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{{task|Sorting}} When sorting records in a table by a particular column or field, a [[wp:Stable_sort#Stability|stable sort]] will always retain the relative order of records that have the same key.
For example, in this table of countries and cities, a stable sort on the '''second''' column, the cities, would keep the US Birmingham above the UK Birmingham. (Although an unstable sort ''might'', in this case, place the US Birmingham above the UK Birmingham, a stable sort routine would ''guarantee'' it).
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
Similarly, stable sorting on just the first column would generate “UK London” as the first item and “US Birmingham” as the last item (since the order of the elements having the same first word – “UK” or “US” – would be maintained).
#Examine the documentation on any in-built sort routines supplied by a language. #Indicate if an in-built routine is supplied #If supplied, indicate whether or not the in-built routine is stable.
(This [[wp:Stable_sort#Comparison_of_algorithms|Wikipedia table]] shows the stability of some common sort routines).
[[Ada 83]] and [[Ada 95]] do not provide a standard sort utility.
[[Ada 2005]] provides two generic procedures for sorting arrays. One (Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort
) is for unconstrained array types and one (Ada.Containers.Generic_Constrained_Array_Sort
) is for constrained array types.
Both are not guaranteed stable and in all implementation they are not.
Also, Vectors
and Doubly_Linked_Lists
containers have their own internal generic sort. Doubly_Linked_Lists
sort is stable.
Autohotkey has got a build-in sorting method for tables, which is stable.
Table =
UK, London
US, New York
US, Birmingham
UK, Birmingham
Gui, Margin, 6
Gui, -MinimizeBox
Gui, Add, ListView, r5 w260 Grid, Orig.Position|Country|City
Loop, Parse, Table, `n, `r
StringSplit, out, A_LoopField, `,, %A_Space%
LV_Add("", A_Index, out1, out2)
LV_ModifyCol(1, "77 Center")
LV_ModifyCol(2, "100 Center")
LV_ModifyCol(3, 79)
Gui, Add, Button, w80, Restore Order
Gui, Add, Button, x+10 wp, Sort Countries
Gui, Add, Button, x+10 wp, Sort Cities
Gui, Show,, Sort stability
LV_ModifyCol(1, "Sort")
LV_ModifyCol(2, "Sort")
LV_ModifyCol(3, "Sort")
# syntax: GAWK -f SORT_STABILITY.AWK [-v width=x] -v field=x SORT_STABILITY.TXT
# sort by country: GAWK -f SORT_STABILITY.AWK -v field=1 SORT_STABILITY.TXT
# sort by city: GAWK -f SORT_STABILITY.AWK -v field=2 SORT_STABILITY.TXT
# awk sort is not stable. Stability may be achieved by appending the
# record number, I.E. NR, to each key.
FIELDWIDTHS = "4 20" # 2 fields: country city
PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_str_asc"
if (width == "") {
width = 6
{ arr[$field sprintf("%0*d",width,NR)] = $0 }
if (length(NR) > width) {
printf("error: sort may still be unstable; change width to %d\n",length(NR))
printf("after sorting on field %d:\n",field)
for (i in arr) {
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
after sorting on field 1:
UK London
UK Birmingham
US New York
US Birmingham
after sorting on field 2:
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
UK London
US New York
{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}} The supplied SORTLIB library currently uses a Shell Sort, so it is not stable.
There is no built-in function in C ''language''. stdlib
which comes with any C ''implementation'' is required to provide a [[wp:Qsort|qsort()
]] routine that can sort arbitrary datatypes. Although the sorting algorithm is not specified, most (all?) implementions use a combined quicksort/insertion sort method for efficiency. Quicksort is by nature unstable.
C++ standard library's [http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/sort.html std::sort()] function is not guaranteed stable. The stable analog of it is the [http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/stable_sort.html std::stable_sort()] function. In addition, [http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/List.html std::list]'s sort() method is guaranteed stable.
The .NET library documentation for Array.Sort() says that it uses quicksort and is unstable.[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/kwx6zbd4.aspx#remarksToggle]
Clojure's ''sort'' and ''sort-by'' functions are implemented using Java's ''java.utils.Array.sort'' methods, which are guaranteed stable.
The SORT statement causes a set of records or table elements to be arranged in a user-specified sequence.
If the DUPLICATES phrase is specified and the contents of all the key data items associated with one record or table element are equal to the contents of the corresponding key data items associated with one or more other records or table elements, the order of return of these records or the relative order of the contents of these table elements is:
a) The order of the associated input files as specified in the SORT statement. Within a given input file the order is that in which the records are accessed from that file.
b) The order in which these records are released by an input procedure, when an input procedure is specified.
c) The relative order of the contents of these table elements before sorting takes place.
