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{{task|Programming environment operations}} [[Category:Date and time]] [[Category:Simple]]

{{omit from|ML/I}} {{omit from|ZX Spectrum Basic|Does not have a real time clock.}}

;Task: Output the system '''time''' (any units will do as long as they are noted) either by a [[Execute a System Command|system command]] or one built into the language.

The system time can be used for debugging, network information, random number seeds, or something as simple as program performance.

;Related task:

  • [[Date format]]

;See also:

  • [[wp:System time#Retrieving system time|Retrieving system time (wiki)]]


REPORT system_time.

WRITE: sy-uzeit.


The following example displays a date-time stamp. The time zone value is the number of minutes offset from the prime meridian.

with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Calendar.Formatting; use Ada.Calendar.Formatting;
with Ada.Calendar.Time_Zones; use Ada.Calendar.Time_Zones;
with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;

procedure System_Time is
   Now : Time := Clock;
   Put_line(Image(Date => Now, Time_Zone => -7*60));
end System_Time;

{{out}} 2008-01-23 19:14:19


date d;


o_form("~-/f2/-/f2/ /f2/:/f2/:/f2/\n", d_year(d), d_y_month(d), d_m_day(d),
       d_d_hour(d), d_h_minute(d), d_m_second(d));

{{out}} 2011-09-04 15:05:08


{{works with|ALGOL 68G|Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386}}

FORMAT time repr = $"year="4d,", month="2d,", day="2d,", hours="2d,",  \
                   minutes="2d,", seconds="2d,", day of week="d,",  \
                   daylight-saving-time flag="dl$;
printf((time repr, local time));
printf((time repr, utc time))

{{out}} year=2009, month=03, day=12, hours=11, minutes=53, seconds=32, day of week=5, daylight-saving-time flag=0 year=2009, month=03, day=12, hours=01, minutes=53, seconds=32, day of week=5, daylight-saving-time flag=0


display dialog (current date)


 Sunday, August 14, 2011 10:43:57 PM


FormatTime, t
MsgBox,% t


 4:18 PM Saturday, May 30, 2009


MsgBox(0,"Time", "Year: "&@YEAR&",Day: " &@MDAY& ",Hours: "& @HOUR & ", Minutes: "& @MIN &", Seconds: "& @SEC)


 Year: 2011,Day: 05,Hour: 09, Minutes: 15, Seconds: 25


'''One-liner:''' {{works with|Gawk}}

$ awk 'BEGIN{print systime(),strftime()}'


1242401632 Fri May 15 17:33:52  2009

'''Solution for other awk-versions:''' {{works with|awk}}

function dos_date(  cmd,d,t,x) { 	# under MS Windows
#   cmd = "DATE /T"
#   cmd | getline d	# Format depends on locale, e.g. MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD
#   close(cmd)        	# close pipe
# ##print d
#   cmd = "TIME /T"
#   cmd | getline t   	# 13:59
#   close(cmd)
# ##print t
#   return d t

    cmd = "echo %DATE% %TIME%"		# this gives better time-resolution
    cmd | getline x   			# 2014-10-31 20:57:36.84
    return x
   print "Date and time:", dos_date()
  #print systime(), strftime()		# gawk only


2014-10-31 20:57:36.84

See also: [[System_time#Batch]], [http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Discordian_date#AWK Discordian_date]


' BaCon time
n = NOW
PRINT n, " seconds since January 1st, 1970"
PRINT YEAR(n), MONTH(n), DAY(n) FORMAT "%04d/%02d/%02d "
PRINT HOUR(n), MINUTE(n), SECOND(n) FORMAT "%02d:%02d:%02d\n"


1503869183 seconds since January 1st, 1970
2017/08/27 17:26:23


{{works with|QBasic}}

This shows the system time in seconds since midnight.

This shows the time in human-readable format (using a 24-hour clock):


Batch File

There is no way to get a computer-readable date or time representation in batch files. All output is human-readable and follows the current locale.

