⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️

This means it might contain formatting issues, incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.

If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page, please fork RosettaGit's repository and open a merge request on GitHub.

{{task}} [[Category:String manipulation]] [[Category:Parser]]

URLs are strings with a simple syntax: scheme://[username:password@]domain[:port]/path?query_string#fragment_id

;Task: Parse a well-formed URL to retrieve the relevant information: '''scheme''', '''domain''', '''path''', ...

Note: this task has nothing to do with [[URL encoding]] or [[URL decoding]].

According to the standards, the characters: :::: ! * ' ( ) ; : @ & = + $ , / ? % # [ ] only need to be percent-encoded ('''%''') in case of possible confusion.

Also note that the '''path''', '''query''' and '''fragment''' are case sensitive, even if the '''scheme''' and '''domain''' are not.

The way the returned information is provided (set of variables, array, structured, record, object,...) is language-dependent and left to the programmer, but the code should be clear enough to reuse.

Extra credit is given for clear error diagnostics.

  • Here is the official standard: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986,
  • and here is a simpler BNF: http://www.w3.org/Addressing/URL/5_URI_BNF.html.

;Test cases: According to T. Berners-Lee

'''foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose''' should parse into: ::* scheme = foo ::* domain = example.com ::* port = :8042 ::* path = over/there ::* query = name=ferret ::* fragment = nose

'''urn:example:animal:ferret:nose''' should parse into: ::* scheme = urn ::* path = example:animal:ferret:nose

'''other URLs that must be parsed include:''' :* jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true :* ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt :* http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 :* ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two :* mailto:[email protected] :* news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix :* tel:+1-816-555-1212 :* telnet:// :* urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2


{{works with|ALGOL 68G|Any - tested with release 2.8.3.win32}} Uses the URI parser here: [[URL_parser/URI_parser_ALGOL68]].

PR read "uriParser.a68" PR

PROC test uri parser = ( STRING uri )VOID:
         URI result := parse uri( uri );
         print( ( uri, ":", newline ) );
         IF NOT ok OF result
             # the parse failed #
             print( ( "    ", error OF result, newline ) )
             # parsed OK #
             print(                                    ( "      scheme: ",      scheme OF result, newline ) );
             IF   userinfo OF result /= "" THEN print( ( "    userinfo: ",    userinfo OF result, newline ) ) FI;
             IF       host OF result /= "" THEN print( ( "        host: ",        host OF result, newline ) ) FI;
             IF       port OF result /= "" THEN print( ( "        port: ",        port OF result, newline ) ) FI;
             IF       path OF result /= "" THEN print( ( "        path: ",        path OF result, newline ) ) FI;
             IF      query OF result /= "" THEN print( ( "       query: ",       query OF result, newline ) ) FI;
             IF fragment id OF result /= "" THEN print( ( " fragment id: ", fragment id OF result, newline ) ) FI
         print( ( newline ) )
     END # test uri parser # ;

BEGIN test uri parser( "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose"                      )
    ; test uri parser( "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose"                                          )
    ; test uri parser( "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true" )
    ; test uri parser( "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt"                                      )
    ; test uri parser( "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1"                             )
    ; test uri parser( "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two"               )
    ; test uri parser( "mailto:[email protected]"                                             )
    ; test uri parser( "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix"                                  )
    ; test uri parser( "tel:+1-816-555-1212"                                                     )
    ; test uri parser( "telnet://"                                                 )
    ; test uri parser( "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2"                     )
    ; test uri parser( "ssh://[email protected]"                                                 )
    ; test uri parser( "https://bob:[email protected]/place"                                      )
    ; test uri parser( "http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64"           )


      scheme: foo
        host: example.com
        port: 8042
        path: /over/there
       query: name=ferret
 fragment id: nose

      scheme: urn
        path: example:animal:ferret:nose

      scheme: jdbc
        path: mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila
       query: profileSQL=true

      scheme: ftp
        host: ftp.is.co.za
        path: /rfc/rfc1808.txt

      scheme: http
        host: www.ietf.org
        path: /rfc/rfc2396.txt
 fragment id: header1

      scheme: ldap
        host: 2001:db8::7
        path: /c=GB
       query: objectClass=one&objectClass=two

mailto:[email protected]:
      scheme: mailto
        path: [email protected]

      scheme: news
        path: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix

      scheme: tel
        path: +1-816-555-1212

      scheme: telnet
        port: 80
        path: /

      scheme: urn
        path: oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2

ssh://[email protected]:
      scheme: ssh
    userinfo: alice
        host: example.com

https://bob:[email protected]/place:
      scheme: https
    userinfo: bob:pass
        host: example.com
        path: /place

      scheme: http
        host: example.com
        path: /
       query: a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64


url "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose"

log $(getUrlComponents url)


	domain          "example.com"
	fragment        "nose"
	password        ""
	path            "/over/there"
	port            "8042"
	query           #{
	                	name            "ferret"
	scheme          "foo"
	user            ""


using System;

namespace RosettaUrlParse
    class Program
        static void ParseUrl(string url)
            var u = new Uri(url);
            Console.WriteLine("URL:         {0}", u.AbsoluteUri);
            Console.WriteLine("Scheme:      {0}", u.Scheme);
            Console.WriteLine("Host:        {0}", u.DnsSafeHost);
            Console.WriteLine("Port:        {0}", u.Port);
            Console.WriteLine("Path:        {0}", u.LocalPath);
            Console.WriteLine("Query:       {0}", u.Query);
            Console.WriteLine("Fragment:    {0}", u.Fragment);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ParseUrl("mailto:[email protected]");


test_cases = [
  "mailto:[email protected]",
  "ssh://[email protected]",
  "https://bob:[email protected]/place",

Enum.each(test_cases, fn str ->
  IO.puts "\n#{str}"
  IO.inspect URI.parse(str)


%URI{authority: "example.com:8042", fragment: "nose", host: "example.com",
 path: "/over/there", port: 8042, query: "name=ferret", scheme: "foo",
 userinfo: nil}

%URI{authority: nil, fragment: nil, host: nil,
 path: "example:animal:ferret:nose", port: nil, query: nil, scheme: "urn",
 userinfo: nil}

%URI{authority: nil, fragment: nil, host: nil,
 path: "mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila", port: nil,
 query: "profileSQL=true", scheme: "jdbc", userinfo: nil}

%URI{authority: "ftp.is.co.za", fragment: nil, host: "ftp.is.co.za",
 path: "/rfc/rfc1808.txt", port: 21, query: nil, scheme: "ftp", userinfo: nil}

%URI{authority: "www.ietf.org", fragment: "header1", host: "www.ietf.org",
 path: "/rfc/rfc2396.txt", port: 80, query: nil, scheme: "http", userinfo: nil}

%URI{authority: "2001:db8::7", fragment: nil, host: "2001:db8::7",
 path: "/c=GB", port: 389, query: "objectClass=one&objectClass=two",
 scheme: "ldap", userinfo: nil}

mailto:[email protected]
%URI{authority: nil, fragment: nil, host: nil, path: "[email protected]",
 port: nil, query: nil, scheme: "mailto", userinfo: nil}

%URI{authority: nil, fragment: nil, host: nil,
 path: "comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", port: nil, query: nil,
 scheme: "news", userinfo: nil}

%URI{authority: nil, fragment: nil, host: nil, path: "+1-816-555-1212",
 port: nil, query: nil, scheme: "tel", userinfo: nil}

%URI{authority: "", fragment: nil, host: "", path: "/",
 port: 80, query: nil, scheme: "telnet", userinfo: nil}

%URI{authority: nil, fragment: nil, host: nil,
 path: "oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", port: nil, query: nil,
 scheme: "urn", userinfo: nil}

ssh://[email protected]
%URI{authority: "[email protected]", fragment: nil, host: "example.com",
 path: nil, port: nil, query: nil, scheme: "ssh", userinfo: "alice"}

https://bob:[email protected]/place
%URI{authority: "bob:[email protected]", fragment: nil, host: "example.com",
 path: "/place", port: 443, query: nil, scheme: "https", userinfo: "bob:pass"}

%URI{authority: "example.com", fragment: nil, host: "example.com", path: "/",
 port: 80, query: "a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64", scheme: "http",
 userinfo: nil}


DotNet has the builtin class System.URI which parses URI strings.