When the DUPLICATES phrase is used, the sort is stable.
Common Lisp
Common Lisp provides the two functions [http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_sort_.htm sort
and stable-sort
Each of these functions can sort arbitrary objects using a given predicate function, the input to which can be altered by the optional key
(eg; sorting file names based upon file sizes, the predicate might be <
and the key
could be a function that transforms the file's name into its size)
In the std.algorithm Phobos v.2 module there is SwapStrategy that defines the swapping strategy for algorithms like sort and partition.
Unstable, stable and semistable (in algorithms that partition ranges in two, semistable preserves stability on just the left of the partition point) are supported.
=={{header|Déjà Vu}}==
The included sorting algorithm, sort
, is stable.
Enum.sort and Enum.sort_by of Elixir are stable. These functions use merge sort algorithm. The sorting algorithm will be stable as long as the given function returns true for values considered equal:
cities = [ {"UK", "London"}, {"US", "New York"}, {"US", "Birmingham"}, {"UK", "Birmingham"} ] IO.inspect Enum.sort(cities) IO.inspect Enum.sort(cities, fn a,b -> elem(a,0) >= elem(b,0) end) IO.inspect Enum.sort_by(cities, fn {country, _city} -> country end) IO.inspect Enum.sort_by(cities, fn {_country, city} -> city end)
[{"UK", "Birmingham"}, {"UK", "London"}, {"US", "Birmingham"}, {"US", "New York"}]
[{"US", "New York"}, {"US", "Birmingham"}, {"UK", "London"}, {"UK", "Birmingham"}]
[{"UK", "London"}, {"UK", "Birmingham"}, {"US", "New York"}, {"US", "Birmingham"}]
[{"US", "Birmingham"}, {"UK", "Birmingham"}, {"UK", "London"}, {"US", "New York"}]
'''Note:''' If the function does not return true, the sorting is not stable and the order of equal terms may be shuffled:
IO.inspect Enum.sort(cities, fn a,b -> elem(a,0) > elem(b,0) end)
[{"US", "Birmingham"}, {"US", "New York"}, {"UK", "Birmingham"}, {"UK", "London"}]
The function lists:sort/1 is not documented as stable. The function lists:keysort/2 is documented as stable.
The sorting
vocabulary implements a stable sort. [http://docs.factorcode.org/content/article-sequences-sorting.html sorting
The language does not offer an in-built sort facility. Numerous libraries exist, which may or may not have documentation on their sort routine's stability.
[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee370375.aspx Array.sort
] is not stable.
[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee370323.aspx List.sort
] and [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee353483.aspx Seq.sort
] are stable.
# According to section 21.18 of the reference manual, Sort is not stable (it's a Shell sort).
# However, SortingPerm is stable. We will see it on an example, showing indexes of elements after the sort.
n := 20;
L := List([1 .. n], i -> Random("AB"));
p := SortingPerm(L);
# (3,10,15,17,18,19,9,14,7,13,6,12,16,8,4)(5,11)
a := Permuted(L, p);;
b := Permuted([1 .. n], p);;
PrintArray(TransposedMat(List([1 .. n], i -> [a[i], b[i]])));
# [ [ 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B' ],
# [ 1, 2, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 20 ] ]
New to Go 1.2 is the function Stable() in the sort package and is documented to be a stable sort. Other sort functions are documented to have no guarantee of stability.
Groovy's [http://groovy.codehaus.org/groovy-jdk/java/util/Collection.html#sort() Collection.sort()], Object[].[http://groovy.codehaus.org/groovy-jdk/java/lang/Object%5b%5d.html#sort() sort()], [http://groovy.codehaus.org/groovy-jdk/java/util/Map.html#sort() Map.sort()], and their various and sundry overloads all use the same stable sort algorithm.
Example: {{trans|Java}} {{works with|Groovy|1.8.1}}
def cityList = ['UK London', 'US New York', 'US Birmingham', 'UK Birmingham',].asImmutable() [ 'Sort by city': { city -> city[4..-1] }, 'Sort by country': { city -> city[0..3] }, ].each{ String label, Closure orderBy -> println "\n\nBefore ${label}" cityList.each { println it } println "\nAfter ${label}" cityList.sort(false, orderBy).each{ println it } }
Before Sort by city
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
After Sort by city
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
UK London
US New York
Before Sort by country
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
After Sort by country
UK London
UK Birmingham
US New York
US Birmingham
Haskell's sort and sortBy functions are guaranteed stable.[http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/list.html#sect17.3]
=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}== Icon and Unicon use Quick Sort internally. As described in [http://unicon.sourceforge.net/book/ib.pdf The Implementation of Icon and Unicon: a Compendium]] sorting is done by the standard C library routine qsort which is not guaranteed to be stable.
