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{{task}} [[Category:String manipulation]] [[Category: Encodings]]

;Task: Provide a function or mechanism to convert a provided string into URL encoding representation.

In URL encoding, special characters, control characters and extended characters are converted into a percent symbol followed by a two digit hexadecimal code, So a space character encodes into %20 within the string.

For the purposes of this task, every character except 0-9, A-Z and a-z requires conversion, so the following characters all require conversion by default:

  • ASCII control codes (Character ranges 00-1F hex (0-31 decimal) and 7F (127 decimal).
  • ASCII symbols (Character ranges 32-47 decimal (20-2F hex))
  • ASCII symbols (Character ranges 58-64 decimal (3A-40 hex))
  • ASCII symbols (Character ranges 91-96 decimal (5B-60 hex))
  • ASCII symbols (Character ranges 123-126 decimal (7B-7E hex))
  • Extended characters with character codes of 128 decimal (80 hex) and above.

;Example: The string "http://foo bar/" would be encoded as "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F".


  • Lowercase escapes are legal, as in "http%3a%2f%2ffoo%20bar%2f".
  • Some standards give different rules: RFC 3986, ''Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax'', section 2.3, says that "-.~" should not be encoded. HTML 5, section [http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/association-of-controls-and-forms.html#url-encoded-form-data URL-encoded form data], says to preserve "-.*", and to encode space " " to "+". The options below provide for utilization of an exception string, enabling preservation (non encoding) of particular characters to meet specific standards.

;Options: It is permissible to use an exception string (containing a set of symbols that do not need to be converted). However, this is an optional feature and is not a requirement of this task.

;Related tasks:

  • [[URL decoding]]
  • [[URL parser]]



with AWS.URL;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Encode is
   Normal : constant String := "http://foo bar/";
   Put_Line (AWS.URL.Encode (Normal));
end Encode;




MsgBox, % UriEncode("http://foo bar/")

; Modified from http://goo.gl/0a0iJq
	VarSetCapacity(Var, StrPut(Uri, "UTF-8"), 0)
	StrPut(Uri, &Var, "UTF-8")
	f := A_FormatInteger
	SetFormat, IntegerFast, H
	While Code := NumGet(Var, A_Index - 1, "UChar")
		If (Code >= 0x30 && Code <= 0x39 ; 0-9
			|| Code >= 0x41 && Code <= 0x5A ; A-Z
			|| Code >= 0x61 && Code <= 0x7A) ; a-z
			Res .= Chr(Code)
			Res .= "%" . SubStr(Code + 0x100, -1)
	SetFormat, IntegerFast, %f%
	Return, Res


EncodingUtil.urlEncode('http://foo bar/', 'UTF-8')


{{libheader|AppleScript Toolbox}}

AST URL encode "http://foo bar/"




url "http://foo bar/"

print $(encodeUrl url)




	for (i = 0; i <= 255; i++)
		ord[sprintf("%c", i)] = i

# Encode string with application/x-www-form-urlencoded escapes.
function escape(str,    c, len, res) {
	len = length(str)
	res = ""
	for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
		c = substr(str, i, 1);
		if (c ~ /[0-9A-Za-z]/)
		#if (c ~ /[-._*0-9A-Za-z]/)
			res = res c
		#else if (c == " ")
		#	res = res "+"
			res = res "%" sprintf("%02X", ord[c])
	return res

# Escape every line of input.
{ print escape($0) }

The array ord[] uses idea from [[Character codes#AWK]].

To follow the rules for HTML 5, uncomment the two lines that convert " " to "+", and use the regular expression that preserves "-._*".


      PRINT FNurlencode("http://foo bar/")

      DEF FNurlencode(url$)
      LOCAL c%, i%
      WHILE i% < LEN(url$)
        i% += 1
        c% = ASCMID$(url$, i%)
        IF c%<&30 OR c%>&7A OR c%>&39 AND c%<&41 OR c%>&5A AND c%<&61 THEN
          url$ = LEFT$(url$,i%-1) + "%" + RIGHT$("0"+STR$~c%,2) + MID$(url$,i%+1)
      = url$




(     ( encode
      =   encoded exceptions octet string
        .     !arg:(?exceptions.?string)
            & :?encoded
            & @( !string
               :   ?
                   ( %@?octet ?
                   &     !encoded
                         (   !octet
                           : ( ~<0:~>9
                             | ~<A:~>Z
                             | ~<a:~>z
                         |   @(!exceptions:? !octet ?)
                           & !octet
                         | "%" d2x$(asc$!octet)
                     : ?encoded
                   & ~
          | str$!encoded
    & out$"without exceptions:
    & out$(encode$(."http://foo bar/"))
    & out$(encode$(."mailto:Ivan"))
    & out$(encode$(."Aim <[email protected]>"))
    & out$(encode$(."mailto:Irma"))
    & out$(encode$(."User <[email protected]>"))
    & out$(encode$(."http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html"))
    & out$"
with RFC 3986 rules:
    & out$(encode$("-._~"."http://foo bar/"))
    & out$(encode$("-._~"."mailto:Ivan"))
    & out$(encode$("-._~"."Aim <[email protected]>"))
    & out$(encode$("-._~"."mailto:Irma"))
    & out$(encode$("-._~"."User <[email protected]>"))
    & out$(encode$("-._~"."http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html"))


without exceptions:


with RFC 3986 rules:



#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

char rfc3986[256] = {0};
char html5[256] = {0};

/* caller responsible for memory */
void encode(const char *s, char *enc, char *tb)
	for (; *s; s++) {
		if (tb[*s]) sprintf(enc, "%c", tb[*s]);
		else        sprintf(enc, "%%%02X", *s);
		while (*++enc);

int main()
	const char url[] = "http://foo bar/";
	char enc[(strlen(url) * 3) + 1];

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
		rfc3986[i] = isalnum(i)||i == '~'||i == '-'||i == '.'||i == '_'
			? i : 0;
		html5[i] = isalnum(i)||i == '*'||i == '-'||i == '.'||i == '_'
			? i : (i == ' ') ? '+' : 0;

	encode(url, enc, rfc3986);

	return 0;


using Qt 4.6 as a library

#include <QByteArray>
#include <iostream>

int main( ) {
   QByteArray text ( "http://foo bar/" ) ;
   QByteArray encoded( text.toPercentEncoding( ) ) ;
   std::cout << encoded.data( ) << '\n' ;
   return 0 ;


## C# ```c sharp using System; namespace URLEncode { internal class Program { private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(Encode("http://foo bar/")); } private static string Encode(string uri) { return Uri.EscapeDataString(uri); } } } ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## Clojure Using Java's URLEncoder: ```clojure (import 'java.net.URLEncoder) (URLEncoder/encode "http://foo bar/" "UTF-8") ``` {{out}} ```txt "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F" ``` ## ColdFusion ## Common Lisp ```lisp (defun needs-encoding-p (char) (not (digit-char-p char 36))) (defun encode-char (char) (format nil "%~2,'0X" (char-code char))) (defun url-encode (url) (apply #'concatenate 'string (map 'list (lambda (char) (if (needs-encoding-p char) (encode-char char) (string char))) url))) (url-encode "http://foo bar/") ``` {{out}} ```txt "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F" ``` ## D ```d import std.stdio, std.uri; void main() { writeln(encodeComponent("http://foo bar/")); } ``` ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## Elixir ```elixir iex(1)> URI.encode("http://foo bar/", &URI.char_unreserved?/1) "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F" ``` ## Erlang Built in, http_uri:encode/1 accepts lists and binary: ```txt 1> http_uri:encode("http://foo bar/"). "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F" ``` ### Unicode If you are URL encoding unicode data though http_uri:encode/1 will produce incorrect results: ```txt 1> http_uri:encode("étanchéité d une terrasse"). "étanchéité%20d%20une%20terrasse" ``` You should use the built-in (non-documented) edoc_lib:escape_uri/1 instead: ```txt 1> edoc_lib:escape_uri("étanchéité d une terrasse"). "%c3%a9tanch%c3%a9it%c3%a9%20d%20une%20terrasse" ``` And for binary you will need to take care and use unicode:characters_to_{list,binary}/1: ```txt 1> unicode:characters_to_binary(edoc_lib:escape_uri(unicode:characters_to_list(<<"étanchéité d une terrasse"/utf8>>))). <<"%c3%a9tanch%c3%a9it%c3%a9%20d%20une%20terrasse">> ``` =={{header|F_Sharp|F#}}== ```fsharp open System [] let main args = printfn "%s" (Uri.EscapeDataString(args.[0])) 0 ``` {{out}} ```txt >URLencoding.exe "http://foo bar/" http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## Factor Factor's built-in URL encoder doesn't encode : or /. However, we can write our own predicate quotation that tells (url-encode) what characters to exclude. ```factor USING: combinators.short-circuit unicode urls.encoding.private ; : my-url-encode ( str -- encoded ) [ { [ alpha? ] [ "-._~" member? ] } 1|| ] (url-encode) ; "http://foo bar/" my-url-encode print ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## Free Pascal ```pascal function urlEncode(data: string): AnsiString; var ch: AnsiChar; begin Result := ''; for ch in data do begin if ((Ord(ch) < 65) or (Ord(ch) > 90)) and ((Ord(ch) < 97) or (Ord(ch) > 122)) then begin Result := Result + '%' + IntToHex(Ord(ch), 2); end else Result := Result + ch; end; end; ``` ## Go ```go package main import ( "fmt" "net/url" ) func main() { fmt.Println(url.QueryEscape("http://foo bar/")) } ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F ``` ## Groovy ```groovy def normal = "http://foo bar/" def encoded = URLEncoder.encode(normal, "utf-8") println encoded ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F ``` ## Haskell ```Haskell import qualified Data.Char as Char import Text.Printf encode :: Char -> String encode c | c == ' ' = "+" | Char.isAlphaNum c || c `elem` "-._~" = [c] | otherwise = printf "%%%02X" c urlEncode :: String -> String urlEncode = concatMap encode main :: IO () main = putStrLn $ urlEncode "http://foo bar/" ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F ``` =={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}== ```Icon link hexcvt procedure main() write("text = ",image(u := "http://foo bar/")) write("encoded = ",image(ue := encodeURL(u))) end procedure encodeURL(s) #: encode data for inclusion in a URL/URI static en initial { # build lookup table for everything en := table() every en[c := !string(~(&digits++&letters))] := "%"||hexstring(ord(c),2) every /en[c := !string(&cset)] := c } every (c := "") ||:= en[!s] # re-encode everything return c end ``` {{libheader|Icon Programming Library}} [http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/library/src/procs/hexcvt.icn hexcvt provides hexstring] {{out}} ```txt text = "http://foo bar/" encoded = "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F" ``` ## J J has a urlencode in the gethttp package, but this task requires that all non-alphanumeric characters be encoded. Here's an implementation that does that: ```j require'strings convert' urlencode=: rplc&((#~2|_1 47 57 64 90 96 122 I.i.@#)a.;"_1'%',.hfd i.#a.) ``` Example use: ```j urlencode 'http://foo bar/' http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## Java The built-in URLEncoder in Java converts the space " " into a plus-sign "+" instead of "%20": ```java import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.URLEncoder; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { String normal = "http://foo bar/"; String encoded = URLEncoder.encode(normal, "utf-8"); System.out.println(encoded); } } ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F ``` ## JavaScript Confusingly, there are 3 different URI encoding functions in JavaScript: escape(), encodeURI(), and encodeURIComponent(). Each of them encodes a different set of characters. See [http://www.javascripter.net/faq/escape.htm this article] and [http://xkr.us/articles/javascript/encode-compare/ this article] for more information and comparisons. ```javascript var normal = 'http://foo/bar/'; var encoded = encodeURIComponent(normal); ``` ## jq {{works with| jq | 1.4}} jq has a built-in function, @uri, for "percent-encoding". It preserves the characters that RFC 3968 mandates be preserved, but also preserves the following five characters: !'()* To address the task requirement, therefore, we can first use @uri and then convert the exceptional characters. (For versions of jq with regex support, this could be done using gsub, but here we perform the translation directly.) Note that @uri also converts multibyte characters to multi-triplets, e.g. ```jq "á" | @uri ``` produces: "%C3%A1" ```jq def url_encode: # The helper function checks whether the input corresponds to one of the characters: !'