Some points of interest:

  • The Query and Fragment properties do also show the separators '?' and '#' respectively, if those parts are given in the URI to parse. This allows to distinguish between a missing query/fragment and a given empty query/fragment.
    To align with the output shown for other languages the separators are removed here.
  • the Port property is typed as an int. Therefore "not given" is generally shown as -1 (but see the following point.)
  • The System.URI class does some "Scheme-Based Normalization" (c/f rfc3986 section 6.2.3), i. e. it knows about certain defaults for some schemes. With the test data this shows with the port numbers for http, ftp, ldap, mailto.
open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions

let writeline n v = if String.IsNullOrEmpty(v) then () else printfn "%-15s %s" n v

let toUri = fun s -> Uri(s.ToString())
let urisFromString = (Regex(@"\S+").Matches) >> Seq.cast >> (Seq.map toUri)

urisFromString """
    mailto:[email protected]
|> Seq.iter (fun u ->
    writeline "\nURI:" (u.ToString())
    writeline "     scheme:" (u.Scheme)
    writeline "     host:" (u.Host)
    writeline "     port:" (if u.Port < 0 then "" else u.Port.ToString())
    writeline "     path:" (u.AbsolutePath)
    writeline "     query:" (if u.Query.Length > 0 then u.Query.Substring(1) else "")
    writeline "     fragment:" (if u.Fragment.Length > 0 then u.Fragment.Substring(1) else "")


URI:           foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose
     scheme:    foo
     host:      example.com
     port:      8042
     path:      /over/there
     query:     name=ferret
     fragment:  nose

URI:           urn:example:animal:ferret:nose
     scheme:    urn
     path:      example:animal:ferret:nose

URI:           jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true
     scheme:    jdbc
     path:      mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila
     query:     profileSQL=true

URI:           ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt
     scheme:    ftp
     host:      ftp.is.co.za
     port:      21
     path:      /rfc/rfc1808.txt

URI:           http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1
     scheme:    http
     host:      www.ietf.org
     port:      80
     path:      /rfc/rfc2396.txt
     fragment:  header1

URI:           ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one
     scheme:    ldap
     host:      [2001:db8::7]
     port:      389
     path:      /c=GB
     query:     objectClass?one

URI:           mailto:[email protected]
     scheme:    mailto
     host:      example.com
     port:      25

URI:           news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
     scheme:    news
     path:      comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix

URI:           tel:+1-816-555-1212
     scheme:    tel
     path:      +1-816-555-1212

URI:           telnet://
     scheme:    telnet
     port:      80
     path:      /

URI:           urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2
     scheme:    urn
     path:      oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2

## Go

This uses Go's standard [https://golang.org/pkg/net/url/ net/url] package.
The [https://golang.org/src/net/url/url.go source code] for this package (excluding tests) is in a single file of ~720 lines.

package main

import (

func main() {
	for _, in := range []string{
		"mailto:[email protected]",

		"ssh://[email protected]",
		"https://bob:[email protected]/place",
	} {
		u, err := url.Parse(in)
		if err != nil {
		if in != u.String() {
			fmt.Printf("Note: reassmebles as %q\n", u)

func printURL(u *url.URL) {
	fmt.Println("    Scheme:", u.Scheme)
	if u.Opaque != "" {
		fmt.Println("    Opaque:", u.Opaque)
	if u.User != nil {
		fmt.Println("    Username:", u.User.Username())
		if pwd, ok := u.User.Password(); ok {
			fmt.Println("    Password:", pwd)
	if u.Host != "" {
		if host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host); err == nil {
			fmt.Println("    Host:", host)
			fmt.Println("    Port:", port)
		} else {
			fmt.Println("    Host:", u.Host)
	if u.Path != "" {
		fmt.Println("    Path:", u.Path)
	if u.RawQuery != "" {
		fmt.Println("    RawQuery:", u.RawQuery)
		m, err := url.ParseQuery(u.RawQuery)
		if err == nil {
			for k, v := range m {
				fmt.Printf("        Key: %q Values: %q\n", k, v)
	if u.Fragment != "" {
		fmt.Println("    Fragment:", u.Fragment)



    Scheme: foo
    Host: example.com
    Port: 8042
    Path: /over/there
    RawQuery: name=ferret
        Key: "name" Values: ["ferret"]
    Fragment: nose
    Scheme: urn
    Opaque: example:animal:ferret:nose
    Scheme: jdbc
    Opaque: mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila
    RawQuery: profileSQL=true
        Key: "profileSQL" Values: ["true"]
    Scheme: ftp
    Host: ftp.is.co.za
    Path: /rfc/rfc1808.txt
    Scheme: http
    Host: www.ietf.org
    Path: /rfc/rfc2396.txt
    Fragment: header1
    Scheme: ldap
    Host: [2001:db8::7]
    Path: /c=GB
    RawQuery: objectClass=one&objectClass=two
        Key: "objectClass" Values: ["one" "two"]
mailto:[email protected]
    Scheme: mailto
    Opaque: [email protected]
    Scheme: news
    Opaque: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
    Scheme: tel
    Opaque: +1-816-555-1212
    Scheme: telnet
    Port: 80
    Path: /
    Scheme: urn
    Opaque: oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2
ssh://[email protected]
    Scheme: ssh
    Username: alice
    Host: example.com
https://bob:[email protected]/place
    Scheme: https
    Username: bob
    Password: pass
    Host: example.com
    Path: /place
    Scheme: http
    Host: example.com
    Path: /
    RawQuery: a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64
        Key: "a" Values: ["1"]
        Key: "b" Values: ["2 2"]
        Key: "c" Values: ["3" "4"]
        Key: "d" Values: ["encoded"]


## Groovy



import java.net.URI

    "mailto:[email protected]",
].each { String url ->

    // magic happens here
    URI u = url.toURI()

    // Results displayed here
    println """
            |Parsing $url
            |    scheme   = ${u.scheme}
            |    domain   = ${u.host}
            |    port     = ${(u.port + 1) ? u.port : 'default' }
            |    path     = ${u.path ?: u.schemeSpecificPart}
            |    query    = ${u.query}
            |    fragment = ${u.fragment}""".stripMargin()

Parsing foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose
    scheme   = foo
    domain   = example.com
    port     = 8042
    path     = /over/there
    query    = name=ferret
    fragment = nose

Parsing urn:example:animal:ferret:nose
    scheme   = urn
    domain   = null
    port     = default
    path     = example:animal:ferret:nose
    query    = null
    fragment = null

Parsing jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true
    scheme   = jdbc
    domain   = null
    port     = default
    path     = mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true
    query    = null
    fragment = null

Parsing ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt
    scheme   = ftp
    domain   = ftp.is.co.za
    port     = default
    path     = /rfc/rfc1808.txt
    query    = null
    fragment = null

Parsing http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1
    scheme   = http
    domain   = www.ietf.org
    port     = default
    path     = /rfc/rfc2396.txt
    query    = null
    fragment = header1

Parsing ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two
    scheme   = ldap
    domain   = [2001:db8::7]
    port     = default
    path     = /c=GB
    query    = objectClass=one&objectClass=two
    fragment = null

Parsing mailto:[email protected]
    scheme   = mailto
    domain   = null
    port     = default
    path     = [email protected]
    query    = null
    fragment = null

Parsing news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
    scheme   = news
    domain   = null
    port     = default
    path     = comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
    query    = null
    fragment = null

Parsing tel:+1-816-555-1212
    scheme   = tel
    domain   = null
    port     = default
    path     = +1-816-555-1212
    query    = null
    fragment = null

Parsing telnet://
    scheme   = telnet
    domain   =
    port     = 80
    path     = /
    query    = null
    fragment = null

Parsing urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2
    scheme   = urn
    domain   = null
    port     = default
    path     = oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2
    query    = null
    fragment = null

## Haskell

Example uses [https://hackage.haskell.org/package/network-uri network-uri] package:

module Main (main) where

import           Data.Foldable (for_)
import           Network.URI
                    ( URI
                    , URIAuth
                    , parseURI
                    , uriAuthority
                    , uriFragment
                    , uriPath
                    , uriPort
                    , uriQuery
                    , uriRegName
                    , uriScheme
                    , uriUserInfo

uriStrings :: [String]
uriStrings =
    [ "https://bob:[email protected]/place"
    , "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose"
    , "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose"
    , "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true"
    , "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt"
    , "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1"
    , "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one"
    , "mailto:[email protected]"
    , "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix"
    , "tel:+1-816-555-1212"
    , "telnet://"
    , "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2"

trimmedUriScheme :: URI -> String
trimmedUriScheme = init . uriScheme

trimmedUriUserInfo :: URIAuth -> Maybe String
trimmedUriUserInfo uriAuth =
    case uriUserInfo uriAuth of
        [] -> Nothing
        userInfo -> if last userInfo == '@' then Just (init userInfo) else Nothing

trimmedUriPath :: URI -> String
trimmedUriPath uri = case uriPath uri of '/' : t -> t; p -> p

trimmedUriQuery :: URI -> Maybe String
trimmedUriQuery uri = case uriQuery uri of '?' : t -> Just t; _ -> Nothing

trimmedUriFragment :: URI -> Maybe String
trimmedUriFragment uri = case uriFragment uri of '#' : t -> Just t; _ -> Nothing

main :: IO ()
main = do
    for_ uriStrings $ \uriString -> do
        case parseURI uriString of
            Nothing -> putStrLn $ "Could not parse" ++ uriString
            Just uri -> do
                putStrLn uriString
                putStrLn $ "  scheme = " ++ trimmedUriScheme uri
                case uriAuthority uri of
                    Nothing -> return ()
                    Just uriAuth -> do
                        case trimmedUriUserInfo uriAuth of
                            Nothing -> return ()
                            Just userInfo ->  putStrLn $ "  user-info = " ++ userInfo
                        putStrLn $ "  domain = " ++ uriRegName uriAuth
                        putStrLn $ "  port = " ++ uriPort uriAuth
                putStrLn $ "  path = " ++ trimmedUriPath uri
                case trimmedUriQuery uri of
                    Nothing -> return ()
                    Just query -> putStrLn $ "  query = " ++ query
                case trimmedUriFragment uri of
                    Nothing -> return ()
                    Just fragment ->  putStrLn $ "  fragment = " ++ fragment
        putStrLn ""



https://bob:[email protected]/place
  scheme = https
  user-info = bob:pass
  domain = example.com
  port =
  path = place

  scheme = foo
  domain = example.com
  port = :8042
  path = over/there
  query = name=ferret
  fragment = nose

  scheme = urn
  path = example:animal:ferret:nose

  scheme = jdbc
  path = mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila
  query = profileSQL=true

  scheme = ftp
  domain = ftp.is.co.za
  port =
  path = rfc/rfc1808.txt

  scheme = http
  domain = www.ietf.org
  port =
  path = rfc/rfc2396.txt
  fragment = header1

  scheme = ldap
  domain = [2001:db8::7]
  port =
  path = c=GB
  query = objectClass?one

mailto:[email protected]
  scheme = mailto
  path = [email protected]

  scheme = news
  path = comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix

  scheme = tel
  path = +1-816-555-1212

  scheme = telnet
  domain =
  port = :80
  path =

  scheme = urn
  path = oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2


## J

As most errors are contextual (e.g. invalid authority, invalid path, unrecognized scheme), we shall defer error testing to the relevant consumers. This might offend some on the grounds of temporary safety, but consumers already bear responsibility to parse and validate their relevant uri element(s).