Note(1): The built-in sort handles lists of mixed types by sorting first by type and then value. No coercion of types is performed. The sort order of types is: &null, integer, real, string, cset, procedure, list, set, table, record.
J's grade primitive /:
, and therefore its sort (such as /:~
), are guaranteed stable.
From the [http://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/d422.htm dictionary page] for /:
: "Elements of /:y that select equal elements of y are in ascending order."
Java's [http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Collections.html#sort(java.util.List) Collections.sort()] and [http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Arrays.html#sort(java.lang.Object%5B%5D) Arrays.sort()] methods are guaranteed stable.
The following sample demonstrates Java's sort stability:
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; public class RJSortStability { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] cityList = { "UK London", "US New York", "US Birmingham", "UK Birmingham", }; String[] cn = cityList.clone(); System.out.println("\nBefore sort:"); for (String city : cn) { System.out.println(city); } // sort by city Arrays.sort(cn, new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String lft, String rgt) { return lft.substring(4).compareTo(rgt.substring(4)); } }); System.out.println("\nAfter sort on city:"); for (String city : cn) { System.out.println(city); } cn = cityList.clone(); System.out.println("\nBefore sort:"); for (String city : cn) { System.out.println(city); } // sort by country Arrays.sort(cn, new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String lft, String rgt) { return lft.substring(0, 2).compareTo(rgt.substring(0, 2)); } }); System.out.println("\nAfter sort on country:"); for (String city : cn) { System.out.println(city); } System.out.println(); } }
Before sort:
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
After sort on city:
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
UK London
US New York
Before sort:
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
After sort on country:
UK London
UK Birmingham
US New York
US Birmingham
The ECMA standard does not specify what sorting algorithm to use, so it depends upon the implementation.
ary = [["UK", "London"], ["US", "New York"], ["US", "Birmingham"], ["UK", "Birmingham"]] print(ary); ary.sort(function(a,b){return (a[1]<b[1] ? -1 : (a[1]>b[1] ? 1 : 0))}); print(ary); /* a stable sort will output ["US", "Birmingham"] before ["UK", "Birmingham"] */
Stable implementations: {{works with|SpiderMonkey|1.8}} {{works with|Firefox|3}} {{works with|Internet Explorer|6}} {{works with|JScript|5.7}} {{works with|OSSP js}}
UK,London,US,New York,US,Birmingham,UK,Birmingham
US,Birmingham,UK,Birmingham,UK,London,US,New York
Not stable: {{works with|Rhino|1.7 rel 2}} {{works with|Google Chrome|3.0}}
UK,London,US,New York,US,Birmingham,UK,Birmingham
UK,Birmingham,US,Birmingham,UK,London,US,New York
As of January 18, 2016 (Commit SHA 7835a72), the builtin sorting filters (notably sort/0 and sort_by/1) are stable; prior to that, stability was platform-dependent. This means that stability is NOT guaranteed in jq 1.5 or earlier. In the following, a version of jq with sorting stability has been used.
[["UK", "London"],
["US", "New York"],
["US", "Birmingham"],
["UK", "Birmingham"]]
| sort_by(.[1])
$ jq -c -n -f rc-sort-stability.jq
[["US","Birmingham"],["UK","Birmingham"],["UK","London"],["US","New York"]]
Julia's built-in sort
function is documented to be stable by default (although non-stable sort algorithms can optionally be selected).
julia> A = [("UK", "London"), ("US", "New York"), ("US", "Birmingham"), ("UK", "Birmingham")];
julia> sort(A, by=x -> x[2])
4-element Array{(ASCIIString,ASCIIString),1}:
("US","New York")
The collections in Kotlin's standard library are thin wrappers around the corresponding JDK collections and, since the latter's sort methods are stable, so too are Kotlin's standard sort functions.
// version 1.1.51 fun main(args: Array<String>) { val cities = listOf("UK London", "US New York", "US Birmingham", "UK Birmingham") println("Original : $cities") // sort by country println("By country : ${cities.sortedBy { it.take(2) } }") // sort by city println("By city : ${cities.sortedBy { it.drop(3) } }") }
Original : [UK London, US New York, US Birmingham, UK Birmingham]
By country : [UK London, UK Birmingham, US New York, US Birmingham]
By city : [US Birmingham, UK Birmingham, UK London, US New York]
Arrays can be sorted in two “built in" ways in Lasso:
//Single param array:
//An array of pairs, order by the right hand element of the pair:
with i in array order by #i->second do => { … }
//The array can also be ordered by multiple values:
with i in array order by #i->second, #i->first do => { … }
Sorting of arrays by either method uses “Qucksort” and is therefore unstable. A simulation of increasing sort stability would be introduced with additional params such as the example of ordering by the second then the first pair values in the example above - but would not be guaranteed stable.
