⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

{{task|Prime Numbers}} The series of increasing prime numbers begins: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, ...

The task applies a filter to the series returning groups of ''successive'' primes, (s'primes), that differ from the next by a given value or values.

'''Example 1:''' Specifying that the difference between s'primes be 2 leads to the groups: :(3, 5), (5, 7), (11, 13), (17, 19), (29, 31), ...

(Known as [[wp:Twin prime|Twin primes]] or [https://oeis.org/A077800 Prime pairs])

'''Example 2:''' Specifying more than one difference ''between'' s'primes leads to groups of size one greater than the number of differences. Differences of 2, 4 leads to the groups: :(5, 7, 11), (11, 13, 17), (17, 19, 23), (41, 43, 47), ....

In the first group 7 is two more than 5 and 11 is four more than 7; as well as 5, 7, and 11 being ''successive'' primes. Differences are checked in the order of the values given, (differences of 4, 2 would give different groups entirely).


  • In each case use a list of primes less than 1_000_000
  • For the following Differences show the first and last group, as well as the number of groups found: :# Differences of 2. :# Differences of 1. :# Differences of 2, 2. :# Differences of 2, 4. :# Differences of 4, 2. :# Differences of 6, 4, 2.
  • Show output here.

Note: Generation of a list of primes is a secondary aspect of the task. Use of a built in function, well known library, or importing/use of prime generators from other [[Sieve of Eratosthenes|Rosetta Code tasks]] is encouraged.

;references :#https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/78a1/7349819304863ae061df88dbcb26b4908f03.pdf :#https://www.primepuzzles.net/puzzles/puzz_011.htm :#https://matheplanet.de/matheplanet/nuke/html/viewtopic.php?topic=232720&start=0


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Linq.Enumerable;

public static class SuccessivePrimeDifferences
    public static void Main() {
        var primes = GeneratePrimes(1_000_000).ToList();
        foreach (var d in new[] {
            new [] { 2 },
            new [] { 1 },
            new [] { 2, 2 },
            new [] { 2, 4 },
            new [] { 4, 2 },
            new [] { 6, 4, 2 },
        }) {
            IEnumerable<int> first = null, last = null;
            int count = 0;
            foreach (var grp in FindDifferenceGroups(d)) {
                if (first == null) first = grp;
                last = grp;
            Console.WriteLine($"{$"({string.Join(", ", first)})"}, {$"({string.Join(", ", last)})"}, {count}");

        IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>> FindDifferenceGroups(int[] diffs) {
            for (int pi = diffs.Length; pi < primes.Count; pi++) {
                if (Range(0, diffs.Length).All(di => primes[pi-diffs.Length+di+1] - primes[pi-diffs.Length+di] == diffs[di])) {
                    yield return Range(pi - diffs.Length, diffs.Length + 1).Select(i => primes[i]);



(3, 5), (999959, 999961), 8169
(2, 3), (2, 3), 1
(3, 5, 7), (3, 5, 7), 1
(5, 7, 11), (999431, 999433, 999437), 1393
(7, 11, 13), (997807, 997811, 997813), 1444
(31, 37, 41, 43), (997141, 997147, 997151, 997153), 306

=={{header|F_Sharp|F#}}== This task uses [http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Extensible_prime_generator#The_function Extensible Prime Generator (F#)]

// Successive primes. Nigel Galloway: May 6th., 2019
let sP n=let sP=pCache|>Seq.takeWhile(fun n->n<1000000)|>Seq.windowed(Array.length n+1)|>Seq.filter(fun g->g=(Array.scan(fun n g->n+g) g.[0] n))
         printfn "sP %A\t-> Min element = %A Max element = %A of %d elements" n (Seq.head sP) (Seq.last sP) (Seq.length sP)
List.iter sP [[|2|];[|1|];[|2;2|];[|2;4|];[|4;2|];[|6;4;2|]]


sP [|2|]        -> Min element = [|3; 5|] Max element = [|999959; 999961|] of 8169 elements
sP [|1|]        -> Min element = [|2; 3|] Max element = [|2; 3|] of 1 elements
sP [|2; 2|]     -> Min element = [|3; 5; 7|] Max element = [|3; 5; 7|] of 1 elements
sP [|2; 4|]     -> Min element = [|5; 7; 11|] Max element = [|999431; 999433; 999437|] of 1393 elements
sP [|4; 2|]     -> Min element = [|7; 11; 13|] Max element = [|997807; 997811; 997813|] of 1444 elements
sP [|6; 4; 2|]  -> Min element = [|31; 37; 41; 43|] Max element = [|997141; 997147; 997151; 997153|] of 306 elements