Our parsing strategy is fixed format recursive descent. (Please do not criticize this on efficiency grounds without first investigating the implementations of other parsers.)


split=:1 :0
  ({. ; ] }.~ 1+[)~ i.&m

uriparts=:3 :0
  'server fragment'=. '#' split y
  'sa query'=. '?' split server
  'scheme authpath'=. ':' split sa

queryparts=:3 :0
  (0<#y)#<;._1 '?',y

authpathparts=:3 :0
  if. '//' -: 2{.y do.
    split=. <;.1 y

authparts=:3 :0
  if. '@' e. y do.
    'userinfo hostport'=. '@' split y
    hostport=. y [ userinfo=.''
  if. '[' = {.hostport do.
     'host_t port_t'=. ']' split hostport
     assert. (0=#port_t)+.':'={.port_t
     (':' split userinfo),(host_t,']');}.port_t
     (':' split userinfo),':' split hostport

taskparts=:3 :0
  'scheme authpath querystring fragment'=. uriparts y
  'auth path'=. authpathparts authpath
  'user creds host port'=. authparts auth
  query=. queryparts querystring
  export=. ;:'scheme user creds host port path query fragment'
  (#~ 0<#@>@{:"1) (,. do each) export

Task examples:

   taskparts 'foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose'
│scheme  │foo          │
│host    │example.com  │
│port    │8042         │
│path    │/over/there  │
│query   │┌───────────┐│
│        ││name=ferret││
│        │└───────────┘│
│fragment│nose         │
   taskparts 'urn:example:animal:ferret:nose'
│scheme│urn                       │
│path  │example:animal:ferret:nose│
   taskparts 'jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true'
│scheme│jdbc                                              │
│path  │mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila│
│query │┌───────────────┐                                 │
│      ││profileSQL=true│                                 │
│      │└───────────────┘                                 │
   taskparts 'ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt'
│scheme│ftp             │
│host  │ftp.is.co.za    │
│path  │/rfc/rfc1808.txt│
   taskparts 'http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1'
│scheme  │http            │
│host    │www.ietf.org    │
│path    │/rfc/rfc2396.txt│
│fragment│header1         │
   taskparts 'ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two'
│scheme│ldap                             │
│host  │[2001:db8::7]                    │
│path  │/c=GB                            │
│query │┌───────────────────────────────┐│
│      ││objectClass=one&objectClass=two││
│      │└───────────────────────────────┘│
   taskparts 'mailto:[email protected]'
│scheme│mailto              │
│path  │[email protected]│
   taskparts 'news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix'
│scheme│news                             │
│path  │comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix│
   taskparts 'tel:+1-816-555-1212'
│scheme│tel            │
│path  │+1-816-555-1212│
   taskparts 'telnet://'
│scheme│telnet    │
│host  ││
│port  │80        │
│path  │/         │
   taskparts 'urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2'
│scheme│urn                                            │
│path  │oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2│

Note that the path of the example jdbc uri is itself a uri which may be parsed:

   taskparts 'mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila'
│scheme│mysql     │
│user  │test_user │
│pass  │ouupppssss│
│host  │localhost │
│port  │3306      │
│path  │/sakila   │

Also, examples borrowed from the go implementation:

   taskparts 'ssh://[email protected]'
│scheme│ssh        │
│user  │alice      │
│host  │example.com│
   taskparts 'https://bob:[email protected]/place'
│scheme│https      │
│user  │bob        │
│creds │pass       │
│host  │example.com│
│path  │/place     │
   taskparts 'http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64'
│scheme│http                                       │
│host  │example.com                                │
│path  │/                                          │
│query │┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐│
│      ││a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64││
│      │└─────────────────────────────────────────┘│

Note that escape decoding is left to the consumer (as well as decoding things like '+' as a replacement for the space character and determining the absolute significance of relative paths and the details of ip address parsing and so on...). This seems like a good match to the hierarchical nature of uri parsing. See [[URL_decoding#J|URL decoding]] for an implementation of escape decoding.

Note that taskparts was engineered specifically for the requirements of this task -- in idiomatic use you should instead expect to call the relevant '''____parts''' routines directly as illustrated by the first four lines of taskparts.

Note that w3c recommends a handling for query strings which differs from that of RFC-3986. For example, the use of ; as replacement for the & delimiter, or the use of the query element name as the query element value when the = delimiter is omitted from the name/value pair. We do not implement that here, as it's not a part of this task. But that sort of implementation could be achieved by replacing the definition of queryparts. And, of course, other treatments of query strings are also possible, should that become necessary...

## Java

In Java, you can use the URI class for this, so it's pretty straightforward. I just did a bit of tweaking to output.
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
public class WebAddressParser{
    public static void main(String[] args){

    static void parseAddress(String a){
        System.out.println("Parsing " + a);

            // this line does the work
            URI u = new URI(a);

            System.out.println("\tscheme = " + u.getScheme());
            System.out.println("\tdomain = " + u.getHost());
            System.out.println("\tport = " + (-1==u.getPort()?"default":u.getPort()));
            System.out.println("\tpath = " + (null==u.getPath()?u.getSchemeSpecificPart():u.getPath()));
            System.out.println("\tquery = " + u.getQuery());
            System.out.println("\tfragment = " + u.getFragment());
        catch (URISyntaxException x){
            System.err.println("Oops: " + x);

I'm only showing two examples, but the others work too, honest.

Parsing foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose
	scheme = foo
	domain = example.com
	port = 8042
	path = /over/there
	query = name=ferret
	fragment = nose
Parsing urn:example:animal:ferret:nose
	scheme = urn
	domain = null
	port = default
	path = example:animal:ferret:nose
	query = null
	fragment = null

## JavaScript

As JavaScript is (at the time of writing) still the native language of the DOM, the simplest first-pass approach will be to set the ''href'' property of  a DOM element, and read off the various components of the DOM parse from that element.

Here is an example, tested against the JavaScript engines of current versions of Chrome and Safari, of taking this 'Gordian knot' approach to the task:

(function (lstURL) {

    var e = document.createElement('a'),
        lstKeys = [

        fnURLParse = function (strURL) {
            e.href = strURL;

            return lstKeys.reduce(
                function (dct, k) {
                    dct[k] = e[k];
                    return dct;
                }, {}

    return JSON.stringify(
        null, 2

  "mailto:[email protected]",
  "ssh://[email protected]",
  "https://bob:[email protected]/place",

Results of applying this approach in the JavaScript of Safari 8

    "hash": "#nose",
    "host": "example.com:8042",
    "hostname": "example.com",
    "origin": "foo://example.com:8042",
    "pathname": "/over/there",
    "port": "8042",
    "protocol": "foo:",
    "search": "?name=ferret"
    "hash": "",
    "host": "",
    "hostname": "",
    "origin": "urn://",
    "pathname": "example:animal:ferret:nose",
    "port": "",
    "protocol": "urn:",
    "search": ""
    "hash": "",
    "host": "",
    "hostname": "",
    "origin": "jdbc://",
    "pathname": "mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila",
    "port": "",
    "protocol": "jdbc:",
    "search": "?profileSQL=true"
    "hash": "",
    "host": "ftp.is.co.za",
    "hostname": "ftp.is.co.za",
    "origin": "ftp://ftp.is.co.za",
    "pathname": "/rfc/rfc1808.txt",
    "port": "",
    "protocol": "ftp:",
    "search": ""
    "hash": "#header1",
    "host": "www.ietf.org",
    "hostname": "www.ietf.org",
    "origin": "http://www.ietf.org",
    "pathname": "/rfc/rfc2396.txt",
    "port": "",
    "protocol": "http:",
    "search": ""
    "hash": "",
    "host": "[2001:db8::7]",
    "hostname": "[2001:db8::7]",
    "origin": "ldap://[2001:db8::7]",
    "pathname": "/c=GB",
    "port": "",
    "protocol": "ldap:",
    "search": "?objectClass=one&objectClass=two"
    "hash": "",
    "host": "",
    "hostname": "",
    "origin": "mailto://",
    "pathname": "[email protected]",
    "port": "",
    "protocol": "mailto:",
    "search": ""
    "hash": "",
    "host": "",
    "hostname": "",
    "origin": "news://",
    "pathname": "comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix",
    "port": "",
    "protocol": "news:",
    "search": ""
    "hash": "",
    "host": "",
    "hostname": "",
    "origin": "tel://",
    "pathname": "+1-816-555-1212",
    "port": "",
    "protocol": "tel:",
    "search": ""
    "hash": "",
    "host": "",
    "hostname": "",
    "origin": "telnet://",
    "pathname": "/",
    "port": "80",
    "protocol": "telnet:",
    "search": ""
    "hash": "",
    "host": "",
    "hostname": "",
    "origin": "urn://",
    "pathname": "oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2",
    "port": "",
    "protocol": "urn:",
    "search": ""
    "hash": "",
    "host": "example.com",
    "hostname": "example.com",
    "origin": "ssh://example.com",
    "pathname": "",
    "port": "",
    "protocol": "ssh:",
    "search": ""
    "hash": "",
    "host": "example.com",
    "hostname": "example.com",
    "origin": "https://example.com",
    "pathname": "/place",
    "port": "",
    "protocol": "https:",
    "search": ""
    "hash": "",
    "host": "example.com",
    "hostname": "example.com",
    "origin": "http://example.com",
    "pathname": "/",
    "port": "",
    "protocol": "http:",
    "search": "?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64"