()* def recode: . as $c | [33,39,40,41,42] | index($c); def hex: if . < 10 then 48 + . else 55 + . end; @uri | explode # 37 ==> "%", 50 ==> "2" | map( if recode then (37, 50, ((. - 32) | hex)) else . end ) | implode; ``` '''Examples:''' ```jq "http://foo bar/" | @uri ``` produces: "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F" ```jq "http://foo bar/" | @uri == url_encode ``` produces: true To contrast the difference between "@uri" and "url_encode", we compare the characters that are unaltered: ```jq [range(0;1024) | [.] | implode | if @uri == . then . else empty end] | join(null) ``` produces: "!'()*-.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~" ```jq [range(0;1024) | [.] | implode | if url_encode == . then . else empty end] | join(null) ``` produces: "-.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~" ## Julia ```Julia //version 1.0.1 import HTTP.URIs: escapeuri dcd = "http://foo bar/" enc = escapeuri(dcd) println(dcd, " => ", enc) ``` {{out}} ```txt http://foo bar/ => http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## Kotlin ```scala // version 1.1.2 import java.net.URLEncoder fun main(args: Array) { val url = "http://foo bar/" println(URLEncoder.encode(url, "utf-8")) // note: encodes space to + not %20 } ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F ``` ## Lasso ```Lasso bytes('http://foo bar/') -> encodeurl ``` -> http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ## Liberty BASIC ```lb dim lookUp$( 256) for i =0 to 256 lookUp$( i) ="%" +dechex$( i) next i string$ ="http://foo bar/" print "Supplied string '"; string$; "'" print "As URL '"; url$( string$); "'" end function url$( i$) for j =1 to len( i$) c$ =mid$( i$, j, 1) if instr( "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", c$) then url$ =url$ +c$ else url$ =url$ +lookUp$( asc( c$)) end if next j end function ``` ```txt Supplied string 'http://foo bar/' As URL 'http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F' ``` ## Lingo Lingo implements old-school URL encoding (with spaces encoded as "+") out of the box: ```lingo put urlencode("http://foo bar/") -- "http%3a%2f%2ffoo+bar%2f" ``` For RFC 3986 URL encoding (i.e. without the "+" fuss) a custom function is needed - which might call the above function and then just replace all "+" with "%20". ## LiveCode ```LiveCode urlEncode("http://foo bar/") -- http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F ``` ## Lua ```lua function encodeChar(chr) return string.format("%%%X",string.byte(chr)) end function encodeString(str) local output, t = string.gsub(str,"[^%w]",encodeChar) return output end -- will print "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F" print(encodeString("http://foo bar/")) ``` ## M2000 Interpreter ```M2000 Interpreter Module Checkit { Function decodeUrl$(a$) { DIM a$() a$()=Piece$(a$, "%") if len(a$())=1 then =str$(a$):exit k=each(a$(),2) acc$=str$(a$(0)) While k { acc$+=str$(Chr$(Eval("0x"+left$(a$(k^),2)))+Mid$(a$(k^),3)) } =string$(acc$ as utf8dec) } Group Parse$ { all$, c=1 tc$="" Enum UrlType {None=0, RFC3986, HTML5} variation TypeData=("","-._~","-._*") Function Next { .tc$<=mid$(.all$,.c,1) .c++ =.tc$<>"" } Value { =.tc$ } Function DecodeOne$ { if .tc$="" then exit if .tc$ ~"[A-Za-z0-9]" then =.tc$ : exit If .tc$=" " Then =if$(.variation=.HTML5->"+","%20") :exit if instr(.TypeData#val$(.variation),.tc$)>0 then =.tc$ :exit ="%"+hex$(asc(.tc$), 1) } Function Decode$ { acc$="" .c<=1 While .Next() { acc$+=.DecodeOne$() } =acc$ } Set () { \\ using optional argument var=.None Read a$, ? var a$=chr$(string$(a$ as utf8enc)) .variation<=var .all$<=a$ .c<=1 } } \\ MAIN Parse$()="http://foo bar/" Print Quote$(Parse.Decode$()) Parse.variation=Parse.HTML5 Print Quote$(Parse.Decode$()) Parse.variation=Parse.RFC3986 Print Quote$(Parse.Decode$()) Parse$(Parse.RFC3986) ={mailto:"Irma User" } Print Quote$(Parse.Decode$()) Parse$(Parse.RFC3986) ={http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html} m=each(Parse.UrlType) while m { Parse.variation=eval(m) Print Quote$(Parse.Decode$()) Print decodeUrl$(Parse.Decode$()) } } CheckIt ```