- Note this explanation of sorting does not cover ordering by properties of complex objects, which is also possible using query expressions.
Sort by second value only:
local(a = array('UK'='London','US'='New York','US'='Birmingham','UK'='Birmingham'))
with i in #a order by #i->second do => {^ #i->first+' - '+#i->second+'\r' ^}
US - Birmingham
UK - Birmingham
UK - London
US - New York
Sort by second then by first:
local(a = array('UK'='London','US'='New York','US'='Birmingham','UK'='Birmingham'))
with i in #a order by #i->second, #i->first do => {^ #i->first+' - '+#i->second+'\r' ^}
UK - Birmingham
US - Birmingham
UK - London
US - New York
Liberty BASIC
LB has build-in SORT routine. Documentation does not says if it's stable or not. Example from RC keeps order.
Here's an example showing that SORT indeed unstable.
randomize 0.5
dim a(N,2)
for i = 0 to N-1
a(i,1)= int(i/5)
a(i,2)= int(rnd(1)*5)
print "Unsorted by column #2"
print "by construction sorted by column #1"
for i = 0 to N-1
print a(i,1), a(i,2)
sort a(), 0, N-1, 2
print "After sorting by column #2"
print "Notice wrong order by column #1"
for i = 0 to N-1
print a(i,1), a(i,2),
if i=0 then
if a(i,2) = a(i-1,2) AND a(i,1) < a(i-1,1) then print "bad order" else print
end if
Unsorted by column #2
by construction sorted by column #1
0 4
0 1
0 1
0 0
0 4
1 1
1 1
1 2
1 1
1 0
2 4
2 3
2 2
2 0
2 4
After sorting by column #2
Notice wrong order by column #1
0 0
1 0
2 0
1 1
1 1
1 1
0 1 bad order
0 1
1 2
2 2
2 3
2 4
0 4 bad order
0 4
2 4
The built-in function table.sort is not guaranteed stable.
M2000 Interpreter
M2000 has two types of Inventories, objects using a hash algorithm, the normal with unique keys, so a sort statement on this object use quicksort, and a second type, the "queue" type, which can get same keys, and has stable sort.
Here is the stable sort
Module Stable {
Inventory queue alfa
Stack New {
Data "UK", "London","US", "New York","US", "Birmingham", "UK","Birmingham"
While not empty {
Append alfa, Letter$:=letter$
sort alfa
Document A$
While k {
A$= Eval$(k, k^)+" "+eval$(k)+NL$
Clipboard A$ ' write to clipboard
Report A$
Call Stable
UK London
UK Birmingham
US New York
US Birmingham
We can sort in on key only. Lets make keys with two fields (based on fields lengths, except for last one)
Module Stable1 {
Inventory queue alfa
Stack New {
Data "UK London","US New York","US Birmingham", "UK Birmingham"
While not empty {
Append alfa, Letter$
sort alfa
Document A$
While k {
A$= Eval$(k, k^)+NL$
Clipboard A$ ' write to clipboard
Report A$
Call Stable1
UK Birmingham
UK London
US Birmingham
US New York
Now second column is sorting (but it is one column all, no two columns). So lets see the unstable sort. Because all keys now are unique we just remove queue from Inventory definition.
Module Stable2 {
Inventory alfa
Stack New {
Data "UK London","US New York","US Birmingham", "UK Birmingham"
While not empty {
Append alfa, Letter$
sort alfa
Document A$
While k {
A$= Eval$(k, k^)+NL$
Clipboard A$ ' write to clipboard
Report A$
Call Stable2
UK Birmingham
UK London
US Birmingham
US New York
So now we see that using unique keys in either type of inventories we get same output. By default in inventory queue numbers in keys (in any position) are sorted as numbers. We can use '''sort alfa as number''' for normal inventory, or ''sort alfa as text''
For ascending/descending sort we can use sort descending alfa as number
If we delete a key in normal inventory we miss the sort order. We can't delete keys in queue inventories, but we can drop from the last append a number of keys. Also Exist() function in queue inventories always find the last entry (for same keys), until that dropped, so with next use of Exist(pointer_to_inventory, key_case_sensitive$) we find the previous one. We can use keys as numbers, but they stored as strings.