## Julia

This solution uses Julia's [https://github.com/JuliaWeb/URIParser.jl URIParser] package.  The detailview function shows all of the non-empty components of the URI object created by this parser.  No attempt is made to further parse more complex components, e.g. query or userinfo.  Error detection is limited to indicating whether a string is parsable as a URI and providing a hint as to whether the URI is valid (according to this package's isvalid function).


using URIParser
const FIELDS = names(URI)

function detailview(uri::URI, indentlen::Int=4)
    indent = " "^indentlen
    s = String[]
    for f in FIELDS
        d = string(getfield(uri, f))
        !isempty(d) || continue
        f != :port || d != "0" || continue
        push!(s, @sprintf("%s%s:  %s", indent, string(f), d))
    join(s, "\n")

test = ["foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose",
        "mailto:[email protected]",
        "This is not a URI!",
        "ssh://[email protected]",
        "https://bob:[email protected]/place",

isfirst = true
for st in test
    if isfirst
        isfirst = false
    println("Attempting to parse\n  \"", st, "\" as a URI:")
    uri = try
        println("URIParser failed to parse this URI, is it OK?")
    print("This URI is parsable ")
    if isvalid(uri)
        println("and appears to be valid.")
        println("but may be invalid.")




Attempting to parse
  "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose" as a URI:
This URI is parsable but may be invalid.
    schema:  foo
    host:  example.com
    port:  8042
    path:  /over/there
    query:  name=ferret
    fragment:  nose
    specifies_authority:  true

Attempting to parse
  "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose" as a URI:
This URI is parsable and appears to be valid.
    schema:  urn
    path:  example:animal:ferret:nose
    specifies_authority:  false

Attempting to parse
  "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true" as a URI:
This URI is parsable but may be invalid.
    schema:  jdbc
    path:  mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila
    query:  profileSQL=true
    specifies_authority:  false

Attempting to parse
  "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt" as a URI:
This URI is parsable and appears to be valid.
    schema:  ftp
    host:  ftp.is.co.za
    path:  /rfc/rfc1808.txt
    specifies_authority:  true

Attempting to parse
  "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1" as a URI:
This URI is parsable and appears to be valid.
    schema:  http
    host:  www.ietf.org
    path:  /rfc/rfc2396.txt
    fragment:  header1
    specifies_authority:  true

Attempting to parse
  "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two" as a URI:
This URI is parsable and appears to be valid.
    schema:  ldap
    host:  2001:db8::7
    path:  /c=GB
    query:  objectClass=one&objectClass=two
    specifies_authority:  true

Attempting to parse
  "mailto:[email protected]" as a URI:
This URI is parsable and appears to be valid.
    schema:  mailto
    path:  [email protected]
    specifies_authority:  false

Attempting to parse
  "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix" as a URI:
This URI is parsable and appears to be valid.
    schema:  news
    path:  comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
    specifies_authority:  false

Attempting to parse
  "tel:+1-816-555-1212" as a URI:
This URI is parsable and appears to be valid.
    schema:  tel
    path:  +1-816-555-1212
    specifies_authority:  false

Attempting to parse
  "telnet://" as a URI:
This URI is parsable and appears to be valid.
    schema:  telnet
    port:  80
    path:  /
    specifies_authority:  true

Attempting to parse
  "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2" as a URI:
This URI is parsable and appears to be valid.
    schema:  urn
    path:  oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2
    specifies_authority:  false

Attempting to parse
  "This is not a URI!" as a URI:
URIParser failed to parse this URI, is it OK?

Attempting to parse
  "ssh://[email protected]" as a URI:
This URI is parsable but may be invalid.
    schema:  ssh
    host:  example.com
    userinfo:  alice
    specifies_authority:  true

Attempting to parse
  "https://bob:[email protected]/place" as a URI:
This URI is parsable and appears to be valid.
    schema:  https
    host:  example.com
    path:  /place
    userinfo:  bob:pass
    specifies_authority:  true

Attempting to parse
  "http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64" as a URI:
This URI is parsable and appears to be valid.
    schema:  http
    host:  example.com
    path:  /
    query:  a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64
    specifies_authority:  true


## Kotlin

Although the java.net.URL class can parse urls just fine, unfortunately (as far as this task is concerned) the constructor throws an exception if it does not recognize the scheme (or 'protocol' as it calls it). To deal with unrecognized protocols such as 'foo', we therefore need to replace them with a valid protocol such as 'http' to trick the URL class into parsing them properly:

// version 1.1.2

import java.net.URL
import java.net.MalformedURLException

fun parseUrl(url: String) {
    var u: URL
    var scheme: String
    try {
        u = URL(url)
        scheme = u.protocol
    catch (ex: MalformedURLException) {
        val index = url.indexOf(':')
        scheme = url.take(index)
        u = URL("http" + url.drop(index))
    println("Parsing $url")
    println("  scheme   =  $scheme")

    with(u) {
        if (userInfo != null) println("  userinfo =  $userInfo")
        if (!host.isEmpty())  println("  domain   =  $host")
        if (port != -1)       println("  port     =  $port")
        if (!path.isEmpty())  println("  path     =  $path")
        if (query != null)    println("  query    =  $query")
        if (ref != null)      println("  fragment =  $ref")

fun main(args: Array){
    val urls = arrayOf(
        "mailto:[email protected]",
        "ssh://[email protected]",
        "https://bob:[email protected]/place",
    for (url in urls) parseUrl(url)



Parsing foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose
  scheme   =  foo
  domain   =  example.com
  port     =  8042
  path     =  /over/there
  query    =  name=ferret
  fragment =  nose

Parsing urn:example:animal:ferret:nose
  scheme   =  urn
  path     =  example:animal:ferret:nose

Parsing jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true
  scheme   =  jdbc
  path     =  mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila
  query    =  profileSQL=true

Parsing ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt
  scheme   =  ftp
  domain   =  ftp.is.co.za
  path     =  /rfc/rfc1808.txt

Parsing http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1
  scheme   =  http
  domain   =  www.ietf.org
  path     =  /rfc/rfc2396.txt
  fragment =  header1

Parsing ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two
  scheme   =  ldap
  domain   =  [2001:db8::7]
  path     =  /c=GB
  query    =  objectClass=one&objectClass=two

Parsing mailto:[email protected]
  scheme   =  mailto
  path     =  [email protected]

Parsing news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
  scheme   =  news
  path     =  comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix

Parsing tel:+1-816-555-1212
  scheme   =  tel
  path     =  +1-816-555-1212

Parsing telnet://
  scheme   =  telnet
  domain   =
  port     =  80
  path     =  /

Parsing urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2
  scheme   =  urn
  path     =  oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2

Parsing ssh://[email protected]
  scheme   =  ssh
  userinfo =  alice
  domain   =  example.com

Parsing https://bob:[email protected]/place
  scheme   =  https
  userinfo =  bob:pass
  domain   =  example.com
  path     =  /place

Parsing http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64
  scheme   =  http
  domain   =  example.com
  path     =  /
  query    =  a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64


## Lua

{{works with|Lua|5.1 - 5.3}}

local url = require('socket.url')

local tests = {
  'mailto:[email protected]',

for _, test in ipairs(tests) do
  local parsed = url.parse(test)

  io.write('URI: ' .. test .. '\n')

  for k, v in pairs(parsed) do
    io.write(string.format('  %s: %s\n', k, v))





URI: foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose
  fragment: nose
  authority: example.com:8042
  host: example.com
  query: name=ferret
  scheme: foo
  path: /over/there
  port: 8042

URI: urn:example:animal:ferret:nose
  scheme: urn
  path: example:animal:ferret:nose

URI: jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true
  query: profileSQL=true
  scheme: jdbc
  path: mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila

URI: ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt
  host: ftp.is.co.za
  path: /rfc/rfc1808.txt
  authority: ftp.is.co.za
  scheme: ftp

URI: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1
  fragment: header1
  authority: www.ietf.org
  host: www.ietf.org
  path: /rfc/rfc2396.txt
  scheme: http