Both date and time have a /t argument which makes them output only the value instead of prompting for a new one as well. {{works with|Windows NT}}

date /t
time /t

Furthermore there are two pseudo-variables %DATE% and %TIME%: {{works with|Windows NT|4}}

echo %DATE% %TIME%



Outputs the date and time. To output only the time:



This probably isn't the best way to do this, but it works. It shows system time as "Www Mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy", where Www is the weekday, Mmm the month in letters, dd the day of the month, hh:mm:ss the time, and yyyy the year.

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(){
  time_t my_time = time(NULL);
  printf("%s", ctime(&my_time));
  return 0;


to be compiled under linux with g++ -lboost_date_time systemtime.cpp -o systemtime( or whatever you like)

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>

int main( ) {
   boost::posix_time::ptime t ( boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time( ) ) ;
   std::cout << to_simple_string( t ) << std::endl ;
   return 0 ;

C++ 11

#include <chrono>
#include <ctime> //for conversion std::ctime()
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    auto timenow = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(std::chrono::system_clock::now());
    std::cout << std::ctime(&timenow) << std::endl;


 Thu Dec 26 13:51:00 2013




(import '[java.util Date])
; the current system date time string
(print (new Date))
; the system time as milliseconds since 1970
(print (. (new Date) getTime))
; or
(print (System/currentTimeMillis))


           05  WS-CURRENT-DATE.
               10  WS-CURRENT-YEAR    PIC  9(4).
               10  WS-CURRENT-MONTH   PIC  9(2).
               10  WS-CURRENT-DAY     PIC  9(2).
           05  WS-CURRENT-TIME.
               10  WS-CURRENT-HOUR    PIC  9(2).
               10  WS-CURRENT-MINUTE  PIC  9(2).
               10  WS-CURRENT-SECOND  PIC  9(2).
               10  WS-CURRENT-MS      PIC  9(2).
           05  WS-DIFF-FROM-GMT       PIC S9(4).



Script Based CFML

  // Date Time
  currentTime = Now();
  writeOutput( currentTime );

  // Epoch
  // Credit for Epoch time should go to Ben Nadel
  // bennadel.com is his blog
  utcDate = dateConvert( "local2utc", currentTime );
  writeOutput( utcDate.getTime() );


Current DateTime: {ts '2017-06-06 10:36:28'}
Epoch: 1496763388434

Common Lisp

(multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year) (get-decoded-time)
 	  (format t "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D" year month day hour minute second))


{{works with|Tango}}

''Clock.now.span'' in the example below returnes the time-span since 1 Jan 1 A.D. Days are used in the example, but lower units are available, with the lowest being nanoseconds (nanos field).

Stdout(Clock.now.span.days / 365).newline;


$ start_time = f$time()
$ wait 0::10
$ end_time = f$time()
$ write sys$output "start time was ", start_time
$ write sys$output "end time was   ", end_time
$ write sys$output "delta time is         ", f$delta_time( start_time, end_time )


$ @system_time
start time was  4-JUN-2015 15:38:09.60
end time was    4-JUN-2015 15:38:19.60
delta time is            0 00:00:10.00

The alternative below doesn't facilitate the calculation of the delta time; {{out}}

$ show time
   4-JUN-2015 15:33:33


lblDateTime.Caption := FormatDateTime('dd mmmm yyyy hh:mm:ss', Now);

This populates a label with the date


PrintLn(FormatDateTime('dd mmmm yyyy hh:mm:ss', Now));



The value is the number of milliseconds since 1970.


secs$ = sys "time" print sys "time:" & secs$

## Elena

ELENA 4.x :

import extensions;
import system'calendar;

public program()


01.10.2017 18:02:43


 {MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}
:erlang.time                    # => {Hour, Minute, Second}
:erlang.date                    # => {Year, Month, Day}
:erlang.localtime               # => {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}
:erlang.universaltime           # => {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}

:calendar.local_time            # => {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}
:calendar.universal_time        # => {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}

It is also guaranteed that subsequent calls to this BIF returns continuously increasing values. Hence, the return value from :erlang.now() can be used to generate unique time-stamps, and if it is called in a tight loop on a fast machine the time of the node can become skewed.