Sort is not always stable. Ordering, which gives a list of indices such as to put the elements of the list in order, is stable. An example would be to sort the list (of lists) {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {5, 4, 3}, {9, 5, 1}}, and doing so by looking at the 2nd value of each list:
mylist = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {5, 4, 3}, {9, 5, 1}};
Sort[mylist, (#1[[2]] < #2[[2]]) &]
#[[Ordering[#[[All, 2]]]]] &[mylist]
{{1, 2, 3}, {5, 4, 3}, {9, 5, 1}, {4, 5, 6}}
{{1, 2, 3}, {5, 4, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {9, 5, 1}}
Showing that Sort is unstable, and that by using input[[Ordering[input]]] Ordering provides a way to make a stable sort.
MathWorks' policy seems to be that their built-in sorting algorithm will always be a stable sort across all versions ([http://www.mathworks.com/company/newsletters/news_notes/dec04/adventure.html reference]). To check to see if your version of MATLAB provides a stable sort,check the output of command "help sort".
Java's [http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Collections.html#sort(java.util.List) Collections.sort()] and [http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Arrays.html#sort(java.lang.Object%5B%5D) Arrays.sort()] methods are guaranteed stable. The following sample takes advantage of this to demonstrate sort stability.
/* NetRexx */
options replace format comments java crossref savelog symbols nobinary
class RCSortStability
method main(args = String[]) public constant
cityList = [String "UK London", "US New York", "US Birmingham", "UK Birmingham"]
cn = String[cityList.length]
say "Before sort:"
System.arraycopy(cityList, 0, cn, 0, cityList.length)
loop city = 0 to cn.length - 1
say cn[city]
end city
cCompNm = Comparator CityComparator()
Arrays.sort(cn, cCompNm)
say "After sort on city:"
loop city = 0 to cn.length - 1
say cn[city]
end city
say "Before sort:"
System.arraycopy(cityList, 0, cn, 0, cityList.length)
loop city = 0 to cn.length - 1
say cn[city]
end city
cCompCtry = Comparator CountryComparator()
Arrays.sort(cn, cCompCtry)
say "After sort on country:"
loop city = 0 to cn.length - 1
say cn[city]
end city
class RCSortStability.CityComparator implements Comparator
method compare(lft = Object, rgt = Object) public binary returns int
return (String lft).substring(4).compareTo((String rgt).substring(4))
class RCSortStability.CountryComparator implements Comparator
method compare(lft = Object, rgt = Object) public binary returns int
return (String lft).substring(0, 2).compareTo((String rgt).substring(0, 2))
Before sort:
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
After sort on city:
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
UK London
US New York
Before sort:
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
After sort on country:
UK London
UK Birmingham
US New York
US Birmingham
Default Nim sort in the algorithm module is stable.
OCaml's [http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/List.html#VALsort List.sort] and [http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Array.html#VALsort Array.sort] functions are not guaranteed to be stable. The stable versions are [http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/List.html#VALstable_sort List.stable_sort] and [http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Array.html#VALstable_sort Array.stable_sort], respectively.
Open Object Rexx provides sort methods (sort
and sortWith(comparator)
) for its collection classes. By default these sort methods are implemented via an unstable Quicksort algorithm but the language does provide stable sorting methods (stableSort
and stableSortWith(comparator)
) implemented via a stable Mergesort algorithm.
/* Rexx */
cities = .array~of('UK London', 'US New York', 'US Birmingham', 'UK Birmingham',)
Say; Say 'Original table'
Call display cities
Say; Say 'Unstable sort on city'
sorted = cities~copy
sorted~sortWith(.ColumnComparator~new(4, 20))
Call display sorted
Say; Say 'Stable sort on city'
sorted = cities~copy
sorted~stableSortWith(.ColumnComparator~new(4, 20))
Call display sorted
Say; Say 'Unstable sort on country'
sorted = cities~copy
sorted~sortWith(.ColumnComparator~new(1, 2))
Call display sorted
Say; Say 'Stable sort on country'
sorted = cities~copy
sorted~stableSortWith(.ColumnComparator~new(1, 2))
Call display sorted
display: Procedure
Use arg CT
Say '-'~copies(80)
Loop c_ over CT
Say c_
End c_
Original table
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
Unstable sort on city
UK Birmingham
US Birmingham
UK London
US New York
Stable sort on city
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
UK London
US New York
Unstable sort on country
UK London
UK Birmingham
US Birmingham
US New York
Stable sort on country
UK London
UK Birmingham
US New York
US Birmingham
The results can be forced to stable by ''additionally'' sorting on the ROWID of the record. If you leave the additional sort out, the indexes on the temp-table can influence the result.
FIELD country AS CHAR FORMAT 'x(2)'
CREATE tt. ASSIGN tt.country = 'UK' tt.city = 'London'.