## Maple ```maple URL:-Escape("http://foo bar/"); ``` {{out}} ```txt "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F" ``` ## Mathematica ```mathematica URLEncoding[url_] := StringReplace[url, x : Except[ Join[CharacterRange["0", "9"], CharacterRange["a", "z"], CharacterRange["A", "Z"]]] :> StringJoin[("%" ~~ #) & /@ IntegerString[ToCharacterCode[x, "UTF8"], 16]]] ``` Example use: ```mathematica URLEncoding["http://foo bar/"] ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3a%2f%2ffoo%20bar%2f ``` =={{header|MATLAB}} / {{header|Octave}}== ```MATLAB function u = urlencoding(s) u = ''; for k = 1:length(s), if isalnum(s(k)) u(end+1) = s(k); else u=[u,'%',dec2hex(s(k)+0)]; end; end end ``` Usage: ```txt octave:3> urlencoding('http://foo bar/') ans = http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## NetRexx ```NetRexx /* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ testcase() say say 'RFC3986' testcase('RFC3986') say say 'HTML5' testcase('HTML5') say return /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ method encode(url, varn) public static variation = varn.upper opts = '' opts['RFC3986'] = '-._~' opts['HTML5'] = '-._*' rp = '' loop while url.length > 0 parse url tc +1 url select when tc.datatype('A') then do rp = rp || tc end when tc == ' ' then do if variation = 'HTML5' then rp = rp || '+' else rp = rp || '%' || tc.c2x end otherwise do if opts[variation].pos(tc) > 0 then do rp = rp || tc end else do rp = rp || '%' || tc.c2x end end end end return rp /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ method testcase(variation = '') public static url = [ - 'http://foo bar/' - , 'mailto:"Ivan Aim" ' - , 'mailto:"Irma User" ' - , 'http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html' - ] loop i_ = 0 to url.length - 1 say url[i_] say encode(url[i_], variation) end i_ return ``` {{out}} ```txt http://foo bar/ http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F mailto:"Ivan Aim" mailto%3A%22Ivan%20Aim%22%20%3Civan%2Eaim%40email%2Ecom%3E mailto:"Irma User" mailto%3A%22Irma%20User%22%20%3Cirma%2Euser%40mail%2Ecom%3E http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%2Ebar%2Ecom%2F%7Euser%2Dname%2F%5Fsubdir%2F%2A%7E%2Ehtml RFC3986 http://foo bar/ http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F mailto:"Ivan Aim" mailto%3A%22Ivan%20Aim%22%20%3Civan.aim%40email.com%3E mailto:"Irma User" mailto%3A%22Irma%20User%22%20%3Cirma.user%40mail.com%3E http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html http%3A%2F%2Ffoo.bar.com%2F~user-name%2F_subdir%2F%2A~.html HTML5 http://foo bar/ http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F mailto:"Ivan Aim" mailto%3A%22Ivan+Aim%22+%3Civan.aim%40email.com%3E mailto:"Irma User" mailto%3A%22Irma+User%22+%3Cirma.user%40mail.com%3E http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html http%3A%2F%2Ffoo.bar.com%2F%7Euser-name%2F_subdir%2F*%7E.html ``` ## NewLISP ```NewLISP ;; simple encoder ;; (source http://www.newlisp.org/index.cgi?page=Code_Snippets) (define (url-encode str) (replace {([^a-zA-Z0-9])} str (format "%%%2X" (char $1)) 0)) (url-encode "http://foo bar/") ``` ## Nim ```nim import cgi echo encodeUrl("http://foo/bar/") ``` =={{header|Oberon-2}}== {{works with|oo2c}} ```oberon2 MODULE URLEncoding; IMPORT Out := NPCT:Console, ADT:StringBuffer, URI := URI:String; VAR encodedUrl: StringBuffer.StringBuffer; BEGIN encodedUrl := NEW(StringBuffer.StringBuffer,512); URI.AppendEscaped("http://foo bar/","",encodedUrl); Out.String(encodedUrl.ToString());Out.Ln END URLEncoding. ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## Objeck ```objeck use FastCgi; bundle Default { class UrlEncode { function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil { url := "http://foo bar/"; UrlUtility->Encode(url)->PrintLine(); } } } ``` =={{header|Objective-C}}== ```objc NSString *normal = @"http://foo bar/"; NSString *encoded = [normal stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSLog(@"%@", encoded); ``` The Core Foundation function CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes() provides more options. {{works with|Mac OS X|10.9+}} {{works with|iOS|7+}} ```objc NSString *normal = @"http://foo bar/"; NSString *encoded = [normal stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet]]; NSLog(@"%@", encoded); ``` For encoding for various parts of the URL, the allowed character sets [NSCharacterSet URLUserAllowedCharacterSet], [NSCharacterSet URLPasswordAllowedCharacterSet], [NSCharacterSet URLHostAllowedCharacterSet], [NSCharacterSet URLPathAllowedCharacterSet], [NSCharacterSet URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet], or [NSCharacterSet URLFragmentAllowedCharacterSet] are provided. ## OCaml Using the library [http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/ocamlnet.html ocamlnet] from the interactive loop: ```ocaml $ ocaml # #use "topfind";; # #require "netstring";; # Netencoding.Url.encode "http://foo bar/" ;; - : string = "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F" ``` ## ooRexx The solution shown at [[#REXX|Rexx]] (version 1) is a valid ooRexx program. version 2 uses constructs not supported by ooRexx: url.