⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

{{task}} Hopido puzzles are similar to [[Solve a Hidato puzzle | Hidato]]. The most important difference is that the only moves allowed are: hop over one tile diagonally; and over two tiles horizontally and vertically. It should be possible to start anywhere in the path, the end point isn't indicated and there are no intermediate clues. [http://gamesandinnovation.com/2010/02/10/hopido-design-post-mortem/ Hopido Design Post Mortem] contains the following:

"Big puzzles represented another problem. Up until quite late in the project our puzzle solver was painfully slow with most puzzles above 7×7 tiles. Testing the solution from each starting point could take hours. If the tile layout was changed even a little, the whole puzzle had to be tested again. We were just about to give up the biggest puzzles entirely when our programmer suddenly came up with a magical algorithm that cut the testing process down to only minutes. Hooray!"

Knowing the kindness in the heart of every contributor to Rosetta Code, I know that we shall feel that as an act of humanity we must solve these puzzles for them in let's say milliseconds.


. 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 . . . . . 0 . . .

Extra credits are available for other interesting designs.

;Related tasks:

  • [[A* search algorithm]]
  • [[Solve a Holy Knight's tour]]
  • [[Knight's tour]]
  • [[N-queens problem]]
  • [[Solve a Hidato puzzle]]
  • [[Solve a Holy Knight's tour]]
  • [[Solve a Numbrix puzzle]]
  • [[Solve the no connection puzzle]]


SolveHopido(Grid, Locked, Max, row, col, num:=1, R:="", C:=""){
	if (R&&C)							; if neighbors (not first iteration)
		Grid[R, C] := ">" num 					; place num in current neighbor and mark it visited ">"
		row:=R, col:=C						; move to current neighbor

	num++								; increment num
	if (num=max)							; if reached end
		return map(Grid)					; return solution

	if locked[num]							; if current num is a locked value
		row := StrSplit((StrSplit(locked[num], ",").1) , ":").1	; find row of num
		col := StrSplit((StrSplit(locked[num], ",").1) , ":").2	; find col of num
		if SolveHopido(Grid, Locked, Max, row, col, num)	; solve for current location and value
			return map(Grid)				; if solved, return solution
		for each, value in StrSplit(Neighbor(row,col), ",")
			R := StrSplit(value, ":").1
			C := StrSplit(value, ":").2

			if (Grid[R,C] = "")				; a hole or out of bounds
			|| InStr(Grid[R, C], ">")			; visited
			|| Locked[num+1] && !(Locked[num+1]~= "\b" R ":" C "\b") ; not neighbor of locked[num+1]
			|| Locked[num-1] && !(Locked[num-1]~= "\b" R ":" C "\b") ; not neighbor of locked[num-1]
			|| Locked[num]					; locked value
			|| Locked[Grid[R, C]]				; locked cell

			if SolveHopido(Grid, Locked, Max, row, col, num, R, C)	; solve for current location, neighbor and value
				return map(Grid)			; if solved, return solution
	num--								; step back
	for i, line in Grid
		for j, element in line
			if InStr(element, ">") && (StrReplace(element, ">") >= num)
				Grid[i, j] := 0
	return Trim( ""
	. ","  row ":" col-3
	. ","  row ":" col+3
	. ","  row-3 ":" col
	. ","  row+3 ":" col

	. ","  row+2 ":" col+2
	. ","  row+2 ":" col-2
	. ","  row-2 ":" col+2
	. ","  row-2 ":" col-2
	, ",")
	for i, row in Grid
		for j, element in row
			line .= (A_Index > 1 ? "`t" : "") element
		map .= (map<>""?"`n":"") line
		line := ""
	return StrReplace(map, ">")


Grid := [["",0 ,0 ,"",0 ,0 ,""]
	,[0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0]
	,[0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0]
	,["",0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,""]
	,["","",0 ,0 ,0 ,"",""]
	,["","","",0 ,"","",""]]
; find locked cells, find max value
Locked := []
max := 1
for i, line in Grid
	for j, element in line
		if (element >= 0)
			max++ 	, list .= i ":" j "`n"

random, rnd, 1, %max%
loop, parse, list, `n, `r
	if (A_Index = rnd)
		row := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ":").1
		col := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ":").2
		Grid[row,col] := 1
		Locked[1] := row ":" col "," Neighbor(row, col)
MsgBox, 262144, ,% SolveHopido(Grid, Locked, Max, row, col)


	17	24		16	25
22	8	11	21	7	10	20
13	2	5	14	1	4	15
	18	23	9	19	26
		12	3	6


#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

struct node
    int val;
    unsigned char neighbors;

class nSolver
	dx[0] = -2; dy[0] = -2; dx[1] = -2; dy[1] =  2;
	dx[2] =  2; dy[2] = -2; dx[3] =  2; dy[3] =  2;
	dx[4] = -3; dy[4] =  0; dx[5] =  3; dy[5] =  0;
	dx[6] =  0; dy[6] = -3; dx[7] =  0; dy[7] =  3;

    void solve( vector<string>& puzz, int max_wid )
	if( puzz.size() < 1 ) return;
	wid = max_wid; hei = static_cast<int>( puzz.size() ) / wid;
	int len = wid * hei, c = 0; max = len;
	arr = new node[len]; memset( arr, 0, len * sizeof( node ) );

	for( vector<string>::iterator i = puzz.begin(); i != puzz.end(); i++ )
	    if( ( *i ) == "*" ) { max--; arr[c++].val = -1; continue; }
	    arr[c].val = atoi( ( *i ).c_str() );

	solveIt(); c = 0;
	for( vector<string>::iterator i = puzz.begin(); i != puzz.end(); i++ )
	    if( ( *i ) == "." )
		ostringstream o; o << arr[c].val;
		( *i ) = o.str();
	delete [] arr;