Emacs Lisp

(message "%s" (current-time-string))
"Wed Oct 14 22:21:05 1987"

current-time is the main programmatic interface, with various functions available to format or operate on the time values list it gives.


By default, Erlang timestamps are turned in the {megasecs, secs, microsecs} format.


These can be changed with the calendar module:

3> calendar:now_to_universal_time(os:timestamp()).
4> calendar:now_to_local_time(os:timestamp()).

Note that you will often encounter the function erlang:now/0 giving a time similar to the system time. However, erlang:now/0 may get delayed if the system time changes suddenly (i.e.: coming back from sleep mode). The delay is in place to make sure receive clauses that are millisecond-sensitive do not get false timeouts.


NOW() returns the date and time to the minute. Type in a cell :



9-8-2013 17:33


printfn "%s" (System.DateTime.Now.ToString("u"))


 2013-09-19 23:56:50Z


USE: calendar

now .


/* Added by Aykayayciti Earl Lamont Montgomery
April 10th, 2018 */

> CurrentTime().toString()


2018-04-10 09:40:35.798
[Finished in 0.2s]


DateTime.now returns the current time, which can then be formatted into different styles. For example, toJava returns the current time in milliseconds since 1 Jan 1970.

DateTime.nowTicks returns the number of nanoseconds since 1 Jan 2000 UTC.

fansh> DateTime.now
2011-02-24T00:51:47.066Z London
fansh> DateTime.now.toJava


Forth's only standard access to the system timers is via DATE&TIME ( -- s m h D M Y ) and MS ( n -- ) which pauses the program for at least ''n'' milliseconds. Particular Forth implementations give different access to millisecond and microsecond timers:

{{works with|Win32Forth}} {{works with|GNU Forth}} {{works with|bigFORTH}} {{works with|iForth}} {{works with|PFE}} {{works with|SwiftForth}} {{works with|VFX Forth}} {{works with|MacForth}}

[UNDEFINED] MS@ [IF]                                   \ Win32Forth (rolls over daily)
 [DEFINED] ?MS [IF] ( -- ms )
   : ms@ ?MS ;                                         \ iForth
 [ELSE] [DEFINED] cputime [IF] ( -- Dusec )
   : ms@ cputime d+ 1000 um/mod nip ;                  \ gforth: Anton Ertl
 [ELSE] [DEFINED] timer@ [IF] ( -- Dusec )
   : ms@ timer@ >us 1000 um/mod nip ;                  \ bigForth
 [ELSE] [DEFINED] gettimeofday [IF] ( -- usec sec )
   : ms@ gettimeofday 1000 MOD 1000 * SWAP 1000 / + ;  \ PFE
 [ELSE] [DEFINED] counter [IF]
   : ms@ counter ;                                     \ SwiftForth
 [ELSE] [DEFINED] GetTickCount [IF]
   : ms@ GetTickCount ;                                \ VFX Forth
   : ms@  microsecs 1000 UM/MOD nip ;                  \  MacForth

MS@ .   \ print millisecond counter


In ISO Fortran 90 or later, use the SYSTEM_CLOCK intrinsic subroutine:

integer :: start, stop, rate
real :: result

! optional 1st integer argument (COUNT) is current raw system clock counter value (not UNIX epoch millis!!)
! optional 2nd integer argument (COUNT_RATE) is clock cycles per second
! optional 3rd integer argument (COUNT_MAX) is maximum clock counter value
call system_clock( start, rate )

result = do_timed_work()

call system_clock( stop )

print *, "elapsed time: ", real(stop - start) / real(rate)

In ISO Fortran 95 or later, use the CPU_TIME intrinsic subroutine:

real :: start, stop
real :: result

! System clock value interpreted as floating point seconds
call cpu_time( start )

result = do_timed_work()

call cpu_time( stop )

print *, "elapsed time: ", stop - start


' FB 1.05.0 Win64

Print Date + " " + Time  '' returns system date/time in format : mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss


'''[https://gambas-playground.proko.eu/?gist=f061cc0cf175496b37bbcd14bd1e7058 Click this link to run this code]'''

Public Sub Main()

Print Format(Now, "dddd dd mmmm yyyy hh:nn:ss")