=; and $ as variable symbol ## Perl ```perl sub urlencode { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/([^-A-Za-z0-9_.!~*'() ])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg; $s =~ tr/ /+/; return $s; } print urlencode('http://foo bar/')."\n"; ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F ``` ```perl use URI::Escape; my $s = 'http://foo/bar/'; print uri_escape($s); ``` Use standard CGI module: ```perl use 5.10.0; use CGI; my $s = 'http://foo/bar/'; say $s = CGI::escape($s); say $s = CGI::unescape($s); ``` ## Perl 6 ```perl6 my $url = 'http://foo bar/'; say $url.subst(/<-alnum>/, *.ord.fmt("%%%02X"), :g); ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## Phix ```Phix -- -- demo\rosetta\encode_url.exw -- ### ===================== -- function nib(integer b) return b+iff(b<=9?'0':'A'-10) end function function encode_url(string s, string exclusions="", integer spaceplus=0) string res = "" for i=1 to length(s) do integer ch = s[i] if ch=' ' and spaceplus then ch = '+' elsif not find(ch,exclusions) and (ch<'0' or (ch>'9' and ch<'A') or (ch>'Z' and ch<'a') or ch>'z') then res &= '%' res &= nib(floor(ch/#10)) ch = nib(and_bits(ch,#0F)) end if res &= ch end for return res end function printf(1,"%s\n",{encode_url("http://foo bar/")}) ``` {{Out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## PHP ```php ``` There is also urlencode(), which also encodes spaces as "+" signs ## PicoLisp ```PicoLisp (de urlEncodeTooMuch (Str) (pack (mapcar '((C) (if (or (>= "9" C "0") (>= "Z" (uppc C) "A")) C (list '% (hex (char C))) ) ) (chop Str) ) ) ) ``` Test: ```txt : (urlEncodeTooMuch "http://foo bar/") -> "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F" ``` ## Powershell ```Powershell [uri]::EscapeDataString('http://foo bar/') http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## PureBasic ```PureBasic URL$ = URLEncoder("http://foo bar/") ``` ## Python ```python import urllib s = 'http://foo/bar/' s = urllib.quote(s) ``` There is also urllib.quote_plus(), which also encodes spaces as "+" signs ## R R has a built-in ```R URLencode("http://foo bar/") ``` function, but it doesn't fully follow RFC guidelines, so we have to use another R package to accomplish the task: ```R library(RCurl) curlEscape("http://foo bar/") ``` ## Racket ```racket #lang racket (require net/uri-codec) (uri-encode "http://foo bar/") ``` ## REALbasic Using the built-in encoding method, which doesn't permit exceptions: ```vb Dim URL As String = "http://foo bar/" URL = EncodeURLComponent(URL) Print(URL) ``` With optional exceptions. A "ParamArray" is an array of zero or more additional arguments passed by the caller: ```vb Function URLEncode(Data As String, ParamArray Exceptions() As String) As String Dim buf As String For i As Integer = 1 To Data.Len Dim char As String = Data.Mid(i, 1) Select Case Asc(char) Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122, 45, 46, 95 buf = buf + char Else If Exceptions.IndexOf(char) > -1 Then buf = buf + char Else buf = buf + "%" + Left(Hex(Asc(char)) + "00", 2) End If End Select Next Return buf End Function 'usage Dim s As String = URLEncode("http://foo bar/") ' no exceptions Dim t As String = URLEncode("http://foo bar/", "!", "?", ",") ' with exceptions ``` ## REXX ### version 1 ```REXX /* Rexx */ do call testcase say say RFC3986 call testcase RFC3986 say say HTML5 call testcase HTML5 say return end exit /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ encode: procedure do parse arg url, varn . parse upper var varn variation drop RFC3986 HTML5 opts. = '' opts.RFC3986 = '-._~' opts.HTML5 = '-._*' rp = '' do while length(url) > 0 parse var url tc +1 url select when datatype(tc, 'A') then do rp = rp || tc end when tc == ' ' then do if variation = HTML5 then rp = rp || '+' else rp = rp || '%' || c2x(tc) end otherwise do if pos(tc, opts.variation) > 0 then do rp = rp || tc end else do rp = rp || '%' || c2x(tc) end end end end return rp end exit /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ testcase: procedure do parse arg variation X = 0 url. = '' X = X + 1; url.0 = X; url.X = 'http://foo bar/' X = X + 1; url.0 = X; url.X = 'mailto:"Ivan Aim" ' X = X + 1; url.0 = X; url.X = 'mailto:"Irma User" ' X = X + 1; url.0 = X; url.X = 'http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html' do