    bool search( int x, int y, int w )
	if( w > max ) return true;

	node* n = &arr[x + y * wid];
	n->neighbors = getNeighbors( x, y );

	for( int d = 0; d < 8; d++ )
	    if( n->neighbors & ( 1 << d ) )
		int a = x + dx[d], b = y + dy[d];
		if( arr[a + b * wid].val == 0 )
		    arr[a + b * wid].val = w;
		    if( search( a, b, w + 1 ) ) return true;
		    arr[a + b * wid].val = 0;
	return false;

    unsigned char getNeighbors( int x, int y )
	unsigned char c = 0; int a, b;
	for( int xx = 0; xx < 8; xx++ )
	    a = x + dx[xx], b = y + dy[xx];
	    if( a < 0 || b < 0 || a >= wid || b >= hei ) continue;
	    if( arr[a + b * wid].val > -1 ) c |= ( 1 << xx );
	return c;

    void solveIt()
	int x, y, z; findStart( x, y, z );
	if( z == 99999 ) { cout << "\nCan't find start point!\n"; return; }
	search( x, y, z + 1 );

    void findStart( int& x, int& y, int& z )
	for( int b = 0; b < hei; b++ )
	    for( int a = 0; a < wid; a++ )
		if( arr[a + wid * b].val == 0 )
		    x = a; y = b; z = 1;
		    arr[a + wid * b].val = z;

    int wid, hei, max, dx[8], dy[8];
    node* arr;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    int wid; string p;
    p = "* . . * . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . * * * . . . * * * * * . * * *"; wid = 7;
    istringstream iss( p ); vector<string> puzz;
    copy( istream_iterator<string>( iss ), istream_iterator<string>(), back_inserter<vector<string> >( puzz ) );
    nSolver s; s.solve( puzz, wid );
    int c = 0;
    for( vector<string>::iterator i = puzz.begin(); i != puzz.end(); i++ )
	if( ( *i ) != "*" && ( *i ) != "." )
	    if( atoi( ( *i ).c_str() ) < 10 ) cout << "0";
	    cout << ( *i ) << " ";
	else cout << "   ";
	if( ++c >= wid ) { cout << endl; c = 0; }
    cout << endl << endl;
    return system( "pause" );


   01 04    12 03
27 16 19 22 15 18 21
05 08 11 02 07 10 13
   23 26 17 20 25
      06 09 14


The same solver can solve Hidato, Holy Knight's Tour, Hopido and Numbrix puzzles.
The input can be an array of strings if each cell is one character. The length of the first row must be the number of columns in the puzzle.
Any non-numeric value indicates a no-go.
If there are cells that require more characters, then a 2-dimensional array of ints must be used. Any number < 0 indicates a no-go.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Console;
using static System.Math;
using static System.Linq.Enumerable;

public class Solver
    private static readonly (int dx, int dy)[]
        //other puzzle types elided
        hopidoMoves = {(-3,0),(0,-3),(0,3),(3,0),(-2,-2),(-2,2),(2,-2),(2,2)},

    private (int dx, int dy)[] moves;

    public static void Main()
        Print(new Solver(hopidoMoves).Solve(false,

    public Solver(params (int dx, int dy)[] moves) => this.moves = moves;

    public int[,] Solve(bool circular, params string[] puzzle)
        var (board, given, count) = Parse(puzzle);
        return Solve(board, given, count, circular);

    public int[,] Solve(bool circular, int[,] puzzle)
        var (board, given, count) = Parse(puzzle);
        return Solve(board, given, count, circular);

    private int[,] Solve(int[,] board, BitArray given, int count, bool circular)
        var (height, width) = (board.GetLength(0), board.GetLength(1));
        bool solved = false;
        for (int x = 0; x < height && !solved; x++) {
            solved = Range(0, width).Any(y => Solve(board, given, circular, (height, width), (x, y), count, (x, y), 1));
            if (solved) return board;
        return null;

    private bool Solve(int[,] board, BitArray given, bool circular,
        (int h, int w) size, (int x, int y) start, int last, (int x, int y) current, int n)
        var (x, y) = current;
        if (x < 0 || x >= size.h || y < 0 || y >= size.w) return false;
        if (board[x, y] < 0) return false;
        if (given[n - 1]) {
            if (board[x, y] != n) return false;
        } else if (board[x, y] > 0) return false;
        board[x, y] = n;
        if (n == last) {
            if (!circular || AreNeighbors(start, current)) return true;
        for (int i = 0; i < moves.Length; i++) {
            var move = moves[i];
            if (Solve(board, given, circular, size, start, last, (x + move.dx, y + move.dy), n + 1)) return true;
        if (!given[n - 1]) board[x, y] = 0;
        return false;

        bool AreNeighbors((int x, int y) p1, (int x, int y) p2) => moves.Any(m => (p2.x + m.dx, p2.y + m.dy).Equals(p1));

    private static (int[,] board, BitArray given, int count) Parse(string[] input)
        (int height, int width) = (input.Length, input[0].Length);
        int[,] board = new int[height, width];
        int count = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < height; x++) {
            string line = input[x];
            for (int y = 0; y < width; y++) {
                board[x, y] = y < line.Length && char.IsDigit(line[y]) ? line[y] - '0' : -1;
                if (board[x, y] >= 0) count++;
        BitArray given = Scan(board, count, height, width);
        return (board, given, count);

    private static (int[,] board, BitArray given, int count) Parse(int[,] input)
        (int height, int width) = (input.GetLength(0), input.GetLength(1));
        int[,] board = new int[height, width];
        int count = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < height; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < width; y++)
                if ((board[x, y] = input[x, y]) >= 0) count++;
        BitArray given = Scan(board, count, height, width);
        return (board, given, count);