CREATE tt. ASSIGN tt.country = 'US' tt.city = 'New York'.
CREATE tt. ASSIGN tt.country = 'US' tt.city = 'Birmingham'.
CREATE tt. ASSIGN tt.country = 'UK' tt.city = 'Birmingham'.
cc[1] = 'by country~n~n'.
FOR EACH tt BY tt.country BY ROWID( tt ):
cc[1] = cc[1] + tt.country + '~t' + tt.city + '~n'.
cc[2] = 'by city~n~n'.
FOR EACH tt BY tt.city BY ROWID( tt ):
cc[2] = cc[2] + tt.country + '~t' + tt.city + '~n'.
cc[1] SKIP(1) cc[2]
by country
UK London
UK Birmingham
US New York
US Birmingham
by city
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
UK London
US New York
Oz' [http://www.mozart-oz.org/home/doc/base/list.html#label295 Sort] function is not guaranteed to be stable in the documentation.
However, internally it uses [[Merge sort]] and in practice ''is'' stable '''if''' a reflexive ordering is used, e.g. Value.'=<'
or Value.'>='
Cities = ['UK'#'London'
'US'#'New York'
%% sort by city; stable because '=<' is reflexiv
{Show {Sort Cities fun {$ A B} A.2 =< B.2 end}}
%% sort by country; NOT stable because '<' is not reflexiv
{Show {Sort Cities fun {$ A B} A.1 < B.1 end}}
Pari's vecsort
is stable, see 3.8.60 in the User's Guide. In particular, it uses a merge sort.
Standard Pascal has no built-in routine for sorting. The RTL of FreePascal uses Quicksort for TList, TFPList and TStringList in the Classes unit. In many places in the standard libraries fgl and in generics.collections the sort is configurable provided the programmer implements a sort.
The stability of Perl's in-built [http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/sort.html sort] function is version-dependent. If you want to guarantee a stable sort from it, you should use the following [http://perldoc.perl.org/sort.html sort pragma]:
use sort 'stable';
Perl 6
The [http://perlcabal.org/syn/S32/Containers.html#sort sort] built-in (available as sub and method) is stable.
Short demonstration for sorting only on the second item of each array:
use v6;
my @cities =
['UK', 'London'],
['US', 'New York'],
['US', 'Birmingham'],
['UK', 'Birmingham'],
.say for @cities.sort: { .[1] };
The standard sort method is merge sort, which is apparently stable, though I would be reluctant to guarantee that, or rely on it, especially given that a simple tag sort is guaranteed stable by dint of ordering by tag should the keys be equal.
sequence test = {{"UK","London"},
{"US","New York"},
-- probably stable --
function cmp(object a, object b)
return compare(a[1],b[1])
end function
test = custom_sort(routine_id("cmp"),test)
-- guaranteed stable --
function tag_cmp(integer i, integer j)
return compare({test[i][1],i},{test[j][1],j})
-- return compare(test[i][1],test[j][1])
end function
sequence tags = custom_sort(routine_id("tag_cmp"),shuffle(tagset(4)))
for i=1 to length(tags) do
end for
{{"UK", "London"},
{"UK", "Birmingham"},
{"US", "New York"},
{"US", "Birmingham"}}
{"US","New York"}
The commented-out line in tag_cmp is unstable, or rather probably stable wrt the shuffle, whereas the active line guarantees original (pre-shuffle) ordering, even if an unstable underlying sort method were used. Obviously, written the way it is above, the guaranteed part only guarantees not to upset what the probably part left behind, and of course test=sort(test) guarantees alphabetical on second column within matching first column. Lastly, preserving a primary tag sort ordering within a secondary tag sort is a bit more mind-bending, but even that is not particularly difficult.
PHP uses QuickSort for most of its [http://us2.php.net/manual/en/array.sorting.php sort functions] so it is unstable. [http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.sort.php]
The [http://software-lab.de/doc/refS.html#sort sort] function is unstable
PureBasic's includes two built-in sort functions for arrays, SortArray() and SortStructuredArray(), and two built-in sort functions for linked lists, SortList() and SortStructuredList(). Sorting of linked lists is stable and uses a merge-sort, while sorting for arrays is unstable and uses a quicksort.
Python's in-built [http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#sorted sorted] function as well as the [http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html#mutable-sequence-types sort method of lists] are guaranteed stable (since version 2.3). (For even more information on the underlying routine, [[wp:timsort]], see [http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk/Objects/listsort.txt this]).
R uses shell sort (stable) or quick sort (unstable). An easy way to show the difference is names to vector entries, then check if names are still ordered after sorting.