{{works with|Factor|0.99}}

USING: formatting fry grouping kernel math math.primes
math.statistics sequences ;
IN: rosetta-code.successive-prime-differences

: seq-diff ( seq diffs -- seq' quot )
    dup [ length 1 + <clumps> ] dip '[ differences _ sequence= ]
    ; inline

: show ( seq diffs -- )
    [ "...for differences %u:\n" printf ] keep seq-diff
    [ find nip { } like ]
    [ find-last nip { } like ]
    [ count ] 2tri
    "First group: %u\nLast group: %u\nCount: %d\n\n" printf ;

: successive-prime-differences ( -- )
    "Groups of successive primes up to one million...\n" printf
    1,000,000 primes-upto {
        { 2 }
        { 1 }
        { 2 2 }
        { 2 4 }
        { 4 2 }
        { 6 4 2 }
    } [ show ] with each ;

MAIN: successive-prime-differences


Groups of successive primes up to one million...
...for differences { 2 }:
First group: { 3 5 }
Last group: { 999959 999961 }
Count: 8169

...for differences { 1 }:
First group: { 2 3 }
Last group: { 2 3 }
Count: 1

...for differences { 2 2 }:
First group: { 3 5 7 }
Last group: { 3 5 7 }
Count: 1

...for differences { 2 4 }:
First group: { 5 7 11 }
Last group: { 999431 999433 999437 }
Count: 1393

...for differences { 4 2 }:
First group: { 7 11 13 }
Last group: { 997807 997811 997813 }
Count: 1444

...for differences { 6 4 2 }:
First group: { 31 37 41 43 }
Last group: { 997141 997147 997151 997153 }
Count: 306


package main

import "fmt"

func sieve(limit int) []int {
    primes := []int{2}
    c := make([]bool, limit+1) // composite = true
    // no need to process even numbers > 2
    p := 3
    for {
        p2 := p * p
        if p2 > limit {
        for i := p2; i <= limit; i += 2 * p {
            c[i] = true
        for {
            p += 2
            if !c[p] {
    for i := 3; i <= limit; i += 2 {
        if !c[i] {
            primes = append(primes, i)
    return primes

func successivePrimes(primes, diffs []int) [][]int {
    var results [][]int
    dl := len(diffs)
    for i := 0; i < len(primes)-dl; i++ {
        group := make([]int, dl+1)
        group[0] = primes[i]
        for j := i; j < i+dl; j++ {
            if primes[j+1]-primes[j] != diffs[j-i] {
                group = nil
                continue outer
            group[j-i+1] = primes[j+1]
        results = append(results, group)
        group = nil
    return results

func main() {
    primes := sieve(999999)
    diffsList := [][]int{{2}, {1}, {2, 2}, {2, 4}, {4, 2}, {6, 4, 2}}
    fmt.Println("For primes less than 1,000,000:-\n")
    for _, diffs := range diffsList {
        fmt.Println("  For differences of", diffs, "->")
        sp := successivePrimes(primes, diffs)
        if len(sp) == 0 {
            fmt.Println("    No groups found")
        fmt.Println("    First group   = ", sp[0])
        fmt.Println("    Last group    = ", sp[len(sp)-1])
        fmt.Println("    Number found  = ", len(sp))


For primes less than 1,000,000:-

  For differences of [2] ->
    First group   =  [3 5]
    Last group    =  [999959 999961]
    Number found  =  8169

  For differences of [1] ->
    First group   =  [2 3]
    Last group    =  [2 3]
    Number found  =  1

  For differences of [2 2] ->
    First group   =  [3 5 7]
    Last group    =  [3 5 7]
    Number found  =  1

  For differences of [2 4] ->
    First group   =  [5 7 11]
    Last group    =  [999431 999433 999437]
    Number found  =  1393

  For differences of [4 2] ->
    First group   =  [7 11 13]
    Last group    =  [997807 997811 997813]
    Number found  =  1444

  For differences of [6 4 2] ->
    First group   =  [31 37 41 43]
    Last group    =  [997141 997147 997151 997153]
    Number found  =  306


   primes_less_than=: i.&.:(p:inv)
   assert 2 3 5 -: primes_less_than 7
   PRIMES=: primes_less_than 1e6