    private static BitArray Scan(int[,] board, int count, int height, int width)
        var given = new BitArray(count + 1);
        for (int x = 0; x < height; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < width; y++)
                if (board[x, y] > 0) given[board[x, y] - 1] = true;
        return given;

    private static void Print(int[,] board)
        if (board == null) {
            WriteLine("No solution");
        } else {
            int w = board.Cast<int>().Where(i => i > 0).Max(i => (int?)Ceiling(Log10(i+1))) ?? 1;
            string e = new string('-', w);
            foreach (int x in Range(0, board.GetLength(0)))
                WriteLine(string.Join(" ", Range(0, board.GetLength(1))
                    .Select(y => board[x, y] < 0 ? e : board[x, y].ToString().PadLeft(w, ' '))));



--  1  8 --  2  7 --
25 22 19 26 23 20 27
 9 16 13 10 17 14 11
--  4 24 21  3  6 --
-- -- 18 15 12 -- --
-- -- --  5 -- -- --


## D

From the refactored C++ version with more precise typing. This tries all possible start positions. The HopidoPuzzle struct is created at compile-time, so its pre-conditions can catch most malformed puzzles at compile-time.

import std.stdio, std.conv, std.string, std.range, std.algorithm, std.typecons;

struct HopidoPuzzle {
    private alias InputCellBaseType = char;
    private enum InputCell : InputCellBaseType { available = '#', unavailable = '.' }
    private alias Cell = uint;
    private enum : Cell { unknownCell = 0, unavailableCell = Cell.max } // Special Cell values.

    // Neighbors, [shift row, shift column].
    private static immutable int[2][8] shifts = [[-2, -2], [2, -2], [-2, 2], [2, 2],
                                                 [ 0, -3], [0,  3], [-3, 0], [3, 0]];

    private immutable size_t gridWidth, gridHeight;
    private immutable Cell nAvailableCells;
    private /*immutable*/ const InputCell[] flatPuzzle;
    private Cell[] grid; // Flattened mutable game grid.

    @disable this();

    this(in string[] rawPuzzle) pure @safe
    in {
        assert(rawPuzzle.all!(row => row.length == rawPuzzle[0].length)); // Is rectangular.

        // Has at least one start point.
    } body {
        //immutable puzzle = rawPuzzle.to!(InputCell[][]);
        immutable puzzle = rawPuzzle.map!representation.array.to!(InputCell[][]);

        gridWidth = puzzle[0].length;
        gridHeight = puzzle.length;
        flatPuzzle = puzzle.join;
        nAvailableCells = flatPuzzle.representation.count!(ic => ic == InputCell.available);

        grid = flatPuzzle
               .map!(ic => ic == InputCell.available ? unknownCell : unavailableCell)

    Nullable!(string[][]) solve() pure /*nothrow*/ @safe
    out(result) {
        if (!result.isNull)
    } body {
        // Try all possible start positions.
        foreach (immutable r; 0 ..  gridHeight) {
            foreach (immutable c; 0 .. gridWidth) {
                immutable pos = r * gridWidth + c;
                if (grid[pos] == unknownCell) {
                    immutable Cell startCell = 1; // To lay the first cell value.
                    grid[pos] = startCell;        // Try.
                    if (search(r, c, startCell + 1)) {
                        auto result = zip(flatPuzzle, grid)
                                      //.map!({p, c} => ...
                                      .map!(pc => (pc[0] == InputCell.available) ?
                                                  pc[1].text :
                        return typeof(return)(result);
                    grid[pos] = unknownCell; // Restore.

        return typeof(return)();

    private bool search(in size_t r, in size_t c, in Cell cell) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
        if (cell > nAvailableCells)
            return true; // One solution found.

        foreach (immutable sh; shifts) {
            immutable r2 = r + sh[0],
                      c2 = c + sh[1],
                      pos = r2 * gridWidth + c2;
            // No need to test for >= 0 because uint wraps around.
            if (c2 < gridWidth && r2 < gridHeight && grid[pos] == unknownCell) {
                grid[pos] = cell;        // Try.
                if (search(r2, c2, cell + 1))
                    return true;
                grid[pos] = unknownCell; // Restore.

        return false;

void main() @safe {
    // enum HopidoPuzzle to catch malformed puzzles at compile-time.
    enum puzzle = ".##.##.

    immutable solution = puzzle.solve; // Solved at run-time.
    if (solution.isNull)
        writeln("No solution found.");
        writefln("One solution:\n%(%-(%2s %)\n%)", solution);


One solution:
 .  1  4  . 12  3  .
27 16 19 22 15 18 21
 5  8 11  2  7 10 13
 . 23 26 17 20 25  .
 .  .  6  9 14  .  .
 .  .  . 24  .  .  .