URI: ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two
  scheme: ldap
  query: objectClass=one&objectClass=two
  host: 2001:db8::7
  path: /c=GB
  authority: [2001:db8::7]

URI: mailto:[email protected]
  scheme: mailto
  path: [email protected]

URI: news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
  scheme: news
  path: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix

URI: tel:+1-816-555-1212
  scheme: tel
  path: +1-816-555-1212

URI: telnet://
  scheme: telnet
  path: /
  port: 80

URI: urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2
  scheme: urn
  path: oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2


## M2000 Interpreter

### Using M2000 script to parse URL

```M2000 Interpreter

Module checkit {
      any=lambda (z$)->{=lambda z$ (a$)->instr(z$,a$)>0}
      one=lambda (z$)->{=lambda z$ (a$)->z$=a$}

      series=Lambda  -> {
                  =lambda  func (&line$, &res$)->{
                        if line$="" then exit
                        def p=0,ok as boolean
                        while k {
                              ok=false :  p++ :  f=array(k)
                              if not f(mid$(line$,p,1)) then exit
                        if ok then res$=left$(line$, p) : line$=mid$(line$, p+1)

      is_any=lambda series, any  (c$) ->series(any(c$))
      is_one=lambda series, one  (c$) ->series(one(c$))
      Is_Alpha=series(lambda (a$)-> a$ ~ "[a-zA-Z]")

      optionals=Lambda  -> {
                  =lambda  func (&line$, &res$)->{
                        def ok as boolean
                        while k {
                              if f(&line$,&res$) then ok=true : exit
      repeated=Lambda  (func)-> {
                  =lambda  func (&line$, &res$)->{
                        def ok as boolean, a$
                        do {
                              if not func(&line$,&a$) then exit
                        } until line$="" or sec=len(line$)

      oneAndoptional=lambda (func1, func2) -> {
            =lambda  func1, func2 (&line$, &res$)->{
                              def ok as boolean, a$
                              if not func1(&line$,&res$) then exit
                              if func2(&line$,&a$) then res$+=a$
      many=Lambda  -> {
                  =lambda  func (&line$, &res$)->{
                        def p=0,ok as boolean, acc$
                        while k  {
                              if line$="" then exit
                              if not f(&line$,&res$) then exit
                        if not ok then {line$=oldline$}  else res$=acc$
      Is_Escape=series(any("%"), is_hex, is_hex)
      \\Is_reserved=series(any("=;/#?: "))
      is_xalpha=optionals(Is_Alpha, is_digit, is_safe, is_extra, is_escape)
      is_xpalpha=optionals(is_xalpha, is_one("+"))
      is_fragmentid=lambda is_xalphas (&lines$, &res$) -> {
            =is_xalphas(&lines$, &res$)
      is_search=oneAndoptional(is_xalphas, repeated(many(series(one("+")), is_xalphas)))
      is_void=lambda (f)-> {
            =lambda f (&oldline$, &res$)-> {
                  if f(&line$, &res$) then {oldline$=line$ } else res$=""
      is_path=repeated(oneAndoptional(is_void(is_xpalphas), series(one("/"))))
      is_uri=oneAndoptional(many(is_scheme, series(one(":")), is_path), many(series(one("?")),is_search))
      is_fragmentaddress=oneAndoptional(is_uri, many(series(one("#")),is_fragmentid ))

      data "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose"
      data "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose"
      data "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true "
      data "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt"
      data "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1"
      data "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two"
      data "mailto:[email protected]"
      data "tel:+1-816-555-1212"
      data "telnet://"
      data "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2"

      while not empty {
            read What$
            pen 15 {
                  Print What$
            If is_scheme(&What$, &a$) Then  Print "Scheme=";a$ : What$=mid$(What$,2)
            If is_path(&What$, &a$) Then {
                  while left$(a$, 1)="/" { a$=mid$(a$,2): count++}
                  if count>1 then {
                        domain$=leftpart$(a$+"/", "/")
                        if domain$<>"" Then Print "Domain:";Domain$
                        if a$<>"" Then Print "Path:";a$
                  } else.if  left$(What$,1) =":" then {
                        Print "path:";a$+What$: What$=""
                  } Else Print  "Data:"; a$


            if left$(What$,1) =":" then {
                  What$=mid$(What$,2): If is_number(&What$, &a$) Then Print "Port:";a$
                  if not left$(What$,1)="/" then  exit
                  If is_path(&What$, &a$) Then {
                        while left$(a$, 1)="/" { a$=mid$(a$,2)}
                        if a$<>"" Then Print "Path:";a$
            if left$(What$, 1)="?" then {
                        If is_search(&What$, &a$) Then  {
                        if left$(What$, 1)="=" then {
                              If is_search(&What$, &v$) Then  Print "Query:";a$;"=";v$
                        }  else Print "Query:";a$
            While  left$(What$, 1)="#"  {
            if not is_xalphas(&What$, &a$) Then exit
            Print "fragment:";a$
            if What$<>"" Then Print "Data:"; What$


mailto:[email protected]
Data:[email protected]
===Using an internal function (variation of String$())=== ```M2000 Interpreter module Checkit { Stack New { Data "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose", "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose" Data "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true", "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt" Data "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1", "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two" Data "mailto:[email protected]", "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", "tel:+1-816-555-1212" Data "telnet://", "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", "ssh://[email protected]" Data "https://bob:[email protected]/place", "http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64" a=Array([]) } function prechar$(a$, b$) { if a$<>"" then {=quote$(b$+a$)} else ={""} } z=each(a) document s$="["+{ } While z { a$=array$(z) s1$={ "uri": }+quote$(a$)+{, "authority": }+ quote$(string$(a$ as URLAuthority))+{, "userInfo": }+ quote$(string$(a$ as URLUserInfo))+{, "scheme": }+quote$(string$(a$ as URLScheme))+{, "hostname": }+quote$(string$(a$ as UrlHost))+{, "Port": }+quote$(string$(a$ as UrlPort))+{, "pathname": }+quote$(string$(a$ as UrlPath))+{, "search": }+prechar$(string$(a$ as URLpart 6),"?")+{, "hash": }+prechar$(string$(a$ as UrlFragment),"#")+{ } s$=" {"+{ }+s1$+" }" \\ z^ is the iteraror's counter (z is an iterator of a, a touple - array in M2000) if z^ [ { "uri": "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose", "authority": "example.com:8042", "userInfo": "", "scheme": "foo", "hostname": "example.com", "Port": "8042", "pathname": "/over/there", "search": "?name=ferret", "hash": "#nose" } , { "uri": "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose", "authority": "", "userInfo": "", "scheme": "urn", "hostname": "", "Port": "", "pathname": "example:animal:ferret:nose", "search": "", "hash": "" } , { "uri": "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true", "authority": "", "userInfo": "", "scheme": "jdbc", "hostname": "", "Port": "", "pathname": "mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila", "search": "?profileSQL=true", "hash": "" } , { "uri": "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt", "authority": "ftp.is.co.za", "userInfo": "", "scheme": "ftp", "hostname": "ftp.is.co.za", "Port": "21", "pathname": "/rfc/rfc1808.txt", "search": "", "hash": "" } , { "uri": "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1", "authority": "www.ietf.org", "userInfo": "", "scheme": "http", "hostname": "www.ietf.org", "Port": "80", "pathname": "/rfc/rfc2396.txt", "search": "", "hash": "#header1" } , { "uri": "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two", "authority": "2001:db8::7", "userInfo": "", "scheme": "ldap", "hostname": "2001:db8::7", "Port": "389", "pathname": "/c=GB", "search": "?objectClass=one&objectClass=two", "hash": "" } , { "uri": "mailto:[email protected]", "authority": "", "userInfo": "", "scheme": "mailto", "hostname": "", "Port": "", "pathname": "[email protected]", "search": "", "hash": "" } , { "uri": "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", "authority": "", "userInfo": "", "scheme": "news", "hostname": "", "Port": "", "pathname": "comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", "search": "", "hash": "" } , { "uri": "tel:+1-816-555-1212", "authority": "", "userInfo": "", "scheme": "tel", "hostname": "", "Port": "", "pathname": "+1-816-555-1212", "search": "", "hash": "" } , { "uri": "telnet://", "authority": "", "userInfo": "", "scheme": "telnet", "hostname": "", "Port": "80", "pathname": "", "search": "", "hash": "" } , { "uri": "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", "authority": "", "userInfo": "", "scheme": "urn", "hostname": "", "Port": "", "pathname": "oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", "search": "", "hash": "" } , { "uri": "ssh://[email protected]", "authority": "[email protected]", "userInfo": "alice", "scheme": "ssh", "hostname": "example.com", "Port": "", "pathname": "", "search": "", "hash": "" } , { "uri": "https://bob:[email protected]/place", "authority": "bob:[email protected]", "userInfo": "bob:pass", "scheme": "https", "hostname": "example.com", "Port": "443", "pathname": "/place", "search": "", "hash": "" } , { "uri": "http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64", "authority": "example.com", "userInfo": "", "scheme": "http", "hostname": "example.com", "Port": "80", "pathname": "/", "search": "?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64", "hash": "" } ]