   NB. Insert minus `-/' into the length two infixes `\'.
   NB. Passive `~' swaps the arguments producing the positive differences.
   assert 8169 -: +/ 2 = SUCCESSIVE_DIFFERENCES   NB. twin prime tally

   INTERVALS=: 2 ; 1 ; 2 2 ; 2 4 ; 4 2 ; 6 4 2

   sequence_index=: [: I. E.
   end_groups=: PRIMES {~  ({. , {:)@:] +/ i.@:>:@:#@:[

   HEAD=: <;._2 'group;tally;end occurrences;'

   HEAD , INTERVALS (([ ([ ; #@] ; end_groups) sequence_index)~ >)"1 0~ SUCCESSIVE_DIFFERENCES
│group│tally│end occurrences            │
│2    │8169 │     3      5              │
│     │     │999959 999961              │
│1    │1    │2 3                        │
│     │     │2 3                        │
│2 2  │1    │3 5 7                      │
│     │     │3 5 7                      │
│2 4  │1393 │     5      7     11       │
│     │     │999431 999433 999437       │
│4 2  │1444 │     7     11     13       │
│     │     │997807 997811 997813       │
│6 4 2│306  │    31     37     41     43│
│     │     │997141 997147 997151 997153│


using Primes

function filterdifferences(deltas, N)
    allprimes = primes(N)
    differences = map(i -> allprimes[i + 1] - allprimes[i], 1:length(allprimes) - 1)
    println("Diff Sequence   Count         First           Last")
    for delt in deltas
        ret = trues(length(allprimes) - length(delt))
        for j in 1:length(ret)
            for (i, d) in enumerate(delt)
                if differences[j - 1 + i] != d
                    ret[j] = false
        count, p1, pn, n = sum(ret), findfirst(ret), findlast(ret), length(delt)
        println(rpad(string(delt), 16), lpad(count, 4),
            lpad(string(allprimes[p1:p1 + n]), 18), "...", rpad(allprimes[pn:pn+n], 15))

filterdifferences([[2], [1], [2, 2], [2, 4], [4, 2], [6, 4, 2]], 1000000)


Diff Sequence   Count         First           Last
[2]             8169            [3, 5]...[999959, 999961]
[1]                1            [2, 3]...[2, 3]
[2, 2]             1         [3, 5, 7]...[3, 5, 7]
[2, 4]          1393        [5, 7, 11]...[999431, 999433, 999437]
[4, 2]          1444       [7, 11, 13]...[997807, 997811, 997813]
[6, 4, 2]        306  [31, 37, 41, 43]...[997141, 997147, 997151, 997153]



use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'experimental::smartmatch';

use List::EachCons;
use ntheory 'primes';

my $limit = 1E6;
my @primes = (2, @{ primes($limit) });
my @intervals = map { $primes[$_] - $primes[$_-1] } 1..$#primes;

say "Groups of successive primes <= $limit";

for my $diffs ([2], [1], [2,2], [2,4], [4,2], [6,4,2]) {
    my $n = -1;
    my @offsets = grep {$_} each_cons @$diffs, @intervals, sub { $n++; $n if @_ ~~ @$diffs };
    printf "%10s has %5d sets: %15s … %s\n",
       '(' . join(' ',@$diffs) . ')',
        scalar @offsets,
        join(' ', @primes[$offsets[ 0]..($offsets[ 0]+@$diffs)]),
        join(' ', @primes[$offsets[-1]..($offsets[-1]+@$diffs)]);


       (2) has  8169 sets:             3 5 … 999959 999961
       (1) has     1 sets:             2 3 … 2 3
     (2 2) has     1 sets:           3 5 7 … 3 5 7
     (2 4) has  1393 sets:          5 7 11 … 999431 999433 999437
     (4 2) has  1444 sets:         7 11 13 … 997807 997811 997813
   (6 4 2) has   306 sets:     31 37 41 43 … 997141 997147 997151 997153

Perl 6

Categorized by Successive

{{works with|Rakudo|2019.03}} Essentially the code from the [[Sexy_primes#Perl_6|Sexy primes]] task with minor tweaks.