## Elixir

This solution uses HLPsolver from [[Solve_a_Hidato_puzzle#Elixir | here]]

# require HLPsolver

adjacent = [{-3, 0}, {0, -3}, {0, 3}, {3, 0}, {-2, -2}, {-2, 2}, {2, -2}, {2, 2}]

board = """
. 0 0 . 0 0 .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. 0 0 0 0 0 .
. . 0 0 0 . .
. . . 1 . . .
HLPsolver.solve(board, adjacent)



    0  0     0  0
 0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    0  0  0  0  0
       0  0  0

    5 25    17  3
27 13 10  7 14 11  8
24 21 18  4 22 19 16
    6 26 12  9  2
      23 20 15


## Go


package main

import (

var board = []string{

var moves = [][2]int{
    {-3, 0}, {0, 3}, {3, 0}, {0, -3},
    {2, 2}, {2, -2}, {-2, 2}, {-2, -2},

var grid [][]int

var totalToFill = 0

func solve(r, c, count int) bool {
    if count > totalToFill {
        return true
    nbrs := neighbors(r, c)
    if len(nbrs) == 0 && count != totalToFill {
        return false
    sort.Slice(nbrs, func(i, j int) bool {
        return nbrs[i][2] < nbrs[j][2]

    for _, nb := range nbrs {
        r = nb[0]
        c = nb[1]
        grid[r][c] = count
        if solve(r, c, count+1) {
            return true
        grid[r][c] = 0
    return false

func neighbors(r, c int) (nbrs [][3]int) {
    for _, m := range moves {
        x := m[0]
        y := m[1]
        if grid[r+y][c+x] == 0 {
            num := countNeighbors(r+y, c+x) - 1
            nbrs = append(nbrs, [3]int{r + y, c + x, num})

func countNeighbors(r, c int) int {
    num := 0
    for _, m := range moves {
        if grid[r+m[1]][c+m[0]] == 0 {
    return num

func printResult() {
    for _, row := range grid {
        for _, i := range row {
            if i == -1 {
                fmt.Print("   ")
            } else {
                fmt.Printf("%2d ", i)

func main() {
    nRows := len(board) + 6
    nCols := len(board[0]) + 6
    grid = make([][]int, nRows)
    for r := 0; r < nRows; r++ {
        grid[r] = make([]int, nCols)
        for c := 0; c < nCols; c++ {
            grid[r][c] = -1
        for c := 3; c < nCols-3; c++ {
            if r >= 3 && r < nRows-3 {
                if board[r-3][c-3] == '0' {
                    grid[r][c] = 0
    pos, r, c := -1, 0, 0
    for {
        for {
            r = pos / nCols
            c = pos % nCols
            if grid[r][c] != -1 {
        grid[r][c] = 1
        if solve(r, c, 2) {
        grid[r][c] = 0
        if pos >= nRows*nCols {



             1 22    14 21
         18 10  7 17 11  8 16
          5 24 27  4 23 26 13
             2 19  9 15 20
                6 25 12


==Icon and {{header|Unicon}}==

Minor variant of [[Solve_a_Holy_Knight's_tour]].  Works in Unicon only.

global nCells, cMap, best
record Pos(r,c)

procedure main(A)
    puzzle := showPuzzle("Input",readPuzzle())
    showPuzzle("Output", solvePuzzle(puzzle)) | write("No solution!")

procedure readPuzzle()
    # Start with a reduced puzzle space
    p := [[-1],[-1]]
    nCells := maxCols := 0
    every line := !&input do {
        put(p,[: -1 | -1 | gencells(line) | -1 | -1 :])
        maxCols <:= *p[-1]
    every put(p, [-1]|[-1])
    # Now normalize all rows to the same length
    every i := 1 to *p do p[i] := [: !p[i] | (|-1\(maxCols - *p[i])) :]
    return p

procedure gencells(s)
    static WS, NWS
    initial {
        NWS := ~(WS := " \t")
        cMap := table()     # Map to/from internal model
        cMap["#"] := -1;  cMap["_"] :=  0
        cMap[-1]  := " "; cMap[0]   := "_"

    s ? while not pos(0) do {
            w := (tab(many(WS))|"", tab(many(NWS))) | break
            w := numeric(\cMap[w]|w)
            if -1 ~= w then nCells +:= 1
            suspend w

procedure showPuzzle(label, p)
    write(label," with ",nCells," cells:")
    every r := !p do {
        every c := !r do writes(right((\cMap[c]|c),*nCells+1))
    return p

procedure findStart(p)
    if \p[r := !*p][c := !*p[r]] = 1 then return Pos(r,c)

procedure solvePuzzle(puzzle)
    if path := \best then {
        repeat {
            loc := path.getLoc()
            puzzle[loc.r][loc.c] := path.getVal()
            path := \path.getParent() | break
        return puzzle

class QMouse(puzzle, loc, parent, val)

    method getVal(); return val; end
    method getLoc(); return loc; end
    method getParent(); return parent; end
    method atEnd(); return nCells = val; end

    method visit(r,c)
        if /best & validPos(r,c) then return Pos(r,c)

    method validPos(r,c)
        v := val+1
        xv := (0 <= puzzle[r][c]) | fail
        if xv = (v|0) then {  # make sure this path hasn't already gone there
            ancestor := self
            while xl := (ancestor := \ancestor.getParent()).getLoc() do
                if (xl.r = r) & (xl.c = c) then fail

    val := val+1
    if atEnd() then return best := self
    QMouse(puzzle, visit(loc.r-3,loc.c),   self, val)
    QMouse(puzzle, visit(loc.r-2,loc.c-2), self, val)
    QMouse(puzzle, visit(loc.r,  loc.c-3), self, val)
    QMouse(puzzle, visit(loc.r+2,loc.c-2), self, val)
    QMouse(puzzle, visit(loc.r+3,loc.c),   self, val)
    QMouse(puzzle, visit(loc.r+2,loc.c+2), self, val)
    QMouse(puzzle, visit(loc.r,  loc.c+3), self, val)
    QMouse(puzzle, visit(loc.r-2,loc.c+2), self, val)

Sample run:




## Java

{{works with|Java|8}}

import java.util.*;

public class Hopido {

    final static String[] board = {

    final static int[][] moves = {{-3, 0}, {0, 3}, {3, 0}, {0, -3},
    {2, 2}, {2, -2}, {-2, 2}, {-2, -2}};
    static int[][] grid;
    static int totalToFill;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int nRows = board.length + 6;
        int nCols = board[0].length() + 6;

        grid = new int[nRows][nCols];

        for (int r = 0; r < nRows; r++) {
            Arrays.fill(grid[r], -1);
            for (int c = 3; c < nCols - 3; c++)
                if (r >= 3 && r < nRows - 3) {
                    if (board[r - 3].charAt(c - 3) == '0') {
                        grid[r][c] = 0;

        int pos = -1, r, c;
        do {
            do {
                r = pos / nCols;
                c = pos % nCols;
            } while (grid[r][c] == -1);

            grid[r][c] = 1;
            if (solve(r, c, 2))
            grid[r][c] = 0;

        } while (pos < nRows * nCols);


    static boolean solve(int r, int c, int count) {
        if (count > totalToFill)
            return true;

        List nbrs = neighbors(r, c);

        if (nbrs.isEmpty() && count != totalToFill)
            return false;

        Collections.sort(nbrs, (a, b) -> a[2] - b[2]);

        for (int[] nb : nbrs) {
            r = nb[0];
            c = nb[1];
            grid[r][c] = count;
            if (solve(r, c, count + 1))
                return true;
            grid[r][c] = 0;

        return false;

    static List neighbors(int r, int c) {
        List nbrs = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int[] m : moves) {
            int x = m[0];
            int y = m[1];
            if (grid[r + y][c + x] == 0) {
                int num = countNeighbors(r + y, c + x) - 1;
                nbrs.add(new int[]{r + y, c + x, num});
        return nbrs;

    static int countNeighbors(int r, int c) {
        int num = 0;
        for (int[] m : moves)
            if (grid[r + m[1]][c + m[0]] == 0)
        return num;

    static void printResult() {
        for (int[] row : grid) {
            for (int i : row) {
                if (i == -1)
                    System.out.printf("%2s ", ' ');
                    System.out.printf("%2d ", i);


             1 22    14 21
         18 10  7 17 11  8 16
          5 24 27  4 23 26 13
             2 19  9 15 20
                6 25 12

## Julia

Uses the Hidato puzzle solver module, which has its source code listed [[Solve_a_Hidato_puzzle#Julia | here]] in the Hadato task.

using .Hidato       # Note that the . here means to look locally for the module rather than in the libraries

const hopid = """
 . 0 0 . 0 0 .
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 . 0 0 0 0 0 .
 . . 0 0 0 . .
 . . . 0 . . . """

const hopidomoves = [[-3, 0], [0, -3], [-2, -2], [-2, 2], [2, -2], [0, 3], [3, 0], [2, 2]]

board, maxmoves, fixed, starts = hidatoconfigure(hopid)
printboard(board, " 0", "  ")
hidatosolve(board, maxmoves, hopidomoves, fixed, starts[1][1], starts[1][2], 1)


   0 0   0 0
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   0 0 0 0 0
     0 0 0

     4 15     5 16
  1 22 25  2 21 24 27
 14 11  8 17 12  9  6
     3 20 23 26 19
       13 10  7


## Kotlin


// version 1.2.0

val board = listOf(

val moves = listOf(
    -3 to 0, 0 to  3,  3 to 0,  0 to -3,
     2 to 2, 2 to -2, -2 to 2, -2 to -2

lateinit var grid: List
var totalToFill = 0

fun solve(r: Int, c: Int, count: Int): Boolean {
    if (count > totalToFill) return true
    val nbrs = neighbors(r, c)
    if (nbrs.isEmpty() && count != totalToFill) return false
    nbrs.sortBy { it[2] }
    for (nb in nbrs) {
        val rr = nb[0]
        val cc = nb[1]
        grid[rr][cc] = count
        if (solve(rr, cc, count + 1)) return true
        grid[rr][cc] = 0
    return false

fun neighbors(r: Int, c: Int): MutableList {
    val nbrs = mutableListOf()
    for (m in moves) {
        val x = m.first
        val y = m.second
        if (grid[r + y][c + x] == 0) {
            val num = countNeighbors(r + y, c + x) - 1
            nbrs.add(intArrayOf(r + y, c + x, num))
    return nbrs

fun countNeighbors(r: Int, c: Int): Int {
    var num = 0
    for (m in moves)
        if (grid[r + m.second][c + m.first] == 0) num++
    return num

fun printResult() {
    for (row in grid) {
        for (i in row) {
            print(if (i == -1) "   " else "%2d ".format(i))

fun main(args: Array) {
    val nRows = board.size + 6
    val nCols = board[0].length + 6
    grid = List(nRows) { IntArray(nCols) { -1} }
    for (r in 0 until nRows) {
        for (c in 3 until nCols - 3) {
            if (r in 3 until nRows - 3) {
                if (board[r - 3][c - 3] == '0') {
                    grid[r][c] = 0
    var pos = -1
    var rr: Int
    var cc: Int
    do {
        do {
            rr = pos / nCols
            cc = pos % nCols
        while (grid[rr][cc] == -1)

        grid[rr][cc] = 1
        if (solve(rr, cc, 2)) break
        grid[rr][cc] = 0
    while (pos < nRows * nCols)




             1 22    14 21
         18 10  7 17 11  8 16
          5 24 27  4 23 26 13
             2 19  9 15 20
                6 25 12


## Perl


use strict;             # http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Solve_a_Hopido_puzzle
use warnings;

