⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

Copied from WP for Reflist

{{Documentation subpage}}

This is the {{tl|documentation/core}} sub-template.

Do not use this template directly, use {{tl|documentation}} instead.

{{tlf|documentation}} calls {{tl|documentation/core2}} which in turn calls this template. This template holds most of the code for {{tlf|documentation}}, while {{tlf|documentation}} and {{tlf|documentation/core2}} do parameter preprocessing. Thus simplifying the code.

Technical details

This sub-template currently expects these parameters:

| heading = {{{heading|¬}}}   <!--Note that the "¬" is necessary 
     so we can detect the difference between empty and undefined-->
| heading-style = {{{heading-style|}}}
| content = {{{content|}}}    <!--Text instead of a /doc page-->
| link box = {{{link box|}}}  <!--So "link box=off" works-->

| docpage =     <!--Full pagename of the doc page-->
| doc exist =   <!--"yes" if the doc page exists, empty string if not-->
| docname fed = <!--"yes" if a docname was manually fed-->

| sandbox =     <!--Full pagename of the /sandbox-->
| testcases =   <!--Full pagename of the /testcases-->

| template page =   <!--Full pagename where the {{documentation}}
    template is placed, but without ending /sandbox or /testcases.
    Note: Unfortunately might not be the "correct" namespace if 
    the template is in subject space and the {{documentation}} 
    template is in talk space or the other way around.-->

For more documentation see {{tl|documentation}}.

[[Category:Template documentation]] {{template}}