use Math::Primesieve;
my $sieve = Math::Primesieve.new;

my $max = 1_000_000;
my @primes = $sieve.primes($max);
my $filter = @primes.Set;
my $primes = @primes.categorize: &successive;

sub successive ($i) {
    gather {
        take '2' if $filter{$i + 2};
        take '1' if $filter{$i + 1};
        take '2_2' if all($filter{$i «+« (2,4)});
        take '2_4' if all($filter{$i «+« (2,6)});
        take '4_2' if all($filter{$i «+« (4,6)});
        take '6_4_2' if all($filter{$i «+« (6,10,12)}) and
            none($filter{$i «+« (2,4,8)});

sub comma { $^i.flip.comb(3).join(',').flip }

for (2,), (1,), (2,2), (2,4), (4,2), (6,4,2) -> $succ {
    say "## Sets of {1+$succ} successive primes <= { comma $max } with " ~
        "successive differences of { $succ.join: ', ' }";
    my $i = $succ.join: '_';
    for 'First', 0, ' Last', * - 1 -> $where, $ind {
        say "$where group: ", join ', ', [\+] flat $primes{$i}[$ind], |$succ
    say '      Count: ', +$primes{$i}, "\n";


## Sets of 2 successive primes <= 1,000,000 with successive differences of 2
First group: 3, 5
 Last group: 999959, 999961
      Count: 8169

## Sets of 2 successive primes <= 1,000,000 with successive differences of 1
First group: 2, 3
 Last group: 2, 3
      Count: 1

## Sets of 3 successive primes <= 1,000,000 with successive differences of 2, 2
First group: 3, 5, 7
 Last group: 3, 5, 7
      Count: 1

## Sets of 3 successive primes <= 1,000,000 with successive differences of 2, 4
First group: 5, 7, 11
 Last group: 999431, 999433, 999437
      Count: 1393

## Sets of 3 successive primes <= 1,000,000 with successive differences of 4, 2
First group: 7, 11, 13
 Last group: 997807, 997811, 997813
      Count: 1444

## Sets of 4 successive primes <= 1,000,000 with successive differences of 6, 4, 2
First group: 31, 37, 41, 43
 Last group: 997141, 997147, 997151, 997153
      Count: 306

Precomputed Differences

{{works with|Rakudo|2019.03}}

use Math::Primesieve;

constant $max    = 1_000_000;
constant @primes = Math::Primesieve.primes($max);
constant @diffs  = @primes.skip Z- @primes;

say "Given all ordered primes <= $max, sets with successive differences of:";
for (2,), (1,), (2,2), (2,4), (4,2), (6,4,2) -> @succ {
    my $size = @succ.elems;

    my @group_start_offsets = @diffs.rotor( $size => 1-$size )
                                    .grep(:k, { $_ eqv @succ });

    my ($first, $last) = @group_start_offsets[0, *-1]
                         .map: { @primes.skip($_).head($size + 1) };

    say sprintf '%10s has %5d sets: %15s … %s',
        @succ.gist, @group_start_offsets.elems, $first, $last;


Given all ordered primes <= 1000000, sets with successive differences of:
       (2) has  8169 sets:             3 5 … 999959 999961
       (1) has     1 sets:             2 3 … 2 3
     (2 2) has     1 sets:           3 5 7 … 3 5 7
     (2 4) has  1393 sets:          5 7 11 … 999431 999433 999437
     (4 2) has  1444 sets:         7 11 13 … 997807 997811 997813
   (6 4 2) has   306 sets:     31 37 41 43 … 997141 997147 997151 997153


Uses primes[] and add_block() from [[Extensible_prime_generator#Phix|Extensible_prime_generator]]

procedure test(sequence differences)
    sequence res = {}
    integer ld = length(differences)
    for i=1 to length(primes)-ld do
        integer pi = primes[i]
        for j=1 to ld do
            pi += differences[j]
            if pi!=primes[i+j] then
                pi = 0
            end if
        end for
        if pi!=0 then
            res = append(res,primes[i..i+ld])
        end if
    end for
    res = {differences,length(res),res[1],res[$]}
    printf(1,"%8v : %8d %14v...%v\n",res)
end procedure

while primes[$]<1_000_000 do add_block() end while
primes = primes[1..abs(binary_search(1_000_000,primes))-1]
constant differences = {{2},{1},{2,2},{2,4},{4,2},{6,4,2}}
printf(1,"Differences   Count          First   Last\n")
for i=1 to length(differences) do test(differences[i]) end for


Differences   Count          First   Last
     {2} :     8169          {3,5}...{999959,999961}
     {1} :        1          {2,3}...{2,3}
   {2,2} :        1        {3,5,7}...{3,5,7}
   {2,4} :     1393       {5,7,11}...{999431,999433,999437}
   {4,2} :     1444      {7,11,13}...{997807,997811,997813}
 {6,4,2} :      306  {31,37,41,43}...{997141,997147,997151,997153}


Uses the [https://www.sympy.org/en/index.html Sympy] library.