Thursday 08 June 2017 15:58:41



    var now = new DateTime.now_local()
    print now.to_string()


prompt$ valac systemTime.gs
prompt$ ./systemTime


package main

import "time"
import "fmt"

func main() {
    t := time.Now()
    fmt.Println(t)                                    // default format
    fmt.Println(t.Format("Mon Jan  2 15:04:05 2006")) // some custom format


Solution (based on [[#Java|Java]] solution).

def nowMillis = new Date().time
println 'Milliseconds since the start of the UNIX Epoch (Jan 1, 1970) == ' + nowMillis

{{out}} Milliseconds since the start of the UNIX Epoch (Jan 1, 1970) == 1243395159250


We can only show the clock, but this might not be set to system time:

## Haskell

import System.Time
       (getClockTime, toCalendarTime, formatCalendarTime)

import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  ct <- getClockTime
  print ct -- print default format, or
  cal <- toCalendarTime ct
  putStrLn $ formatCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" cal

or with the time library:

import Data.Time (getZonedTime, formatTime, defaultTimeLocale)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  zt <- getZonedTime
  print zt -- print default format, or
  putStrLn $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" zt


seconds_since_midnight = TIME() ! msec as fraction

seconds_since_midnight = TIME(Year=yr, Day=day, WeekDay=wday, Gregorian=gday)
                             ! other options e.g. Excel, YYYYMMDD (num or text)


CDateStruct ds;
Date2Struct(&ds, Now + local_time_offset);

Print("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", ds.year, ds.mon, ds.day_of_mon, ds.hour, ds.min, ds.sec);


The time of the current system event is made available on the subject in most contexts as now.


Absolute times have 64-bit subsecond precision, which is used to ensure that no two system events have the same timestamp.

## IDL

The <tt>systime()</tt> function returns system time either as a formatted string (if the argument is zero or absent) or as a double-precision (floating-point) number of seconds (with fractionals) since 1-Jan-1970 otherwise:

     Wed Feb 10 09:41:14 2010

The default format can also be invoked for a different moment in time by passing a different number of elapsed seconds to the routine as a second argument:

     Sat Sep 08 17:46:40 2001

Otherwise, the system time can be retrieved in Julian dates:


The local time zone is ignored if the <tt>utc</tt> flag is used:

     Wed Feb 10 09:50:15 2010
     Wed Feb 10 17:50:10 2010

## Io

```io>Date now println</lang
 2008-08-26 00:15:52 EDT

=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==

procedure main()

    write("&time - milliseconds of CPU time = ",&time)
    write("&clock - Time of day as hh:mm:ss (24-hour format) = ",&clock)
    write("&date - current date in yyyy/mm/dd format = ",&date)
    write("&dateline - timestamp with day of the week, date, and current time to the minute = ",&dateline)

    if find("Unicon",&version) then
       write("&now - time in seconds since the epoch = ", &now)  # Unicon only


{{out}} &time - milliseconds of CPU time = 0 &clock - Time of day as hh:mm:ss (24-hour format) = 15:56:14 &date - current date in yyyy/mm/dd format = 2011/06/06 &dateline - timestamp with day of the week, date, and current time to the minute = Monday, June 6, 2011 3:56 pm &now - time in seconds since the epoch = 1307400974

=={{header|IS-BASIC}}== 100 PRINT TIME$

## J

The external verb <code>6!:0</code> returns a six-element floating-point array in which the elements correspond to year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Fractional portion of second is given to thousandths.
   6!:0 ''
2008 1 23 12 52 10.341

A formatted string representation of the current time can also be returned:

   6!:0 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.sss'
2009-08-26 10:38:53.171


{{works with|Java|1.5+}}

public class SystemTime{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.format("%tc%n", System.currentTimeMillis());

{{out}} Mon Jun 21 13:02:19 BST 2010 Or using a Date object:

import java.util.Date;

public class SystemTime{
   public static void main(String[] args){
      Date now = new Date();
      System.out.println(now); // string representation

      System.out.println(now.getTime()); // Unix time (# of milliseconds since Jan 1 1970)
      //System.currentTimeMillis() returns the same value

Alternately, you can use a Calendar object, which allows you to retrieve specific fields of the date.


console.log(new Date()) // => Sat, 28 May 2011 08:22:53 GMT
console.log(Date.now()) // => 1306571005417 // Unix epoch


{{works with|jq |1.5}}

$ jq -n 'now | [., todate]'

"now" reports the number of seconds since the beginning of the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_epoch Unix epoch].


Jsish does not implement the standard ECMAScript Date module but provides '''strftime''' and '''strptime'''.


{{out}} using interactive echo of results

prompt$ jsish
# strftime();
"2019-02-20 19:43:20"


ts = time()

println("The system time is (in ISO 8601 format):")
println(strftime("    %F %T %Z", ts))


The system time is (in ISO 8601 format):
    2015-04-08 14:19:38 CDT


// version 1.0.6

fun main(args: Array<String>) {


date->format('%Q %T')

{{out}} 2013-11-02 11:47:27 1383407747



By default, LFE timestamps are turned in the #(megasecs secs microsecs) format.

> (os:timestamp)
#(1423 786308 145798)

These can be changed to the more common date/time stamp with the calendar module:

> (calendar:now_to_datetime (os:timestamp))
#(#(2015 2 13) #(0 12 18))

Locale taken into account:

> (calendar:now_to_universal_time (os:timestamp))
#(#(2015 2 13) #(0 13 51))
> (calendar:now_to_local_time (os:timestamp))
#(#(2015 2 12) #(16 14 26))

Note that you will often encounter the function erlang:now/0 giving a time similar to the system time. However, erlang:now/0 may get delayed if the system time changes suddenly (i.e.: coming back from sleep mode). The delay is in place to ensure that receive clauses which are millisecond-sensitive do not get false timeouts.

Liberty BASIC

print time$()               'time now as string "16:21:44"
print time$("seconds")      'seconds since midnight as number 32314
print time$("milliseconds") 'milliseconds since midnight as number 33221342
print time$("ms")           'milliseconds since midnight as number 33221342


The '''system''' command is provided in the lil shell. On GNU/Linux:

print [system date]; print [system date +%s.%N]
Fri Aug 23 20:50:08 EDT 2019



put time()
-- "03:45"

put date()