## Mathematica ```Mathematica URLParse["foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose"] ``` {{out}} ```txt <|"Scheme" -> "foo", "User" -> None, "Domain" -> "example.com", "Port" -> 8042, "Path" -> {"", "over", "there"}, "Query" -> {"name" -> "ferret"}, "Fragment" -> "nose"|> ``` ## Nim The uri module provides a parseUri proc... ```nim import std/[uri, strformat, strutils] proc printUri(url: string) = echo url let res = parseUri(url) if res.scheme != "": echo &"\t Scheme: {res.scheme}" if res.hostname != "": echo &"\tHostname: {res.hostname}" if res.username != "": echo &"\tUsername: {res.username}" if res.password != "": echo &"\tPassword: {res.password}" if res.path != "": echo &"\t Path: {res.path}" if res.query != "": echo &"\t Query: {res.query}" if res.port != "": echo &"\t Port: {res.port}" if res.anchor != "": echo &"\t Anchor: {res.anchor}" if res.opaque: echo &"\t Opaque: {res.opaque}" let urls = @["foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose", "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose", "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true", "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt", "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1", "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two", "mailto:[email protected]", "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", "tel:+1-816-555-1212", "telnet://", "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", "ssh://[email protected]", "https://bob:[email protected]/place", "http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64"] for url in urls: printUri(url) ``` {{out}} ```txt foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose Scheme: foo Hostname: example.com Path: /over/there Query: name=ferret Port: 8042 Anchor: nose urn:example:animal:ferret:nose Scheme: urn Path: example:animal:ferret:nose Opaque: true jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true Scheme: jdbc Path: mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila Query: profileSQL=true Opaque: true ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt Scheme: ftp Hostname: ftp.is.co.za Path: /rfc/rfc1808.txt http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 Scheme: http Hostname: www.ietf.org Path: /rfc/rfc2396.txt Anchor: header1 ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two Scheme: ldap Hostname: 2001:db8::7 Path: /c=GB Query: objectClass=one&objectClass=two mailto:[email protected] Scheme: mailto Hostname: example.com Username: John.Doe Opaque: true news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix Scheme: news Path: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix Opaque: true tel:+1-816-555-1212 Scheme: tel Path: +1-816-555-1212 Opaque: true telnet:// Scheme: telnet Hostname: Path: / Port: 80 urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 Scheme: urn Path: oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 Opaque: true ssh://[email protected] Scheme: ssh Hostname: example.com Username: alice https://bob:[email protected]/place Scheme: https Hostname: example.com Username: bob Password: pass Path: /place http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64 Scheme: http Hostname: example.com Path: / Query: a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64 ``` ## Objeck ```objeck use Web.HTTP; class Test { function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil { urls := [ "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose", "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose", "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true", "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt", "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1", "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two", "mailto:[email protected]", "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", "tel:+1-816-555-1212", "telnet://", "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", "http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64:"]; each(i : urls) { url := Url->New(urls[i]); if(url->Parsed()) { url->ToString()->PrintLine(); }; }; } } ``` {{out}} ```txt foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose scheme='foo' host='example.com' path='/over/there' port='8042' query='name=ferret' fragment='nose' urn:example:animal:ferret:nose scheme='urn' path='example:animal:ferret:nose' jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true scheme='jdbc' path='mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true' ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt scheme='ftp' host='ftp.is.co.za' path='/rfc/rfc1808.txt' http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 scheme='http' host='www.ietf.org' path='/rfc/rfc2396.txt' fragment='header1' ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two scheme='ldap' host='[2001:db8::7]' path='/c=GB' query='objectClass=one&objectClass=two' mailto:[email protected] scheme='mailto' path='[email protected]' news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix scheme='news' path='comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix' tel:+1-816-555-1212 scheme='tel' path='+1-816-555-1212' telnet:// scheme='telnet' host='' path='/' port='80' urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 scheme='urn' path='oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2' http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64: scheme='http' host='example.com' path='/' query='a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64:' ``` ## Perl You can use the URI module from CPAN to parse URIs. Note that the output is a bit different: for example, you don't get the host from the foo:// scheme, as host is only valid for schemes that define it. ```perl #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use URI; for my $uri (do { no warnings 'qw'; qw( foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose urn:example:animal:ferret:nose jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two mailto:[email protected] news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix tel:+1-816-555-1212 telnet:// urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 )}) { my $u = 'URI'->new($uri); print "$uri\n"; for my $part (qw( scheme path fragment authority host port query )) { eval { my $parsed = $u->$part; print "\t", $part, "\t", $parsed, "\n" if defined $parsed; }; } } ``` {{out}} ```txt foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose scheme foo path /over/there fragment nose authority example.com:8042 query name=ferret urn:example:animal:ferret:nose scheme urn path example:animal:ferret:nose jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true scheme jdbc path mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila query profileSQL=true ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt scheme ftp path /rfc/rfc1808.txt authority ftp.is.co.za host ftp.is.co.za port 21 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 scheme http path /rfc/rfc2396.txt fragment header1 authority www.ietf.org host www.ietf.org port 80 ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two scheme ldap path /c=GB authority [2001:db8::7] host 2001:db8::7 port 389 query objectClass=one&objectClass=two mailto:[email protected] scheme mailto path [email protected] news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix scheme news path comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix port 119 tel:+1-816-555-1212 scheme tel path +1-816-555-1212 telnet:// scheme telnet path / authority host port 80 urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 scheme urn path oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 ``` ## Perl 6 {{works with|rakudo|2015-11-02}} Uses the URI library which implements a Perl 6 grammar based on the RFC 3986 BNF grammar. ```perl6 use URI; my @test-uris = < foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose urn:example:animal:ferret:nose jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one mailto:[email protected] news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix tel:+1-816-555-1212 telnet:// urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 >; my $u = URI.new; for @test-uris -> $uri { say "URI:\t", $uri; $u.parse($uri); for -> $t { my $token = try {$u."$t"()} || ''; say "$t:\t", $token if $token; } say ''; } ``` {{out}} ```txt URI: foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose scheme: foo host: example.com port: 8042 path: /over/there query: name=ferret frag: nose URI: urn:example:animal:ferret:nose scheme: urn path: example:animal:ferret:nose URI: jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true scheme: jdbc path: mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila query: profileSQL=true URI: ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt scheme: ftp host: ftp.is.co.za port: 21 path: /rfc/rfc1808.txt URI: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 scheme: http host: www.ietf.org port: 80 path: /rfc/rfc2396.txt frag: header1 URI: ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one scheme: ldap host: [2001:db8::7] port: 389 path: /c=GB query: objectClass?one URI: mailto:[email protected] scheme: mailto path: [email protected] URI: news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix scheme: news port: 119 path: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix URI: tel:+1-816-555-1212 scheme: tel path: +1-816-555-1212 URI: telnet:// scheme: telnet host: port: 80 path: / URI: urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 scheme: urn path: oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 ``` ## Phix There is a rudimentary and undocumented routine in pfile.e, parse_url(). ```Phix include builtins\pfile.e sequence descs = repeat("",8) descs[URL_PROTOCOL] = "scheme" descs[URL_HOSTNAME] = "domain" descs[URL_PORT] = "port" descs[URL_PATH] = "path" descs[URL_USER] = "user" descs[URL_PASSWORD] = "password" descs[URL_QUERY_STRING] = "query" descs[URL_FRAGMENT] = "fragment" procedure show_url_details(string uri) sequence r = parse_url(uri) ?uri for i=1 to length(descs) do if r[i]!=0 then printf(1,"%s : %s\n",{descs[i],sprint(r[i])}) end if end for puts(1,"\n") end procedure constant tests = { "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose", "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose", "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true", "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt", "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1", "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two", "mailto:[email protected]", "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", "tel:+1-816-555-1212", "telnet://", "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", "ssh://[email protected]", "https://bob:[email protected]/place", "http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64" } for i=1 to length(tests) do show_url_details(tests[i]) end for ``` {{Out}} ```txt "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose" scheme : "foo" domain : "example.com" port : 8042 path : "/over/there" query : "name=ferret" fragment : "nose" "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose" scheme : "urn" path : "example:animal:ferret:nose" "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true" scheme : "jdbc" path : "mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila" query : "profileSQL=true" "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt" scheme : "ftp" domain : "ftp.is.co.za" path : "/rfc/rfc1808.txt" "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1" scheme : "http" domain : "www.ietf.org" path : "/rfc/rfc2396.txt" fragment : "header1" "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two" scheme : "ldap" domain : "[2001:db8::7]" path : "/c=GB" query : "objectClass=one&objectClass=two" "mailto:[email protected]" scheme : "mailto" path : "[email protected]" "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix" scheme : "news" path : "comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix" "tel:+1-816-555-1212" scheme : "tel" path : "+1-816-555-1212" "telnet://" scheme : "telnet" domain : "" port : 80 path : "/" "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2" scheme : "urn" path : "oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2" "ssh://[email protected]" scheme : "ssh" domain : "example.com" user : "alice" "https://bob:[email protected]/place" scheme : "https" domain : "example.com" path : "/place" user : "bob" password : "pass" "http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64" scheme : "http" domain : "example.com" path : "/" query : "a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64" ``` ## PowerShell I was confused about the '''Path''' parameter. PowerShell returns '''LocalPath''', '''AbsolutePath''' and '''AbsoluteUri'''; I