$_ = do { local $/;  };
s/./$&$&/g;             # double chars
my $w = /\n/ && $-[0];
my $wd = 3 * $w + 1;    # vertical gap
my $wr = 2 * $w + 8;    # down right gap
my $wl = 2 * $w - 8;    # down left gap
place($_, '00');
die "No solution\n";

sub place
  (local $_, my $last) = @_;
  (my $new = $last)++;
  /$last.{10}(?=00)/g   and place( s/\G00/$new/r, $new ); # right
  /(?=00.{10}$last)/g   and place( s/\G00/$new/r, $new ); # left
  /$last.{$wd}(?=00)/gs and place( s/\G00/$new/r, $new ); # down
  /(?=00.{$wd}$last)/gs and place( s/\G00/$new/r, $new ); # up
  /$last.{$wr}(?=00)/gs and place( s/\G00/$new/r, $new ); # down right
  /(?=00.{$wr}$last)/gs and place( s/\G00/$new/r, $new ); # up left
  /$last.{$wl}(?=00)/gs and place( s/\G00/$new/r, $new ); # down left
  /(?=00.{$wl}$last)/gs and place( s/\G00/$new/r, $new ); # up right
  /00/ and return;
  print "Solution\n\n", s/  / /gr =~ s/0\B/ /gr;

. 0 0 . 0 0 .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. 0 0 0 0 0 .
. . 0 0 0 . .
. . . 0 . . .




..  2 24 ..  1 25 ..
 7 10 13  6  9 12  5
15 22 19 16 23 20 17
..  3  8 11  4 26 ..
.. .. 14 21 18 .. ..
.. .. .. 27 .. .. ..


## Perl 6

This uses a Warnsdorff solver, which cuts down the number of tries by more than a factor of six over the brute force approach. This same solver is used in:

* [[Solve a Hidato puzzle#Perl_6|Solve a Hidato puzzle]]
* [[Solve a Hopido puzzle#Perl_6|Solve a Hopido puzzle]]
* [[Solve a Holy Knight's tour#Perl_6|Solve a Holy Knight's tour]]
* [[Solve a Numbrix puzzle#Perl_6|Solve a Numbrix puzzle]]
* [[Solve the no connection puzzle#Perl_6|Solve the no connection puzzle]]

my @adjacent = [3, 0],
      [2, -2],         [2, 2],
   [0, -3],                [0, 3],
      [-2, -2],        [-2, 2],
               [-3, 0];

solveboard q:to/END/;
    . _ _ . _ _ .
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    . _ _ _ _ _ .
    . . _ _ _ . .
    . . . 1 . . .

sub solveboard($board) {
    my $max = +$board.comb(/\w+/);
    my $width = $max.chars;

    my @grid;
    my @known;
    my @neigh;
    my @degree;

    @grid = $board.lines.map: -> $line {
        [ $line.words.map: { /^_/ ?? 0 !! /^\./ ?? Rat !! $_ } ]

    sub neighbors($y,$x --> List) {
        eager gather for @adjacent {
            my $y1 = $y + .[0];
            my $x1 = $x + .[1];
            take [$y1,$x1] if defined @grid[$y1][$x1];

    for ^@grid -> $y {
        for ^@grid[$y] -> $x {
            if @grid[$y][$x] -> $v {
                @known[$v] = [$y,$x];
            if @grid[$y][$x].defined {
                @neigh[$y][$x] = neighbors($y,$x);
                @degree[$y][$x] = +@neigh[$y][$x];
    print "\e[0H\e[0J";

    my $tries = 0;

    try_fill 1, @known[1];

    sub try_fill($v, $coord [$y,$x] --> Bool) {
        return True if $v > $max;

        my $old = @grid[$y][$x];

        return False if +$old and $old != $v;
        return False if @known[$v] and @known[$v] !eqv $coord;

        @grid[$y][$x] = $v;               # conjecture grid value

        print "\e[0H";                    # show conjectured board
        for @grid -> $r {
            say do for @$r {
                when Rat { ' ' x $width }
                when 0   { '_' x $width }
                default  { .fmt("%{$width}d") }

        my @neighbors = @neigh[$y][$x][];

        my @degrees;
        for @neighbors -> \n [$yy,$xx] {
            my $d = --@degree[$yy][$xx];  # conjecture new degrees
            push @degrees[$d], n;         # and categorize by degree

        for @degrees.grep(*.defined) -> @ties {
            for @ties.reverse {           # reverse works better for this hidato anyway
                return True if try_fill $v + 1, $_;

        for @neighbors -> [$yy,$xx] {
            ++@degree[$yy][$xx];          # undo degree conjectures

        @grid[$y][$x] = $old;             # undo grid value conjecture
        return False;

    say "$tries tries";


   21  4    20  3
26 12 15 25 11 14 24
17  6  9 18  5  8 19
   22 27 13 23  2
      16  7 10
59 tries

## Phix

Simple brute force approach.

sequence board

integer limit, tries

constant ROW = 1, COL = 2
constant moves = {{-2,-2},{-2,2},{2,-2},{2,2},{-3,0},{3,0},{0,-3},{0,3}}

function solve(integer row, integer col, integer n)
integer nrow, ncol
    tries+= 1
    if n>limit then return 1 end if
    for move=1 to length(moves) do
        nrow = row+moves[move][ROW]
        ncol = col+moves[move][COL]*3
        if nrow>=1 and nrow<=length(board)
        and ncol>=1 and ncol<=length(board[row])
        and board[nrow][ncol]=' ' then
            board[nrow][ncol-1..ncol] = sprintf("%2d",n)
            if solve(nrow,ncol,n+1) then return 1 end if
            board[nrow][ncol-1..ncol] = "  "
        end if
    end for
    return 0
end function

procedure Hopido(sequence s, integer w, integer h)
integer x, y
atom t0 = time()
    board = split(s,'\n')
    limit = 0
    for x=1 to h do
        for y=3 to w*3 by 3 do
            if board[x][y]='0' then
                board[x][y] = ' '
                limit += 1
            end if
        end for
    end for
    while 1 do
        x = rand(h)
        y = rand(w)*3
        if board[x][y]=' ' then exit end if
    end while
    board[x][y] = '1'
    tries = 0
    if solve(x,y,2) then
        printf(1,"\nsolution found in %d tries (%3.2fs)\n",{tries,time()-t0})
        puts(1,"no solutions found\n")
    end if
end procedure

constant board1 = """
  .  0  0  .  0  0  .
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
  .  0  0  0  0  0  .
  .  .  0  0  0  .  .
  .  .  .  0  .  .  ."""