# First, define a bernoulli sample, of length 26. x <- sample(c(0, 1), 26, replace=T) x # [1] 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 # Give names to the entries. "letters" is a builtin value names(x) <- letters x # a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z # 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 # The unstable one, see how "a" appears after "l" now sort(x, method="quick") # z h s u e q x n j r t v w y p o m l a i g f d c b k # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 # The stable sort, letters are ordered in each section sort(x, method="shell") # e h j n q s u x z a b c d f g i k l m o p r t v w y # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Racket comes with a standard sort function, which is documented [[http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/pairs.html#%28def._%28%28lib._racket%2Fprivate%2Flist..rkt%29._sort%29%29 here]]. It is documented as stable.
#lang racket
(sort '(("UK" "London")
("US" "New York")
("US" "Birmingham")
("UK" "Birmingham"))
string<? #:key first)
;; -> (("UK" "London") ("UK" "Birmingham")
;; ("US" "New York") ("US" "Birmingham"))
(sort '(("UK" "London")
("US" "New York")
("US" "Birmingham")
("UK" "Birmingham"))
string<? #:key second)
;; -> '(("US" "Birmingham") ("UK" "Birmingham")
;; ("UK" "London") ("US" "New York"))
; REBOL's sort function is not stable by default. You need to use a custom comparator to make it so.
blk: [
[UK London]
[US New-York]
[US Birmingham]
[UK Birmingham]
sort/compare blk func [a b] [either a/2 < b/2 [-1] [either a/2 > b/2 [1] [0]]]
; Note that you can also do a stable sort without nested blocks.
blk: [
UK London
US New-York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
sort/skip/compare blk 2 func [a b] [either a < b [-1] [either a > b [1] [0]]]
Classic REXX has no built-in routines for sorting, so this programming example uses a classic ''bubble sort'' (which is stable).
/*REXX program sorts a (stemmed) array using a (stable) bubble─sort algorithm. */
call gen@ /*generate the array elements (strings)*/
call show 'before sort' /*show the before array elements. */
say copies('▒', 50) /*show a separator line between shows. */
call bubbleSort # /*invoke the bubble sort. */
call show ' after sort' /*show the after array elements. */
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
bubbleSort: procedure expose @.; parse arg n; m=n-1 /*N: number of array elements. */
do m=m for m by -1 until ok; ok=1 /*keep sorting array until done.*/
do j=1 for m; k=j+1; if @.j<[email protected] then iterate /*Not out─of─order?*/
[email protected]; @[email protected]; @.k=_; ok=0 /*swap 2 elements; flag as ¬done*/
end /*j*/
end /*m*/
gen@: @.=; @.1 = 'UK London'
@.2 = 'US New York'
@.3 = 'US Birmingham'
@.4 = 'UK Birmingham'
do #=1 while @.#\==''; end; #=#-1 /*determine how many entries in list. */
show: do j=1 for #; say ' element' right(j,length(#)) arg(1)":" @.j; end; return
'''output''' using the default list:
element 1 before sort: UK London
element 2 before sort: US New York
element 3 before sort: US Birmingham
element 4 before sort: UK Birmingham
element 1 after sort: UK Birmingham
element 2 after sort: UK London
element 3 after sort: US Birmingham
element 4 after sort: US New York
aList = [["UK", "London"],
["US", "New York"],
["US", "Birmingham"],
["UK", "Birmingham"]]
see sort(aList,2)
Ruby's built-in sort methods (Array#sort, Array#sort!, Array#sort_by!, Enumerable#sort and Enumerable#sort_by) are not stable. [[MRI]] uses [[Sorting algorithms/Quicksort|quicksort]], which is not stable [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.ruby/msg/2a6c50d173a902da (1)]. It seems that stable sorting is not worth the performance trade-off; MRI rejected a proposal to switch to a stable sort [http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/show/1089 (2)].
{{works with|MRI|1.8.7, 1.9.2}}
ary = [["UK", "London"], ["US", "New York"], ["US", "Birmingham"], ["UK", "Birmingham"]] p ary.sort {|a,b| a[1] <=> b[1]} # MRI reverses the Birminghams: # => [["UK", "Birmingham"], ["US", "Birmingham"], ["UK", "London"], ["US", "New York"]]
Other implementations of Ruby might differ. Old versions of [[JRuby]] used java.util.Arrays.sort, which was a stable sort, but was slower than MRI. To increase performance, JRuby switched to quicksort, which is not stable. [http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-2198 (3)]
Stable sort in Ruby
To code a stable sort, without implementing another sorting algorithm (such as [[Sorting algorithms/Merge sort|merge sort]]), use a Schwartzian transform.