defaulted to '''LocalPath''', but all properties are returned in the $parsedUrls variable. ```PowerShell function Get-ParsedUrl { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] [System.Uri] $InputObject ) Process { foreach ($url in $InputObject) { $url | Select-Object -Property Scheme, @{Name="Domain"; Expression={$_.Host}}, Port, @{Name="Path" ; Expression={$_.LocalPath}}, Query, Fragment, AbsolutePath, AbsoluteUri, Authority, HostNameType, IsDefaultPort, IsFile, IsLoopback, PathAndQuery, Segments, IsUnc, OriginalString, DnsSafeHost, IdnHost, IsAbsoluteUri, UserEscaped, UserInfo } } } ``` ```PowerShell [string[]]$urls = @' foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose urn:example:animal:ferret:nose jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two mailto:[email protected] news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix tel:+1-816-555-1212 telnet:// urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 '@ -split [Environment]::NewLine $parsedUrls = $urls | Get-ParsedUrl $parsedUrls | Select-Object -Property Scheme, Port, Domain, Path, Query, Fragment | Format-Table ``` {{Out}} ```txt Scheme Port Domain Path Query Fragment ------ ---- ------ ---- ----- -------- foo 8042 example.com /over/there ?name=ferret #nose urn -1 example:animal:ferret:nose jdbc -1 mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila ?profileSQL=true ftp 21 ftp.is.co.za /rfc/rfc1808.txt http 80 www.ietf.org /rfc/rfc2396.txt #header1 ldap 389 [2001:db8::7] /c=GB ?objectClass=one&objectClass=two mailto 25 example.com news -1 comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix tel -1 +1-816-555-1212 telnet 80 / urn -1 oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 ``` ## Python Links to Python Documentation: v2: [https://docs.python.org/2/library/urlparse.html#module-urlparse], v3: [https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/urllib.parse.html] ```Python import urllib.parse as up # urlparse for Python v2 url = up.urlparse('http://user:[email protected]:8081/path/file.html;params?query1=1#fragment') print('url.scheme = ', url.scheme) print('url.netloc = ', url.netloc) print('url.hostname = ', url.hostname) print('url.port = ', url.port) print('url.path = ', url.path) print('url.params = ', url.params) print('url.query = ', url.query) print('url.fragment = ', url.fragment) print('url.username = ', url.username) print('url.password = ', url.password) ``` {{out}} ```txt url.scheme = http url.netloc = user:[email protected]:8081 url.hostname = example.com url.port = 8081 url.path = /path/file.html url.params = params url.query = query1=1 url.fragment = fragment url.username = user url.password = pass ``` ## R urltools::url_parse() do all the actually work. The rest is just for nice output. ```rsplus library(urltools) urls <- c("foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose", "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose", "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true", "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt", "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1", "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two", "mailto:[email protected]", "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", "tel:+1-816-555-1212", "telnet://", "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", "ssh://[email protected]", "https://bob:[email protected]/place", "http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64") for (an_url in urls) { parsed <- url_parse(an_url) cat(an_url,"\n") for (idx in 1:ncol(parsed)) { if (!is.na(parsed[[idx]])) { cat(colnames(parsed)[[idx]],"\t:",parsed[[idx]],"\n") } } cat("\n") } ``` {{out}} ```txt foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose scheme : foo domain : example.com port : 8042 path : over/there parameter : name=ferret fragment : nose urn:example:animal:ferret:nose domain : urn port : example:animal:ferret:nose jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true scheme : jdbc:mysql domain : localhost port : 3306 path : sakila parameter : profileSQL=true ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt scheme : ftp domain : ftp.is.co.za path : rfc/rfc1808.txt http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 scheme : http domain : www.ietf.org path : rfc/rfc2396.txt fragment : header1 ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two scheme : ldap path : c=GB parameter : objectClass=one&objectClass=two mailto:[email protected] domain : example.com news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix domain : news port : comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix tel:+1-816-555-1212 domain : tel port : +1-816-555-1212 telnet:// scheme : telnet domain : port : 80 urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 domain : urn port : oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 ssh://[email protected] scheme : ssh domain : example.com https://bob:[email protected]/place scheme : https domain : example.com path : place http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64 scheme : http domain : example.com parameter : a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64 ``` ## Racket Links: [http://docs.racket-lang.org/net/url.html?q=url#%28def._%28%28lib._net%2Furl-structs..rkt%29._url%29%29 url structure in Racket documentation]. ```racket #lang racket/base (require racket/match net/url) (define (debug-url-string U) (match-define (url s u h p pa? (list (path/param pas prms) ...) q f) (string->url U)) (printf "URL: ~s~%" U) (printf "-----~a~%" (make-string (string-length (format "~s" U)) #\-)) (when #t (printf "scheme: ~s~%" s)) (when u (printf "user: ~s~%" u)) (when h (printf "host: ~s~%" h)) (when p (printf "port: ~s~%" p)) ;; From documentation link in text: ;; > For Unix paths, the root directory is not included in `path'; ;; > its presence or absence is implicit in the path-absolute? flag. (printf "path-absolute?: ~s~%" pa?) (printf "path bits: ~s~%" pas) ;; prms will often be a list of lists. this will print iff ;; one of the inner lists is not null (when (memf pair? prms) (printf "param bits: ~s [interleaved with path bits]~%" prms)) (unless (null? q) (printf "query: ~s~%" q)) (when f (printf "fragment: ~s~%" f)) (newline)) (for-each debug-url-string '("foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose" "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose" "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true" "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt" "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1" "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two" "mailto:[email protected]" "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix" "tel:+1-816-555-1212" "telnet://" "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2")) ``` {{out}} ```txt URL: "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose" --------------------------------------------------------- scheme: "foo" host: "example.com" port: 8042 path-absolute?: #t path bits: ("over" "there") query: ((name . "ferret")) fragment: "nose" URL: "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose" ------------------------------------- scheme: "urn" path-absolute?: #f path bits: ("example:animal:ferret:nose") URL: "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ scheme: "jdbc" path-absolute?: #f path bits: ("mysql:" "" "test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306" "sakila") query: ((profileSQL . "true")) URL: "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt" ----------------------------------------- scheme: "ftp" host: "ftp.is.co.za" path-absolute?: #t path bits: ("rfc" "rfc1808.txt") URL: "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1" -------------------------------------------------- scheme: "http" host: "www.ietf.org" path-absolute?: #t path bits: ("rfc" "rfc2396.txt") fragment: "header1" URL: "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two" ---------------------------------------------------------------- scheme: "ldap" host: "[2001" path-absolute?: #f path bits: ("db8::7]" "c=GB") query: ((objectClass . "one") (objectClass . "two")) ``` IPv6 URL address parses incorrectly. See issue https://github.com/plt/racket/issues/980 ```txt URL: "mailto:[email protected]" ---------------------------------- scheme: "mailto" path-absolute?: #f path bits: ("[email protected]") URL: "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix" --------------------------------------------- scheme: "news" path-absolute?: #f path bits: ("comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix") URL: "tel:+1-816-555-1212" -------------------------- scheme: "tel" path-absolute?: #f path bits: ("+1-816-555-1212") URL: "telnet://" ------------------------------ scheme: "telnet" host: "" port: 80 path-absolute?: #t path bits: ("") URL: "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2" ---------------------------------------------------------- scheme: "urn" path-absolute?: #f path bits: ("oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2") ``` ## Ruby Link to [http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/uri/rdoc/URI.html Ruby Documentation]. As you can see in the output below, the URI library doesn't parse all of these as recommended. ```Ruby require 'uri' test_cases = [ "foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose", "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose", "jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true", "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt", "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1", "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two", "mailto:[email protected]", "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", "tel:+1-816-555-1212", "telnet://", "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", "ssh://[email protected]", "https://bob:[email protected]/place", "http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64" ] class URI::Generic; alias_method :domain, :host; end test_cases.each do |test_case| puts test_case uri = URI.parse(test_case) %w[ scheme domain port path query fragment user password ].each do |attr| puts " #{attr.rjust(8)} = #{uri.send(attr)}" if uri.send(attr) end end ``` {{out}} ```txt foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose scheme = foo domain = example.com port = 8042 path = /over/there query = name=ferret fragment = nose urn:example:animal:ferret:nose scheme = urn jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true scheme = jdbc ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt scheme = ftp domain = ftp.is.co.za port = 21 path = rfc/rfc1808.txt http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 scheme = http domain = www.ietf.org port = 80 path = /rfc/rfc2396.txt fragment = header1 ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two scheme = ldap domain = [2001:db8::7] port = 389 path = /c=GB query = objectClass=one&objectClass=two mailto:[email protected] scheme = mailto news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix scheme = news tel:+1-816-555-1212 scheme = tel telnet:// scheme = telnet domain = port = 80 path = / urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 scheme = urn ssh://[email protected] scheme = ssh domain = example.com path = user = alice https://bob:[email protected]/place scheme = https domain = example.com port = 443 path = /place user = bob password = pass