-- "01.10.2016"

put the systemdate
-- date( 2016, 10, 1 )

put the systemdate.seconds
-- 13950

-- milliseconds since last boot, due to higher resolution better suited for random number seeding
put _system.milliseconds
-- 41746442


## Locomotive Basic

The variable "time" contains the time elapsed since last system start or reset. Each unit equals 1/300 s.
print time
print time/300;"s since last reboot"

{{works with|UCB Logo}} Other Logo variants might have a built-in command, but UCB Logo must access the Unix shell to get time.

to time
  output first first shell [date +%s]

make "start time
wait 300              ; 60ths of a second
print time - :start   ; 5



M2000 Interpreter

print str$(now,"long time"), time$(now)


Different ways of doing this, here are 2 most common:


DateList will return the list {year,month,day,hour,minute,second} where all of them are integers except for second; that is a float. AbsoluteTime gives the total number of seconds since january 1st 1900 in your time zone.

=={{header|MATLAB}} / {{header|Octave}}==

ans =
13-Aug-2010 12:59:56
The system time is 22:55:44

## Neko


System time

Neko uses Int32 to store system date/time values. And lib C strftime style formatting for converting to string form

*/ var date_now = $loader.loadprim("std@date_now", 0) var date_format = $loader.loadprim("std@date_format", 2) var now = date_now() $print(now, " ", date_format(now, "%T"), "\n") ``` {{out}} ```txt prompt$ nekoc system-time.neko prompt$ neko system-time.n 1542158592 20:23:12 ``` ## Nemerle ```Nemerle System.Console.Write(System.DateTime.Now); ``` ## NetRexx ```netrexx import java.text.SimpleDateFormat say SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH.mm.ss.SSS").format(Date()) ``` ## NewLISP ```NewLISP> (date) "Sun Sep 28 20:17:55 2014" ``` ## Nim ```nim import times echo(getDateStr()) echo(getClockStr()) echo(getTime()) ``` {{out}} 2013-08-02 07:34:25 Fri Aug 2 07:34:25 2013 =={{header|Objective-C}}== ```objc NSLog(@"%@", [NSDate date]); ``` or (deprecated) ```objc NSLog(@"%@", [NSCalendarDate calendarDate]); ``` ## Objeck ```objeck function : Time() ~ Nil { t := Time->New(); IO.Console->GetInstance()->Print(t->GetHours())->Print(":")->Print(t->GetMinutes())->Print(":")->PrintLine(t->GetSeconds()); } ``` ## OCaml ```ocaml #load "unix.cma";; open Unix;; let {tm_sec = sec; tm_min = min; tm_hour = hour; tm_mday = mday; tm_mon = mon; tm_year = year; tm_wday = wday; tm_yday = yday; tm_isdst = isdst} = localtime (time ());; Printf.printf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n" (year + 1900) (mon + 1) mday hour min sec; ``` ## Oforth System.tick is used to retrieve a tick from the system in order to compute small intervals of time. It is used by #bench method to compute duration of a runnable (unit is micro second). ```Oforth System.tick println #[ #sqrt 1000000 seq map sum println ] bench ``` {{out}} ```txt 707095319487 666667166.458841 259819 ``` System.localTime returns number of micro seconds since 01/01/1970:00:00:00 Integer returned by System.localTime allows to create a Date object. ```Oforth import: date System.localTime dup println asDate println drop drop ``` {{out}} ```txt 1421095428478000 2015-01-12 21:43:48,478 ``` ## Oz ```oz {Show {OS.time}} %% posix time (seconds since 1970-01-01) {Show {OS.gmTime}} %% current UTC as a record {Show {OS.localTime}} %% current local time as record %% Also interesting: undocumented module OsTime %% When did posix time reach 1 billion? {Show {OsTime.gmtime 1000000000}} {Show {OsTime.localtime 1000000000}} ``` {{out}} 1263347902 time(hour:1 isDst:0 mDay:13 min:58 mon:0 sec:22 wDay:3 yDay:12 year:110) time(hour:2 isDst:0 mDay:13 min:58 mon:0 sec:22 wDay:3 yDay:12 year:110) time(hour:1 isDst:0 mDay:9 min:46 mon:8 sec:40 wDay:0 yDay:251 year:101) time(hour:3 isDst:1 mDay:9 min:46 mon:8 sec:40 wDay:0 yDay:251 year:101) ## PARI/GP For timing the gettime is usually used, which measures CPU time rather than walltime. But to get the raw time you'll need a system call ```parigp system("date") ``` Direct access to the C library time() function can be had by an install(), and it should be faster