS "mciSendString", "close all", 0, 0, 0
      SYS "mciSendString", "open new type waveaudio alias capture", 0, 0, 0
      SYS "mciSendString", "set capture" + params$, 0, 0, 0 TO res%
      IF res% ERROR 100, "Couldn't set capture parameters: " + STR$(res% AND &FFFF)

      PRINT "Press SPACE to start recording..."
      REPEAT UNTIL INKEY(1) = 32

      SYS "mciSendString", "record capture", 0, 0, 0 TO res%
      IF res% ERROR 100, "Couldn't start audio capture: " + STR$(res% AND &FFFF)

      PRINT "Recording, press SPACE to stop..."
      REPEAT UNTIL INKEY(1) = 32

      SYS "mciSendString", "stop capture", 0, 0, 0
      SYS "mciSendString", "save capture " + wavfile$, 0, 0, 0 TO res%
      IF res% ERROR 100, "Couldn't save to WAV file: " + STR$(res% AND &FFFF)

      SYS "mciSendString", "delete capture", 0, 0, 0
      SYS "mciSendString", "close capture", 0, 0, 0

      PRINT "Captured audio is stored in " wavfile$

{{omit from|Batch File}}


Read/write raw device /dev/dsp. On Linux you need access to said device, meaning probably you should be in audio user group.

#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

void * record(size_t bytes)
	int fd;
	if (-1 == (fd = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY))) return 0;
	void *a = malloc(bytes);
	read(fd, a, bytes);
	return a;

int play(void *buf, size_t len)
	int fd;
	if (-1 == (fd = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY))) return 0;
	write(fd, buf, len);
	return 1;

int main()
	void *p = record(65536);
	play(p, 65536);
	return 0;


Uses Windows MCI

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>

#pragma comment ( lib, "winmm.lib" )
using namespace std;

class recorder
    void start()
	paused = rec = false; action = "IDLE";
	while( true )
	    cout << endl << "==" << action << "==" << endl << endl;
	    cout << "1) Record" << endl << "2) Play" << endl << "3) Pause" << endl << "4) Stop" << endl << "5) Quit" << endl;
	    char c; cin >> c;
	    if( c > '0' && c < '6' )
		switch( c )
		    case '1': record(); break;
		    case '2': play();   break;
		    case '3': pause();  break;
		    case '4': stop();   break;
		    case '5': stop();   return;
    void record()
	if( mciExecute( "open new type waveaudio alias my_sound") )
	    mciExecute( "record my_sound" );
	    action = "RECORDING"; rec = true;
    void play()
	if( paused )
	    mciExecute( "play my_sound" );
	    if( mciExecute( "open tmp.wav alias my_sound" ) )
		mciExecute( "play my_sound" );

	action = "PLAYING";
	paused = false;
    void pause()
	if( rec ) return;
	mciExecute( "pause my_sound" );
	paused = true; action = "PAUSED";
    void stop()
	if( rec )
	    mciExecute( "stop my_sound" );
	    mciExecute( "save my_sound tmp.wav" );
	    mciExecute( "close my_sound" );
	    action = "IDLE"; rec = false;
	    mciExecute( "stop my_sound" );
	    mciExecute( "close my_sound" );
	    action = "IDLE";
    bool mciExecute( string cmd )
	if( mciSendString( cmd.c_str(), NULL, 0, NULL ) )
	    cout << "Can't do this: " << cmd << endl;
	    return false;
	return true;

    bool paused, rec;
    string action;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    recorder r; r.start();
    return 0;


// chuck this with other shreds to record to file
// example> chuck foo.ck bar.ck rec

// arguments: rec:<filename>

// get name
me.arg(0) => string filename;
if( filename.length() == 0 ) "foo.wav" => filename;

// pull samples from the dac
dac => Gain g => WvOut w => blackhole;
// this is the output file name
filename => w.wavFilename;
<<<"writing to file:", "'" + w.filename() + "'">>>;
// any gain you want for the output
.5 => g.gain;

// temporary workaround to automatically close file on remove-shred
null @=> w;

// infinite time loop...
// ctrl-c will stop it, or modify to desired duration
while( true ) 1::second => now;

Common Lisp


(defun record (n)
  (with-open-file (in "/dev/dsp" :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
    (loop repeat n collect (read-byte in))
(defun play (byte-list)
  (with-open-file (out "/dev/dsp" :direction :output :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :if-exists :append)
    (mapcar (lambda (b) (write-byte b out)) byte-list)
(play (record 65536))


{{works with|Ubuntu 16.04}}

As Go does not have any audio support in its standard library, this invokes the 'arecord' command-line utility to record sound from the internal microphone (assuming there's no other audio input device present) and saves it to a monophonic, signed 16-bit .wav file. It then plays it back using the 'aplay' utility.