# https://docs.sympy.org/latest/index.html
from sympy import Sieve

def nsuccprimes(count, mx):
    "return tuple of <count> successive primes <= mx (generator)"
    sieve = Sieve()
    primes = sieve._list
    return zip(*(primes[n:] for n in range(count)))

def check_value_diffs(diffs, values):
    "Differences between successive values given by successive items in diffs?"
    return all(v[1] - v[0] == d
               for d, v in zip(diffs, zip(values, values[1:])))

def successive_primes(offsets=(2, ), primes_max=1_000_000):
    return (sp for sp in nsuccprimes(len(offsets) + 1, primes_max)
            if check_value_diffs(offsets, sp))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for offsets, mx in [((2,),      1_000_000),
                        ((1,),      1_000_000),
                        ((2, 2),    1_000_000),
                        ((2, 4),    1_000_000),
                        ((4, 2),    1_000_000),
                        ((6, 4, 2), 1_000_000),
        print(f"## SETS OF {len(offsets)+1} SUCCESSIVE PRIMES <={mx:_} WITH "
              f"SUCCESSIVE DIFFERENCES OF {str(list(offsets))[1:-1]}")
        for count, last in enumerate(successive_primes(offsets, mx), 1):
            if count == 1:
                first = last
        print("  First group:", str(first)[1:-1])
        print("   Last group:", str(last)[1:-1])
        print("        Count:", count)


  First group: 3, 5
   Last group: 999959, 999961
        Count: 8169
  First group: 2, 3
   Last group: 2, 3
        Count: 1
  First group: 3, 5, 7
   Last group: 3, 5, 7
        Count: 1
  First group: 5, 7, 11
   Last group: 999431, 999433, 999437
        Count: 1393
  First group: 7, 11, 13
   Last group: 997807, 997811, 997813
        Count: 1444
  First group: 31, 37, 41, 43
   Last group: 997141, 997147, 997151, 997153
        Count: 306


/*REXX program finds and displays  primes  with successive differences  (up to a limit).*/
parse arg H . 1 . difs                           /*allow the highest number be specified*/
if H=='' | H==","  then  H= 1000000              /*Not specified?  Then use the default.*/
if difs=''   then  difs= 2 1 2.2 2.4 4.2 6.4.2   /* "      "         "   "   "     "    */
call genP H

        do j=1  for words(difs)                             /*traipse through the lists.*/
        dif= translate( word(difs, j),,.);  dw= words(dif)  /*obtain true differences.  */
            do i=1  for dw;  dif.i= word(dif, i)            /*build an array of diffs.  */
            end   /*i*/                                     /* [↑]  for optimization.   */
        say center('primes with differences of:'  dif,  50, '─')        /*display title.*/
        p= 1;                        c= 0;        grp=      /*init. prime#,  count, grp.*/
             do a=1;  p= nextP(p+1);  if p==0  then leave   /*find the next  DIF  primes*/
             aa= p;   !.=                                   /*AA: nextP;  the group #'s.*/
             !.1= p                                         /*assign 1st prime in group.*/
                    do g=2  for dw                          /*get the rest of the group.*/
                    aa= nextP(aa+1); if aa==0  then leave a /*obtain the next prime.    */
                    !.g= aa;         _= g-1                 /*prepare to add difference.*/
                    if !._ + dif._\==!.g  then iterate a    /*determine if fits criteria*/
                    end   /*g*/
             c= c+1                                         /*bump count of # of groups.*/
             grp= !.1;       do b=2  for dw;  grp= grp !.b  /*build a list of primes.   */
                             end   /*b*/
             if c==1  then say '     first group: '   grp   /*display the first group.  */
             end   /*a*/
                                                            /* [↓]  test if group found.*/
        if grp==''   then say "         (none)"             /*display the  last group.  */
                     else say '      last group: '   grp    /*   "     "     "    "     */
                          say '           count: '   c      /*   "     "  group count.  */
        end   /*j*/
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
nextP:    do nxt=arg(1)  to H;  if @.nxt==.  then return nxt;  end /*nxt*/;     return 0
genP: procedure expose @.; parse arg N;  != 0;  @.=.;  @.1=      /*initialize the array.*/
          do e=4  by 2  for (N-1)%2;  @.e=;  end /*treat the even integers > 2  special.*/
                                                 /*all primes are indicated with a  "." */
        do j=1  by 2  for (N-1)%2;  k= j         /*use odd integers up to  N  inclusive.*/
        if @.j==.  then do;  if !  then iterate  /*Prime?   Should skip the top part ?  */
                             jj= j * j           /*compute the square of  J.        ___ */
                             if jj>N  then != 1  /*indicate skip top part  if  j > √ N  */
                               do m=jj  to N  by j+j;  @.m=;  end       /*odd multiples.*/
                        end                      /* [↑]  strike odd multiples  ¬ prime. */