than running the date program. ```parigp install(time, "lf"); t = time(); print(t); \\ integer seconds since the epoch (usually 1 Jan 1970) ``` install() can't give the higher resolution C library time functions like gettimeofday() or clock_gettime() but some further C code could put their results into a Pari integer or rational suitable for install() in GP. ## Pascal {{works with|Turbo Pascal|5.5}} ```Pascal program systime; uses DOS; { Format digit with leading zero } function lz(w: word): string; var s: string; begin str(w,s); if length(s) = 1 then s := '0' + s; lz := s; end; var h,m,s,c: word; yr,mo,da,dw: word; dt: datetime; t,ssm: longint; regs: registers; begin { Time and Date } GetTime(h,m,s,c); writeln(lz(h),':',lz(m),':',lz(s),'.',c); GetDate(yr,mo,da,dw); writeln(yr,'-',lz(mo),'-',lz(da)); { Turbo Epoch, seconds } with dt do begin year := yr; month := mo; day := da; hour := h; min := m; sec := s; end; packtime(dt,t); writeln(t); { Seconds since midnight, PC-BIOS 1Ah } regs.ah := 0; Intr($1A,regs); ssm := round((regs.cx * 65536 + regs.dx) * (65536 / 1192180)); writeln(ssm); end. ``` {{out}} 23:42:35.9 2010-07-29 1023262033 85427 ## Perl Simple localtime use in scalar context. ```perl print scalar localtime, "\n"; ``` {{out}} Thu Jan 24 11:23:30 2008 localtime use in array context. ```perl ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime; printf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec ``` {{out}} 2008-01-24 11:23:30 The same using DateTime: ```perl use DateTime; my $dt = DateTime->now; my $d = $dt->ymd; my $t = $dt->hms; print "$d $t\n"; ``` {{out}} 2010-03-29 19:46:26 localtime use in array context with [[POSIX]] strftime: ```perl use POSIX qw(strftime); $now_string = strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime; print "$now_string\n"; ``` Output (with cs_CZ.UTF-8 locale): ```txt Čt led 24 11:23:30 2008 ``` Using the [http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?DateTime DateTime] module: ```perl use DateTime; my $dt = DateTime->now; say $dt->iso8601(); say $dt->year_with_christian_era(); say $dt->year_with_secular_era(); # etc. ``` Unix epoch: ```perl>print time;) ## Phix ```Phix include timedate.e ?format_timedate(date(),"Dddd, Mmmm dth, YYYY, h:mm:ss pm") atom t0 = time() sleep(0.9) ?time()-t0 ``` {{out}} ```txt "Tuesday, July 12th, 2016, 11:30:07 am" 0.906 ``` Note the system clock tick rate mean times can be out by ~0.0155s; it is not unusual to see total elapsed times of 0,0,0,0.016,0.016,0.016,0.031,0.031,0.031, etc. ## PHP Seconds since the Unix epoch: ```php echo time(), "\n"; ``` Microseconds since the Unix epoch: ```php echo microtime(), "\n"; ``` Formatted time: ```php echo date('D M j H:i:s Y'), "\n"; // custom format; see format characters here: // http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php echo date('c'), "\n"; // ISO 8601 format echo date('r'), "\n"; // RFC 2822 format echo date(DATE_RSS), "\n"; // can also use one of the predefined formats here: // http://us3.php.net/manual/en/class.datetime.php#datetime.constants.types ``` ## PicoLisp ```PicoLisp (stamp) ``` {{out}} -> "2010-02-19 15:14:06 ## PL/I ```PL/I put (datetime()); /* writes out the date and time */ /* The time is given to thousandths of a second, */ /* in the format hhmiss999 */ put (time()); /* gives the time in the format hhmiss999. */ ``` ## PowerShell Using a cmdlet: ```powershell Get-Date ``` or using .NET classes and properties: ```powershell [DateTime]::Now ``` ## PureBasic ```PureBasic time=Date() ; Unix timestamp time$=FormatDate("%mm.%dd.