http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64 scheme = http domain = example.com port = 80 path = / query = a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64 ``` ## Scala ```Scala import java.net.URI object WebAddressParser extends App { parseAddress("foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose") parseAddress("ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt") parseAddress("http://example.com/?a=1&b=2+2&c=3&c=4&d=%65%6e%63%6F%64%65%64") parseAddress("http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1") parseAddress("https://bob:[email protected]/place") parseAddress("jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true") parseAddress("ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two") parseAddress("ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one") parseAddress("mailto:[email protected]") parseAddress("news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix") parseAddress("ssh://[email protected]") parseAddress("tel:+1-816-555-1212") parseAddress("telnet://") parseAddress("urn:example:animal:ferret:nose") parseAddress("urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2") parseAddress("This is not a URI!") private def parseAddress(a: String): Unit = { print(f"Parsing $a%-72s") try { val u = new URI(a) print("\u2714\tscheme = " + u.getScheme) print("\tdomain = " + u.getHost) print("\tport = " + (if (-1 == u.getPort) "default" else u.getPort)) print("\tpath = " + (if (u.getPath == null) u.getSchemeSpecificPart else u.getPath)) print("\tquery = " + u.getQuery) println("\tfragment = " + u.getFragment) } catch { case ex: Throwable => println('\u2718') } } } ``` {{Out}}See it in running in your browser by [https://scastie.scala-lang.org/GZdtfkhfRsa9QPKZQ7W4XQ Scastie (JVM)]. ## Tcl {{libheader|tcllib}} Tcllib's uri package already knows how to decompose many kinds of URIs. The [http://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/dir?name=modules/uri implementation] is a a quite readable example of this kind of parsing. For this task, we'll use it directly. Schemes can be added with uri::register, but the rules for this task assume HTTP-style decomposition for unknown schemes, which is done below by reaching into the documented interfaces $::uri::schemes and uri::SplitHttp. For some URI types (such as urn, news, mailto), this provides more information than the task description demands, which is simply to parse them all as HTTP URIs. The uri package doesn't presently handle IPv6 syntx as used in the example: a bug and patch will be submitted presently .. ```Tcl package require uri package require uri::urn # a little bit of trickery to format results: proc pdict {d} { array set \t $d parray \t } proc parse_uri {uri} { regexp {^(.*?):(.*)$} $uri -> scheme rest if {$scheme in $::uri::schemes} { # uri already knows how to split it: set parts [uri::split $uri] } else { # parse as though it's http: set parts [uri::SplitHttp $rest] dict set parts scheme $scheme } dict filter $parts value ?* ;# omit empty sections } set tests { foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose urn:example:animal:ferret:nose jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two mailto:[email protected] news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix tel:+1-816-555-1212 telnet:// urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 } foreach uri $tests { puts \n$uri pdict [parse_uri $uri] } ``` {{out}} ```txt foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose (fragment) = nose (host) = example.com (path) = over/there (port) = 8042 (query) = name=ferret (scheme) = foo urn:example:animal:ferret:nose (nid) = example (nss) = animal:ferret:nose (scheme) = urn jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true (path) = mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila (query) = profileSQL=true (scheme) = jdbc ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt (host) = ftp.is.co.za (path) = rfc/rfc1808.txt (scheme) = ftp http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 (fragment) = header1 (host) = www.ietf.org (path) = rfc/rfc2396.txt (scheme) = http ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two (host) = [2001 (scheme) = ldap mailto:[email protected] (host) = example.com (scheme) = mailto (user) = John.Doe news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix (newsgroup-name) = comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix (scheme) = news tel:+1-816-555-1212 (path) = +1-816-555-1212 (scheme) = tel telnet:// (host) = (port) = 80 (scheme) = telnet urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 (nid) = oasis (nss) = names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 (scheme) = urn ``` ## VBScript ```vb Function parse_url(url) parse_url = "URL: " & url If InStr(url,"//") Then 'parse the scheme scheme = Split(url,"//") parse_url = parse_url & vbcrlf & "Scheme: " & Mid(scheme(0),1,Len(scheme(0))-1) 'parse the domain domain = Split(scheme(1),"/") 'check if the domain includes a username, password, and port If InStr(domain(0),"@") Then cred = Split(domain(0),"@") If InStr(cred(0),".") Then username = Mid(cred(0),1,InStr(1,cred(0),".")-1) password = Mid(cred(0),InStr(1,cred(0),".")+1,Len(cred(0))-InStr(1,cred(0),".")) ElseIf InStr(cred(0),":") Then username = Mid(cred(0),1,InStr(1,cred(0),":")-1) password = Mid(cred(0),InStr(1,cred(0),":")+1,Len(cred(0))-InStr(1,cred(0),":")) End If parse_url = parse_url & vbcrlf & "Username: " & username & vbCrLf &_ "Password: " & password 'check if the domain have a port If InStr(cred(1),":") Then host = Mid(cred(1),1,InStr(1,cred(1),":")-1) port = Mid(cred(1),InStr(1,cred(1),":")+1,Len(cred(1))-InStr(1,cred(1),":")) parse_url = parse_url & vbCrLf & "Domain: " & host & vbCrLf & "Port: " & port Else parse_url = parse_url & vbCrLf & "Domain: " & cred(1) End If ElseIf InStr(domain(0),":") And Instr(domain(0),"[") = False And Instr(domain(0),"]") = False Then host = Mid(domain(0),1,InStr(1,domain(0),":")-1) port = Mid(domain(0),InStr(1,domain(0),":")+1,Len(domain(0))-InStr(1,domain(0),":")) parse_url = parse_url & vbCrLf & "Domain: " & host & vbCrLf & "Port: " & port ElseIf Instr(domain(0),"[") And Instr(domain(0),"]:") Then host = Mid(domain(0),1,InStr(1,domain(0),"]")) port = Mid(domain(0),InStr(1,domain(0),"]")+2,Len(domain(0))-(InStr(1,domain(0),"]")+1)) parse_url = parse_url & vbCrLf & "Domain: " & host & vbCrLf & "Port: " & port Else parse_url = parse_url & vbCrLf & "Domain: " & domain(0) End If 'parse the path if exist If UBound(domain) > 0 Then For i = 1 To UBound(domain) If i < UBound(domain) Then path = path & domain(i) & "/" ElseIf InStr(domain(i),"?") Then path = path & Mid(domain(i),1,InStr(1,domain(i),"?")-1) If InStr(domain(i),"#") Then query = Mid(domain(i),InStr(1,domain(i),"?")+1,InStr(1,domain(i),"#")-InStr(1,domain(i),"?")-1) fragment = Mid(domain(i),InStr(1,domain(i),"#")+1,Len(domain(i))-InStr(1,domain(i),"#")) path = path & vbcrlf & "Query: " & query & vbCrLf & "Fragment: " & fragment Else query = Mid(domain(i),InStr(1,domain(i),"?")+1,Len(domain(i))-InStr(1,domain(i),"?")) path = path & vbcrlf & "Query: " & query End If ElseIf InStr(domain(i),"#") Then fragment = Mid(domain(i),InStr(1,domain(i),"#")+1,Len(domain(i))-InStr(1,domain(i),"#")) path = path & Mid(domain(i),1,InStr(1,domain(i),"#")-1) & vbCrLf &_ "Fragment: " & fragment Else path = path & domain(i) End If Next parse_url = parse_url & vbCrLf & "Path: " & path End If ElseIf InStr(url,":") Then scheme = Mid(url,1,InStr(1,url,":")-1) path = Mid(url,InStr(1,url,":")+1,Len(url)-InStr(1,url,":")) parse_url = parse_url & vbcrlf & "Scheme: " & scheme & vbCrLf & "Path: " & path Else parse_url = parse_url & vbcrlf & "Invalid!!!" End If End Function 'test the convoluted function :-( WScript.StdOut.WriteLine parse_url("foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose") WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "-------------------------------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine parse_url("jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true") WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "-------------------------------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine parse_url("ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt") WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "-------------------------------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine parse_url("http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1") WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "-------------------------------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine parse_url("ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two") WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "-------------------------------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine parse_url("mailto:[email protected]") WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "-------------------------------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine parse_url("news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix") WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "-------------------------------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine parse_url("tel:+1-816-555-1212") WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "-------------------------------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine parse_url("telnet://") WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "-------------------------------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine parse_url("urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2") WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "-------------------------------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine parse_url("this code is messy, long, and needs a makeover!!!") ``` {{Out}} ```txt URL: foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose Scheme: foo Domain: example.com Port: 8042 Path: over/there Query: name=ferret Fragment: nose ------------------------------- URL: jdbc:mysql://test_user:ouupppssss@localhost:3306/sakila?profileSQL=true Scheme: jdbc:mysql Username: test_user Password: ouupppssss Domain: localhost Port: 3306 Path: sakila Query: profileSQL=true ------------------------------- URL: ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt Scheme: ftp Domain: ftp.is.co.za Path: rfc/rfc1808.txt ------------------------------- URL: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt#header1 Scheme: http Domain: www.ietf.org Path: rfc/rfc2396.txt Fragment: header1 ------------------------------- URL: ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass=one&objectClass=two Scheme: ldap Domain: [2001:db8::7] Path: c=GB Query: objectClass=one&objectClass=two ------------------------------- URL: mailto:[email protected] Scheme: mailto Path: [email protected] ------------------------------- URL: news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix Scheme: news Path: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix ------------------------------- URL: tel:+1-816-555-1212 Scheme: tel Path: +1-816-555-1212 ------------------------------- URL: telnet:// Scheme: telnet Domain: Port: 80 Path: ------------------------------- URL: urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 Scheme: urn Path: oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 ------------------------------- URL: this code is messy, long, and needs a makeover!!! Invalid!!! ```