The best and worse cases observed were:


  . 13 22  . 14 11  .
  6  3 25  7  4  1 27
 23 20 17 12 21 18 15
  .  8  5  2 26 10  .
  .  . 24 19 16  .  .
  .  .  .  9  .  .  .
solution found in 46 tries (0.00s)
  . 20 11  . 19 22  .
  2  5  8  1  4  7 27
 10 13 16 21 12 15 18
  . 25  3  6 26 23  .
  .  .  9 14 17  .  .
  .  .  . 24  .  .  .
solution found in 67702 tries (0.09s)


## Python


from sys import stdout

neighbours = [[2, 2], [-2, 2], [2, -2], [-2, -2], [3, 0], [0, 3], [-3, 0], [0, -3]]
cnt = 0
pWid = 0
pHei = 0

def is_valid(a, b):
    return -1 < a < pWid and -1 < b < pHei

def iterate(pa, x, y, v):
    if v > cnt:
        return 1

    for i in range(len(neighbours)):
        a = x + neighbours[i][0]
        b = y + neighbours[i][1]
        if is_valid(a, b) and pa[a][b] == 0:
            pa[a][b] = v
            r = iterate(pa, a, b, v + 1)
            if r == 1:
                return r
            pa[a][b] = 0
    return 0

def solve(pz, w, h):
    global cnt, pWid, pHei

    pa = [[-1 for j in range(h)] for i in range(w)]
    f = 0
    pWid = w
    pHei = h
    for j in range(h):
        for i in range(w):
            if pz[f] == "1":
                pa[i][j] = 0
                cnt += 1
            f += 1

    for y in range(h):
        for x in range(w):
            if pa[x][y] == 0:
                pa[x][y] = 1
                if 1 == iterate(pa, x, y, 2):
                    return 1, pa
                pa[x][y] = 0

    return 0, pa

r = solve("011011011111111111111011111000111000001000", 7, 6)
if r[0] == 1:
    for j in range(6):
        for i in range(7):
            if r[1][i][j] == -1:
                stdout.write("   ")
                stdout.write(" {:0{}d}".format(r[1][i][j], 2))
    stdout.write("No solution!")


    01 25    17 03
 27 13 10 07 14 11 08
 24 21 18 02 22 19 16
    06 26 12 09 04
       23 20 15


## Racket

This solution uses the module "hidato-family-solver.rkt" from
[[Solve a Numbrix puzzle#Racket]]. The difference between the two is
essentially the neighbourhood function.

#lang racket
(require "hidato-family-solver.rkt")

(define hoppy-moore-neighbour-offsets
  '((+3 0) (-3 0) (0 +3) (0 -3) (+2 +2) (-2 -2) (-2 +2) (+2 -2)))

(define solve-hopido (solve-hidato-family hoppy-moore-neighbour-offsets))

   #(#(_ 0 0 _ 0 0 _)
     #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
     #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
     #(_ 0 0 0 0 0 _)
     #(_ _ 0 0 0 _ _)
     #(_ _ _ 0 _ _ _)))))



 _  2 20  _  3 19  _
 7 10 13  6  9 12  5
15 22 25 16 21 24 27
 _  1  8 11  4 18  _
 _  _ 14 23 26  _  _
 _  _  _ 17  _  _  _


This REXX program is a slightly modified version of the REXX    '''Hidato'''   program.

No particular effort was made to reduce the elapsed time in solving the puzzle.

/*REXX program solves a Hopido puzzle,  it also displays the puzzle  and  the solution. */
call time 'Reset'                                /*reset the REXX elapsed timer to zero.*/
maxR=0;    maxC=0;    maxX=0;     minR=9e9;      minC=9e9;    minX=9e9;    cells=0;    @.=
parse arg xxx                                    /*get the cell definitions from the CL.*/
xxx=translate(xxx, , "/\;:_", ',')               /*also allow other characters as comma.*/