i_ = 1 to url.0 say url.i_ say encode(url.i_, variation) end i_ return end ``` {{out}} ```txt http://foo bar/ http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F mailto:"Ivan Aim" mailto%3A%22Ivan%20Aim%22%20%3Civan%2Eaim%40email%2Ecom%3E mailto:"Irma User" mailto%3A%22Irma%20User%22%20%3Cirma%2Euser%40mail%2Ecom%3E http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%2Ebar%2Ecom%2F%7Euser%2Dname%2F%5Fsubdir%2F%2A%7E%2Ehtml RFC3986 http://foo bar/ http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F mailto:"Ivan Aim" mailto%3A%22Ivan%20Aim%22%20%3Civan.aim%40email.com%3E mailto:"Irma User" mailto%3A%22Irma%20User%22%20%3Cirma.user%40mail.com%3E http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html http%3A%2F%2Ffoo.bar.com%2F~user-name%2F_subdir%2F%2A~.html HTML5 http://foo bar/ http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F mailto:"Ivan Aim" mailto%3A%22Ivan+Aim%22+%3Civan.aim%40email.com%3E mailto:"Irma User" mailto%3A%22Irma+User%22+%3Cirma.user%40mail.com%3E http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html http%3A%2F%2Ffoo.bar.com%2F%7Euser-name%2F_subdir%2F*%7E.html ``` ### version 2 ```rexx /*REXX program encodes a URL text, blanks ──► +, preserves -._* and -._~ */ url.=; url.1= 'http://foo bar/' url.2= 'mailto:"Ivan Aim" ' url.3= 'mailto:"Irma User" ' url.4= 'http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html' do j=1 while url.j\==''; say say ' original: ' url.j say ' encoded: ' URLencode(url.j) end /*j*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ URLencode: procedure; parse arg $,,z; t1= '-._~' /*get args, null Z.*/ skip=0; t2= '-._*' do k=1 for length($); _=substr($, k, 1) /*get a character. */ if skip\==0 then do; skip=skip-1 /*skip t1 or t2 ? */ iterate /*skip a character.*/ end select when datatype(_, 'A') then z=z || _ /*is alphanumeric ?*/ when _==' ' then z=z'+' /*is it a blank ?*/ when substr($, k, 4)==t1 |, /*is it t1 or t2 ?*/ substr($, k, 4)==t2 then do; skip=3 /*skip 3 characters*/ z=z || substr($, k, 4) end otherwise z=z'%'c2x(_) /*special character*/ end /*select*/ end /*k*/ return z ``` '''output''' when using the default input: ```txt original: http://foo bar/ encoded: http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F original: mailto:"Ivan Aim" encoded: mailto%3A%22Ivan+Aim%22+%3Civan%2Eaim%40email%2Ecom%3E original: mailto:"Irma User" encoded: mailto%3A%22Irma+User%22+%3Cirma%2Euser%40mail%2Ecom%3E original: http://foo.bar.com/~user-name/_subdir/*~.html encoded: http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%2Ebar%2Ecom%2F%7Euser%2Dname%2F%5Fsubdir%2F%2A%7E%2Ehtml ``` ## Ruby CGI.escape encodes all characters except '-.0-9A-Z_a-z'. ```ruby require 'cgi' puts CGI.escape("http://foo bar/").gsub("+", "%20") # => "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F" ``` Programs should not call URI.escape (alias URI.encode), because it fails to encode some characters. URI.escape is [http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/207489 obsolete] since Ruby 1.9.2. URI.encode_www_form_component is a new method from Ruby 1.9.2. It obeys HTML 5 and encodes all characters except '-.0-9A-Z_a-z' and '*'. {{works with|Ruby|1.9.2}} ```ruby require 'uri' puts URI.encode_www_form_component("http://foo bar/").gsub("+", "%20") # => "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F" ``` ## Run BASIC ```runbasic urlIn$ = "http://foo bar/" for i = 1 to len(urlIn$) a$ = mid$(urlIn$,i,1) if (a$ >= "0" and a$ <= "9") _ or (a$ >= "A" and a$ <= "Z") _ or (a$ >= "a" and a$ <= "z") then url$ = url$ + a$ else url$ = url$ + "%"+dechex$(asc(a$)) next i print urlIn$;" -> ";url$ ``` ```txt http://foo bar/ -> http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## Rust ```Rust const INPUT: &str = "http://foo bar/"; const MAX_CHAR_VAL: u32 = std::char::MAX as u32; fn main() { let mut buff = [0; 4]; println!("{}", INPUT.chars() .map(|ch| { match ch as u32 { 0 ..= 47 | 58 ..= 64 | 91 ..= 96 | 123 ..= MAX_CHAR_VAL => { ch.encode_utf8(&mut buff); buff[0..ch.len_utf8()].iter().map(|&byte| format!("%{:X}", byte)).collect::() }, _ => ch.to_string(), } }) .collect::() ); } ``` {{Out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## Scala {{libheader|Scala}} ```scala import java.net.