{{out|output|text= when using the default inputs:}}

──────────primes with differences of: 2───────────
     first group:  3 5
      last group:  999959 999961
           count:  8169

──────────primes with differences of: 1───────────
     first group:  2 3
      last group:  2 3
           count:  1

─────────primes with differences of: 2 2──────────
     first group:  3 5 7
      last group:  3 5 7
           count:  1

─────────primes with differences of: 2 4──────────
     first group:  5 7 11
      last group:  999431 999433 999437
           count:  1393

─────────primes with differences of: 4 2──────────
     first group:  7 11 13
      last group:  997807 997811 997813
           count:  1444

────────primes with differences of: 6 4 2─────────
     first group:  31 37 41 43
      last group:  997141 997147 997151 997153
           count:  306


require 'prime'
PRIMES = Prime.each(1_000_000).to_a
difs = [[2], [1], [2,2], [2,4], [4,2], [6,4,2]]

difs.each do |ar|
  res = PRIMES.each_cons(ar.size+1).select do |slice|
    slice.each_cons(2).zip(ar).all? {|(a,b), c| a+c == b}
  puts "#{ar} has #{res.size} sets. #{res.first}...#{res.last}"


[2] has 8169 sets. [3, 5]...[999959, 999961]
[1] has 1 sets. [2, 3]...[2, 3]
[2, 2] has 1 sets. [3, 5, 7]...[3, 5, 7]
[2, 4] has 1393 sets. [5, 7, 11]...[999431, 999433, 999437]
[4, 2] has 1444 sets. [7, 11, 13]...[997807, 997811, 997813]
[6, 4, 2] has 306 sets. [31, 37, 41, 43]...[997141, 997147, 997151, 997153]


object SuccessivePrimeDiffs {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val d2 = primesByDiffs(2)(1000000)
    val d1 = primesByDiffs(1)(1000000)
    val d22 = primesByDiffs(2, 2)(1000000)
    val d24 = primesByDiffs(2, 4)(1000000)
    val d42 = primesByDiffs(4, 2)(1000000)
    val d642 = primesByDiffs(6, 4, 2)(1000000)

    if(true) println(
      s"""|Diffs: (First), (Last), Count
          |2:     (${d2.head.mkString(", ")}), (${d2.last.mkString(", ")}), ${d2.size}
          |1:     (${d1.head.mkString(", ")}), (${d1.last.mkString(", ")}), ${d1.size}
          |2-2:   (${d22.head.mkString(", ")}), (${d22.last.mkString(", ")}), ${d22.size}
          |2-4:   (${d24.head.mkString(", ")}), (${d24.last.mkString(", ")}), ${d24.size}
          |4-2:   (${d42.head.mkString(", ")}), (${d42.last.mkString(", ")}), ${d42.size}
          |6-4-2: (${d642.head.mkString(", ")}), (${d642.last.mkString(", ")}), ${d642.size}

  def primesByDiffs(diffs: Int*)(max: Int): LazyList[Vector[Int]] = {
    primesSliding(diffs.size + 1)
      .takeWhile(_.last <= max)
      .filter{vec => diffs.zip(vec.init).map{case (a, b) => a + b} == vec.tail}

  def primesSliding(len: Int): Iterator[Vector[Int]] = primes.sliding(len).map(_.toVector)
  def primes: LazyList[Int] = 2 #:: LazyList.from(3, 2).filter(n => !Iterator.range(3, math.sqrt(n).toInt + 1, 2).exists(n%_ == 0))