               do  while xxx\='';       parse var  xxx    r  c  marks  ','  xxx
                   do  while marks\='';               [email protected]
                   parse var  marks  x  marks
                   if datatype(x,'N')   then  x=x/1                   /*normalize   X.  */
                   minR=min(minR,r); maxR=max(maxR,r);  minC=min(minC,c); maxC=max(maxC,c)
                   if x==1   then do;  !r=r;  !c=c;  end              /*the START cell. */
                   if _\=='' then call err "cell at"  r  c  'is already occupied with:' _
                   @.r.c=x;   c=c+1;    cells=cells+1                 /*assign a mark.  */
                   if x==.              then iterate                  /*is a hole?  Skip*/
                   if \datatype(x,'W')  then call err 'illegal marker specified:' x
                   minX=min(minX,x);    maxX=max(maxX,x)              /*min and max  X. */
                   end   /*while marks¬='' */
               end       /*while xxx  ¬='' */
call show                                        /* [↓]  is used for making fast moves. */
Nr = '0  3   0  -3    -2   2   2  -2'            /*possible  row     for the next move. */
Nc = '3  0  -3   0     2  -2   2  -2'            /*   "      column   "   "    "    "   */
pMoves=words(Nr)                                 /*the number of possible moves.  */
                   do i=1  for pMoves;   Nr.i=word(Nr, i);   Nc.i=word(Nc,i);   end  /*i*/
if \next(2,!r,!c)  then call err  'No solution possible for this Hopido puzzle.'
say 'A solution for the Hopido exists.';      say;               call show
etime= format(time('Elapsed'), , 2)              /*obtain the elapsed time (in seconds).*/
if etime<.1  then say 'and took less than  1/10  of a second.'
             else say 'and took'       etime         "seconds."
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
err:  say;      say '***error*** (from Hopido): '  arg(1);          say;           exit 13
next: procedure expose @. Nr. Nc. cells pMoves;  parse arg #,r,c;   ##=#+1
           do t=1  for pMoves                                   /* [↓]  try some moves. */
           parse value  r+Nr.t c+Nc.t  with nr nc  /*next move coördinates*/
           if @.nr.nc==.  then do;                @.nr.nc=#     /*let's try this move.  */
                               if #==cells        then leave    /*is this the last move?*/
                               if next(##,nr,nc)  then return 1
                               @.nr.nc=.                        /*undo the above move.  */
                               iterate                          /*go & try another move.*/
           if @.nr.nc==#  then do                               /*this a fill-in move ? */
                               if #==cells        then return 1 /*this is the last move.*/
                               if next(##,nr,nc)  then return 1 /*a fill-in move.       */
           end   /*t*/
return 0                                                        /*This ain't working.   */
show: if maxR<1 | maxC<1  then call err  'no legal cell was specified.'
      if minX<1           then call err  'no  1  was specified for the puzzle start'
      w=max(2,length(cells));  do    r=maxR  to minR  by -1; _=
                                  do c=minC  to maxC;        _=_ right(@.r.c,w); end /*c*/
                               say _
                               end   /*r*/
      say;    return

'''output'''   when the input is:

 1 4 1 \2 3 . . . \3 2 . . . . . \4 1 . . . . . . . \5 1 . . . . . . . \6 2 . . \6 5 . . 


     .  .     .  .
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
     .  .  .  .  .
        .  .  .

A solution for the Hopido exists.

     5 12     4 11
  8 22 25  7 21 24 27
 13 16 19  2 15 18  3
     6  9 23 26 10
       14 17 20

and took less than  1/10  of a second.


## Ruby

This solution uses HLPsolver from [[Solve_a_Hidato_puzzle#With_Warnsdorff | here]]

require 'HLPsolver'

ADJACENT = [[-3, 0], [0, -3], [0, 3], [3, 0], [-2, -2], [-2, 2], [2, -2], [2, 2]]

board1 = <=0}]
	if {![info exist start]} {
	    return -code error "no starting position found"
    method moves {} {
	return {
	            0 -3
	      -2 -2      -2 2
	    -3 0            3 0
              -2 2        2 2
	            0 3
    method Moves {g r c} {
	set valid {}
	foreach {dr dc} [my moves] {
	    set R [expr {$r + $dr}]
	    set C [expr {$c + $dc}]
	    if {[lindex $g $R $C] == 0} {
		lappend valid $R $C
	return $valid

    method Solve {g r c v} {
	lset g $r $c [incr v]
	if {$v >= $limit} {return $g}
	foreach {r c} [my Moves $g $r $c] {
	    return [my Solve $g $r $c $v]
	return -code continue

    method solve {} {
	while {[incr i]==1} {
	    set grid [my Solve $grid {*}$start 0]
	return -code error "solution not possible"
    method solution {} {return $grid}

proc parsePuzzle {str} {
    foreach line [split $str "\n"] {
	if {[string trim $line] eq ""} continue
	lappend rows [lmap {- c} [regexp -all -inline {(.)\s?} $line] {
	    string map {" " -1 "." -1} $c
    set len [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap r $rows {llength $r}]]
    for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $rows]} {incr i} {
	while {[llength [lindex $rows $i]] < $len} {
	    lset rows $i end+1 -1
    return $rows
proc showPuzzle {grid name} {
    foreach row $grid {foreach cell $row {incr c [expr {$cell>=0}]}}
    set len [string length $c]
    set u [string repeat "_" $len]
    puts "$name with $c cells"
    foreach row $grid {
	puts [format "  %s" [join [lmap c $row {
	    format "%*s" $len [if {$c==-1} list elseif {$c==0} {set u} {set c}]
set puzzle [parsePuzzle {
. 0 0 . 0 0 .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. 0 0 0 0 0 .
. . 0 0 0 . .
. . . 1 . . .
showPuzzle $puzzle "Input"
HopidoSolver create hop $puzzle
hop solve
showPuzzle [hop solution] "Output"



Input with 27 cells
     __ __    __ __
  __ __ __ __ __ __ __
  __ __ __ __ __ __ __
     __ __ __ __ __
        __ __ __
Output with 27 cells
      3  6    23  7
  27 11 14 26 10 13 25
   5 17 20  4 16 19 22
      2  9 12 24  8
        15 18 21


## zkl

This solution uses the code from [[Solve_a_Numbrix_puzzle#zkl]]

hi:=  // 0==empty cell, X==not a cell
"   X 0 0 X 0 0 X
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    X 0 0 0 0 0 X
    X X 0 0 0 X X
    X X X 0 X X X";
adjacent:=T( T(-3,0),
      T(-2,-2),   T(-2,2),
    T(0,-3),         T(0,3),
       T(2,-2),   T(2,2),
             T(3,0) );




Number of cells = 27
   __ __    __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
   __ __ __ __ __
      __ __ __

    1  8     2  9
12 24 21 13 25 22 14
19  6  3 18  7  4 27
   16 11 23 15 10
      20  5 26