class Array def stable_sort n = -1 if block_given? collect {|x| n += 1; [x, n] }.sort! {|a, b| c = yield a[0], b[0] if c.nonzero? then c else a[1] <=> b[1] end }.collect! {|x| x[0]} else sort_by {|x| n += 1; [x, n]} end end def stable_sort_by block_given? or return enum_for(:stable_sort_by) n = -1 sort_by {|x| n += 1; [(yield x), n]} end end
ary = [["UK", "London"], ["US", "New York"], ["US", "Birmingham"], ["UK", "Birmingham"]] p ary.stable_sort {|a, b| a[1] <=> b[1]} # => [["US", "Birmingham"], ["UK", "Birmingham"], ["UK", "London"], ["US", "New York"]] p ary.stable_sort_by {|x| x[1]} # => [["US", "Birmingham"], ["UK", "Birmingham"], ["UK", "London"], ["US", "New York"]]
Rust's builtin sorts (.sort(), .sort_by(...), .sort_by_key(...)) are all stable
fn main() { let country_city = [("UK", "London"), ("US", "New York"), ("US", "Birmingham"), ("UK", "Birmingham")]; let mut city_sorted = country_city.clone(); city_sorted.sort_by_key(|k| k.1); let mut country_sorted = country_city.clone(); country_sorted.sort_by_key(|k| k.0); println!("Original:"); for x in &country_city { println!("{} {}", x.0, x.1); } println!("\nWhen sorted by city:"); for x in &city_sorted { println!("{} {}", x.0, x.1); } println!("\nWhen sorted by county:"); for x in &country_sorted { println!("{} {}", x.0, x.1); } }
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
When sorted by city:
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
UK London
US New York
When sorted by county:
UK London
UK Birmingham
US New York
US Birmingham
{{works with|Scala|2.8}}
There are two sort methods defined on Seq, which is the base collection trait for all sequences. The methods are sortWith and sortBy, and differ only on the argument used. The first expects a function that will implement the "less than" method for the type of the sequence. The second expects a function from the type of the sequence into any type for which there is an Ordering, plus an implicit Ordering of the proper type.
The sort is stable.
val list = List((1, 'c'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'a'))
list: List[(Int, Char)] = List((1,c), (1,b), (2,a))
scala> val srt1 = list.sortWith(_._2 < _._2)
srt1: List[(Int, Char)] = List((2,a), (1,b), (1,c))
scala> val srt2 = srt1.sortBy(_._1) // Ordering[Int] is implicitly defined
srt2: List[(Int, Char)] = List((1,b), (1,c), (2,a))
scala> val cities = """
| |UK London
| |US New York
| |US Birmingham
| |UK Birmingham
| |""".stripMargin.lines.filterNot(_ isEmpty).toSeq
cities: Seq[String] = ArrayBuffer(UK London, US New York, US Birmingham, UK Birmingham)
scala> cities.sortBy(_ substring 4)
res47: Seq[String] = ArrayBuffer(US Birmingham, UK Birmingham, UK London, US New York)
Besides that, there is the object scala.util.Sorting, which provides quickSort and stableSort. The former is only provided on Array, but the latter is provided over both Array and Seq. These sorts operate in-place, with the one over Seq returning a sorted Array. Here is one example:
val cityArray = cities.toArray
cityArray: Array[String] = Array(UK London, US New York, US Birmingham, UK Birmingham)
scala> scala.util.Sorting.stableSort(cityArray, (_: String).substring(4) < (_: String).substring(4))
scala> cityArray
res56: Array[String] = Array(US Birmingham, UK Birmingham, UK London, US New York)
Sidef uses the stable merge-sort algorithm for sorting an array.
var table = [ <UK London>, <US New\ York>, <US Birmingham>, <UK Birmingham>, ]; table.sort {|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]}.each { |col| say "#{col[0]} #{col[1]}" }
UK London
UK Birmingham
US New York
US Birmingham
See '''[http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?sort sort]''' in Stata help. The command has a ''stable'' option to ensure sort stability.
Tcl's built-in [http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.4/TclCmd/lsort.htm lsort
] command implements a stable sort. It has been guaranteed to be stable since Tcl 8.0. Internally, it uses the mergesort algorithm.
Straight from the TXR documentation about the sort
The sort
function is stable for sequences which are lists. This means that the original order of items which are considered identical is preserved. For strings and vectors, sort
is not stable.
zkl's sort methods don't mention stability or columns, they are comparison based.
fcn sortByColumn(list,col)
{ list.sort('wrap(city1,city2){ city1[col]<city2[col] }) }
T("UK", "London"), T("US", "New York"),
T("US", "Birmingham"),T("UK", "Birmingham"), );
L("US","New York")
L("US","New York")