The file name, sampling rate and duration can all be set by the user.

package main

import (

func check(err error) {
    if err != nil {

func main() {
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
    name := ""
    for name == "" {
        fmt.Print("Enter output file name (without extension) : ")
        name = scanner.Text()
    name += ".wav"

    rate := 0
    for rate < 2000 || rate > 192000 {
        fmt.Print("Enter sampling rate in Hz (2000 to 192000) : ")
        input := scanner.Text()
        rate, _ = strconv.Atoi(input)
    rateS := strconv.Itoa(rate)

    dur := 0.0
    for dur < 5 || dur > 30 {
        fmt.Print("Enter duration in seconds (5 to 30)        : ")
        input := scanner.Text()
        dur, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(input, 64)
    durS := strconv.FormatFloat(dur, 'f', -1, 64)

    fmt.Println("OK, start speaking now...")
    // Default arguments: -c 1, -t wav. Note only signed 16 bit format supported.
    args := []string{"-r", rateS, "-f", "S16_LE", "-d", durS, name}
    cmd := exec.Command("arecord", args...)
    err := cmd.Run()

    fmt.Printf("'%s' created on disk and will now be played back...\n", name)
    cmd = exec.Command("aplay", name)
    err = cmd.Run()
    fmt.Println("Play-back completed.")


Here we activate the Microsoft Windows '95 Sound Recorder:

Start,Programs,Accessories,Sound Recorder,Button:Record


using PortAudio, LibSndFile

stream = PortAudioStream("Microphone (USB Microphone)", 1, 0) # 44100 samples/sec
buf = read(stream, 441000)
save("recorded10sec.wav", buf)



// version 1.1.3

import java.io.File
import javax.sound.sampled.*

const val RECORD_TIME = 20000L // twenty seconds say

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val wavFile = File("RecordAudio.wav")
    val fileType = AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE
    val format = AudioFormat(16000.0f, 16, 2, true, true)
    val info = DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine::class.java, format)
    val line = AudioSystem.getLine(info) as TargetDataLine

    // Creates a new thread that waits for 'RECORD_TIME' before stopping
    Thread(object: Runnable {
        override fun run() {
            try {
            catch (ie: InterruptedException) {
            finally {

    // Captures the sound and saves it in a WAV file
    try {
        if (AudioSystem.isLineSupported(info)) {
            println("Recording started")
            AudioSystem.write(AudioInputStream(line), fileType, wavFile)
        else println("Line not supported")
    catch (lue: LineUnavailableException) {

Liberty BASIC

LB can easily send a MCI string to the OS, or extra routines eg SOX, so a minimal solution could be

run "sndrec32.exe"

A more direct way is..

    print "Starting 5 sec. recording..."
    r$ =mciSendString$( "open new type waveaudio alias capture")
    r$ =mciSendString$( "set capture time format ms bitspersample 16")
    r$ =mciSendString$( "set capture channels 1 samplespersec 8000")
    r$ =mciSendString$( "set capture alignment 1 bytespersec 8000")
    r$ =mciSendString$( "record capture")
    timer 5000, [on]
    timer 0
    print "     .... now stopping the recording."
    r$ =mciSendString$( "stop capture")
    r$ =mciSendString$( "save capture " +chr$( 34) +"sample.wav" +chr$( 34))
    r$ =mciSendString$( "close capture")
    print "Done recording."
    r$=mciSendString$( "open " +q$ +"sample.wav" +q$ +" type waveaudio alias sfx")
    r$=mciSendString$( "play sfx wait")
    r$=mciSendString$( "close sfx")
    print "Done playing back."

function mciSendString$( s$)
    print s$
    buffer$ =space$( 1024) +chr$( 0)
    calldll #winmm, "mciSendStringA", s$ as ptr, buffer$ as ptr, 1028 as long, 0 as long, r as long
    buffer$ =left$( buffer$, instr( buffer$, chr$( 0)) -1)
    if r >0 then
        mciSendString$ ="error"
        print "returned "; mciSendString$
        mciSendString$ =""'buffer$
        print "OK"
    end if
end function