%yyyy %hh:%ii:%ss",time) ; following value is only reasonable accurate, on Windows it can differ by +/- 20 ms ms_counter=ElapsedMilliseconds() ; could use API like QueryPerformanceCounter_() on Windows for more accurate values ``` ## Python ```python import time print time.ctime() ``` ## Q Date & time are accessible via the virtual .z namespace. lowercase names are UTC, uppercase are local: ```q q).z.D 2010.01.25 q).z.N 0D14:17:45.519682000 q).z.P 2010.01.25D14:17:46.962375000 q).z.T 14:17:47.817 q).z.Z 2010.01.25T14:17:48.711 q).z.z 2010.01.25T19:17:59.445 ``` ## R {{works with|R|2.8.1}} Note that this is output as a standard style string. ```R Sys.time() ``` {{out}} [1] "2009-07-27 15:27:04 PDT" ## Racket The system time as a date string: ```racket #lang racket (require racket/date) (date->string (current-date)) ``` Or, as seconds after midnight UTC, January 1, 1970: ```racket #lang racket (current-seconds) ``` ## Raven Note the use of single quotation marks for the date specifier.time dup print "\n" print int '%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y' date ``` {{out}} 1353352623.511231 Tue Nov 20 05:17:03 2012 ## REBOL ```REBOL now print rejoin [now/year "-" now/month "-" now/day " " now/time] ``` {{out}} 10-Dec-2009/7:43:55-5:00 2009-12-10 7:43:55 ## Retro Displays the number of seconds since the Unix epoch: ```Retro>time putn 2013-12-27 18:00:23 +0900 # epoch time puts t.to_i # => 1388134823 # epoch time with fractional seconds puts t.to_f # => 1388134823.9801579 # epoch time as a rational (more precision): puts Time.now.to_r # 1424900671883862959/1000000000 ``` ## Scala {{libheader|Scala}}Ad hoc solution as [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop REPL] scripts: ### JDK < 8 ```scala println(new java.util.Date) ``` {{out}} Sun Aug 14 22:47:42 EDT 2011 ===JDK >= 8 (recommended)=== ```scala println(java.time.LocalTime.now()) ``` {{out}} 11:32:39.002 ## Scheme {{works with|Chicken Scheme}} ```scheme (use posix) (seconds->string (current-seconds)) ``` {{out}} "Sat May 16 21:42:47 2009" ## Seed7 ```seed7 $ include "seed7_05.s7i"; include "time.s7i"; const proc: main is func begin writeln(time(NOW)); end func; ``` {{out}} 2009-12-07 17:09:44.687500 UTC+1 ## SETL ```setl $ Unix time print(tod); $ Human readable time and date print(date); ``` {{out}} ```setl 1447628158908 Sun Nov 15 22:55:58 2015 ``` ## Sidef ```ruby # textual say Time.local.ctime; # => Thu Mar 19 15:10:41 2015 # epoch time say Time.sec; # => 1426770641 # epoch time with fractional seconds say Time.micro_sec; # => 1426770641.68409 ``` ## Smalltalk {{works with|GNU Smalltalk}} ```smalltalk>DateTime now displayNl.DateAndTime now SELECT CURRENT DATE, CURRENT TIME, CURRENT TIMESTAMP FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1; 1 2 3 ---------- -------- -------------------------- 04/29/2018 14:27:10 2018-04-29- 1 record(s) selected. ``` ## Stata ```stata di c(current_date) di c(current_time) ``` ## Tcl This uses a timestamp that is a number of seconds since the start of the UNIX Epoch. ```tcl puts [clock seconds] ``` More readable forms may be created by formatting the time: ```tcl puts [clock format [clock seconds]] ``` =={{header|TI-89 BASIC}}== ```ti89b ■ getTime() {13 28 55} ■ getDate() {2009 8 13} ``` Note that the system clock can be turned off, in which case the value returned will remain constant. isClkOn() can be used to check it. ## TUSCRIPT ```tuscript $$ MODE TUSCRIPT time=time() PRINT time ``` {{out}} 2011-04-05 13:45:44 ## UNIX Shell ```bash date # Thu Dec 3 15:38:06 PST 2009 date +%s # 1259883518, seconds since the epoch, like C stdlib time(0) ``` ## Ursa ```ursa # outputs time in milliseconds import "time" out (time.getcurrent) endl console ``` ## Ursala A library function, now, ignores its argument and returns the system time as a character string. ```Ursala #import cli #cast %s main = now 0 ``` {{out}} 'Fri, 26 Jun 2009 20:31:49 +0100' This string can be converted to seconds since 1970 (ignoring leap seconds) by the library function string_to_time. ## Vala ```vala var now = new DateTime.now_local(); string now_string = now.to_string(); ``` {{out}} 2011-11-12T20:23:24-0800 ## VBA ```VB Debug.Print Now() ``` {{out}} 12/12/2013 16:16:16 ## VBScript ```vb>WScript.Echo Now> 8); \the high byte of register CX contains the hours ChOut(0, ^:); NumOut(Reg(2) & $00FF); \the low byte of CX contains the minutes ChOut(0, ^:); NumOut(Reg(3) >> 8); \the high byte of DX contains the seconds ChOut(0, ^.); NumOut(Reg(3) & $00FF); \the low byte of DX contains hundreths CrLf(0); ] ``` {{out}} 13:08:26.60 ## Yabasic ```Yabasic print time$ ``` ## zkl ```zkl Time.Clock.time //-->seconds since the epoch (C/OS defined) ``` {{omit from|Axe}}