{{collection|99 Bottles of Beer}} [[99 Bottles of Beer]] done in Lisp-languages
(defun bottles-of-beer (n) (if (zp n) nil (prog2$ (cw (concatenate 'string "~%" "~N0 bottle~#1~[~/s~] of beer on the wall,~%" "~n0 bottle~#1~[~/s~] of beer.~%" "Take one down, pass it around,~%" "~n2 bottle~#3~[~/s~] of beer on the wall.~%") n (if (= n 1) 0 1) (1- n) (if (= n 2) 0 1)) (bottles-of-beer (- n 1)))))
Common Lisp
Sensible solution
(defun bottles (x) (loop for bottles from x downto 1 do (format t "~a bottle~:p of beer on the wall ~:*~a bottle~:p of beer Take one down, pass it around ~a bottle~:p of beer on the wall~2%" bottles (1- bottles))))
and then just call
(bottles 99)
(format t "~{~[~^~]~:*~D bottle~:P of beer on the wall~%~:*~D bottle~:P of beer~%Take one down, pass it around~%~D bottle~:P~:* of beer on the wall~2%~}" (loop :for n :from 99 :downto 0 :collect n))
The [http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/22_c.htm FORMAT function] is probably the most baroque (i.e. featureful almost to a fault) function in Common Lisp. To really drive this point home, try replacing each instance of ~D with ~R, and then with ~@R. Yes, this is all standard and dependable (dys?)functionality.
Explanation of the format string for the uninitiated:
- ~{fmt~} expects the next argument to be a list (which is of the integers from 99 down to 0), and executes the format string fmt on each element. It is essentially a map or foreach.
- ~[...~] is a case/switch. It executes the nth clause, where n is taken from the next argument. Since there is only one clause here, it will be executed only when the argument is 0.
- ~^ will terminate formatting.
- ~:* will back-up to the most-recently used argument.
- ~D prints the next argument as a decimal number.
- ~:P is for English plurals: it prints s if the last argument wasn't 1; it prints nothing otherwise. There's also ~@P for y/ies, in case you were worried about that. Note, by the way, how the emoticons :*~D and :P have shown up in the format string. FORMAT is so powerful, it's even self-aware about how silly it is.
Alternate solution
Bit of a beginner in Lisp, but this seems to work:
(defun beer-verse (count) "Recurses the verses" (format t "~A bottle~:P of beer on the wall~%" count) (format t "~A bottle~:P of beer~%" count) (format t "Take one down, pass it round~%") (format t "~A bottle~A of beer on the wall~%~%" (if (= count 1) "No" (- count 1)) (if (/= count 2) "s" "")) (if (> count 1) (beer-verse (- count 1)))) (beer-verse 99)
(for (n 99 1)
(println n " bottles of beer on the wall," n " bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around. ")
(println (- n 1) "bottles of beer on the wall!"))
;;also shows list afterword
(define (rec bottles)
(if (!= 0 bottles) (print "/n" bottles " bottles of beer on the wall" bottles " bottles of beer.
\nTake one down, pass it around, " (- bottles 1)
" bottles of beer on the wall" (rec ( - bottles 1))))(list bottles))
(rec 99)
(define nn 99)
(for-each (lambda (n)
(let ((bottle (lambda (n) (if (eq? n 1) " bottle" " bottles")))
(m (- n 1)))
n (bottle n) " of beer on the wall, "
n (bottle n) " of beer." "\n"
"Take one down and pass it around, "
(if (eq? m 0) "no more" m)
(bottle m) " of beer on the wall.\n")))
(reverse (iota nn 1)))
"No more bottles of beer on the wall, "
"no more bottles of beer." "\n"
"Go to the store and buy some more, "
nn " bottles of beer on the wall.")
(de bottles (N)
(case N
(0 "No more beer")
(1 "One bottle of beer")
(T (cons N " bottles of beer")) ) )
(for (N 99 (gt0 N))
(prinl (bottles N) " on the wall,")
(prinl (bottles N) ".")
(prinl "Take one down, pass it around,")
(prinl (bottles (dec 'N)) " on the wall.")
(prinl) )
(define bottles-h
{ number --> string }
0 -> "No more beer"
1 -> "One bottle of beer"
N -> (make-string "~A bottles of beer" N))
(define bottles
{ number --> number }
0 -> 0
X -> (let Msg (bottles-h X)
(do (output "~A on the wall~%~A~%Take one down, pass it around~%~A on the wall~%~%" Msg Msg (bottles-h (- X 1)))
(bottles (- X 1)))))
def (beer n) when (n > 0) prn n " bottles of beer on the wall" prn n " bottles of beer" prn "take one down, pass it around" prn n-1 " bottles of beer on the wall" prn "" beer n-1