This example sets some aspects of a sound recording individually and also shows use of the sound input dialog where a user can conveniently set them as well, either may be used.

command makeRecording
    set the dontUseQT to false -- on windows use true
    set the recordFormat to "wave" -- can be wav,aiff, au
    set the recordRate to 44.1 -- sample at 44100 Hz
    set the recordSampleSize to 16  --default is 8 bit
    ask file "Save recording as"
    if it is not empty then
        answer record --show sound input dialog with presets above
        record sound file it  -- actual record command
        wait 10 seconds
        stop recording
    end if
end makeRecording





proc record(bytes): auto =
  var f = open("/dev/dsp")
  result = newSeq[int8](bytes)
  discard f.readBytes(result, 0, bytes)

proc play(buf) =
  var f = open("/dev/dsp", fmWrite)

var p = record(65536)



#load "unix.cma"

let record bytes =
  let buf = String.make bytes '\000' in
  let ic = open_in "/dev/dsp" in
  let chunk = 4096 in
  for i = 0 to pred (bytes / chunk) do
    ignore (input ic buf (i * chunk) chunk)
  close_in ic;

let play buf len =
  let oc = open_out "/dev/dsp" in
  output_string oc buf;
  close_out oc

let () =
  let bytes = 65536 in
  let p = record bytes in
  play p bytes


(in '(rec -q -c1 -tu16 - trim 0 2)  # Record 2 seconds
      (while (rd 2)
         (link @) ) ) )


-> (16767 19071 17279 ... 5503 9343 14719)  # 96000 numbers


import pyaudio

chunk = 1024
FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
RATE = 44100

p = pyaudio.PyAudio()

stream = p.open(format = FORMAT,
                channels = CHANNELS,
                rate = RATE,
                input = True,
                frames_per_buffer = chunk)

data = stream.read(chunk)
print [ord(i) for i in data]



#lang racket
(define (record n) (with-input-from-file "/dev/dsp" ( () (read-bytes n))))
(define (play bs)  (display-to-file bs "/dev/dsp" #:exists 'append))
(play (record 65536))



import java.io.{File, IOException}
import javax.sound.sampled.{AudioFileFormat, AudioFormat, AudioInputStream}
import javax.sound.sampled.{AudioSystem, DataLine, LineUnavailableException, TargetDataLine}

object SoundRecorder extends App {
  // record duration, in milliseconds
  final val RECORD_TIME = 60000 // 1 minute

  // path and format of the wav file
  val (wavFile, fileType) = (new File("RecordAudio.wav"), AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE)
  val format = new AudioFormat(/*sampleRate =*/ 16000f,
    /*sampleSizeInBits =*/ 16,
    /*channels =*/ 2,
    /*signed =*/ true,
    /*bigEndian =*/ true)

  val info = new DataLine.Info(classOf[TargetDataLine], format)
  val line: TargetDataLine = AudioSystem.getLine(info).asInstanceOf[TargetDataLine]

  // Entry to run the program

  // Creates a new thread that waits for a specified of time before stopping
  new Thread(new Runnable() {
    def run() {
      try {
      } catch {
        case ex: InterruptedException => ex.printStackTrace()
      finally {

  //Captures the sound and record into a WAV file
  try {
    // checks if system supports the data line
    if (AudioSystem.isLineSupported(info)) {
      line.start() // start capturing
      println("Recording started")
      AudioSystem.write(new AudioInputStream(line), fileType, wavFile)
    } else println("Line not supported")
  } catch {
    case ex: LineUnavailableException => ex.printStackTrace()
    case ioe: IOException => ioe.printStackTrace()



package require sound

# Helper to do a responsive wait
proc delay t {after $t {set ::doneDelay ok}; vwait ::doneDelay}

# Make an in-memory recording object
set recording [snack::sound -encoding "Lin16" -rate 44100 -channels 1]

# Set it doing the recording, wait for a second, and stop
$recording record -append true
delay 1000
$recording stop

# Convert the internal buffer to viewable numbers, and print them out
binary scan [$recording data -byteorder littleEndian] s* words
puts [join $words ", "]

# Destroy the recording object
$recording destroy

Wee Basic

print 1 "Recording..."
print 1 "Playing..."