{URLDecoder, URLEncoder} import scala.compat.Platform.currentTime object UrlCoded extends App { val original = """http://foo bar/""" val encoded: String = URLEncoder.encode(original, "UTF-8") assert(encoded == "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F", s"Original: $original not properly encoded: $encoded") val percentEncoding = encoded.replace("+", "%20") assert(percentEncoding == "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F", s"Original: $original not properly percent-encoded: $percentEncoding") assert(URLDecoder.decode(encoded, "UTF-8") == URLDecoder.decode(percentEncoding, "UTF-8")) println(s"Successfully completed without errors. [total ${currentTime - executionStart} ms]") } ``` ## Seed7 The library [http://seed7.sourceforge.net/libraries/encoding.htm encoding.s7i] defines functions to handle URL respectively percent encoding. The function [http://seed7.sourceforge.net/libraries/encoding.htm#toPercentEncoded%28in_string%29 toPercentEncoded] encodes every character except 0-9, A-Z, a-z and the characters '-', '.', '_', '~'. The function [http://seed7.sourceforge.net/libraries/encoding.htm#toUrlEncoded%28in_string%29 toUrlEncoded] works like ''toPercentEncoded'' and additionally encodes a space with '+'. Both functions work for byte sequences (characters beyond '\255\' raise the exception RANGE_ERROR). To encode Unicode characters it is necessary to convert them to UTF-8 with ''striToUtf8'' before. ```seed7 $ include "seed7_05.s7i"; include "encoding.s7i"; const proc: main is func begin writeln(toPercentEncoded("http://foo bar/")); writeln(toUrlEncoded("http://foo bar/")); end func; ``` {{out}} http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F ## Sidef {{trans|Perl}} ```ruby func urlencode(str) { str.gsub!(%r"([^-A-Za-z0-9_.!~*'() ])", {|a| "%%%02X" % a.ord}); str.gsub!(' ', '+'); return str; } say urlencode('http://foo bar/'); ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo+bar%2F ``` ## Tcl ```tcl # Encode all except "unreserved" characters; use UTF-8 for extended chars. # See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986 §2.4 and §2.5 proc urlEncode {str} { set uStr [encoding convertto utf-8 $str] set chRE {[^-A-Za-z0-9._~\n]}; # Newline is special case! set replacement {%[format "%02X" [scan "\\\0" "%c"]]} return [string map {"\n" "%0A"} [subst [regsub -all $chRE $uStr $replacement]]] } ``` Demonstrating: ```tcl puts [urlEncode "http://foo bar/"] ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F%E2%82%AC ``` ## TUSCRIPT ```tuscript $$ MODE TUSCRIPT text="http://foo bar/" BUILD S_TABLE spez_char="::>/:"'$c" syntax ```bash function urlencode { typeset decoded=$1 encoded= rest= c= typeset rest2= bug='rest2=${rest}' if [[ -z ${BASH_VERSION} ]]; then # bug /usr/bin/sh HP-UX 11.00 typeset _decoded='xyz%26xyz' rest="${_decoded#?}" c="${_decoded%%${rest}}" if (( ${#c} != 1 )); then typeset qm='????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????' typeset bug='(( ${#rest} > 0 )) && typeset -L${#rest} rest2="${qm}" || rest2=${rest}' fi fi rest="${decoded#?}" eval ${bug} c="${decoded%%${rest2}}" decoded="${rest}" while [[ -n ${c} ]]; do case ${c} in [-a-zA-z0-9.]) ;; ' ') c='+' ;; *) c=$(printf "%%%02X" "'$c") ;; esac encoded="${encoded}${c}" rest="${decoded#?}" eval ${bug} c="${decoded%%${rest2}}" decoded="${rest}" done if [[ -n ${BASH_VERSION:-} ]]; then \echo -E "${encoded}" else print -r -- "${encoded}" fi } ``` ## VBScript ```VBScript Function UrlEncode(url) For i = 1 To Len(url) n = Asc(Mid(url,i,1)) If (n >= 48 And n <= 57) Or (n >= 65 And n <= 90) _ Or (n >= 97 And n <= 122) Then UrlEncode = UrlEncode & Mid(url,i,1) Else ChrHex = Hex(Asc(Mid(url,i,1))) For j = 0 to (Len(ChrHex) / 2) - 1 UrlEncode = UrlEncode & "%" & Mid(ChrHex,(2*j) + 1,2) Next End If Next End Function WScript.Echo UrlEncode("http://foo baré/") ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%C3%A9%2F ``` ## XPL0 ```XPL0 code Text=12; string 0; \use zero-terminated strings func Encode(S0); \Encode URL string and return its address char S0; char HD, S1(80); \BEWARE: very temporary string space returned int C, I, J; [HD:= "0123456789ABCDEF"; \hex digits I:= 0; J:= 0; repeat C:= S0(I); I:= I+1; if C>=^0 & C<=^9 ! C>=^A & C<=^Z ! C>=^a & C<=^z ! C=0 then [S1(J):= C; J:= J+1] \simply pass char to S1 else [S1(J):= ^%; J:= J+1; \encode char into S1 S1(J):= HD(C>>4); J:= J+1; S1(J):= HD(C&$0F); J:= J+1; ]; until C=0; return S1; ]; Text(0, Encode("http://foo bar/")) ``` {{out}} ```txt http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F ``` ## Yabasic {{trans|Phix}} ```Yabasic sub encode_url$(s$, exclusions$, spaceplus) local res$, i, ch$ for i=1 to len(s$) ch$ = mid$(s$, i, 1) if ch$ = " " and spaceplus then ch$ = "+" elsif not instr(esclusions$, ch$) and (ch$ < "0" or (ch$ > "9" and ch$ < "A") or (ch$ > "Z" and ch$ < "a") or ch$ > "z") then res$ = res$ + "%" ch$ = upper$(hex$(asc(ch$))) end if res$ = res$ + ch$ next i return res$ end sub print encode_url$("http://foo bar/") ``` ## zkl Using lib cURL: ```zkl var CURL=Import("zklCurl"); CURL.urlEncode("http://foo bar/") //--> "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F" ```