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{{implementation|Tcl}} '''tclkit''' and '''tclkitsh''' are single-file distributions of Tcl (based on [[libtcl]][[Category:libtcl]]) that can be launched without prior installation; they store all auxiliary files in an internal filesystem-in-a-database. The main difference between tclkit and tclkitsh is on Windows, where the former is built as a graphical application (so not using real stdio) and the latter as a console application (forcing the opening of a console window if run from Explorer); these differences are a feature of the Windows platform. (The difference between java and javaw for [[Java]] runtimes is analogous.)

Tools are available for simply building user applications into single file distributions based on tclkit, through concatenating a further filesystem-database file. Since this technique is orthogonal (and largely transparent) to the application, it has become a very popular technique for distributing applications implemented in Tcl.

== Building an Application with Tclkit == Note that unlike the [http://wiki.tcl.tk/10558 source for this material], this quick tutorial assumes that you already have things installed.

Write your application

Save this into a file hello.tcl:

package require Tk
pack [button .b -text "Hello World!" -command bell]

Wrap your application

At the shell command line, type this:

SDX="tclkit sdx.kit"
$(SDX) qwrap hello.tcl

Test your application

###  Unwrap and rewrap with the full runtime attached 

$(SDX) unwrap hello.kit

That creates a directory, hello.vfs, that contains the packaged application. This is when you would copy into there any libraries – either pure scripted or compiled from some other language, e.g., [[C]] – that you wanted to distribute with your application. Then you rewrap it into a full, self-contained executable like this:

$(SDX) wrap hello -vfs hello.vfs -runtime `which tclkit`

== See Also ==

  • [http://www.equi4.com/tclkit/ Description, fully-supported builds] ** [http://www.equi4.com/starkit/sdx.html Tool for building and working with tclkit-packaged applications, sdx.kit]
  • [http://www.patthoyts.tk/tclkit/ Bleeding-edge builds]
  • [http://wiki.tcl.tk/52 Tclkit on the Tcler's Wiki]
  • [http://wiki.tcl.tk/3661 Starkit on the Tcler's Wiki]