Diffs: (First), (Last), Count
2:     (3, 5), (999959, 999961), 8169
1:     (2, 3), (2, 3), 1
2-2:   (3, 5, 7), (3, 5, 7), 1
2-4:   (5, 7, 11), (999431, 999433, 999437), 1393
4-2:   (7, 11, 13), (997807, 997811, 997813), 1444
6-4-2: (31, 37, 41, 43), (997141, 997147, 997151, 997153), 306


var limit  = 1e6
var primes = limit.primes

say "Groups of successive primes <= #{limit.commify}:"

for diffs in [[2], [1], [2,2], [2,4], [4,2], [6,4,2]] {

    var groups = []
    primes.each_cons(diffs.len+1, {|*group|
        if (group.map_cons(2, {|a,b| b-a}) == diffs) {
            groups << group

    say ("...for differences #{diffs}, there are #{groups.len} groups, where ",
         "the first group = #{groups.first} and the last group = #{groups.last}")


Groups of successive primes <= 1,000,000:
...for differences [2], there are 8169 groups, where the first group = [3, 5] and the last group = [999959, 999961]
...for differences [1], there are 1 groups, where the first group = [2, 3] and the last group = [2, 3]
...for differences [2, 2], there are 1 groups, where the first group = [3, 5, 7] and the last group = [3, 5, 7]
...for differences [2, 4], there are 1393 groups, where the first group = [5, 7, 11] and the last group = [999431, 999433, 999437]
...for differences [4, 2], there are 1444 groups, where the first group = [7, 11, 13] and the last group = [997807, 997811, 997813]
...for differences [6, 4, 2], there are 306 groups, where the first group = [31, 37, 41, 43] and the last group = [997141, 997147, 997151, 997153]


{{libheader|GMP}} GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library Using GMP ( probabilistic primes), because it is easy and fast to generate primes.

[[Extensible prime generator#zkl]] could be used instead.

Treat this as a string search problem.

const PRIME_LIMIT=1_000_000;
var [const] BI=Import("zklBigNum");  // libGMP
var [const] primeBitMap=Data(PRIME_LIMIT).fill(0x30);   // one big string
p:= BI(1);
while(p.nextPrime()<=PRIME_LIMIT){ primeBitMap[p]="1" } // bitmap of primes

fcn primeWindows(m,deltas){ // eg (6,4,2)
   n,r := 0,List();
   ds:=deltas.len().pump(List,'wrap(n){ deltas[0,n+1].sum(0) });  // (6,10,12)
   sp:=Data(Void,"1" + "0"*deltas.sum(0));
   foreach n in (ds){ sp[n]="1" } // "1000001000101"
   while(n=primeBitMap.find(sp,n+1)){ r.append(n) }  //  (31, 61, 271,...)
   r.apply('wrap(n){ T(n).extend(ds.apply('+(n))) }) //( (31,37,41,43), (61,67,71,73), (271,277,281,283) ...)
foreach w in (T( T(2), T(1), T(2,2), T(2,4), T(4,2), T(6,4,2) )){
   println("Successive primes (<=%,d) with deltas of %s (%,d groups):"
   println("   First group: %s;  Last group: %s\n"
      .fmt(r[0].concat(", "),r[-1].concat(", ")));


Successive primes (<=1,000,000) with deltas of 2 (8,169 groups):
   First group: 3, 5;  Last group: 999959, 999961

Successive primes (<=1,000,000) with deltas of 1 (1 groups):
   First group: 2, 3;  Last group: 2, 3

Successive primes (<=1,000,000) with deltas of 2,2 (1 groups):
   First group: 3, 5, 7;  Last group: 3, 5, 7

Successive primes (<=1,000,000) with deltas of 2,4 (1,393 groups):
   First group: 5, 7, 11;  Last group: 999431, 999433, 999437

Successive primes (<=1,000,000) with deltas of 4,2 (1,444 groups):
   First group: 7, 11, 13;  Last group: 997807, 997811, 997813

Successive primes (<=1,000,000) with deltas of 6,4,2 (306 groups):
   First group: 31, 37, 41, 43;  Last group: 997141, 997147, 997151, 997153